Monday 28 November 2022

d100 Off Limits Locations in Utopia

Sometimes those secret messages or invitations require you to go somewhere forbidden. You might stumble across one or see other people using one. You might get some side to fetch quest for a secret society or criminals. Maybe they are really security forces sending dupes into a contaminated sector for some evidence they need but won't risk getting themselves.

You don't have to say what's outside and could give contradictory information and clues even fake relics or synthetic outside creatures could be made to keep up an illusion. You might think you can escape but perhaps your last few days were all simulated.

d10 Where is outside this Utopia?
1 Under a ruined city, university or wasteland
2 Underwater deep beneath the sea
3 In orbital construct or space habitat
4 On the moon or an asteroid or mars
5 On an off-world colony on an alien world
6 Under a thriving metropolis who have forgotten about the complex
7 Toxic environment requiring life support and medication to live due to war
8 Sprawling polluted wasteland where industrial mech toil mining and farming
9 Blasted wasteland with monstrous life possibly mutants or nanite undead
10 Simulated everybody really in stasis and experiences are a programmed shared dream

d10 Locating Locations
1 Crude map
2 Puzzle or code
3 Find a personal contact
4 Bribe a contact
5 Heard from a peer
6 Heard a rumour 
7 Saw someone go into dead end passage
8 Saw service personnel check the entrance
9 Deal with the gang or a cult
10 Had a weird dream and a bloody nose

d10 Quick Dodgy Place Types
1 Infrastructure
2 Corridors
3 Sealed doors
4 Abandoned
5 Ruined
6 Construction
7 Surveillance  
8 Science  
9 Criminal  
10 Secrets

d100 Off Limits Locations in Utopia
01 Metal grill into crawl spaces used for air and maintenance
02 Metal hatch into the crawlspace for wires and pipes under main corridors
03 Door and pipes and crawlspace connect to a plant room for air, water and environment
04 Service tunnel possibly some areas flooded connecting various substation and plant rooms
05 Substation with tool lockers and industrial terminals to check local subsystems and a control node. Usually locked and secured
06 Between level open space with suspended pipes and walkways for maintenance only
07 Service point with a nexus of pipes and wires useful to help isolate problems with locked panels for switches and valves but otherwise open area
08 Workers sub station with several bunks and lockers, bathroom and kitchen and break area usually abandoned and in some past construction project
09 Service tunnels with grill floors and arched ceiling, lane for scooters, baggage drones or gocarts and foot traffic. Crates and even garbage might be dumped down here 
10 Area built between levels by unauthorised persons possibly by workers to relax or some dangerous cult or faction. Possibly security sweep it occasionally but groups using it as a meeting have lots of lookouts
11 Corridor is coded as secure but opens fine, it is surveilled as part of an ongoing investigation but a few factions use it for meetings unaware as security doesn't come here because it is bugged
12 Corridor has had cameras vandalised and not repaired yet, warning signs suggest taking another route. Some meet here briefly to swap parcels
13 Mechanised pavement has an emergency exit you can reach if you step off in the tunnel section that leads to an isolated perimeter section. Maintenance crew use it as a shortcut 
14 Taped over broken doorway leads to disused corridor left for months due to error. Remains unfixed as long as tape remains
15 Passage under an assembly line, some old mattresses and food containers and pamphlets and zines are scattered about
16 Service corridor for maintenance workers and robots or troglodytes
17 Service corridor for a gocart or buggy to move goods for servicing systems
18 Mail Transport Tube for baggage and documents and packages throughout the city, much smaller tubes also exist but mail tubes are a tight fit on a trolly 
19 Service Tunnel large enough for several vans or buses or several trains or a single mega vehichle for large goods or machines
20 Vactubes based on smaller message pods transports this carries a coffin-size pod ideal for crypods, food, other goods or even living people as long as they are in a pressurised pod. Often connect several locations with a station with multiple pods. Mostly used by large organisations operating multiple secret entrances. Often used as an escape to a bigger panic room or escape vehichle. VIP classes often have a single-person unit that collapses behind them
21 A janitorial locker or toilet cubicle is an elevator to a secret area
22 Saw a concealed door open and close in an isolated location
23 Discovered an old door keycard, opens a forgotten room for an agent to hide in with bed, kitchen, fresher, medical supplies and several weapons and other tools 
24 Find a door and key with old cache of a faction or cult who may eventually look for it
25 Find a service hatch with defective lock that can bet you into the city superstructure maintenance tunnels to other locations
26 Long sealed bulkhead door opened and a stranger came out with a device and went back inside
27 Emergency shelter door partly covered by crates has become visible. Inside is an emergency bunker possibly inhabited or might have a frozen cult or faction team
28 Hatch looks sealed but can be opened with a secret latch that contains various weapons from crude homemade to several more modern pieces and some ammo but here by a faction
29 Unused doors in odd locations like stairwells, vehichle bays or service bays are actually a secret security base for a team of plainclothes agents. If inside will be very hostile to intruders
30 A damaged wall panel near crates of rubbish can be squeezed through into a sealed-off ruined area
31 A sealed-off food court area with bathrooms, tables, a fountain and large screens for workers to use once but shut down due to fewer workers and less food variety currently
32 A sealed-off transit tube station possibly contaminated or simply closed to save costs, has shops, vending machines, often popular secret meeting places for cults and factions
33 Sealed off warehouse with some loading vehicles and gocarts with trailers. CRates and all kinds of goods could be stored away. Sometimes inhabited by people in secret
34 Sealed abandoned shopping mall court with open shaft with balconies, escalators and shops over several levels. Courtyard shaft might feature a statue, fancy elevators or fountain and pool perhaps trees. Seems a bit luxurious, with various VIP goods inside shops. Often robot security or some creature or faction lives here or several. Some may be flooded or overgrown or full of garbage 
35 Sealed abandoned garden biodome maintained by machines with living creatures inside. Possible inhabitants or people in hiding from the system
36 Sealed abandoned apartment block with a large open courtyard with a statue or other artwork or water feature or park. Seems to be built for families with children
37 Sealed administration building with floors of system offices, dumb terminals, work stations, and documents. Often has robot security but some manage to hide inside them
38 Infrastructure passage blocked with garbage leads to a semi flooded steamy area of warm water where fleshy tentacled grows have grown over metal surfaces. Mutants live in here swimming and playing and eating floating fungus globules growing in the water
39 Pool in flooded stairwell, can be used to enter vast empty parking garage with now blocked openings to huge transit tunells for vehicles. Some levels will be flooded and life forms adapted to the system lighting grows here. People may hide hear or develop farming in secret here. Fish live in the flooded sections some large and can bite
40 Under an unused administrators office desk is a secret passage to a small one person bunker with a criopod and various VIP luxury items
41 A large section of transport tunnels or tube train lines sealed off with damaged vehicles and rubble from a past disaster. Closed and sealed with hazard take. Youths like to hang out here to be tough and do cool stuff
42 Abandoned factory complex behind warning signs. Doors and windows smashed and covered in graffiti with signs of transient inhabitants. Possibly someone or something lives here and possibly really is contaminated
43 Ruined tube train service terminal with huge maintenance sheds, mecha cargo lifters and freight containers. Huge machine parts tube train sections are stored here. Ofte used by criminals for black markets, meetings or gang fights
44 Ruined water purification plant where water recycled, drugged and distributed. Full of huge machines and service passages and plant rooms. Often semi flooded, corroded and may be inhabited
45 Ruined computer vault were tech scavengers come for old parts. Most of the machines are less powerful and incompatible with current machines with more mechanical actions, puchcards and tape reels. A feeble AI may still be operating here
46 Ruined housing complex for workers with vast dormitories, mess halls, shower blocks, laundry works all closed due to a health crisis and closed off with threatening sighns and a wonky fence. Local youths explore here and to do graffitti and fight
47 Ruined entertainment dome where holographic threats and genre themed corridors and androids once simulated exiting adventures but closed as decedant and wasteful. Youth gangs frequent here and sometimes the system and game AI wakes up and becomes dangerous. Some say some VIPs turn it on and watch intruders get killed by histories most famous killers as holograms and androids
48 Stadium complex collapsed and sealed after victims freed. Mostly garbage but a good hiding place for a loner or faction. Danger wear a hardhat signs secure this site with a torn off wide fence gate
49 Ruined prison complex mostly graffiti here and a dangerous place to get trapped in by anyone who knows the layout well. A few bloody gang murders happen here monthly 
50 Ruined education complex inhabited by feral children and youths. The system uses it to dispose of misfits and malcontents spotted in early days or decantered from clone vats unfinished. A robot guards the gate and will let people in but not out
51 Saftey fenced off admin complex under construction, may have security bots or not if long unfinished. Site has various dangers like pits and fragile structures
52 Fenced off unfinished apartment complex with a pool & recreation level but only a few floors complete
53 Incomplete tube train tunnels fenced off with machinery left on site
54 Large collapsed section closed off with construction equipment and lots of danger signs. Possibly guarded or patrolled occasionally. Large open interior with polies of rubble and damaged formerly inhabited areas 
55 Area closed and developed to work on plumbing and sewerage upgrade and lotsof areas opened into service infrastructure
56 Decontamination site, everything bagged with plastic airlocks, decontamination check documents and markers, empty sterilizer canisters and discarded hazard suits and gasmaks
57 Flooded section with machinery, noisy pumps and pipes everwhere. Floating rotting furnishing 
58 Burn damaged areas from fire with warning signs and some areas repaired 
59 Construction of admin building found an older forgotten door structure and area abandoned
60 Contaminated areas with radioactivity or biological matter, sealed with plastic and warning stickers. Some signs of decontamination crews at work and drums of matter to be taken away
61 Secret door in quiet area leads to a spy station watching a public plaza with recording equipment and a security terminal. First aid tit and silent needlegun that shoots radio isotope trackingammo
62 Secret door leads to room with spy mirror wall to view a open office admin pool
63 Secret stairwell door leads to top of a arcology building overlooking other buildings and plaza  
64 Secret door leads to secret walkway over a factory floor to observe workers
65 Secret door to parking garage of security forces  intended as secret emergency entry or exit
66 Secret parking garage off a minor exit ramp on a transit highway tunnel. Recognises certain vehicles and admits them into secret parking garage with interceptor bikes and patrol car and a secret passage to a normal parking station
67 Secret entrance to spy tunnels inside an apartment block to facilitate technicians reach recording equipment in every unit where security risk citizens are housed
68 Secret passage to deep infrastructure ending in a sealed vault door to maybe outside with security coded lock? 
69 Secret entrance to a old security computer complex with an outdated AI cut off from the system who wants help
70 Secret entrance to old secret sucurty base with several levels of offices, cells and meeting rooms
71 Concealed black lab door inside quaentine seal is a secret biological test gone wrong and sealed
72 Concealed black lab door inside is a surveillance control room and scientists and security monitor test subjectsof psychotronic experimental devices. Various strange prototype devices and chems
73 Concealed black lab door to computer complex of imprisoned AI and the secret unit it once managed. May have staff imprisoned here also
74 Concealed black lab cloning or bioprinter facility with cryopackled clones or replicants ready to deploy
75 Concealed black lab android facility with security, thinker and replicant androids with repair lab and monitor room
76 Concealed black lab working on project to wipe out most of the population in case it is needed
77 Concealed black lab working on eugenics program to introduce possible new types of humans better adapted to the system
78 Concealed black lab dedicated to mass drug control of the population 
79 Concealed black lab dealing with treating and detecting mutants and other biogenetic weapon attacks
80 Concealed black lab developing super weapons to use on a possibly non existant enemy 
81 Crook hideout and cache of a loner criminal and unauthorised goods
82 Gang hideout with bunks where members can be hidden if hunted bu the law, also used to plan heists and keep equipment. Often odd shaped in some infrastructure space and decorated by gangs 
83 Concealed forgotten warehouse used as a criminal market place and workshop for stolen goods
84 Speakeasy criminal night club for unathorised drinks, gambling, non prescription medications, live entertainment, dancing and hookups
85 Criminal training area where young gang members are trained in secret
86 Terrorist cell headquarters with bunks, armoury and forgery equiptment
87 Criminal ID and hacking lab for fake ID and records
88 Criminal medical clinic for unauthorised injuries and cosmetic work
89 Criminal drug lab, brewery or distillery for a gang
90 Warren of shacks and passages in a infrastructure space inhabited by some shunned outcasts in secret
91 Secret cult temple with idols and religious paraphernalia usually for up to 30 persons
92 Hidden cult cathedral with idols and artwork and even crypts for burial and a great hall for ceremonies with over 100 participants
93 Great trash pits where some rogue scrap robots and hidden weirdos live. Others come here to scavenge and look for discarded information and records
94 Library sealed away with various forbidden and historical works that might explain the oragins of the system and information on what is outside
95 Hospital where hundreds of persons kept in float tanks experiencing re-education treatments, surprisingly a quiet place with few staff usually highly automated. Some keep brains in pods instead for data retrieval from dead 
96 Fully automated factory supposed to be sealed off
97 Cryonic vault with former inhabitants isolated and stored for some reason d4 1=plague 2=malcontents 3=back up population if mass exterminations required pr some disaster 4=stored in time of scarce resources and forgotten
98 Ancient worker tunnels with signs of cults, hermits and loner weirdoes and perhaps nonhuman creatures
99 Monitor station watching outside the complex
100 Gateway leading to unauthorised exit

