Wednesday 24 July 2024

Chagrinspires Secret Rail Network 1

Patreon: revision of vol 1 and 2 for chagrin spire books.
Vol 2 has 200+ room gatehouse done - its going well

Vol 3 has started - I'm working on the automaton class and will have mutant class and mutations for chagrinspire specifically. A quick guide to level one, especially the third segment and mote on the spire.

I have realised Chagrinspire is 16km tall so I'm happy for it to be seen from a distance
. It's a great place to launch a global airship empire from and possibly trips to the moon and raid the crystal citadels of the star people. I guess the kobolds living that height are more streamlined and barrel-chested. Jetliners would avoid it. Please suggest other consequences of this foolishness. How visible would it be from how far away? Can it be a continent-wide reference point? The axis mundi of entopy? 


Under the wasteland, there is a vast network of tunnels. The tables in vol 1 d100 subterranean entrances. The Quick type table is good for the wasteland surface but in the deeps below Chagrinspire, there is a whole grey gnome city, a vast lake, a giant cave of garbage from the apocalypse war and a vast fungus forest of goblinoid civilisation.

The trains under the waste connect to the complex under Chagrinspire and there is a spiralling loop though the entirety of Chagrinspire into the stratosphere.

d12 Deep Tunnels 
1 Service Tubes 3m wide round pipe-like tunnels connecting apparatus for water, power, steam, mostly used for transit and vermin filled 
2 Freight Line 4m high 6m wide small cargo only smaller gauge freight line with some abandoned cars or golem engines and possibly some vermin. Undead are attracted too as it is quiet 
3 Train Line 8m high 12m wide two parallel rail lines where there are ruined carriages and blockages and floods but also many operating golem trains occupied by factions as mobile headqaurters
4 Kobold redbrick tunnels efficiently built and often directed by the Black Sphere. Traps and kobolds remain mostly 3x3m tunnels
5 Ancient dwarf highways from the great dawn age civilisations 9m high 12m wide, mostly full of vermin but goblinoids and dwarves still can be found in places
6 Goblinoid mazes of random carved tunnels varying wildly in size and safety. Traps, monsters and some goblinoids remain
7Ancient gnome highways from the time of the monster kings 4m high 4m wide
8 Burrows of great beasts in past ages or sometimes more recent like the great worms 
9 Giant Tunnels made in the dawn age when the titans were warring with the gods with portals to the faerie-like world of giant land. Many have elemental portals too and they were used for the preferences of giants who lived in them. Some nodes are spectacular lava pools or chasms or ice caves
10 Roots-filled passages a part of the world tree full of dark elves, goblins and fungus
11 Ancient wild natural caves of the deep Underland where the darkest most desperate creatures live
12 Strange volcanic glass and basalt tunnels made by beings of the outer void before the world was formed from darkness then water then land. Ancient horrors, shoggoths, crinoids and things best not named. Ancient evils often hide here until cults awake them

The last four have passages overlapping with the Underworld and Hell
The last also has portals to outside time and space to the void of hungry beings

d12 Tunnel Hazards
1 Flooded, areas covered in water 
2 Bad air d4 1=no air 2=flamable 3=poison 4=choking stench
3 Vermin control automaton inspection team in armoured golem car
4 Vermin control machine, a specialised uncaring golem
5 Electrical arcs block passage on foot, save or take d8
6 Screaming fungus patch 
7 Explosive fungus patch
8 Choking mould patch
9 Green slime patch
10 Giant ambulant explosive puffballs
11 Burrow of a monster
12 Awaken long sleeping undead

d12 Common Tunnel Vermin
1 Swarm or giant rats
2 Swarm or giant beetles
3 Swarm or giant spiders
4 Swarm or giant bats
5 Swarm or giant worms
6 Swarm or giant ants
7 Swarm or giant flies
8 Swarm or giant slugs
9 Carrion worms or rust Monsters
10 Gremlins or mischievous imps or fairies 
11 Ochre Jelly or Grey Ooze
12 Shoggoth, usually small size

d12 Common Tunnel Humanoids
1 Kobolds 
clan hunters 
2 Dark Dwarves or Derro
3 Dark Elves and goblin minions
4 Goblinoid expedition
5 Changeling spirit folk exploring (various beast, faerie or planar types)
6 Orcs warriors of a faction
7 Abhuman any elemental type 
8 Abhuman vegetal or fungal 
9 Abhuman beast folk (table below)
10 Grey Gnomes with automatons and vehicles
11 Trolls (possibly rarer smarter smaller ones too)
12 Ogres or giants often with a pet

d12 Common Tunnel Humans
1 Ape folk subterranean abhuman people who seek conquest
2 Subterranean barbarian tribe hiding from sky falling (abhumans)
3 Cave folk abhumans who strictly use only old ways and stone tools
4 Cultists led by a magician controlling a planar being
 Scavengers from surface long lost and desperate d4+1 weeks 
6 Lost hungry adventurers have been exploring d4+1 weeks 
7 Mutant scavengers who have given up on the surface
8 Shy benevolent cave mutant folk very sneaky
Wild subterranean cannibal mutants adapted to life in the deep
10 Subterranean ancient people who fled an apocalypse in the age of fabled Exilon, decadent, insane drug addicts wear masks and have strange sects and cults. Seeking knowledge and drugs
11 Lycanthropes, often pretend to be human to lure victims. Rat, bat and cat most common
12 Black Sphere clone infantry, automaton and vehichle support

d12 Supernatural Horrors
1 Imp, larvae or lesser planar beings
2 Nature spirit
3 Succubai or lamia
4 Spectral minions or shadows
5 Wight knights with zombie or skeleton soldiers
6 Wraith or spectre
7 Mummy with zombie or skeleton soldiers
 Vampire with thralls
9 Lesser planar beings
10 Major planar being
11 Deathknight riding monster
12 Lich and Entourage

d12 Beast Folk Species
1 Rat
2 Snake
3 Lizard
4 Fish
5 Goat
6 Frog
7 Lamprey
8 Hyena
9 Beetle
10 Mole
11 Bat
12 Badger

d12 Monsters
1 Owlbear or Hook horror
2 Shambling mound
3 Fire toads or other amphibians
4 Giant spiders or scorpions or lobster
Amber Hulk or Bullette
6 Rogue golem
Fire lizard or behir  
8 Gorgon or cateoblas
9 Frohemoth or juggernaut automaton
10 Huge shoggoth and/or crinoid patrol
11 Titanic worm or centipede
12 Dragon (1in6 is mated pair and/or nest)



When a train stops...
Automated golem trains without crew stop according to habit or sub-ether communications from other golems and cognitive engines. Most of the train types are more dangerous

When you wave down a train...
Evil trains will often attack even just while passing
Balanced trains slow ponder if anyone looks worth helping or hindering or just drive away
Nuetral trains will stop and see if you want a ride if nobody looks violent but may help those they see as own kind
Good Trains might investigate and help anyone in trouble

Usually when a Lawful train comes to a stop at a platform:
1 Crew ready weapons at windows and wait
2 A party exit to secure the platform and declare under control
3 Scouts snoop around and beyond for signs of enemies
4 Officers and VIP might come out or an expedition will set off from here

