Sunday, 29 September 2019
Planet Psychon vs Gamma Oz
So back in sydney for work and cat sitting and having a great time. Played a great horror sf one shot with friend Conan and people accused me of good roleplaying as duplicitous dr who turned out to be a cultist who was saboteur and a cultist. Good thing I chose the right character. Conan sets up very good player vs player games that work well. Players chatted for hour and a half after about session which was interesting. I might interview him about it.
Anyway so ran my Gamma Oz: Broken Hill setting as a large region of Planet Psychon. Started in Manna Hill a town of 60 populated by lots of animal abhumans kinda inspired by Norman Lindsay's "the Magic Pudding" and another Australian Classic Blinky Bill). Started with Two players. One was a scarlet mutant with transperant flesh on his skull and long droopy rabbit ears and one arm was a huge spiked fist. Hishear glowed through his chest. He was a good armourer so he could modify as mutations set in.
The other was a feminine looking turquoise skinned wizard with a child that was actually a budded clone that was possessed by a familiar spirit and a pet flightless riding bat. She also had several flintlocks and a talking AI pistol that could fire any cased ammo. She was studying wizardry from old books left by her real family. She made her own gunpowder and had a loyd heartbeat when she was stressed. They grown up as orphans in town and lived in Mrs Magpies shed. She was a moralistic grump but fed the kids who were appreciative. She was school teacher and they lived in school shed.
As they grew ambitious they asked an old timer where to adventure and they heard of a small fallout shelter under a abandoned homestead. Met some merchants selling jerky which was handy as the ever hungry mutant at all his rations on the first day. Later found stray sheep and drove them homeward with firecrackers as Mrs Magpie said local farmers were creeps.
Found the ruins with a windsock and a tower and strange roads that went nowhere in some arcane pattern. Was before it was a farm was a country airport for post and Royal Flying Doctor Service. Searched area and wrecked small 2 seat plane wrecks. Found a AI brain for a house, some kind of flight pack and few other trinket Including a black lab medical ID. Also found note left by a poisoned adventurer commenting on hatch buried under junk. Spent hours clearing building of junk and found duralloy hatch had lock cut out years ago and tons of rubbish were used instead. Climbed down the shaft and found was water logged ans mould and battled several disgusting mutants. The mutant hero crushed them with his fist and the wizard summoned dwarf cassowaries in a flash of light from the space gods to help. Found some strength boosting drugs, interesting trash and found a crionic sleep pod. Apparently ten years ago the mutants had put the person on stasis for food then grown so degenerate the couldn't remember. The revived person was a rogue with perlescant skin and scarlet hair. Like all Psychonians they tasted each other and deemed the icecream flavoured stranger was ok. The mutant hero was honey flavoured and the wizard was candy. The new friends headed home and on the way battled four mutant gang members. Captured three and the mutant killed and ate the two headed one.
Arrived back with prisoners and locals declared the adults and welcomed their new friend. Turns out the friend was created by a space god of treachery to travel to Earth to activate a industrial teleporter to call his god to earth. He had horns, bat ears a mission from god. The kids decided to go to broken hill were they heard radio broadcasts from and rumours of treasure filled ruins and opportunity.
They arived in Olowry after a long hike past the giant concrete dice of the ancients (real place). Visited local diner and kindly old couple fed the gang best meal they ever had and filled them in with local troubles. So they went after dark to pub for their first beers and rogue shouted everyone enough to get town drunk. After town jolly, convinced some to join to help them evict gang from the post office. Also some beast lived in the shed. Rogue sneaked on roof and opened a board to close up a hole and dropped in a wizards cast iron grenade with a lit fuse. As they were staggered by the blast the mutant on a cocktail of two strength drugs kicked in the door (23 STR) and the door crushed a wounded gang member. Rogue jumped in stabbing and the wizard with flintlocks shot more while pub drunks with clubs charged in and the surviving gangers surrended. To follow up decided to get the beast in the dhed that stalked the town at night. Rogue crept in to find a giant bearded dragon lizard in a wrecked post van sleeping. The gang and their small mob attacked and managed to kill it but one mook was swallowed whole and the wizard summoned dingoes to help.
The town celebrated and next morning a huge lizard BBQ took place. Various passing through to Broken Hill mercs joined them and they planned to break in and raid a pristine police station with unbreakable duralloy shutter and rumours of moving lights inside. The rogue visited tho local kids as he had heard the kids gang had tried random numbers for a hundred years and recorded them. As his god had given him decryption skills he used thousands of numbers on gang walls to calculate the door code.
