So I have been mostly playing 2 post apoc games and my usual fantasy game has not had enough people to run for 2 months (dad life stuff). So 2 of my dnd clone in gamma world mad max has been most of my gaming and I got fallout4 with all the DLC I didn't have before so yes lots of post apoc weirdness of late. Some good tv too. Just started watching foundation which is like L Ron Hubbard in Traveller. The Empire and the Foundation sound like cults. Also looking after tadpoles at moment.
So the recent game I have been using adventures by various games to fill out a campaign so bits from Gammaworld, Darwins World, Mutant Epoch, Metamorphosis Alpha and Umerica (DCC mutants before MCC and quite a bit better).
Im using Ideas from Umerica adventures Damn Tasty and Burger Wars. I changed some names and town to fit my setting an I will avoid some spoilers here but both good adventures. One character in party has joined the cult of CAPON an AI god dedicated to chicken factories and restaurant chain who asked characters to investigate a town where various food cults seek to control so they can rule over three states then the world. All this chicken cult stuff came from playing Famine in Fargo.
So they got in their halftrack ATV and saw some failed ambushes and giant scorpions they left in the dust before arriving in Shatterville, a once-thriving farm town outside Mildura gang territory. Most commoners had fled as two fast food gangs battled over town like a war zone and the southern half had been swallowed by a salt marsh covering everything in crystals. There was also a factory distribution hub of a snack bar in the town where somebody was working unseen.
When gangs not attacking and killing and eating each other they raided the surrounding countryside for meat and traders and farmers now shunned the place. The warlord who sponsors the players was keen for their report of the town status.
Party arrived and used a drone to get the town layout. Started in on Sausage Kaiser territory and the otherwise metal gang had the support of weird weiner meat androids with comical mascot faces and big gloved hands. These things were expendable and fearless and helped the gang a lot. After a few encounters, the heroes attacked a warehouse fortress but strangeley 2 of them were not up to task of killing the whole gang along and barely escaped because Dozy Galah could carry his 2 laser pistol-wielding pal away to safety for short hops. Dozy had used his vibro blade to cut into the compound initially. Had a chicken abhuman priest and humanoid butler robot followers minding camp.
Also while lasers were cool and most victims not just killed but exploded or turned to glowing ash, light automatic rifles would have had more battlefield effect. So they drove back to the broken hill and explained the situation to the warlord who sent a section of soldiers and a truck. Got to see men deal with giant scorpions well on way 'cept that one time they all fled from overwhelming giant scorpions.
On arrival made camp outside town and took in some troops to get an idea of the town layout. Once confident they prepared to assault. Also brought their ratman pal and attractive assassin bot followers to help. While troops attacked compound gates with grenades and burst fire vs battle axes and muskets the heroes cut in again and fought through depleted lower levels. Found upstairs cult heroes like a fast-food looking Finnish death metal band and had a spectacular battle around a stairwell. Dozy got to fly to lower level to stop meat slurry pumps used to make living hotdog abhumanoids. His pal Janx got to laser his way through the mob happy to be doing gun-fu with 5d6 lasers. They killed the abominations and burned the factory then established their own base in a warehouse. Called into warlord who sent more men and offered them governorship which they declined. So the Luitenant was the official town ruler. A third of the Sausage Kaiser gang was killed by party rest were killed by clowns and some escaped to the wilds never to return. Automatic weapons are used more effectively here despite the fun of exploding people with lasers. Sausage kaiser priests rained down hotdogs over the battlefield, mostly a distracting slip hazzard.
The party have its own building in Silver City and an ammo shop and robot repair store. Currently have a strong influence over a weather isolated valley with ruins and a chicken factory. They have been wary of letting these things cross over too fast but there is now a chicken Attack shrine in Silver City hoping to set up franchises in ruins and settlements. A few pathetic peoples try and improvise a chicken attack restaurant and uniforms in hope of the god of chicken dinners will notice them. Dozy only eats chicken meat now as it has been transubstantiated by god, unlike other improper food.
Curious about clowns, the salt blighted ruins and who runs that snack bar place. Dozy flew onto the roof of the robot truck and cut in to peek inside and it was full of smell old random corpses. The chicken cult might have its problems but at least they were not thinly veiled cannibal cults like apparently every faction in Shatterville. Some ordinary people returned to the party gangland and volunteered to help resettle the ruin properly. One scout vanished in salt marsh areas.
Clowns have been beating war drums after-party killed a bunch of ambassadors offering burgers and vouchers for killing clown enemies. Many clowns are mutants not just costumes and many nights you hear random distant laughter from cannibal clown laughing sickness. Heroes have banned burgers and hotdogs from their turf.
More fast food wars to continue.
