Wednesday 30 December 2020

Final Patreon PDF 2020 Good Riddance

This is my current Patreon book a 128 table compilation
-has an index of every table and page numbers!
-unedited and ethically dated words i try to use less often now
-will be doing bunch of revisions/updates for various comps

Also, i thought id done my emo links page but somehow a window somewhere undid 2 years of links so probably my bad and will try to fix.

Seeing a few tonal changes in my work over years and reminded of some forgotten projects.

Have caught up with some old friends this holiday which has been nice.
One friends dad gave me pick at boxes of broken toys i can model with

Sea Tables Id Still Like To Do in next edition possibly

a-z undersea ruins
seafloor encounters
ocean sea encounters
trade route ship encounters
frozen sea ship encounters
monster sea encounters
sea hazards
sea mutations
sea wonders
more island generators
things in a Seamans sack
sea chests
older list
sunken city dungeon zone
d100 Captains
d100 weird odd and nonhuman sailors
d100 sea undead
weird ships
d100 pirate captains of shadelport
d100 Pirates
d100 booty chests
d100 Maritime Criminals - smugglers, pirates, wreckers
treasure islands island kingdoms 
octopus adventure trail
Fist of the octopus god 
Gauntlet of the octopus god 
The octopus god's daughter 
wrath of the octopus god 
wrath of the octopus god 

Thursday 24 December 2020

Farewell 2020 & Uncanny Xmas 2 u All

Big writing session on my homebrew ready for a proof round. When it is looking better I can base my mostly system-neutral stuff around it. Trying to finish rebuilding my lost links page for this blog 6/8th way through. Found plenty I had forgotten. Also trying to write stuff that has been left in a draft pile. Here is what's left and half done:

d100 Second Hand Sex Androids and Robots  
a-z desert ruin
d100 minor mythos mystery museum pieces
d100 global villains for mod era 

have finished mostly - repaired my blog links page

Not having this has been a pain 
Will put to work for end of year patron item

put some reviews and game theory things in place

a few fixes but at least I can use it in-game and for new books in works
Hoping a few prezzies for the new year coming too

Good links on Sumerian mythology
is the season for ancient middle eastern religion so...
first has some typos in  my print version of this from OCR unedited
the second one is a must-have

My Hombrew book about 90% done of 108 pages so far
gets updated a bit so worth checking
needs contents, druid spells updated, index, and a few bits
its bare bones so will probably make a users/designers companion to go with it
It's still being tweaked a bit but plans to ready before I get onto next big projects

Stuff in Works
I'm waiting for 2 works of art to finish some books
-psychon players book - rules stuff, guns, psionics, mutants, robots, cyborgs
-new edition of planet psychon - to be more system-neutral than my player's book

Hoping to put up some stuff on drive-through and lulu in the start of the new year
Some kind of other media stuff as I need for other projects

Possible stuff to do
Try to do some of my dungeon book series again
Magic book with more elemental and necromantic spells

Sunday 20 December 2020

Clown Mutations

So I'm in the treatment plan for terrible hayfever. Yay most illnesses don't affect my creativity as much. Watching lots superhero cartoons and tv catchups and rewatching some classic film series as wholes. Knock zine is freaking amazing stuff im loving it. 

Obviously, this post has a clown warning and if you play with any optional clown rules in your game you should warn people who might not be able to enjoy imagining or thinking or clown-related talk.

Well if clowns are a mutation and so are martial arts are there pirate mutations.....
I did get some help and encouragement from osr rpg group on FB 

Other Mutations Posts
Xor Bio Mutations
Necro Mutations
Reptilian Mutations
Diabolic Mutations
Plant Mutations

Faerie Mutations
Mental Mutations
Subterranean Mutations
Angelic Paladin Mutations
Law Mutations
Giant Mutations
Surgical Mutation
Psychon Mutations
Cyber Mutations

Failed mutation system
Outside Mutations
Apotheosis Mutations - too many mutations
Mutant Class

as ever
minor mutations are common, mostly cosmetic
major are strange powers 
apotheosis is too many mutations
= more minor mutations than half CON score
=more major mutations than Lv or HD
Mutantclass exempt from apotheosis

d12 Sources of mutation

1 Bitten by a mad clown in the street
2 Saw the great chaos jester in a vision
3 In your sleep you visited dream lands and nightmare realms
4 Chaos clown demon tainted you by contact
5 Drank water from a clowns footprint
6 Dream clowns visit bed by night
7 Had an erotic clown encounter at a carnival
8 Clown gave you the evil eye
9 Groped by giggling pack of filthy clowns on a fair day
10 Ancestor was cursed by clowns
11 A cursed clown object d4 1=nose 2=hat 3=jester sceptre 4=pie
12 Found a creepy clown doll that infected you with clown spores

d10 basic types

1 Facial/sensory
2 Skin
3 Torso/body
4 Abdomen
5 Arms/manipulation
6 Legs/locomotion
7 Mouth
8 Cranium/skull
9 Organs
10 Brain

