Tuesday 16 July 2024

d100 Petty Good Deeds & Are Adventurers Social Workers?

Vol 1 and 2 of Chagrinspire will have big updates this week
1 will have art and fonts fixed
2 will have the room entries for 200+ rooms done and some spot stuff

I have been prepping for new homebrew EMO game and playtest and need stuff ready for that
I have a 6-page PC sheet and will do 1 page version for starting out
the idea at 1st can have 1 sheet once you hit 5 use 6pg a5 booklet then a4 booklet when that gets too small

I am still overlooking the whole basic sheet and wondering what to strip
Id like to have another bash at EMO lite for Xmas

My Automaton class rewrite (formerly 50s robots now being redesigned to make fantasy golems or scarecrows or other weirdness). I have mostly Zero 1st and 2nd Leval app lists done and might publish them here soon. Mutant revision after that and alchemist class.

These bigger projects are a bit harder, and require more attention span and editing (yes i can be worse). I make big frameworks to fill and then have to maintain the effort to finish possibly stupid or overreaching. Doing more of this stuff does cut into my Blog making time. I also need a break from these projects too thus today's post. Possibly, I will make a frog book as a break compiling every frog post.


So what is the opposite of a murder hobo?
Do you help every villager with fetch quests?
Do you help solve the love problems of every peasant who asks?

If you're good and more roleplaying less murderish more chatty players. The village of Homelet in the Temple of Elemental Evil is full of them. They may have some risk but they make you get to know everyone and help you get a level ahead and even some magic and handy NPCs or love interests. 

These sorts of adventures are a bit wasted on high-level adventurers.

"Help find my goat Miss Nancy she is my favorite"
"Take 100 gp and by a bunch of goats or retire"

Actually, your followers can do some of this stuff and help your reputation 
Maybe your party could have a bunch of followers to clean up all the problems of every town 

Maybe build a monster orphanage ready for that dungeon you're going to cleanse of evil

What happens when villagers become totally dependent of players and don't want them to leave to another dungeon. Encouraging marriage and buying property helps adventurers stay. or come back. A village might understand departing heroes off to save the universe or some worthy cause but will all make a public spectacle of remorse.

d12 Dependant Village Plots
1 Get someone in the party involved in pregnancy and marriage in the village,. villagers might present youths to villagers like cattle or hold a dance. Older but still hot locals are waiting in the wings with booze if the youths fail 
2 Offer bar tab and local service fees to party and amas a huge debt, offer everything on tab and avoid saying prices and offer outrageous luxury items even vice. Gambling might be another angle
3 Report any local monsters or other local adventurer locations in the area in hopes party stay longer. If desperate will fake it with giant fake feet or costumed elders in folk costumes
4 Leave fake clues around of a cult near adventurers, turns out local cult is uncovered or troubled by this evidence. Locals beg adventurers to save them from this peril before witch hunter called in
5 Give party members official jobs or party without much responsibility but require notification to leave. Sherrif or Millita captain or church roles might help. If no local wizard declare a party member the official one. They might even offer accommodation and other perks like a bar tab and a horse
6 Local priest tries to convince the party and to set up schools and businesses in the local area to keep wealth safe then go adventuring so you have a safe home
7 Villagers build a monument or shrine for adventurers and sing songs about them, if adventurers leave will wail and throw themselves to the ground begging
8 Give the adventurers a huge key for the community making them official key holders with official civic duties but including lots of good food and drink at meetings
9 A dedicated local is a spy for locals and is helpful to adventurers seeking to become close or even travel with the party. Will sing nostalgic songs about home to make adventurers nostalgic
10 Local judge declares adventurers are witnesses in a court case and must remain in area and report lodgings. Judge will stall and write up court warrants demanding they report to sheriff daily. Badly injured adventures will be helped and imprisoned for their safety and brought food by attractive eligible locals 
11 Secretly someone afraid of chaos taking the village tries getting heroes addicted to drugs in a mad effort to get them to stay. The drugger accepts fate tearfully apologising and many locals are tearfully sympathetic. Drugs from bottles promising to keep husbands at home from the city sold by travelling brush salesman
12 Offer them an abandoned building at a low low price, d6 1=haunted by poltergeist 2=home of giant vermin 3=brownie lives in rafters 4=stove troll lives behind stove 5=invisible imp lives here to spread evil and find people to sell souls 6=used by a cult for murders in the past just untidy with cult stuff and some blood