Four new party members joined. A green furry gnome sorcerer, with tentacles and smelled of skunk, a metalic skinned priest of the same cult and the rogue sent to aid him (also icecreamed flavoured). He had betrayed the god of betrayal and was returned to life as a priest. A warrior with plate and a halberd and a extra face in his chest. Then finally a moronic priest in a fabulous dress, huge muscles and a wig concealing his exposed brain who was raised by octopi under the sea. The motley band got to the door of the station and cracked the door. Battled a number of robots and found lots of interesting drugs, police evidence, a vending machine of marijuana cigarettes in 10 flavours and strange rayguns. The rayguns turned out to be stunners but some had defective batteries that melted when the cells depleted. Wasted a huge amount of ammo testing on walls and skeletons with no effect. The gnome summoned kangaroos as target practice but the party were so inept wasted more ammo. Wasted lots of drugs also but that's pretty common on Psychon.
Next the party head to Broken Hill looking for riches.
More strangeness in a week.
My efforts to streamline with the Psychon random generators online and default character builds helped get late new players working faster. Initiative worked well and impressed with 7 players remained domiciled and focused and all worked well.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
There are versions depicted as just a cow with yellow spots so im going with this more fabulous one but the boring one might sneak into a herd and lead cows away from farmers or cause other trouble. Sadly this heraldry project is fill in till my life less busy and my commercial game design stuff done.... Sadly game writing my only income the last 8 weeks. Previous post I will update as didn't do variations and adventures as rest in my series.
Supernatural animal N Morale 9
AC +5
HD 8
Mov 15 ground
Trample 3d6 (trample multiple targets in line with 30 foot charge)
or Buttx2 d8 (on a 20 to hit, target save or knockback 2d4 yards)
or Bite 3d4 (on a 18+ to hit, does double damage)
or 90 degree cone of fire 10 foot range d3+8 from mouth and ears as burning hands
A caretyne has a bull like body, with a snout, fangs, and horns. It has yellow spots and breathes fire. The beast is a wild animal often living alone or in a pair (1in4 with a d3 calves). The beasts are protective of their young and cattle and can be aggressive. Their habit of adopting herds of cows sometimes causes trouble with farmers who don't want a overprotective monster guarding their herds. Some farmers manage to convince the beast they are friends of the herd and then the farmer has a protector but this can be hard to manage when taking away calves and milk cows cry for their missing young. In the wild these beasts can be very protective of their territory and viciously hunt and destroy threats or predators. Other herdbeast taking their food they dislike but they are satisfied with driving them off. Some druids and cults make use of them. Sometimes they breed with normal cattle producing a large healthy calf with yellow spots.
1in6 180 degree fire breath
1in6 has fire breath 20 foot range
1in6 4d4 fire breath save for half
1in6 has tougher armour
1in6 can do a extra kick two d8 attacks in addition to any other non charge attack
1in6 can cast charm cow once per round
1in6 are able to go beserk
1in6 are highly magic resistant and always succeed in saving throws vs magic
1in6 are immune to all fire
1in6 cannot be surprised
1in6 wear a holy symbol of a religion usually a earth or solar or sky cult
1in12 can bellow calling all cows within a mile to gather
1in12 are intelligent as a human and 1in6 of those can talk
1in12 breath icy cold instead of fire and have shaggy coats
1in12 are huge with a 12HD 4d6 trample d12 butt attacks
1in12 part bonacon and can fire a extra 90 degree cone fire from their butts
Caretyne Adventures
1 A farmer is upset that a caratyne has stolen his herd and taken them into a mountain valley. He wants them back and cares not for the beast but he offers a cow and the next 4 bull calves born as a reward
2 A mountain pass has been taken over by a Caretyne that is stopping trade and travel, local noble wants it gone
3 A druid riding a caretyne has been menacing cattle farmers and acusing the farmers of overgrazing, land clearing and driving away natural her beast. He has been using the caretyne to help him steal the cows so he can revert them to wild ones in a few generations
4 A priestess caring for her temples caretyne is upset as the beast has run away and has been mating with cows and fighting bulls. She needs it returned for the next festival for a ritual
5 A caretyne has come to the village and everyone has hidden indoors to keep away from it but it wont leave
6 A island with a caretyne has been avoided for generations but some say the beast guards a prehistoric ruin
7 A blasphemous farmer ignored and mocked all the rituals to the local cow spirit revered for centuries and a Caretyne came and killed him. Other farmers have made extra offerings and local wise woman invites heroes to slay the beast
8 A hairy wildman from the woods driving a chariot drawn by a caretyne has been menacing the roads. Some say he must be killed, others insist someone should speak to him to ask what has offended him enough to cause this trouble
9 Local cows have all wandered off by night and farmers are afraid of what could have taken the cows and burned all the fences
10 Local prize bulls have been killed by some beast and the local calves have been born with yellow spots and behave aggressively, what could the culprit be?
