
As I have a fishy city in my setting i might need this. I might make some more stuff too like fish mutations and sea monster invasion tables....
I would change names for my current setting but will do all my marine stuff for shadel port one day which is where these names would be usable.
d20 Fishy Traits
01 Bulging eyes02 Big lips
03 Slimy skin
04 Scaly rash patches
05 Gill slits
06 Webbed digits
07 Long clawed fingernails
08 White eyes
09 Night vision
10 Croaking fits
11 Limpy gait
12 Hunchback
13 Smells of fish
14 Hair loss
15 No belly button
16 No nipples
17 Squashed nose with slitted nostrils
18 Long sharp fingernails
19 Green-grey tinted skin
20 Sharp teeth with several rows
d20 Secret Fish Cult Paraphernalia
1 Strange gold nugget shaped like coral
2 Green stone squid god idol
3 Stone fish medallion
4 Wavy sacrificial knife
5 Wax tablet with strange writing
6 Coded map to cult meeting place
7 Whale tooth with sea demon scrimshaw
8 Several small pearl
9 Strange green sea metal knife for not quite human hands
10 Packet of deep sea weed narcotics
11 Item from missing ship
12 Trilobite or amonite fossil pendant
13 Gold tentacle pendant
14 Tattoos of octopus demon god
15 Tribal tattoos of distant islanders
16 Tattoos of fish cultists trading with humans
17 Fish cult mask
18 Fish cult robes
19 Magic fish hook catches a fish once per day
20 Barnacles and seaweed rooted in skin
d12 Fish Cult Plots
1 Breed with humans
2 Kidnap sacrifices
3 Kidnap humans to eat
4 Ruin local economy with fishy gold
5 Peddle fish folk drugs
6 Sabotage sailing vessels
7 Spread false sea charts
8 Recruit for the fish cult
9 Maintain fish cult holy places
10 Spread murder and vice
11 Spy on humans
12 Make people think the fishman empire was not so bad
d10 Quick Types
01 Vagrants02 Dock folk
03 Shop keepers
04 Entertainers
05 Old timers
06 Tavern Characters
07 Sailors
08 Professionals
09 Upper Crust Toffs
10 Cultists
d100 Fishy Fantasy Folk
02 Mavis Swamp Weasel lives in a shack of garbage, local say she is a witch and yells at local children
03 Old Man Tucker, sits in alleyways drinking and muttering about terrible things he has seen and how "they wont let me talk"
04 Alfie Chumbucket begs for scraps from fishermen and does odd jobs, children say they have seen him eating raw fish guts
05 Puggle Tacklebox fixes fishing lures and nets for scraps and beer, he has missing teeth and terrible fish breath
06 Old Willy the Whale, bloated huge pale man who somehow gets enough food to maintain his size, some say he eats other vagrants
07 Old Mother Fishlegs wanders around shore like collecting driftwood and scraps she sell or collects in her shack. She has a collection of strange things from the sea
08 Granny Musselchops wanders the docks muttering with bags of rags and scraps and cages with rats, cats and birds she traps and sells for bait
09 Orla Canklegrim sits on docks drinking and laughing and cackling and smoking, some say she has a secret fortune and she pays her tabs at the grog shop with gold nuggets
10 Sally Plum like to sing with her hideous croaking voice until people throw fish heads and tails at her to shut up
11 Big Willy is a dock hand who lives in a tint shack on the docks. He is notoriously idiotic and strong but so far has not killed anybody who taunts him
12 Old Man Bracken sits on docks whittling ivory and driftwood telling stories of horrors of the sea. He knows many strange legends and forgotten lore of the sea
13 Jimmy Barnacles rents small boats and lends money and goods to other fishermen, many on the docks owe him
14 Jenny Kelptoungue sells mussels, clams and oysters on the docks she gets from somewhere, and is often heard hawking her wares. Some say she trades pearls to strange outsiders
15 Fanny McGinty fixes nets and sits by the docks singing strange songs she claims to have learnt from islander slaves from far away
16 Mack Hatchet buys the best catches and ships them off to the rich every day and always has plenty of gold to pay
17 Molly Shrimp sits on the docks selling pipe weed of all kinds, many from exotic distant lands. Especially dragon weed from the sea depths which increases your life span but makes user an addict if not prepared properly which she does not. Most of the dock folk deal with her daily
18 Gatland Pike hangs around docks unloading goods that come in for small change to buy more grog, he sees all the comings and goings on the docks
19 Greg Bass, a popular leader of dock workers who negotiates pay and has become unpopular with business leaders. He has been meeting workers in a local tavern and increasingly adding ritual elements to his docker brotherhood