Usually when a Chaotic train arrives: 
1 Crew take some shots at the platform
2 Crew pour out attacking at anything that moves
3 Loot the station and look for food
4 Start drinking, urinating, graffiti 
5 Volunteers sent on expedition
6 Bored leader will want to move on

Usually when a Neutral train arrives
1 Make a bell or horn sound to inform of arrival
2 Some passengers get off to stretch their legs while the crew take care of business
3 Will trade or drop off or take new passengers or repel attackers
4 Leave if dangerous or business done

Train Types
Each starts with an engine
Cargo ends with a guard train with cargo and post and guards
Passengers end with an observation car with a parlour inside


d12 Train Engine Types
1 Kobold Express Train - built using salvaged dead golem engine scrap now automated by Kobold poltergeists. The engineer is a shaman
2 Goblinoid Gloop Train - overgrown with fungus and crawling with pets, the golem train seems alive and loves the ecology living on it 
3 Orc Pain Train - rusted armoured war train with artillery, operated by former black sphere orcs turned rebels against the masters. Train decorated in chains, blood and live enemy prisoners manacled up
4 Mutant Train - full of mutants who claim Chagrinspire to belong to only them who paid the most, many chaos worshipers and have mutated technology 
Gnome Train - gloomy gnome engineers with automaton servants and troops

 Golem Circuit Train - automated golem trains that stop at every station for freight or passages or interact with other unmanned sentient machines only. These vehicles are neutral and anything could be riding them, Some do repairs and maintenance with crane-like arms or automaton workers
7 Black Sphere Circle Line - black sphere millitary with elite riflemen, automatons and secret police
8 Dungeon Line - an intrusion from the dungeon dimension here for entertainment and to trap adventurers into the eternal dungeon dimension. Each car is a dungeon room. Once you get in you end up with the connected cars forming an eternal loop that increases in difficulty and teases you onwards to doooooooom!
9 Night Train - corporeal undead like skeletons, mummies and some other guest monsters
10 Ghost Train - non-corporeal spirits in a spectral engine
11 Demon Train - a demon and its lesser minions and cultists run this
12 Diablo Express - operated by hellish cultists and devils and imps

Each of these gets its own table and eventually

d12 Cargo Cars
1 Container car with a huge metal shipping crate with possibly anything
2 Flat freight cars with large goods, crates, logs, pipes, coils of metal 
3 Hopper car, some covered with grain or minerals or coal
4 Box Car - standard car with doors for freight, popular with stowaways
5 Cattle car - transports livestock or prisoners
6 Tank car - carries liquid usually fuel or blood or water
7 Armoured Car - armour-plated with slits for windows and several gun turrets
8 Poison Car - yellow with black skulls with drums of toxic alchemical waste or weapons
9 Freezer Car - with hungry ice toad or frost salamander inside if working
10 Corpse Car - open-top car filled with bodies for biofuel and necromancer thralls. some instead hang bodies in boxcars by hooks or nooses or have stacked coffins (coffin car)
11 Alchemy Car - portable industrial alchemy vats 
12 Binding Car - contains a bound planar creature inside

d12 Passenger Cars
1 Commuter Car - 
the most common golem trains in the circuit run these for short commutes with minimalistic metal seats and standing room with a golem ticket machine
2 3rd Class - hard seats in rows, some for prisons or millitary transport
3 2nd Class - rows of comfortable chairs
4 1st Class - small genteel furnished lounge chairs and side tables with lamps
 Sleeper Car - small cabins with 1 or 2 or four beds
6 Galley Car - common ones a cafeteria and rich ones a fancy restaurant or a kitchen 
7 Parlor Car - for civilised persons to relax and sip tea and light snacks
8 Smoking Car - for gentlemen to abuse to smoke and abuse drugs, especially from hookahs with homunculi fetuses in the bottles 
9 Theatre Car - live music hall, bands, opera singers, poets and other performers play here. Some have magic lamp shows or puppets 
Baggage Car - passengers' bags
11 Greenhouse Car - for decorative plants or food grown under magic lamps
12 Menagerie Car - transport exotic monsters and for passengers to see, familiars were kept here too

Will expand the train types with a few d12 each

Monday 22 July 2024

Play Test Chagrinspire and a hireling tables


I had some ppl away in the group and two new players so we played my EMO retroclone in Chagrinspire. Testing my new character gen system with the zero level option built in as a quick start too for new players and you get a few buffs if you start at zero. Made starting to play faster. 

We had one player from last playtest with Nebos a 1st Lv Giant stonemason who had been hanging around Flatspur working on the church and shared a rent-free haunted house they cleaned up with a dog-man who guards the house (player away).

The three new characters starting at zero

We have:

Zarathustra the Sober, a former noble now drunk who had bottles of wine and had wrestling and drinking skills. Needs a drink and is interested in ancient lore. From a line of fire elemental sorcerers. No talent yet.

Yasmin Dixie, an ex millitary archer and hunter who is concerned that Chagrinspire is coming alive again. 

A nameless broke sneaky archer (aka bandit) fled failing desperate gangs and now in the wasteland.

Met on the road on the borderlands of the southern kingdom. Broke and hungry a merchant told them about the closer nicer Flatspur and the nasty further away Shankheim. Arrived in the village with a coin each and let in but warned when cash out they would be thrown out. Went to the tavern to eat roast turnips and Drunk got a cabbage beer and walked the tavern looking for work. Lucked out met the priest and was offered a job checking out cultists in a ruin. Just scout but if trouble and up to no good then bonus gold awarded. Intruduced to Nebos the Giant mason.

So followed the map and walked two hours through a ancient dead blasted forest through variegated hilly terrain. Saw shacks on a hill with a junk fence. The sneaky bandit got close and heard four men working, a which and some buzzing sounds he picked up. The archer crept over to join him and made a sloppy noise from falling in mud. The gates opened and four pale robed cultists came out. Two with staffs and two with small knives. 

So the archer and bandit shot a guy who fled and jumped sown a shaft in the courtyard with a rope and which. Zarathustra waiting by the gate grabbed one of the men in a lock and held against a wall. The giant splattered a mans brains and got a hit. The corpse had a big white worm pop out his brain like a giant tapeworm. While the drunk Zarathustra held the cultist he saw in his mouth a giant worm and so he was promptly finished.

The well was 30 foot down and all a bit scary. So they grabbed a crate of food and a chest of lead medalions and some paper wad ball and shot packets for quickloading a light musket. Threw junk and corpses on the pit, took the well which, spattered oil, started a fire and fled. There was a box with buzzing insects inside they there in the fire also.

Almost home a pack od mangy mutant mutts chased them in the gate where they turned and helped the guards drive them off. They got a dead dog for their efforts that sold with some scrap and rusty old weapons they found.

The priest was pleased and gave them a reward and told them to rest, eat and recover so they can return to finish them and get a bigger reward. Everyone got about 15gp! So got better armour, weapons, food and more cabbage beer.

The lead tokens were trinkets to give pilgrims and there were hundreds and a scroll in the bottom.