Monday, 27 September 2021
Fast Food Wars
Thursday, 23 September 2021
Apocalyptic Carousing: Rum, Sodomy and the Lash
So my carousing laws not based on money or xp as both are fairly unimportant game features. They are for when a player away or characters hope to spend time with wild abandon and risk rolling here for fun. You can roll as a group (possible safer) all solo. Perhaps one roll together and then a solo each for later part of night if nothing too terrible happens.
d10 Quick Types of Carousing
01 Drinking
02 Drugs
03 Fornicating
04 Thrills
05 Tech
06 Crime
07 Factions
08 Past
09 Celebration
10 Opportunity
01 Woke up spewing, save or barely able to move 24 hours
02 Woke up in strange bed and house with vomit handprints on walls
03 Woke up in a gutter to d4 1=law officer 2=urinating dog 3=urchins poke you with a stick 4=a stray farm animal is asleep in your arms
04 Wake up in cell d4 1=loacal law 2=cannibals 3=slavers 4=cultists
05 Wake up chained to a radiator by a moral zealot who wants to save you from sin
06 Caught in a barfight d6x10% of HP lost or play it out d4 1=arrested 2=charged with damage 3=now you have new best buddy 4=a gang has sworn to end you
07 Woke up in gang compound with gang tattoo and clothes, these guys love you
08 Had night dancing and drinking and made a d4 new contacts and possibly a deal
09 Woke up near a sly grog shop tent in pool of your own vomit
10 Sophisticated night of cabaret and cocktails in a secret speakeasy, met some classy local elites
11 Woke up in bush after a mushroom induced nightmare
12 Passed out ofter massive bong session now hungry enough for three meals now despite sleepiness
13 Woke up laying in a grave cuddled up to a skeleton
14 You tried a d4 new drugs last night, save for each or you really would like to start a habbit
15 Took pills at a feral dance party now you on a love bus full of hippies and punks on the road somewhere
16 You were high in a forest and helpless as a kitten, Cha save or some animal had a few pips at you. On success, curious animals hang out with you
17 You developed nasty skin infections from dirty needles, save of have some life-threatening disease (curable by ancient tech). Save you just have a horrible rash for d4 weeks
18 You made a new friend with some stuff in common and you ran amok around town
19 You attain telepathic contact with some plant or fungal consciousness, it whispers to you for a d4 days to come and meet in person
20 Have series of strange visions about the past and future and felt like your soul leave your body
21 Angry farm clan with a gun to take you to your wedding or awake in your new home
22 Awake in a shack in a mutant shanty town with your new tentacled mutant lover with memories of mutant village orgy
23 Awake to an angry person causing you of sleeping with their lover or love interest
24 A robopimp demands money for you spending night with their sexbot or android
25 You spent the night with flirty attractive youth who immediately ditched you without a word
26 Met an interesting lover but they are somebodies slave or in debt and cant leave town
27 Spent night with an attractive lover but their home you awake in is part of a cultist compound and this is how they recruit people
28 Awake married in a fancy outfit in your new partner's home and meet your new family
29 Met amazing love interest but they are under the thrall of family, faction or current partner
30 Hook up with lover but turns out they are d4 1=shape shifting mutant preditor 2=host for parasites 3=work for secret black lab and you are experiment 4=agent of a faction wants to recruit you or travel with you and report your activities
31 Spent night drunk playing with punks on playground or athletic course and lost a d4 HP but someone else was decapitated or impaled using equipment in non-prescribed manner
32 Stole a vehicle with new party pals and ran over some gang members and crashed vehicle. Your new friends gang members and now your wanted by several hostile groups
33 Hanging out drinking on fire range and blow half your ammo. Only a d4 people were injured make save to see if one was you
34 Ended up in gladiator fighting pit (play this or roll) d4 1=made friends with team mates and d4x10% HP loss 2=was beaten by huge psycho lose 2d4x10% HP 3=horribly killed someone by accident and local psychos think you are so cool 4=lost d4x10% HP but won a bag of coins from bets and were treated to celebration by some local boss like a VIP
35 Got into a car race and are liable for damage d4 1=deadmans canyon, who can stop the closes 2=on vehichle gladiator kill team, possibly invite friends 3=race through course with hazards and dangerous encounters 4=make a daredevil leap over canyon or rooftop for a dare, if fail drive attempt end up near death and broken
36 Drunkenly with new friends got into firefight with new friends, you got to loot a d4 gang members
37 Got into a fight and only lost a d4 HP but some boss mad you and offer and the crowd gave you lots of drinks
38 Hanging out with some well off local in the bar and someone tried to kill your companion if you save them they reward you with a nice firearm and ammo and a place to stay and party for d4 days
39 Went hunting while drunk with rednecks d4 1=some monster ate several hunters and their clan hate you for escaping 2=catch a fearsome monster and celebrate with a barbeque with new buddies 3=lost in wilderness hungry and chased by monsters for d4 days 4=found interesting bunker hatch nobody else saw and can go back later to look
40 Smashing up windows and fixtures on ruin with drunken vandals when a security robot turned up d4 1=knocked out and everyone else missing 2=fled in terror while it butchered vandals 3=You got to loot d4 piles of electronic scrap 4=robot security lockup in secret underground cop cave, robot judge demands payment or d4 days lock-up, extra days if you disrespect robots authority
41 Found ancient addictive gambling machine and hooked all night, save or keen to repeat
42 Played awesome addictive videogame console with some punks, save or you crave your own console
43 Found small smelly cinema operated by gang showing ancient pornography
44 Came across gang with a huge comic collection and read all night, learned of the everyday godlike lives of the ancient heroes and their pre-war mutant powers with these historic documents
45 Got to watch lots of old vids over drinks in a camp and if you have data media can trade files and double your collection
46 Played dance video game for money vs a gang member with a massive crowd
47 Got to play chess with an AI
48 Some nerd showed you how to adjust stunners into more pleasure based nueral frequency and it was a blast