20 Barnacle bill a old peg-legged, hook handed retired sailor sits on docks giving unwanted advice and telling tall tales of treasure which often lead to a fishman temple ambush
21 Salty Pete runs a fishing supply store where he sells strange worms and creatures from the bottom of the deeps
22 Marek Tule runs a boat yard and mends local boats. He has uncanny knowledge of the sea and boat building methods of many lands beyond a humble local tradesman
23 Muriel Tattersail, repairs sails, sells used cloth and quality all weather coats and cloaks. She occasionally sells goods from lost ships she claims to have found ashore
24 Elon Clamneck is a fish monger who always has good prices and has extra cheap strange deep sea fish most people think too nightmarish to eat. He eats all kinds of strange fish dishes like pickled eyeballs and sea urchins and jelly fish
25 Teresa Slurm runs a sly grog shop under a tarp by the docks where she sells rotgut grog to the worst kinds of dockland folk. All kinds of strange unseemly creeps gather for her company and awful drinks
26 Marigold Drake sells odd junk and strange things brought by sailors from around the world. Odd creepy idols and mummified mermaids in display cases attract strange clients from far away
27 Manny Sorecrust taxidermist stuffs and mounts creatures from the sea as trophies and curios. Some poorer samples seem extra horrid and the glassy stares from his stock make children cry. He is always after monkeys to make fake mermaids
28 Lorris Clark sells old maps, charts and books from far and wide. He especially has a good collection of old log books and always keen to by written travellers accounts
29 Borris Lengman runs a small smith repairing mariners tools, harpoons, nails, and other petty items, occasionally he has strange samples of sea-metal
30 Kalis Seageld sells cheap fish meals from her tiny hut including fish head stew, fishtail porridge and eel pie. She also offers other mystery stew items from her cauldron
31 Bordrin Klag is a hunchbacked musician who plays lascivious flute tunes to drunken dock workers. He knows all kinds of gossip and sleeps somewhere on the docks.
32 Old Bill Gull plays popular sea shanties in taverns and knows many old tales of the sea and it's mysteries. He knows of many forbidden elder ruins on the coast
33 Matilda Hollyhock keeps several dancing monkeys she uses to entertain others for coins, she has shows for public, children and bachelor parties
34 Coral Rockland, a dockland prostitute who sees all the comings and goings on the docks and sells contraception, abortion medicine and herbal treatments on the side
35 Corbyn Ray a bard who travels the coast singing sea songs and also spreading messages (also for fish cultists), he is popular and leaves many lovers
36 Gumpy Talon bites off fish heads for copper coins and various odd jobs and humiliating chores until he can get a job in a big fancy carnival
37 Sammy Crumpkin runs shell and dice games in a shack and preys on freshly paid dock workers and sailors. Carries a huge knife for arguments
38 Gilbert Salt runs carny games like ring toss and coconut stalls and gets into fights often
39 Pearl Shanty a popular tattooed prostitute and singer carrying at least a dozen diseases and parasites she is immune to
40 Mungo Shank runs a small dockside freakshow in a series of old shacks and tents including a fish boy, a mermaid, a talking octopus, siamese twins, the gill boy, the snake woman and a foreign idiot you can pay to throw coconuts at
41 Drake Dogfish is a ex freebooter scallywag who tells jokes and is a popular barfly who knows all the locals when in town
42 Captain Saltbeard an old trader who tells stories of life with the cannibals of the misty islands
43 Madame Clorakka a mystic elder who tells fortunes using a strange piece of glass she found in the sea
44 Lady Fang a snaggle toothed old woman who sells medicinal herbs and drugs (which she includes in herherbal remedies)
45 Old Betty Butterfish, runs a boarding house and makes famous stews from unwanted fishermen's catches, her house is decorated with all kinds of oddities from her travels
46 Tattoo Lilly, an old toothless woman with strange tattoos from her travels across the seas, some say she can cast spells
47 Old Man Smothers, limps around the docks shambling about ignored by everyone. He is hideous and can barley speak. Most assume he survived diseases and is very old
48 Ginny Jellyfish gathers seaweed and barnacles to eat and is hideous and senile. She often thinks she recognises people and gives wrong information to outsiders
