This is a recap of the state of my gaming enterprises and projects now in year 13.
I welcome feedback, suggestions, ideas for tables and more. I was doing adventures a few years ago, and more zines. Any old stuff I dropped you'd like to see?
I welcome feedback, suggestions, ideas for tables and more. I was doing adventures a few years ago, and more zines. Any old stuff I dropped you'd like to see?
I have accidentally made the same table 2 or 3 times quite a few times now.
It's harder to find specific posts I wrote on google, which used to be better than bloggers' internal search of my own posts, but not true now. So much here now its unwieldy even for me to use. 5 Years ago blogger destroyed all my pages with links sorted and I considered shutting doors for good on this platform (Reddit still has a post on this I can't remove).
I did lease out some tables or write some new ones for hire, which I would still do.
I had a few older things published which I'm open to. They have been translated into German, Portuguese, Swedish and a few others, which is nice. I've considered publishing zines on some platforms, but it's all stuff that distracts from writing, which is the main part I like. It takes 10x longer to edit something to be satisfactory than to write in the first place. I'd be more willing to work with a gaming company of some kind. Itchio might happen.
-Vol 3 of Chagrinspire draft 206 pages currently - needs some spot art and contents page but significant expansion - probably 2 good sessions and some small spot tables added and I'd like a few more maps. A version up now will be updated a bit next few days. I missed my own deadline by 90min.
-Vol4 might happen due to v3 being too big when art is in place, and I still need to do promised character classes and my alchemy system, which of course has blown up in my face for complexity, plus the edited stuff from my weird world war and metropolis books retooled for Chagrinspire. I'm considering time travel to the height of the black sphere when the wasteland was a single mega city and Chagrinspire plundered the world.
-I'm struggling to navigate changes on the platform and changing controls - I'll try speaking to them in the week after other things I need to do. I've been very low key on this because I'm limited in earnings for reasons - it's a go hard or don't at all kind of option for me financially and healthwise. This doing a not for profit charity project as a test might be a way to test stuff.
-Will be working on an overdesigned book for charity and my 55th birthday project comp of frog game stuff, so possibly will be to help a frog charity in QL who provide lots of medical advice across the country by phone
-Another old project I have all art assets for and most of the writing, but was poisoned by bad collaborators and silent partners I didn't know about, but I'm feeling better about
-I would be stupid not to go back to my post-apoc stuff as I have a few thousand dollars of art sitting around doing nothing for it
-My lead artist retired, my editor is sick and barely can leave the house, sometimes takes 5 days in bed after one game session. Life has been pretty busy of late, being summer here and I'm also doing band stuff and doing lots of work around the house.
The Blog (where you are now)
I've been writing less but more detailed stuff mostly.
My Chagrinspire campaign is using the content I've made here, and they have plenty to go through and now 6th-7th level. A few more things to do, but I hope to be winding it all up.
-River boat, ichor platform pumphouse and canal boat maps needed
-Random trainlines and travel events
-Describe huge chasms and the gnome city a bit more
-Time travel, visit the peak of the Black Sphere before the apocalypse
-mountains, woodlands,
-interior geomorphs for workshops, offices, boiler rooms, foyers, factories
automaton class revision - slow on revising abilities for the higher level
-making it usable for SF or fantasy has been part of this revision, but it's hard
mutant class revision (should be easy really)
-subclass for each subclass
I used to keep drafts on blogs down to under 12
Currently I have 27
alchemy formula 3 (needs a few more parts)
A few incomplete fluff tables I could finish or delete
A few things I overwrote like essays and possibly should forget.
spell components system
-with some tables so you can just pay in advance and forget mostly
-possibly a system/skills for using extra components rather than not requiring them
I used to like writing god stuff and I seem to not enjoy it or find satisfying vs actual mythology, but I ought to do something.
My Hell project might come back, was more than half done, and my collaborator on it long gone. It might be a good solo book also. Lots of solo gamers using my stuff.
Long ago, but 60% done
d100 second hand sex androids - tricky to describe non sexually - maybe I need a sexbot factory or sales centre scenario to collect for rich perverts or cults
d100 international villains - kinda bond stuff, but I should be able to finish given all the real world new billionaire villains we have
d100 mythos museum and auction items - I should just put online for sale
d100 T2 smartsuits (my sf game ended)
My Homebrew
I am as ever working on my homebrew EMO stuff on and off.
I still feel finishing it would help all my setting books.
It's working and running/evolving for 13 years now, but when I get close to ending it I start revising again and playing finds errors. When players take options, we tend to work on those choices and neglect others. Mostly character classes and spell revisions at the moment. Need to revise my equipment lists too.
Back to Basics
When I started in 2012 while bedridden for months, I envisaged a dirty dozen dungeon books with a specific type and made a fair amount of progress on those works - some have even been whole bookss
About Half a huge map of Shadelport is done and I could revise that work one day.
I am thinking of finding a publisher or company to help me finish some stuff. Even though I was a manager of newspapers and art director, I can't do everything anymore and am increasingly less likely to resolve anything by myself. I am well and happy enough and own a home so better than say 5 years ago or 12.
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I love and welcome feedback but not spambots
Good feedback and suggestions inspire me to write more