Friday 30 November 2018

Planet Psychon Stuff

Hello! As colour comes up so much in psychon i made some cards.

Also  new generators here but ive lost my correspondence with maker and im a terrible person for not crediting this work in progress - thankyou will catch up
Psychon  Citadels
Psychon Stuff
Planet Psychon Acid Punk Edition (3rd Ed) here

Mutation book on Patreon Shortly handy for psychon.

Hoping can have players do 3d6 stat rolls then then pick colour for character
(perhaps again for blood colour or hair colour)
use generators for starting mutations and property and background
for start play fast and other effects

dm could generate a hex and a citadel for a game

Possibly flavour/smell table probably the next most handy table

Dark Forces Character Sheet

My new setting a mash up of cthulhu, laundry files, zenith comics, superworld.....

Current character sheet - some more 7th ed things creeping into my homebrew brp stuff

Thursday 29 November 2018

Secret Gov Deep One Deathcamps!!!

Part of scenario for my new Dark Forces setting
Trainee recruit mission to recover data left on site
(trainees = test subjects)
Investigate possibility of unauthorised entry on site as reported by maintenance crews
(Haunted was term used)
Second map has service tunnels

I enjoyed players avoiding the septic tank cos it was too icky too look
and failing to dig graves with bulldozer grader exposing dozens of half ground up corpses and filling tracks with rotten flesh

As players hit with SAN losses some began revealing hybrid features....

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Population and Land Use

A hideThe hide, from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "family", was, in the early medieval period, a land-holding that was considered sufficient to support a family. This was equivalent to 60 to 120 old acres (approximately 30 modern acres (120,000 m2)) depending on the quality of the land.

What is a family?
1. Group of relations

2. The body of persons who live in one house or under one head, including
parents, children, servants, etc. …
3. The group of persons consisting of the parents and their children, whether
actually living together or not; in widersense, the unity formed by those who are
nearly connected by blood or affinity

If crop boosting magic about might be smaller.
Amount o support a family not a set amount but to repeat 60 to 120 old acres (approximately 30 modern acres (120,000 m2)
72430208 yard square in a 6 mile hex
divided by 120000y2 per hide
=603.5ish - Hexagon Calculator

Pretty dense score

600 families per hex on good land
300 families of mediocre land
100 herder families in wastes
Average family size of 5 (2-10 possible)

The father was the head of the family in Anglo-Saxon England, and the spear propped up by the door symbolised his role as protector. In fact, the father’s side of the family was called the ‘sperehealf’, while the mother’s side was called the ‘spinelhealf’. The spindle summed up her role in the family, and possessions found in men’s and women’s graves confirm this.

It may have been that the father was expected to be quite strict, and even a little distant from his children. The mother’s brother (‘eam’) may have been a more caring and friendly male relative, though he only visited from time to time.

Old English has many more words for different family relatives than modern English, which shows how important the idea of ‘family’ was for them. If you weren’t very good at remembering all the complexities, though, you could call any relative ‘brōðor’ or ‘sweostor’.

You might have ‘stēop-‘ relatives, if your own parents were dead, or ‘fōster-‘ parents, if your real parents had given you away for some reason.

There were almost certainly four or five people in the average family – records from the year 1200 suggest 4.68*. Other relatives, then as now, of course, may have ‘lived in’.

People outside the family, but whose name, family and origin were known would count as ‘cýðð’. Everybody in the village and the surrounding area would count in this group. Together, your family and friends were ‘cýðð and cynn’, or ‘kith and kin’ in Modern English.

People you didn’t know could become ‘cýðð’ or a ‘frēond’ or guest after they’d explained exactly who they were. Otherwise, strangers were seen as little different from enemies or slaves – ‘ðēow’.

*quoted in ‘Domesday Quest’, Michael Wood, BBC books, 1986
Thanks also to AC Haynes, ‘Anglo-Saxon Kinship’, in ‘Wiðowinde’, Winter 1998

extra thoughts from G+

five to ten or so families support a lesser noble
So some tax involved too

But I guess a city surrounded by 6 hexes with 4 villages of 25 families

Could support :
500 per hex plus lots nobles
3000 in city plus 360 poor knights or less richer ones

Possibly river delta in middle East might get more harvests per year 3 or 4 times this
Plus which accounts for my setting metropolis pops of 10 000


JDsivraj 29 November 2018 at 16:20I recall reading somewhere a hide was also the amount of land required to raise a beef or ox large enough to butcher and produce a hide each year but still have an operational farm afterward (still have other beef or oxen or the means to rent one after killing one).

