A rough guide - Broken Hill region is where the town maps i was doing are near in crow eater territory.
Outside OzEmpire of the Orang - ape ruled colonialist power with 1970s technology
Cassawarriors - a mutant cassawarry empire of savage warrior-raiders
Empire of the Sun - a human mostly empire with advanced tech including, mecha, submarines and robots
Kiwiland - misty land of Moa, giant kiwis and maoris tribes and a few domes and outposts of civilization and bunkers. Several ruined cities.
Antarkos the Kingdom of the old ones - submarines and bases survived the apocalypse and have thrived down here. These are claims of alien ruins . They manage to keep the empire of the sun away from the south
Komodoland - a kingdom of savage venomous reptilians that ride gigantic mutant dragons and sea monsters
Garbage Sea - islands made of floating garbage and many built floating islands drift here
Tentacle Sea - a mobile giant kelp monster covers the entire sea, grabbing anything that passes trough but seaweed rafts allow some to survive. Huge shipwrecks are tangled and have been raised by the kelp
Inside Oz
Derrwin - former city, badly nuked and home to a mutant horde that resist outsiders
Crocland - crocodile men allies to the toads. Not well loved but at least they help keep invaders away
Bloom - former broom now surrounded by algal blooms at sea and land overgrowing in algal slime forests. Occupied by mutants and ruins look very intact
Algal Bloom - huge stretch of ocean covered in slimy green bubbling algae raft where savages and creatures live
Kangaland - is state of kangaroo folk who roam desert and skirmish with toads and crocs
Robot Land - airforce base AI taken over defence automatons in are to repel the invaders. Sentient robots have flooded here to serve the machine state. Mostly just drives people out now but everyone is afraid of the machines
Sea Tribe - live out of several arcologies, islands and platforms pre and post war and ship hulks. A aquatic strain of humans rule from under the sea employing non human mercenaries like uplifted dolphins, mutant crabs, mutant sea lions and more
Carnarvan - tropical paradise with canyons dating back to the dreamtime. Ruled by aboriginal tribes who encourage trade and holiday makers
Wasteland - irradiated hostile desert home of monsters and savage tribes of viscious mutant Sandgropers, old name for Western Australians. Many gangs operate dune buggies
Scorpion Wastes - prone to wierd EM phenomena like auraras and giant relentless scorpions
Shark Coast - kingdom of sharkmen barbarians, engineered for marine warfare
Hutt River Kingdom - dynasty of the Emu lords began here, replacing a tiny legal loophole kingdom of human royalty. Expanded include Geralds Town as a major trade port, mostly grow wheat and very multi cultural
Three Emu Kingdoms - was a united fighting kingdom but weakened by split among the heirs who now all compete but will always unite vs non emus and help other emulands
Emutopia - coastal emu kingdom where emu's live the high life, other races tend to do the work and do most of the suffering in work camps and farm labour camps
Pert - the great ruins of the western capito here, impossible to control because of the crazed killer gangs but good looting with remains of a damaged dome the remains keep city damper and hotter
Freemental - The civil capitol and trade location for Domeland with fair sized town ruins
Domeland - kingdom ruled by several intact dome cities that have united to keep mutants back. Each dome is a independent city state with own government that compete in a complex council for power. They get on ok with Emu's though
Alarmbane - military capitol where weapons are made and stockpiled and traded for Domeland
Emuboola - capitol of emutopia with mighty state hatcheries and many Emu monuments
Whalers - tribal sea nomads who hunt and follow and even live inside giant mutant whales
The Great Bite - a huge eroding cliff coast with just scrubby bushes and sand mostly
Kalgooglie - trade capitol of emu three kingdoms also the border with Dingloand where the Emu's are suspicious of
Dingoland - desert tribe of mutant dingo raiders
Sharkland - tribe of sharkmen have talen coastal areas and ambush travellers on the roads
Wombatopia - wasteland undermined with wombat burrow complexes and forts, they even encourage traders
Budgie Swarm - skies are full of carnivorous savage budgies who skeletonise people in minutes and darken the skies
Rabbitland - area dominated by smaller mutant bush bunnies who are hostile to man for using bio weapons on their ancestors
The Great Waste - highly irradiated with bomb test sites, a global nuclear storage vault and populated by monsters and some determined tribes of desert people
Alice - ruined tourist capitol of the ancients near the great red Ayer's Rock a ancient place of pilgrimage
Coober - opal mining town with thousands of mines and tunnels from mining opals, populated by savage gangs with explosives and dune buggies. Murdering visitors is the one thing they can get behind