The party met some more locals and upset the scavenger's guilders. They paid member fees and were sworn in. Turns out they pay for scrap better than shops do and even buy old adventurer gear at good prices. Even though most armour here is scrappy and old. Yasmin's army leathers and bow stand out as above average here. They recruited a broke old drunk mercenary with a two-handed sword and a flintlock pistol. Yasmin also met an urchin who offered to be a guide. She gave him a weeks iron rations and he ran away. The next urch offering to be a guide got one days food and has not run away.

Spent several days preparing. Heard more stories of Chagrinspire and some other ruins and the rival village Shankhiem. Many locals feared undead or beastfolk or mutants will overrun them all. Nebo advised them to take oaths at the church but he got his +1 maul that way.

Yasmin the archer leveled up into a Lv1 Warrior and got some skills in cooking, fishing, survival and some fancier archery and other weapon skills. She got a field stove to help detox food with cooking in the waste. She took an oath to feed the hungry and received a +1 composite bow.

Zarathustra had his ancestral blood pact with the fire elementals and became a 1st Lv Sorcerer who started to learn about guns. He cleaned up a bit and you can see he has good manners, is a skilled chess player and carousing fiend. Currently does not want an oath or alignment.

The nameless wanderer and ex bandit is a 1st Lv rogue. He got a +1 small sword for  

The party was eventually ready and feeling they were a bit more experienced and with the mercenary and the boy set off to finish the worm cult.

On the way flaming skulls flew overhead screaming and lucky everyone lay flat and still.

Reached the hill apparently covering a ruin. Someone else had searched and looked some more and flies buzzed around unburned remains of the cultists (who were all lv1 wizards).

Found a trapdoor under a shack and went down a ladder into a small room with two sets of stairs going down. On the way down north heard buzzing so went back. The other found a blocked passage and then the corpse of the escaped wizard being eaten by giant maggots. The party went to stomp the worms and Zarathustra hung back to watch to new passage. He saw a silhouetted stumbling figure with a buzzing cloud around it. He got ready to blast it and the mercenary got ready to protect him after his huge sword couldn't get the maggots in the hail of party boots. So he used burning hands shrinking the swarm and blackening the rancid runny zombie flesh. The party stumbled around killing maggots, the undead and swarm. Nobos and the mercenary had their flesh pocked by bug bites. 

Smashed a cult idol, stole incense, found a weird potion and a golem wristwatch.

Returned home and even stole two tables for their haunted murder house in the village. The potion and scroll turned out to be quite weird and the golem watch can talk and set alarms and other uses and is a sentient clock basically.

Interested in seizing a outpost and trading with mutants and scavengers.

Worked well - the quickstart stuff helped.
I need Hardcopies of my own books sigh.

d12 Hirelings Want Work (offer daily rates)
1 Urchin offers to be a guide in the wastes (has survival skills), flees fights 1cp or food
2 Labourer offers to carry baggage, flees fights 1cp or food
3 Healer (knows first aid) offers to accompany adventurers if swear to protect them, 1gp per day in the field or 1cp for first aid in the village
4 Scout (apprentice thief can sneak or hide)
, flees fights 1sp or food 
5 Hungry thug, has a club
 1cp or food, will fight as long as party winning
6 Servant will carry lamps and goods, help master grooming and serve food flees fights 1sp
7 Acolyte with club, holy symbol and first aid kit, fights evil zealously for glory 1sp
8 Squire lost his knight has leather, a sword, dagger, target shield, will support master and help them dress in armour and clean weapons and carry a pack 1gp per day
9 Deserter from army, has shortbow and dagger, pack, mess kit, weak iron rations, is a bit superior to local scum 1gp per day avoids melee  
10 Drunken mercenary has iron curious and helm, 2h sword or pole axe, a flintlock pistol and a small sword. Carries 2d4 bottles of wine to drink when bored like guarding or searching rubbish in dungeons. Wears floppy velvet hat and muddy velvet outfit with fashionable tears and rips.  Wants a half share of the treasure characters get to be renegotiated each expedition 
11 Scholar is an expert on the history, art and language of the ancients. Will dispense advice and opinions. Wears robes and carries a staff, sack and notebook. F
lees fights mostly but charges 1gp plus wants documents and to copy inscriptions found. Might be tempted by eldritch lore  and knows lots of rumours
12 Scavenger is a survivor of the wastes who knows hazards of ruin and monsters. Wears filth bandages and muddy cloak made of garbage for hiding. Carries a club and shank and a light hunting musket and 10 shots. 1sp a day and a cut of loot. Knows some local ruins and rumours 

d12 Dodgy Hirelings Want Victims
When a party has recruited a few hirelings already
When any party rolls to scrutinise recruitment or carousing are terrible

1 Shifty Survivor joins adventurers as a scout to betray them to criminals, cannibals, slavers or even monsters for a cut of party loot. Carries shortbow, small sword, dagger with poison save or d4 after one round. Claims to know the wasteland and places to find loot 1sp
2 Hooded survivor joins adventurers to rob them and avoid danger. Carries a dagger and six darts. Good with locks and traps and sleigh-of-hand tricks like picking pockets and snatching loot. Will flee if caught in an actor when has enough loot. 1cp
3 Bandaged scavenger with septic wound, carries club with barbed wire and a shank. Wants money for medicine 1cp. Is really a plague-carrying necromutant under bandages and coughs frequently
4 Filthy-robed scavenger, hairy with a twitchy nose, carries light hunting musket with bayonet. It really a were rat but only wants 1sp to guide in the waste and underground  
5 Bandit scum, has a shortbow, hooded cloak dagger or club. 1cp but will if gets a chance thump someone unconscious and flee with valuables
6 Hooded scavenger from Shankheim where the village guild is also the crime guild. Serves the guildmaster and reports on adventurers. Leather, sword, light crossbow, hooded cloak, 1sp 
7 Filthy large scavenger, doesn't talk much, carries dagger and a club and throws rocks. Under voluminous robes mutations are developing and at some inconvenient moment or if they are killed, they burst open into a mass of flailing tentacles, mouths and eyes 
8 Old man in tattered robes and staff (apprentice necromancer) with a large silent man covered in bandages and wrappings with a sickle (a zombie). Looking for loot charges 1gp a day for both but they are slow
9 Grimacing street brawler in leather, loves to stab with dagger and loves blood. Also loves drugs and torture and defiling corpses 1cp
10 Old man with spectacles, a dagger and blunderbuss and a young 2HD pet owlbear that needs practice. Is a spy for the Black Sphere cult who wants to lure adventurers to certain locations to fight their enemies like enemy kobolds and orcs of the region 1sp
11 Bandaged wasteland nomad, lean and mean, carries scimitar and whip, likes drugs and captures slaves as personal property in battle. Has a rope and will tie monsters and herd them to the slave market in Shankheim or some slaver camp 1sp
12 Foriegn Duelist with small sword and flintlock pistol in a smart cloth uniform of the ancients "he found". Disciplined, punctual pedantic. Seems aristocratic and well-mannered even charming. Agent of the black sphere seeks to find certain relics and documents and will share some subway maps and golem train timetables. 1gp