d100 Lesser Clown Mutations

01 Huge red nose
02 Huge facial hair
03 Huge floppy ears
04 Huge eyebrows
05 Facepaint
06 Jiggly jowls
07 Googly eyes
08 Colourful painted face
09 Always sad or always manic face
10 Speech impediment
11 Made up all over with tattoos
12 Clothing becomes ridiculous
13 Greasy slippery paint-covered skin
14 Hairy skinned 
15 Rubbery skinned +1AC
16 Glittery makeup skin
17 Metallic makeup skin
18 Sweat smells sweet then sour as they get old
19 Sweat dyes clothes in strange colours and patterns
20 Exotic piercings
21 Bright pompoms down front
22 Scrawny body frame
23 Very ticklish
24 Hump stores 3 days food and water
25 Barrel like chest
26 Vermin live on body
27 Crooked spine
28 Strange posture
29 Clothing rapidly falls apart and ruined
30 Clothing always goes baggy and puffy
31 Hilarious but functional genitalia
32 Fat belly or butt sags out
33 Flatulent
34 Pee pants when scared or funniest
35 Nausea on boats or wagons
36 Animal noises come out of belly
37 Very loud in toilet
38 Bizare genitalia resembling common object
39 Go to the bathroom once every 3 days for a long time
40 Swallow and regurgitate small items like an egg
41 Ambidextrous
42 Puffy huge hands
43 Clawed fingers d3 damage
44 Long hands
45 Long arms
46 Puffy sleeves
47 Floppy muppet arms
48 Joints in hands and arms squeak and creak 
49 Skin on hands hardy like gloves
50 Double jointed arms
51 Honk or jingle as walk
52 Prehensile feet
53 Thick calloused souls
54 Trip over own feet easily
55 Joints squeak and creak in legs and feet
56 Funny awkward walk
57 Long legs
58 Long floppy feet
59 Hideous worn feet with terrible toenails
60 Double-jointed legs
61 Huge mouth d3 bite attack
62 Messy eater
63 Terrible breath
64 Funny grotesque teeth
65 Elongated tongue 30cm
66 Teeth keep falling out and growing back
67 Silly voice
68 Can honk like a horn
69 Brilliant whistler
70 Compulsive laughter
71 Huge round head
72 Cone shaped head
73 Huge coloured mass of hair
74 Pompoms on head
75 Thick skull +2HP
76 Funny shaped skull
77 Long neck
78 Neck makes clicking sounds when turning head
79 Ruff around neck 
80 Colourful huge bow around neck
81 Liver tolerates heavy drinking
82 Can drink polluted water
83 Can digest rotting food
84 Can graze on plants to live
85 Can hold breath ten minutes
86 Can gorge self on food for three people
87 Can eat sewerage without harm
88 Has worms eats double
89 Vomit up acid inflicts 1hp once/Lv/day
90 Cough up revolting green bile
91 Compulsive jokes and puns
92 Cries easily with huge tears
93 Insults strangers
94 Always sleepy
95 Giggles in sleep
96 Snores loudly
97 Sleepwalks
98 Giggles during awkward moments
99 Brain occasionally sticks out nose or ears
100 Top of the skull can open up showing brain inside

d10 basic mutation types

1 Facial/sensory
2 Skin
3 Torso/body
4 Abdomen
5 Arms/manipulation
6 Legs/locomotion
7 Mouth
8 Cranium/skull
9 Organs
10 Brain

