Sunday, 9 February 2025

Gamelog: Genesis of the Pepperpot Borgs

Todays party were thinking of going to investigate the new orc vampire-tree cult they possibly accidentally started but one player mentioned a map and a key they took from Orcus or Worm cults. So that shouldn't take long to check out.

Arsh the dog man (abhuman4 druid2) and his now dire wolf size dog
The preist of light Lv6 and several followers (the god squad)
The man with no name a scavengers guild boss Lv6 and his loyal ratmadchen pal Rat Sonya

They drove their car up to the dungeon and left Balzac the flesh golem and four guards who roiad on the runners outside the car. They were rear guard and could get help if needed.

Found the bunker door inside and opened it barging into a secret black magic bunker where the ancient allies tried to copy magic of the Black Sphere or modify captured devices.

Immediately inside were these masked soldiers with rifles that took lost of carnage to get past the fortified gatehouse and kill more soldiers that melted into black sludge. A human-looking commander fled and one of the lumbering masked humanoid troopers fled into a morgue and the party located it hiding among the dead with magic and killed int. They finished the fleeing leader begging at locked security doors while an alarm sounded. The party used acid to bypass a steel door from outside and went through into a sealed area and saw-through windows these conical pepperpot machines glide over the ground and head towards the entrance. They held the door they cut through with acid and got ready. As the long-winded machines talked about what they were doing loudly the party opened the door. Rat Sonya and the nameless man with ready fuses threw grenades and the god squad fired crossbows. The machines exploded when killed and several retreated.

Party went back to the window they first saw creatures and went through to ambush the machines as they tried to get back to their security door. Was quite a bit of destruction and Arsh got shot by the creatures SMG arm badly. They tended to get in each others way lots and exploded harming their peers.

After they began looting a voice came over the intercom offering 3k gp if they would leave in gnome gold bullion. The party were interested and the man with no name was happy to break deal and kill them later. The priest was troubled but when it was revealed the gold was contaminated with poison and diseases he decided the bad faith deal was void and they were an evil threat not worthy of honourable treatment. The party were 75% down with healing spells depleted. So the went home. The priest's dwarf sidekick worked on purifying the cursed gold. 

They returned two days later.

This time they tailgated a spider automaton scout returning and killed a bunch of clone infantry. These weaker human clone troops were killed rapidly and they finished two more pepperpots and the robot spider that had the boss brain inside. Killed two cyborg scientists who were tricky too.

Returned home with gold, documents and lab equipment and torched the bunker and its vats of black liquid living necrotic beings and vats of brain they were putting in the pepperpot automatons. Got even more gold bars.  Apparently, the scientists here were tormenting creatures to serve them. After 2 days rest they went to Marsh Village and planned to take a peak in the cavern behind the waterfall. There was a vast cave with a lake, swamp, fungus, a train station and a village of gnomes and goblins. Met some slavers and helped them fight ghouls but were resistant to preaching. The party chatted but eventually bought all the slaves and returned home to free them to join their village. Learned plenty and wanted to wipe out the slavers but avoided a fight this time. They will meet again soon.

Meanwhile...Absent giant of the party Nebor has been building stuff.
Set up a temple of light, scavenger guild, and market courtyard in the outpost.
Building village defence walls, turnip shed, drystone waist high walls around crops, hog yards and pens. Might end up Turnipton even though some cabbage and hog farmers not in the cult
Caravan-inn probably next - the party specialise in variety of food types

Adding defences and barbed wire to the demon ichor rig on the lake as Slavers demon ichor fueled paddlesteamer (its a golem boat too) has been testing the defences. A dozen scavengers here with daily transfers and training new guildmembers in boating and swimming. 

Local priests of light are stockpiling holy water and want to reverse pump holy water into the demon to kill it. Aome considered the Slavers paddleboat might be worth stealing and using in the cause of killing ,more slavers. Some worry if the demon wont die it might have a disaster-scale monster rampage. The man with no name considered Bogrump might help but the Party priest says no a petty turnip god cant kill a prehistoric demon god from beyond. 

Turnip cult has been growing and thriving adding 24 villagers to the community and their turnip shrine is growing. A maypole with a turnip is in top and turnip scare crows watch the offerings to Bogrump and his alter

Players liked killing Daleks - a bit inspired by Genesis of the Daleks and a map I doodled quickly.

Oops, a few more weeks of the new orc evil tree cult left to grow worse.
Oh my perhaps now the party will have to fight through the gatehouse.
Party consider train rides into Chagrinspire.

Considering a talking phase zero for combat to sort of declare, help each other and boast vs enemies. 

Friday, 7 February 2025

Your Local Scavengers

Scavengers are the most common inhabitants of the wasteland.
Most are human rogues but some other classes for muscle or magic happen

also see

d12 Scavenger Origin
1 Refugee rural folk fleeing war
2 Refugee folk from city poverty and crime
3 Refugee escaped slaves
4 Bandits who quit or failed
5 Crime gang survivors in exile
6 Inbred clan here for generations
7 Merchants stranded here of failed venture
8 Miners came here to dig up loot
9 Crusader deserters fled army
10 Foriegn deserters flle homeland
11 Cultists whose cults mostly failed and died
12 Mutants or Nonhuman

d12 Scavenger Non-Humans
1 Dwarf 
2 Elf or changelings
3 Halfling 
4 Gnome
5 Giant or ogre
 Orc d4 1=barbarian 2=cyclops orc 3=ex black sphere orcs 4=orc bandits from a famous kingdom
 Abhuman beast folk d4 1=reptilian 2=rat 3=hyena 4=fish 5=frog 6=insect
Abhuman elemental folk d4 1=air 2=earth 3=fire 4=water 5=frost 6=stone

d12 Scavenger Home
1 Homeless desperate for shelter
 Nomads with tents wandering
3 Nomads with seasonal camps  
4 Wagon nomads
5 Beast herders 
- often mudhogs
6 Camp clan moving from ruin to ruin
7 Scavengers guild outpost 
8 Gang hideout in ruin or trench dugout
9 Underground dig site or cave or tunnel
10 Ancient bunker complex
11 Village with crude shacks
12 Ancient street of houses and shops

d12 Scavenger Arms
1 Rock or stick
Shank or cestus
3 Dagger or bayonet
4 Club or hatchet
5 Iron bar or chain
6 Crossbow or shortbow
7 Musket or flintlock pistol
8 Spear or three javelins
9 Sling or dozen darts
10 Ancient small sword
Ancient cavalry sword
12 Pole axe or fire axe

d12 Scavenger Dress
Base cover of wrappings and bandages all over
1 Hooded cloak camouflaged with mud
2 Webbing with lots of hooks for tools and pouches
3 Gasmask
 or Goggles
4 Knee or shoulder or elbow pads
5 Scarf with a weighted end
6 Army boots with gators
7 Trench coat
8 Coat made of patchwork blankets
9 Animal furs, the giant rat is common
10 Woven hair vest or shirt
11 Leather patchwork armour
12 Steel army helmet or cap

d12 Scavenger Stuff
Coil of rope and some kind of grapple
2 Boathook or pole
3 Folding trench tool
4 Hand tool or can opener
5 Ration pack of ancient tinned meals
6 Tin of cigarettes and a lighter
7 Hipflask with rum or brandy
8 Ancient well-read book or magazine
9 First aid kit
10 Pocket watch or ancient locket
11 Purse with ancient grubby coins d6 cp, sp and gp  
12 Healing potion d4 save vs addiction each use