Friday 25 November 2022

Netherworld Oaths & Benefits


Neutral Evil in D&D has always been a bit odd. Is it they don't care about law or chaos and shun both as irrelevant? Are chaos and law branded evil enemies, rivals or stooges?  Or are rival evils forces to manipulate in evil schemes? Is NE an older more basic evil?

Chaos can be overly impulsive and irregular while law can be overly rigid. Do NE try and be balanced with law and chaos or just nor care. Maybe screwing up plans of hell and the abyss has made the universe a worse mess and kept the struggle going.

In dnd classic cosmology Hades type underworld is neutral evil but I'm not sure if a gloomy underworld is so evil or a place of punishment like Christian hell is. In my cosmos its where most people end up with extreme alignment fanatics and certain people get dragged to hell or some demon's domain like cattle. Maybe some gods help people to get to certain places but most go to the underworld as gloomy shades and live lives of squalor without descendants giving them offerings or dedicating their mealtime prayers to the ancestors. Spirits really want the smell and essence of the food not the material part. Its ok to eat these offerings or give to the poor or the gods chosen beasts.

The classic Daemons in D&D are kinda ugly jerks, with less famous daemon nobility if any? Daemons, Devils and Demons were all once daimon minor divinities and spirits who took sides in various cosmic wars that shattered the remnant shells of previous worlds which various alignment factions occupied and changed. The abyssal plain is a great maelstrom with small worlds belonging to a demon noble. These worlds orbit outside the world in a great cloud. Various worlds clustered to make the great hells which are adjacent to the underworld and overlap. Much of the underworld is neutral, indifferent or part of a living universe that brings fructifying powers and wisdom to the surface. Many death gods just help the dead or protect tombs they don't especially want more power or to kill people. The underworld overlaps with some other worlds which are not great like the darkness of the outer void that does hunger for life and destruction. There are also planes of shadows and nightmares. 

The current structure of the universe makes it hard for beings from the void to scale down into the mortal realm. Some once in our continuum become subject to its laws, adopt alignments and start fighting each other. Maybe it's deliberate. 

