Saturday 20 July 2024

d100 Petty Courtier Problems

These are jobs for people on the first rungs of court who might want influence behind the scenes

One for barbarian chiefs hall was suggested

d10 Quick Type
1 Guards
2 Servants
3 Entertainers
4 Elders
5 Youths
6 Scholars
7 Clergy
8 Diplomat
9 Officials
10 Nobles

d100 Petty Courtier Problems
01 Please fetch the captain special ointment he has to stand on guard at a function for hours tonight
02 Keep an eye out for the officer in charge while we play cards
03 Take this purse to the orphanage with this letter for the watch captain
04 Spy on these guards who are reported to be flirting with servants
05 Take this man and give him a rough time and dump him a mile from town
06 A servant has been stealing items can you please look out for any thieves
07 Part of a guard uniform has been left at a lover's home please fetch it
08 A key has gone missing keep an eye out for it and report to the captain of the guard
09 A guard dog keeps growling at a guest and now the dog is missing can you find him
10 A guard saw an impish child running around but cant leave my post can you look for one
11 Servant needs help with a task and is struggling 
12 Servants in panic have broken a household item
13 A animal escaped the kitchen and needs to be caught fast
14 A senior servant must choose which child page is a liar and needs a beating
15 Upset youthful servant has been mistreated by a mean guest
16 Servant tries to escape, but other servants want them brought back unharmed before there is trouble
17 Find out the secret of this nosy servant  
18 One of the servants has been having a secret affair with a noble, find out who
19 Find out which servant is gossiping about the palace affairs to visiting crafters
20 Servant has a message they need to carry to a shopkeeper outside the place unseen
21 Jester is looking for his pet d4 1=monkey 2=bird 3=piglet 4=toad
22 Minstral has misplaced an instrument in a noble room and needs it back
23 Performing bard after a show has taken a lady's necklace and she could get in trouble if asked how this happened so she needs it back discretely 
24 In a recent feast a performer drank a noble person's wine doing a bit, then died choking and people now want to know why
25 Bernard the bear baiter needs some extra helpers moving this new young owlbear for a show, you mostly just have to hold these chains while the experts do the work
26 Illusionists show fantastic visions at a feast and need a few helpers for an act
27 Visiting jester has been pooping around the palace and if accused without evidence will challenge anyone to a duel, please catch him in the act
28 One of the players in a theatre troop has been snooping about, keep an eye on them
29 A bard staying in the palace has lost their clothes and has only this urn of ashes for modesty  
30 A noble fancies one of the minstrels and wants you to give them this letter and ring
31 Old man can't find his key and must have dropped it somewhere today
32 An old maid thinks a young servant is really the lover of a lord and has no serving experience, try and find out where she is from
33 Old servant wants you to quickly take this chamber pot to the healer and get a report on it
34 Old servant needs rats removed from under the floor and in the roof
35 Old courtier wants two attractive youths brought to one of the master's rooms after midnight
36 Old deranged servant needs to be moved to the country, help them pack, clean up and get on the carriage 
37 Retired courtiers are being blackmailed by a page, take them this gold. be discreet
38 Widow needs face cream from a wise woman of the woods collected 
39 Busy senior servant wants help with a grandchild starting an apprenticeship and not joining a gang 
40 Retired civil servant needs secret letters delivered
41 See pages fighting over a cup and ball and they are getting a bit serious and forget their masters will be angry if they are damaged
42 Pages of guests are fighting with horseshoe knuckledusters or knives or clubs while masters are taking bets which is frowned on 
43 Squires scaring pages with outrageous stories and hazings is ruining their morale
44 Drunken old friar chasing pages after hours 
45 Noble says was robbed by gang of pages while drunk at night can someone get his signet ring back
46 Pages claim a giant sewer python is in the cistern and everyone using upstairs privies, someone stop it
47  A pet is loose in the palace go find it before some pages get in trouble
48 A goat with diareah is trapped on a tower top and pages need help getting it off, its definitely not one of those talking goats
49 Pages all scared of a ghost they hear moaning at nights
50 Page from a foreign land is bullied and would like some help impressing them
51 Scribe would like to chat about what you have seen  
52 Playwrite wants to hear stories of violence and tragedy
53 Wizard needs an ingredient at the market and 
54 Punish these naughty students who cheated on exams 
55 Wizards apprentices all-out getting drunk someone go and chase them home
56 Student vomited in wizards hat, go get it cleaned fast
57 Bookkeeper needs sheep counted 
58 Help librarian sort out books 
59 Take this book outside the city and burn it 
60 Help the old courtier recover his stolen naughty pamphlet collection he thinks the pages took
61 Nobody believes a drunken priest saw a spirit, proved the cleric right or drunk
62 Pages stole the priest's wine and he wants the puckish varlet caught and cursed
63 Priest needs some help filling in some paragraphs of a holy text translation about a saint's exploits, any fabulous suggestions considered 
64 Priest found a dark hole under the altar and needs someone to take a peek
65 Hand copy these hymn lyrics for an important song festival
66 Carpenter found a crawling undead hand in the wall and this scroll he suggested a priest should know about it
67 Old priest needs some helpers to exorcise a sealed room in palace
68 Help the priests bottle beer or wine or mead for a royal order
69 The witch hunter needs a few stout comrades to carry torches tonight 
70 Healer needs helpers to nurse deranged elderly nobles in the attic, cut toenails, change their bandages and chamber pots
71 Diplomat offers coins for any good gossip about court inhabitants
72 See a shifty diplomat hand a person gold coins 
73 Heard a diplomat talking to themself in their room angrily and it seemed pretty strange
74 Saw a diplomat hiding a package in a loose brick wall or wooden paddle
75 Diplomat flogging a servant
76 Diplomat servant asks you to deliver a bottle of exotic brandy 
77 Diplomant gives a bardic performance and tells slanderous tales of a rival nation, local captain wants them watched while visiting
78 Diplomat misses some item from home, go collect a package, please
79 Diplomat wants a local guide to look about town and go shopping
80 Diplomats spending time with pages and giving them gifts and diabolic pamphlets about rewards of making blood oaths to hell's service
81 Chancellor needs these knights to be given these secret letters today
82 Vizier needs his special pipeweed blend and he cant be seen with rif-raf 
83 Councillor needs these meeting minutes copied and taken to these councillors
84 Treasurer requests help spying on a gang of coin clippers
85 Guildmaster visiting court asks servants which of the nobles treat staff best and worse
86 Magistrate wants some character witnesses of a noble before making a decision and is sure something doesn't add up 
87 Marshal believes there is a secret cult in the palace using old passages under the palace. Find some secret doors if you can 
88 General needs someone to carry this message to a lover
89 Mayor visiting court offers coin for reports on fancy fad things the nobles want currently
90 Secret police chief needs you to climb through its sewer to see if it could have been used to enter the palace
91 Squire of a knight needs help finding out what sweetheart wants
92 Knight needs servants for dinner in his quarters to impress guests
93 Take this gift of wine to this night in tomorrow just to wish them luck
94 Require beaters for a royal manticore hunt tomorrow
95 Noble needs this baby out of the palace and to an orphanage, give the orphanage this letter and silver
96 Seen some guest followers fingering their knives and looking around suspiciously
97 Noble lost a horse and needs help finding it
98 Take this ransom money to this waterside smuggler's tavern and give it to a man with an eyepatch
99 Noble's child joined a rake gang of privileged rich thugs who terrorise poor, please talk them out of it or better still scare them out
100 A noble has been dressing peasants as birds to shoot at their wild costume parties, see if this is true and get compelling witnesses

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