d12 Scavenger Food
Bottle of d6 1=beer 2=gingerbeer 3=sasparilla 4=whorehound 5=wine 6=rum
2 Tin of d6 1=pea soup 2=baked beans 3=beets 4=peaches 5=pears 6=fruitcake
3 Tin of d4 1=fruit bonbons 2=winegums 3=mints 4=musks 5=turkish delight 6=chocolate
4 Dried fish, some look odd, in bundles of a d6
5 Rat 1in6 giant rats d4 1=jerky 2=kebab or smoked rat or
6 Cured mud hog bacon only a bit whiffy
7 Cured dried hog sausage some are blood sausages
8 Ancient Tinned CRAMMO luncheon meat like substitute
9 Tinned alchemist gruel synthetic food
10 Pickled cabbage plus d6 1=berries 2=apple 3=hogfat 4=onions
11 Bunch of root vegetables d6 1=turnip 2=carrot 3=beetroot 4=parsnips 5=swedes 6=tubers
12 Pickled food d6 1=centipedes 2=earthworms 3=mystery eggs 4=turnip 5=dill gherkins 6=picklebug larvae
d12 Persoanl Knickknacks
1 Pipe and marsh weed or pack of cigarettes and a lighter
2 Tin of pills d4 1=headache 2=bromide & salt 3=terminal cancer patient meds 4=water purifier treats 10L poison to eat - fail take 2d4 hp and -2 nausea for d4 hours if save violently vomit immediately
3 Mirror possibly just a broken piece of a larger one or a shiny metal object
4 Tatoo kit with needles and ink in a cloth roll
5 Collection of d6 items of trench art
6 Book of sad war poems and drawings
7 Manual of popular Nullist philosophy that makes readers melancholic for a d6 days
8 Ancient alchemical drawing (anemographic print) images with uncanny realism
9 Collection of d6 postcards d4 1=saucy seaside 2=what the butler saw 3=exotic lands 4=victorious battle scene or heroic death
10 Idol of a friendly dark gnome smiling moneybox with 6d6 cp and a d6 sp
11 Rat traps d6 or a pigeon net
12 Collection of 2d6 cigarette cards various series d6 1=golems at work 2=monsters of the world 3=monoarchs of the allies 4=gods of the world 5=mighty monuments of the world 6=patriotic pinups doing their part

d12 Gang Special Features
1 Golem war machine in hiding or a Golem engine working day and night
2 Alchemy lab usually for alcohol or fuel or illegal potions
3 Experts with black powder weapons and making their own powder
4 Gardeners have a secret patch of green vegetation or a fungal cave
5 Secret holy shine with a magic pool or idol 
6 Single magic ancient magic intelligent weapons they mostly keep hidden and use rarely
7 Unexploded artillery explosive shell stockpile for emergencies
8 Allied to a non-human faction who come to aid if signal made
9 Keep unusual monster pets d4 1=rust beast 2=eagleboar 3=tentacle panther 4=carrion worm 5=mutant wolves 6=chaos mutant goat
10 Know many secret tunnels and passages to cross dangerous surface areas
11 Trade with many tribes and clans
12 Mutants among them, mutagens near home base or food supply

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Some More Reviews

I had a friend ask about the Original Adventures Reincarnated series
So I'm going through the series here and a few other Titles
Im also awaiting Caverns of Thracia Volume
The traps one I'm not into as I got a slightly older version and its not me

I will rate today's books with up to 4 of these 😇😈 in the fields of

Vol1 Into The Borderlands B1B2
Vol2 The Isle of Dread X1
Vol3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks S3
Vol4 The Lost City
Vol5 Castle Amber
Vol6 Temple of Elemental Evil T1-4
Vol7 Dark Tower

I would have like Saltmarsh, 
The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, Against the Cult of the Reptile God, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, I liked Tomb of the Lizard King as a lad.
Lost Caverns of Tsojanth + The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun as both share wilderness in one book would be good
Gary's murderhobo in wonderland books would have been funny in one book

Vol1 Into The Borderlands B1B2

Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
A first solid entry with some good extra content and 5th ed adaption
Reprinting two books twice slightly draining but complete
Running as a single dungeon might be good and not too huge

Vol2 The Isle of Dread X1
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
I wish all were as good as this. In this, the reprint shows the leap in design between versions and the new content is superior plus amazing art

Vol3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks S3
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
New content is soso and has new monsters they revolve around not illustrated, plus stat blocks and no lore on monsters an plenty of room they could have had a bit. Its a great classic but I always found flawed as a dungeon. Without the weird space stuff its a meat grinder. The book emphasizes the time limit more, which is good, but killing 300 vegepygmies is a lot of rolling. The monsters of S3 in the MM2 should have had robots and androids, the game would have been better for it. Not a great adaption but nice to have and maps that are not wrong.

Vol4 The Lost City
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Great adaption and art. The articles are great and one of the best fleshed out into a mega dungeon books in series. I love poledancing goblins art. There are multiple other fan made versions expanding the dungeon available and they are definitely add more to history of the book and the culture of lost city people. Zargon is a great D&D evil godling. 

Vol5 Castle Amber
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
The have made a great guide to the family making the adventure run more easily. Proto ravenloft should have been put in there later. Great Clark Ashton Smith decadence and undeath. Possibly might work as DnD5 well as scenes are wildly different and cinematic.

Vol6 Temple of Elemental Evil T1-4
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Its nice and completist and possibly id have liked maybe more sub-level or something detailing the cult more. The elemental nodes are better and the maps are nice. I know this adventure way too well and I'm satisfied but would like more new stuff.

Vol7 Dark Tower
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Its good and has lots of content for a high level egyptian/middle east campaign maybe after desert of Desolation or The Lost City. It is a classic and the three-vol version shows the original well and I like the new maps. Lots of content and a classic. Made me like something I might have snubbed from the paper stock in 83.

The Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Its freaking huge, bigger than the original and way beyond what I expected for value and size. Bigger than the core rule book. If you run any post poc mutant punk games this will give you ideas and ready to use content. I dare say its the best Post Apoc setting in production. I might get those last few monster books.

Not a dungeon dept-------------------------

Grim Hollow Monster Grimoire 2021
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Its a big fat horror monster book that makes me curious about new versions but its pretty nice looking monster book. Mostly usable even though has some blocks of stats for subclasses in game I don't have book for (but I've seen for some ok prices). It could fit in ravenloft or even the victorian version in many cases and plenty for a regular d&d setting. A few names I disliked but lots of imaginative creatures and some body horror beyond what D&D normally does. Oddly I have lots of tentacled cult weirdo minis. Whole new types of weird stuff and grossness without being tacky.  

I like some of the mega dungeon changes to species
Stonehell trolls are great and I like lots
Arden Vul has weird trolls too

Sunday, 2 February 2025

d12 More Deep Gnome Philosophies & Spies


The gnomes of the underland are pale grey, with large black eyes, most are hairless though some may have beards in certain roles.

Underland Gnomes can turn invisible a number of times per day per level as the spell which is cancelled when they cast a spell or attack or pick up an object or drop an object. Most use mentalism and many learn arts to make their spells invisible. 

Gnomes may trade their flat bread and mushroom beer which is known to keep well, be mostly nutritious (lacking in a few things humans should have) but cause meloncholia almost immediately. Gnomes may sell their advanced magical devices or potions. 

Over the ages, Gnomes have developed these major schools of philosophy which exist in various proportions in their cities. 

Many treat these like guilds in human civilisation and refer to them as the Grey Guilds or the 12 Glooms. Various factions are in and out of favour in different periods. Many of the world's grey gnomes are in small communities and often thrall to other beings. Their own cities are ruled by councils where these philosophies are seen the most. Various factions have been allied or enemies in the past. They have all varied from inward to expansionistic in various eras. 

Gnomes don't know much or care much about the surface but do dislike the idea of Chagrinspire falling down and creating a massive earthquake above them. The ones who do know of the Black Sphere think them silly and wasteful. 

