Im back from meatspace
Net fixed, well enough to get up and eat more which isnt so great after weight losses of last 6 weeks. At least medical treatment reminds me its ok to feel shitty. Mom outa coma and fighting with dad crazily so that's been good.
Wrote some stuff offline here is more:
City Zone
A half sunken city of ancient lost races. Partly reached through old pirate and smuggler caves on the upper levels to increasingly submerged ancient city ruins. Some sections need to cross water or dive to reach. Many sections flooded and inhabited my marine races who prey on humans. Whole sections are flooded and accessible only by water breathers. The water is populated by all manner of deadly marine creatures. Some areas are submerged by tidal waters and are covered by coral and barnacles. They may also be flooded or blocked off by tidal water level shifts and can trap explorers. Some areas are messes of smashed ships. Some report exploring the innards of a great sea beast with a settlement of the damned within its gut. The city seems like long lost surface civilizations while others seem to belong to degenerate fish men cults and there forbidden gods. Creatures of the zone notorious for using charms and desiring inter-species reproduction. Some monsters are kin and slaying one may attract hate from some sea monster, creature or god.
Sunken City Hazard d20
1 Water swarming with piranha
2 Electric eel swarm
3 Sharp slippery coral and shellfish
4 Poison Jellyfish or octopus swarm
5 Swarm of hungry crustaceans cling to every surface
6 Flood of tidal water
7 Salt deposits hide pit with rotten diseased bog of black mud
8 Crumbling wooden walkway over water
9 Wooden jetty, raft and water crossing
10 Trident launching balistia trap
11 Huge net drops on party
12 Tentacles reach from the deep
12 Poisonous razor sharp shellfish
14 Putrid rotting sea creature carries disease, parasites and horrible stench
15 Dying diseased sailors beg for help
16 Beartrap clamps foot, chamber slowly floods
17 Every surface a squirming living horror
18 Boiling steam geyser erupts
19 Prehuman altar calls guardian if defiled by outsider
20 Statue fires trident or darts
Sunken City Mystery d20
1 An old sea log in a sealed chest
2 Sodden ancient scrolls with fragments of arcane lore
3 Stone tablets with elder lore
4 Brine pickled swollen corpse with
5 Bottle with treasure map
6 Pirate corpse with multiple swords in back
7 Sinister wooden carving attracts sea monsters
8 Wooden idols depicting outsider explorers
9 Strange tools and items of fish men
10 Green strange idols brings nightmares to thief
11 Jade tablet with ritual to contact fishmen gods
12 Fishmen carrying captive flee to nearest water
13 Stone idol and altar covered in blood
14 Pirates carrying sea chest
15 Marooned pirate with gun, water keg and starving
16 Fishmen offer cursed gold idols
17 Woman begs for rescue, really fishman hybrid witch seeking a mate
18 Mozaic tile depicting ancient city and its rulers
19 Stoned fishman chewing strange sea weed
20 Explorer seeks secret of immortality from ruins
Sunken City Zone Above Water Encounters d100
1 Stranded pirate
2 Pirates seeking treasure
3 Crazed shipwrecked killers
4 Marine troops on lookout for prisoners
5 Convict scum trying to escape
6 Explorer gentlemen out for kicks
7 Maiden escaping captors seeks protectors
8 Witch-fish-folk-hybrid with pet small water elemental
9 Gladiators with net and tridents various gender
10 Lady pirates out for trouble
11 Treasure hunter thief band
12 Lifeboat load of common folk, some with secrets
13 Cultists seeking relics and victims
14 Zombie sailors cursed to never know peace
15 Ghouls pickled in brine
16 Sea Amazon