d12 Common Trinkets
1 Coin purse with d4 1=d6cp 2=d6sp 3=d6ep 4=d6gp
2 Holy symbol of religion or cult value d4 1=1cp 2=1sp 3=1gp 4=30gp
3 Ammunition 2d6 rounds of d4 1=sling stones 2=arrows 3=lead shot 4=brass shell casings
4 Small idol under 1kg worth d6x5gp d4 1=god 2=demon 3=historic soldier figurine 4=bust of ancient forgotten dictator
5 Food for a d6 days d4 1=stale loaf of bread 2=wormy turnips 3=cabbages 4=slightly smelly dried meat
6 Steel flask with d4 1=tainted water (mutagen or poison) 2=cold tea 3=wine 4=brandy or a 4L skin of wine or water 
7 Ring of ancients often with a seal or coat of arms or cult insignia, may have engraving d4 1=brass 1sp 2=copper 1ep 3=silver 5gp 4=gold 30gp
8 Broken wristwatch worth 50gp fr parts
9 Knife from a crude shank made from scrap or well-made steel knife with a black sphere symbol 
10 Tinderbox with flammable shredded paper, steel and flint or a box of a d4 matches, a bundle of sticks
11 Tins of food with no labels 2d4 meals, d4 1=alchemical grey tasteless gruel 2=beans 3=peaches 4=meat stew
12 Bundle of 2d4 candles or d4 torches

d12 Fancy Trinkets
1 Fancy beer stien d4 1=wood 10cp 2=ceramic 1sp 3=pewter 1gp 4=silver 30gp
2 Cameo medalion in chain of silver 30gp d4 1=image of family 2=image of person 3=picture of Chagrinspire before it was covered in mud and filth 4=image of a deity, spirit or saint
Glass 1L bottles d4 intact and a d4 empty. Contents d8 1=water 2=urine 3=beer 4=wine 5=brady 6=preserved blood for hemovores 7=holy water 8=incendiaries
5 Steel dagger or bayonet with Black Sphere symbols and inscriptions
6 Swagger stick or riding crop, a fancy symbol of office for pointing, waving and slapping subordinates - increases command radius by 1
7 Ancient hat d6 1=bicorn 2=tricorn 3=bowler or derby 4=tophat 5=cap 6=steel army helmet
8 Telescope folds and fits in pocket, possibly binoculars, periscope or opera glasses instead
9 A well-read ancient book with some scrawled notes d6 1=novel 2=nullist philosophy 3=journal 4=heretical sad war poems 5=book about golem trains and rail lines 6=book showing advanced progress of the ancients with images of smoking mills and miserable workers 
10 Bag with a gas mask
11 Bag with a first aid kit with ten clean sealed dressings or if from more shabby source smelly used bandages, belt, hand saw, mallet and a bottle of rum
12 Addictive healing potions d4+1 doses, heals a d4 save or want more every day -2 all rolls until you get more or are treated with cure disease or cure poison or get a new save if you don't have any healing potions of any sort and rest a d4+1 days sweating

Saturday 20 July 2024

d100 Petty Courtier Problems

These are jobs for people on the first rungs of court who might want influence behind the scenes

One for barbarian chiefs hall was suggested

d10 Quick Type
1 Guards
2 Servants
3 Entertainers
4 Elders
5 Youths
6 Scholars
7 Clergy
8 Diplomat
9 Officials
10 Nobles

d100 Petty Courtier Problems
01 Please fetch the captain special ointment he has to stand on guard at a function for hours tonight
02 Keep an eye out for the officer in charge while we play cards
03 Take this purse to the orphanage with this letter for the watch captain
04 Spy on these guards who are reported to be flirting with servants
05 Take this man and give him a rough time and dump him a mile from town
06 A servant has been stealing items can you please look out for any thieves
07 Part of a guard uniform has been left at a lover's home please fetch it
08 A key has gone missing keep an eye out for it and report to the captain of the guard
09 A guard dog keeps growling at a guest and now the dog is missing can you find him
10 A guard saw an impish child running around but cant leave my post can you look for one
11 Servant needs help with a task and is struggling 
12 Servants in panic have broken a household item
13 A animal escaped the kitchen and needs to be caught fast
14 A senior servant must choose which child page is a liar and needs a beating
15 Upset youthful servant has been mistreated by a mean guest
16 Servant tries to escape, but other servants want them brought back unharmed before there is trouble
17 Find out the secret of this nosy servant  
18 One of the servants has been having a secret affair with a noble, find out who
19 Find out which servant is gossiping about the palace affairs to visiting crafters
20 Servant has a message they need to carry to a shopkeeper outside the place unseen
21 Jester is looking for his pet d4 1=monkey 2=bird 3=piglet 4=toad
22 Minstral has misplaced an instrument in a noble room and needs it back
23 Performing bard after a show has taken a lady's necklace and she could get in trouble if asked how this happened so she needs it back discretely 
24 In a recent feast a performer drank a noble person's wine doing a bit, then died choking and people now want to know why
25 Bernard the bear baiter needs some extra helpers moving this new young owlbear for a show, you mostly just have to hold these chains while the experts do the work
26 Illusionists show fantastic visions at a feast and need a few helpers for an act
27 Visiting jester has been pooping around the palace and if accused without evidence will challenge anyone to a duel, please catch him in the act
28 One of the players in a theatre troop has been snooping about, keep an eye on them
29 A bard staying in the palace has lost their clothes and has only this urn of ashes for modesty  
30 A noble fancies one of the minstrels and wants you to give them this letter and ring
31 Old man can't find his key and must have dropped it somewhere today
32 An old maid thinks a young servant is really the lover of a lord and has no serving experience, try and find out where she is from
33 Old servant wants you to quickly take this chamber pot to the healer and get a report on it
34 Old servant needs rats removed from under the floor and in the roof
35 Old courtier wants two attractive youths brought to one of the master's rooms after midnight
36 Old deranged servant needs to be moved to the country, help them pack, clean up and get on the carriage 
37 Retired courtiers are being blackmailed by a page, take them this gold. be discreet
38 Widow needs face cream from a wise woman of the woods collected 
39 Busy senior servant wants help with a grandchild starting an apprenticeship and not joining a gang 
40 Retired civil servant needs secret letters delivered
41 See pages fighting over a cup and ball and they are getting a bit serious and forget their masters will be angry if they are damaged
42 Pages of guests are fighting with horseshoe knuckledusters or knives or clubs while masters are taking bets which is frowned on 
43 Squires scaring pages with outrageous stories and hazings is ruining their morale
44 Drunken old friar chasing pages after hours 
45 Noble says was robbed by gang of pages while drunk at night can someone get his signet ring back
46 Pages claim a giant sewer python is in the cistern and everyone using upstairs privies, someone stop it
47  A pet is loose in the palace go find it before some pages get in trouble
48 A goat with diareah is trapped on a tower top and pages need help getting it off, its definitely not one of those talking goats
49 Pages all scared of a ghost they hear moaning at nights
50 Page from a foreign land is bullied and would like some help impressing them
51 Scribe would like to chat about what you have seen  
52 Playwrite wants to hear stories of violence and tragedy
53 Wizard needs an ingredient at the market and 
54 Punish these naughty students who cheated on exams 
55 Wizards apprentices all-out getting drunk someone go and chase them home
56 Student vomited in wizards hat, go get it cleaned fast
57 Bookkeeper needs sheep counted 
58 Help librarian sort out books 
59 Take this book outside the city and burn it 
60 Help the old courtier recover his stolen naughty pamphlet collection he thinks the pages took
61 Nobody believes a drunken priest saw a spirit, proved the cleric right or drunk
62 Pages stole the priest's wine and he wants the puckish varlet caught and cursed
63 Priest needs some help filling in some paragraphs of a holy text translation about a saint's exploits, any fabulous suggestions considered 
64 Priest found a dark hole under the altar and needs someone to take a peek
65 Hand copy these hymn lyrics for an important song festival
66 Carpenter found a crawling undead hand in the wall and this scroll he suggested a priest should know about it
67 Old priest needs some helpers to exorcise a sealed room in palace
68 Help the priests bottle beer or wine or mead for a royal order
69 The witch hunter needs a few stout comrades to carry torches tonight 
70 Healer needs helpers to nurse deranged elderly nobles in the attic, cut toenails, change their bandages and chamber pots
71 Diplomat offers coins for any good gossip about court inhabitants
72 See a shifty diplomat hand a person gold coins 
73 Heard a diplomat talking to themself in their room angrily and it seemed pretty strange
74 Saw a diplomat hiding a package in a loose brick wall or wooden paddle
75 Diplomat flogging a servant
76 Diplomat servant asks you to deliver a bottle of exotic brandy 
77 Diplomant gives a bardic performance and tells slanderous tales of a rival nation, local captain wants them watched while visiting
78 Diplomat misses some item from home, go collect a package, please
79 Diplomat wants a local guide to look about town and go shopping
80 Diplomats spending time with pages and giving them gifts and diabolic pamphlets about rewards of making blood oaths to hell's service
81 Chancellor needs these knights to be given these secret letters today
82 Vizier needs his special pipeweed blend and he cant be seen with rif-raf 
83 Councillor needs these meeting minutes copied and taken to these councillors
84 Treasurer requests help spying on a gang of coin clippers
85 Guildmaster visiting court asks servants which of the nobles treat staff best and worse
86 Magistrate wants some character witnesses of a noble before making a decision and is sure something doesn't add up 
87 Marshal believes there is a secret cult in the palace using old passages under the palace. Find some secret doors if you can 
88 General needs someone to carry this message to a lover
89 Mayor visiting court offers coin for reports on fancy fad things the nobles want currently
90 Secret police chief needs you to climb through its sewer to see if it could have been used to enter the palace
91 Squire of a knight needs help finding out what sweetheart wants
92 Knight needs servants for dinner in his quarters to impress guests
93 Take this gift of wine to this night in tomorrow just to wish them luck
94 Require beaters for a royal manticore hunt tomorrow
95 Noble needs this baby out of the palace and to an orphanage, give the orphanage this letter and silver
96 Seen some guest followers fingering their knives and looking around suspiciously
97 Noble lost a horse and needs help finding it
98 Take this ransom money to this waterside smuggler's tavern and give it to a man with an eyepatch
99 Noble's child joined a rake gang of privileged rich thugs who terrorise poor, please talk them out of it or better still scare them out
100 A noble has been dressing peasants as birds to shoot at their wild costume parties, see if this is true and get compelling witnesses