The Black sphere are most associated with Nullist but they may have employed other factions for certain skills or data or machines.

d12 More Deep Gnome Philosophies
1 Nullism 
(NE) - the universe is bleak and disappointing and souls are recycled by rebirth and among the planes so only destroying all existence through all time will free liberate us from suffering and illusion. Some extremists went to the surface and founded the Order of the Black Sphere. They recruited ancient human alchemy guilds and disappointed cultists of the outer gods who betrayed and enslaved their former masters for the black sphere. The members who live in the deep think Chagrinspire is rushing it too much and giving a false promise of cosmic annihilation 

2 Nodalism 
(LN) - all living beings are part of a vast computational array and only by contemplating maths and divination can one gain an understanding of the universe. Nodal monasteries undergo calculations of vast numbers to uncover secrets of the universe and to coerce lawful planar beings to reveal their secrets. Nodalists believe in teamwork over the individual as they favour collective will. They like to compile data and survey their members to determine how best to benefit the most people so their research can thrive into the future. Many people think they are boring but many thrive in gnomish government

3 Necrometrics (LE) - undead can be used to make computational engines but a vast area and number of undead are required. This school at most extreme conceives of all humanoids being rendered into undead running computations forever. Undead hold left or right arms or both and are given orders to respond to other undead arm positions for computations. They like to use undead for all kinds of industrial and domestic purposes and practice taxidermy on them to make them not smelly or fall apart

4 Machinists (LN) legalist materialists who hope to undo antiquated customs and traditions. They include the possibility of destroying gods and uniting all peoples under a single legal framework administered by golems and thinking automatons that cannot lie or be corrupt. They are popular with workers for their anti-royalty and rich stance. Seizing the automatons of the the powerful autocrats and subverting them to the workers of Machinism is one of their goals. Machinist agents travel the world freeing automatons and workers and spreading their ideas

5 Alchemetronism (LN) is interested in alchemical research and believes it will be able to make gold and silver worthless or other wild schemes to manipulate global metal prices forever. They believe in using alchemy without limits and they create golems and automatons but also human clones, orcs, abhumans and other monsters. Interesting creatures they capture and torment on industrial scales to make exotic ingredients but also sell them to dungeon keepers. Fund many strange research projects like making fake dragons, reconstructing dinosaurs and lost life, fusing married couples into 8-limbed hermaphrodites and other worthy projects 

6 Psychogeographers (N) a college of masters of mentalism and training people in powers of the mind. There is even a secret school for spies or where psionics are banned). They will infiltrate other peoples to spread mentallism. Some are terrible frauds. The organisation claims to shun gnome politics and teach for the sake of knowledge. They place experts in key positions and influence gnomes of all government stations. They also are paid by merchants for advantageous divination so they make good money as information dealers. They think interest in planar beings is for subservient simpletons and may aid anti-deity plans of other sects. They recruit young gnomes with promises of ultimate power without restraint

7 Archeogeographers (CN) once roamed the world raiding exotic peoples for magic, artwork and books. Now they catalogue and process the data they obtained then in hopes of informing future conquerers in a future age. While a shadow of their golden age they still operate vehicles, and machines for travel and send expeditions across the world cataloguing threats or stuff to steal. They operate museums and libraries of their collections and works. They operate secret secure labs in isolated places for stolen magic research

8 Harmonians (LN) study maths and music and use them to deconstruct matter and control the universe. Have an elaborate theory of souls transmission, reincarnation and music. One of their projects was to summon planar beings and unravel their existence with music and songs of uncreation. They believe this vacuum left in the cosmos allows mortal souls to ascend to other planes more freely. They are opposed to planar nobility and want to destroy them. They hope to ascend to rule the multiverse and exterminate death by these methods

9 Panopticonists (LN) seek to monitor events across the multiverse and record them and then keep them secret for their own use. They rarely speak to outsiders or bother debating. Many begin by using magic to spy on others and are required to compile many such reports to advance. They have been constructing a magical panopticon chamber so their grand master may view all the cosmos at once. To help this project they will leak information to the right place and people to make profitable wars or invasions. 

10 Monopolists (LN) philosophers of the gold cube wish to sell or convert all matter in the universe to gold and collapse the universe into an ultrasolid golden cube. Here the faithful will live forever when time is over. They are merchants mostly and happy to sell books and pamplets of monopolism with images of the eternal palace of gold. Their gold cube symbol shows 3 cube facets
 from above. Mostly they are just really greedy and claim the riddle of gold is all things have a price and any fool may be parted with it

11 Elementalist (Any) schools for gnomes working with elementals to improve life of the community by dominating planar beings. Some schools specialise in one element in one work district and claim their element was first in the cosmos. Some worship the older elemental gods. The elemental unity herecy unites the elements and then claim they can control demons too which can end badly for them and mixes them with demonology. They claim to be ready for the next chance to take over the world

12 Chronomists (LN) believe the universe is cyclic and so to know the future they study the past. Time travel is hard so retrieving artefacts and documents and fossils. Finding remains of the previous universes to prove their theory is their quest. Many travel to the deepest fires of the underland or try to leave the world with trips to the moon or the enclaves of the star spirit folk. They only care about politics or money to fund their expeditions. Some keep secret museums

d12 Signs Gnomes Are Spying on You
1 A lesser spirit spies on party 
2 Someone has a metal implanted surveillance device
3 Find gnome footprints around your campsite from invisible scouts
4 Animal spies follow the party and report to gnomes
5 Glass eyeball hidden in a crack, in  jewellery or rolling along ground 
6 Find gnome scout ration wrappers 
(gnomebix) and a spent chem heat pack 
7 Addicts leave odour and traces of their habits, made from exotic blended lotus stalks or mushrooms d4 1=pipe ash 2=cigarettes butt with asbestos filter tips 3=snuff powder 4=syringe or drug ampule 5=spent matchsticks 6=empty matchbox or pipeweed pouch
8 Find spy holes drilled through walls 
9 Hear scuttling gnomes inside secret wall spaces they dig
10 Mechanical eye in telescopic stalk pops from water or drain then hides if seen
11 Skittering clockwork bug follows the party
12 Find cool magic ring, used for gnome scryers to locate and spy on user

Friday, 31 January 2025

Local Roaming Warbands

d12 Warband Goal
1 Scouting area for landmarks to map
2 Scouting for possible resources and passage for an army
3 Scouting for enemy movements
4 Scouting for an enemy base
5 Patrol looking for enemy to pursue if weaker
6 Patrol seeking captives to question about area
7 Patrol looking for escaped prisoners
8 Patrol looking for looting opportunities
9 Threaten people for money
10 Demand a donation to their cause for keeping road safe
11 Searching for magical items or treasure
12 Searching for enemy scouts to skirmish with

d12 Warband with Benefits
1 Majority or best are mounted
2 Animal or monster pets
3 Abhuman or humanoid allies
4 Undead troops and a magician
5 High morale from recent victories +2
6 Veterans with more members having a few level
7 Elite leaders have a higher level and professionalism than standard
8 Siege weapon d4 1=arbelast 2=balistia 3=mangonel 4=battering ram 5=six guns on a wagon 6=small cannon
9 Berserks in a special force under separate command
10 Famous spell casters support the force
11 Has a bard egging them on to glory +2 morale while bard on the field 
12 Vehichle d4 1=chariot teams with crew and skirmishers 2=ancient transport (truck or bus or staff car) 3=ancient war machine (midget tank or a gun carrier) 4=magical juggernaut or automaton traction engine redecorated in faction style often with a commander or a shrine  

d12 Warband with Problems
1 Starving and need a rest and food to heal properly, eaten their baggage crew and pack beasts
2 Plague miasma surrounds them, many sick, some carriers, flies attracted
3 Leadership struggle for supremacy
4 Defeated and in despair morale weak -2
5 Some are mutating others are concerned
6 Followed by another fighting force
7 Terrible bard has soldiers all complaining and they will kill him during a battle
8 Traitor among them serve another warband leader
9 Deserters or heretic rebel factions cut off from their own faction under a new leader
10 Corrupted by another faction seeking to take command and kill the rest
11 Weapons and armour worn, low on ammo and ration packs
12 Celebrating and singing carelessly, many drunk or high slow notice being attacked

d12 Organisation
1 Section of troops scouting 6 including one in charge
2 Squad of two sections (12) plus a veteran Lv1
3 Platoon of two squads (25) and an officer Lv d4-1 (0-3) 
4 Troop of two platoons (50) and an officer Lv d6-1 (0-5) often with a support wagon
5 Company of two troops (102) and a commander Lv d8-1 (0-7) baggage train 10x d4+1 support crew (20-50)
6 Army of a thousand lead by a general Lv10-1 (0-9) and 100x d3 baggage train crew

Lawful bands are professional and organised fighting in formations like Assyrians or Romans. They often face larger less organised forces. 