17 Crazed shipwrecked killers
18 Stranded maiden
18 Mermaids tempt closer so they can smash skulls on rocks
19 Mermen looking for some guys scaring there women
20 Mermaid in human form looking for love in wrong places
21 Selkie maid tempts men to there doom using a local hazard
22 Selkie maid in trap crying with club wielding sealers approaching
22 Selkie men looking for women or possibly a fight
23 Were walrus beserker with two axes fighting style
24 Tako octopus faerie folk adventurers looking for shiny stuff
25 Tako octopus royalty looking for interspecies love with humans
26 Tako octopus drunk wizard, crying writing poetry, magic gourd
27 Reptile men looking for loot and adventure
28 Reptile men guarding serpent man warlock seeking ancient mysteries
29 Young sea hydra
30 Fish men warband seeking food, lab test subjects, sacrifices and mates
31 Fish man witch charms men with magic songs and illusions
32 Fish men and small shoggoth on patrol
33 Sirens try to charm men for food and sex
35 Metalic birds shoot metal feathers
36 Harpy band spread disease, like to shit on foes while feeding and relaxing
37 Harpy Witch desires a mate, has pet giant sea vultures
38 Atlanteans, sea breathing humans from depths of the city surface seek trade
39 Atlantean warrior seeks to join surface party
40 Atlantean sorceress and otter familiar seeks to learn of surface world
41 Sea elf pirate band seek to drink and swap looting stories
42 Sea elf sword maiden and tako pirate sidekick
43 Sea elf dolphin rider seeking her mount
44 Sea elf knight hunting pirates who stole his sweetheart
45 Pirates and seamen prisoners building a gallows
46 Shark man insane beserker
47 Were sea snake shepherd with lovely daughters offers hospitality
48 Smugglers with goods and muskets pull back when they see you
49 Tako and smugglers making some deal
50 Sea spirit folk peacefully seek trade
51 Cyclops men with tridents and nets looking for a fight
52 Sea Troll erupts from salt pit
53 Selkie trapped in well by curse aid with healing, she cries lots and is lonely
54 Sea Ogre with barnacle covered anchor for a club with sack of gold
55 Salt encrusted sea ghouls burst from salt pit
56 Ghost seeks body to reclaim treasure
57 Zombie shark man on killing spree
58 Merman werewolf looking for victims to kill
59 Kraken tentacle pokes up through drain
60 Kobolds carrying brass and leather diving suits and air pump
61 Dwarf pirate guarding his loot
62 Hobbit thief looking for goodies to steal, very good diver
63 Were crocodile with 2 handed sword and bite style seeks blood
64 Were shark warrior, blood makes him insane beserk monster
64 Were shark fishwife seeks rescue, likes to eat lovers after sex
65 Sea nymph seeks lovers, has sea serpent familiar
66 Squid men cultists in robes desire a sacrifice to their mad sleeping god
67 Fisherman looking for monster to slay to prove he is best
68 Automaton bronze woman warrior built by a god, lost and deluded
69 Sea hag with pet monsters or cultists or monster race sidekicks
70 Lost fisherman sucked down a waterspout now here
71 Otter men devouring some giant crustaceans, offer you to join them
72 Crab men building sand castle
73 Crab men menacing a staked out sacrifice
74 Hermit Crab man pirate with regular crab men goons
75 Witches communing with elemental powers very resentful at being seen
76 Turtle man old monk/nun offers youn wisdom
77 Turtle man and Tako having wizard battle
78 Turtle assassin cultists with were rat master on a initiation test
79 Sailor burning hair and herbs to scare off monster, trapped here
80 Sea spirit folk meet you to deliver message from the sea gods
81 Kelpie in horse or maiden form, lures into water to kill and eat
