I've gone zombie mad apparently and thought I need a similar fantasy table for those rando zombies on the street or in the graveyard or sewer or swamp or forest or basement. Got to insert some weird lore too. You can roll d10 or d40 or d80 on tables for more boring zombies or just pick one of the the "quick types" categories for the "tens" digit on dth d100 and roll a d10 for the "ones" digit.
Let me know if I fluffed numbers or dropped off a line or anything weird I can fix
d10 Quick Zombie Former Occupation Types
01 Bottom Barrel Worker
02 Rural Worker
03 Urban Worker
04 Trades Worker
05 Criminal Worker
06 Towns Folk
07 Mercantile
08 Military
09 Magical
10 Weird
d100 Zombie Former Occupation Types
01 Gongfarmer with spade and bucket of sewerage and shit-covered clothes
02 Gravedigger with a shovel
03 Muckraker with rake stinks of compost
04 Gleaner with sack or old turnips and wool scraps
05 Dyer with oddly coloured skin waist down from trampling cloth in toxic vats
06 Chamber pot servant emptying human waste
07 Rag and bone trader with sacks of scraps and shabby clothes
08 Glowing green melted flesh from handling phosphorous in sweatshop
09 Urchin child selling d4 1=matches 2=flowers 3=dead rats 4=lucky charm medalions
10 Slave or convict labourer in chains
11 Herder with crook and rain cloak
12 Hay gatherer with a pitchfork
13 Sheep shearer with shears and handful of bloody hair
14 Drover with zombie horse or ox and whip
15 Hunter with spear, club and shortbow, possibly d4 dogs
16 Woodcutter with axe
17 Wool baler with hook, gloves and apron
18 Reaper with scythe orsickle and wide-brimmed hat
19 Agrarian with apron with seeds in pockets and a d4 1=rake 2=hoe 3=spade 4=grain flail
20 Miner with candle on helmet and filthy clothes and pick
21 Crier with big fancy coat and hat and a brass hand bell
22 Street stall seller
23 Canivalesque performer d4 1=juggler 2=acrobat 3=fire eater 4=jester
24 Brewer in apron smelling of yeast with d4 1=stiring rod 2=wooden tankard 3=large spoon 4=wooden bucket
25 Coach or wagon driver with whip possibly with pony or horse
26 House servant in uniform d4 1=nanny with babys 2=maid with broom 3=footman with rod 4=cook with large cleaver
27 Sailor with d6 1=club 2=dagger 3=boathook 4=baling hook 5=harpoon 6=hatchet
28 Dig workers in work apron, gloves and d4 1=mallet 2=staff 2=rod 4=spade
29 Fisher folk with d4 1=spear 2=net 3=sack of old fish 4=dagger
30 Gate keeper with big coat, hat and club
31 Mason with d4 1=mallet 2=iron crowbar 3=pole 4=pick
32 Builder with d4 1=iron crowbar 2=load of bricks 3=saw 4=shovel
33 Smith with hammer and apron and d4 1=tongs 2=filthy rag 3=iron bar 4=sword
34 Carpenter with d4 1=hammer 2=saw 3=wooden beam or log 4=hatchet
35 Jeweler with apron, good clothes and several rings
36 Baker with hat, apron and d4 1=rolling pin 2=knife 3=dough hook 4=huge spoon
37 Butcher with bloody apron and d4 1=hatchet 2=knife 3=cleaver 4=hook on chain
38 Textile worker with bony hands and apron with d4 1=needle & thread 3=knitting needles and wool 3=tape measure 4=shears
39 Miller with apron
40 Guild worker in meeting robes with badges of office d4 1=apron 2=pewter beerstien 3=rod of office 4=ceremonial blade
41 Hustler in trenchcoat with d4 1=drugs 2=stolen rind and bracelets 3=betting book and cash 4=crude knives and shanks
42 Robber with club and a sack and a hood, 20 foot of rope
43 Burglar in hooded cloak with sack, knife and thief tools
44 Assasin with hooded cloak, disguise kit and dagger
45 Bandit with shortbow and club
46 Con artist in colourful coat and d4 1=shell game kit 2=playing cards 3=dice 4=2d4 fake potions
47 Sex worker d4 1=tough with gang tattoos 2=nervous & still followed by pimp 3=fabulous glamour outfit 4=desperate wreck wants flesh and more drugs