Konsumterra 30 November 2018 at 11:44
thats great too and not incompatible
Every family would want a ox to plow or would borrow or rent one
Everyone loved their oxen who are noble beasts
Each family or hide supports working 
ox or butcher a cow once a year
Perhaps 10 sheep, pigs or goats or mixed barn of animals = ox

Summary of Taxible Land Units and Population
Hide is a area of farmland
-Supports a family of five a well off extended family might control 2-5
-supports a working ox or a meat cow a year or ten smaller animals like pigs and goats

600 families per hex on good land

300 families of mediocre land
100 herder families in wastes
Average family size of 5 (2-10 possible)

6 Hide support a poor noble family and a knight or equivalent
12 Hide support a comfortable family
 and two knight or equivalent
60 Hide support a rich noble family and ten knights or equivalent
A city surrounded by six rich farmland hexes could support 3600 people
More hexes of herdsmen around that could raise this again

Leveling UpAt 5th Level and every 5th more +1 on a attribute
As of 6th level you get a follower per level and you can teach and train recruits
-a animal or pet possible with some classes
-a adventurer apprentice d4 Lv or a d4 zero level followers
-They go up a level when you do
At Tenth Level you are granted a d4 hides of land or common city blocks or equivalent real estate or take over a dungeon because some one wants you beholden to them

Monday 26 November 2018

Exilon Play Area

Exilon in the Elder Aeon Era

So this will be main game area
Area of cities allied against various empires around them
Down river 30 miles a day easily more in stormy season
There is a village every 20 miles on river or green areas
More like 50 miles per village in beige wastes
Sea 100-200 miles per day with good wind

Reptilian League

Turquoise - Metropolis of the Lizard king
Lapis - City ruled by ancient blue Dragon clan
Dragon Spire - Home of the dragon templar cult
Shadelport - Decayed slaver city of monster empire, semi abandoned
Remnants of Serpents empire are in north islands but in decay
Lizard Kings are civilized lizard folk with some draconic cults inland
Dragon Templars serve mostly sleeping dragons bringing them food and wealth

Necromancer Citadels

Lichspire - Home of the lich king
Fleshspire - Flesh wizards of Xor
Doomtemple - Home of the death templar cult
Death Templars are religious underworld cultists
Necromancer Kings are necromancer wizard strongholds

Free City League

Ikathon - City of the Sea Lords, former colony of the fish folk
Stormhome - City of sky gods, settled by barbarians now civilized
Sunhome - City of the sun god and his kin, the first human kings came from here
Kassus - Great city of the goddesses and amazons
Sakasis - City of the good snake gods, once snake city now free

Tyranian League

Petty former barbarians but still rough with no major cities, gloomy ever fighting undead and lizards and each other. On off allies. Do have good parties and gladiator events are common.

Belloron Empire
Belleron - The great city of astrologers and their conqueror god of law.

Assura Empire
Bloodthirsty cruel empire but still better than the old non human empires.
Greatest seige warfare power.

Sythron Wastes

Barbarians but enhanced with civilized tech including chariots, waggons and horse riding archers. No permanent cities but kings have huge mobile population centres that grow and shrink seasonally. Nobles have more civilized trappings and trade more. Other barbarians think them corrupt by stink of civilization.

Barbarian Wastes

Savages sworn to destroy civilization, metal use, building, literacy, magic, wizards, religion, monsters, undead. Nomads who who assemble under great Khans to invade other lands. Mostly they fight undead, dragons and faerie who are seen as worse than civilization. They destroy walls, wells, crucify craftsmen, burn books and smash monuments. They worship tribal ancestors who liberated humanity from monster rule. Beastmen and orc tribes are common in area and all fight each other.

Arcane Empire

Elemental Wizard states founded by great emperor long ago.
Founded modern magic, literacy and military tactics especially mass archery.

Faerie Wilds

Sylvan forests growing constantly as awakening elves.
Their slave buffer races encroach on the world.

Many including ancient and monsters languages have written script, spoken and hieroglyphic/pictographic languages. Script is better for business but the pictorial sacred language is common on monuments and holy texts. Hieroglyphs are very stylised in each culture bur recognisable to scholars and even illiterate people might guess what a glyph means.

S spoken, W written, H for heiroglyphic

A good scholar/priest might know:
Modern Common S W
Ancient S W H
Reptilian H
Draconic H
Elvish S W

I will scale in on the Free City League next with more towns marked.
There are plenty of enemies from outside. Dangerous cults dedicated to pre human monster cults within such as snakemen and fishmen. Lots of ruins everywhere. The area tolerates demihumans and there are allied beastmen tribes often serving kings as mercenaries. The good snake and fish gods are increasingly being humanised in art. Their children are more human again.

Empires And Alliances

Exilon world notes in development

Analogues to Bronze Age:Hittites, Mycenian, Phonecian, Minoan, Greek, Sythian, Elamite, Ururatu, Eutruscan, Egypt, Sumerian states, Akkad, Indus, Mesomerica

Various non human groups too like old monster kingdoms and undead

Sunday 25 November 2018

EMO Class Skills 4 Halflings & Gnomes

Stat Functions Revision

Might = strength, brawn, muscle
-Bonus adds to damage on any muscle powered weapon
-Can carry score in items without movement penalty
-Carry Might in items without Mov penalty (roughly kg/item)
-Up to might score x1 = no penalty
-Skills or being a dwarf can increase this by adding Vigor score-Up to might score x2 = Light Encumbrance -1 Mov penalty-Up to might score x3 = Medium Encumbrance -3 Mov-Up to might score x5 = Heavy Encumbrance -6 Mov-Up to might score x6 = Very Encumbrance -9 Mov
-Up to might score x7 = Cannot move at all
-If Move score penalties reduce to 0 can move 1 with a might roll per round
-Save roll to bend bars or break things or escape grapples or entangling attacks
-Skills using muscle power