Chaotic bands are irregular, scattered, poorly disciplined and may waste their lives against organised foes. They prefer fighting in angry mobs or on one dueling for personal glory. Feel free to mess up the organisation into a single huge mob. Some leaders may operate elite forces and rally the broken morale of fleeing troops.
d12 Warband Loot
1 Crates of crafted market goods
2 Barrels of beer and wine
3 Sacks of food
4 Piles of salted hides, some exotic
5 Slaves or hostages in chains, carried or in cage on a wagon
6 Non-functional ancient vehicle towed by band
7 Exotc beast in cages or babies or eggs
8 Prisoners to execute, sacrifice or eat later
9 Sacks of silverware and copper coins
10 Sacks of bronze and copper armbands, torcs and ornamental bowls
11 Bunch of enemy scrolls, potions and books to destroy later
12 Chest of gold coins and some name magic items

d12 Warband HQ
1 Camping in the rough with sleeping packs
2 Nearby camp in a ruin
3 Travelling with baggage bearers carrying packs, probably miserable and unwilling
4 Travelling with pack animals on long-range trek
5 Travelling with waggons searching for a new home
6 Baggage train and followers camped nearby
7 Outpost in a ruin with some repairs
8 Outpost in ruin with a bunker
9 Outpost in a fortified building ready for siege
10 Fort or castle reoccupied and under repair
11 Underground cave or rocky cliff shelter
12 Fortress or castle with a trench network

d12 Common Warband
Robber knights of the north after profit by slaughtering enemies, all lordless banished knights. Often worn and damaged equipment  
2 Crusader knights here to cleanse the land of evil, gods will sort out the guilty and innocent, all with their own coats of arms and vassals
3 Slavers transporting captives or looking for victims, wear white robes and hoods with curved swords. Carry manacles and possibly wagons of cages 
4 Barbarians looking for wizards, dragons, undead or at least literate people to kill
5 Orcs of the Waste Riding War Boars seeking wizards or alchemists they can kill (or occasionally a band serves a wizard and others are in black sphere uniforms with muskets)
6 Goblin band of hungry irregular goblins, archery-reliant scouts, some riding bats or wolves with bows. Larger groups include a squad of hobgoblin hoplites or/and some bugbear headhunters 
7 Elemental templars with planar pets, spell casters and some elemental abhumanoids
 normal. Here to carve out a space in whatever power struggles are on to prove they are a relevant power
8 Elven soldiers with goblin skirmishers and a few pet-hunting werewolves
9 Dwarf crusaders here to purify the earth or adventurers out for loot
10 Forest folk and wild people with animal friends and beast folk led by a hero, druids and a bard. An irregular band who travel a path each year and plant seeds
11 Reptilian abhuman soldiers exploring for evil gnomes, may have 
pets like reptiles or dragons and if near water has some frog folk scouts. A group may have multiple species even snake or dragon or dinosaur folk
12 Gnomes either here possibly nice sort looking for wicked gnomes giving them a bad name around here or the black sphere gnomes with guns, a vehicle and automatons

d12 Wicked Warband
1 Death Templars with undead support troops like skeleton archers and zombies with mauls in front ranks. A leader priest or wizard directs them and they probably could do with some corpses to build a flesh colossus or keep growing 
2 Kraken clan - a band of marine abhumans, marine cultists and hybrids including fish and eel folk-led by squid and octopi-headed beings. they act like pirates and mercenaries but always in sight of lake or river 
3 Chimera Clan - mutant hybrid creatures a mix of beasts and human parts, some abhumanoids, some smaller humanoids and some huge war beasts with no two alike
4 Fleshfiends - a demon meat cult seeking to call Xor into this world. Beginners file their teeth and senior adherents are skinless and hideous in scarlet armour decorated with anatomical details. Cannibals who go berserk if they see blood 
5 Plague Templars are rotting bloated cultists of a disease god and their god sustains them despite their losing body parts, open sores and leaking intestines. Some are even infested with vermin and surrounded by fly swarms
6 Famine Templars in service to a chaos god of starvation and insects, use giant bugs for war and vermin to fight. Their armour is insectoid with antenna horns and various insect folk may join them. Some focus on one species like locusts or ants
7 Webfoot Clan a tribe of chaos frog folk templars in slime-covered armour and turtle shell sheilds with spiked clubs and flails 
8 Demon Templars - warrior order of demon worshippers, each band dedicated to a different lord with his own banners
9 Darkness Templars - aiding all the chaotic old cults useful to evil, drawing from the nightmare realms of darkness from beyond the void. Black armour often with horns under the black banner and leaders may have shadows in the shapes of war hounds as guards
10 Mutant Templars - former crusaders now bitter tentacled slimy servants of chaos who hate their normal kin, uncoordinated violent mobs often plague carriers
11 Slime Lords - slimy or ooze folk with acidic skin, always looking for new arms and armour, worship primordial source of life (primal chaos). Their slime sweat and urine dissolve rock and concrete 
12 Goat Lords - wear goat leggings and masks or are real goat folk who worship devils or demons, each band has its own regalia and banners, many led by a witch or master

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Elemental Heretics

Elementalism and You
Elementalists are very ancient and predate the mortal world
Over aeons so many elemental cults have come and gone no book knows them all
Elementalists might consider your elemental allegiance more important than alignment

Elemental sorcerers are blood or oathbound to elemental beings
Wizards tend to specialise in schools and are more interested in exploiting elements
Elemental templar priests in past ages were the most common and powerful
Elemental druids might specialise in an element

d12 Elemental Encounters
(by magician apply any spell cater, a leader can be any class useful to cult) 
1 Elemental Commoners d6+6 zero Lv with a 1st lv leader with clubs, rope, tools or torches wearing common clothes
2 Elemental Zealots d6+6 zero Lv with a 1st lv leader in common clothes with clubs, rope and daggers
3 Elemental Cultists d4+4 1st Lv with 5th Lv leader in robes, with clubs, rope and daggers
4 Elemental Mutants d4+4 1st Lv with 5th Lv leader, in leather with flails and axes
5 Elemental Templars d4+4 1st Lv with 5th Lv caster with maces in chain with shield
6 Elemental Magicians d4+4 1st Lv with 5th Lv caster with daggers and robes
7 Elemental Beast Handlers d3+3 2nd Lv with whips, chains, spiked clubs and 4HD of beasts
8 Elemental Riders on horseback d4+4 or chariot with javelins, led by 2nd Lv leader with spears, swords or lassos
9 Elemental Chariot Team with a crew of d4+1 and d3+3 skirmishers, with javelins, spears, swords or lassos
10 Elemental Warriors d6+6 2nd Lv troops and a d5+1 Lv leader, wear uniform of chain or plate with sword and shield 
11 Elemental Beast Riders 4x 2nd Lv warriors each riding a 4HD elemental monster
12 Elemental Summoners with d3+1 5th Lv magicians led by a 10th caster controlling an elemental, with four 2nd level guards in a plate with sheilds, swords and crossbows or guns

d12 How Many Elements
1-2 One
3-4 Two
7-9 Four
10 Four prime plus many lesser hybrid elements
11 Five four classic plus one extra element, use a pentacle sign 
12 Six four elements + radiance & shadow

d12 Extra Elements 
1 Shadow
2 Radience 
3 Life
4 Death
5 Void
6 Spirit
7 Mind
8 Wood
9 Metal
10 Time 
11 Flesh (heresy of Xor have bone, blood, flesh, animus)
 Hybrid or sub-element 

d4 Possible hybrid and sub-elements
1 Earth - metal crystal mire wood stone sand dust 
2 Fire - smoke lava heat ash radiance solar dry
3 Water - slime ice acid salt cold lunar shadow damp

4 Air - lightning 
vapour force sky death motion

d12 Friends & Foes
1 Only one true element the rest are derived from the first
2 One original element vs enemy opposite element in eternal conflict
3 One original element was first the rest are submissive offspring
4 One elem
ent knows what is best and is best suited to leadership and security
6 Pure elements vs impure thoughts (tainted by one undesirable alignment )
7 Elemental unity all united in one temple against enemy powers of other cults
8 Elements locked in an eternal struggle to rule the temple then the mortal world
9 Elements must cooperate and conquer the universe and outer worlds
10 Elemental chaos, the elements must struggle to make the universe change
11 Elementals must hybrid with mortal life to make superior elemental abhumans and beasts
12 Elementals must compete with each other but unite against non-elementalists 

d12 Weird Elemental Sects
1 Petty helpful elemental spirit cults, local beings for local people
2 Elemental beast cults 
3 Elemental spirit folk
4 Elemental abhumans
5 Elemental faerie 
6 Elemental giants
7 Elemental dragons
8 Elemental kaiju
9 Elemental daemons
10 Elemental land spirits and divinities
11 Elemental nobility (pre humanoid)
12 Elemental gods, the old gods

If different sects meet or unite, they may have schisms. Adventurers can exploit this to split them or even take over. With great changes, differences between cults stand out more. Burial customers, sexual attitudes, and other alignment values might cause schisms. What kind of beings deserve attention and are not too demanding? 

