Wednesday 25 April 2018

Meet The Freaks of Planet Psychon

This is a recap of the player characters at end of session

Harold Mutant Lv 5 
Cyan tastes of chlorine
STR 9 DEX 14 CON 13 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 16 AC14 HP38
Self sealing nostrils
Glowing heart and brain when stressed
Shell like ears
Transparent flesh
Hands glow at will
Audiable heart beat when stressed
Colour changing eyes
Psychological aversion to harming god or minions
Magnetic sense
spiked club fist now silvered
Detect evil puffer 5 uses, porno mags with green people
4 shot derringer, 9mm pistol, dagger, sling
Teleported to Psychon from a orbital colony accident
Worships Ankor the Judge hated by Korad the Evolver

Lee Thief Lv 5 
Jet tastes of salt
STR 5 DEX 18 CON 10 INT 11 WIS 7 CHA 18 AC16 HP20See Through skull
Circuit board patterns in silver on skin
Red tattoos all over
Huge veins
Playing cards, shortbow, small sword, daggerHelmet, Greaves/Bracers, Hero Harness, Ring (+1 save)
Came from a pod from space no memories
Worships Donarkong hates Colossus hated by Korad the Evolver

Zograd Mutant Lv 5 Cyan tastes of cumin
STR 16 DEX 11 CON 11 INT 16 WIS 11 CHA 12 AC14 HP26Ambidextrous
Glowing hands
Backwards feet
Huge veins
Buds offspring monthly
Halucinates when hungry
Can taste with feet
Circuit board patterns in silver on skinHuge feet
Anti Toxin Gland
Spotlight Eyes 2"/Lv
Hypnotic eyes
Stops bleeding in one round
Sonic lance d4/Lv 3" cone daily causes deafness if fail save
Scorpion tail save or -4 STR, extra att d6
Up to d4 ribs a month can be snapped off and used as daggers
Bronze Sword +1, mace, dagger, neutralize disease puffer 2 uses 

Military Las Rifle 2 shots/10 5d6 24" Hydrogen cell
Helmet, Greaves/Bracers, Hero Harness
Raised in a cave by goblins
Hated by Korad the EvolverTeen Bugbear gang member follower with silver shank and club 2HD 11hp

Hillman Eldren Lv 5 Turquoise tastes of peach
STR 12 DEX 9 CON 16 INT 11 WIS 16 CHA 18 AC16 HP30Strange voice - everyone thinks he sounds just like them
Breathe water puffer
Detect magic cigarettes two left in pack

Black riot armour with helm
Sword, shortbow,
teleported in ancient times appeared like this
Worships Azathoth, hates Eris of mars, hated by Korad the Evolver
Seaweed Demon
Smoke Demon with fins immune to non magic weapons
Class 4 Tech replicant
Stewardess Repllecant
Class 3 Medic Replicant

Pew Morlock Lv 5 Cyan tastes of eucalyptus
STR 9 DEX 10 CON 13 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 11 AC13 HP27Goat Horns
Flatulent in crisis (smells of reptile house)
Hold breath 10 minutes with save
Two handed axe, bronze battle axe +1, crossbowMilitary Las Rifle 4 shots/10 5d6 24" Hydrogen cellTankbot brain, electric eye, 176 electronic parts
Potion of levitation, helm, harness, greaves/bracers
Helmet, Greaves/Bracers, Hero Harness, Ring (+1 save)
Used to be a Eloi but changed by a god on a whim
Worships Iquanta 
hated by Defendor and Korad the Evolver
Young Bugbear assistant

Pew Morlock Lv 5 Cyan tastes of eucalyptus
STR 9 DEX 10 CON 13 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 11 AC13 HP27Goat Horns
Flatulent in crisis (smells of reptile house)
Hold breath 10 minutes with save
Two handed axe, bronze battle axe +1, crossbowMilitary Las Rifle 4 shots/10 5d6 24" Hydrogen cellTankbot brain, electric eye, 176 electronic parts
Potion of levitation, helm, harness, greaves/bracers
Helmet, Greaves/Bracers, Hero Harness, Ring (+1 save)
Used to be a Eloi but changed by a god on a whim
Worships Iquanta hated by Defendor and Korad the Evolver

Young Bugbear assistant

Ben kept his this is best i can do from memory....

Zanno Mutant 5th tastes of Coriander
Mutant hermaphrodite who budded off clone children he ate as birth control. Also had spectacular huge genitalia. Had a good bugbear adult warrior and a gnome follower with trap and lock lore kept in backpack.

The eldren player kept notes on tastes of other characters flavours in case he ate them so some of this info came from him.


  1. So are we going to see Odd scents/taste table expanded to 100 entries?

    1. er it has been - one of the most used tables in the game

    2. there is some stuff in pdf not on blog possibly but new book out 30th and probably a companion later


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