Agility = dexterity, manipulation, swiftness

-Bonus adds to all attack rolls and armour class
-Save roll for evading traps or explosions or other dangers
-Bonus adds to initiative
-Base Movement Rate (-3 for gnomes, halflings and dwarves)
-Skills involving fine or gross motor ability

Vigor = constitution, toughness, resilience

-Bonus adds extra HP each level
-Save vs poison, disease or shock
-Your negative HP score
-Skills involving endurance

Talent = Intelligence, perception, alertness

-Bonus extra slots of Arms or Arts or Languages
-Bonus equals number of class changes
-Save save vs puzzles or problems solving or illusions or trickery
-Skills using knowledge or study or senses

Charm = charisma, leadership,appeal, reaction saves

-Bonus in followers including pets, contacts, close friends, lovers
-Bonus adds to morale of all under command
-Bonus adds to encounter rolls
-Bonus is command radius in combat (Fighters add level)
-Maximum number of loyal Hirelings
-Save to rally those under command demoralized
-Skills using communication or persuasion or creativity

Will = wisdom, fanaticism, piety, persistence, mind control saves-Bonus in starting amount of luck points
-Save vs mind control, mental spells, sanity checks
-Skills based on mental discipline or faith

Starting Languages

Common is free for all races
Each language has a read and write version separate (R&W)
Non Humans get spoken version of own language for free
Humans get local kingdom or national spoken language
 for free
-if humans have multiple languages in setting otherwise common is the human toungue

Some classes or subclasses include animal languages (scent is the written form)
-Druids, gnomes, elves, beastmen abhumans and some subclasses might qualify

Common Living Languages
-various modern human and common non human languages
-goblin. kobold, orc, elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome,

Scholarly Languages
-Ancient is the human common of the old empire common on ruins mostly written form
-Dragon, troll, giant are found on pre human ruins
-Alignment languages used by churches and on other planes not by commoners

One ENC point is roughly 1-2kg but bulk might make higher
5 knives or shuriken or small items in pouch =1
2 daggers or darts =1
Most hand weapons =1
Most 2H weapons =2
Armour = AC
Quiver of 20 arrows, sling stones or bolts
Sling = 0
Short Bow or Light Crossbow =1
Composite Bow or Medium Crossbow =2
Long Bow or Heavy Crossbow=3
Water for day =1
Day of food =1
Week dry rations =1
Spare clothes = 1
Spell Book = 3
1000 Coins = 1

Beginning Spells
Most start with 4 zero level cantrips and one first level spell
Prerequisite scores grant extra first and even second level spells to beginning casters
Divine and Nature Casters typically can change these daily
Arcane wizard casters learn spells from books
Arcane sorcery casters spend spell energy levels on spells imprinted on them
-each new level they can change one previously learned spell and gain a new one
Prerequisite gained extra spells exceed the starting amount for starting character

Fire Rates

Most thrown hand weapons are one per round
-or two with quickdraw skill in that weapon or the ammo type
-daggers or rocks are 2 per round or 3 with quick draw
-knife or dart or shuriken are 3 per round 
or 4 with quick draw
Hand Crossbow 1 Light Crossbow 1 Medium 1/2 Heavy Crossbow 1/4
-or with quick draw bolt Hand 2 Light 2 Medium 1 Heavy 1/2
Bows including short or composite or long bow are 2 or 3 with quick draw arrow
Most Guns take 10 rounds to load
-or 5 with Black powder skill 
-one less with Quick Draw Bullet (better value to Quick Draw Handgun)

Prime Requisite: Agility; high score grants additional arms or arts
d8HD/3 /(Average5)
Arms 3/3 Arts 6/2 Languages 2d4/1
Any armour (but can buy additional dodge ranks)
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 3 levels
Any Weapon except 2H melee weapons, only short bows and light crossbows
Start Equipment: all weapons skilled with 20 shots of ammo if any, tool kits for skills, leather armour, hooded cloak, common robe, wine skin, d4 sacks, 3d6 days food, flints, hat, lantern, lamp oil 3d6x5gp
Prerequisite Agility Bonus provides extra skills or arts +1 Brawling +2 Dodge +3 Extra Shot

Halfling Abilities

100cm to 120cm tall, stoutly built
-4 To be hit by larger than human giants, trolls and ogres
Dark Vision can see and fight in dark but difficult to see written word, artworks, details
Thrown rocks masters
-proficient at throwing rocks and can increase to expert, master or specialist
-can take one other arms skill in weapon expert beyond this
-inflict d4 damage and can throw x2/round, x3 at 6th, x4 at 11th, x5 at 16th
All saves are as if stats were Prerequisites
Can buy additional arms ranks in Dodge
Can buy additional arts ranks in Extra Luck or zero level Cantrip spells
Get no range penalties on any missile attack