Any elemental group might have a subgroup that has a different agenda they would prefer. These tables should help make up a chaotic mess of wildly different sects all calling themselves elemental templars. Barbarians hate elemental templars and their wizards finding the two cooperating even more enraging. Elemental barbarian and abhuman tribes exist many worship elemental beasts like firebird, icecrab or windwolf or firetoad 

Cosmic Lore Featuring Elementals
First there was the void then darkness and then the elements. Generations of more humanoid gods defeated monstrous forbears and formed the world separating the sky and sea and land. There was a golden age of faerie folk and celestial beings many immortal. But some bad gods aided the outer gods from the void to bring about an age of darkness rules by monster kings (whose roster changed). That age ended when barbarians and orcs revolted their service as abhumanoid bastards of wizardry. The world was blasted but a lesser race of humans spread over the world and slowly rediscovered arts like fire and stone and metal. But necromancers using wicked magic of the age of darkness and death templars threatened the world. Barbarians came and finished most of them and burned most of their cities. There was a less successful elementalist templar heresy trying to bring back primal prehuman elemental nobility cults. Then there was the age of Exilon where elemental templars emerged from the Arcane Empire and flooded the world when releasing primal elementals from imprisonment by the gods.. 

The first empire was a new age of city-states united into an empire. The second empire went further but it was also the start of the apocalypse war. When the apocalypse was called over a third empire rose and fell leaving fragmented states around barbarian wastes and the mighty Auldwood. Elemental cults from all over the world have come to the Chagrinspire wasters to seize power. They may fight each other or try to cooperate or unite. 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Dungeon Moths

Dungeon Moths
I will amend this as more moth types known or suggested 

Moth Swarm 
Neutral swarm of animals
AC +0 HD 2  Att smother Morale 8 Mov 6 or Fly 15
Attracted to lights or fire or cabbages, huge edible moths from huge grubs and cacoons
Smothering targets with bodies in a 3m circle
-round one targets -2 sight relayed tasks
-round two targets -4 blinded and need a roll to breathe each round
-you can burn or use unarmed attacks to remove them or kill the swarm
-on the second round out of the swarm your condition is as round one smother
Striking them fills their area with choking dust causing 2 hp damage per round breathing creatures are inside and fail a save for only 1 damage
Grubs don't fly but instead damage 2 HP a round to those in 6m area from gnawing

Blood Moth
Nuetral giant medeum animal 
AC +3 HD 2d8 Necrotic Sting x2 d4+stun Morale 10 Move 6 or Fly 12
Eats fungus or rotting meat killed with its fleshy abdominal tendrils, also used to impress mates, can smell blood or rotten flesh from a distance, some carry one or two small passengers possibly an archer and a pilot
A sting with two toxic tendrils requires a save or stunned one round, cumulative each attack
Anyone touched by them smells of the moths and may attract more over a d3 days
-bathing or vinegar all over stops this tracking effect, some use scent for assassination
Striking them fills their area with blinding dust over 3m area for a round causing -2 on attacks or sight-based skills for a d4 hours
Grubs lack flight but instead burrow 3

Cloud Moth
Nuetral giant medeum animal 
AC +3 HD 2d8 Claw x2 d3 Morale 10 Move 6 or Fly 24
Peaceful giant moths for food or mounts used in great caves under the earth, in certain dark places and on the moon. They are quite fluffy and cuddly for their carers unless startled
Choking Dust can be used once per hour if hit in melee, 3m area save or choke for a d4 rounds, -2 all actions and one damage per round burning eyes and airways 

Death Moth 
Chaotic Evil giant planar animal
AC +6 HD 6d8 Blood Siphon 2d4 Morale 11 Move 9 Fly 18
Once the siphon hits it keeps sucking 2d4 HP a round until the food gone or breaks free
Death Dust can shower 6m area in black dust causing 2d4 damage
-any who fail a save carry spores to arise as a zombie when dead
-might shower a graveyard then attack any who attack the undead. 
Repair injured undead outside combat with silk for a d4 HP with ten minutes work
Grubs lack flight but instead burrow 3 Grubs eat corpses and will dig them up for parents to help the next generation get started after they feed themselves

Moon Moth
Neutral Good titanic animal
AC +20 HD 30d8 Claw x2 10d6 Morale 9 Move 12 of Fly 36
Healing Dust all in 30m area gets 2d6 HP healing
Sleep Dust all on 30m circle 8 or less HD fall asleep, higher HD save to resist 
Translation Dust all in 30m circles can understand each other's languages
Can be used to carry people to or from the moon or other celestial bodies
When it is time to be reborn they go fight a kaiju or fly into the sun or lay an egg to activate their serial immortality

Chaotic Nuetral small humanoid moth folk
AC+3 HD d8/Lv Dart d3 or sling 4d or stick d4 Morale 7 Mov 12
Small halfling-moth people who live in deep or the moon
Glide ability with wings 
Superior scent and vibration senses as good as sight, 360 degree B&W vision
May sleep in a cacoon to rest from wounds a few days

Moth Folk Abhumans

Lawful Nuetral humanoid moth folk
AC+3 HD d12/Lv halberd d10 or heavy crossbow 2d6 Morale 10 Mov 12 Leap 1
7foot/210cm moth people who live in the deep or the moon, mostly peaceful 
Superior scent and vibration senses as good as sight, 360 degree B&W vision
Moth Wings: 3rd Lv feather fall, 6th Lv Glide 12th Lv Fly 24
Enemies may enslave them and use eggs or babies or pheromones to control adults
May sleep in a cacoon to rest from wounds a few days


1in4 flammable, fail all saving throws vs fire
1in4 frightened of light
1in4 double healing from rest in a cacoon
1in6 bite d4 per 2 HD
1in6 poison flesh save or die vs if the enemy uses bite attack
1in6 detect invisible 1 range per level/HD
1in8 silk web 1m/HD area once per hour, some cacoon victims for transport
1in8 glowing abdomens, blood and dust, leave melee foes glowing like faerie fire for d4 hours
1in10 immune to poison
1in10 crazed to steal one type of food d6 1=grain 2=fabric (swarms will strip people's clothing) 3=meat 4=documents 5=old wood 6=beehives 
1in12 healing cacoon can recover HP in 24 hours rest in a cacoon
1in12 generates fog cloud 3m/HD area
1in20 fly long distances through the void to other stars or the moon
1in20 Sunlight paralysed and destroys them in a d3 rounds leaving ash 

d12 Adventures
1 At the annual moth festival hunters gather and eat the huge moth swarms that mature every seven years
2 A local well has moth swarms inside meaning there must be something rotten in the well,, so go clean it up to keep moths away
3 A mountain top has been plagued by moths and several climbers are trapped in a cabin on top. Go save them and beware of moths blinding you when smothering you
4 A were-moth witch has sent out her minions to harass the village for not paying her offerings or worshipping the shrine she has built for them
5 The local graveyard has been swarming with moths and now the dead have risen, what's next?
6 A small local inn locals all fear a single moth seeking a lamp indoors and explain there is a giant moth creature that menaces animals and tries to break in the smokehouse and butcher shed
7 A wizard wants some big burly adventurers to get the moths in their library 
8 Moths ate all the local cabbages and beet tops ruining the harvest, a goblin witch demands we pay her to stop the moths but we would rather someone stop her
9 Strange palid moon goblins are stealing and it appears they are raiding goods to take to the moon on their tribal giant moth friends. More might be coming
10 A goblin druid has been planting dangerous moth colonies in the area to target important human supplies needed on the frontier
11 The ancient order of beekeepers needed someone to silence the secret order of the moth forever for all the harm they do to bees
12 A moon dryad and her lunar friends invite you for a romp on the moon with their moon moth friend