d100  Major Clown Mutations
01 Eyes shootout on 2m long tentacles at will
02 Eyes can be removed as spies for an hour per level, regrow in a month if lost
03 Huge red nose can detach and throw it range 4 for 3d6 damage 2 area save for half, regrows next day
04 Huge ears provide batlike echolocation
05 Charming huge smile +1CHA
06 Blank face can change for an hour per level per day to mimic a known person
07 Laughter all in 3 range save or laugh along also
08 Face can twist into a hideous mask, under 1HD creatures save or flee d4 rounds
09 Twitching nose sniffs 3 range d4 1=gold 2=blood 3=sweets 4=alcohol
10 Eyes shed huge tears at slightest distress, carry powerful pheromones, all in 3 range save or tear up also
11 Chameleon skin can change various colours
12 Clothing can change once per level per day
13 Feel no pain skin +3AC 
14 Durable skin +1HP/Lv
15 Rubbery skin, blunt and falling damage -1 on all damage dice
16 Repairing skin heal one HP per hour
17 Fire resistant skin, resist normal fire and only half magic fire damage 
18 Acid resistant skin, resist normal acid and only half magic acid damage 
19 Cold resistant skin, resist normal cold and only half magic frost damage 
20 Electric resistant skin, resist normal electricity and only half magic lightning  damage 
21 Body floats like wood move full Mov in water
22 Flower on chest shoots 2d4 acid 3 range once per hour, save or take 1HP/round for 2d4 rounds 
23 Loud Beating clown heat +1d4 HP plus 1/Lv
24 Elongate torso 1m/Lv at will
25 Rotate upper body half to face any direction in the fight
26 Detach limbs for turn per level, if not return lose %10 of HP and limb lost
27 Body inflates like a balloon can fly Mov 3, stronger winds can blow you away
28 Door in chest opens releasing a midget clown clone 1HD AC+3 d6 club obeys your wishes but only honks, if dies new one grows in day
29 Hive in torso has a hive of ferocious clown bugs that can make a swarm attack as spell level per round per hour
30 Absorb limbs at will and become a clown snake with Mov9 Smim12 Climb6 can crawl in tight spaces and use unarmed attacks for bite or constricting
31 Digest inorganic matter or almost anything instead of regular food
32 Horror flatulence, release stinking cloud once per hour no range 
33 Controlled flatulence at will, can even speak words like the second mouth
34 Once a day pull common equipment 
from pocket worth 5gp/Lv per day
35 Pull rat, frog, bug or dove from your pocket per round once per level per day
36 Your excrement is brightly coloured and tastes like candy that can feed a person for a day
37 Urinate alcohol equivalent of a bottle of spirits per day as body living distillery
38 Second face and baby arms in the belly, has own mental attributes, if character unconscious or asleep the lesser face can run the body, it can heal host a d4+1 HP once a day of host. The main body will get a save per hour to reassume control if unwilling
39 If clown dies smaller clown 
clone bursts from corpse next day, half HD/LV but recovers some size and a HD/Lv per day
40 Pull a bottle of beer from your pocket once per hour
41 Summon a cream pie once per level/day throw range 3 to the blind victim for a round if fail to save or is for a day
42 Arms inflate into muscles +1 STR 
43 Elongate arms +1m/Lv at will can flex like tentacles making an escape and manipulating tight places easily
44 By miming your unarmed attacks they become range 6 attacks  
45 Shocking grasp d8 dam +1/Lv once per hour
46 Can produce common hand size objects at will such as dice, deck of cards, balloons, ball, cup, flowers, water balloon per hour
47 Unseen servant hands at will within 6 range
48 Once a day create an invisible panel of force 3m wide and high that lasts a turn
49 Squirt water like a hose from your finger range 3 one litre a squirt once/Lv per day blind victim for a round if fail to save
50 Glider wings can fly across equal to starting height at normal Mov rate
51 Taps on feet produce litre/Lv per day
52 Bouncy feet+3m to standing leap
53 Huge floppy feet actually increase Move by 50%
54 When knocked over feet remain flat on ground and clown stand instantly with no loss of clowns actions
55 Legs replaced with a spring or bouncy rubbery sphere, all movement is bouncing with a twang sound can jump +6m to standing leap and double move
56 Immune to falling damage but temporarily look harmed for one round
57 Spiderclimb at will
58 Water walking at will
59 Silent movement while on tiptoes or closest you can manage
60 Extra unarmed kick attack action per round
61 Perfect sound mimic
62 Make loud band music or fog horn sounds from mouth
63 Teeth can bite metal bars or chains or wood like a chisel 
64 Extra unarmed bite attack in melee
65 Vomit up scarves, or paper streamers and confetti at will
66 Have a beautiful voice and gain singing skill
67 Vomit up usable rope 6m/Lv per day
68 Sneeze blinding mucous 3 range save or blind d4 rounds use per hour
69 Terrible puns and abuse cause unarmed damage at 3m range to a target once per round to living intelligent foe that can understand your words
70 Can  throw voice 6m range
71 Head can rotate 360 degrees rapidly making a ratchet-like clacking sound
72 Neck elongates 1m/Lv at will and bends like a snake
73 Pull rabbit out of your hat per Lv per day
74 Clock around the neck can manipulate to haste round/Lv per day
75 Can mould own face like putty and change colour for amazing disguises takes a turn to be specific person, clown or humanoid species but artistry and skill still help 
76 Extra unarmed headbutt attack action
77 Wonderous Hat can pull out an animal once per day 1HD/Lv, the creature has no desire to server you though, animals are strange coloured and odd (d4 minor mutations)
78 Prehensile hair 1 range/Lv can mak an extra unarmed attack to grapple, hair can change styles, grab things, used to swing on or catch a bird
79 Extra head with own mental attributes takes turns to sleep and control body
80 Head can separate and direct body by sight but a bit clumsy -2 most actions -4 if blind
81 Spray cloud of balloon spores over 1m area/Lv surface per day, will grow a patch of colourful floating fungus balloons in a week which are released and fly away, clowns often use this on their kills or territory or fill areas with balloons over time. Balloons once free last a week unless burst 
82 Can enlarge as the spell at will
83 Can shrink as spell at will
84 Gaseous form one ten minute turm per day Fly 3 but beware win
85 Melt into liquid form one ten minute turm per day but only Mov 3
86 If clown hit to minus HP strange coloured paint like clown blood flows back into body and stops leaking, healing them 2d8 HP +1/Lv once per day
87 Anything tasting clown blood must save or has clown poisononing, save or gain a minor mutation and laughs crazily d3 rounds where it cant attack (but can do anything defensive or move), all agree clown tastes funny
88 Clown lactates clown milk a mildly adictive euphitoc, one dose/Lv per day save or -d4 all mental atats for rest of day. Make save have vision qusts in the dream lands or nightmare world for an hour. A group can share the same trip. Milk only keeps for same day 
89 The clown is immune to fire but highly flamible, all in 1 area of clown take d6 per round, takes one round of rolling or water to douse flames
90 Clown adapts to local natural conditions like underwater, space or elemental planes, confers no resistance to native creatures attacks even if similar element to environment
91 Can open gate to world of dreams or nightmares once a week that lasts hour
92 Can imagine scenes that appear as a small cloud all can see, useful for exposition montages to tell stories
93 Summon gaggles of chaos clowns 1HD AC+3 d6 club one per level per day
94 Any one enemy in 6m concentrated on -2 on all saves
95 Can see dreams of others sleeping within 3m
96 Comunicate basic ideas with any intelligent being through miming
97 Imune to Poison
98 Invisibiliyspell once per hour
99 Create an illusionary duplicate like spell per level, each lasts for a turn, they can be set moving in routines of activity like a simple animation cycle to run or dance or distract
100 Swap a d3 attribute points into any mental attribute

d12 Apotheosis
01 Inflate to huge size float away into the sun
02 Swell up and burst to release smaller clowns that scuttle to safety from predictors
03 Swell to huge size burst to leave streamers and confetti
04 Laugh loudly rolling on the ground then burst apart in a gory mess
05 Sits giggling then melts into icecream like a mess
06 Tiny midget evil clowns cut their way out of the skin and go on murder sprees
07 Chaos jester transforms clown into horrific but brightly coloured demon clown
08 Body inflates into a circus tent full of carny folk, clowns and animals ready for the show
09 Starts to inflate but bursts leaving deflated loose mass of skin
10 Sit down sadly, turns into a painting on velvet in a gilded frame 
11 Choke on a joke, tiny clown funeral appears to bury the body 
12 Laugh at a joke, brain melts can do nothing but laugh while rocking 

d12 Strange Clown Encounters
1 Clown farm with clown animals
2 Carnival or circus
3 Clown house in village or city hated by locals
4 Feral clown cult in sewers
5 Clown graveyard was only one necromancer could find in a hurry
6 Clown chaos cultist puts on a show to recruit local losers
7 Rich man has clown menagerie and favourite breeding clown escaped
8 Clown Guild has a disturbing account of non guild clown outbreak and wants investigators and evidence to have them outlawed
9 A strange coloured tower appeared and giggling cowns sometimes emerge encouraging people to enter 
10 A clown has been snatching children and is hiding an area, locals mob want all clowns and bards rounded up
11 A nightmare clown demon has been taking victims to the nightmare realm
12  A were clown in among the village and is biting people in bed at night and scaring children

