Wednesday 1 November 2023

Halloween 3fold: Secret of Witch Pussy Hollow

Patreon Projects
Halloween gift to you all - thanks to my Patrons who have supported these projects
Currently doing a 3fold a month and a larger booklet adventure or sourcebook. This month was another Halloween 3fold and a 32 sf horror book for hunting cults on a space station compiled from recent sf stuff.

Secret of Witch Pussy Hollow

Some possible topics here to work on
Let us know what takes your fancy:

Continue with my class-based mission tables even though for my game this would mean abhumans, changelings, giants, tako (possibly this is done on missions for octopus lord) and possibly mutants and robots/golems

Character sheets for smart weapons for my SF game
-gotten very complex but a form for characters to record ammo and types and what modules currently on weapon. Might compile with my d100 tech defects and my AI tables into something.

Smart suits for T3 civilisations - more advanced suits for more advanced eras (almost done) the first published version has been great. I let ppl change load-outs on suits each game

d100 drones?

Update my robot class then convert it to a golem fantasy version where you instead have mundane mechanical and magic devices as part of your body

My current splatbook edition project - I could put some spreads here of various sections, which might help me move that project along. I'm thinking of an appendix at the end of player builds with various sample builds for variants of all the classes with tips to advance them. Ideally versions of pregens at say 1st 5th 10th 20th lv for them one day. Trying to give my game options for ppl who want them and simple choices of pregens for noobs, late ppl, npcs. Ive currently modded my spell progression of classes a bit for reasons of balancing classes more. Over 12 years here I've revised these a few times.

As I go back to my Exilon book i might need to write some stuff. Its been stalled a bit over my silly perfectionism for topic and doubts ill ever be satisfied by it but I will try and settle for a big fat book of tables and stuff.

Tempted to Work on my Hell setting again - possibly effected my moods a bit but i have dozens of tables planned for this weird possibly solo hell book. More than half done

d100 guilds for shadelport
faerie sewers
d100 weird woods hunting encounters
d100 court kids

d100 mysterious magic knights of auldwood
d100 court entertainment
d100 court children

What Im Running
Finally will be running some superhero RPG partly for a friend who can't handle being around many ppl anymore so will finally run my 1949 superheroes end of the Golden Age game using TSR MARVEL but not the setting. My games are more like Martial Law, the Boys, New Statesmen, Zenith

SF Call of Cthulhu has been doing well and I've made enough content for a while of play.
I've thought of doing everyday life for a person from each culture to show the differences.

Hoping for some D&D-based gaming soon for Auldwood
Have a few noobs possibly I might use BX or my own game as less mean for noobs

Have been getting into a few famous monster books.

Now have started publishing video clips for band doing so something video about gaming will probably happen next year when my PC fixed/repaired/replaced next year

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