Thursday 18 July 2024

d100 Petty Urban Problems

Ok more of last post but more urban flavour

also these are good to get to know a town
many offer a coin or some produce reward

d10 Quick Types
1 Errands 
2 Chores
3 Messages
4 Poverty
5 Crime
6 Vice
7 Violence
8 Questionable
9 Guilds
10 Magic

d100 Petty Urban Problems 
01 Take this basket of goods to granny's house
02 Buy these ingredients and I will give you some of the final product
03 Find these items in local junk shops
04 Take this bag of vegetables to a member of the guard's wife at home
05 Take this bag of kittens to the ferryman
06 Take this old pony to the knickers yard and bring back the money
07 Go buy these ingredients for dinner
08 Take this crate of empty beer bottles to the brewery and bring me a new one
09 Go find my impudent child and tell them to come home
10 Deliver these pies to my customers my delivery boy is sick 
11 Please peel these vegetables for a feast 
12 Butcher this pig, please. I think I know it too well
13 I need to sand and varnish these boats by tomorrow for a bog client 
14 Can you watch my lazy apprentices for me and carry this stick to look more authoritative
15 Can you mind my shop while I quickly nip into an alley for illicit sexual encounters
16 Can you carry those bales to the merchant please our donkey was stolen
17 Can you search the muddy low tide for a valuable idol my mother threw out
18 I need this wood chopped to cook all this extra food we have
19 Please help row this boat to market
20 Can you lead this horse to my stables
21 Take this letter to my sweetheart
22 Take this letter to my wife at our home then escort her to this house
23 Take this letter to this wizard tower
24 Give this legal notice to this merchant from the guild
25 Take this bill to this storekeeper
26 Take this order for goods to the guild house and get a good deal
27 Take this note to the guardhouse captain immediately its urgent
28 Take this will to the priest so the church can stop other heirs from robbing the estate
29 Take these legal documents to the clerk of a guild
30 Take this letter to the guard captain so he releases this person
31 Urchin cries that parents gone and they are hungry