49 You met someone wonderful but turns out they were synthetic d4 1=android 2=robot with meat epidermus 3=replicant agent of a secret faction gathering information 4=cyborg body used by remote AI or person
50 Tried out ancient device to mind meld with someone which was strange
51 Got into heist scheme with some dudes, save roll or caught in a cell on success got some loot and gang go separate ways
52 Caught a thief and got into conflict with a gang in public
53 Made some friends to party with and got involved in a gang battle
54 Did some favour for a guy and turns out his enemies think you have something of value
55 Some mobster run venue claims you owe for all the stuff you thought was on the house
56 You met someone you liked but they are owned by a gang and are afraid to escape
57 You defended someone but turns out they were mob money collectors and they have gone to get more thugs
58 Met a gang boss and he offers you reward if you wipe out some rivals quietly so nobody can blame them
59 Party with a gang and now other locals more distant and fearful of you
60 Got to party with some gang hotshotsand witnessed several shootings and stabbings
61 Meeting some tribal folk and brought back to camp to party. Now you know a few words like hello and a few locals recognise you favourably
62 Woke up with some object that various factions all looking for
63 Invited to play one of the brutal post apocalypse sports for a team short on members after a fatal incedent
64 Shown a secret cache of technology by a cultist who shouldn't have
65 Taken to a cult party d4 1=tried to sacrifice you 2=ate some human flesh 3=cult orgy 4=you acted along and escaped before some bizzarre initiation like marrying a goat
66 Meet a bunch of local millitary or militia or bailif in uniform of duty and hear some amazing possible capers you could profit from
67 Met a motor gang and went on some joy rides in wasteland all night, d3 days to walk back but know some mechanics and drivers
68 Met some local mutants and they were ok and they thought well of you for not being a anti mutant bigot. Now a few local mutants wave at you
69 Met animal abhumans and got to be the token human in their drunken wild sports and dances
70 Met a bunch of guys and their robots, offered you cheap cyborging and tech
71 Found someone you used to know now a homeless beggar with memory loss
72 Some jerk you hate from past experience is a local cop or gang luitenant
73 Some crazy exlover has found you and harrased you all night and scared off your firends
74 Met long lost childhood pal somehome here alive after years with a great story how they arived
75 Met a missing parent or relative hardened by the wastemand drinking themself into a stupor
76 Saw some guy in town you remember was a member of a hated dangerous faction here for trouble
77 Saw some slavers you had a bad time with once and would like to make them pay or get information about missing friends
78 Long lost peer now member of some faction or gang. They invite you along but they have changed and their faction is toxic
79 Met some merchant of grifter who owes you money and shake them down for some money and a odd piece of technology
80 Meet a lookalike of someone you know and they avoid you, turns out they are a copy like a android replicant, clone or plant pod person. If you bother them they try to kill you and they have some strange goods and valuables you plunder
81 End up at party in biggest mansion in area with over a hundred people drinking and feasting
82 End up in a gang camp that swells by night into a huge party of gang members, you get to know local gangs and recognise leaders
83 Huge crowd at local sporting event celebrating often on sports field or club house with everyone in team cult colours
84 Taken to farmers ranch for huge celebration with a hundred or so ranchers and farmers who try to convince adventurers to take up farm life
85 Huge festival celebrating some local event like a grand final or historic or cult event
86 Join what turns into a massive cult event with robed and masked weirdos, chanting, weird horns and drums and electronic sounds. Nothing horrible just weird or arty performance
87 Party by water, beach or river or lake or swimming hole. Mostly dangerous creature free and lots of swimming fishing and drinking
88 Food festival where some local speciality is celebrated with people in streets gathering to eat and swap food with music and dancing
89 Local wedding and strangers invited to local event often involve important local clan or merchant caravan family
90 Local event where locals hunt some local creature as part of a festival. Some eat creatures in feast or contest, others make creatures fight or race. Some even release but creatures don't like it one bit
91 Taken into a secret bunker complex to meet a hidden struggling people who also happen to need something and offer rare technology
92 At a semi legal drinking place a fight broke out and was revealed some participants in disguise d6 1=mutants! 2=cyborgs 3=replicants 4=plants 5=shoggoth 6=insectoid horror
93 While laying in field after party carried away my minute secretive mutant faerie creatures who party all over you. d4 1=let you free 2=escaped and fled 3=convinced them to free you and receive a gift of rare medicine or tech 4=end up partying with you and one wants to be your new companion
94 While celebrating you are noticed by a secret bunker dwelling faction or AI who want to recruit you to their cause. You are invited in for a meet and greet where they tempt guests with luxury and technology
95 An AI contacts you by some electronic device and offers you a trip to some strage place where you will get great rewards d4 1=an intact bunker complex 2=orbital temple of the gods 3=moon or mars 4=in a difererant climate zone or state on same continent where some of AI cult in trouble
96 At some outback party that gets flooded by multiple gangs united under a warlord who makes speeches about destroying civilisation, managed to sneak out before the bloody and masochistic ceremonies began and the army set off to destroy a town
97 Managed to save a confused youth from harm at a party and important family reward you with a gift
98 Met an important faction hero who wanted to meet you for an opportunity to size you up and possibly offer you work
99 Offered a rural town or village if you can keep it, mayor will sell to you at scrap price
100 While partying in a compound in ruins accidently found a metal hatch going into the deep, you locked it and hid it as nobody has bee down below
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Drug Dungeon of the Cannibal Dwarfs
So my tuesday night adventurers over giant piles of meat to eat had our 3rd post apoc game, possible will go to Starfinder with Hugh as Gm next.