So my NE plane will be the Netherworld a torturous ruined parody of the world with howling winds and vast dark storm clouds. It overlaps most with the underworld and blends into it growing worse as approached. Most souls brought here don't just come to be recycled as larval evil spirits they come to be annihilated and cast into the void to feed the hunger of the void. The netherworld also overlaps with the negaverse, the shadow worlds and the nightmare kingdoms and acts as a conduit for desperate travellers.

Daemons stockpile larvae, deformed maggot souls of the damned which can be grown into demons, devils and daemons and are an important currency for evil. Daemons keep them mostly to torment devils and demons. Nighthags act as the traders riding nightmares. Daemons farm larvae in great pits and torment them until required. Daemons could make an army rapidly if they needed one and threaten other forces but instead, they lay low and let the old enemies focus on each other and trade with both for profit.

Hell is obviously a prison for the damned and performing a role in the universe while demons tend to be destructive and greedy and their realms reflect their masters will. Daemons in the netherworld besides caring for larvae operate vast prisons for beings from beyond or bad titans who rebelled against the gods. Daemons keep everyone away as many daemons draw power from these thrall powers. Various Daemons serve evil death gods, old evil gods of the outer void and other banished or imprisoned evil gods. 

Netherworld Oaths & Gifts

NE oaths for villains in league with Daemons
Roll d12 on common oaths and if you get the same one you already had you can pick an oath from this list or roll on Rare oaths. If you have the first 12 oaths you may use the rare oaths table from then on.

Then there are the standard oaths in sets of four levels at a time that are what most diabolical cultists and bad managers adopt. You can swap any of the same sets out really or roll a d4 as they will be of similar power creep. It makes better mooks that have magic weapons that are possibly alignment locked and unusable to decent folk. 

d12 Common Oaths
1 Pit law versus chaos at every opportunity
2 Flee powerful enemies and live to kill them later
3 Covet food and water to torment the needy
4 Delight in making others weep with despair
Destroy what you cannot take from your enemy
6 Scourge the weak with pain and fire and fear
7 Cause harm to others before they harm you
8 Anyone not on your side is against you
Desicrate the remains of your enemy's dead
10 Cull the weak with no value 
11 Be feared not loved
12 Never deliberately bathe or wash

d12 Rare 
Poison wells and waterways
2 Murder your sleeping enemies 
3 Make trophies from enemy dead
4 Humiliate the powerless in public
 Rule over those who fall in your power 
6 Earn infamy through great feats of cruelty 
7 Plunder resources for you and your kind 
8 Incite prejudice for personal power and gain 
9 Wealth & power are mere tools to increase entropy 
10 Destroy books and written works
Lay waste to the land and untouched nature
12 Release the powers of the outer darkness into the mortal world

d12 Boons of the Netherworld
1 Gain a potion once per month d4 1=growth 2=shrink 3=fog cloud 4=healing 2d4 
2 +1 weapon made from nether metal usually a cruel blade or spear or mace 
3 +1 Language spoken S or Written W d4 1=Netherspeech(NE) 2=Orc 3=Undercommon 4=Shadow speech 4=Theif speech 
4 Arcane zero Lv Cantrip Spell  d4 1=detect evil  2=snuff  3=evil eye  4=detect magic  
5 Assassin follower Lv d3+1 will pretend to be a servant but is really a cult fanatic killer  
6 +2 Weapon and if was a previous gift now also has the property of  +1 vs Law or Chaos or Good
7 Skill d4 1=Alchemy 2=Conceal  3=   4= 
8 Arcane 1st Lv Spell d4 1=Darkness  2=Illusion   3=Protection from Good   4=Invisible Servant 
Can summon a guardian daemon to guard your treasure
10 +3 Weapon and if was a previous gift now also has property only usable by evil beings or they are item can attempt to charm them each round. The daemon spirit communicates its desires by telepathy with the user
11 Once a week can summon a nightmare for one hour that can carry passengers to other planes but this is quite risky. Requires a turn ritual and one cup of any sentient beings blood 
12 Arcane 2nd Lv Spell d4 1=Acid Arrow 2=Invisibility 3=Knock 4=Stinking cloud 
13 Can once per week summon a daemon ferryman and boat by night from the river of the dead and ride to the netherworld, hell, the abyss or underworld
14 +4 Weapon and if was a previous gift now also telepathic to wielder has diabolic lore skill, +d3 venom damage, the spirit of the blade can poison unwanted users
15 Immune to level and attribute draining effects of undead negative energy (not from disease or poison) 
16 Arcane 3rd Lv Spell d4 1=Dispell Magic  2=Explosive Runes  3=Slow  4=Vamparism 
17 Can call on their daemon patron to whisk them to their netherworld palace once per day or back
18 +5 Weapon and if was a previous gift now also on natural 20 hit or critical hit the weapon drains one level up to a total of the users level per day. Targets drained to zero HP die and become feral zombies
19 Conjure a greater daemon into the world and negotiate with it for a service once per week with a ritual requiring at least a large animal or human sacrifice and an hour long ritual  
20  Arcane 4th Lv Spell d4 1=Fear Ray  2=Phantom Killer  3=Dark Tentacles  4=Improved invisibility 

Bonus Petty Boons for Petty Cultists
Really some people are satisfied with less than an adventurer and don't want to power game through life

d12 Bonus Petty Boons for Petty Cultists
1 Silver Iron blade that harms basic devils and demons and once per day on command becomes 2d4 poison (save halves, has rapid onset)
2 Zombie or skeleton of your very own to command
3 Crime syndicate offers the chance to be involved in a heist for gold
4 Potions 2d4 that blights a common garden area soil for a d4 years
5 Pet snake that steals milk from your neighbours cows and eats hen eggs
6 Evil spoon can poison a drink or meal once per week 2d4 damage and d4 hours nausea -1 all rolls save halves damage and duration. If victim moves more than half speed they must save or stop and vomit
7 Call a poltergeist to haunt a place as long as people have died in the room in the past, a priest may remove such a spirit 
8 Acid potion once per month 2d4 save or burns for 1HP for d4 rounds, damage locks or bar or chain
9 Wineskin fills with blood from the netherworld once per day, handy for rituals or cooking or craft. Also good for alchemy, evil spell components or to feed evil petty daemons or familiars 
10 Nail of the dead - hammer this iron spike into a recently dead person and if they fail a save they become a spectral spirit, most are harmless but frightening to see, some can manifest weapons but can also be destroyed for a while. Might be used on enemies to torment them
11 Thorn Whip, d6 magic damage whip also good for fearsome cracks
12 Small concealable and harmless-looking knife d3 that can grow into a large fighting dagger d4 and back in a day  

*Petty Missions from Daemons
Daemons are interested in entropy, death, decay and total cessation of everything but the void.

Petty Missions from Demons
1 Feed wild beasts and monsters meat when you can 
2 Burn a specific book or collection of documents
3 Frame a demon or devil cult for a horrible crime 
4 Look after larvae for a daemon for d4 days
5 Kidnap a person and deliver them to a nighthag
6 Defile a holy place and break its sanctity
7 Damage or break a fence or wall 
8 Kidnap a victim and torture them for d4 days then release
9 Make the servants of demons and a devils fight
10 Ritually kill a victim and mutilate the corpse in a public place
11 Burn down or defile a holy place of good
12 Find and open a long sealed tomb or grave

Wednesday 23 November 2022

d100 Encounters in your Isolated Utopian Complex

Once again this is for games like Nurocity, paranoia, post-apoc bunkers and weird isolated space colonies.