Halfling Sheriff Subclass
Arms - Short Bow, Dagger, Short Sword
Arts - Listen, Spot, Shadow, Interrogate, Ropes, Gossip
+1 Fastdraw Short Sword +2 Point Blank Range +3 Opportunity Attack
These are law officers of halfling communities
Shiny badge, manacles, 12m rope, d4 wanted posters

Halfling Cheff Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Short Sword, Club
Arts - Taste, Cooking, Feasting, Drinking, Herbalist, Carousing
+1 Toughness +2 Flavour Cantrip +3 Weapon Expert (Dagger)
These are adventurer epicureans seeking new flavours to experience
Portable stove, cooking pots, live chicken, rolling pin, 4kg flour, recipe book

Halfling Healer Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Club, Sling
Arts - First Aid, Healing, Herbalist, Poison Lore, plague Lore, Alchemy
+1 Holy Lore +2 Berry Cantrip +3 Lay Hands
These are healers of halfling communities
d4 healing potion, d3 healing herb, bandages, anesthetic mallet, bottle of strong grog

4 Halfling Thief Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Shortsword, Club
Arts - Sneak, Hide, Climb, Listen, Sleight, Lock Lore
+1 Trap Lore +2 Bluff +3 Streetwise
These are urban thieves often living in human settlements
6 Throwing Daggers, mask, gang tattoo, Grappling hook, 12m rope

Halfling Sage Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Sling, Club
Arts - Ancient Lore, Holy Lore, Kingdom Lore, Occult Lore, Poetry, Gossip
+1 Planar Lore +2 First Aid +3 Divination
These are scholars of halfling communities
d6 books of lore, d4 old maps, rune stones

6 Halfling Assasin Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Shortsword, Knife
Arts - Poison Lore, Sneak, Hide, Spot, Listen, Bluff
+1 Climb +2 Fast Draw +3 Point Blank
These are killers for hire and protectors of halfling communities
12 knives, two daggers, bottle of ingested poison, bottle of blade poison

7 Halfling Wood Warden Subclass

Arms - Short Bow, Short Sword, Dagger
Arts - Herbalist, Survival, Scout, Sneak, Hide, Track
+1 Animal Lore +2 Plant Lore +3 Animal Handler
These are hunters and woodsmen of halfling communities
d3 healing herb, camouflage suit, d
onkey, d6 days feed

Halfling Gambler Subclass

Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Knife
Arts - Gambling, Sleight, Bluff, Carousing, Drinking, Spot
+1 Taunt +2 Begging +3 Run Away
These are charlatans of often living among humans
Loaded dice, marked cards, bottle of strong grog, two headed coin

9 Halfling Traveler Subclass
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Short Bow
Arts - Spot, Listen, Sneak, Hide, Survival, Navigate
+1 March +2 Quartermaster +3 Whistling
These are explorers and messengers traveling between halfling communities
Telescope, 2d4 maps, backpack, donkey, d6 days feed

10 Hedge Troll Subclass

Arms - Short Bow, Dagger, Club
Arts - Hide, Sneak, Spot, Ancient Lore, First Aid, Climb
+1 Listen +2 Point Blank +3 Mimic Voice
These are shy trolls that mostly hide but sometimes come out to dwell among mortals
Sack of rocks, stew pot, 12m rope, d6 torches, hammer, 2d6 iron spikes, shiny rock, d6 dolls made from roots, d6 beer bottles, bag of berries and mushrooms for d4 days of food

will add some other non halfling subclass reskins including kobolds and goblins

Prime Requisite: Will; high score grants additional spells
d6HD/3 (Average4)
Arms 3/3 Arts 4/2 Languages 2d4/2
Any armour
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 4 levels
Any Weapon except 2H melee weapons
Start Equipment: all weapons skilled with 20 shots of ammo if any, tool kits for skills, chain armour, hooded cloak, common robe, wine skin, d4 sacks, d6 days food, flints, hat, lantern, lamp oil 3d6x10gp
Prerequisite Will Bonus provides extra spell like abilities vary per gnome type

Gnome Abilities
60-90cm tall
-4 To be hit by larger than human giants, trolls and ogres
-2 To be hit by human size or medium size creatures
Dark Vision can see and fight in dark but difficult to see written word, artworks, details
Gnomes can choose a single spell list from
-arcane as a wizard (gain and use spells as sorcerer)
-nature as a druid
 (gain and use spells as sorcerer)
-divine as a cleric
 (gain and use spells as sorcerer)
-mentalism as a mystic
 (gain and use spells as sorcerer)
-gain one new spell and change a previous known spell 
per level 
Gnome prerequisite Will bonus ability
+1= extra 1st Change to form of a small animal once per day, hour per level
+2= extra 1st Change 
to form of a small animal twice per day, hour per level
+3= extra 2nd become Invisible as spell
, hour per level or until cast or attack
-each shape shifting ability must choose single form like rabbit, turtle, raven, hedgehog
-sub classes have various versions of this or specific animal forms-some have alternate powers

