So these are a bit more on the Steed & Mrs Peel adventure than the awful gangland streets of River City. These happen more by day, in homes, offices and workplaces. They might suit witty investigators more as a side plot and have fewer severed heads in boxes. Criminals are more likely to surrender but perhaps if they die escaping that will save the court and prison system. Police accept lotsa of goons die accidentally fighting heroes and rarely investigate the hundreds of deaths by criminal misadventures.
Had a 2 player session with Dr Strong and Ramases
Dr Strong learned to not scare people so much and people now overlook his monsterous past in the war who betrayed the Nazis. Ramases left quite a few dying burn victims on battlefield and most recently didn't get any popularity points. Raided a mobster house and fought robots and thugs on DrStrongs older strength serum. Heroes learned in this new post war era people are less impressed in heroes massacring goons and snapping necks/
d10 Quick Types
1 Mysterious death
2 Love gone sour
3 Family feud
4 Money matters
5 Missing person
6 Fake accident
7 Espionage
8 Mob panic
9 Weird Mystery
10 Scandals
d100 Weird Crimes for Heroes 1949
01 Man found in strange costume floating in the sea
d100 Weird Crimes for Heroes 1949
01 Man found in strange costume floating in the sea
02 Scientist missing just some grey ash on the floor
03 Journalist investigating subterranean war bunkers under city has disappeared
04 Rich student found dead on Asylum Island, last seen at a party
05 Man found dead in home had a uniform of a famous retired vigilante in wardrobe
06 Several factory managers have been killed by strange traps in own homes and offices
07 Corporate executive corpse found in park impaled to a tree with an arrow
08 Half a victim's corpse is found in homes, rest is missing and not much mess
09 Body of a possible war criminal identified by tatoos found in a sewer in bad condition
10 Several men of superior status were shot with antique dueling pistols and white feathers. They all served in the same school regiment
11 Married person claims partner kidnapped but police think murdered by survivor
11 Married person claims partner kidnapped but police think murdered by survivor
12 Millionaire marries a new rich young partner and everyone expects them to die soon
13 Maniac hunting ex-partners lovers as a bloodsport
14 Married couple fighting and one found dead and other flees
15 Murderer kills to get out of marriage with weirdo but law unsympathetic
16 Millionaire dies and his crooked friends try to kill their spouse blaming her for covering their own actions
17 Runaway lovers hunted by rival gangs and need help to avoid all the killers chasing them
18 Millionaire offers a reward for finding their sweetheart who disappeared while travelling
19 Politicians killed spouses but the victim was part of a blood cult and their family sought revenge
20 Couples were murdered so evil relatives could get money and adopt children, It would shame if anything happened to those poor orphans
21 Family feud over inheritance, siblings begin to die at funeral
22 Cult-like family head is furious at members for leaving and marrying outsiders, now the family want to kill them and cover up their weird ways
23 Grandparents killed their children so they could adopt their grandchildren and do a better job
24 This little drunk-driving killing spree will ruin this rich youth's life if we cant find who really did it. The family will be ever so grateful if we can sort this all out
25 Youths has been kidnapped but really was own family who want to convert them to a cult they have all joined
26 A mob boss died and kids are fighting over who takes it. Gun violence in public breaks out in gang war
27 A hillbilly gang were arrested and now Mumma has come out of the swamp to bust out her spawn and make the state pay fer messin with her kin
28 At a will reading dozens of people came forward to claim they were children of the deceased. Now someone is murdering them
29 Family discover they have inherited a haunted castle in Europe but any who visit it die
30 Someone broke into a family crypt and stole something
31 Beloved old retiree shot by the mob, turns out they owed them money
31 Beloved old retiree shot by the mob, turns out they owed them money
32 Partners of business perform fraud to get rid of a partner while they are away on holiday
33 Strange new consultants having odd effects on business becoming meaner and leaner
34 Millionaire has been involved in insider trading and had to kill one of his partners
35 Shipping company secretly hauling drugs and guns into the city
36 Exiting new soda drink has exciting properties for VIP orders but a few die from it
37 Blueprints of a new jet plane have been stolen
38 Arsonist has burned buildings full of toxic materials that companies shouldn't have
39 Nihlist terrorists try to blow up the stock exchange
40 Someone has discovered an unusual way to enter bank vaults and take what they please
41 Missing society party girl has not been seen in days and there is no news or ransom
42 Missing millionaire playboy and pilot had his plane come down and there is a huge search for him even some who want to make sure he stays dead
43 Head designer from a company has gone missing
44 Actor seems to have gone missing with some rough and ready types and missing for days
45 A rich baby has disappeared and the criminals demand 1 million dollars
46 Prosecutor of war criminals has vanished from a hotel room on conference
47 Several secret agents have vanished while investigating this corporation
48 A secret service agent who quit vanished from his room at home
49 A lawyer on a case prosecuting a syndicate boss has vanished
50 A retired general has disappeared while on holiday and they still know secret information
51 Car accident turns out body was already dead before crash according to coroner
51 Car accident turns out body was already dead before crash according to coroner