48 Street gang member in stylised costume and hair with knife or stick
49 Gang bruiser in common clothes and d4 1=dog 2=club 3=knife 4=chain
50 Robberknight in battered armour with sword or mace
51 Posh child in a sailor suit or lacy dress with d6 1=candy apple 2=lollypop 3=plush doll 4=wooden duck with wheels on string 5=cup and ball 6=china doll
52 Sea captain with hat and d4 1=parrot 2=monkey 3=d6 gold coins 4=pipe and tin
53 Healer with bloody apron and d6 1=surgical saw 2=knife 3=razor 4=anasthesia mallet 5=bottle of rum 6=staff
54 Bard with a musical instrument and nice leggings and cap
55 Poet in nice outfit and book of poems and quill and a crushed velvet floppy hat with a feather
56 Artist in smock d4 1=paint palette and brush 2=chisel and mallet 3=clay covered 4=carving knife
57 Student or teacher with book and scribal set
58 Witchunter in religious robes with whip and holy book, mutters lots
59 Pilgrim in robe with religious jewellery and staff
60 Disabled veteran beggar with medals and cup and staff
61 Banker in robes with a huge floppy hat and d4 1=book of ledgers 2=bottle of wine 3=abacus 4=rod
62 Clerk in good clothes with an apron and quill knife and pen
63 Tailor in an apron with thread, shears and rod
64 Apothecary in elaborate robes and hat with staff and alchemist test kit
65 Merchant in robes with shiny jewellery
66 Council or guild official in robes with silver chain and big posh floppy hat
67 Trader in good robe with a sack of old goods
68 Foreign merchant in exotic clothes and jewellery
69 Scribal eunuch with scribe kit, robes and staff or rod
70 Trader in loud shirt with item of merch mumbling about bargains
71 Hangman wearing a hood with a noose
72 Executioner in hood with sword or axe
73 Militiaman with spear and danger and sheild
74 Guardsman in medium armour with shield, poleaxe and crossbow
75 Archer with shortbow and arrows
76 Warrior with shield and sword
77 Bailiff with club and keys
78 Mercenary in colourful rich clothes with sword (& possibly a flintlock pistol)
79 Knight in good armour with sword, axe or mace
80 Crusader or templar in armour with religious order tabbard and a mace or sword
81 Brown robed druid with sickle or staff and possibly a pet
82 Priest in robes with holy insignia removed or replaced
83 Wizard in robes with staff or dagger
84 Sage with a book and staff
85 Fortune teller with colourful costume and d6 1=crystal ball 2=runestones 3=cards 4=astrology chart 5=pendulum 6=live frogs
86 Alchemist in colourful robes and fancy hat and staff, d4 potions
87 Robed cultist with wavy sacrificial dagger
88 Witch in black with broom and possibly a pet
89 Flashy robed master of illusions with staff
90 Black robed necromancy student
91 Ancient axe weilding barbarian with ornate deast decorated helmet
92 Abhuman beast folk of some specific species or long-lost hybrid. Usually local types but often d6 1=rat 2=goat 3=ox 4=raven 5=lion 6=jackal
93 Wearing ancient armour with spear and shield of bronze
94 Crumbling ancient dress and tattoos from some far earlier time period
95 Senior priests in ceremonial robes with gilded staff and huge hat
96 Prehistoric barbarian with furs and tattoos and d4 1=copper hatchet 2=club 3=stone tools and woven hair bag 4=stone tip javelin
97 Demihuman d4 1=halfling 2=gnome 3=elf 4=dwarf or other faerie or spirit folk or humanoids
98 Humanoid creature d4 1=goblin 2=hobgoblin 3=orc 4=kobold or other night folk
99 Animals, farm or wild beast d4 1=pet 2=farmed 3=working animal 4=wild
100 Strange abhuman throwback to past d4 1=ape folk with club 2=fish folk with trident 3=lizard folk with club 4=frog folk with spear 5=tree folk with club 6=snake folk with strange dagger
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