So the gang in there car recovered after sealing up their police station they last looted and now heading for the next major town, Passed a merchant camp and looked for ammo but nothing good mostly musket balls and old powder/
The next larger town had more rough raiders walking the streets and good old boy sheriffs keeping the peace and looking at strangers hard. Bought some ammo from Mrs Wombat in store and went to pub for lunch and were asked if they were mercenaries. "Er sorta yeah".
So side track to drive off cultists seen in white dirty robes and gasmasks. Spied on the house and seemed empty. Sighs of boots and firepit in use. Wizard cast detects magic and senses a concealed elevator power and hidden so they got the doors open. Looked about and found a more secure door and possibly more hidden in a dump.
So down went bypassing the advanced lock with wizard improvising passage. Down below opened into a lovely scented garden with chirping birds, scented clouds and rainbows with trees and lovely sky. Wandered around and saw how the door they came in blended with the curved holo wall. Found four lounging dudes just chilling and waiting for the priests to process them to join paradise.
Party were suspicious except the wizard who loved the homey smells of comfort and contentment like he never wanted to leave. Walked off and watched the dudes and robed men took one away. When they returned the three dudes thought the party were some kind of test. Party went through the new door and wandered around a few concrete family one-room units and had a battle with a terminator, one of the worst things they ever faced. The road warrior scraped up remains for scrap.
Found an office of a manager and some memos about this place being a haven for the wealthy for up to ten years after the war, Someone had maintained the place. Avoided noises of humans and broke into a mind control centre and dialled back the subsonic and soma gas to zero. The wizard high as on the study suddenly noticed cracks in concrete and running water stains on walls and how things were a bit crappier than he thought. Eventually took on the six cultists who were crude robots disguised as human cultists bringing people here with the promise of paradise.
Managed to find a secret lower level where of course morlock cannibals lived/ The first they charmed then the rest the defeated and the last surrender. Party have a good routine of starting fights with molitovs and pipebombs and now have lots of ammo, scrap and Morlocks they have for a moment spared. The Morlocks had been eating victims here for 80 years.
Party sneak back for the town for the reward of dinner and 30 grams of silver each.
I'm guessing they will wanna keep the place.
Some might end up with morlock bodyguards.
The savant monk has adopted one of high tech self-cleaning bunker jumpsuits
The clown has done well sneezing at enemy faces and shooting and clubbing victim with her rifle and throwing molitovs
The roadwarrior has stuck to a sawn off and 12 gauge flare pistol and started using a civilian laser pistol found earlier/
Wizard got Int buff and ended up 18 for more benefits
Decided I need s a broken hill Carousing Table.
Monday, 20 September 2021
d100 Places to have a Firefight
So as some ppl liked my post apoc locations I thought more about how the point was partly for places to fight but they didn't quite get vibe of that. So here are 100 horrible places to battle for post apoc or possibly some other settings.
Unlike normal environments people live in these can have various natural hazards like collapsing, nails under mud, floors that collapse and other problems so beware of moving quickly. Try to be careful but make good judgements if you need to make snap decisions.
Top Ten Tips
1 Give each a spectacular name or something ironic in present
2 Should have inherent danger in the environment
3 Lighting may be functional intact, added in later or BYO
4 Water, gas, electricity, datalinks may be intact
5 Maybe intact security or something improvised later by somebody
6 Generally not inhabited and renown as danger and trouble
7 Offer dynamic environments with levels, cover, things to climb or jump
8 Ruins may have a haunted vibe or be overgrown, reclaimed and primal by nature
9 Many are huge expansive areas you could search for days
10 Build up some lore and history of the site
Steal real-world maps and satellite pix or google maps. Contemplate how they might have been changed on the cusp of interstellar civilisation (or not if rural or backwoods or developing tech poor using 21st century garbage still). Did anyone else occupy the building since the apocalypse? Find some good modern ruins in your town or online. Look up ruin porn on google and ignore ones with humans in them (unless humanless material culture and decay get you off the go for it). Cave Clan and underground explorers have a beautiful underground from a drain and from a crane shot.
Obviously, miniatures are nice too but even just some modular scenery - Mophidious make lots of good sets often on sale. Recent marvel miniature game has modern kits and you can buy lots of game parts and minis from boardgames online easily. I use big Jenga blocks to define a room and doorways then use minis and scatter terrain lots. Some 40k skirmish gamers might lend you some stuff for a one-off fight. I used to play in wargaming clubs with good stuff like this for common use.
Like a wargame, you might want to place objectives in areas people fight over. Artefacts, information, land or people. Why do people want this land and will fight over it. Many of these might be areas gangs battle over constantly.