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Round and Round the Spire We Go

Had a four player game session for sat night crew

Arsh the dog-man 4 druid 1 from a barbarian abhuman tribe of the wastes
-With his pet dog that has been a follower a while and is now worse than a wolf

Neben the 5th level Sky Giant from a secret giant stronghold 
-Slanderous Jester a former village idiot
-two wolf pups 
-balzac the flesh golem

Father Niel 5th level Priest of Light from the Telplar Kingdom south
-Dwarf 1/priest 3 on the swap a follower program with dwarves
-Brother Toby Priest 2

Guild Master Noman of the Scavengers, formerly from Shadelport
-Rat Sonya the fighting rat lady

Noman and Niel had reached the mining town of Dragon Hill an awful mine for poison materials and great for making gunpowder. Slavers had a strong presence with miners guilds, merchant houses, alchemist guild and various private mines. Many used slaves and kobolds were for sale. They bought 4 kobold experts and freed them. Plus another 30 they arranged to be sent to their outpost to join the train kobolds as reparations for the party killing lots of them.

The expert kobolds included
-hopolite gladiator with a javelin, spear, shield fighting and 4d4 hp
-albino farmer with a sickle from Underland 
-nanny with some froggy traits
-kidnapper with some firenewt blood 6d4 hp
The kobolds were very pleased and even grateful for help

The hoplite loved to drink blood and had a cute red hat so they brought him along. The rest sent to the player's base hopefully to freedom with a merchant they hired. The party hope the train kobolds will help the party. The plate has two roads dominated by kobolds restricting two narrow cliff roads.

They were keen to leave this seemy place and were keen to destroy slavery another campaign goal. One goal was travelling all the way around the spire is a campaign goal and a level-up to get them moving. They were concerned about rumours of crusaders from the East. Passed by some outposts including the road to Mordnar and avoided giant vultures so went to forest on edge of wases and found Hobo Skull Camp. A murder hobo camp where adventurers of the worst type on the frontier are living like a goldrush miners but looting local dungeons. They had some drinks and met locals and investigated some rumours. They helped some youths and the man with no name recruited poleboys and lampbearers of the local adventurers into his gang. One they saved from hanging for stealing and they mayor got the party to buy out his contract instead of killing the boy.

The jester sung a song daring the mayor to hire them to take care of the undead and he invited them to dinner. After they went to the graveyard and found adventurer graves of local murderhobos some mentioning their crimes. Also three graves marked poleboy 1 2 and 3. So priest cast detect undead and found four disturbed graves. Accidentally noticed four fouls underground and others in the bushes and a fight broke out. But he just vapourised them with holy words. He then sanctified the graveyard and they all awaited dawn. The boy they saved tried stealing food from an adventurer's camp. Noman told him off but was also pleased in his new follower.

They spoke to mayor and got land instead of money and were placed in stage 2 development near the camp field. They built two shacks, a shrine to the light god and a scavenger guild. They left money with the 2nd lv priest follower with four new lads in the scavenger guild. Late that night they had a giant spider near their huts and they killed it and met elves from the part of Auldwood in Mordnar. The party asked how do we get tons of pine resin for the alchemy factory they found and made a deal for the future. Priest made a zealous speech for his church and how it could help but all the locals left before he finished.

In the morning they rapidly passed more settlements and saw where undead crusaders had risen. They moved south and saw the marching Undead heading to a crusader caravan a fairly equal fight. The party crept close from behind hurling grenaides and the cleric turning 30% of the dead from behind. This helped the crusader caravan form a circle and charge with knights and their own priest to victory. They thanked the party despite Niel the priest was a heretic to them. 

They reached Shankhiem the nasty scavengers guild town when were afraid the Crusaders would take over. They made some deals and the madam from the brothel asked for help for her and her workers to their own town and they waited a day more to optimise spells for the escape and got home for lunch. Players all leveled up and got more followers and other skills and spells for finally looping the tower. Last time entering the spire was worth a level up.

After they drove their car to Marsh Village and the druid showed them in his scrying pool the orcs of the gatehouse were now changed. They were more aggressive, fighting kobolds and wearing banners of a tree carrying a evil face. Maybe the evil tree seed and the vampire head we left with them as their share has gone awry?

Bigger character sheets has been good - time to print my updated spells and skills stuff for players too

Thursday, 23 January 2025

d100 Poltergiests

Pesky spirits even a 1st level cleric can keep at bay
I would like more spirits in bottles everywhere so these are good for those
unsure how they get there maybe exorcism or binding or what neutral ppl do to undead (bind back to the grave or in an object)

Lots of dungeons and haunted houses and sewers have them.

ghosts are not real this is fiction
the ghosts here had unhappy lives and might make adventurers or readers melancholic
there is no d100 happy ghosts to make you feel nice yet

You can speak to many poltergeists, especially the ones not insane or just a limited echo of rage or fear at death. Souls have lots of bits that do different stuff after death and undead may mess with some of these but ask your cleric. Spells to speak get better reactions and allow you to hear their replies. A seance might help with a medium. You might be able to help spirits get to rest.

Poltergeists are weak non-material undead, worthy foes of a zero-level party or higher. They can be a good complication or in an empty room. If you can splash some holy water or have an attack with a penalty vs invisibility with a silver or magic weapon you can hurt them. Mostly they return in a few days or the next full moon unless a proper exorcism is done on the location or the spirit's pain can be relieved.

If you provide smoke or a sheet most poltergeists could animate it to provide a crude form 

Petty undead spirit
AC+3 HDd4 Attack throw object d4 range 3 Morale 8 Mov12
-invisible most of the time (-4 to hit)
-requires silver or magic to harm, if destroyed without holy intervention it returns next night
-throws objects or uses as melee weapon
-seeing objects move or thrown cases fear for a d4 rounds vs 4HD or less creatures failing a save roll
-some mindless and violent if disturbed
-some are more into malicious cunning or creepy or jokes
-most silent and dim, few can communicate by knocks or writing
-an exorcist with a ritual can catch a poltergeist in a bottle with a ritual if the spirit fails a save
-more powerful spirits teach petty spirits more cantrip-like abilities
-some evolve into lesser spirits
AC+6 HD2 Attack throw object d6 x2 range 4 Morale 9 Mov12
+d3 1st Lv Spells, +1 magic to hit, can speak and manifest a d3 forms

d20 Commen Jerk Moves of Poltergiests (d3 of these common)
1 Throw junk or objects in area, 1in6 tidy up after when living gone
2 Stab or club with a favoured object it values
3 Move objects or use doors
4 Rattle objects or scratch inside walls
5 Snuff or light a lamp or torch or candle
6 Trip or grasp feet with objects (tie boot laces)
7 Grab personal clothing to shove or grapple them
8 Steal small objects and has a stash
9 Grope or tugs clothing 
to pull off or tear or offend
 Tapping noise or even a tune  
11 Forms a glowing vapour or mist for a round
Deposit a handful of gloopy ectoplasmic slime
13 Chill over the area, breath fogs as living exhaling
14 Squeaks and creaks
 Manifest a moan or creepy whispered phrase or song
16 Write somehow like in dust, with blood, with ectoplasm or chalk or a pen

 Form a hand for a moment may gesture or slap or punch without an object
 Form a face for a moment, usually angry but usually silent
19 Casts a creepy shadow
 Appear human for a round

d12 Ways to deal with a poltergeist
1 Get a priest to bless or even sanctify the area
2 Hire a medium who can let the spirit speak through them and find out what they want
3 Hire a spiritualist to bargain with the spirit or communicate with a spirit board or cards
4 Get an exorcist pries specialist to purge the area
5 Silver or magic weapons can harm them if you can see them to attack
6 Holy symbols may repel them or even attract them depending on their allegiances
7 Hire a ghost hunter to trap the spirit in a bottle and bury it in the ground or a wall
8 Find a stronger spirit to repel it or occupy the area
9 Find out what it wants and help it meet its final rest 
10 Hire a necromancer to collect the spirit and take it away
11 Ask a shaman to catch the spirit and take it away, usually they want a bottle of grog
12 Sell your soul to hell and get an imp to deal with the spirit