82 Lagoon monster, lonely craves mate
83 Giant lobster or crab attack
84 Prehistoric sea scorpion crawl from pit to attack
85 Small cranky plesiosaur attacks through well with long neck
86 Chrome humanoid automaton with freeze ray and stockpile of frozen sea food
87 Fish spirit folk appear as tribals, suspicious of meat eaters but could trade
88 Giant octopus guards passage
89 Giant sea serpent hungry for morsels
90 Barnacle encrusted skeletons with pirate swords attack for loot
91 Floating jellyfish swarm drifts through air
92 Angry trapped elemental beast formed of water, serpent most common
93 Eel man assassin stalks party for moment of weakness
94 Mixed beastmen races of sea beings in a bandit gang
95 Huge squid attacks through well or open water
96 Salt vampire - drains salt from bodies by touch, made of pure salt with evil spirit
97 Steam era ship crew somehow lost here, cartridge rifles with bayonet's
98 Mysterious diver jumps in water leaving boxes of useful goods for party
99 Mummy caked in salt, from ancient civilization
100 Dolphin spirit folk disguised as bard, loves self and own reflection, laughs too much
Sunken City Zone Below Water Encounters d100
14 Zombie sailors cursed to never know peace
15 Ghouls wrapped in seaweed and covered in barnacles16 Mermaids tempt closer so they can smash skulls on rocks
19 Mermen looking for some guys scaring they're women
20 Mermaid in human form looking for love in wrong places
21 Selkie maidens lure party to hazard
22 Selkie men hunting
22 Sea-draug undead warrior from sunken barrow or boat
23 Were walrus beserker enraged at humans in his turf
24 Tako octopus faerie folk adventurers looking for shiny stuff
25 Tako octopus fishermenwith nets and spears
26 Tako octopus drunk wizard, crying writing poetry, magic gourd
27 Marine Reptile men looking for loot and adventure
28 Marine revenant from sunken ship cursed to live as undead29 Giant eel attacks from rocks
30 Fish men hunter seeking food
31 Fish man monk ouraged by intrusion into fishy realms
32 Fish men and small shoggoth on patrol
33 Fishy sages offer advice and magical knowledge
35 Newt man sorcerer annoyed at upstart race
36 Narwhale will befriend maidens and otherwise unimpressed
37 Swordfish or sawfish or morningstarfish or other strange melee weapon fish
38 Atlanteans, sea breathing humans from depths of the city surface seek trade
39 Atlantean warrior seeks to join surface party
40 Atlantean sorceress and octopus familiar seeks to learn of surface world
41 Sea elf pirate band surprised to find surface folk
42 Sea elf sword maiden and tako pirate sidekick
43 Sea elf dolphin rider seeking her mount
44 School of thousands of tiny fish or cuttlefish or harmless jellyfish
45 Peaceful marine turtle
46 Shark man insane beserker
47 Were sea snake hunter
48 Peaceful dugongs or sea cows
49 Tako and smugglers making some deal
50 Sea spirit folk peacefully seek trade goods
51 Sea spirit folk peacefully seek trade goods for wives
52 Sea Troll hides in ship wreckage
53 Marine crocodile is tempted by meat
54 Sea Ogre with claws and appetite
55 Sea ghouls burst from muck covering floor
56 Ghost from the undersea underworld kingdom
57 Zombie shark man on killing spree
58 Merman werewolf looking for victims to kill
59 Kraken tentacles ambush party
60 Kobolds carrying brass and leather diving suits and air pump
61 Dwarf pirate guarding his loot
62 Hobbit thief looking for goodies to steal, very good diver
63 Were crocodile with 2 handed sword and bite style seeks blood
64 Were shark warrior, blood makes him insane beserk monster
64 Were shark
65 Sea nymph seeks lovers, has sea serpent familiar
66 Squid men cultists in robes desire a sacrifice to their mad sleeping god