Who Is Most Important (roll a d3)
1 A long-gone founder who heroically founded the system
2 Central committee of senior managers
3 Chairman of a great council of representatives 
4 The collective good and the people are in power, the system is just the means
5 A great charismatic hero who has victories against the enemy and roots out traitors
6 Fictional leader cult that claims the leader is alive and still issuing commands
7 Scientist Supreme of elected in the council of scientists and scholars
8 The General leader of military and security 
9 A possibly fictional enemy is used as a target of hate
10 A computer AI with a personality and own purpose

d10 Local System Quirks
1 Eugenics program - now technically a subspecies of homosapiens
2 Fictional enemy or threat used in propaganda
3 Constant propaganda broadcasts, posters and screens 
4 Made robot worker caste
5 Made android worker caste
6 Made abhumanoid worker caste
7 System failures and shortages 
8 Constant riots, war and terror attacks 
9 Surveillance systems poor, more crime & black market 
10 Some hidden power rules in secret 

d10 Quick Encounter Types
1 Daily life
2 Message
3 Security
4 Crime
5 Recreation 
6 Training
7 Workplace
8 Spectacles
9 Red Tape
10 Relationships

d100 Encounters in your Isolated Utopian Complex
01 Power or water shortage for inconvenient period
02 Transport hold up due to emergency or accident, security and emergency personnel redirect traffic
03 Printout from the computer of your health plan readings and a report making new diet and fitness plans and supplements for you
04 Coworker has been replaced surprisingly, new friendly co-worker already at work
05 You got a surprise counselling session from a psyche med-tech
06 Some new pills have been given to you today
07 Surprise menu replacement surprise normal service will resume please accept this substitute meal
08 Some appliance or architectural feature is damaged and requires a report to maintenance who may send some workers
09 A vehichle failure has blocked traffic on tube trains or transit tunnels, requires crack technician team 
10 Someone you know who seemed irritated and uneasy of late has won a retirement holiday prize for years of faithful service  
 Have a video call from a retired elder from their retirement pod or even a prerecorded message from their cremated or frozen or recycled corpse
12 Recruitment offer from a good job opportunity but they want a few risks to prove your loyalty
13 Supervisor would like a chat about your service and productivity 
14 Called to report to a focus group for psychotronic research
15 Called to be a juror from any sealed com terminal
16 Called to sit on a committee about some local petty infrastructure matter 
17 Find a secret message from someone staying hidden from the system
18 Find a secret package deliberately hidden by someone 
19 Computer has selected you for a 30-minute recreational romantic event
20 Won additional credit in your computer games letting you play more hours per day
21 Security checkpoint and extra scan today due to a possible threat
22 Emergency security check on everyone in a now sealed section
23 Inspector interviews you about a person or location and gives you their card if you need to report anything - never explains why wants information
24 Some bored guards demand ID papers and enjoy flexing some power over someone to see if they react
25 Armed police burst in but mistaken address apologies and send a door tech to fix the damage or a medic if anyone shot 
26 Armed security see someone flee so chase them and beat or shoot them
27 Plainclothes undercover surveillance agent follow you for a while to see if linked to an ongoing investigation
28 Security and inspector in a hurry wand to confirm your location at a time and place then leave
29 Saw riot squad deeply gas and semi-lethal weapons on an unhappy mob of agitators who are restrained in apparatus and transported away in trucks
30 Eccentric locals elder or youths beaten by security for not showing enough respect to law
31 You see someone sneakily eat a usually contraband food item
32 You witness some unauthorised flirtation between your peers at work 
33 Someone offers you to join an illegal betting game or gambling event
34 See someone bribe an official for better treatment
35 Someone asks you for a favour and offers you some vice or contraband in return
36 Security sting try to tempt you with something nice but its a trap and a fine
37 Someone is stealing items from your workplace
38 You find some dumped equipment in the wrong bin that seems a waste when it could be traded or used, maybe security might reward you for reporting it
39 See someone uses a rarely used service door to a secret black market inside the infrastructure of the complex
40 Person offers you various forbidden items for something they know you have access to
41 Visit a nightclub for smart drinks and non-contact dancing
42 Allowed in a VIP orgy garden for a d4 hours
43 Play or watch one of the many sports events used to test teamwork or release stress and frustration with safely padded arenas mostly. Handball, frisbee, slaughter-seven, rollermurder and kosho (shooting hoops on a trampoline with boxing gloves). The more pro leagues are more violent and dangerous
44 Have a public computer game battle with an excited audience
45 Surprise visits from your state-approved sex therapist
46 Went to an educational museum or perk with a tour group to learn 
47 Hung out in an authorised unsealed area some friends found and listened to music and swapped stuff
48 Went to some party but turned out its some kind of cult or strange faction
49 Sent to Similacra Park where they duplicate the awful conditions of the past that necessitate our current perfect ideals and system. Can be quite shocking and includes war, violence, cannibalism, slavery, religion and torture
50 Visited art galleries or concerts of respectable approved culture
51 Sent on a refresher safety course
52 Sent on a surviving a terror attack workshop
53 Sent on a course to surveil coworkers better
54 Sent on a course to show you what happens to traitors and criminals
55 Sent on a political protocols course for new paperwok
56 Sent to help riot police train herding civilian mobs
57 Sent to a re-education workshop over some past petty act d6 1=not flushing 2=stole stationary 3=took something from recycling 4=non prescription medicine 5=unauthorised subject data search 6=unauthorised entry
58 Asked to give an incident report with hundreds of pages of forms for something you didn't even see
59 Watch hours of security and privacy awareness films required by workplace
60 Given training sessions in new equipment or policy 
61 Workplace accident or possible suicide
62 Someone in the workplace flipped out and the psycho-medics took them away
63 Someone discovered a surveillance device in the workplace and was unsure what to do
64 Generous manager brings a small cake and party hats to celebrate a worker's retirement or transfer, ordered to celebrate for ten minutes jubilantly
65 Workshop on how users are gauging the credit system and hap to catch them out
66 Hygiene workshop on sanitising your station and body everyday or in event of toxic exposure
67 Safety drill with emergency personnel and security, those acting without urgency are taken away to a special training centre: camp safety
68 Emergency support training with special distinctive overalls to assist with disasters, some assigned specific key jobs and some occasional perks
69 Purity Patrol help evaluate and classify historic documents and occasionally destroy false and factually inaccurate records that slander the system or the party or the computer
70 Purity teen sex patrol help lecture to young people the deadly, dangerous and treasonous signs in unauthorised sex acts. Lies and mythical supernatural characters are considered acceptable for methods to keep juves in control but chems help also
71 Popular celebrity artist, writer or singer is removed from the datafeed and all their old work vanishes and is taken away
72 Popular trial of a murderer, cult leader or traitor being screened, many plan to see live
73 A violent sports finale is being broadcast usually some brutal sport d4 1=murderball with balls, chains, rollerskates & motorbikes 2=death drive a violent car race 3=turkey shoot where criminals are hunted for sport 4=slaughter-seven where simulated famous murders are selected by victims who hunted and killed by them
74 Exiting propaganda film detailing important leaders and evil enemies and traitors
75 Go to see elderly retirees go to the recycling centre to aid the community as biofuel fertiliser and amino acids. Some are very ornate with costumes and a parade
76 See a parade of glorious heroes of the system d4 1=scientists 2=security 3=bureacrats and party leaders 4=programers and the computer
77 Accidently went into area yu should not have but seems insecure and has a possible way to see whats outside
78 Terror leader caught and confesses to child murder, cannibalism and anti-patriotism, his face and execution time are announced
79 Warnings of dangerous mentally unstable criminal on the loose for days, talks about their path to being a killer from some basic petty deeds that could have been prevented. Various vices and petty rebellious acts were found to be the cause of the domino fall to chaos
80 Celebration of a glorious victory with images of the system and former destroyed enemies
81 Surprise fitness assessment
82 Given a huge stack of census forms
83 Given a new policy manual in preparation for an exam
84 Report a dangerous co-worker for causing problems in the system
85 Audit of your department with extra forms do fill in
86 Given a security assessment with personality tests and several debriefings
87 Considered for another important job given a background check 
88 Someone in your department gave you a mountain of extra work by being lazy
89 Required to apply for a permit or some dated qualification will be deleted
90 Work sent you to deal with an interdepartmental request
91 Someone you know being questioned by security
92 Someone you know sent to patriotism camp
93 Friend offers to spend time with you in their secret hideaway
94 Someone at work looks out for you and gets rid of some problem
95 Someone you have not seen in a while seems more zealous and patriotic
96 Old friend not seen in years wants to catch up
97 A former rival tries some petty revenge d4 1=poison 2=bomb 3=false evidence of crime 4=reports you for treason
98 An attractive person you met seems to know lots of fun places not in the data-framework
99 An old friend gives you some contraband items and offers to help you get connected
100 A recent troubled friend seems convinced they can escape or get out somehow