1in4 can make a temporary visual manifestation one round per hour causing fear for 4HD or less creatures
1in4 can for a round an hour occupy an object or small artwork and change its appearance briefly
1in4 can also slap target for a d3 damage with a mass of wet ectoplasmic slime 
1in6 can create an illusion for one round per hour with d4 1=sound only 2=sight only 2=touch only or 4 sound and sight, save to realise a falsehood, mostly to scare people
1in6 can produce a foul odour of rotting flesh and sewerage
1in6 can light candles or torches or snuff them once per round
1in8 can make two attacks per round
1in8 can slime a target once per hour making it wet with ectoplasm
1in8 can d4 mental damage attack instead of using objects, save to resist
1in10 can call a d3 allied poltergeists for help once per day by yelling help
1in10 can call an insect swarm for a d3 rounds once per day
1in12 can inhabit a corpse as a zombie for an hour per day
1in12 can cast a spell once per hour d4 1=darkness 2=hypnotism 3=faerie fire 4=ventriloquism
1in20 if destroyed it screams and crumbles into a mass of vermin, bugs and crawling things
1in20 performs one more vile act and underworld spirits come to take it away to learn the ways of the underworld bureaucracy

d12 Poltergiest Plothooks
1 Child complains of a monster under the bed and wants you brave adventurers to show it is harmless
2 An inn has only the haunted room left but be warned, it is double the normal rate 
3 Building renovations broke a bottle found in a wall and a poltergeist from the olden times awakes to cause mischief on the pesky living vermin in its home
4 A man has had invisible pixies or spirits moving his antiques around. Find out who but its a lonely lady poltergeist living in a painting recently added to the collection
5 A haunted bed in an inn or old house is menaced by the Groping Ghost who touches people's nightshirts and hogs the sheets. An old unburied letcher died in the cellar trying to dig into another building's wine cellar
6 A house has a menacing spirit and adventurers are hired to search and destroy the beast after a ghost hunter failed. It has its body in a secret sanctified basement making it hard to remove or discover. Will let enemies believe the house is safe and then do something horrible with knives and rope
7 House of an Alchemist has an angry apprentice spirit who hid supplies and knows of a secret lab to make alchemical weapons and brews. The alchemist wants this turbulent teenage spirit removed. The apprentice died making gunpowder while half asleep
8 Student necromancers are selling bound poltergeists in bottles as a fun new battle game but angry random poltergiests are not fun or grateful for the release
9 A murderous butcher killed dozens of teens in his shop and now it is full of angry flying butcher tools. Please help, you can hear them sawing, hacking and breaking bones all night
10 Priests need petty poltergeists driven from an old graveyard so it may be re-sanctified
11 The orphans had to be moved into a haunted workhouse and now they complain that the spirits of the unhappy children are tormenting them, poor kids can't get a break
12 Kobolds have planted totems with ancestor spirits around the village, each building is haunted by angry tribal poltergeist who want humans off their traditional lands

d10 Poltergiests
1 Babes
2 Children
3 Young man
4 Young woman
5 Mature man
6 Mature woman
7 Mysterious
8 Ancient
9 Non-human
10 Pre human