1 Forest Gnome Subclass

Arms - Hand Axe, Dagger, Short Bow
Arts - Beast Lore, Plant Lore, Survival, Track
+1 Point Blank +2 Shoot into Melee +3 Weapon Expert
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level  Befriend Tiny Animal, Calm Beast, Predict Weather, Detect Animal
-First Level  Animal Summoning
Prerequisite Bonuses

-as default, typical forms are badgers, rabbits, pigeon, hedgehog, wild cat, fox, mink, deer, salmon, squirrel, pig, possum
Forest guardians who live with animals and in harmony with nature
, cheerful and jolly
Wear furs and bark often have small animal pet

2 Deep Gnome Subclass

Arms - Pick, Dagger, Light Crossbow
Arts - Mining, Mechanical Lore, Repair,
+1 Quick Draw (bolt) +2 Toughness +3 Blind Fighting
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level  Smoke Puff, Snuff Light, Grease, Glue
-First Level Sleep
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are huge worms, mole, newt, toad, bat, huge cricket, albino fish or cave lobster 
Underland dwellers, living sad and melancholic lives in the darkness, good with machines
Wear armour and dress for war, often carry whistling kettle

3 Hill Gnome Subclass

Arms - Pick, Dagger, Short Bow
Arts - Mining, Carry Load, Endurance, Quartermaster
+1 Point Blank +2 Shoot into Melee +3 Weapon Expert
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Create Meal, Dirt, Gust of Wind, Sprout
-First Level Run Like wind 
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are dog, hare, goat, turkey, wild cat, pheasant, pigeon, sheep
Hill and grassland dwellers, 
wary but kind
Commoner clothes and pointy hats

4 River Gnome Subclass
Arms - Hand Axe, Dagger, Javelin
Arts - Swim, Hold Breath, Boating, Spot
+1 Quick Draw +2  Moving Fire +3 Dodge
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Purify Food & Water, Predict Weather, Create Drink, Animate Pipe Smake
-First Level Slow Poison 
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are beaver, pike, water rat, duck, marsh hen, ibis, frog, otter, turtle, salamander, eel, crayfish
Marsh and wetland dwellers, shy and elusive
Commoner oilskins and carry fishing line, hooks and fish traps

5 High Gnome
Arms - Small Sword, Dagger, Light Crossbow
Arts - Streetwise, Bluff, Sneak, Hide
+1 Point Blank +2 Quick Draw +3 Shoot into Melee
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Candle Light, Clean, Smoke Puff, Whisper
-First Level Sleep  
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are giant rat, dog, cat, goat, pig, huge cocroach, carp, pigeon, chicken, rabbit, raven
City and farmland dwellers shy and elusive

Clothes of city craftsman with apron, 4 daggers

6 Rock Gnome Subclass

Arms - Hammer, Dagger, Light Crossbow
Arts - Mining, Jeweler, Lock Lore, Trap Lore
+1 Weapon Expert +2 Toughness +3 Alchemy
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Candle Light, Spark, Acid, Coin
-First Level Alarm
Prerequisite Bonuses -instead of turning into animals turn into a rock and have no need to breathe in rock form-instead of Invisibility have Knock once per day
Greedy, suspicious, tough, miners who keep treasures locked and trapped

Miners clothes with pick, hammer, 2d6 iron spikes, bag of ore samples, helmet with lamp

7 Sand Gnome

Arms - Small Sword, Dagger, Short Bow
Arts - Survival, Find Water, Track, Spot
+1 Weapon Expert +2 Toughness +3 Alchemy
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Candle Light, Ignite, Smoke Puff, Palm Size Illusion
-First Level Magic Missile
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are rabbit, jackal, falcon, snake, toad, huge locust, scarab, dove -instead of Invisibility turn into Gaseous Film one turn per level
Secretive guardians of forbidden ruins in desert lands

Robes, camel, d6 days feed, urn with weeks water, 6 daggers, turban or head scarf, two small curved swords or sickle swords

8 Jungle Gnome

Arms - Club, Dagger, Blowpipe
Arts - Poison Lore, Survival, Track, Trap Lore
+1 Shoot Into Melee +2 Point Blank +3 Quick Draw
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level  Holy Berry, Cauterize, Ignite, Smoke Puff
-First Level  Animal Summoning 1
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are sloth, spider monkey, pig, dog, dodo, toucan, parrot, frog, snake
Guardians of jungle ruins

Loin cloth, money in ivory necklaces, face paint, dart venom

9 Plague Gnome Subclass
Arms - Dart, Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Poison Lore, Plague Lore, Sneak, Hide
+1 Marksman +2 Point Blank +3 Quick Draw
Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Detect Disease, Detect Poison, Dirt, Conjure Tiny Animal
-First Level Venom Bite
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are various giant bugs, rats, huge mosquitoes, ticks, flies
Spread diseases and sabotage civilization, covered in sores

Wear filthy grave shrouds, with ingested poison bottle, diseased fluid in bottle, 4 daggers