Tuesday 22 November 2022

d100 Signs you are being monitored by the Central Authority

This is something I thought players of Nurocity or Paranoia might find useful and a possible start for my own post apoc bunkers and horrible sci-fi lost colonies games. Can be background tables or used when players fail subterfuge attempts or accumulate heat for their activity. Maybe a daily encounter. This is post number 2100,

d10 Common Oppressions
1 Posters with slogans promoting patriotism
2 Checkpoints for ID and areas forbidden to certain classes
3 Armed troops arrecting person and taking them away in an ambulance
4 Someone comes back from a reeducation centre and seems dimmer and more patriotic
5 New medication given out makes everything more dreamy
6 Fraternising rules limit sex and monitored by security and psychomed teams
7 AI devices in vehicles, security doors, or equipment monitors public and may recite patriotic maxims
8 Given a new diet and exercise schedule by the central computer
9 Patriotic speakers in uniforms often blaming disloyal elements with cheering mob
10 Propeganda messages on screens and crowds all stop and watch certain important central authority announcements 

d10 Found Secret Message

1 Propaganda from the system delivered knowing many people use secret messages
2 Note from security who require you report this note has been found
3 Love setter from a secret admirer you are not authorised to fraternise with
4 A joke to set you up by a friend who means no harm or a rival who has a grudge
5 Crime faction offering vice and goods in return for favours
6 Secret society of a minority interest suppressed by the system
7 Revolutionary propaganda
8 Revolution message requesting you do them a favour or possibly a test
9 A friend who is in trouble and wants some help and is afraid of being uncovered
10 Cult possibly using deceit to get people in. Some are puppets of the hegemony surveillance network

d10 Found Mysterious Package
1 Banned book not approved by the system possibly coded or bugged
2 Pornography and sexual devices
3 Bomb with a timer from revolutionaries or the police 
4 Rare food items not on official dietary programs
5 Unauthorised non-prescription pills, inhalants and pneumatic syringes
6 Computer data devices like a disc, drives, card or nanite tape reel
7 Revolutionary propaganda stickers and posters
8 Revolution message requesting you do them a favour or possibly a test
9 Something from outside the permitted zones (leaf or a bug or rock) or a map to outside
10 ID to bypass security checkpoints should be good for one use by the looks 

d10 Sign Types
1 Daily Signs
2 Transport
3 Security
4 Interrogations
5 Psychotronic 
6 Rewards
7 Friendship
8 Technology
9 Body
10 Public events

d100 SIgns you are being monitored by the Central Authority
01 Your toilet prints a report on a medical sample test and prints out your permitted daily diet plan
02 Your shower reports a water use restriction of 90 seconds for your morning shower
03 Your toilet paper has a message on it possibly state propaganda, some tip or a secret message from an unknown person
04 When your mirror fogs up some writing briefly appear or did it?
05 Find a tiny note or message in soap or toothpaste
06 You find a note or message in your meal
07 A stranger bumps you and passes you a message or plants it in your pocket
08 A security guard checked your papers and gave you an extra document
09 You are delivered a mysterious package from someone 
10 Someone left a daily propaganda paper with a note on public transport or restroom
11 Pretty sure you are being followed by someone
12 Seem to be followed by several people intently maybe they are after you?
13 Vehichle or drone keeps getting uncomfortably close
14 Cameras all seem to be focusing on you and zooming on your face and hands
15 Lots of drone surveillance today
16 A large van or vehicles with several large crew in the cabin kept trying to pull up near you by the loading doors
17 Feel a sting of a tiny pellet that has dosed you with some liquid inside
18 Head feels strange with headaches and hallucinations made you stop and rest till recovered possibly fined if on road or held up traffic or production
19 Vehichle you were in was searched by security forces
20 Vehichle held up due to accident or sabotage, no photos please!
21 Security takes longer and do a double check on your ID and looks t you funny
22 Security let you through quickly with a nod from a superior you've seen before somewhere
23 Security demand to search you for a random spot search and scan
24 Security and med team make a random blood test or stool or urine sample
25 Securuty guard asks you to recite some popular propaganda slogans or patriotic song
26 Security asks you questions about an acquaintance or work peer you don't really know
27 Security feel you up in a search and rate your body and laugh, might demand a strip or cavity search if get uppity
28 Security grabs random people off the street but its just some simple search practice
29 Riot police block you in an area as some gangs are targeted and possibly arrested with them till security footage examined
30 False arrests by armed officers, possibly breaking into your home or raid work. All a mistake have this medicated synthchoc bar and our condolences for the brutal interrogation mistakes
31 Inspector has you seized for debriefing but won't say what its about just lots of information about things you saw od did recently
32 Interrogated about your preference for food flavours and old vs new formula foods
33 Security questions you about people you knew as a child in a dormitory
34 Security question you about a co-worker, manager or person you just met
35 Security search your home but won't say what and question you about your preferred reading material and activities
36 Inspector ass you to be an informant and keep an eye out for treason offering you some bonus credit and narcotics
37 Security questions you about some petty workplace crime like missing biro or paper 
38 Security requests you wear this tracking and surveillance device for a while and wont say why
39 Security grill you to induce fear and confusion for several days but wont say what its about then return you
40 Security placed in a cell for several days with daily questioning sessions then returned due to some error or didn't find what they wanted
41 Security brings you in for a brain scan
42 Having strange headaches and trouble focusing your eyes
43 Sudden explosive diarrhoea struck you keeping you in a restroom for hours and fined for cleaning up
44 Struck by sudden inexplicable paranoia and anxiety, had to flee and find a quiet place to recover
45 Hallucinations of violence erupting then suddenly everything is normal
46 Hear some voices or music that seems to be in your head
47 You and others in the area all blacked out for some unknown reason and revives possibly hours later
48 Someone recognises you well but you don't remember them at all and are a bit scared
49 See someone and have a sense you knew them once and some odd memories you never remembered before
50 You recognise a security inspector and have a panic attack but don't remember why or when you had seen before
51 The system has selected prospective approved mates as you won a lottery and passed some tests
52 Won a medal for productivity but really you were stealing from work 
53 Recieve a travel permit to visit a new sector in a tour group
54 Rewarded with a bonus meal voucher for punctuality in workplace
55 Issued a reward card by security publicly and people wonder if your an informant
56 Medical team collect some of your genetic material via blood, hair and scraping
57 Medical team come to test you over some emergent property of your genetic line
58 Given a test to see if you ought to be promoted or demoted
59 Given a badge for good service or patriotism
60 Awarded a short visit to a recreation facility for several days
61 A new worker replaced a regular and seems very chummy and interested in you
62 A stranger offers you a VIP snack item and would like to talk sometime with you
63 Someone you see daily seems surprised and nervous around you and keeps watching you
64 Supervisor wants to meet for a chat and doesn't talk about work and just wants to get to know you better
65 Co-worker invites you to a sport or social opportunity which is a bit of a surprise as they normally don't talk to you
66 A co-worker or old acquaintance seems extra chummy and has a new badge for patriotism and wants to chat more
67 Friendly cleaner chats with you and offers you something they found
68 See someone who looked like a missing friend but they don't remember you and have a different name and just moved to this sector
69 A chummy co-worker you have known a while offers you an opportunity for vice or a forbidden performance
70 Recieve a recreational opportunity with an attractive stranger and have a relaxing pleasant time
71 New appliance has a camera lens and microphone now
72 Keep receiving calls that just click and hang up from different numbers
73 Your communication device keeps recording and sending data at odd moments
74 Found a lump or mark on the skin that makes speakers crackle sometimes if held near
75 Eyes blanked out for a moment and weirdly flickered back on
76 Accidently find a hidden surveillance device or line tap
77 Repairman in your office or home installs new improved device with recording equipment to provide data to help new products and customer satisfaction
78 Keep seeing lots of cleaning drones and robots today
79 Pulled out an odd hair with a tiny metallic globule on the base, up close its a robot mite
80 Automated doors seem slower and scanning you longer today
81 You painfully crapped out something metallic on the toilet you don't remember eating 
82 Vomited up a mess of pills or capsules you don't remember taking
83 Painfully vomited up with blood a tiny robot parasite scuttles away
84 You pass a painful metallic pellet while urinating
85 Coughed up some grey slime that tried to crawl away
86 Found a surgical scar you don't remember
87 Find a tattoo of text and a barcode you don't remember d8 1=reject 2=testsubject 3= processed 4=prison ID 5=millitary ID 6=secret society 7=cult 8=revoltionary cell)
88 Discover a limb is synthetic or are you an android or is it a hallucination?
89 Discover by accident you have been tagged with a radioactive isotope that could be trackable
90 Keep having nightmares about having an extra eye and some evil creature inside of you trying to take control
91 A bomb or sabotage causes death and injury and armoured riot police pour in to control and detain everyone
92 Witness a riot with the arrival of heavy weapons riot troops
93 Witness some protesters barricaded get shot by police a bit hastily
94 See a patriotic police parade with security to protect them and watch the crowd's reactions
95 See a mob listening to a patriotic speaker in a uniform condemning slackers and questioning
96 Someone tries addressing the mob about freedom and is taken away by security in an ambulance in a complex restraint harness and muzzle
97 Some people are listening to music and having a nice time when riot police come to arrest the unauthorised performance
98 Come across an unlocked door or hatch into the undercity you had not seen before. Maybe a way to see what's outside?
99 Protesters demand to see whats outside and are gassed  and taken away by riot sqaud 
100 A patriotic club is rioting against locals for being from the criminal classes and security are just watching