32 Legless toothless beggar has an expensive tattoo of the party on chest
33 Chased by the sick asking for medicine or healing or money
34 Starving man offers to do honest work for food 
35 Starving sick parent tries to give away or sell child
36 Child catcher chasing feral kids or any children really
37 Beggar king asks you to guard this alley and don't let gang members through
38 Beggars want a youth gang of bullies scared away for robbing local homeless
39 Recruit some workers from the homeless but don't start a riot of the jobless
40 Man offers to sell self to slavery to adventurers as a debtor for upkeep
Take this bag of coins to the shifty goblin on the southern road by the gibbets
Visit this person in prison and slip them this lockpick
43 Carry this bag to a sailor at the docks, don't let anyone follow you
44 Help these masked vigilantes frighten this official to drive them from town
45 Help these men start a bar fight in this tavern, here is some beer money to start
46 Keep this berserk barbarian drunk from coming here, nobody understands them and its unclear whether they know what our business is
47 Guard this public toilet from teen vandals for a few days
48 Watch for pickpockets playing the market and start a hue and cry against them
49 Stop these thugs threatening shopkeepers for free goods
50 Help a man out of this drain and then out of town past the guards
51 Creep asking about a missing sex worker hiding a few days in an area offers a finders fee
52 Deliver these packages to the strange old man in this apartment address, avoid local gangs who would kill for this
53 Take this man to a bathhouse but don't let him out of your sight or let anyone touch him then bring them back
54 Take this potion to the son of the bathhouse attendant by nightfall
55 Get two sex workers of a specific type and put in this lords carriage unseen
56 Get my son out of this whore house and spending my money
57 A gang of vicious dandy rakes have taken over an underground club and need to be chased away before more gather and they start abusing prisoners
58 Gang members trying to recruit prostitutes for tours of frontier mines and locals want someone to stop pestering their kids with wild promises of pay in gold nuggets
59 Go get this priest out of whatever drug den or brothel they are saving souls in this week
60 A terrible wizard pimp has locals terrified and he has killed a few attackers. His apprentices on the street use illusions to fetch higher prices and undercut the honest traditional workers from their craft. If only someone would take him down a peg or two
61 Go start a fight with this gang who beat my old pa
62 Get in a fight and get in lockup, give this lockpick to this prisoner, then all escape
63 Find a pit fighter and sponsor them in a match against Killer Makgruder to teach him not to pay debts
64 Take this horse to a fighting match and bet this money on it and return
65 Go to the gladiator arena and cheer this fighter, bonus if you sway the whole mob to cheer for them
66 Vandalise a cultist shrine then flee
67 Burn down this old building
68 Beat up the squatters in this old house if they don't leave
69 Distract guards with a fight while men sneak past
70 A noble has a hired duelist to defend him and he lords it over everyone, someone teach this noble a lesson, best distract the duelist
Take this crate of rum to this particular tavern, whatever you do don't let a taxman stop you, if they do say it for yourself
 Go tell the urchin catcher there are lots of feral children in the park today
Deliver a bottle of grog to this guard but don't let anyone see you, pretend to be a drunk if anyone does
74 Throw rocks through these windows and don't get caught
75 Beggars complain of foreign ascetics begging for food and looking more sympathetic, need to scare them off beggers turf or get them to join the guild 
76 Take this poison to the Goblins-Out society who plan to reduce goblin numbers and offer coins for goblin heads 1cp each. Claim goblins are weakening human vigour
77 Lecture to orphans how adventuring is dirty dangerous and full of murder hobos to scare them off the depraved lifestyle
78 We need a good fighter to fight a duel for its rich young bigmouthed fool
79 Drunken soldiers have been threatening locals and live in a townhouse. Someone need to make them use manners
80 Rabid dogs and giant rats in the area need killing
81 Warn a merchant he is selling non-guild goods and may be banned from town
82 Collect these horses from a merchant who owes us or get the cash they owe and an advance
83 Fisherman not paying guild fees and breaking catch limits needs his boat sunk
84 The muleskinner guild needs this new donkey cult stopped. They recruit with free beer and meals and ignore guild rules
85 Wizards guild needs witnesses that students are drinking and having wild parties against school rules of purity and devotion 
86 Torturers Guild Here a crime guild has been hiring out interrogators and need to be warned off the legitimate torture trade or join the guild
87 Merchant Guild has a spy leaking caravan information to a bandit
88 Fishpackers guild and fisher guilds are feuding. Someone get their leaders to sit down over some beers and negotiate
89 Shopkeepers Guild claims urchins are robbing market stalls and to help urchin catchers round up the pests into an orphan workhouse
90 Leather Guild need to dump some waste, take this cart and dump the barrels probably away from water
91 Test this magic potion
92 Fetch these weird ingredients for a rare spell scroll ink
93 Recover a missing student spell book
94 Fight this summoned creature a few rounds to evaluate their eficacy
95 Feral kobolds are in my master's basement stealing magic potions please stop them
96 A wizard's favourite pointy hat or staff or familiar is missing
97 Priest has a thief located who took church ritual items, get the items back before he sells or moves them
98 Alchemist wants to know what monsters are in sewers, don't take any risks identifying them is plenty. Especially mutant ones
99 Orc shaman wants ancestral skull back from rich merchant with a collection of orc body parts in a cabinet to impress friends
100 Priest suspects a cultist is in the district and wants sinister night travellers followed until convinced just regular criminals and drunks and perverts

Tuesday 16 July 2024

d100 Petty Good Deeds & Are Adventurers Social Workers?

Vol 1 and 2 of Chagrinspire will have big updates this week
1 will have art and fonts fixed
2 will have the room entries for 200+ rooms done and some spot stuff

I have been prepping for new homebrew EMO game and playtest and need stuff ready for that
I have a 6-page PC sheet and will do 1 page version for starting out
the idea at 1st can have 1 sheet once you hit 5 use 6pg a5 booklet then a4 booklet when that gets too small

I am still overlooking the whole basic sheet and wondering what to strip
Id like to have another bash at EMO lite for Xmas

My Automaton class rewrite (formerly 50s robots now being redesigned to make fantasy golems or scarecrows or other weirdness). I have mostly Zero 1st and 2nd Leval app lists done and might publish them here soon. Mutant revision after that and alchemist class.

These bigger projects are a bit harder, and require more attention span and editing (yes i can be worse). I make big frameworks to fill and then have to maintain the effort to finish possibly stupid or overreaching. Doing more of this stuff does cut into my Blog making time. I also need a break from these projects too thus today's post. Possibly, I will make a frog book as a break compiling every frog post.


So what is the opposite of a murder hobo?
Do you help every villager with fetch quests?
Do you help solve the love problems of every peasant who asks?

If you're good and more roleplaying less murderish more chatty players. The village of Homelet in the Temple of Elemental Evil is full of them. They may have some risk but they make you get to know everyone and help you get a level ahead and even some magic and handy NPCs or love interests. 

These sorts of adventures are a bit wasted on high-level adventurers.

"Help find my goat Miss Nancy she is my favorite"
"Take 100 gp and by a bunch of goats or retire"

Actually, your followers can do some of this stuff and help your reputation 
Maybe your party could have a bunch of followers to clean up all the problems of every town 

Maybe build a monster orphanage ready for that dungeon you're going to cleanse of evil

What happens when villagers become totally dependent of players and don't want them to leave to another dungeon. Encouraging marriage and buying property helps adventurers stay. or come back. A village might understand departing heroes off to save the universe or some worthy cause but will all make a public spectacle of remorse.

d12 Dependant Village Plots
1 Get someone in the party involved in pregnancy and marriage in the village,. villagers might present youths to villagers like cattle or hold a dance. Older but still hot locals are waiting in the wings with booze if the youths fail 
2 Offer bar tab and local service fees to party and amas a huge debt, offer everything on tab and avoid saying prices and offer outrageous luxury items even vice. Gambling might be another angle
3 Report any local monsters or other local adventurer locations in the area in hopes party stay longer. If desperate will fake it with giant fake feet or costumed elders in folk costumes
4 Leave fake clues around of a cult near adventurers, turns out local cult is uncovered or troubled by this evidence. Locals beg adventurers to save them from this peril before witch hunter called in
5 Give party members official jobs or party without much responsibility but require notification to leave. Sherrif or Millita captain or church roles might help. If no local wizard declare a party member the official one. They might even offer accommodation and other perks like a bar tab and a horse
6 Local priest tries to convince the party and to set up schools and businesses in the local area to keep wealth safe then go adventuring so you have a safe home
7 Villagers build a monument or shrine for adventurers and sing songs about them, if adventurers leave will wail and throw themselves to the ground begging
8 Give the adventurers a huge key for the community making them official key holders with official civic duties but including lots of good food and drink at meetings
9 A dedicated local is a spy for locals and is helpful to adventurers seeking to become close or even travel with the party. Will sing nostalgic songs about home to make adventurers nostalgic
10 Local judge declares adventurers are witnesses in a court case and must remain in area and report lodgings. Judge will stall and write up court warrants demanding they report to sheriff daily. Badly injured adventures will be helped and imprisoned for their safety and brought food by attractive eligible locals 
11 Secretly someone afraid of chaos taking the village tries getting heroes addicted to drugs in a mad effort to get them to stay. The drugger accepts fate tearfully apologising and many locals are tearfully sympathetic. Drugs from bottles promising to keep husbands at home from the city sold by travelling brush salesman
12 Offer them an abandoned building at a low low price, d6 1=haunted by poltergeist 2=home of giant vermin 3=brownie lives in rafters 4=stove troll lives behind stove 5=invisible imp lives here to spread evil and find people to sell souls 6=used by a cult for murders in the past just untidy with cult stuff and some blood