11 Something has been breaking into the granaries and food stores. A volunteer watchman was found trampled to death and now all live in fear of the mystery culprit and for their food supply
12 A odd yellow spotted calf was bought at a auction and it has caused nothing but trouble. As it grew the owner tried to sell it but nobody wanted the uppity beast. It wont even leave and the other cattle seem to love it and follow it into other farmers crops. He wants the beast gone by any means. Possibly might try and sell it cheap to someone gullible
Monday, 23 September 2019
Supernatural animal N Morale 7 or 10 with calves
AC +3
HD 10
Mov 12 ground
Trample 3d6 (trample multiple targets in line with 30 foot charge)
or Buttx2 d8 (on a 20 to hit, target save or knockback 2d4 yards)
The beast also called Tarandrus can change its colour, so that it can conceal itself by taking on the appearance of its surroundings. It is normally dun like a bear but is the size of an ox and has long hair. It has the head of a stag with branching horns, and has cloven hoofs. Mostly they live in far away lands but you might find some any distant wilderness. The creature is very shy and is surprised on a 1in6 and surprises on 4in6 chance due to camouflage. It's scent and trail are harder to hide but it will use water or rocky outcrops like a cunning animal to throw off hunters.
The creature is mostly a peaceful herbivore but if spooked it will hide and possible ambush anything that comes close. A mated pair with calves are more aggressive and babies will hide if left by parents. Most are loners most of the time. When the animal feels safe it will communicate with others of it's kind with wild colour displays especially when mating or driving off rivals. Once they have given up hiding they will use spectacular colours to scare opponents. Elves keep them as cattle and Their pelts can be used to make elven cloaks and long fur used by elves and somehow they train them to change colour as being shorn. Elves and gods might keep herds of them in sacred wilderness reserves. These unnaturally large herds are often guarded by supernatural beings and curses.
1in6 reflect any chromatic or prismatic or colour spray spells
1in6 has huge horns that inflict d12 each with a butt
1in6 have horns that cut off a limb on a natural 20 to hit instead of knockback
1in6 smell wonderful thanks to a musk gland worth 100gp to a perfumer
1in6 can go beserk
1in6 can displace selves as a displace cat
1in6 have a more extreme alignment, 1in6 alignment changes daily
1in12 protected by local druids as a sacred beast
1in12 are intelligent and can talk but seldom do
1in12 guarded by a dozen elves and has brand of local elf ruler
1in12 are invisible when concealed amongst vegetation or rocks
1in12 can project a illusion image of itself in another location
1in12 are chaos demon tainted with a d4+1 minor mutations and a d3 major mutations
Parandrus Adventures
1 Elves need a parandrus pelt and require some brave (expendable) humans to slay one
2 Village children say a beast is in the woods and no adult will listen
3 Hunters have trapped a Parandrus in village and hope to sell it but elves or druids try to free
4 Some creature or someone has been carving alignment sigils in the grass visible for mile
5 Someone has been stealing root vegetables from the store house and guards saw nothing
6 Farmers say their is a ghost beast that appears and vanishes in the area
7 Rainbow colour shifting cloaks are all the rage right now and hunters are keen to claim such a item making them harder to find.
8 Some strange creature has been shitting in the temple and eating baskets of harvest produce left for idols of the gods (thought the priests eat them for the gods after gods eat the magic essence)
9 Hunters caught a small strange colour shifting horned herd beast. Now it's parents are attacking the caravan trying to get it to the city and they need to take on extra guards
10 Elves riding parandus arrive one morning demanding tribute like the old times
Friday, 20 September 2019
Nice pic but the monster described here not as big only about 8 foot at shoulders.
Supernatural animal LN Morale 10
AC +7
HD 12
Mov 15 ground 18 fly
Trample 4d6 (trample multiple targets in line with charge)
or Butt 2d12 (+ save vs knockback 2d6 yards)
Related to other sphynx types this beast is a heavenly majestic winged bull. Aggressive and hot headed but usually sent by the gods to guard and protect locations or punish those who transgress or offend the gods. Each time anyone strikes them they must save or be cursed as per the spell with a different effect each time. Killing one is likely to get the attention of gods which is usually bad. They can talk but seldom bother to speak to mortals. They speak any language and to any animals. Sometimes they protect holy places or relics and may question adventurers to see if they are worthy to pass. They have detect lie, detect traps, detect invisibility and detect alignment at will. They are immune to mind effecting magic including charm or illusions or ESP.
Some bear symbol of a god or law on them and many have other abilities. They may act as a mount or several might pull a chariot for a divine being. Some are decorated with gold jewellery or painted. Some roam the foothills of the heavens and realms of cosmic Law where they breed. They are above the petty squabbles, vanity and greed of other sphinxes. In ancient times people summoned them to aid in a judgement but they are mostly too harsh and might attack non intended victims. Occasionally cults worship them bringing them beer, grain and virgin attendants to groom them. Their bodies are used to make holy relics and eating them is sacrilege. They will mostly spare children and innocent virgins.