Monday 21 November 2022

Future Gaming Ideas

Has been a pretty good year for home and health and productivity in my underwater grotto by the sea. Mostly in the last year we went from playing my stoneage game conclusion at 20th lv and a bit of post apocalypse and some retro dnd modules squeezed into my settings. Exilon my ancient near east inspired fantasy has been the most consistent and players now famous nobles at level 10 sworn to the priest-king of Ikathon. They won the city success in war from the gods and new enemies have appeared on the borderlands. One of two death templar cities has fallen to barbarians of the waste and the Arcane Empire bringing vast armies closer to the unified city-states of Exilon. Did have some games of Kronosaurs too.

Ive played lots more most recently. I have Bob a hick scientist in a fallout d20 game sandbox near Austin. Also player Root as animal revolutionary but are also arsonists and bandits moving from town to town. Playing DnD5 Rhime of the Frostmaiden and so far doing lots of sidequests. 

Finished a long arc on my Zine on Patreaon and did lots of 3folds and my revised murder hobo manual. Did my druid and psionics spell lists as zines and working on wizard and cleric versions. A new draft of my homebrew system as an a4 book is probably next goal. 

Im currently working on Acid Lords of Neon Mountain and EMO zine 14 an Exilon special. Vol 1-12 of the zine were 12 a5 pages. No 13 was 120pg a4 monster in the new format. Possibly I'm reworking old content by theme rather than making lots of new content. Im revising Heavenly Haven a 
VIP Atomic VIP shelter mega dungeon for post apoc games for something. Possibly part of second Broken Hill book. Will try to get back to Shadelport suburb maps.

As its harder to get regulars or any games in the bust season I've started a 8week calendar of possible game dates to share about to possibly do some more weird one-off games over the holidays. Possibly some long sessions also. 

I have started my Auldwood campaign and using my most recent zine and my elf and folk books for extra content and all stuff on my blog. Currently running B5 on the edge and will go deeperin. Possibly will use some Midderlands and Rakham Vale books also to pad it out.

I keep hankering to play original Star Frontiers. I liked Kosmosaurs for some SF but the experience system changed the odds of everything quite a bit and I think probably 1-2 games with any characters best, Star Frontiers is simple. Also I feel sorry for the games hijacking and current dramas when it has one of the best fandoms before the current attempts to publish as a white supremist fantasy. 

I would be happy to run my retroclone old dnd or post apoc settings in a pinch for ant one offs and if they survive or get more than one use that's fine. SF horror with BRP quite likely though I am cooling off Call of Cthulhu and HPL fandom. I will do a piece on this as I cannot say it briefly.

Thursday 17 November 2022

d100 Elf uses for human slaves

Damn dirty human grubs what are they good for?
Yes slavery exists in my settings and adventurers are welcome to fight it and stop it.
Yes elves are jerks possibly worse than humans sometimes.
This could be an alternate character meet up instead of a tired old tavern.
Possibly this explains the elves of Auldwood better than a block of lore text.

Well wise elves knew ever since humans crawled out of the earth, they have been suitable slaves for many purposes. Goblins have their place and can do many of the things humans can but humans as inferior copies of elves sometimes can be more appealing in their ape-like savage way. The best thing about humans is so many of their menfolk will be attracted to elfmaids or succubi and will walk into a thousand years of slavery without even using glamour. Their is also the use of food from fairyland which to humans is addictive and slowly makes them into natives of faerieland. Pretty trinkets and faerie fruit are commonly employed on human women, especially mothers who can be wetnurses for greedy elf babies. There was one elfmaid who just offered human men a chance to suck on her breasts which she would drug with strange unguents but she probably used this method for her own amusement. A few faeriefolk have unusual or elaborate means of kidnapping or hunting. There is always the tried and trusted baby replacement scam where elves swap a healthy human baby they admire. They replace it with a sick goblin with a glamour that usually dies so the poor parents never know their child may live forever serving elves.

Once in faerieland a slave will be sold and all kinds of buyers will come to choose humans. The less disgusting ones with some charm might be more valuable as house servants. The ugliest are expendable labour or worse. Human bodies are kept shaven as faerie find human body hair repulsive and bestial. Some elves like their humans naked and oiled to be more statuesque and artistic. Human children are often preferred to adults and faerie consider them so faerie-like they actually don't like to see children suffer. By adolescence, the fey lose this affection and discard them as creepy sub apes. Child slaves often get the most adorable costumes like bees or flowers or reindeer. 

Because of time dilation in faerieland your missing child might return an old cripple addicted to strange faerie fruits. Or they might return home after hundreds of years. Some slaves you meet in faerieland with good jobs or masters have been alive for vast time periods by mortal world reasoning. The faerie food that enthrals humans helps assimilate them to elfland but sometimes it fails or stops working.

You could replace many of these jobs with goblins which the dark elves still prefer.

Faerie food addiction is often fatal if supplies are not kept up but sometimes other drugs or alcohol can substitute or some other compulsive behaviour for those that survive. 

One elf trick is to offer a mortal a wish then grant it in the meanest way they can. 