Any boring dungeon is better with clowns
Boring old snake cult become clown snake cult of the trickster serpant with killer sock puppet snakes and weird chaos clown snakes of oll colours 
There are probably anti clown spells and swords +4 vs clowns and cursed clown weapons like a club that mutates wielder when special powers used but is really cool. Temporary clown mutations in traps or potions might be cool

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Urban Spirits

When a city is founded it covers the homes of ancient spirits  of nature who are smothered but may survive thousands of years. Especially if it can get a few followers or a shrine people leave some offerings and thoughts at. Some spirits might have aided a founding hero or a god and might have bigger shrines, a gatehouse dedicated to them with a shrine, a temple or even a shrine within a gods temple complex. Other spirits may arrive from lands far and wide and other beings may seek to corrupt or influence people. Some spirits might contact the dreams of a sleeping person to scare them or send a message. Some might haunt a lonely garden or ruin or abandoned haunted house. Some might live in an attic or under a stove or in the sewer. Some are adorable and will live like animals or pets. Some are paternal and even neutral and evil ones have an interest in those who leave offerings. Some might be ancestors whose remains are buried under a floor. Those who like the spirit may seek vengeance if it is angered or harmed. Civilised peoples might acknowledge an ancestor or loved one but think petty spirits are for children or commoners.

Long ago when spirits came to form bodies and live as mortals and the children they bore became spirit folk or changelings. These spirit folk often linked to a beast or an element or some planar beings. Many are loners or live in small families for decades. Many spirit folks serve dragons and faerie nobility and gods. They are embodied in the world not the spirit planes of ether so can achieve many tasks like travel with less trouble.

When I revise Shadelport I will along with local gangs and I will put in local spirits
Drain maps might be required at some point too

d12 Spirit Strength
1 d4 HD AC+3 have invisible spirit form, possibly appear or communicate to mortals
2 d6 HD AC+4 +has a material form as a small creature like a cat or dog or goat or toad
3-5 d8 HD AC+5 one 
minor  power, form medium size or a even a human
6-7 2d8 HD AC+5 d2 
minor  powers, can form the size of riding a horse or smallish cow
8-9 3d8 HD AC+7 d3 
minor powers can form a big cow or war horse or an elk
9 4d8 HD AC+8 d3+1 
minor powers can form a bear or dire wolf or lion
11 8d8 HD +12 one major power d4+1 
minor powers form huge beast or monster
12 16d8 HD AC +20 three major powers six minor powers petty gods and can be giant or gargantuan

The size guide is just a maximum size form but bigger spirits will have d4+Lv forms that could include animals, humans, demihumans, inanimate objects, insect, a cloud of odour, a shadow but all can turn invisible or material by shifting to the ethereal plane where it's true spirit form dwells. 

Spirits are immaterial beings, travelling between the ethereal and material worlds

Invisible normally but superior ones may create a body, animals sometimes detect them
Spirit has an Axis Mundi point that anchors them where there recover or hide
Spirit is associated with artwork, shrine, building, stove, boat, wagon, rock, well, tree
Spirits can be good or evil or indifferent or weird. 
Spirits can be friendly or hostile or hidden.
Spirits may be upset and cause trouble.
Leaving offerings for spirits pleases and feeds them 
-good spirits will help you and your family and will take an interest to your wellbeing
-bad spirits will leave you alone and accept as tribute or a bribe
-neutral spirits will ignore you but may form bonds and protect those who make offerings
Spirits can grow or shrink over time or can change the alignment
Spirits may be tainted, purified or join a religion or a faction. May have friends
Spirits may be affected by people living in the area and the condition of the land
Spirit shrines are not considered
Spirits and petty gods can communicate
Great spirits are served by lesser ones like a court or a gang or temple
Spirit folk while embodied and living as humans birthed changeling spirit folk

d10 Common Types
1 Ancestor
2 Land
3 Water
4 Cthonic
5 Magical
6 Haunted
7 Infernal
8 Light
9 Darkness
10 Heavenly

d10 What Locals Know
1 Nobody heard of it
2 Children sing about it in their games
3 Old folk mutter about it
4 Local gossips have heard stories
5 Local residence have all seen odd things
6 Gangs in area all know about it
7 Graffitti in area mentions or depicts spirit
Their is a small fetish in area people know about
9 Small hrine someone attends to and some scraps for offerings
10 Large sheltered shrinw with a statue with offerings