1in6 are Lawful Good and will consider circumstances of individuals
1in6 have bronze hide +10AC
1in6 breath fire 3 times per day in a 90 degree cone 6d6 save for half
1in6 fear aura, all within 3 yards save vs fear each round or flee for a round
1in6 have plane shift at will to a lawful or heavenly world and back once a week
1in6 bronze wings can shoot two metal feathers a round 2d8 damage each 12 range
1in6 resist normal missiles
1in6 beserker
1in6 require +2 or better magic weapons to hit
1in6 can cast spells and turn undead as a 8th level priest
1in6 has a cult of worshippers offering it food and grooming
1in6 when angered leaves burning hoof prints and exhales smoke
1in6 explode on death as a 12d6 fireball
1in12 aided by a d4 cherubim lesser angels
1in12 if killed leaves a drought for 7 years over the region
1in12 if killed turns to stone
1in12 its feces heals a d4 if applied to wounds, usually 2d4 are near its lair
1in12 is related to a divinity and can commune with them weekly
Taurosphinx Adventures
1 Stories tell of them being summoned to a court case where it crushed the guilty then turned on corrupt officials and impure spectators. Rruined temple still remains guarded by the beast thousands of years later
2 Heroes plundered a sacred place or killed a monster serving the gods, so a Taurosphynx is sent to punish them
3 A mountain trail to a long abandoned temple is guarded by a taurosphynx that asks questions to those seeking to visit
4 A city offended the gods and a taurosphynx stands by the gates keeping merchants and travellers away until the gods deem the city punished. The city try to hire idiots to fight it
5 Plundering humans have robbed a sacred grove for holy cedar wood trees used for building temples. Now a Taurosphynx guards it and a king wants it stopped
6 Lawlessness and wickedness rage across the land. A Taurosphynx with a lesser angel appears to smite evil doers from the land and is not forgiving of any adults who touch vice, drink, dance or look in mirrors and other petty crimes
7 A cult have been summoning a Taurosphynx and are grooming it to purge the region in the fiery wrath of the gods. Before the beast is fully tamed by them stop the cult
8 A intact ancient ruin is pristine and evil free because of a Taurosphynx. A evil cult led by a anti hero seek to slay it and breed monsters in the ruins
9 A priest found a scroll which will awaken a Taurosphinx statue in a city temple. The priest fears a evil doer will awaken it and as humans now weaker and more corrupt will send beast into a killer frenzy
10 A great holy relic has been stolen by evil. A Taurosphynx arrived and declared if the relic is not returned it will kill one in ten persons and destroy one in ten buildings
Supernatural animal LE Morale 9
AC +5
HD 6
Mov 12 ground 9 climb 3 water 2 leap
Att Clawsx2 d6 Butt 2d6 & Bite 2d4
-if both claws hit can rake for extra 2d4 damage
This intelligent brutish beast kills for pleasure far more than it can eat. Capable of ferocious roars that three times a day case fear in a 9 range cone. These creatures also speak cruelly and are judgemental, able to recognise heraldry and a character origin so it can mock and insult enemies all the better. They will eat your loved ones and blame it on you for not being home. They spread terror and isolate people depending on roads in the wilderness.
They are not just random monsters they are usually agents of a curse such as a defiled grave, a great injustice resulting in deaths or some taint has polluted a sacred place. Sometimes they may aid a devil or evil hero acting as a pet or mount. They hate hellhounds and dislike demons and their dumber cousins manticores. They see themselves as obeying a higher power and exempt from morality. Some have been known to whisper lies through shack walls at night to irritate and corrupt inhabitants.
1in6 have ESP they use to pry out victims dark secrets
1in6 have dragon claws for 2d4 claw attacks
1in6 have dragon scales for AC+7
1in6 half damage from fire including magical
1in6 have detect alignment
1in6 detect invisible 3 range
1in6 resist normal missiles
1in6 beserker
1in6 break non magical weapons on impact
1in6 can be turned by a priest and avoids sacred ground
1in6 in contact with local diabolic cult or witches
1in6 is a 5th level wizard or priest or druid
1in6 require magic or silver weapon to hit
1in12 open a gate to hell or from hell to earth once a week
1in12 regenerate 1HP per round unless holy or acid
1in12 have a pet imp familiar who acts as scout and hands
1in12 can call a lesser devil once a week with a turn long blood sacrifice ritual
1in12 reports to a major demon weekly about work in mortal world
Mantygre Adventures
1 A village is plagued by a beast as the unsolved strangulation of local youths remains unsolved
2 Villages visit a whispering cave for advice but of late all the advice has been selfish, greedy and evil
3 A invisible Imp has been leaving threatening letters on doors in the village, starting at midnight they will all be killed
4 A local diabolic cult have allied with a mantyger planning on cutting off the area and corrupting all to the cult control
5 A ruined manour has been left since a mantyger ate the old lord and drove away the people. The beast is still heard roaring day and night
6 A diabolic wizard riding a mantyger has taken residence in a ruined tower on a hill
7 Pilgrims were murdered and as long as the bandits escape justice a Mantyger guards the bridge preventing passage. Several knights have been eaten by it, more fled it's roar
8 Voices from the well are scaring people. "just jump in! Your life is worthless!"
9 Villagers have been attacking each other, each say a voice told them by night what a neighbour said to provoke the violence
10 A robber knight based in a ruin has taken the mantyger as his flag and now he rides one and wears weird black armour. Locals say he sold his souls and seeks sacrifices and plunder
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Calopus, the horned wolf-cat
Calopus horned wolf-cat
Supernatural animal CN Morale 10
AC +5
HD 5
Mov 15 ground 9 climb 6 water 2 leap 1 burrow
Att Clawsx2 2d4 & Butt 2d6-if both claws hit can rake for extra 2d4 damage
The calopus or horned wolf cat is a savage beast able to ambush or chase. Surprised only on 1in6 and can surprise on 1-3ind6. It is a incredible tracker, especially if the prey has any wounds. They are fearless attacking creatures bigger than themselves. Will saw down trees with serrated horns to bring downs a climbing foe or other cunning trickery.