10 Hill Troll
Arms - Dart, Dagger, Club
Arts - Sneak, Hide, Spot, Listen
Point Blank +2  Quick Draw +3 Cleave
Typical Starting Spells (Nature)
-Zero Level Candle Light, Snuff Light, Scare, Strike
-First Level Magic Stone
Prerequisite Bonuses -as default, typical forms are goat, wild cat, dog, pig, sheep, raven
Hide mostly from mortals but becoming more open as world increasingly invaded by evil
Small cauldron, wooden bucket wooden spoon, fur cloak, woven coarse robes, gnarled club, 2d6 darts in quiver

Probably Start Laying out book over Dec
Skill and spells main task for a basick players book
lots of stuff cut out from my overly big lists in past
fully sick advanced book will have
-monk, druid, bard, sorcrer
-abhuman (beastmen), tako, giant, changeling (spirit folk)
-nature spell list
-sample builds up to 20th lv
-more sub classes

Later book again will have
-more sf stuff

Would like to do shamen, alchemy, witch, and something
abandoned idea for ranger and paladin and assassin
have to do everything in lots of 4 for some reason

Saturday 24 November 2018

EMO Class Skills 3 Dwarves & Elves

So more of my bastardizations of BX

Firstly Ive messed with alignment before

I have listed specific conduct and possible taboos for main alignments before
will revise these more to include prejudice, intolerance, charity and other shenanigans

nuetral is more or less self interested but prone to juggling good vs evil
too much good or evil hurts you and costs everyone
nuetral aim at avoiding conflict outside own immediate interests

balance try to keep law and chaos in harmonious balance for all
too much law or chaos causes disharmony and destruction
balanced aim at keeping extremes in check

 ⃣  Good><Evil  ⃣
 ⃣  LG  ⃣  LE  ⃣  CG  ⃣  CE
 ⃣   Law><Chaos  ⃣


Core alignments L C G E N B
Compound alignments LE LG CG CE come into conflict with neutral and balanced types
might alter the graphic to be more yin yang but not a swastika
not sure yet but happy with the mandala look
might try do a planar one too...

allows ten alignments to fit on a d10 too

Will present detailed lists of permissible conduct

So this is my task table

for saves and skill checks
optional add level to stat before calculation for easier time if you think is too mean

Prime requisite starts as seasoned for saves
-others require character to select a art to improve and are amateur
-clerics best at saving vs mind control save
-fighters best at saving vs entangle save
-wizard best at saving vs puzzle save
-rogue best at saving vs evasion save
-dwarf best at saving vs poison save
A skill slot in appropriate art makes a character seasoned
-no skill slot in appropriate art is amateur
Rolls based on rolling under stats
-auto always succeed
-full uses whole stat
-1/2 stat uses half
-Bonus requires roll under attribute bonus if any

stat of 18 half 9 bonus 3
stat of 15 half 8 bonus 1
stat of 9 half 5 bonus 0

i kind have used this for a while but this is formal and simple

i wanted saves to be harder also
centipede poison easy
giant scorpion average
phase spider hard

This is harsher than what i have been using but then i have this mechanic
Partly created to give Will (WIS) bonus something to do for non clerics

Luck Points - second chances

You can pull feats of persistence by sheer will or is it the grace of the gods after all?
Your foresight and persistence get you though stuff

Can have one plus Will bonus number of second chances per session +1
Rogues get one per level
you can spend a art slot to get one more

you can spend these points on:
1) heal 1d4 damage, use this to stop bleeding if below zero HP
2) reroll any dice roll once per session
3) change one spell in your memory to another with superior hindsight
4) have one piece of common equipment you ‘almost’ forgot to bring

possible to use my card bonus system and trade luck points for cards
but that's another story

A few notes here to on exotic arms skills

Anyone can learn one weapon expert skill (+1 hit and damage on chosen weapon)
-fighters and demihumans can learn multiple weapon expert skills
fighters and demihumans  can learn one weapon master +2 or weapon specialization +3
Anyone can learn one rank of critical hits (20) to do roll a extra dice damage
-all fighters start with one rank
-fighters and demihumans can learn additional ranks in critical hits at higher levels


Prime Requisite: Vigor; high score grants additional arts
d12HD/3 /
(Average 7)

Arms 3/2 Arts 4/2 Languages 2d4/3
Any armour
-2 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 3 levels
Any Weapon except 2H melee weapons
Start Equipment: all weapons skilled with 20 shots of ammo if any, tool kits for skills, chain armour, hooded cloak, common robe, 
wine skin, d4 sacks, d6 days iron rations, flints, hat, lantern, lamp oil, 3d6x10gp

Prerequisite Vigor Bonus provides extra Arts +1 Blacksmith +2 Alchemy +3 Blackpowder

Dwarf Abilities
120cm Tall 90cm wide, squat and stout
Males and females have beards and other races cant tell apart easily

-3 base move but carry add Vigor to Might for encumbrance calculations
Dark Vision can see and fight in dark but difficult to see written word, artworks, details
-4 To be hit by larger than human giants, trolls and ogres
Can learn magical arts
-not to do with enhancing spells or familiars
-yes to crafting magic items and weapons and armour
-yes to cantrips, extra luck points, resisting magic, etc
Can learn improved arms skills on axes, swords, crossbows or gun
can spend extra arms slot on critical hit at 6th, 12th, 18th
-can learn multiple weapon expert skills, weapon master and weapon specialist skills