d100 Petty Spirit Powers (same as previous one)
1 Material small animal form can manifest 1in6 can become any small animal
2 Material medium animal form can manifest
3 Material monster form can manifest
4 Material demihuman or human form
5 Natural feature resides in like a stone, hill or tree
6 Contact humans in dreams
7 Summon local creatures
8 Invisibility in spirit or material form
9 Hit only by magical weapons or made from d4 1=iron 2=silver 3=wood 4=stone
10 cast spells as a wizard or priest or druid Lv d4 with 1in12 being d4+3
11 Spirit resides in like a totem pole, shrine, fetish, borderstone or idol
12 Detect d4 1=one alignment 2=treasure 3=secret doors 4=invisible
13 Spirit has a magic weapon often is +1 with a 1st Lv spell power
14 Has a monster ally who comes to friends aid
15 Worshipped as divinities by local villagers, abhumans, elves or wild folk
16 Material plant form can be manifest or bound to a tree
17 Related to a minor divinity, great land spirit or faerie folk nobility
18 Can influence local weather by 4d6 degrees or call dark clouds or rain
19 Can conjure fierce winds, especially when angry, reduces movement in area
20 This spirit knows a local tribe of monsters and how to manipulate them
21 Flight with wings that spout at will, often like a butterfly or transparent bug wings
22 Speak any language
23 Knows a secret hidden treasure will tell location to save own life or a good cause or deal
24 ESP three times a day
25 Magical item (valuable but not for combat) d4 1=mill makes 3 meals a day 2
26 Curse three times a day
27 Charm Person three times a day
28 Charm Animal three times a day
29 Entangle three times a day
30 Animate a d6 fetishes or a scare crow or straw doll idol to life AC+3 2HD d6 scratch
31 Summon a swarm of creatures d6 1=wasps or bees 2=beetles 3=squirrels 4=finches 5=bats 6=flies once a day for d3 rounds +1 per HD bites for 2 damage a round
32 Immune to 1st level spells
33 Reanimate ancient corpses beneath the ground usually d4 zombie or 2d4 skeletons once a night
34 Grow as wizard spell at will
35 Shrink as wizard spell at will
36 Invisibility once per day until dispelled or broken as per spell
37 Teleport back to home once per day
38 Protection vs Alignment - opposite of their own
39 Cast illusion lasts d4 rounds three times per day
40 Contact dead requires fragment of body or descendant present once a day
41 Telekinesis spell 3 times a dato move stuff about and haunt places
42 Ventrliquism and voice mimicry to trick people at will
43 Trap crafting expertise - mostly made to target upright humanoids
44 Slow spell 3 times a day use to people trying to flee
46 Remove curse once a day they use this to trade
47 Cause disease once per day by touch
48 Has a familiar lesser spirit ally often appears as a pet or servant
49 Sleep spell three times a day
50 Make mortals by touch see any invisible spirit beings or homes or gates

d12 Greater Spirit Powers
1 Raise dead or reincarnation
2 Commands local lesser spirits
3 Illusion at will
4 Plane shift
5 Cast as magician HD=Lv
6 Cast greater curse once per day
7 Cause a major mutation once per person or any amount of minor mutations
8 Summoning - can call lesser spirits, spirit folk, friends or children to aid
9 Create magic items using secret techniques may give some to worthy
10 Gate - can open portal possibly call a greater being through like demon lord or a god
11 Shapeshift into anything but has a few favoured forms
12 Wish - make a pact to grant a wish if superiors on other planes will forfill wish

d10 Quick Petty Urban Spirits By Location Types
01 Waterways - canals and rivers through the city
02 Sewerways - drains and sewerage below the streets  
03 Gateways - guarded portals where people meet and make deals 
04 Bridges - structures provide crossings but also hide
05 Rooftops - things among the chimneys and attics
06 Highways - the main roads
07 Laneways - the lesser side streets
08 Alleyways - often one-way service lanes
09 Squares -   open areas including parks and parade grounds
10 Parks - public greens