Most in the midlands are black and dark blue, white in the cold north and orange in the desert. The oldest breeds in the desert retain some draconic blood. They are dangerous to hunt as they are cunning at escape and ambush and are vindictive. A mated pair live together a season raising a d6 pupkits. Some tribal people value them as pets but they can betray even their mates. Sometimes they are pets of powerful beings and are set guarding locations or forfilling some curse.
1in6 are young or dwarf type with 2HD and half damage attacks and Morale 7
1in6 have hooves and Mov 18 but d6 hoof instead of claws
1in6 have patches of dragonscale and are AC +7
1in6 have a extra bite attack 2d4
1in6 resist half all fire damage including magical
1in6 extra large +1 HD and +1 damage on each attack
1in6 have featherfall at will
1in6 detect invisible 6 range
1in6 beserker
1in6 are swimmers 9 water speed, hold breath 40 minutes, no penalties to hit in water
1in6 require magic or iron weapon to hit
1in6 are invisible in darkness if black or snow if white or in sand if orange
1in12 double damage vs wooden beings, often attack wood weapons
1in12 regenerate a d4 HP per hour
1in12 breathes cloud of flaming gas 2 range 1 radius, 4d6 save half three times a day
1in12 2d6+6 intelligence and most turn CE, extra cruel and savage
1in12 can dimension door 12 range once a day to escape
1in12 terrible breath, all in 3 cone of head save or -d4 STR for a turn
1in12 Anyone injured 50% HP save or infected by Lyanthropy, as a werewolf but more cat like without horns, eventually they become a beast permanently and grow horns
1in12 sever a limb on a natural 20 to hit with butt and double damage
Calopus Adventures
1 Wolves have come from hills and are cowering near human settlements afraid
2 A creature killed a guest hall with six hunters bringing a bad reputation to locals
3 Wizard wants you to ask a intelligent one where a dungeon entrance is
4 Calopus preys on the sick, old or children by night. Locals are up in arms
5 Family cursed by a Calopus who eats firstborn of a clan each generation
6 A mated pair have made themselves rulers of the woods and they raid farmsteads
7 A beast has been digging up graves and devouring the dead under the full moon
8 Several males fight for dominance of area using the village as their battleground
9 Trees fall blocking the road and a calopous panics the horses while attacking
10 A local heir died and a Calopus haunts where he vanished, a evil wizard changed and cursed the heir and spreads malicious gossip about the beast that cannot control it's murderous rampages
Monday, 16 September 2019
Invaders of Xor

Xor is a living world of meat, plunder and wonder
A ever living mystery and world eater
People live on and in Xor like parasites
Bad things come from other worlds
Things not good to eat that must die
Strangers who do not accept the will of Xor!
All kinds of otherworlds invade Xor for a meal which has the danger Xor might flood that dimension. Xor only wants to peacefully eat universes and barley is aware of intruders parasitism. But look out when Xor does notice your dimension and is hungry. Some otherworlders are stranded here and join a community or start one. Parts of otherworlds might be found inside of Xor taking thousands of years to be assimilated. Xor might even be used as a nexus between worlds but a dangerous one. Bringing goods through the gates and leaving on both sides makes the worlds interconnected. Creatures of law may not be approving of Xor and consider it close to chaos or raw material for chaos to usurp. Invaders of Law act poorly and are often disliked by xorians unless they actually fight need someone to fight chaos.
One of these in a region will stand out and provide threats aplenty. Why not start between two of these or one at each compass point. Intruders usually have a way home but that might be be at a certain place or require a relic. Intruder gateways are for outright alien plunderers or explorers. Strange remnants are a place where unnatural to the nature of Xor creatures come from, a remnant of the past or otherworldly infection.
