Friday 12 July 2024

d12 Chagrinspire Packs

These are some loot bundles you could buy or find in the field or on the corpse of your victims

d12  Chagrinspire Packs

1 Tribal Pack
Leather sack with fur cloak with hood, hide skin clothing, flint knife, flint scraper, stone hand axe, fishing hooks and line, 6m rope, week of dried meat and ground seeds, wooden bowl, wooden spoon, waterskin 4L, sling, 30gp tooth necklace, d4 12gp animal skins, bag of tinder and charcoal. May include leather armour, clubs, flint and stone weapons, often a preferred missile weapon like javelins, bows, blowpipe, sling
2 Scavenger Pack
Canvas backpack, patchwork old clothes full of pockets and straps, week of dried beans and dried meat, string bag of d6 items of scrap metal, groundsheet, small one-person tent, sleeping roll, waterskin 4L, prybar, small spade or pick, knife, can opener, d4 gold teeth (1gp each). Cloth armour. clubs, hand axes, machete, light crossbow or light d6 musket with bayonet 
3 Trooper Pack
Cloth backpack, millitary uniform of cloth, mess kit with cup, pot, spoon, knife, folding trench tool, bayonet, hooded mask or gasmask, first aid kit, sewing kit, cigarettes, 5 tins of beef stew, two kg of army biscuits, 2L canteen, boot polish, rag, bottle of rum, d6sp. Musket and bayonet, officers have a cuirass, sabre and a flintlock pistol instead
4 Crusader pack
Canvas backpack week dried cheap rations, bottle or wine, bowl, spoon, rain cloak, holy symbol, garlic, a box of candles, book of common prayers, holy water, knife, dagger, lantern, d6 cp. Commoner has light armour and a spear or staff, and possibly a bow or light crossbow. Noble wears a chain, shield and helmet according to rank and wields a sword. some holy orders use mace or other weapon instead
5 Mutant Pack 
Filthy rags and bandage clothing, dust mask, cloak of garbage for hiding in wastes, d6 sacks, seven days of swamp cabbage and dried rats, glass bottle of water 1L, knife, rabbit trap, glowing luck charm, first aid kit of filthy bandages. Wear cloth and usually carry a dagger, 2x javelins, a spear, club, hand axe
6 Bandit Pack
Cloak with hood, cloth pack, weevil-eaten beans and smelly old meat for d3 days, 4L water, knife, wooden spoon, tin plate, wanted poster from the homeland, 3d6cp 3d6sp d6gp. Wear leather armour, carry a dagger, bow or crossbow, shortsword or spear 
7 Mercenary Pack
Cloth backpack, cloak, fashionable clothes with rips and bows, bottle of beer, pewter beer stein, mirror, hair wax, shaving razor, tinderbox, pipe, silver knive & spoon, block of cheese, loaf of bread, week iron rations, 4L skin or wine, six torches, purse with d6xd6 gp. Wear an iron chest cuirass over cloth or plate armour, helmet, use a two-handed sword or pole axe, flintlock pistol, dagger, sword 
 Knight Pack
Cloth pack, court clothes, travel clothes, a tankard, a bottle of wine, ball of cheese, leg of mutton, a loaf of bread, an apple, knife,. letter of introduction from a noble, 3d6 xd6 gp. Poorer knights wear chains and carry a shield with a spear and sword. Richer knights wear plates and will have another favourite weapon like an axe, flail, or mace. Typically a squire and horses carry camping gear, more weapons or a lance 
9 Barbarian Pack
Hide pack, hide clothes, fur cloak, helmet d4 1=horns 2=brush 3=beast face 4=beast crest), knife, dagger, hand axe, wooden cult figurine, dried rations for a week, 4L wineskin, wooden beer stein, d6-1 mummified wizard heads, six torches, 3d6sp. Most wear leather and carry a spear, sword or battle axe. Some tribes use a composite bow, lasso, lance
10 Explorer Pack
Cloth pack, rain cloak, two weeks dried rations, 4L water skin, a bottle of rum, parchment and scribe kit for maps, d4 maps, compass, telescope, 100cp in bead trinkets to trade, 3d6sp d6gp. May wear leather but mostly cloth, carry sword, dagger, bow or light musket
11 Cultist Pack
Cloth pack with hooded robes, d4 days of army biscuits, water flask 1L, knife, ornate sacrificial dagger, unholy symbol, small evil figurine, crystal, astrology chart, incense, pipe and a d6 hits of lotus resin, blasphemous pamphlet, 3d6sp. May carry a sword and a crossbow or musket, and leaders carry several flintlock pistols. Wizards carry a +1 dagger and d4 scrolls
12 Black Sphere Pack
Cloth pack with uniform, sleeping roll, tent, week canned rations, can opener, knife, spoon, fork, pocketknife, trench tool, gas mask, 2L tin canteen, 3d6 black sphere script credit notes worth 100sp each at approved stores. Most wear only a steel helmet but officers, sappers and cavalry may have a curias. Most carry a bolt action rifle with a bayonet, and officers carry a sword and a heavy revolver. Sappers may have pole axes, maces, flails and shotguns. Other firearms exist but ammo is rarer 


13 Secret Alien Pack
Seamless survival suit with detachable pod pack, hand scanner, wrist communicator and computer. Wear a 10HP defence shield pack that lasts 10 rounds per hour, an invisibility field pack lasts 10 rounds per hour, a teleporter pack used per hour 100m range, a 
crystal tuning fork stun pistol or chrome laser pistol (all tech items last a d4 days without recharge)

14 Rocket Trooper
Leather flight suit, compass, one L water flask, binoculars, radio pack, binoculars, handcuffs, chocolate bar and pack of cigarettes with metal full helmet, dagger, medium automatic pistol, often use rocket flight packs, the submachine gun with two drums, two smoke grenades

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