Thursday 18 July 2024

d100 Petty Urban Problems

Ok more of last post but more urban flavour

also these are good to get to know a town
many offer a coin or some produce reward

d10 Quick Types
1 Errands 
2 Chores
3 Messages
4 Poverty
5 Crime
6 Vice
7 Violence
8 Questionable
9 Guilds
10 Magic

d100 Petty Urban Problems 
01 Take this basket of goods to granny's house
02 Buy these ingredients and I will give you some of the final product
03 Find these items in local junk shops
04 Take this bag of vegetables to a member of the guard's wife at home
05 Take this bag of kittens to the ferryman
06 Take this old pony to the knickers yard and bring back the money
07 Go buy these ingredients for dinner
08 Take this crate of empty beer bottles to the brewery and bring me a new one
09 Go find my impudent child and tell them to come home
10 Deliver these pies to my customers my delivery boy is sick 
11 Please peel these vegetables for a feast 
12 Butcher this pig, please. I think I know it too well
13 I need to sand and varnish these boats by tomorrow for a bog client 
14 Can you watch my lazy apprentices for me and carry this stick to look more authoritative
15 Can you mind my shop while I quickly nip into an alley for illicit sexual encounters
16 Can you carry those bales to the merchant please our donkey was stolen
17 Can you search the muddy low tide for a valuable idol my mother threw out
18 I need this wood chopped to cook all this extra food we have
19 Please help row this boat to market
20 Can you lead this horse to my stables
21 Take this letter to my sweetheart
22 Take this letter to my wife at our home then escort her to this house
23 Take this letter to this wizard tower
24 Give this legal notice to this merchant from the guild
25 Take this bill to this storekeeper
26 Take this order for goods to the guild house and get a good deal
27 Take this note to the guardhouse captain immediately its urgent
28 Take this will to the priest so the church can stop other heirs from robbing the estate
29 Take these legal documents to the clerk of a guild
30 Take this letter to the guard captain so he releases this person
31 Urchin cries that parents gone and they are hungry

32 Legless toothless beggar has an expensive tattoo of the party on chest
33 Chased by the sick asking for medicine or healing or money
34 Starving man offers to do honest work for food 
35 Starving sick parent tries to give away or sell child
36 Child catcher chasing feral kids or any children really
37 Beggar king asks you to guard this alley and don't let gang members through
38 Beggars want a youth gang of bullies scared away for robbing local homeless
39 Recruit some workers from the homeless but don't start a riot of the jobless
40 Man offers to sell self to slavery to adventurers as a debtor for upkeep
Take this bag of coins to the shifty goblin on the southern road by the gibbets
Visit this person in prison and slip them this lockpick
43 Carry this bag to a sailor at the docks, don't let anyone follow you
44 Help these masked vigilantes frighten this official to drive them from town
45 Help these men start a bar fight in this tavern, here is some beer money to start
46 Keep this berserk barbarian drunk from coming here, nobody understands them and its unclear whether they know what our business is
47 Guard this public toilet from teen vandals for a few days
48 Watch for pickpockets playing the market and start a hue and cry against them
49 Stop these thugs threatening shopkeepers for free goods
50 Help a man out of this drain and then out of town past the guards
51 Creep asking about a missing sex worker hiding a few days in an area offers a finders fee
52 Deliver these packages to the strange old man in this apartment address, avoid local gangs who would kill for this
53 Take this man to a bathhouse but don't let him out of your sight or let anyone touch him then bring them back
54 Take this potion to the son of the bathhouse attendant by nightfall
55 Get two sex workers of a specific type and put in this lords carriage unseen
56 Get my son out of this whore house and spending my money
57 A gang of vicious dandy rakes have taken over an underground club and need to be chased away before more gather and they start abusing prisoners
58 Gang members trying to recruit prostitutes for tours of frontier mines and locals want someone to stop pestering their kids with wild promises of pay in gold nuggets
59 Go get this priest out of whatever drug den or brothel they are saving souls in this week
60 A terrible wizard pimp has locals terrified and he has killed a few attackers. His apprentices on the street use illusions to fetch higher prices and undercut the honest traditional workers from their craft. If only someone would take him down a peg or two
61 Go start a fight with this gang who beat my old pa
62 Get in a fight and get in lockup, give this lockpick to this prisoner, then all escape
63 Find a pit fighter and sponsor them in a match against Killer Makgruder to teach him not to pay debts
64 Take this horse to a fighting match and bet this money on it and return
65 Go to the gladiator arena and cheer this fighter, bonus if you sway the whole mob to cheer for them
66 Vandalise a cultist shrine then flee
67 Burn down this old building
68 Beat up the squatters in this old house if they don't leave
69 Distract guards with a fight while men sneak past
70 A noble has a hired duelist to defend him and he lords it over everyone, someone teach this noble a lesson, best distract the duelist
Take this crate of rum to this particular tavern, whatever you do don't let a taxman stop you, if they do say it for yourself
 Go tell the urchin catcher there are lots of feral children in the park today
Deliver a bottle of grog to this guard but don't let anyone see you, pretend to be a drunk if anyone does
74 Throw rocks through these windows and don't get caught
75 Beggars complain of foreign ascetics begging for food and looking more sympathetic, need to scare them off beggers turf or get them to join the guild 
76 Take this poison to the Goblins-Out society who plan to reduce goblin numbers and offer coins for goblin heads 1cp each. Claim goblins are weakening human vigour
77 Lecture to orphans how adventuring is dirty dangerous and full of murder hobos to scare them off the depraved lifestyle
78 We need a good fighter to fight a duel for its rich young bigmouthed fool
79 Drunken soldiers have been threatening locals and live in a townhouse. Someone need to make them use manners
80 Rabid dogs and giant rats in the area need killing
81 Warn a merchant he is selling non-guild goods and may be banned from town
82 Collect these horses from a merchant who owes us or get the cash they owe and an advance
83 Fisherman not paying guild fees and breaking catch limits needs his boat sunk
84 The muleskinner guild needs this new donkey cult stopped. They recruit with free beer and meals and ignore guild rules
85 Wizards guild needs witnesses that students are drinking and having wild parties against school rules of purity and devotion 
86 Torturers Guild Here a crime guild has been hiring out interrogators and need to be warned off the legitimate torture trade or join the guild
87 Merchant Guild has a spy leaking caravan information to a bandit
88 Fishpackers guild and fisher guilds are feuding. Someone get their leaders to sit down over some beers and negotiate
89 Shopkeepers Guild claims urchins are robbing market stalls and to help urchin catchers round up the pests into an orphan workhouse
90 Leather Guild need to dump some waste, take this cart and dump the barrels probably away from water
91 Test this magic potion
92 Fetch these weird ingredients for a rare spell scroll ink
93 Recover a missing student spell book
94 Fight this summoned creature a few rounds to evaluate their eficacy
95 Feral kobolds are in my master's basement stealing magic potions please stop them
96 A wizard's favourite pointy hat or staff or familiar is missing
97 Priest has a thief located who took church ritual items, get the items back before he sells or moves them
98 Alchemist wants to know what monsters are in sewers, don't take any risks identifying them is plenty. Especially mutant ones
99 Orc shaman wants ancestral skull back from rich merchant with a collection of orc body parts in a cabinet to impress friends
100 Priest suspects a cultist is in the district and wants sinister night travellers followed until convinced just regular criminals and drunks and perverts

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