Villainous forces will not like problem-free happy people and will plot against the character's schemes for reform with spies and saboteurs. 

d12 Sabotage Plots
1 Infiltrate an agent within to spy and select targets for sabotage
2 Threaten suppliers with violence or market massaging
3 Bring in a bandit gang to cause trouble, find them a hideout 
4 Infiltrator joins workers and sours morale and slanders good guys
5 Encourage a cult to move into area and cause trouble
6 Fund a criminal guild to be set up and profit
7 Poisoning d4 1=beer in pub 2=water 3=animals 4=VIP food
8 Find an abandoned dungeon or cave or ruin for monsters to move into
9 Encourage a cult or necromancers to raise dead in the area
10 Spread disease d4 1=fleas and rats 2=taint food 3=taint water 4=livestock 
11 Infiltrator damages equipment, storehouses and building projects
12 Bribe away skilled labour with an agent specialising in this

d10 Deed Types
1 Find stuff around the farm
2 Recovery of lost stuff
3 Locate stuff on land
4 Witch Mania!
5 Charity
6 Haunting
7 Crime
8 Beast
9 Love
10 Weird Chores

d100 Petty Good Deeds
01 Find a special herb or food from the forest
02 Gather this mushroom only visible in the forest at night
03 Catch me a turtledove so I can give it to my sweetheart (possibly in a pie)
04 Find what creature got in the barn and stole grain 
05 Poison these vermin-infested locations
06 Some creature has been sucking blood from animals at night
07 Gather a load of firewood for cold elder
08 Find a missing farm cat  
09 A favourite chicken or duck or goose has run away, save her before foxes do she may have babies
10 Some sheep panicked and fled a shepherd offered cheese for each beast returned
11 Get my garden tool from my neighbour
12 I dropped my stick down a drain please find it
13 A goblin took my departed lover's ring please return it
14 Please get my goat back from another farm, it keeps going there
15 Help move this huge rock out of the way
16 Help dig up this buried stone with writing on it in the garden
17 Go and kill some vermin in the basement
18 Help demolish this old farm building I think something is living in it
19 What's in this huge hole in my garden?
20 Help beekeeper raid a giant bee nest without hurting bees
21 Find what is down the sinkhole a dog fell down
22 Locate any unusual altars or shrines in areas possibly used by cutting close to the area
23 A child lost a trinket of parents and searched desperately
24 Look for burrows of giant vermin nesting in the area
25 Find out who has been stealing sheep
26 Find out who among seasonal workers is stirring up trouble
27 Who keeps stealing our border stones? 
28 Some say a creature lives in the local woods that explores the village by night
29 Several people say one of the village goats can talk, think of the attention our village would get with a talking goat
30 Find out if any more of these strange meat plants are growing in the area
31 Did a villager cast a spell on someone or their livestock? investigate quietly please
32 An elderly loner with pets has been accused of witchcraft go find evidence
33 Villager is sure there is a crazed feral man cannibal living in a cave
34 Some report a naked old person in the woods possibly a witch or lunatic
35 Villagers report a mischievous child did a crime but nobody can identify which child and people cause each other wildly. If only someone could find which child. Or is it a witch child?
36 An agent of the witch hunter is passing through and some ppl need to keep an eye on him in case cultists attack him in our area
37 Is that old ruined house in the woods a witch house?
38 Someone has seen hooded people with lanterns by night and is afraid
39 A local man has made wild threats about witchcraft. Magistrate needs someone to interview sworn witnesses for court to support or denounce the man
40 Strange petty pranks around the area, confirm if it is supernatural
41 Elderly person with horrible feet needs medical treatment
42 Blind beggar with sad story asks for charity
43 Village idiot tries to get people to look at a hole he found and locals just mock them
44 Drunken old war vet begs for a job
45 WIdow and d4 orphans begging for a place to stay willing to work
46 Old person seeks a good lodger who can help her with household chores and pay
47 Child has an accident and is badly hurt and cries for help
48 Orphan whos parent was on an adventurer has not come home is getting hungry
49 Old drunk survived years as a slave to evil dwarves too traumatised to do much except drink needs some sort of help people say
50 Some cold monster children were seen by sides of road their family killed probably, maybe someone should help them
51 Find out what is in sealed crypt under church so priest can re-sanctify it if needed
52 This place has a horrendous crawling undead hand that nobody will face please get it
53 Who has stolen several bodies?
54 Human bones have been found near an old graveyard, see if their are any disturbances
55 A slow plodding thing has been stalking around houses by night upsetting dogs
56 SInister figures have been seen in an old forest burial ground, go see if haunted
57 Spend a night in the spooky old house to prove it is not haunted d4 1=mureder house 2=demon house 3=ghost house 4=witch house
58 Travellers have seen a rose creeper vine-covered skeleton with a sword and shield searching among bramble hedges for something and I'm scared for my children
59 Several people say they have dreamed of the same spirit is it true?
60 A haunted old mine has had noises come from within, go take a look to see if it is serious
61 Who stole my goat
62 Someone in the tavern is a pick pocket
63 A robber rook my arm bands from my grandfathers time please get the theif 
64 Sherrif needs some able bodies to find a gang of robbers and catch them
65 Bard from the crown reports information on smugglers and tax evation is worth a reward
 and gives a wanted poster for some old adventurer who don't want to pay
66 A horse thief has been menacing the area please catch them and bring back the horses we need
67 A money lender from some gang has been in tavern and is getting lots of locals in trouble drinking and gambling, please drive them away, locals cant be seen to do it 
68 A bailiff and his beadles went to get a man summoned by the judge and he has been resisting. Please help them catch the man holed up in this old crypt  without anyone being hurt
69 A guild spy from a non local crime syndicate has been in the tavern, if only we knew why?
70 Some locals are sure someone local is a secret policeman in disguise looking for traitors, finding them would be best if we knew and could make use of this
71 A tall humanoid was seen in the forest watching us what was it?
72 Local scholars looking for stone monuments with writing from the old times, needs help talking to villagers who might have dug up the odd stone or statue
73 Man wants guards while he meets some non-human species to trade in the forest
74 Catch an unusual lone wolf stealing chickens and small pets
75 What is that howling creature over the stream we hear at night screaming?
76 Hunter needs some helpers to kill a dangerously wounded bear foaming at the mouth
77 Trapper wants some help checking traps as he has seen humanoids in area
78 A boar wounded a man and someone needs to kill it
79 Giant frogs in the creek needs catching, man from city pays 40gp a live frog
80 Some kind of huge flightless bird creature scared some children please find out what it was
81 Take this love letter to my forbidden sweetheart for true love
82 Help me write this love poem im having trouble with a few lines
83 Young maids want help getting into a bards room, can they get your help getting into his room or to get close to him, offer flattery and a kiss on the cheek in public 
84 My dad hates my lover could you help show him what a wonderful person my love is
85 Ive become obsessed by goblins could you take them this letter for me, don't make any violence, its a map to come to my house
86 Help me win this contest to impress my love
87 These two old grumps would be great together if they only could make up their old beef
88 Find the father of this unborn child, the mother wont talk talk to her widowed father who is trying to press charges or get money 
89 Please convince this bard to play at a wedding, we have some savings
90 Young lovers fled the village please stop/help them
91 I need someone to collect all the beer or potion bottles in town for the brewery that is running low
92 Old man knows the place to catch magic fish, if you could just fetch him one, don't take too many of the water faeries get mad
93 Could you clear out my attack, It is full of my amateur alchemist grandfather's rubbish
94 Could you recover this book taken by a former apprentice
95 Place these secret chams on every house to keep away monsters and spirits, if people know they don't work
96 Scholar wants accounts of various spirit sightings villagers had years ago, maybe someone knows the truth or if the spirit is around
97 Take these bottles of bound spirits a ghost catcher left and get rid of them somewhere outside of area
98 Could you go to the woodcutter camp and check they are not all werewolves
99 A potion was stolen by someone and the owner needs it back for a specific person
100 Dropped a pamphlet that might be illegal can you get it back? d4 1=treason 2=demonic herasy 3=porn 4=slander of nobility