d12 Intruder gateways into Xor
1 Primal Law - entities such as Archons come to hunt and destroy chaos and imperfection
2 Singularity - bastion of Law where crusaders wage war against chaos and disorder
3 Deadworld - land smothered by darkness and necromancy and the hungry dead
4 Dungeonworld - a infinite self aware dungeon complex linked to the hells
5 Garbageworld - covered in garbage from other planes, locals seek to escape
6 Planet Psychon - mutants, androids, robots stumble on gateways
7 Europe 1640 - England and Spain search for new worlds while secret wizards planeshift*
8 Ancient Exilon - bronze age ancient city states send adventurers to visit Xor
9 Shadelport - city of pirates and wizards and elder ruins, many gates remain from long ago when the Monster Kings ruled and used to raid and plunder Xor
10 Underland - various races of the deep raid Xor for food and some worship it
11 Demonic chaos - seeks to corrupt Xor into becoming a home for demon kind
12 Primal chaos - swarms of gelatinous tentacled alien horrors
*Other times are possible like modern special forces or monster investigators
d12 Strange remnants within Xor
1 Mile wide clod of earth with some intact ruined settlement survivors from some other world, semi buried intact ruins are their current lain and they are just exploring xor
2 Mass of ship hulks and a sargassum of weed fused into a mass inhabited by sailors from many worlds and a few feisty sea monsters surviving. Sailors are damned and don't try to escape
3 Collosal mass of fungus caverns inhabited by fungus and faerie folk, including by goblinoids, pixies, elves, gnomes, mushroom people, giant bugs and more
4 Dead area where a necromancer lives and has learned to make undead from the dead flesh of Xor. If not stopped many such places grow. Some are quiet and hidden for aeons
5 A large section of a underland city was snatched and relocated inside Xor and inhabitants have done well and trade with the locals. Many strange races are among survivors
6 Macroscopic life has infested the area attacking and feasting on Xor and spreading it's own single celled life forms colonies, some are individually baseball or beachball sized often linked in chains. Dangerous slimes, jellies, flagellum and strange life thrives
7 Bone castle once a living place housing a population now a desolate dead hollow, full of all kinds of unwholesome creatures and cults in the skeleton of a living citadel
8 Infected sickly swamp of putrid sweat, infections and ulcers form a unique environment, disgusting but welcoming to bugs and the goblins who hunt them. Demons and undead here prevent the land being healed
9 Crystalline life form ecology is absorbing life and fluid, growing and expanding into complex alien intelligences. Psionic beings have been attracted or empowered and come here
10 Dragonspawn Pits of Tiamat, mother of dragons has opened a gate here where thousands of baby dragons are fattening up on Xor for the next dragon apocalypse on some dimension. Tiamat only pops in occasionally 1in6. Xor does not mind dragons as they excrete his spoor on distant dimensions aiding it
11 Chaos warp point where creatures become mutated and prepare to kidnap and devour nearby peoples.
12 Chaos infection where a demon throne of a abyssal lord festers with it's horde. With intent to conquer the local area, warbands rair the surroundings often meeting Templars of Xor or Crusaders of Xor or many other local forces waging eternal war
Terrible new theory:
Humans came from Xor first
Then spread to other worlds
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Treasure Frogs
Treasure Frog
Small d8 HD AC as leather Bite d6 Mov 9 Swim 12 Hop 1 carries d4x100sp
Medeum 2d8 HD AC as leather Bite 2d4 Mov 12 Swim 12 Hop 2 carries d3x100gp
Large 4d8 HD AC as chain Bite 2d6 Mov 12 Swim 9 Hop 3 carries d6x100gp
Huge 8d8 HD AC as plate Bite 3d6* Mov 12 Swim 9 Hop 3 carries 2d4x100gp
*hit rolls 20+ swallows victim whole and flees crushing them for d6/round
**hit rolls 17+ swallows victim whole and flees crushing them for 2d6/round
Treasure frogs are used by frog folk to carry valuables but as they live for centuries they often carry loot long forgotten. They also smell treasure and dungeons near swamps often attract them. Some semi flooded dungeons are infested with them. Frog folk often use the frogs to find more treasure who can sniff precious stones and metal. A speciality skill is required to train and handle frogs who are experts at escaping and often escape. Each frog has a command word to disgorge loot but they forget them after fifty years or so. Frogs Some frog folk tribes keep their untrained frogs locked in a room. If your not careful frogs will all pour out bouncing everywhere and flee. Frogs mostly only try to eat smaller creatures but treasure carriers makes them feisty enough to attack, especially in large numbers. Frog folk can tell individual frogs apart but humans can't.
Small carries d4x100sp 1in6 chance of a semiprecious stone worth 10gp
+ d4 1=15gp silver ring 2=20gp carved agate seal
3=cat skull 4=semi digested fish
Medeum carries d3x100gp d4x semiprecious stones worth 10gp+ d4 1=45gp gold ring 2=100gp jade idol
3=kobold skeleton 4=bottle of beer
Large carries d6x100gp d4x semiprecious stones worth d3x10gp+ d4 1=100gp ruby gold ring 2=2d4 healing potion
3=knights helmet 4=rotten goat corpse
Huge carries 2d4x100gp 2d4x semiprecious stones worth d3x10gp
+ d4 1=500gp diamond ring 2=crate of beer
3=+1 dagger in scabbard 4=dead semi digested adventurer
Sunday, 8 September 2019
Relics of the Meat God

More Gore to Explore!
As my last post was "too horrible to read" here is more.