d12 SImple Ruin Hazards
1 Spikes or caltrops damage floor
2 Area disturbed ceiling or wall collapses
3 Too much weight floor collapses
4 Pit with crumbling edges
5 Pit or hazard but possible to climb over
6 Flooded area
7 Nest of vermin
8 Everything breaks and crumbles on contact that possibly has a chain reaction
9 Area is highly flammable possibly with gas
10 Contamination with chems or radioactive or exposed electrical workings
11 Mechanical boobytraps purpose-built by human or animal
12 Intact advanced security or explosives or high-tech based traps
d12 Ways to make location worse
1 Infamously overrun by various gangs who fight here often, lots of new graffiti always here
2 Flooded with water, possibly contaminated or hospitable to a dangerous life
3 Guarded by synthetics possibly security or a machine faction like robots, androids or borgs
4 An AI is supposed to be in charge of the area, maybe it wants help, or it wants new pets or is crazy. Some might just use the site for experiments or a secret base
5 Area has security cameras and sensors and possibly drones controlled by who knows
6 Contaminated by radioactive, chems or biological matter (some bioplague), some areas have been used as a dump or contaminated by
7 Undead lair here, some might be ancients contaminated by necrovirus plagues. Mostly lurk by night but many are hidden sleeping by day that could be disturbed
8 Overrun by mutants some intelligible others now mindless lusting chimaera horrors or even protoplasm with tentacles. Even intelligent ones used to persecution and hostile or possibly secretive cults or cannibals
9 Bunker under the area possibly intact with wary survivors or now a lair
10 Plant or animal life attracted to the area to breed, nest, sleep or forage here. The life form can be found all over the location. Rage from vermin to preditors or even mobile plants or fungus
11 Area is populated by aggressive prospectors and scavengers who are armed and assemble or hide to face intruders
12 Battleground with remains of combatants, mines, traps, unexploded munitions, craters, battle damage
d10 Quick Types of Places to have a Firefight
01 Housing - former housing now horrible ruins
02 Industrial - large scale industry sites
03 Transit - remains of ancient transport
04 Highrise - skyscrapers, office buildings and apartment blocks
05 Nature - areas former parks or overgrown
06 Institutions - public and state buildings
07 Nature - gardens, wilderness and weird
08 Military - remains of warfare
09 Recreation - former places of pleasure
10 Wonders - ancient mega-structures or remains of war
d100 Places to have a Firefight
01 Ruined housing block, most roofless and ruined, formerly occupied by gangs who left graffiti and traps, possibly some inhabitants hiding here
02 Ruined housing block flooded and garbage-strewn and overgrown with vegetation, crawling with vermin in the rotting matter, some creature lairs
03 Row of townhouses with damage many now connected by holes in walls into a warren used by gangs as a fortification, some traps and barricades
04 Ruined townhouses with scaffolding and rooftop platforms, ramps and bridges connecting built by a gang and used as a lair
05 Housing block collapsed into a sinkhole, some houses rubble others connected to sewers and drains and a cave made by flowing water. The cave is strewn in garbage, mist and flowing waterfalls, the perfect lair for some creatures
06 Fire burned out hosing block most buildings are blackened, some roofless or just rubble
07 Housing blocks damaged and semi collapsed with large animal burrows over area increasing damage and hazards
08 Ruined housing estate damaged and vandalised with traps actually is the current home of a gang or cult in hiding who don't want visitors
09 Ruined housing area at one stage was reclaimed with walls and walkways on rooftops, but some large predatory creature has a nest here now
10 Overgrown with vegetation (or fungus) some plants dangerous or even ambulant and carnivorous. Visibility is poor and many entrances choked by vegetation
11 Industrial Complex such as refinery, chemical plant, food factories, gas works or brewery. A maze of pipes, scaffolding and walkways and large interiors
12 Powerplant complex, badly damaged possibly and shutdown by last survivors. Some areas were contaminated badly, many control rooms and cavernous pipe filled interior spaces
13 Warehouse complex, mostly looted and even some inhabited previously, some sealed and protected by an ancient security
14 Industrial park where smaller specialist manufacturers operate variously microfacies with various industries. Making parts, food, packaging and even speciality recycling. Building use varies from blasted to rebuilt by contemporary folk from scrap or even may be intact. Various inhabitants have own easily defendable buildings so all kinds of surprises in close area
15 Abotoir with huge sheds, cattle pens, ramps, machinery and warehouse. Possibly includes processing plant, refrigeration, transport hub or even a cloning plant
16 Manufacturing plant often highly automated and some with intact security. Vehichle transit depot
17 Quarry or mining site with huge pit, mining machinery and prefab buildings, some may have been settled or occupied by a gang or overgrown by nature. Often with flooded coloured pools
18 Wrecking yards with mounds of trash, giant machinery and recycling facilities. Areas will be specialised in certain goods and more popular for certain animals or trash scavengers
19 Sewerage treatment plant or substation often partly or completely underground. Often with some huge open areas and some huge pump and refining stations. Some have surface pools or huge tanks Often used as a transit point or lair for animals or gangs or secretive groups
20 Famous factory of a popular snack food adorned with mascots and a museum. The name alone attracts explorers and gangs seeking ancient nostalgia and free snacks or idols for cults
21 Area of train or car tunnels with wrecks inside, multiple entry stations and service areas, connected to miles of tunnels. Various areas some inhabited as lairs. Some were transcontinental or intercontinental or once connected to undersea tunnels
22 Rail complex with many huge sheds, a hundred or so carriages, cattle cars, freight cars and other large machinery around tracks. Some former gang lairs or settler camps
23 Area with various highways meet with tunnels, bridges,overpasses. Some areas fortified by bandits or gangs. Plenty of wrecked vehicles and some sections of elevated highway may have been cut off or later occupants left walkways, ladders and ramps. Road gangs often occupy or pass through places looking for scrap or fights
24 Gridlock traffic area with hundreds or even thousands of vehicles trapped on-road as the world collapsed. Many with baggage and bodies still ut in some areas they will have been looted and possibly boobytrapped