You could be a jerk DM and make players start as elf slaves or have them all briefly enslaved and escape. Not all elves are bastards many just are thoughtless about animals that are brief and precious like autumn leaves.

d10 How was slave trapped
1 Taken as a baby leaving a sick goblin in its place
2 Taken as a child by tempting with delicious strange addictive faerie fruit
3 Lost in the woods as a child and snatched
4 Parents sold to a faerie in a ritual as they had too many children to feed 
5 Seduced by an attractive stranger in the woods and was really a fey
6 Taken by werewolves and assumed eaten but really given to elves
7 Found a trail of silver coins going into the forest
8 Goblins offered some delicious fruit at a low price and it was the best
9 Tricked with an illusion of heart's desire and led into a trap
10 A mysterious bard playing strange music led all the prettiest youths away to never be seen since

d10 How bad were my owners above and beyond my job?
1 Masters enjoyed whipping, mutilating, burning or spanking slaves
2 Master used to force slaves to marry each other or orcs to breed more slaves
3 After a day's work the masters would demand sexual favours in return for food
4 Slaves were branded, tattooed, styled and dressed in outlandish costumes 
5 Slaves sterilised so they cannot breed, also eunuchs are delightful
6 Seen as farm animals to be well cared for by good husbandry
7 Seen as pets and almost members of the family. Get given table scraps, a basket in the house or even sleep at the foot of masters bed
8 Master didn't approve of humans with clothes and kept them naked and their bodies shaved
9 Surgically modified humans into orcs, beast folk. lycanthropes or other creatures
10 Turned into an animal or tree and turned back human when required

d10 What brands and marks did the masters use on slaves?
1 Simple identification tattoos in elf script
2 Torc of copper for humble workers, silver for servants and gold for privileged trusted slaves
3 Arm and leg bands for chains often bronze or enchanted silver or gold
4 Brand usually text or a symbol of the owner's clan
5 Passport with stamps and identification information
6 Scarification done artfully with a scalpel making complex elf patterns
7 Fanciful costumes identifying you as the master's property, some cannot be removed normally
8 Metal ring or armband of copper for humble workers, silver for servants and gold for privileged trusted slaves
9 Surgical and alchemical modification to look slightly more elf-like of the master's clan and considered a gift. Some call them half-elves in error thinking the two species can breed
10 Tattoos with magical ink to be luminous or more

d10 What did we do when not on the job?
1 Had another secondary or possibly secret job
2 Lived in a humble share house high on drugs and having orgies
3 Kept in a drug coma for possibly years while not needed
4 Turned into an animal or plant in the masters garden
6 Plotted escapes and violent revolution
7 Got to boss around goblins and not be bottom of the pecking order
8 Kept in a breeding colony or caring for stolen human children
9 Turned into an artwork, ornament or piece of jewellery
10 Lived in a village in the elf kingdom peacefully

d10 Masters favourite punishment
1 Sexual harassment
2 Whips and flagellation d4 days
3 Hung on the wall with chains d4 weeks
4 Chased by werewolves or other horrors in the forest d4 hours
5 Given to goblins to abuse for a d4 days
6 Make a humiliating spectacle where elves hurl acorns and plums (but you get some plums!)
7 Given some bestial disfigurement like a lions paw, birdface, hedgehog spines, or scale patch or odd eyes. Over time they become a beast abhuman, mutant or animal
8 Turned into a leech, parasitic worm, lamprey or some other disgusting animal d4 months
Kept inside a hollow tree cell with no way out without magic d4 months
10 Made to play with elven children d4 hours but potentially deadly

d10 One terrible day at work...
1 An older slave who helped you was crippled and was discarded in human land or murdered in cold blood
2 The master was in a terrible rage and punished everybody for some petty accident that nobody was responsible for. They only calmed down when a guest arrived
3 The master had a guest who wanted to hunt a human so the master dressed people up as reindeer for the elves to shoot at for sport. Then the meat was served to unknowing slaves as a cruel treat
4 The master decided to have all the slaves marry and breed and chose who would be with who despite their desires. The elves even held a mock wedding for the humans and wanted to watch the newlyweds and encourage them
5 A bugbear got in the house and murdered several slaves and took their skins and heads to make bugbear crafts 
6 Master had labourers working to breaking point then had them killed and made into undead to toil forever
7 One of your best friends in the masters household was taken away to be made into some abhuman or monster for the amusement of the elf nobility
8 Was lost in the Underland running an errand in the dark blind lost for days alone after your party all lost. The screams of some in the darkness haunt you still
9 An elf in the household pestered you constantly to be their lover and threatened to lie about you to ruin your life. Eventually, they lost interest in you when a new younger prettier slave arrived in the service
10 You were killed in a work-related accident and felt your souls swimming into the light of the heavens when you were brought back to life. The master was very angry at you for dying and punished you

d10 Quick Slave Types
1 Labourer - for the dirtiest often fatal jobs (CHA under 12 or less)
2 Household - service staff for less repulsive humans
3 Personal - servants attending to individual needs
Outdoors - jobs working with natural resources
5 Travel - jobs moving goods and messages
6 Arts - work from music to craft or even being made into art
7 Transformed - into a new species
8 Woodland warfare - to help the faerie frontier a limit for humans
9 Wild Ways - workers care for the elven-occupied woodlands
10 Arcane - slaves working on magical processes for a master