Scabs of Xor
Found in a drawstring skin bag, 3d4 pieces of sacred scabs of Xor. Each can heal 1 HP if applied to a bleeding wound or provide food for a day. Stay usable as long as kept dry.
Red Honey of Xor
Made by meat bees that gather blood and skin flakes or even corpses to make delicious red honey. A pound of honey can heal 3d4 HP or cure disease.
Harp of Zerlag the Brown
Harp is made from a skull, spine and sinew. If played by a bard three times a day all in 30 foot mast save or suffer explosive diarrhoea. Mostly this is humiliating and causes a morale check. Once a week the bard harpist may play to a heap of excrement and form a 4 foot tall homonculi like creature d8HD AC as leather Att can use club or dagger. The creature is loyal and loves it's creator like a parent and if shunned becomes vindictive. It is stupid but will happily open doors, activate traps and search ahead. It cannot talk but will gesture and has easily comprehended emotions. It leaves smelly footprints and follows the creator until it is dead or mistreated too much.
Bone Bow
A heavy composite bow of living sinew and bone grows a arrow per day. It can grow up to 12 at a time but they can be removed and kept to encourage more to grow. It has own muscles to amplify the flexing and does d10 damage with own arrows or d8 with other arrows. The bow enjoys being bathed in blood once a week or it dies. Blood elves of Xor love their bows and write poems to them and debate care routines. Some manuals teach how to double arrow growth rate with daily feedings of blood.
Vampire Spear
A +2 to hit bone spear. On a natural 20 the spear awakens and a evil face on the head bites hold of the victim struck and on following round inflicts a d4 a round until the victim or someone can remove it with a STR save. Often while the spear is stuck the user will hold on and use unarmed or shield attacks. When target is dead the spear releases the bite and returns to sleep.
Crimson Lens
A ruby monacle gives wearer infravision in one eye and can see where blood has been spilled during last week within 30 feet. Actually it is a drop of divine blood in stasis.
Scabs of Xor
Found in a drawstring skin bag, 3d4 pieces of sacred scabs of Xor. Each can heal 1 HP if applied to a bleeding wound or provide food for a day. Stay usable as long as kept dry.
Red Honey of Xor
Made by meat bees that gather blood and skin flakes or even corpses to make delicious red honey. A pound of honey can heal 3d4 HP or cure disease.
Harp of Zerlag the Brown
Harp is made from a skull, spine and sinew. If played by a bard three times a day all in 30 foot mast save or suffer explosive diarrhoea. Mostly this is humiliating and causes a morale check. Once a week the bard harpist may play to a heap of excrement and form a 4 foot tall homonculi like creature d8HD AC as leather Att can use club or dagger. The creature is loyal and loves it's creator like a parent and if shunned becomes vindictive. It is stupid but will happily open doors, activate traps and search ahead. It cannot talk but will gesture and has easily comprehended emotions. It leaves smelly footprints and follows the creator until it is dead or mistreated too much.
Bone Bow
A heavy composite bow of living sinew and bone grows a arrow per day. It can grow up to 12 at a time but they can be removed and kept to encourage more to grow. It has own muscles to amplify the flexing and does d10 damage with own arrows or d8 with other arrows. The bow enjoys being bathed in blood once a week or it dies. Blood elves of Xor love their bows and write poems to them and debate care routines. Some manuals teach how to double arrow growth rate with daily feedings of blood.
Vampire Spear
A +2 to hit bone spear. On a natural 20 the spear awakens and a evil face on the head bites hold of the victim struck and on following round inflicts a d4 a round until the victim or someone can remove it with a STR save. Often while the spear is stuck the user will hold on and use unarmed or shield attacks. When target is dead the spear releases the bite and returns to sleep.
Crimson Lens
A ruby monacle gives wearer infravision in one eye and can see where blood has been spilled during last week within 30 feet. Actually it is a drop of divine blood in stasis.
Spitter CritterCreatures bread to emit chemicals or projectiles for use as a weapon. Creatures become dormant if not fed blood for a week and die in a month if starved. If fed daily replenish a d3 shots. Weigh about 2lb for hand version, longer more powerful models weigh 6lb. Stats for hand/long weapon variants below. Ranges on 10s of feet indoors or yards outdoors.