d100 Petty Urban Spirits
01 Villy Sorenis - daughter of river spirit saddened by pollution, muddy nymph people hear sobbing 
02 Ulero - the ghost river porpoise a remnant of a breed now rare sometimes turns over boats especially fisherfolk 
03 Tanaril Fortarnil - a great spirit bullfrog at night sings loudly to his children and eats rats
04 Old Varney - a mysterious fisherman people see about who seems to vanish and appear
05 Gulper - a giant cod spirit who snatches dogs and giant rats and sometimes children of those who hurt the river 
06 Elora - a popular nymph with a local secret water well shrine and cult who provide her lovers and shiny trinkets
07 Great Shunk - a scaly hairy beast part fish part clawed beast said to attack those in secluded waters sometimes
08 Caleroris - a fish spirit who at times lives among the fish and at times as an attractive spirit woman strolling the docks. Those who offend her or take too many fish she turns into fish. Fishermen are strict about size and catch limits here
09 The River God - a figure of water, muck and reeds that sometimes forms when displeased and starts as human size but can grow to 9m tall
10 The Water Worm - a pale long-necked beast with a tooth filled orifice and baleful glowing eyes like saucers sometimes looks through windows even upper stories, if it spies on you its gaze causes madness. It has snatched many elderly persons 
11 King Rat - a terrible ten-headed chaos ratman spirit who commands rat swarms to steal food
12 The Sewer Serpent - a snake creature that people hear in drains and while in privies, people say it will bit your bottom while you make toilet, children worry about being swallowed
13 Old Sam the Bog Man - they say children teased this old homeless man to hide in shame in the sewer where he died of loneliness, people hear him sing and sometimes see a limping old man in a coat with rats hanging from his belt
14 The Great Cockroach - a huge creepy bug in the area who changes from a huge roach to a swarm that steals food
15 The Black Slime - a living shadow thing that lurks in drains and eats your scraps and vermin, some sewer workers have learned it is a spirit not just a slime 
16 Mister Stinky - a sewer-dwelling pixie covered in feces that sings and blows raspberries and pranks those in privies especially adventurers in the tavern who don't drop a copper coin in the potty first
17 The Foul Miasma - a vapour with the properties of a stinking cloud that lives in the drain, occasionally some evil-doers house erupts in foul gasses. Fire will ignite as a fireball and the miasma reforms in a month. It preys on evil doers who hide evidence of the crime in sewers
18 The Stool Golem - seen walking streets during mist as a humanoid but mostly in liquid form it roams seeking unholy undead or cultists using drains
19 Old Shabby - a rat cloaked hunchbacked figure some say has a hideous face. Was a gong farmer who drowned and now wanders the sewers scaring away wrong doers and vermin but aiding authorised sewer workers in trouble
20 Angus Mac Rattus - wererat cultist killed by mob long ago returns when cultists aid him form a new body with human sacrifice. Rattus appears as a giant sickly looking rat or a degenerate albino savage 
21 Dragon Gate Spirit - decorated with dragon tiles and banners. For generations, one of the local watch keepers based in the gatehouse has been a shapeshifting spirit drake. It likes human gossip and likes to meddle in the petty human drama
22 The Masked Ones, twin spirits one sad one happy who preside over oaths made under gates and punish oathbreakers, locals meet here for this service and donate to the shrine
23 The Moloch Gate is a grim gargoyle infested fortified gateway with a portcullis and murder holes. At times of trouble, the gate has been known to shut and lock of its own accord especially at night. Sometimes the portcullis gate has dropped on certain wicked men. Some looking at the gate by night are overcome with a sense of dread and see the gate as a grim devil-like face
24 Wolf Maid - wolf spirit who protects prostitutes who work around the gate, some see a huge shadow or hear snarls, remains of serial pests are sometimes found in area. Some men hear her whistling at them by night
25 The Watchman - a spirit killed on duty being negligent cursed to remain as a spirit, now it rattles bars and chains alerting local guards of suspicious persons near the gate  
26 Weird Goose - ancients kept geese as alarms and people near this gate have seen and heard the weird goose and some wicked ones have been bitten by the phantom goose on the bottom
27 Tinder Girl - a sobbing orphan selling bundles of sticks, seen at dusk and dawn, if you see her face under her head scarf she may appear sweet and give someone in need a minor blessing or to the wicked her face is a skull which causes fear  
28 The Irongate Shadow - this shadowy figure is seen here atop the gate by night or among roofs and balconies watching people, a few see it for a moment
29 Gallows Gate Phantoms - petty spirits hung, beheaded or had their heads on pikes displayed here long ago, sometimes in the dark they appear as desperate broken dead and frequently scare drunks and youth gangs
30 The Flayed Man - man wrongfully flayed then burned here long ago haunts here by night and sometimes in th basement and seldom-used rooms in the gatehouse. It appears as a screaming skinless burning phantom an it appears when there is a recent murder in the area
31 Troll Bridge Spirit - long ago a troll was killed here and the city grew and a troll spirit has been seen eating fish and frogs and the homeless using the bridge for shelter
32 Gibbet Bridge Moaners - cries of former gibbet victims who were kept on the bridge long ago
33 The Bridge Imp - once a year a chicken or dog is sacrificed here as part of a deal with a devilish imp spirit who leaves all alone if sated with sacrifice. It would prefer human sacrifice and some seek the spirit to make pacts with hell or infernal powers
34 The Trash Sprite - under a bridge overgrown with reeds and strewn with garbage and homeless campers. This sprite who lives here helps the homeless from gangs and the law and is left offerings of shiny scrap 
35 The Candleman - seen around the bridge at night but also in the dark crawlspace inside and under the bridge which were often locations of sweatshop. This light is often seen by locals and seems to follow people 
36 The Good Dog - a guard dog spirit seen mostly as a shadow or heard when there is trouble alerting the watch, there is a shrine to the "Good Dog" under the bridge among garbage
37 The Bridge Wizard - a magical being appears as a wizard and invites adventurers to his shop under the bridge to trade magic. Regulars will never have seen stairs below before and once found the wizard and his tiny shack store rarely uses the same bridge twice. In some places magic students gather and wait just in case 
38 The Falling Woman - a weeping woman seen on the bridge edge who jumps if anyone gets close. Nobody ever reaches the grounds and the locals are used to it and all debate what her story could be
39 Billy the Bridge Boy - heard scuttling about inside the bridge through vents outside. If any gain entry the bridge has workshops, slave cells and forgotten storage inside. Billy may talk to that inside but he will scare away any who disturb or damage the bridge condition 
40 Weeping Spirits - when the bridge was built criminals were sealed inside and the dozen condemned faces to appear as carvings on the bridge and locals know all their crimes. Some have come here to speak with the spirits but they are hostile and deceitful. Occasionally some fool sleeps under the bridge and the spirits may speak to the sleeper or the spirits will take the body if it is evil enough. A serial killer cult come to worship here weekly in hooded robes
41 Jimminy Chimney - a scruffy dirty child chimneysweep who lurks on busy rooftops
42 The Roof Storks - a pair of bird spirit that nests on the roof and blesses those inside with a baby, druids come and speak to it about events in far off lands
43 Spring-Heeled Jack - a long-legged clawed killer who hops from roof to roof. At other times the spirit adopts human form and lives among the community. It enjoys sport and a good hunt so will encourage fools to hunt it's monster form
44 The Roof Phantom - a shadowy shroud figure that lurks on the rooftops and nobody knows why
45 The Straw Brownie - lives in a thatched roof but moves if it hears swearing or unseemly gossip. When in a roof it helps with chores and labour but it is very lawful and easily offended
46 The Old Owl - it has always been here on rooftops listening and watching us, locals leave it mice. Occasionally it takes human form to help locals and has recruited adventurers before
47 The Old Crow - people say it is good luck to see it and give it some bread and so get upset if anyone scares it away as so many enjoy its blessings. Those that do not share bread suffer short terms ineptitude. It makes frightening caws demanding bread
48 Old Flumpkin - a ginger tom who is very curious and will follow people on rooftops. He will observe people then try and steal or beg for food and meow. Local thieves all carry mice for him. The thieves guild is quite old and Flumpkin is in their most ancient ledgers for mice received
49 Sammy Slate - a shabby roof sprite who is friends with birds and rats and cats, she likes to make new friends and will appear to non-evil persons happy to advise or give directions
50 The Bat - a sinister were bat serial killer was killed by the mob long abo and it's restless spirit now lurks as a shadow scaring night travellers in the area and snatching cats or babies or elderly left near windows a few times a year
51 The Messenger - a running messenger who seems to appear when someone needs a message sent urgently and all are busy, once the message is handed over the spirit vanishes

