So I have not blogged as much in last month but I did finish my Goatquest book for my Patreon compiling my past goat-related tables. I still have a character sheet to do to finish it for print-ready and then probably some more editing. For some reason, my copy shop settings block blowing up an A5 booklet on a4sheets to scale to a3sheets which I like to proof from. Possibly need an open goat licence for other developers for Goatquest. Obviously, advanced goatquest will happen when it becomes the weird game of the season.
Have played with discord a bit and d20 so hoping I can learn and run some of my weird games online. And maybe star frontiers. Also, I have been house hunting and recovering money from a few sources which are going forward ok. Had a close covid miss for a week and our games in meatspace were on hold but back this weekend. I have five frogs now and I hear them chirping when I'm working which is nice and they require me do lots of human stuff like shop for live bugs a few times a week. Sold lots of RPG books in a sale recently and trying to sell more books and antiques I don't want to move again. Ditching my 80s comic issues for modern reprints. Went to see If I could get more of the gold key Space Family Robinson comic comps to find they are 300 a volume so nope. Want to finish my ROM collection too. So some comic buying and selling.
My murder hobo book revision at 98 pages and I needed a break from but might be done soonish. I want to start an Exilon compilation because that is what I am running now and is the most useful for me.
This table is to get your meddling gang of kids into trouble fast.
d10 Quick Secret Goat Mystery Types
01 Local Farm
02 Local Village
03 In the Meadows
04 In the Woods
05 Its Fairies
06 Its Hell
07 Bad Goat
08 Its Cults
09 Monsters
10 Goat Quests
d100 Secret Goat Missions
01 A young farm boy has been seen secretly sneaking into the woods alone
02 Children know a strange new creepy nursery rhyme and nobody knows where from
03 A strange tapping noise is coming from the bottom of the well
04 A shunned ruined shack has creepy noises and smells
05 There is a sealed room in the barn with knocking noises from inside
06 Strange hoof prints have been seen, some go up sheer walls and cliffs
07 Strange patterns have appeared in the fields farmers cannot explain
08 Some small creature or spirit is hiding in the farmhouse and must be confronted
09 A dog chasing a rabbit found a secret cave and local children are keen to explore it
10 A witch (illegal spell caster) has been lurking in the woods watching the farm
11 Villagers claim a kind old widow with lots of nice stuff and some pets is a witch
12 Villagers are suspicious of an arty bard from the city who hired a shack and just drinks and writes poetry
13 Some villagers still devoted to old ways have been targeted by a bitter old gossip
14 Several travelling labourers with city vices are staying in the old ruined mill and they seem up to something
15 A strange fox has been murdering local farm animals and evading farmers
16 A strange hunter from the deep wilds is staying in town and has the look of a true predator that alarms normal animals
17 A shifty musician has come to town and secretly uses it to charm lovers and innocent animals
18 A wandering drunk says they saw a goat talking to forest animals and locals drive the drunk away as they already have a village idiot
19 The village idiot is alarmed but too excited and nobody takes seriously, sobs aloud near goat milking shed of thing they saw in the forest. Maybe you can trust an idiot nobody believes
20 A rich visitor to the village would like a goat on the spit for dinner and paid
21 A popular shepherd has vanished and left his bindle of food and beer in his hut
22 After the last shepherd vanished a strange new wandering labourer is trying out for the job and is lazy and mean
23 A strange sinkhole opens and is a menace, ice age bones are in a cave below
24 A poison but tasty weed has sprouted
25 A stream has become tainted by something unpleasant
26 A goat needs a healing herb from a certain hill to save it from coughing-cackles
27 Wolves have been heard closer than usual today
28 Footprints have been found of a shapeshifter in both forms and transition
29 A faerie creature has been tempting and teasing a shepherd to follow it
30 Signs of a small bloody sacrifice by some cultist or evil animal
31 A strange deer has been watching the goat meadows and some say it walked on two legs briefly
32 A fierce wild boar guarding its herd on the woodland edge tried to gore a young goat
33 A feral goat has been seen in the woods watching us, it gives sly winks and flees
34 A satyr has been lurking near, if it loses its pipes it will lose some of its powers
35 A dryad has been charming local men and leaving them exhausted, distant and listless like fools
36 In the woods local children found a creepy old shack from the plague times long ago
37 Tree spirit folk have been spying on humans from the edge of the woodlands
38 A tribe of beastfolk have moved into the woods
39 A tribe of goblinoids has moved into a local cave
40 An old hermit is really an animal or land spirit keeping an eye the humans
41 A naughty spitefully fairy has been drying up animal udders and upsetting the kids
42 Discover a fairy ring where fairies dance on a full moon
43 Elves are spying on the humans by night, beware their deep druidry spells
44 Void filled nega-elves poisoned an animal and made it a zombie as a prank
45 Someone saw a small cap-wearing humanoid enter a secret tiny door in atree
46 Naughty goblins with tasty magic fruit come to enslave human children for the faerie kingdom
47 Elves seek parley and goat wisdom, make a good reaction to earn their respect, get some tasty food
48 Gremlins have been sabotaging tools and the humans are too clumsy to spot them