Web - sticky strands of protein STR save or held d4 turns
Damage - Range 3/5 Ammo 1/4
Acid - glob of corrosive slime
Damage 2d4/2d4 Range 3/5 Ammo 1/4 +1pt extra dam d4/2d4 rounds
Flame - mixes 2 chemicals which then ignite in air
Damage 2d4/2d6 Range 1/4 Ammo 1/4 +1pt extra dam d4/2d4 rounds 30 degree cone
Sleep - shards of crystallised tranquilliser
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 10 CON save or sleep for at least a turn
Venom - shards of crystallised poison
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 10 CON save to resist poison or +2d4/2d6
rare versions have lethal venom
Teeth - burst of tiny fragments of metallic teeth
Damage d6/2d6 Range 3/10 Ammo 6/10
Slime - spits lethal green slime
Damage - Range 1/4 Ammo 1/4 1HD/2HD green slime
Shocker - shoots a tiny electric eel like creature
Damage d6/2d6 Range 3/10 Ammo 4/8 CON save or stun d4 rounds
Explosive - sires a bug that explodes on impact
Damage 2d4/3d4 Range 3/10 Ammo 4/8, damages materials fail save
Stench - stinking cloud gas in a gelatinous blob
Damage - Range 1/3 Ammo 1/4 Cloud Area 1/2
as stinking cloud, hand version lasts round, long version cloud lasts d4 rounds
Frenzy - shards of crystallised narcotic
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 6/12 INT save to resist, confusion d4/2d4 rounds
Pacifier - shards of crystallised narcotic
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 6/12 WIS save to resist or passive and friendly
Stronger versions act as a charm spell for a d4/d12 hours
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 6/12 WIS save to resist or passive and friendly
Stronger versions act as a charm spell for a d4/d12 hours
Resembles a sawfish held by body, slash with the spiked beak that vibrates when exited by battle for 2d4 damage as a sword, also good for hedge trimming, hair cuts and in the kitchen. Smaller knife like ones do d3+1. Requires feeding it blood if not used to kill weekly. Some are +1 or +2 but non magical for hitting certain creatures. This + is more from the STR of the creature making it's vibrations stronger.
Friday, 6 September 2019
Relics of Magical Meat Mages
Magic Items from Xor
Xor, where magic items might work but are too disgusting to use
Intestinal Cord
Comes in a squelchy 4lb bag of cured skin. Contains a streatchy cord of moist intestines that can be used for climbing ropes, hangings, restraints and other uses. It can also be used as a tube to siphoning liquids. The cord can stretch up to 100 yards. Can be cut which reduces the total length.
Sack of Guts
Comes in a squelchy pulsating alive 2lb cured skin bag. If you devour the horrible fresh gore inside you gain a d4 HP. Only one such bag will benefit user. If a second bag is eaten the consumer devolves into a hideous protoplasmic shoggoth.
Silent Feet
Skin removed from human feet and worn as shoes are silent but look and feel disgusting. Insides remain slimy.
Wizard Skin Suit
A tattooed skin of a wizard if worn ads +2 to ave vs magic and looks nightmarish with hair and fingernails intact.
Magic Parasite
Comes in a eggsac and creature inside is easily swallowed. Once it lives inside you for a HP a day gives +2 save vs disease and poison. When you die creature exits the deceased orifices an hour later, after a year in use 3d6 creatures exit.
Wish Bone of Xor
Two users pull on the foot long bone, each makes a STR test with the winner able to ask Xor for a simple wish. Xor is pretty dim and barley comprehends the parasites that walk on or in it or their desires. A wish for food might result in a flood or rain or gobbets of raw meat. Xor prefers solving problems with meat if possible. If used on another plane Xor will help but also use as a gate to invade that world or at least asses how tasty the world is.
Codpiece of Xor
This dried footlong intimidating decorative tribal codpiece with a strap if worn will fuse onto the wearer as a living functional penis. When user dies it returns to its original form. Some are handed down for generations.
Flesh Mask
These are stretchable dried skins of faces created by magic. When worn you resemble the depicted species or race and can pass among members as long as you don't talk or let them smell you. Come in human, demihuman, humanoid and beastfolk types. If you wear for more than 12 hours the effect is permanent. Most creatures find a infiltrator using a skinned face disgusting and will kill you if they find out.
Chaos Parasite
A chaos demon parasite that comes in a large egg. If anyone gets close enough to breath on it a slimy tendril shoots from the egg into their mouth or nose and into their stomach. A DEX save will prevent this. Once inside the parasite joins with the host giving them a mutation. Most are petty cosmetic ones rarer major mutations are most desired and hurt more when implanting them selves. Most common form gives the used a d4+1 tentacles own that have a mind of their but will attack enemies in a fight with a bonus grapple attack and help climb or reach in jars. Might touch people or things nearby against owners conscious desires.
Flesh Scarab
A beetle often in a cocoon form dormant. If placed on flesh it burrows inside to live forever. If you try more than one they fight inflicting a d4 damage to the hosts insides and one will win killing the others. The following varieties are the most common:
1 +1 on a specific attribute
2 +2 on a specific saving throw (disease, poison, magic most common)
3 Night vision
4 +1HP per day daily healing rate
5 Store a d4 cantrips or a 1st level spell
6 +1 Move
Shamans Nose
Dried shamans nose with a sinew trap. Sense disease within 30 feet including lycanthropes.
Mummified Baby
Dried mummified prehistoric hairy baby. If fed blood will open it's eyes and ask for the name of a dead person you wish to contact. Once a month it can contact a dead person known to the user who died since the baby died. The contacted spirit will answer three simple questions. If activated more than once a month the baby instead summons a demon.
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