25 Airport huge or small with just some sheds and a strip. Some might include a wrecking yard most have many neglected vehicles and scrap. Possibly just a location with one or more wrecks scattered over an area
26 Trainwreck scattered over area, possibly sabotaged or colided with other vehicle or entering tunnel. Some sub trains even erupted through ground
27 Highrise rail and or highway elevated on huge pylons. Some sections collapsed forming islands or ramps. Some have vehicles or settlements or lairs built-in and some have been overgrown in plant life. Noteworthy sections are where lines merge, enter tunnels or have offramps reaching the ground
28 Train station complex on surface or underground often adopted as lairs by feuding gangs, or worse. May have wrecked trains at the platform or large scale sheds and complicated footbridges and passages connecting lines
29 Wrecked seagoing ship or airship now overgrown with scattered trash and cargo
30 Truckstop with a service station, diner and sometimes even warehouses and a garage especially if a corporate line. Some might be linked to rail or have a drone fleet hanger
31 Highrise poor apartment estate covered in battle damage and graffiti but somehow has remained occupied continuously. Local gangs protect their own turf and there is a community on upper floors but the streets are a combat zone
32 Burned-out row of highrise buildings with intact beam structure, skeletons with a few intact floors or rebuilt areas. Buildings connected by ramps, bridges and swing lines used by gangland inhabitants
33 A collapsing skyscraper fell and are became a domino effect of toppling ruined buildings mashed together. Despite this there are intact areas, buried and hidden sections and tunnels made by past inhabitants making the chaotic warren a nightmare
34 Hospital building some areas still secured by martial law protocol robot security, but due to interest in drugs and medical supplies some areas abandoned and where mutants and gangs battle
35 An aircraft or off skyrail line or airship has struck and impaled several skyscrapers connecting them precariously yet still fairly intact
36 Area where highrises are partly flooded and many oldest prewar buildings collapsed and have become overgrown. Crawling with mutant bugs and
37 Highrise buildings seem to have some huge insect colony with strange organic threads linking other buildings. Giant insects in some built hive mostly ignore the surface keeping to upper heights and underground but killing any enrages them
38 Plaza is surrounded by various designer highrises with open areas, a park and several monuments. Often have lots of steps and possibly a water feature. At a crossroads, the plaza attracts various factions and gangs to fight here and scavenge for wealth
39 Shopping mall complex connecting lower floors of several buildings
40 Remains of a VIP arcology complex
41 Botanic gardens now overgrown with plants and animals but also various bandstands, workshops, cafes, small museums, sheds and various victorian and space-age greenhouses.
42 Area of ruins overrun by some fast-growing mutant or weaponised weed. The plant can be hostile in the deeper areas and all kinds of buildings and vehicles are choked under growths. Some animal life may have adapted or even eat the weed
43 Trees have reclaimed area many strange things are fused into trees and roots and buildings are being slowly covered. Various pools have formed and arboreal creatures enjoy the environment. Seeing robots, cars and monuments smothered is a bit eerie
44 Series of buildings with roof gardens have been connected. Each an islands some with crops or overgrown with vines and trees. Various scrap walkways and ziplines connect points at different levels, many inaccessible from ground
45 Greenhouse complex with hundreds of sheds, poly domes, warehouses, mounds of soil, tanks, chem stores and scrap. Often might include a lab or specialist climate-controlled greenhouses or aquaculture ponds. Often overgrown by vegetation but it might also have been overgrown then died
46 An area with huge trees has had someone build tree houses and connect them by walkways, too difficult to find possibly ladders, ropes or elevator all above during some siege. Someone lived here for generations before something moved them on
47 Area thick with vegetation and something has burrowed among the roots. Possibly someone colonised and expanded it and built some areas into concealed homes among roots. Come quite large spaces deeper down
48 Overgrown crops, bamboo or tall grass. Various walkways through but requires a machete to hack through. Various crawlways and tunnels through vegetation connect to inside some huge bushes where hidden rooms have been made comfortable. Sometimes machinery or buildings or forgotten crawlways can be discovered moving off the path. Flammable in the dry season
49 Some creature has woven nest in the trees from silk or grass. Possibly the creature has moved out and some people moved in for a time. Connects multiple trees with bridges and cables with various hidden chambers
50 An area sprawling with an alien ecology of mutants, macrobes, fugi and strange plants and many strange unfamiliar creatures and sights
51 Wall of scrap compound built here by settlers and razed by gangs. Gangs still come here to loot and fight. A sizable community and homes in and around the fort once thrived. Lots of sad stories of past settlers among the rubble
52 Fortified and graffitied fortress operated by a gang dominating various other ruins
53 A compound run by slavers with pens for slaves and marketplace. Often prefer an actual prison or slaughter yard or railyard. Some deal with cannibals
54 A gladiator fighting pit where various gladiators, mutants or machines were killed for sport. Possibly operational quite or even if ruined a few left for dead creatures and robots revived and live here still
55 A village built of scrap but unknown to most has a maze of underground cellars and tunnels and sewers connected by years of use by occupants and possibly burrowing mutants. Signs that inhabitants all vanished leaving lots of quality garbage behind
56 A bunker was found and reinhabited for a brief period before new inhabitants were all killed, used as a lair since and occasionally explored by scavengers
57 A traders caravan stop incorporating ancient buildings, a scrap built wall and often some ancient truck or train wrecks. Often incorporated an eatery and inn. Raiders came and drove them off but there is plenty of scrap here and gangs fight over it