8th and 16th gain one extra attack per round with a axe
12th level bump weapon damage up to next higher dice with any axe

1 Mountain Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Medium Crossbow, Hand Axe
Arts - Architecture, Mining, Listen, Drinking
+1 Weapon Expert (Battle Axe) +2 Fastdraw (Hand Axe) +3 Cleve

Dwarves from under the mountain and hill kingdoms with ruddy skin and brown beards

2 Dark Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Medium Crossbow, Hand Axe
Arts - Forgery, Taunt, Sneak, Hide
Shoot Into Melee +2 Brawling +3 Armour Optimise

Most bitter, greedy and evil dwarves banished from homelands and live in the deeps with 
steel grey hair and palid grey skin

3 Wild Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Short Bow, Hand Axe
Arts - Survival, Track, Scout, Spot
Point Blank +2 Bowyer/Fletcher +3 Dodge
Most bitter, greedy and evil dwarves banished from homelands and live in the deeps with ruddy skin and red beards

4 Cave Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Dart, Hand Axe
Arts - Climb, Sneak, Hide, Masonry
Point Blank +2 Shoot Into Melee +3 Dodge
Hairy savage dwarves who still use stone tools and wear furs, dwell in glacial caverns with black beards

5 High Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Musket, Hand Axe
Arts - Poetry, Mechanical Lore, Gunsmith, Merchant
Point Blank +2 Shoot Into Melee +3 Dodge
Advanced mechanical dwarves who use guns and worship the holy cog of law, relativity friendly traders and merchants

6 Fire Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Javelin, Hand Axe
Arts - Elemental Lore, Jeweler, Incendiary, Fire Making
+1 Weapon Expert (Battle Axe)
 +2 Fast Draw (Javelin) +3 Handgun 
Dwarves from the elemental plane of fire who mine the depths for precious minerals to eat, mostly avoid humans with dark red skin and orange or yellow beards

7 Earth Dwarf Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Sling, Hand Axe
Arts - Elemental Lore, Mining, Endurance, Run Marathon
 Weapon Expert (Battle Axe) +2 Armour Optimise +3 Cleave
Dwarves from the elemental plane of earth who mine the depths for precious minerals to eat, mostly avoid humans with dark brown skin and beards

8 Morlock Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Hand Gun, Hand Axe
Arts - Mechanical Lore, Repair, Butcher, Feasting 

+1 Weapon Expert (Battle Axe) +2 Brawling +3 Haft Attack 
Evil race of cannibal dwarves, often rainbow hued skin and hair most frequently blue with white hair

9 Derro Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Hand Crossbow, Chain
Arts - Poison Lore, Torture, Intimidate, Trap Lore 

+1 Brawling +2 Entangle +3 Disarm 
Evil race of dwarves who hate other life and worship cruelty often with grey or blue skin and shock of white hair

 Tunnel Troll Subclass
Arms - Battle Axe, Sling, Hand Axe
Arts - Ancient Lore, Feasting, Climb, Sneak
Weapon Expert (Battle Axe)  +2 Toughness +3 Incendiary
Hairy kin of giants and dwarves, often at war with mountain dwarves, mostly unknown to humans*

*Troll Reskins could include Halfling=Hedge or Barn or Stove Troll, Elf=High Troll, Gnome=Guardian Troll, Abhuman=Great Troll

Prime Requisite: Charm; high score grants additional spells
d6HD/1 /
(Average 4)

Arms 2/2 Arts 6/2 Languages 2d4/2
Any armour
-2 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 3 levels
Any Weapon
Start Equipment: all weapons skilled with 20 shots of ammo if any, tool kits for skills, chain armour, hooded cloak, noble robe, 
wine skin, d4 sacks, d6 days elven rations, flints, pointy hat, lantern, lamp oil, 3d6x10gp

Prerequisite Charm Bonus provides extra Spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd

Elf Abilities
As tall as human but leaner and lighter build
Males and females androgynous at first glance

Dark Vision can see and fight in dark but difficult to see written word, artworks, details
Elves can choose a single spell list from
-arcane as a wizard (gain spells as wizard or as a sorcerer)
-nature as a druid
-divine as a cleric
-mentalism as a mystic
-gain one new spell per level
Can learn improved arms skills on any bows or swords
can spend extra arms slot on critical hit at 7th, 14th
-can learn weapon expert skills, weapon master and weapon specialist skills 
9th and 18th gain one extra attack per round on any bows or swords
14th level bump weapon damage up to next higher dice on any bow or sword

1 Bright Elf Subclass

Arms - Sword, Composite Bow
Arts - First Aid, Magic Lore, Ancient Lore, Herbalism, Spot, Listen
+1 Fast Draw (Arrow) +2 Point Blank +3 Shoot into Melee
Typical Starting Spells (Arcane)