Villainous forces will not like problem-free happy people and will plot against the character's schemes for reform with spies and saboteurs. 

d12 Sabotage Plots
1 Infiltrate an agent within to spy and select targets for sabotage
2 Threaten suppliers with violence or market massaging
3 Bring in a bandit gang to cause trouble, find them a hideout 
4 Infiltrator joins workers and sours morale and slanders good guys
5 Encourage a cult to move into area and cause trouble
6 Fund a criminal guild to be set up and profit
7 Poisoning d4 1=beer in pub 2=water 3=animals 4=VIP food
8 Find an abandoned dungeon or cave or ruin for monsters to move into
9 Encourage a cult or necromancers to raise dead in the area
10 Spread disease d4 1=fleas and rats 2=taint food 3=taint water 4=livestock 
11 Infiltrator damages equipment, storehouses and building projects
12 Bribe away skilled labour with an agent specialising in this

d10 Deed Types
1 Find stuff around the farm
2 Recovery of lost stuff
3 Locate stuff on land
4 Witch Mania!
5 Charity
6 Haunting
7 Crime
8 Beast
9 Love
10 Weird Chores

d100 Petty Good Deeds
01 Find a special herb or food from the forest
02 Gather this mushroom only visible in the forest at night
03 Catch me a turtledove so I can give it to my sweetheart (possibly in a pie)
04 Find what creature got in the barn and stole grain 
05 Poison these vermin-infested locations
06 Some creature has been sucking blood from animals at night
07 Gather a load of firewood for cold elder
08 Find a missing farm cat  
09 A favourite chicken or duck or goose has run away, save her before foxes do she may have babies
10 Some sheep panicked and fled a shepherd offered cheese for each beast returned
11 Get my garden tool from my neighbour
12 I dropped my stick down a drain please find it
13 A goblin took my departed lover's ring please return it
14 Please get my goat back from another farm, it keeps going there
15 Help move this huge rock out of the way
16 Help dig up this buried stone with writing on it in the garden
17 Go and kill some vermin in the basement
18 Help demolish this old farm building I think something is living in it
19 What's in this huge hole in my garden?
20 Help beekeeper raid a giant bee nest without hurting bees
21 Find what is down the sinkhole a dog fell down
22 Locate any unusual altars or shrines in areas possibly used by cutting close to the area
23 A child lost a trinket of parents and searched desperately
24 Look for burrows of giant vermin nesting in the area
25 Find out who has been stealing sheep
26 Find out who among seasonal workers is stirring up trouble
27 Who keeps stealing our border stones? 
28 Some say a creature lives in the local woods that explores the village by night
29 Several people say one of the village goats can talk, think of the attention our village would get with a talking goat
30 Find out if any more of these strange meat plants are growing in the area
31 Did a villager cast a spell on someone or their livestock? investigate quietly please
32 An elderly loner with pets has been accused of witchcraft go find evidence
33 Villager is sure there is a crazed feral man cannibal living in a cave
34 Some report a naked old person in the woods possibly a witch or lunatic
35 Villagers report a mischievous child did a crime but nobody can identify which child and people cause each other wildly. If only someone could find which child. Or is it a witch child?
36 An agent of the witch hunter is passing through and some ppl need to keep an eye on him in case cultists attack him in our area
37 Is that old ruined house in the woods a witch house?
38 Someone has seen hooded people with lanterns by night and is afraid
39 A local man has made wild threats about witchcraft. Magistrate needs someone to interview sworn witnesses for court to support or denounce the man
40 Strange petty pranks around the area, confirm if it is supernatural
41 Elderly person with horrible feet needs medical treatment
42 Blind beggar with sad story asks for charity
43 Village idiot tries to get people to look at a hole he found and locals just mock them
44 Drunken old war vet begs for a job
45 WIdow and d4 orphans begging for a place to stay willing to work
46 Old person seeks a good lodger who can help her with household chores and pay
47 Child has an accident and is badly hurt and cries for help
48 Orphan whos parent was on an adventurer has not come home is getting hungry
49 Old drunk survived years as a slave to evil dwarves too traumatised to do much except drink needs some sort of help people say
50 Some cold monster children were seen by sides of road their family killed probably, maybe someone should help them
51 Find out what is in sealed crypt under church so priest can re-sanctify it if needed