52 The Running Man - a man running urgently in fear is seen daily and the local law and vendors ignore it. Many wonder what the story is and only locals know it is a spirit 
53 The Headless Horseman - on lonely quiet nights a headless horseman will chase those on the royal road, beheaded from treason here long ago, mostly people are frightened but some died fleeing too hard
54 The Blind Girl - a small scruffy dressed girl collecting money in a cup with several pet geese who guard her. Locals fear upsetting the geese and warn outsiders away. The geese are spirit emanations of gold dragon dreams from far away who take turns guarding the child 
55 The The Highwayman - a spectral bandit who tries to rob people by night but cannot touch money which makes the spirit angry and chase victims away, only appears on gloomy evenings and the locals know the signs
56 The Knight Challenger - this phantom ot faerie knight appears by a bridge or gate ot square and challenges any mounted warrior to a battle, after the fight it vanishes leaving a gift for the victor or a waggon load of rotten vegetables for the loser
57 The Phantom Carriage - a black coach pulled by black horses passes this way by night at times and some say it is an underworld spirit transporting other spirit beings
58 The Templar - a grim warrior priest in crumbling armour in a cloak of darkness is seen searching the streets by night but nobody gets close 
59 The Strange Lady - a spirit woman known to locals is seen often sometimes known by a coloured garment or her activity. Only a few have got close and those that did were terrified 
60 The Grey Monks - a group of chanting monks, most would not suspects but they are pilgrim spirits eternally travelling from church crypt to church crypt  
61 The Butcher Woman - a nasty woman who sold pies with the meat of her murder victims, killed by adventurers but some see her pie cart occasionally or rarer still someone is mysteriously killed and butchered in the lane by her spirit
62 Old Tom - spirit who looks after horses, fixing shoes and other chores if the owners leave out treats and a small opening in the stable if his hideous features are seen it will not return
63 The Grey Goat - a canny billy who wanders about sniffing out and exposing chaos cults with his bleating and butting, nobody knows who owns him but really it is a spirit animal who adopts a human form for some investigations
64 The Scuttling Horror - a crawling multilimbed nightmare thing that snatches victims from the streets with long spindly arms. Sometimes it reaches at someone through a window leaving a scratch
65 Hobbe Lane Devil - an impish creature who appears when people fight or are angry to egg on the combatants and enrage them more. The imp is rarely visible 
66 Bartle Coxwaggle - a spirit goblin who throws faeces and abuse at any rich entering this street 
67 Gunter Shlumpen - hurls chamber pots at wicked landlords and rent collectors, a strange hairy fairy thing
68 Heddly Hamhock - steald bones from local dogs who all bark if they sense Hedly close. Hedly is a gremlin-like spirit creature who collects bones in some secret place
69 Maddy Bloodscarf - a running woman holding a bloody scarf is sometimes seen by strangers and locals. Locals know she appears to alert all that a killer walks the streets. Some even contacted the spirit for more information
70 The Nachtwurm - a bat-winged worm thing that bites strangers by night and drinks some of their blood. The spirit has never harmed a resident and is thought of as some prehuman epoch fragment of the past
71 Grimbold Greyfang - a street cat of large size actually a spirit who minds local urchins and sings horrible cat music to annoy those mean to urchins trying to sleep at night. Often just sitting in alleyways 

72 Granny Goodbeard - a wizened old bearded woman who lurks in alleyway collecting scraps for her trolley. Stray animals often protect her but many think she might be a witch or secretly have treasure. Locals leave her alone and look away
73 Old Alf - looking like a filthy old tramp really they are a spirit goblin in human form. Knows many strange things and locals don't know Old Alf helps other in secret in invisible spirit form 
74 Skalkin Thorkin - a sprite who in return for treats stops lighting strikes to the whole block which is quite a worry for some. Mostly Skalkin is invisible or in animal form 
75 The Grump - a hairy grumpy beast who lives in an alley trash heap. Locals are not sure what it is but local kids sometimes talk to it 
76 The Shambler - seems to be a pile of rotting hay thrown in an alley but has eyes and can move about to eat garbage. It seems harmless, cleans alleys and locals give it scraps
77 The Alley Ape - exotic chimp lost by a sailor so people say lives off garbage in the alley but really is a spirit watching are for sailors long returned from sea to gve them a gold coin each if they return to their families
78 Pogo the Mutt - a large vicious alley dog who chases urchins and homeless and is rewarded by landowners with scraps, really the dog is a spirit who sometimes appears as a human so he can beat up bigger dogs or steal food
79 Enid the Cat Girl - a popular thieving urchin who is, in fact, a cat spirit who has used magical charms on local for decades. Locals spring to her defence if they hear her cry or complain as a cat or a girl from the alley she lives in
80 Galban Throgg - an alley spirit who charges homeless scraps of food to stay under its protection. When displeased it can assume the form of vermin or a shadow and will inflict enemies with swarms of fleas. Some say the spirit was a murdered landlord exorcised from their own home
81 Gargoyle on the Green - a gargoyle on a plinth occupied by a spirit who sometimes occupies the statue to punish evildoers in the square at night. A small patch of grass and shrubs are maintained by locals for the gargoyle
82 The Equestrian Phantom - the spirit of a state dedicated to some mounted war hero, sometimes the spirit makes the statue talk to lonely people who visit it. Some have seen a phantom rider in th fogs of night
83 The Trough Thing - spirit protects and purifies and fills a stone horse trough made to commemorate war horses. The spirit has not been seen by humans but horses seem to see it and like it as it sometimes gives them treats
84 The Satyr Spirit - a statue on a plinth in a small fenced square with trees and shrubs. Some say they hear pan pipes and locals are wary of youths dallying here as a strange horned man has been known to cringingly flirt lone visitors. Some here at night are struck by panic and flee the area 
85 The Old Thing - a tiny fenced graveyard with ancient worn headstones and a stone megalith and a tree are all packed into a small square. A spirit in the stone protects the graves and hooligand who tried to damage the grave markers or tree are found broken with looks of terror
86 The Trash Thing - lives among garbage on an empty lot and can form a body from trash to punish any starting fires or dumping bodies which it dislikes. The spirit will even follow the wicked home to return their misdeed
87 The Fountain Spirit - guards the fountain and keeps the water moving and pure. Some wonder how the fountain works. The spirit likes those who enjoy the water and respect the fountain and garden around it
88 Foxy Loxie - not her true name but this fox woman spirit is seen by night as a fox but most don't know she lives as a human in the area by day, sometimes she helps common women but sometimes she ruins men. She lives in a burrow in a small overgrown vacant lot or square 
89 Uncle Ren - a tiny yappy dog spirit who all locals around a square know and dred but it does alert them to evil doings and people leave it treats in hopes it sleeps quietly. Local dogs and cats all hate it
90 Lanternman - spirit lights street lamps and gets fuel from somewhere and locals know not to question or mess with the lamps. Once it 
91 Shep Clawfinger - a hairy beast seen through cracks in walls and it yells abuse at house residence 
92 Cellar Ice Toad - chills a cellar and eats rats, this toad spirit is popular and people try to tempt the toad into their cellar with shrines and offerings. This spirit is an elemental