67 Dragon Turtle swallow party, dungeon inside of wrecked ships
68 Giant Fish tries to eat party
69 Sea hag with pet monsters or cultists or monster race sidekicks
70 Tylosaurus
71 Icthiosaurus
72 Crab men with nets trapping food for tribe
73 Barracuda attack
74 Hermit Crab man tinkerer selling trade goods
75 Witches communing with sea serpent or fish men
76 Turtle man harvesting sea weed and jellyfish and cuttlefish
77 Turtle man and Tako having wizard battle
78 Turtle assassins on mission, kill all witnesses
79 Shark attack
80 Sea spirit folk meet you to deliver message from the sea gods
81 Kelpie in horse or maiden form attacks to kill and eat
82 Lagoon monster, lonely craves mate
83 Giant lobster or crab attack
84 Prehistoric sea scorpion
85 Small cranky plesiosaur attacks
86 Sea Dragon passes by or even meets in human or fish form
87 Fish spirit folk appear as tribals, suspicious of meat eaters but could trade
88 Giant octopus guards passage
89 Giant sea serpent hungry for morsels
90 Barnacle encrusted skeletons with pirate swords attack for loot
91 Jellyfish swarm drifts through air
92 Angry trapped elemental beast formed of water, serpent most common
93 Eel man assassin stalks party for moment of weakness
94Huge man o war with hundreds of feet of tentacles passes through area
95 Huge squid attacks like a wolf
96 Huge octopus or nautilus or ammonites attacks
97 Steam era ship crew trapped inside submerged metal boat hull or diving bell
98 Mysterious diver with electro harpoon gun wants to escape in sub
99 Giant Clams clamp feet and crush
100 Dolphin
Sunken Kingdom Loot and Item Examples d2
01 Chest of navigation tools
2 Chest of sailors loot and clothes
3 Chest of passenger with fine clothes and jewels
4 Chest with flintlock pistol, powder, flints and shot
5 Barrel or rum or water or molasses or tobacco
6 Doctors chest with medicinal drugs, tools and a medical book
7 Chest filled with cutlasses and daggers with scabbards
8 Chest filled with dried sea rations for 2 months
9 Lucky fishhook always 1st catch of day is large and quick
10 Folding inflatable raft made from wood and animal skins
11 Weapon or armour of quality +1
12 Magic weapon or armour +1
13 Magic water flask provides one person daily needs
14 Green strange idol brings nightmares to owner
15 Cursed gold relics of fish men
16 Potions of water breathing 1d6 doses
17 Healing sea weed if chewed, reduces aging but it attracts snakes
18 Dream weed gives smokers addictive dreams that contact otherworldly beings
19 Wax tablet that calls fish men if thrown in the sea
20 Mask of the sea lord – tentacled mask allows breathing water, permanent 3rd use
A half sunken city of ancient lost races. Partly reached through old pirate and smuggler caves on the upper levels to increasingly submerged ancient city ruins. Some sections need to cross water or dive to reach. Many sections flooded and inhabited my marine races who prey on humans. Whole sections are flooded and accessible only by water breathers. The water is populated by all manner of deadly marine creatures. Some areas are submerged by tidal waters and are covered by coral and barnacles. They may also be flooded or blocked off by tidal water level shifts and can trap explorers. Some areas are messes of smashed ships. Some report exploring the innards of a great sea beast with a settlement of the damned within its gut. The city seems like long lost surface civilizations while others seem to belong to degenerate fish men cults and there forbidden gods. Creatures of the zone notorious for using charms and desiring inter-species reproduction. Some monsters are kin and slaying one may attract hate from some sea monster, creature or god.