Friday 12 July 2024

d12 Chagrinspire Packs

These are some loot bundles you could buy or find in the field or on the corpse of your victims

d12  Chagrinspire Packs

1 Tribal Pack
Leather sack with fur cloak with hood, hide skin clothing, flint knife, flint scraper, stone hand axe, fishing hooks and line, 6m rope, week of dried meat and ground seeds, wooden bowl, wooden spoon, waterskin 4L, sling, 30gp tooth necklace, d4 12gp animal skins, bag of tinder and charcoal. May include leather armour, clubs, flint and stone weapons, often a preferred missile weapon like javelins, bows, blowpipe, sling
2 Scavenger Pack
Canvas backpack, patchwork old clothes full of pockets and straps, week of dried beans and dried meat, string bag of d6 items of scrap metal, groundsheet, small one-person tent, sleeping roll, waterskin 4L, prybar, small spade or pick, knife, can opener, d4 gold teeth (1gp each). Cloth armour. clubs, hand axes, machete, light crossbow or light d6 musket with bayonet 
3 Trooper Pack
Cloth backpack, millitary uniform of cloth, mess kit with cup, pot, spoon, knife, folding trench tool, bayonet, hooded mask or gasmask, first aid kit, sewing kit, cigarettes, 5 tins of beef stew, two kg of army biscuits, 2L canteen, boot polish, rag, bottle of rum, d6sp. Musket and bayonet, officers have a cuirass, sabre and a flintlock pistol instead
4 Crusader pack
Canvas backpack week dried cheap rations, bottle or wine, bowl, spoon, rain cloak, holy symbol, garlic, a box of candles, book of common prayers, holy water, knife, dagger, lantern, d6 cp. Commoner has light armour and a spear or staff, and possibly a bow or light crossbow. Noble wears a chain, shield and helmet according to rank and wields a sword. some holy orders use mace or other weapon instead
5 Mutant Pack 
Filthy rags and bandage clothing, dust mask, cloak of garbage for hiding in wastes, d6 sacks, seven days of swamp cabbage and dried rats, glass bottle of water 1L, knife, rabbit trap, glowing luck charm, first aid kit of filthy bandages. Wear cloth and usually carry a dagger, 2x javelins, a spear, club, hand axe
6 Bandit Pack
Cloak with hood, cloth pack, weevil-eaten beans and smelly old meat for d3 days, 4L water, knife, wooden spoon, tin plate, wanted poster from the homeland, 3d6cp 3d6sp d6gp. Wear leather armour, carry a dagger, bow or crossbow, shortsword or spear 
7 Mercenary Pack
Cloth backpack, cloak, fashionable clothes with rips and bows, bottle of beer, pewter beer stein, mirror, hair wax, shaving razor, tinderbox, pipe, silver knive & spoon, block of cheese, loaf of bread, week iron rations, 4L skin or wine, six torches, purse with d6xd6 gp. Wear an iron chest cuirass over cloth or plate armour, helmet, use a two-handed sword or pole axe, flintlock pistol, dagger, sword 
 Knight Pack
Cloth pack, court clothes, travel clothes, a tankard, a bottle of wine, ball of cheese, leg of mutton, a loaf of bread, an apple, knife,. letter of introduction from a noble, 3d6 xd6 gp. Poorer knights wear chains and carry a shield with a spear and sword. Richer knights wear plates and will have another favourite weapon like an axe, flail, or mace. Typically a squire and horses carry camping gear, more weapons or a lance 
9 Barbarian Pack
Hide pack, hide clothes, fur cloak, helmet d4 1=horns 2=brush 3=beast face 4=beast crest), knife, dagger, hand axe, wooden cult figurine, dried rations for a week, 4L wineskin, wooden beer stein, d6-1 mummified wizard heads, six torches, 3d6sp. Most wear leather and carry a spear, sword or battle axe. Some tribes use a composite bow, lasso, lance
10 Explorer Pack
Cloth pack, rain cloak, two weeks dried rations, 4L water skin, a bottle of rum, parchment and scribe kit for maps, d4 maps, compass, telescope, 100cp in bead trinkets to trade, 3d6sp d6gp. May wear leather but mostly cloth, carry sword, dagger, bow or light musket
11 Cultist Pack
Cloth pack with hooded robes, d4 days of army biscuits, water flask 1L, knife, ornate sacrificial dagger, unholy symbol, small evil figurine, crystal, astrology chart, incense, pipe and a d6 hits of lotus resin, blasphemous pamphlet, 3d6sp. May carry a sword and a crossbow or musket, and leaders carry several flintlock pistols. Wizards carry a +1 dagger and d4 scrolls
12 Black Sphere Pack
Cloth pack with uniform, sleeping roll, tent, week canned rations, can opener, knife, spoon, fork, pocketknife, trench tool, gas mask, 2L tin canteen, 3d6 black sphere script credit notes worth 100sp each at approved stores. Most wear only a steel helmet but officers, sappers and cavalry may have a curias. Most carry a bolt action rifle with a bayonet, and officers carry a sword and a heavy revolver. Sappers may have pole axes, maces, flails and shotguns. Other firearms exist but ammo is rarer 


13 Secret Alien Pack
Seamless survival suit with detachable pod pack, hand scanner, wrist communicator and computer. Wear a 10HP defence shield pack that lasts 10 rounds per hour, an invisibility field pack lasts 10 rounds per hour, a teleporter pack used per hour 100m range, a 
crystal tuning fork stun pistol or chrome laser pistol (all tech items last a d4 days without recharge)

14 Rocket Trooper
Leather flight suit, compass, one L water flask, binoculars, radio pack, binoculars, handcuffs, chocolate bar and pack of cigarettes with metal full helmet, dagger, medium automatic pistol, often use rocket flight packs, the submachine gun with two drums, two smoke grenades