49 Ragmund Knorr a elderly barbarian sea raider who's people modernised when he never did. He tells of all his raids and savage heathen rites of youth but gives lip service to modern faiths
50 Elly Banrnacle a hideous crone people visit for advice and magical advice. Apparently she can remove curses and the evil eye or can inflict them
51 Rolf Stienmann a hideous drunk who seemingly can throw up his body weight in rotten fish
52 Cally Boots is a terrible drunk who begs for free drinks with terrible attempts at using her long gone sex appeal, if she gets drunk she sometimes says too much about local secrets
53 Villi Morgan begs for free drinks and if anyone is kind he will warn them about local cults
54 Misty Cavern a popular barmaid who leads patrons in song and dance, some say men she leaves with never return, she says they just sailed away
55 Victor Lamprey offer strangers free drinks which he drugs so his gang can press gang his victims and sell as crew to local ships
56 Captain Stinkeye has a horrible missing eye hole that still leaks puss, he claims to know where a lost treasure is but needs
57 Zebidiah Smilax tells of a horrid cult filled island with titanic giant beasts and strange elder ruins and his narrow escape that cost him a arm and a leg
58 Gor Runkin a musclebound barbarian who harasses any new women who enter his local tavern and is willing to start fights to "impress" his desire, he complains his ungrateful female slaves ran away or died
59 Karbar Urgan a twisted old yellow toothed man who smokes and coughs up bile, complains about modern people and praises when the fishmen empire ruled the surface in peace and harmony
60 Vazzle Demonblood, talks like he is a edgy demonic cultist and boasts of sexual escapades, really he lives with his mother and his seven bastard children, complains demon worshippers are unfairly treated
61 Nick the Knife, out of work surly sailor who throws knives at anyone he thinks disrespects him
62 Fernando the Handsome, a vain and sleazy liar who will say anything to crack onto any woman even of average appearance, he keeps moving from port to port
63 Old Vinny a ageing sailor who keeps surviving and has not a penny to his name, when not at sea he relies of fish brotherhood for charity
64 Saul Pikeman a gambling addicted sailor constantly chased be money lenders and gamblers and desperate for cash, tries to sell fake treasure maps
65 Loris Gregor is a sailor who was stranded for decades with head hunters and carries a bag of shrunken heads and fetishes he tries to sell
66 Caban Whaler was on a crew of sea monster hunters and has many tales of his travels. He claims to know the lairs of several local creatures
67 Van Gorman a smuggler always looking for gossip and victims who will help him ship untaxed contraband in locked sea chests he claims needs to reach his mother
68 Oola Gonwaa huge native lady with tattoos who works on whaling and sealer crews, on shore she mostly drinks and looks for lovers and enjoys arm wrestling where the loser submits to her as is the custom of her people
69 Shanky Scrimshore is always carving the teeth of great sea monsters and is keen to stab anyone who spoils his concentration
70 Lonre Seagreene is a old sailor who is very popular with crews so much so many superiors find him a threat. Several ships he sailed on disappeared or turned into cultist pirate crews
71 Doctor Loran is a surgeon always keen to help with amputations (his favourite), treppaning and black lotus based medicine
72 Laura Fingal has come to find outwhere the strange sea gold comes from that props up the local economy. She has been seduced by the gold of the fish cult and instead has joined them
73 Philangas Coram a scholar studying medical abnormalities and always ready with his skull callipers and wild theories, has been seeking to learn local fish cult secrets
74 Pornas Clag has come to investigate why local fishermen get such fantastic catches on behalf or a fish merchant guild and has become seduced by a fish cult
75 Doctor Lars Brunner has been sent by the nobility to find why so many locals are unfit for military service. While investigating the cult got him hooked on dragon weed from the deep sea and he will do anything to get more
76 Briana of Tharn has come to make deals for her fish merchant guild and has become enthralled by the embrace of fish men, now she aids them and helps cultists spread
77 Gordon Feran has come seeking samples of the strange green sea metal people have reported coming from the area. Having asked the wrong people he has become seduced into the cult promising to show the metals secret origin