Sunken City Hazard d20
1 Water swarming with piranha
2 Electric eel swarm
3 Sharp slippery coral and shellfish
4 Poison Jellyfish or octopus swarm
5 Swarm of hungry crustaceans cling to every surface
6 Flood of tidal water
7 Salt deposits hide pit with rotten diseased bog of black mud
8 Crumbling wooden walkway over water
9 Wooden jetty, raft and water crossing
10 Trident launching balistia trap
11 Huge net drops on party
12 Tentacles reach from the deep
12 Poisonous razor sharp shellfish
14 Putrid rotting sea creature carries disease, parasites and horrible stench
15 Dying diseased sailors beg for help
16 Beartrap clamps foot, chamber slowly floods
17 Every surface a squirming living horror
18 Boiling steam geyser erupts
19 Prehuman altar calls guardian if defiled by outsider
20 Statue fires trident or darts
Sunken City Mystery d20
1 An old sea log in a sealed chest
2 Sodden ancient scrolls with fragments of arcane lore
3 Stone tablets with elder lore
4 Brine pickled swollen corpse with
5 Bottle with treasure map
6 Pirate corpse with multiple swords in back
7 Sinister wooden carving attracts sea monsters
8 Wooden idols depicting outsider explorers
9 Strange tools and items of fish men
10 Green strange idols brings nightmares to thief
11 Jade tablet with ritual to contact fishmen gods
12 Fishmen carrying captive flee to nearest water
13 Stone idol and altar covered in blood
14 Pirates carrying sea chest
15 Marooned pirate with gun, water keg and starving
16 Fishmen offer cursed gold idols
17 Woman begs for rescue, really fishman hybrid witch seeking a mate
18 Mozaic tile depicting ancient city and its rulers
19 Stoned fishman chewing strange sea weed
20 Explorer seeks secret of immortality from ruins
Sunken City Zone Above Water Encounters d100
1 Stranded pirate
2 Pirates seeking treasure
3 Crazed shipwrecked killers
4 Marine troops on lookout for prisoners
5 Convict scum trying to escape
6 Explorer gentlemen out for kicks
7 Maiden escaping captors seeks protectors
8 Witch-fish-folk-hybrid with pet small water elemental
9 Gladiators with net and tridents various gender
10 Lady pirates out for trouble
11 Treasure hunter thief band
12 Lifeboat load of common folk, some with secrets
13 Cultists seeking relics and victims
14 Zombie sailors cursed to never know peace
15 Ghouls pickled in brine
16 Sea Amazon
17 Crazed shipwrecked killers
18 Stranded maiden
18 Mermaids tempt closer so they can smash skulls on rocks
19 Mermen looking for some guys scaring there women
20 Mermaid in human form looking for love in wrong places
21 Selkie maid tempts men to there doom using a local hazard
22 Selkie maid in trap crying with club wielding sealers approaching
22 Selkie men looking for women or possibly a fight
23 Were walrus beserker with two axes fighting style
24 Tako octopus faerie folk adventurers looking for shiny stuff
25 Tako octopus royalty looking for interspecies love with humans
26 Tako octopus drunk wizard, crying writing poetry, magic gourd
27 Reptile men looking for loot and adventure
28 Reptile men guarding serpent man warlock seeking ancient mysteries
29 Young sea hydra
30 Fish men warband seeking food, lab test subjects, sacrifices and mates
31 Fish man witch charms men with magic songs and illusions
32 Fish men and small shoggoth on patrol
33 Sirens try to charm men for food and sex
35 Metalic birds shoot metal feathers
36 Harpy band spread disease, like to shit on foes while feeding and relaxing
37 Harpy Witch desires a mate, has pet giant sea vultures
38 Atlanteans, sea breathing humans from depths of the city surface seek trade
39 Atlantean warrior seeks to join surface party
40 Atlantean sorceress and otter familiar seeks to learn of surface world
41 Sea elf pirate band seek to drink and swap looting stories
42 Sea elf sword maiden and tako pirate sidekick
43 Sea elf dolphin rider seeking her mount
44 Sea elf knight hunting pirates who stole his sweetheart
45 Pirates and seamen prisoners building a gallows
46 Shark man insane beserker
47 Were sea snake shepherd with lovely daughters offers hospitality
48 Smugglers with goods and muskets pull back when they see you