93 Stove Troll - a spirit creature mostly hair and feet eats scaps and guards the family against intruders and helps fuel the stove. Once a living thing now it is often non-coporeal mostly
94 Jenny Vinegar - a house spirit like a naturally shrunken old woman who moves like a spider scuttling about a house. She protects babies and children from vermin and bad spirits
95 Tom Underfloor - a knocking spirit that knocks on the undersides of floorboards. Tom is never seen but residents know him and stomp hello back. Tom warns householders of fire or intruders with loud noises

96 Sally Boken - an angry teen spirit who died in squalor and now disturbs a house as a poltergeist
97 Chowder Mother - surprises residence of a house with a delicious stew to feed them all. Many locals sing about her and leave her a guest seat in hope she comes 
98 Cobie Scrubpox - seems to be an old woman living in the upper floor of a building, Residents and landlord have no idea who this person is and cannot find the room she seems to inhabit. She also is seen feeding local cats
99 Brown Fluffkin - a furry rat like creature with a repulsive human like face that bites sleepers and pets and babies but nobody can catch. Some say it is a familiar spirit of a burned witch
100 Cuckoo Child - spirit pretends to be a child and runs with the urchins aiding them. It often enters buildings with many children and dwells among them. When any find out it moves on

Thursday 10 December 2020

Secret Orders: The Celestial Brotherhood

So you might come across some order in its public life or even get some legitimate work with some agents. You could even be working in an organisation that in secret has horrible agendas for a while before you join the higher ranks and hear about the ordered schemes. You could discover documents or witness that order is not what it seems. Perhaps a party will join to keep an eye on them or learn their secrets to destroy or reform them. A new character might start with an order patron and take years to discover the real order purpose.

My next frpg I will use a bunch of these
Some guilds, knight orders, sisterhood and secret cults in future

Obviously, these guys are toxic jerks who put forcewall ceilings on important wizard careers. I envisage them starting as a loved adventurer club then ramp up their true proposes and plans over time. I expect eventually their secret symbols will be known and the party will recognise wizard members by jewellery or tattoos

The Celestial Brotherhood

Public Goals 
To promote the benefits of manly wizardry to the commoners and nobility
Create public works, monuments and improvements to aid the welfare of commoners
Wizards can meet to get discus community wellbeing
Real Goals 
Have weekly secret meetings then drunken binges and singing and feasting
To conquer the world one kingdom at a time
To operate in secret so the common scum and idiot nobles never know
Keep women out of wizardry and even literacy is too good for them
Just summon or make better lovers if you need them, until then don't bother with them 
A great council of the 5 greatest wizards rule and occasionally there is a deadly duel to replace one (one is a lich unknown to all). Each kingdom has a lesser council of 5 
Suitable members are questioned in secret to see if they have the right aspirations. Some of these questions may be done secretly by different members so prospective wizard won't even know. Many are in academia or just regional backwoods wizards. A secret initiation ritual involves a test of your resolve and some who fail are killed if seen as too dangerous. Most of lesser ranks under name level don't even know about secrets

These are commoners and student wizards who join in hopes of being noticed or getting spells. Some masters give apprentices extra credit for working with the order. Others help the order because of their good deeds and charity
d12 Missions
1 Lady wizard has stolen documents and infiltrated lower ranks, find her/him, get back the records and bring this villain to the council of 5 before she slanders our good order
2 Bury these magic stones under various villages on kingdoms borders
3 This hunting lodge has a special meeting of the kingdoms five master wizards, we need to make sure no intruders try to intrude or spy on the meeting
4 This former member is really an evil foreign devil worshipper out to harm the order, find them and bring them back if possible but don't let them leave the kingdom
5 Tanke these medicine potions to this rural village, tell them it is from anonymous donors as they dislike wizards lots but we must help sort them out. Make sure you leave immediately perhaps explaining you have other villages to help
6 A delivery of sacred herbs for an order celebration is to be collected from the docks at night. Avoid unnecessary encounters with taxmen or law but use this order seal if stopped. Then get the box to this rural estate in time for the sacred rites and you will be rewarded
7 The older witch hunters are all retiring, go give them these donations and encourage them to teach a new generation to hunt these evil unregulated spell caster. The witch cults may try to stop you 
8 This scriptorium we trusted to work on our documents has been distributing naughty parchments depicting order members in a compromising light. It would be best if the building and it's contents burn. Give this letter to the firewarden a day before. Make sure all documents in progress burn
9 A wicked sorcerer in the mountains has a terrible machine that spawns monsters, take this machine to the orders hall in secret, Kill the sorcerer leaving no remains
10 Take this porcelain golem woman to this important wizard and give him this sealed envelope with the magical commands. Don't even think about using the golem
11 Convince the mayor to shut down this young ladies magic school, we have made them move before, eventually, they will give up. Anything you can do to tarnish the school reputation or the staff will help
12 Take these frozen troll flesh cubes to the orders secret forest laboratory. The ice and straw in the crates they are in should get you there if you hurry without spawning a troll army. Avoid inspections and tollbooths