49 A strange cloaked humanoid with smaller minions has been scouting the area by night and avoiding dogs
50 A human child has had visits from a tiny flower fairy near a full moon trying to get a child to dance with the faeries forever instead of being a grubby farmer
51 An imp was spotted poisoning a well, keep out humans and catch the imp
52 A cultist has been digging up a corpse to reanimate with a vile potion
53 A devil cult sigil has been marked on a local rock
54 A strange sulphurous odour and hoof prints have been found. A hell goat has come
55 A devil dog or hellhound or one-eyed dire wolf has been scaring local animals
56 A hellcat has been trying to find a sucker in the village to bond with and offers soul contracts to get out of trouble guaranteed
57 A stinking burned patch of grass with the sigil of a famed devilish legion of hell
58 A villager has made a wish granted by selling their soul, the wish needs to be undone
59 A shiny robed stranger travelling with merchants smells of brimstone and has asked to rent a local hut for a while
60 A villager has become a loner but has new wealth what is their one simple trick? yes it reeks of diabolic evil of hell
61 A gang of nasty feral goats is now led by a bona fide mutant chaos goat who seeks to expand his heard across the scorched earth
62 A local goat has been meeting a bad rep feral gang goat in secret
63 A goat has been promising children butter and pretty ribbons and dolls and now the children are asking any goat for free stuff
64 A gang of wild chaos goats have occupied a bridge and demand treasure or service to cross
65 A farmer found a strange billygoat in the woods and has locked it in a shed. It is very angry and thrashes at the door and walls bleating vile curses and offers local goats treats if they help him out
66 Strange smoking poops that smell of brimstone have been found
67 A strange wild goat of the woods tried to get in the goat pen to cause mischief at night
68 A local halfwit has become a highway robber using his goat cart pulled by a chaos billy with the malign genius that gives evil advice
69 Someone saw a witch riding a huge grey billygoat near the woods
70 A mysterious sea-goat lurking in the river tried to lure a young doe close, but a young buck saved her and butted the marine goat away. What will you gift them at the goat wedding?
71 A local person of importance was seen coming home late at night in strange robes
72 You notice a few local houses have a secret cult marking
73 A tiny bird from Nanny Binx tells you a local person of prominence and slightly more wealth is a secret goat murdering cultist. Goat intelligence is like 90% sure and call code Red!
74 A local haunted crypt is really a front to scare away people from a secret entrance to a cult catacomb from ancient times
75 A local haunted house is where cultists come to contact the evil dead of the past
76 Travelling minstrels are really a cannibal cult of serial killers for god
77 An old miser and several of his servants are cultists who skulk about by night
78 Local develops a mutation in public and flees the mob. Now their friends and family are suspicious
79 A cult try to steal some goats for an initiation ritual
80 Cultists have been trying to secretly take goats to strange midnight naked dances that Nanny warned you about
81 A local bridge has a troll that finds goats delicious
82 A chimaera spawn of chaos has taken a mountain cave and its goat head bleats blasphemies and warnings to good goats to clear off
83 A giant goat snatching bird lives on a steep mountain, it thinks no goat can climb to its nest
84 A lycanthrope is lurking in the forest and killed some sheep, next time it might be a goat
85 A bugbear has been scaring human children and goat kids, this bugbear rite of gathering children's fear and tears keeps the bugbear huge and prevents them from devolving into a hobgoblin from soft living
86 An ogre has been seen early morning dragging a deer. It is bound to come near some farm and threaten goats or perhaps a human
87 A giant was seen on a distant peak carrying a cow and a tree
88 A nest of nasty stirges is in the area and foolish humans blame witches
89 Nasty giant rats have a nest in the area and nipped several local cats and dogs and a baby
90 A giant flapping nightmare beast came in the night and snatched a donkey in the night
91 A goat hero comes to warn you of a festering gaggle of chaos mutants gathering in a cave
92 A wise holy goat appears in your dreams warning you of an upcoming attempt to open a portal to the endless abyssal bosom of chaos
93 A illusionary projection of a mighty goat wizard warns you of a local elemental node that some force seeks to awaken to cause a disaster
94 A swashbuckling wild goat from the wastelands warns you minions of the Anti Goat are near planning an attack!
95 A mouse tells you that a magic talking animal is being held captive in a cave by an ogre and it could be a potential goat ally
96 Nanny Binx visits to warns you an evil wizard is surgically merging goats and humans to make goat beast folk for some scheme of chaos. She gives treats to all the kids
97 Nanny Binx arrives and is pleased with local peak goat secret operations and humans forswearing goatflesh out of gratitude to goats, now recruit other animals and report which animal types are the least jerks to work with
98 Nanny Binx steps from a tree trunk to warn your village of an angry tribe of goat eating ogres is coming this way
99 A hero goat appears and needs help facing the four chaos goats of the apocalypse a sign of doomsday that must be averted for the whole world including bits goats like
100 Four heroic goat brothers pull the chariot of an incarnation of the storm god who is a blustering drunken idiot. The goats have brought him here hunting a chaos horror
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