58 Village built on a raft or an island in a body ow water. Possibly connected by causeways and sometimes has multiple islands linked by bridges. Not especially deep but often dangerous aquatic creatures live here. Some such villages hidden in marsh or on stilts. Plenty of boat wrecks and smaller boats amongst them all. Sea ones often built on oil rigs or other structures offshore
59 Gangland fortress badly damaged and burned with many bodies from some past attack. Well built-in with some heavy siege weapons employed before the gang exterminated. Plenty of gang scavengers come here looking for loot and fighting each other still
60 Raceway where gangs came to compare vehicles. A fortified clubhouse and garage is here and various dirt tracks with loops, jumps, water and mud hazards and treestumps surround it. Even if abandoned the ever fewer vehicles come here to test their ability
61 A vast library of ancient books in an impressive building with artworks and millions of books. Various terminals and electronic media are to be found too. Some sections may be damaged and burned out others intact with possibly robot librarian defenders. Certain factions treasure these places so others want to tear them down. Some have surface destroyed but underground archives for important history and books and art
62 Museum - either a old fashioned made to look edwardian or a space age one with holographic and android displays. Typically history and or natural history an sciences
63 Zooligical Gardens with cloned and android animals possible, many had AI and advanced DNA labs to save and replicate lost species. Some of these have been known to still be creating prehistoric and other animals. Such places are highly desirable to occupy for certain cultd and factions. Many fake habitat areas. In urban areas may be quite compact or specialist, rural parks can be sprawling and more likely to have strange animal life or even specialise in dinosaurs or pliestocene animals
64 Government building ranging from records to specific departments and the chambers used for political debate and votes. From local council to state or federal rep offices. Often grand buildings with monuments and historic records and artworks. Quite often damaged
65 Monument often a huge statue or obelisk or temple like building, may include a holographic os sound recording and other interactive displays or at least a sign. Bigger local population and centre of city the bigger it is. Some large with elaborate interiors and concealed infrastructure staff areas inside
66 Art gallery - famous works duplicated and printed on display to look like original unless you touch them. Often a vault area still sealed full of original works and various storage and curatorial and admin areas
67 Planetarium - space discovery centre with holographic display areas
68 Fire station with huge garage, barracks and a courtyard for training excercises
69 Police barracks - where police trained in live in barracks with motor pool, firing range and various training areas. Often damaged and looted by mobs but a few may have intact robots
70 Hospital complex often several towers linked by tubes and ambulance station in base and emergency areas. Often some upper and sub levels are still secured. A huge carpark area or tower is close. Lots of gangs come here looking for drugs and to fight
71 Ancient checkpoint with barracades, tents and portable buildings
72 Prison camp built from portable prefab modules with walls, guard towers and hundreds of cells and pens for some mass arrests and incarcerations at the end time. Older concrete ones millitary, private and civilian are also possible
73 Remains of abandoned ancient millitary vehicles people still fight over despite well looted wrecks. Might have been military wrecking yard or a battlefield
74 Area of walls built with wrecked vehicles and other barricades that were breached long ago. People still come to fight over this area. A famous siege with a makeshift fort was destroyed with several thousand lives lost. Craters, burned wrecks and trenches are everywhere. Some land mines and other unexploded munitions and traps
75 Missile silo (usually empty) where the crew lived for some time until abandoning. Factions or gangs often live in them for a time. Rare intact ones have anti-personnel defences and even security AI and robots
76 Anti-missile defence area, often damaged by missile fire, huge concrete surface structure and bunkers where anti-missile missiles were launched from with several radar dishes. Buildings might be domes or polygon shapes
77 Base with barracks, commando course, mess, armoury and motor pool around parade grounds. Smaller and more compact in urban areas, bigger ones in wilds with huge fences and warning signs. Many might have been damaged in an attack
78 Military bunker complex possibly partly intact or a complete ruin where gangs and animals fight over lairs
79 Military camp area occupied the site at the end times leaving tents, trenches, garbage, equipment and bodies. Some remains of defences and vehicles were abandoned also. Possibly it postdates the war and is an army of gangs or even mutants or abhumans
80 An area with ruins with an unexploded warhead. People know about and are wary as the device makes noises and counts down when people disturb it. Some might desire it. Possibly has an AI warhead you can talk to. Could be bomb, gas, biological or psychotronic warhead
81 Swiming pool or water park complex. Some with scaffolding and huge water slides, possibly aquariums but mostly lots of pools and playground equipment. Will have work sheds, entrance, admin and retail outlets and food court. Some had artificial waves and beaches. Aquatic creatures may colonise the park. Often walled and may have been occupied by gangs
82 CInema complex with huge and small theatres with 3d holo-pits and even some even more ancient 2d screens for historical vids. Will have an entrance, staff areas and food outlet. Often quite large complex and roof may have been utilised by someone
83 Theme park with outlandish walls, buildings and gardens. Many with rides, holographic projections, androids and robots. Often was controlled by AI. Popular for gangs to fight over who might descend from park staff and in theme with park area
84 Country club with a large mansion, hotel, garden, golf course, the landing pad for VIP aircraft and an artificial lake. Despite walls and security gangs long to wreck the joint and will have left everything a ruin if possible. Some are reclaimed by elitists as settlements which attract even more gangs
85 Studio complex where films, games and holovids are made, huge green interior spaces and screens for actors or androids to perform in a warehouse of props and clothing. Some have tourist access. Smaller ones are often niche genre films or productions. Often AI-controlled and well secured. Many in costume or persona synthetic beings here and sometimes even settlers might have moved in to resume production or live inside artificial environments inside