52 This place has a horrendous crawling undead hand that nobody will face please get it
53 Who has stolen several bodies?
54 Human bones have been found near an old graveyard, see if their are any disturbances
55 A slow plodding thing has been stalking around houses by night upsetting dogs
56 SInister figures have been seen in an old forest burial ground, go see if haunted
57 Spend a night in the spooky old house to prove it is not haunted d4 1=mureder house 2=demon house 3=ghost house 4=witch house
58 Travellers have seen a rose creeper vine-covered skeleton with a sword and shield searching among bramble hedges for something and I'm scared for my children
59 Several people say they have dreamed of the same spirit is it true?
60 A haunted old mine has had noises come from within, go take a look to see if it is serious
61 Who stole my goat
62 Someone in the tavern is a pick pocket
63 A robber rook my arm bands from my grandfathers time please get the theif 
64 Sherrif needs some able bodies to find a gang of robbers and catch them
65 Bard from the crown reports information on smugglers and tax evation is worth a reward
 and gives a wanted poster for some old adventurer who don't want to pay
66 A horse thief has been menacing the area please catch them and bring back the horses we need
67 A money lender from some gang has been in tavern and is getting lots of locals in trouble drinking and gambling, please drive them away, locals cant be seen to do it 
68 A bailiff and his beadles went to get a man summoned by the judge and he has been resisting. Please help them catch the man holed up in this old crypt  without anyone being hurt
69 A guild spy from a non local crime syndicate has been in the tavern, if only we knew why?
70 Some locals are sure someone local is a secret policeman in disguise looking for traitors, finding them would be best if we knew and could make use of this
71 A tall humanoid was seen in the forest watching us what was it?
72 Local scholars looking for stone monuments with writing from the old times, needs help talking to villagers who might have dug up the odd stone or statue
73 Man wants guards while he meets some non-human species to trade in the forest
74 Catch an unusual lone wolf stealing chickens and small pets
75 What is that howling creature over the stream we hear at night screaming?
76 Hunter needs some helpers to kill a dangerously wounded bear foaming at the mouth
77 Trapper wants some help checking traps as he has seen humanoids in area
78 A boar wounded a man and someone needs to kill it
79 Giant frogs in the creek needs catching, man from city pays 40gp a live frog
80 Some kind of huge flightless bird creature scared some children please find out what it was
81 Take this love letter to my forbidden sweetheart for true love
82 Help me write this love poem im having trouble with a few lines
83 Young maids want help getting into a bards room, can they get your help getting into his room or to get close to him, offer flattery and a kiss on the cheek in public 
84 My dad hates my lover could you help show him what a wonderful person my love is
85 Ive become obsessed by goblins could you take them this letter for me, don't make any violence, its a map to come to my house
86 Help me win this contest to impress my love
87 These two old grumps would be great together if they only could make up their old beef
88 Find the father of this unborn child, the mother wont talk talk to her widowed father who is trying to press charges or get money 
89 Please convince this bard to play at a wedding, we have some savings
90 Young lovers fled the village please stop/help them
91 I need someone to collect all the beer or potion bottles in town for the brewery that is running low
92 Old man knows the place to catch magic fish, if you could just fetch him one, don't take too many of the water faeries get mad
93 Could you clear out my attack, It is full of my amateur alchemist grandfather's rubbish
94 Could you recover this book taken by a former apprentice
95 Place these secret chams on every house to keep away monsters and spirits, if people know they don't work
96 Scholar wants accounts of various spirit sightings villagers had years ago, maybe someone knows the truth or if the spirit is around
97 Take these bottles of bound spirits a ghost catcher left and get rid of them somewhere outside of area
98 Could you go to the woodcutter camp and check they are not all werewolves
99 A potion was stolen by someone and the owner needs it back for a specific person
100 Dropped a pamphlet that might be illegal can you get it back? d4 1=treason 2=demonic herasy 3=porn 4=slander of nobility


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