d100 Poltergiests
01 Crying baby - hear it and perhaps rocks something like a cradle, angry and neglected
02 Hungry baby - heard sucking and chewing, if you find it sees black-eyed spirit chewing on dead rats and collecting bones
03 Angry baby - throws objects and screams with rage
04 Greedy baby - scratches at bags for food, if stopped goes into rage
05 Playful baby - bounces a ball or leaves creepy toys, might see it playing with toys
06 Killer baby - makes a bloody knife fly around and remains invisible
07 Arson baby - giggles and plays with flints and fuel, angry if fire doused
08 Mutant baby - a hideous mutant strangled at birth, spies on people's dreams and may visit them, the spirit has learned to read and write and leaves notes like "why?"
09 Part fish folk baby - thrown down a dry well died alone, may leave wet puddles and footprints 
10 Cannibal baby - baby cannibal died when parents caught and executed, likes to use cooking utensils and splash hot food. It might play with an oven or hack up a corpse 
11 Witch child - killed by the village has eerie powers and resentful eyes
12 Well child - sobs through drains a victim of a passing murder hobo thrown down a well for asking too many questions
13 Mean kid - throws things and laughs then flees, follows people for days
14 Rich Child - in fancy noble dress with a cape and hat, looks pouty, lost and worried. Likes to play with shiny posh things and snatching nice things
15 Naughty Child - likes traps and tricks and singing play yard rymes, scares people into traps
16 Doll Child - uses a doll as a body and possibly will hold a weapon, likes to injure and cause fear
17 Dungeon child - raised by evil dungeon cult and killed on a misadventure, cackles and helps monsters so he can watch humans get eaten
18 Child theif - killed for stealing now gets to do it all the time and punish adults
19 Cat child - likes to help a wicked old cat (or cat like creature) and uses it in schemes
20 Cult kid - likes to write demon signs and plant false clues of demons and witchcraft on innocent
21 Letcherous lout - visits people in dreams to seduce them, slaps strangers bottoms
22 Viscious youth - likes to terrify anything it can and will violently kill and mutilate corpses to decorate
23 Hot young bard - likes instruments it can play or makes tapping noises in tune, if not appreciated then breaks into a  violent rage
24 Angry young man - likes to smash things and hit people, no special reason 
25 Dandy youth - murdered by less fashionable enemies against new styles, 
26 Young bricklayer - likes to knock people out then brick them up in dead ends or in walls or just throws bricks
27 Angry servant - keeps area spotless but the damned living bring in filth sending it into a rage
28 Young privy servant - murdered for witnessing treason and squealing now furious nobility who he likes to fling poop at (they keep a supply in a chamber pot)
29 Young snoop - likes mysteries and snooping, killed meddling in someone's schemes, now pesters people's luggage for "clues" and likes scaring traps 
30 Teen voyer - breathes heavily, leaves ectoplasm, pulls off bed sheets, steals undergarments and is enraged if the collection is stolen. Modern ones steal bicycle seats and shoes
31 Singing girl - will sing and giggle to lure victims to danger or a trap, or even where it can push a statue onto someone
32 Sobbing lady - died in prison now lures people to where it can strangle them with curtains, sheets, ropes, chains or other items
33 Vindictive victim - killed by the hooded claw! Now angry spirit who wants to stab the whole world, especially men in hoods
34 Red Widow - attacks women who she is jealous of for being pretty and alive, some see her walk halls by night or local roads briefly
35 Screaming girl - throws tantrums wrecks rooms and pulls people's hair
36 Poor girls - died with nothing and without agency, now likes to smash stuff and lash out
37 Sad Mother - lost her children and looks for them, likes to unpack strangers belongings searching for clues
38 Fierce Valkyrie maid seeks revenge on men who used magic to defeat her but their descendants will do perhaps their spirits could be tormented or trapped
39 Woman warrior - betrayed and murdered now hates bards and pretty men, she is enraged by her condition and her killers are free
40 Princess - laughs and moves curtains disturbing sleepers, will look for treats like any treasure it can hide. Seeks fancy posh food but then becomes angry and start a tantrum because she can't eat. Some might suggest leaving them as offerings to appease them
41 Angry old man - animates a pair of wood and ivory dentures to nip people and throw stuff around, growling like a beast. Some will be surprised if they can see he is wild mad human 
42 Murderer - will use a knife or tools and might even add local herbal poison to food
43 Zealout - outraged by modern contrivances and manners and will throw buckets of water at the whip any loathsome dog sinners in their presence
44 Duelist - will use a light fencing blade or dagger or slap people with a glove
45 Boss - will use a stick to beat people doing anything they don't like especially the weak or lazy. Will write creepy notes telling people "get back to work"
46 Prisoner - was hidden and chained up now ratttles chains and may lash people with them as part of some deluded escape scheme. They are sure they are alive but cursed
47 Old creep - likes to pinch bottoms, make creepy sniggers and feel peoples clothes and bedsheets. Everyone looks the same bending over to them so species or gender is no limit
48 Doomed knight - thinks strangers are invaders or up to no good and may attack them, leaves locals alone as has seen them grow up 
49 Angry Butler - attacks any causing a mess or noise, often uses a mop or broom or duster
50 Mean brute - cruel bully was poisoned buy unwilling inlaws but now gets to torment the living. Piles of dead headless insects and vermin can be found. Loves to scare and beat people
51 Old woman - angy and vindictive likes to stab people with knitting needles or strangle people with yarn. Sometimes she presents people with woolen ware that if not worn angers her more
52 Mean nanny - will whip any who swears, farts, kisses, uses left hand, makes a spelling error or dozens of other things about the modern world she resents. Will hide horse crops, whips, sticks, fly swatters, slippers and other objects
53 Creepy grandma - likes children but angered if they are taken away or try to leave, sometimes he thinks strangers are one of her grandchildren and she will bring them treats and poppets
54 Wronged lady - was influential and important and murdered by inferior rivals, now she hates weapons and will try and throw them down wells
55 Witch woman - cackling old woman likes to scare and unsettle regular people who are not witches. Will scrawl messages in animal blood and leave their remains as a warning and might demand an offering 
56 Old noble woman - had influential children who all tried to keep her locked up as a danger to their plans, likes to beat people with expensive artworks who wronged or disturbed her
57 Spurned wife - abandoned and children starved when her husband died with no family support. Angered by wealth and status, especially of bloodlines or nobility
58 Old nun - burned as a heretic for challenging the patriarch of the state church. Now she might start a fire or torment conformist religious followers
59 Fierce queen - barbarian queen martyred for slaughtering foreign settlers, civilised peoples have misused her image for contemporary nation-building and she has had enough. Likes to smash false images of her and beat people who mention her as anything other than an anti-authoritarian slayer of dirty foreign wizard lovers. She may move on attracted to her monuments and icons people prey to. She might help women in trouble and pass them a weapon
60 Wrathful mother - had her children all killed in wars so now she hates weapon bearers and warmongers. She will damage weapons or throw them down wells. In her wrath she made a pact with hell then renounced it and is stuck here. She will attack anyone in hells regalia since her troubles and some other poltergeist might help her in hopes of advancing to the next life
61 Strange Odour - a mystery nauseous stench horrifies people suddenly and makes a place shunned. The spirit enjoys making people sick and strangling them if alone. The body is in a septic tank or sewer nearby
62 Severed head - manifests to frighten people and hurls itself at people splattering them with ectoplasm. Its eyes move wildly like it lacks any purpose but it seeks its body and to break a curse preventing the split would from uniting and moving on
63 Phantom hand - makes noises, throws things and may manifest as a gloved hand and make rude gestures or write notes in stunning handwriting of a style from centuries ago. If manifests might slap someone
64 Giggling idiot - likes to throw food and chamberpots at people and laugh at them
65 Heavy Breather - follows people alone and creeps them out, makes slow dragging feet, it has forgotten its life and now is the Breather
66 Weird ooze, leaves wet ectoplasmic footprints, makes areas slippery like stairs, ruins carpets
67 The knocker - taps away inside gutters, pipes, sewers, air vents, underfloors, crawlspaces and even inside walls. Gives the impression of being infested with vermin but no traces are found after
68 The crimson spirit - wants wine or it will turn violent seeking bloodshed. People leave it offerings of wine to cross their paths and leave cups for it. Touching its drinks also enrages it and it will have some knives and a hatchet hidden around
69 The strange presence - gives people the feeling they are being watched and people find chill spots and hair stands on end. Any sleeping here will have a shadowy phantom enter their dreams and request help to enter the mortal world
70 Angry cultist - decorates places as cult ritual locations with skulls, cobwebs, candles and graffiti. Angry at critics and any changes. Wants cult approval because they were used as sacrifice  
71 Ancient folk spirit - from earliest humans killed and eaten by family, now highly resentful against humans which it is related to almost everyone. It may scare with a snake rattle or leave feathers from its cloak to scare victims. Has hidden stone knives in area 
72 Ancient soldier - killed in battle against magic and resentful to wizards. It will help enemies of wizards and might attach itself to wizards as a spirit parasite bringing bad luck. It will not be obvious and has killed many wizards finally by strangling them in bed
73 Ancient zealot - warning of the end of the age of Exilon over 5000 years ago, now the spirit is angry and lashes people with sticks for being stupid and not listening 
74 Ancient merchant - travelled widely and almost home when murdered and his journal burned by bandits. Lashes out at possible bandits with a whip or stick may bother local watch and militia if lax in their duty. Keeps sleeping guards awake with petty hauntings
75 Ancient occultist - tries to steal magical paraphernalia and books and stash them somewhere
76 Ancient hunter - seeks to scare people then pursue them with a weapon, may make snares or other simple traps
77 Ancient tanner - occasionally skins an animal neatly and leaves its skin out to dry 
78 Ancient barbarian - young barbarian killed by vulture folk wizards and hates all magicians, likes to throw rocks or feces at them
79 Ancient heretic - servant of expansionistic elementalist cult now long gone. They seek books and knowledge and may offer treasure if they can be brought back from the dead. More recently a priests placed signs outside area warning not to give it what it wants
80 Ancient shopkeeper - hates shoplifters and intruders and will throw garbage and any objects at intruders
81 Blind dwarf - taps and moans and will use chains or objects on the soap as a flail
82 Crazed elf - who will kill anyone walking on the grass or hurting favourite flowers, sometimes used gardening tools to attack, in a dungeon will protect moss or lichen or fungus and ants
83 Cranky gnome - uses skills to make traps and dangerous weapons to hurl at people like bola or spiked clubs, With access to alchemy supplies, they could make explosives or incendiaries
84 Halfling gorger - steals food and makes a mess, will throw food and knock over stuff, may flee to sewers 
85 Lizardfolk - hunter angry at upstart upright apes and when alone will attack people, may make darts and even poison them 
86 Angry snake - folk are furious with mammals who ruined their supremacy 
87 Bat folk -slain by servant humans and now vindictive them, she also attracts wild bats 
88 Rat spirit hates humans who persecuted her people and killed her, her nips can cause disease and she can spread fleas to any who rest in her area or worms to any who eat here
89 Croaking frog - a spirit whose land was taken before humans even existed and makes lots of noises with croaks and as if a giant clumsy invisible frog at work
90 Draconian warrior - now weak and important but keen to start fires, if remains taken to a dragon shrine will be appeased but need some means to speak as it wont initiate discussion 
91 Shadow person - sinister moving shadow of spite if seen will begin to snuff lights and hurl objects, so old it only remembers its desire to spy on people and resent those who see it. May spy on people's dreams fascinated by secrets and inner lives of others
92 Rustling green - a spirit may move branches and leaves, even make living plants and moss grow. Sometimes in a cloud of leaves forms the face of a woodland spirit 
93 Dinosaur soul - remnant of an angry prehistoric beast now a petty spirit but it can nip and takes meat or spilled blood or rats, fights pets for territory
94 Cloud thing - misty vapour forgotten its original life and now seeks to torment living in fearful forms of vapour
95 Damp thing - spirit brings humidity up and causes leaks and drips in any structures and will flood areas then move on, likes to feel people through their sweat and breath. Will ruin books and wooden items and encourage mould
96 Stone thing - will tear up cobblestones and bricks from wall to hurl at people  
97 Fire thing - once a fire keeper of prehuman forgotten folk now just likes fire and light sources and will be interested in unusual or magic lights and will take them to some hidden place with its treasures
98 Cold thing - areas grow cold and ice may even form when this spirit angry, it cant remember why but it hates hot-blooded life like mammals and will stab them with icicles or dump snow from a roof onto a victim
99 Iron thing - a prehuman flint knapper and metal user now likes to take metal items of fine quality like weapons
100 Slime thing - will pour from drains and vents or cracks as filthy viscous water and ectoplasmic slime, will slobber on people to frighten them away and likes to cultivate slimes and oozes