Crow Eaters - great ancient tribe of South Australia (Go Crows!), tribal alliance that manages to keep out enemies together
Whyalla-Porpirrie-Pordergutta - alliance of ancient industrial cities selling metal and power
Link One - great fishing city ruled by feuding sea captains of fleets
Duna - or ancient Ceduna a fishing region led by a single inbred family, tribe are horrible rednecks, highly prejudiced and inward looking. Most like to wear offensive slogan t-shirts
Love Creek - ruined farming and mining town on edge of the desert one of the last civilised places in area
Seal Herders - tribe of nomadic seal hunters who also protect herds from outsiders
Madlay - ancient sprawling ruins of Madlay, coast and central area badly flooded and crawling in mutants and gangs
Dragoncoast - ruled by mutant seadragon seahorses grown to whale size, inteligent with mutant powers and inteligent
Dolphin People - a tribe of uplifted dolphins rule here with human subjects in habitats and platforms who seem fairly happy
Broken Hill - territory of traders and miners, capitol of the outback. Surprisingly cultured and egalitarian with large ruins
Mount Gammabeer - several volcanic craters long dormant with odd coloured crater lakes. Fair size ruins and caves in area. Farming country
Goonabong - Trade city famed for laid back drug trade
Gumsuckers - great Victorian farming tribe
Cabbageland - poorer grubbier farming tribe
Mouldareya - crimelord town controls drug and slave trade with army of motorbike gangs
Rattown - large ruin area with several tribes including goths, punks, miners, Kryleans who are based from a medieval castle themepark and old colonials who like to live like 1700 english colonials and keep slave convicts
Smellburn - great ancient capitol ruin with great feuding tribes of ferals vs restorationists who want a police state
Bass Strait Triangle - stormy auraura filled seas, with monsters and flying saucers, difficult and fearsome to cross
Rainbow Island - named when overrun by fleets of hippies from mainland. Pretty laid back, a bit inbred, often nudists.
Appleland - is land taken back from hippies (there are plenty there still) by reactionary conservative redneck inbred mutants. They want to get rid of everything about Rainbow Island culture or at least supress it
Hobbstown - Appleland clan worship Satan here and use as their capitol
Lanceton - where Rainbow tribes meet and tribes military unite against Appleland
Devo Town - a degenerate city of cultists, neopagans, casinos and vice
Zombieland - vast region overrun bu undead and necrovirus nanites
Canburrough - ancient capitol well secured bunkers and polite people make this place civilized
The Gong - Woolongong tribal territory
Sin City - ancient monumental harbour and quality ruins, overrun by some of the worst gangs and mutants in country
Bluebottle Sea - thick with enormous gelatinous behemoth size blue bottles other species live inside, ocean thick with jelly creatures
Jelly Islands - jellies so huge have turned into islands where people live with soil and forests on top of titan jellyfish resting on seabed
Nukecastle - fortified rural city state with some ruins and a coastal trade port
Rangabad - families of Indonesian Orungs settled here to grow bananas and they build a great Mosque. People are a bit intimidated by them
Cornland - where great herding tribe drive their corn-triffid hybrids across the wastes. The cooperate with bully canetoads out of weakness and fear
Roachland - ruins overrun by carnivorous mutant giant cockroach swarms
Bannanaland - puppet state of canetoads and corrupt kingdom of banana-triffid hybrid herders and the defeated pineapple-triffid hybrid herders. Corrupt overweight families of moronic cannibals control the tribes. The rulers are often supported by canetoad troops. The great big bannana and the big pinapple are ancient pilgrim sites and the two tribal religions often quarrel. The Bannana tribe have upperhand but try to avoid conflicting with the pineapple people
Twowombats - a independent city state with good ruins
Goldcoast - a paradise of ruined resorts and pleasure resorts, locals guard them fierceley
Bane - former Brisbane a great ruin covered in tribes from rednecks to punkrockers
Bundyrum - sugar and booze producing gangster state run by a mutant polar Bear who took over as the legendary corporate mascot returned, Bundy Bear. Rum is the currency here
Rockhopper - a independent coastal city of pirates
Townsville - large ancient ruins with aggressive tribes is the capitol of Toadland
Cans - sea trade capitol of toadland
Toadland - ruled by sleazy corrupt canetoad mutants who believe they are the master race. They use pigmen and crocmen troops and have influence over a large part of the continent
Pigland - puppets of Toadland
Razor Coast - islands, shipwrecks and habitats now ruled by pirates based in Rockhopper
This is, hands down, the best post apocalyptic Australia setting out there