52 Scientist's head found crushed to an unrecognised pulp under an industrial press and police blame the spouse
53 Several ex-security forces men have died in accidental gas stove explosions
54 A test flight crashed but it was sabotaged by a foreign power
55 Several rich members of a private club have been killed in all sorts of accidents with building fittings, cars and trains
56 Several astronauts in training were killed in a fake accident with a pressure chamber costing us years in the domination of space. A foreign spy no doubt
57 An atomic test device was sabotaged and did not detonate and two scientists have fled. They must be caught before foreign spies get them
58 A car crash killed a civil servant but it seems the car was tampered with by someone
59 Politicians was killed by electricity by a trap in an embarrassing location at home. It took days to realise electricity was involved and the trap was removed before police checked it again
60 Celebrity died of a heart attack but actually, they were a secret agent
61 Death of airforce staff over several months from the atomic test base
61 Death of airforce staff over several months from the atomic test base
62 Spy has been stealing propriety tech secrets from factories all over city
63 Spies tried to blackmail a military official
64 Spy was shot while trying to sell secrets to some odd private organisation
65 Spies using a cult to gather useful idiots in high places with a fake mystic who is really an agent leading a spy cell
66 Assasin has been killing scientists of black government projects
67 Someone has been seducing government officials and blackmailing them for financial secrets
68 Unknown agent has been blowing up rocket component workshops
69 Foriegn spy found murdered in hotel room
70 Spies somehow eavesdropping on a secret secure meeting room
71 Dock workers riot over job cuts and board bonuses
71 Dock workers riot over job cuts and board bonuses
72 Riot on docks between fascists funded by mob and communists agitated by agents
73 Public demand serial killer is caught and imprisoned, nobody feels safe
74 During an angry mob riot a politician was shot and injured
75 Massive rail and bus strike paralyzes city so several gangs take advantage of traffic jams
76 Newspaper chief shot after declaring mystery men and vigilantes should work for the government or go to prison for life.Crowd believe the editor's wild claims
77 Newspaper magnate was found strangled in the car while the driver went to fetch a newspaper. Supporters claim he was silenced for speaking the truth
78 Corporate fund used to supply arms to street thugs and police, public outraged and weapons sales frozen for months
79 Radio play so realistic people form arm mobs and raid shops for food expecting Martians to attack, Who broadcast this fake news and why
80 Angry mob form demanding hanging of a criminal who may be innocent like they say
81 A ghost has been scaring staff away from a d4 1=research facility 2=old mine 3=decomisioned power plant 4=train station
81 A ghost has been scaring staff away from a d4 1=research facility 2=old mine 3=decomisioned power plant 4=train station
82Students have been holding occult rituals for thrills but someone is killed for real
83 Famous cult leader vanishes with several followers and money has vanished
84 Theft of a museum item and signs someone who believes in occult properties
85 Mystic has been conducting seances and making a fortune from millionaires and important people
86 Notorious occultist writer visits the city and local cult very excited. Someone dies at a party and the public is furious
87 Scientists claim has a machine that contacts the dead but they disappear and the machine is destroyed
88 Scientists claim can open the time-space barrier to communicating with alien ultra-terrestrials in overspace. Someone steals the device and kills the scientist
89 Local conspiracy investigator from radio has vanished
90 The Mutilated body of a rich professor was found and the public claimed it was some kind of mutant monster. Police say it is not a mutant sea monster and beaches are safe
91 Communist hunting politician working with the mob who wants to have carte-blache freedom to protect the wharf district from communist agitators and unionists
91 Communist hunting politician working with the mob who wants to have carte-blache freedom to protect the wharf district from communist agitators and unionists
92 Several celebrities and officials were caught at a scandalous sex party in the capitol and they don't remember how they got there
93 Famous scientists and two lovers visited the city to work for a year and were exposed by the media. They then become targets for hooded religious vigilantes but they could be dupes of some scheme
94 Rich celebrities meet at a country lodge to hunt the homeless they capture for parties. They will hunt any investigators or troublemakers or traitors too
95 Millionaires' private dungeon was exposed in a fire and they fled to a private island protected by a sadistic tyrant regime
96 Secret societies are trying to trigger the next war and have been killing diplomats and politicians who they think are too peaceful. Some members of the group are politicians who believe they can take over the country
97 Politician replaced by plastic surgery fake acting for some unknown power who died before capture once exposed
98 Eugenics think tank supported by some politicians trying to grow clones of propper sort of people then kill off rest with a fake natural disaster
99 Chemical company dumping mutagens in waters and sewers near ghettos in some experiments on the poor they will claim it for the Cold War victory
100 A secret government bunker has been taken over by a fanatic faction and plans to survive the next war by building an underground city. They kidnap experts to help the project
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