-Zero Level Sparkles, Flavour, Scent, Arouse 
-First Level Magic Missile, Light, Charm Person
-Second Level Mirror Image
Good faerie folk who dwell in hills and forests and serve the light, with gold or silver or copper skin and hair

2 Dark Elf Subclass
Arms - Sword, Composite Bow
Arts - Poison Lore, Magic Lore, Ancient Lore, Evil Eye, Sneak, Hide
+1 Fast Draw (Arrow) +2 Point Blank +3 Shoot into Melee
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Animate Tiny Animal, Snuff Light, Scare
-First Level Mask, Darkness, Charm Person                                              
-Second Level Invisibility
Wicked faerie folk who live in dark woods and caverns and serve the shadows, often jet black or violet or grey or albino skin and hair

3 Eldren Subclass

Arms - Sword, Hand Gun
Arts - Planar Lore, Magic Lore, Ancient Lore,  Astrology, Balance, Acrobatics
+1 Moving Fire +2 Brawling +3 Fast Draw (Hand Gun)
Typical Starting Spells (Arcane)

-Zero Level Stun, Open*, Detect Magic, Detect Direction
-First Level Sleep, Floating Disc, Fog Cloud                                              
-Second Level ESP
Travel other worlds
 and serve the quest for magic knowledge, with coloured hair and skin in any rainbow hue

4 Sylvan Elf 

Arms - Sword, Long Bow
Arts - Plant Lore, Beast Lore, Ancient Lore, Track, Survival, Marathon
+1 Moving Fire +2 Point Blank +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells (Nature)

-Zero Level Calm Beast, Cauterise, Sting, Healing Berry
-First Level Animal Summoning 1, Spider Climb, Speak to Animals                                         
-Second Level Summon Swarm
Live in forests and woodlands and serve nature with green tinted skin with leaves for hair with seasonal flowers

Outsider Subclass (Grey)
Arms - Sword, Hand Gun
Arts - Astrology, Navigate, Cryptography, Sneak, Spot, Run Away
+1 Alchemy +2 Repair +3 Illumination
Typical Starting Spells (Arcane)

-Zero Level Calm Detect Evil, Cure Petty Wound, Disrupt Undead, Holy Aura
-First Level Magic Missile, Mask, Sleep                                   
-Second Level Levitate
Live beyond the sky and serve alien gods, grey skin, large black eyes, hairless, pointed skulls

Celestial Subclass

Arms - Sword, Short Bow
Arts - Magic Lore, Ancient Lore,  Astrology, Holy Lore, Spot, Dance
+1 First Aid +2 Healing +3 Lay Hands
Typical Starting Spells (Divine)

-Zero Level Calm Detect Evil, Cure Petty Wound, Disrupt Undead, Holy Aura
-First Level Cure Light Wounds, Light, Bless                                      
-Second Level Hold Person
Live in paradise and serve the gods of good, alabaster or ivory skin and hair, some have feathers for hair

7 Diabolic Subclass

Arms - Sword, Dagger
Arts - Occult Lore, Ancient Lore, Carousing, Bluff, Seduce, Streetwise
+1 Sleight +2 Brawling +3 Escapology
Typical Starting Spells (Arcane)

-Zero Level Calm Detect Good, Smoke Puff, Coin, Wizard Hand
-First Level Burning Hands, Charm Person, Magic Missile                                   
-Second Level Fire Shuriken
Live in hell and serve devils, have tails, yellow or red or orange or jet black skin and hair

8 Serpentine Subclass
Arms - Sword, Short Bow
Arts - Occult Lore, Ancient Lore, Evil Eye, Hypnotism, Dragon Lore, Plane Lore
+1 Disguise +2 Bluff +3 Lip Reading
Typical Starting Spells (Arcane)

-Zero Level Wizard Hand, Whisper, Palm Size Illusion, Spark 
-First Level  Shocking Grasp, Charm Person, Mask                                   
-Second Level Mirror Image
Reptilian race of ancient wizards and conquerors, now fallen and hidden. W
ith reptilian eyes, snout, forked tongue, hairless and scaly

9 Blood Elf Subclass
Arms - Sword, Short Bow
Arts - Occult Lore, Ancient Lore, Evil Eye, Hypnotism, Butchery, Torture
+1 Disguise +2 Bluff +3 Lip Reading
Typical Starting Spells (Divine)

-Zero Level Detect Life, Calm Person, Stun, Open
-First Level Command, Know History, Hide Alignment        
-Second Level Silence Sphere
Race of fallen evil elves who drink blood and eat flesh of humanoids, they are pale albinos who once ruled and empire of dark magic

10 Bone Elf Subclass

Arms - Sword, Short Bow
Arts - Occult Lore, Ancient Lore, Trance, Alchemy, Sneak, Hide
+1 Quick Draw (arrow) +2 Point Blank +3 
Shoot into Melee
-Zero Level Exterminate Pest, Scare, Animate Tiny Animal, Snuff Light
-First Level Feign Death, Cause Fear, Ghost Light    
-Second Level  False Life
These are necromancer tainted wicked fallen scrawny elves with with yellowed or grey semi transparent flesh who practice foulest magics, most live underground in hiding