d100 Elf uses for human slaves
01 Miners who dig iron which the fey folk hate and dangerous minerals
02 Smiths who work pure iron into steel which is less painful to the fey
03 Farm labourers for certain crops 
04 Muckraker collecting and working with compost and fertiliser
05 Gongfarmer who gathers faerie faeces and ensures it is safely removed so witches don't find it 
06 Butcher who kill and prepare animals so faerie don't touch blood. May act as a carver in a household and have a fancy outfit
07 Tanner working with animal skins and polluting chemicals
08 Dyers who tread in vats of wool and fibres in toxic dye 
09 Gleaners who gather lost hair, wool scraps from fences and unfound vegetables from fields
10 Mortician who gathers dead human slaves and processes them into liquid garden fertiliser
11 House servants in a small household possibly with a few goblin helpers 
12 Basic manor servant like a chambermaid or footman
13 Chamber pot boy who collects chamber pots or holds them while lords relieve themselves or clean up vomit or poop they find around the palace
14 Laundry servant who gathers and cleans elf clothings and is responsible if any items are missing (especially underwear)
15 Senior servants like a butler or head maid commanding other servants
16 Firekeeper who cuts wood, stokes fires and lights candles and is blamed for fires
17 Scullery for cleaning dishes, cutting and peeling vegetables,  Human tastes are not trusted and human food is seen as awful peasant pig swill
18 Brewer who makes beer, mead and wine. Often well-fed and drunk   
19 Baker who makes bread and cakes and buns and other items as well as make bread for horses and house goblins
20 Quistron or Spitboy who turns a spitroast over fires by hand crank or running in a wheel if a child
21 Bathroom attendant who helps wash elves while bathing, some earn extra rewards with sexual favours and have elaborate volumes of books on the correct way to see if the master is interested. Some end up with better jobs if they do well
22 Wardrobe attendant who helps elves get dressed and lives in the closet
23 Privy Keeper who cares for the toilet chamber and assists lords in cleaning and assisting them with tools if required. Quite trusted compared to other slaves
24 Food taster testing for poisoned food and often obese from rich food they have access to
25 Apothecary assistant who can administer drugs to master for hours and cultivates various narcotic herbs and fungi. Most are terrible drug addicts and have used drugs to control their faerie food addiction 
26 Groom attends to the clothes, hair and makeup of an elf and often accompanies them on trips and can be quite intimate with masters. They also dress well and may carry the long ends of the master's cape or dress
27 Spice Keeper who keeps them locked away and supplies the cook and table, often dressed in outlandish costumes if guests are present. May also prepare sauces and other condiments
28 Biographer who records every moment of the master's life and edits out anything not appropriate
29 Nursemaid who cares for children and feeds them. Often kidnap human mothers for wetnurses but sometimes will surgically modify a male to bear breasts. Many elves get a fondness for humans from this practice and see them as adorable cows. Midwives are also possible as elves dislike blood, especially elf blood
30 Clerk who keeps account of household items and other servants' uses and misuses of items like food  
31 Birdkeeper care for the estate non-predatory birds especially fancy or talking or singing birds and also care for pigeons and crows used for messengers and the doves and swans who are kept in tiny replica mansions 
32 Stablehand who attends the master's horses and assists in grooming and care
33 Gardener who helps attend to basic chores of a faerie garden which can be risky
34 Falconer who keeps master birds of prey for hunting. Some are instead owlkeepers
35 Hound keeper who cares for master's dogs and werewolves around the house and for hunting. Often carry a silver whip and dagger
36 Beaters who help drive animals into hunters often in loud costumes with a musical instrument like a horn or drum
37 Beekeeper attends the deadly faerie bees and some that produce special honey that might be poison or cause hallucinations
38 Menagerie Keeper for houses that have a private zoo often with faerie animals or monsters
39 Herb Keeper who plants and cares for plants with medicinal and magical uses  their needs and may work planting more on borderlands of mortal kingdoms
40 Herder who cares for herd animals and protects them often has a staff and a silver dagger
41 Sailor crewmember of a boat but usually just an oarsman
42 Coach Driver who drives the rich around and helps them climb in and out and deal with bounders and bandits. May be armed and one of the few uses elves have use of crossbows
43 Ferryman helping with river crossings that faerie finds distressing. May have a boat or a raft
44 Wagon Driver who delivers food and other goods often in a caravan. May use oxen or horses or other creatures like giant lizards or beetles
45 Porter carries baggage and loads, possibly in a household or over distances by foot
46 Messenger who runs with notes for elves, always use illiterates for secrecy
47 Runner who hastily delivers goods as humans mostly can run longer
48 Gatekeeper who holds keys at watches the gate against intruders of elf estate
49 Groom who cares for the faerie horses which is hard as they love to eat human bone marrow
50 Palanquin Bearer who carries with others on poles a luxurious pedestal with a bed or lounge for elf nobles. It's hard work, bearers are naked and hairless except sandals though some have fanciful costumes like unicorns or silken scarves and ribbons. 
51 Singer with voice modified to sing one note in a choir or as part of a fantastic vast organ that uses slaves as sound makers
52 Concubine for elves but as humans are a bit shameful will be hidden or disguised in some other job like a house slave or personal servant 
53 Gladiators used in performances to enact famous battles but always saved from death to fight again and might have species altered each time depending on the performance
54 Sculptors' assistants as humans are too crude to make elf art but they can assist with hard labour. Some have to handle pet basilisks for lazy elf artists
55 Life Model for posing while elf artists work. Often in fabulous costumes and possibly kept in a state of paralysis for weeks or months while artists work 
56 Kept in a menagerie with a cave, furs and stone tools, encouraged to be hairy and filthy and act savage to scare children and sensitive faerie
57 Turned into living furniture in a state of torment but cannot scream
58 Made into a stone statue but still aware and able to see and hear
59 Turned into a living harp, kettle drum or trumpet
60 Trapped in a painting usually a scene in a micro world in an eternal loop
61 Turned into an orc and let loose to wage war on humans
62 Turned into a goblin and put to work after own goblins ran away
63 Turned into a goat or stag folk and let loose on the frontier woodlands
64 Made into a werewolf as a hunting hound and to menace humans on the frontier
65 Made into a mutant horror and released in a swamp as an alchemy test subject
66 Made into a satyr, mermaid, faun or centaur and human legs on some other monstrosity
67 Made into a manticore, wyvern or another awful monster with barely any memory of human life
68 Made into some more unusual were-creature to haunt the borderlands and weaken human invaders
69 Made into an owlbear or hook horror or landshark or some other hybrid horror
70 Made into a musclebound abhuman usually a beast folk or tree folk or elemental folk, possible to serve in army or to harass frontier humans or protect special places. Often given to druids and wood witches as guardians
71 Given a plague and made immune to it then released to kill other humans
72 Trained as bandits and released on the borderlands
73 Spy released among humans to gather news and recover various relics, may use animal or sprite messengers or 
74 Skirmisher and scout troops on borderlands to keep elves and humans apart
75 Shield bearer whose duty was to protect an elf warrior or archer 
76 Squire or servant for a knight, if they cannot get a proper elf one
77 Bodyguard to protect the master with their body and deal with those who dare lay hands on their owner
78 Assassin used for jobs in human lands or may be raised since a baby for a single job then eliminated if they survived. Even their souls are destroyed so none may question their spirit about their work
79 Sabotuer who works with humans but secretly damages tools and machines and frees livestock
80 Turned into an exotic mount for use by a faerie lord such as a dire wolf, sabretooth, elk, boar, unicorn, lion or griffon
81 Tree herder who plants trees to expand the great forest into the frontier and wastes. Sometimes plants monstrous vegetation to make barriers between humans and elfland or certain locations
82 Trap wrecker who patrols the woods destroying traps and aiding wounded animals. Will sabotage and even attack trappers
83 Wood Wardens who protect elf forests from human poachers who want to steal magic healing unicorn poop or see dryads bathing or hunt animals belonging to elves. Often conflict with travellers, poachers and those seeking magical experiences in faerielands 
84 Turned into game animals to replace species overhunted by humans 
85 Turned into trees to replace ones humans cut down
86 Beastmaster who handles animals of the elves, especially magical hounds, meat-eating apes, werewolves and other monstrosities elves breed in menageries. Beastmasters are often orders who live on the frontier breeding a single species and supervised from a distance by an elf 
87 Druidic Preacher helps peasants follow the old ways in secret and even convince them to flee beyond the frontier to join wild peoples or even serve elf agenda
88 Bard who acts as a spy in human lands and spreads stories favouring faerie
89 Turned into Cave Folk who are more ape like and live underground. They make good workers, fighters, underground scouts and are very fearful of elves 
90 Turned into Wild Folk who are covered in hair (sometimes green!) and often wear vegetation at most. They roam woods alone or as a tribe. Also used in the great hunts of the lord of the  forest 
91 Potion Tester who tastes alchemical brews to see if they cause mutations or explode or make side effects. Do get to know the taste of a potion or poison so get to be food tasters when the alchemy is slow
92 Blood Brood who provided human blood for potions, summoning and other uses like a vampire dinner guest. Some occasionally become vampires and escape 
93 Portal Scout who explores through magic potions to see with the other side has survivable temperatures, air pressure or other conditions. They are to report to the master and get to see some other realities and strange creatures
94 Wand Bearer who carries wands and magic implements of an elf wizard lord and may be familiar with their use
95 Drug dealer who sells addictive potions to humans made with the magical food of elfland then keep up the supply if they serve an elven coven
96 Alchemists assistant as some humans can incredibly learn magic, they can be put to work making potions and magic items or at least on some of the processes to aid a master. They are more used in times of war when elves take decades to repurpose their interests while a human generation passes quite quickly 
97 Made into a magic item for some time and eventually released maybe. Was able to influence the weapon and a few may even speak
98 Magic Theif sent into human lands or a rival elf palace to steal a pretty bauble or treasure that is too pretty for the rival to possess
99 Arcane Agent sent to infiltrate an enemy possibly transformed. Will infiltrate human households as a wizard but secretly advises and works in elf interests. If needed they will use magic for assassination if glamour and friendly advice fails
100 Zombie Herder who cares for zombie labourers kept in dark cavers. Soaking them in brine or vinegar to keep them fresh and sewing their wounds up is just some of the fun. Aid dark faerie necromancers and black druids in their work making haunted forests or haunted zombie sweatshops. The best may even make zombies or be put in charge of a zombie decoy or guard

XX Matweavers who weave floormats replace often when soiled and occasionally baskets, sometimes they find some fancy food titbit or better in the filth and vomit
XX Orchardist who gathers fruit and tends fruit trees and vines of an elf garden. Often dressed well and must move in a ballet-like manner and beg the tree each fruit taken