49 Tako and smugglers making some deal
50 Sea spirit folk peacefully seek trade
51 Cyclops men with tridents and nets looking for a fight
52 Sea Troll erupts from salt pit
53 Selkie trapped in well by curse aid with healing, she cries lots and is lonely
54 Sea Ogre with barnacle covered anchor for a club with sack of gold
55 Salt encrusted sea ghouls burst from salt pit
56 Ghost seeks body to reclaim treasure
57 Zombie shark man on killing spree
58 Merman werewolf looking for victims to kill
59 Kraken tentacle pokes up through drain
60 Kobolds carrying brass and leather diving suits and air pump
61 Dwarf pirate guarding his loot
62 Hobbit thief looking for goodies to steal, very good diver
63 Were crocodile with 2 handed sword and bite style seeks blood
64 Were shark warrior, blood makes him insane beserk monster
64 Were shark fishwife seeks rescue, likes to eat lovers after sex
65 Sea nymph seeks lovers, has sea serpent familiar
66 Squid men cultists in robes desire a sacrifice to their mad sleeping god
67 Fisherman looking for monster to slay to prove he is best
68 Automaton bronze woman warrior built by a god, lost and deluded
69 Sea hag with pet monsters or cultists or monster race sidekicks
70 Lost fisherman sucked down a waterspout now here
71 Otter men devouring some giant crustaceans, offer you to join them
72 Crab men building sand castle
73 Crab men menacing a staked out sacrifice
74 Hermit Crab man pirate with regular crab men goons
75 Witches communing with elemental powers very resentful at being seen
76 Turtle man old monk/nun offers youn wisdom
77 Turtle man and Tako having wizard battle
78 Turtle assassin cultists with were rat master on a initiation test
79 Sailor burning hair and herbs to scare off monster, trapped here
80 Sea spirit folk meet you to deliver message from the sea gods
81 Kelpie in horse or maiden form, lures into water to kill and eat
82 Lagoon monster, lonely craves mate
83 Giant lobster or crab attack
84 Prehistoric sea scorpion crawl from pit to attack
85 Small cranky plesiosaur attacks through well with long neck
86 Chrome humanoid automaton with freeze ray and stockpile of frozen sea food
87 Fish spirit folk appear as tribals, suspicious of meat eaters but could trade
88 Giant octopus guards passage
89 Giant sea serpent hungry for morsels
90 Barnacle encrusted skeletons with pirate swords attack for loot
91 Floating jellyfish swarm drifts through air
92 Angry trapped elemental beast formed of water, serpent most common
93 Eel man assassin stalks party for moment of weakness
94 Mixed beastmen races of sea beings in a bandit gang
95 Huge squid attacks through well or open water
96 Salt vampire - drains salt from bodies by touch, made of pure salt with evil spirit
97 Steam era ship crew somehow lost here, cartridge rifles with bayonet's
98 Mysterious diver jumps in water leaving boxes of useful goods for party
99 Mummy caked in salt, from ancient civilization
100 Dolphin spirit folk disguised as bard, loves self and own reflection, laughs too much
Sunken City Zone Below Water Encounters d100
14 Zombie sailors cursed to never know peace
15 Ghouls wrapped in seaweed and covered in barnacles16 Mermaids tempt closer so they can smash skulls on rocks
19 Mermen looking for some guys scaring they're women
20 Mermaid in human form looking for love in wrong places
21 Selkie maidens lure party to hazard
22 Selkie men hunting
22 Sea-draug undead warrior from sunken barrow or boat
23 Were walrus beserker enraged at humans in his turf
24 Tako octopus faerie folk adventurers looking for shiny stuff
25 Tako octopus fishermenwith nets and spears
26 Tako octopus drunk wizard, crying writing poetry, magic gourd
27 Marine Reptile men looking for loot and adventure
28 Marine revenant from sunken ship cursed to live as undead29 Giant eel attacks from rocks
30 Fish men hunter seeking food
31 Fish man monk ouraged by intrusion into fishy realms
32 Fish men and small shoggoth on patrol
33 Fishy sages offer advice and magical knowledge
35 Newt man sorcerer annoyed at upstart race
36 Narwhale will befriend maidens and otherwise unimpressed