78 Lloyd Cutler a clerk from another city came looking for his lost brother and got a job in a local guild to investigate. He has spent months trying to blend in and join a fish cult. Finally he has been initiated but is still wary and has not had many answers yet
79 Ambrose Voight came to map the local reefs and tides in hope of reducing ship wrecks but came across fish cults on the reef and was inducted into them. Now he is influential in financial circles
80 Christina Demoro came to investigate smugglers, bandits and wreckers on the coast and has been hiring herself as a sellsword to gangs to find out what is going on. She only has an inkling about the cult involvement
81 Madam Bovadore is a wealthy widow who is staying by the sea on her doctors recomendation and has been discovering remnants of the fish people civilisation all along the coast. After some enticing dreams she is obsessed
82 Percy Longilas a effete dandy and noble bastard, expert duelist, came to investigate tax irregularities stayed for cult depravity, has one of best rooms in area with servants and footpad thugs
83 Lorian Carmichael local land owner who allows villagers to perform certain festivals on his lands by the old monoliths, claims to have scholarly interest in cults and history and local law
84 Lady Toffington a widow with limited means teaches numerous local ladies in manners, etiquette, the harp and singing. She is aging but has remarkable looks for her years. She runs a pooirhouse for girls as a charity
85 Lord Cornford a scholar in old customs and stories came here for research and stayed for the cults, vice and carnal fish folk rites
86 Lady Corrington is engaged to a lord busy on a military campaign, so while waiting with her servants she studies natural history. She loves to dissect strange sea creatures and draw them. She has come to know some locals quite well and always has armed guards. Her notes and drawings of a sea serpent found on the shoreline have earned her notoriety in scholarly circles. She has veteran guards and is well liked by local seaside folk
87 Master Holbien is a guild administrator frequently seen in the docklands inspecting papers, tax documents and stamp duties on goods.He is strict and officious working with government, banks, merchants and regulators. He frequently deals with religious leaders of all creeds also in public and private
88 Lord Alderwood a eccentric noble with interests in shipping who's fortunes have made him rich. His business seems immune to bad weather, piracy, wreckers and sea monsters plaguing the coasts. He attributes this to his true faith and charitable deeds
89 Lord Poncenby is a terrible rake from court of the run from debt, scandal, abuse and gang violence. He came to lay low but found kindred spirits able to channel his ogrish behavior in a less public manner
90 Baron Luburich a forign nobleman who has taken an abandoned merchantman manour. Reclusive and rarely seen by day mostly his servants act for him. Locals gossip about him and the coffins he brought in by ship to inter at his new estate crypt. He has had acording to rumour had dealings with various nefarious local characters
91 Brother Fishbach a a robed pilgrim who tells of the kindly fish mother goddess and her bounty
92 Master Ithcan teaches how to sacrifice to the sea peoples with food and treasure for a lucky sea voyage
93 Gamrock Taarg teaches how the lord of the deep craves human sacrifices or monsters of the briny deep will destroy the colony
94 Mother Tang takes the curious to secret fish cult ruins from long ago to teach the glories of the fish folk civilization that humans are a mere mockery of
95 Sister Thulvia invites strangers to embrace the erotic mysteries of the sea gods and invites strangers to perform rituals with her on a secret reef outcrop shrine
96 Sister Hydra a huge bloated woman in stained rich robes who stuffs her face with food offerings she insists please the sea gods. She craves food, gold and carnal followers
97 Sorlac Grim is always recruiting travellers with promises of wealth and love in the embrace of the sea. Those who learn to much and reject him become targets of cult kidnappers for the next sacrifice
98 Julan Mnar is a sorceress seeking helpers to open a ancient sea cave guarded by minions of the worm god, she offers relics items of elemental water
99 Klorak the Wizard seeks helpers to loot a forbidden temple of the serpent folk with plundered fish cult relics he requires for research
100 Father Krakengeld appears a respectable preacher but his sect incorporates many hidden fishy metaphors, artworks and
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