37 Swordfish or sawfish or morningstarfish or other strange melee weapon fish
38 Atlanteans, sea breathing humans from depths of the city surface seek trade
39 Atlantean warrior seeks to join surface party
40 Atlantean sorceress and octopus familiar seeks to learn of surface world
41 Sea elf pirate band surprised to find surface folk
42 Sea elf sword maiden and tako pirate sidekick
43 Sea elf dolphin rider seeking her mount
44 School of thousands of tiny fish or cuttlefish or harmless jellyfish
45 Peaceful marine turtle
46 Shark man insane beserker
47 Were sea snake hunter
48 Peaceful dugongs or sea cows
49 Tako and smugglers making some deal
50 Sea spirit folk peacefully seek trade goods
51 Sea spirit folk peacefully seek trade goods for wives
52 Sea Troll hides in ship wreckage
53 Marine crocodile is tempted by meat
54 Sea Ogre with claws and appetite
55 Sea ghouls burst from muck covering floor
56 Ghost from the undersea underworld kingdom
57 Zombie shark man on killing spree
58 Merman werewolf looking for victims to kill
59 Kraken tentacles ambush party
60 Kobolds carrying brass and leather diving suits and air pump
61 Dwarf pirate guarding his loot
62 Hobbit thief looking for goodies to steal, very good diver
63 Were crocodile with 2 handed sword and bite style seeks blood
64 Were shark warrior, blood makes him insane beserk monster
64 Were shark
65 Sea nymph seeks lovers, has sea serpent familiar
66 Squid men cultists in robes desire a sacrifice to their mad sleeping god
67 Dragon Turtle swallow party, dungeon inside of wrecked ships
68 Giant Fish tries to eat party
69 Sea hag with pet monsters or cultists or monster race sidekicks
70 Tylosaurus
71 Icthiosaurus
72 Crab men with nets trapping food for tribe
73 Barracuda attack
74 Hermit Crab man tinkerer selling trade goods
75 Witches communing with sea serpent or fish men
76 Turtle man harvesting sea weed and jellyfish and cuttlefish
77 Turtle man and Tako having wizard battle
78 Turtle assassins on mission, kill all witnesses
79 Shark attack
80 Sea spirit folk meet you to deliver message from the sea gods
81 Kelpie in horse or maiden form attacks to kill and eat
82 Lagoon monster, lonely craves mate
83 Giant lobster or crab attack
84 Prehistoric sea scorpion
85 Small cranky plesiosaur attacks
86 Sea Dragon passes by or even meets in human or fish form
87 Fish spirit folk appear as tribals, suspicious of meat eaters but could trade
88 Giant octopus guards passage
89 Giant sea serpent hungry for morsels
90 Barnacle encrusted skeletons with pirate swords attack for loot
91 Jellyfish swarm drifts through air
92 Angry trapped elemental beast formed of water, serpent most common
93 Eel man assassin stalks party for moment of weakness
94Huge man o war with hundreds of feet of tentacles passes through area
95 Huge squid attacks like a wolf
96 Huge octopus or nautilus or ammonites attacks
97 Steam era ship crew trapped inside submerged metal boat hull or diving bell
98 Mysterious diver with electro harpoon gun wants to escape in sub
99 Giant Clams clamp feet and crush
100 Dolphin
Sunken Kingdom Loot and Item Examples d2
01 Chest of navigation tools
2 Chest of sailors loot and clothes
3 Chest of passenger with fine clothes and jewels
4 Chest with flintlock pistol, powder, flints and shot
5 Barrel or rum or water or molasses or tobacco
6 Doctors chest with medicinal drugs, tools and a medical book
7 Chest filled with cutlasses and daggers with scabbards
8 Chest filled with dried sea rations for 2 months
9 Lucky fishhook always 1st catch of day is large and quick
10 Folding inflatable raft made from wood and animal skins
11 Weapon or armour of quality +1
12 Magic weapon or armour +1
13 Magic water flask provides one person daily needs
14 Green strange idol brings nightmares to owner
15 Cursed gold relics of fish men
16 Potions of water breathing 1d6 doses
17 Healing sea weed if chewed, reduces aging but it attracts snakes
18 Dream weed gives smokers addictive dreams that contact otherworldly beings
19 Wax tablet that calls fish men if thrown in the sea
20 Mask of the sea lord – tentacled mask allows breathing water, permanent 3rd use
best pic ive seen in ages!