86 Huge sports centre with training areas, change rooms, admin, various indoor and outdoor sports fields and areas where various popular combat sports were broadcast from. Often built for some Olympics or some funding grift
87 Adventure dome complex where various simulated adventure holidays were operated with sets, holograms and androids. Bigger parks have more worlds while many specialise in one genre or market. Some are family others are more sleazy. Slaughter Seven was a complex that broadcast celebrities and ordinary winners being hunted by android simulacra of seven of the worst killers in history. The seven changed but were selected by an AI and the hunted contestant through a simulated ruined apocalypse with a huge red sun. AI operating these just want to run contestants through the adventure. Some post-apocalypse AI have become nastier. Some historical or themed to a franchise or IP. Some for kids, youths, families, the elderly, religious, sadists or perverts. Some complexes even operated as therapy adventures. Some get hijacked or go mad and remove safety protocols
88 Megamall arcology a huge multi-floor open space with hundreds of shops and apartments. A luxury habitat where rich play and shop. Some intact but most burned and rampaged in by cannibal gangs eating the rich. Often inhabitants were killed by contamination leading to undead or mutants. People fight over malls for the sealed treasure troves
89 Aquadome a floating marine arcology (possibly a pyramid or ziggurat) with luxury living and shopping with various water-related entertainments of the rich. Sort of a luxury cruise ship city. Some have half sunk or been overrun by marine life. Some have settlers trying to reclaim or pirates use as a base. Many sealed areas and many are even bigger under the sea or tethered to seafloor industry. Some of these were independent city-states founded by cults or fringe groups but mostly the rich
90 Gaea Dome Garden - a paradise for the rich or for brief visits for the mob. Archology with sealed habitat and luxury apartments. Some systems are biological and utilise AI. Not al domes, pyramids, cones, highrise citadels and cubes were popular too. Some ruined and overgrown some still operating or recolonised or automated
91 Gauntlet where someone mimicking the strange death games of the apocalypse have made a giant booby trap-filled murder maze. Some were inspired by computer games or other themes but mostly gangland sadists. Some used to test recruits but mostly to torment victims for a safe audience. Quite a few of these have been overrun and destroyed by colonies uniting to put a stop to these death cult complexes. Each section may have wildly different hazards, audience participation and even boss monster to overcome or hunters paying on a turkey shoot to hunt humans for sadistic sport. Some might have some more sinister purpose
92 Great arc complex, a subterranean city for survivalists now overrun by gangs, mutants and worse. New areas are occasionally opened and various trigger happy looters and creatures will explore the space. Many have undead or synthetic defenders like androids or robots. Some may have fortified colonies of settlers
93 Starport where orbital and lunar shuttle services and high-speed close orbit transit operate from. Often public areas are cavernous waiting areas but there are substantial baggage areas, admin and staff-only areas. Multiple damaged wrecks are on the tarmac or still in launch silos. The centre AI is usually in the control tower or command bunker. Some vehicles could be salvaged or launched at least once to get to the treasure-filled orbitals in the sky. Often sites where gangs fight over loot areas
94 CItadel tower, a complete arcology in a single skyscraper often 50 stories or hundreds of stories, a self-contained living shopping and workspace. Few are intact and sealed, many have parts ruined and damaged and others intact. Some colonists reclaimed some ruins and repair them with scrap found in the site. Each had own power and AI and VIP suites tended to be the upper levels. Quite a few have been settled or held on to by survivors and somehow still operating despite constant decay. Some have areas overgrown. It's a whole world to explore and possibly dominate
95 Mutant shantytown near a bigger town where more obviously mutant outcastes live. Gangs and others often battle over crime and vice territories and many mutants sick of it join in the fights. Some severe mutants especially hide in subterranean tunnels or sprawling ruined mazes keep the least human ones
96 Necropolis is often around a graveyard, hospital or quarantine camp and includes adjacent wilderness or ruined urban sprawl where many undead live. People don't like fighting here but a brave and lucky gang can use the area to surprise enemies on the other side. Often some faction will try to use the undead territory as a buffer zone using walls or fences or secured tunnels. Most frequently graveyards come up and such areas are often riddled with the undead, empty or water-filled graves, broken coffins human remains
97 Area under influence of psychotronic weapons, possibly ancient warhead or some other sinister force often to keep people out. Most common such weapons cause fear, diarrhoea, hallucinations, sensations of burning and in worst cases turn victims into berserker cannibal killer beasts or turn them into soldiers of some ancient faction. Victims can be treated but keeping out of the area or removing victims is the best treatment if done quickly. Often covers some ruin or secret lab or base or bunker. Some come here to test if they can resist
98 A new complex or ruin has just been opened and everything is in good condition and every gang and state in our wants control sending in fighters. Fighting looters make areas havok fires may break out or automated security may awaken. Often industrial sites or gated communities. Can include contemporary scrap towns just fallen to invaders or abandoned
99 Huge bridge with inbuilt apartments and retail outlets and wharf facility. Some massive pylons may have whole ships tangled in them or islands of garbage. Some partly collapsed. Often a choke point for travel or just a good place to fight over
100 Huge craters still contaminated surrounded by the trash of collapsed buildings. Despite being so inhospitable its location makes crossing it an advantage and worth the risk briefly. Many may be inhabited by strange life or mutants. Various ring zones around the blast point have varied degrees of contamination and ruins. As centre clearest groups either side may spot each other from across it and start to fight
Saturday, 18 September 2021
Get Rich Quick with the Dungeon Gleaners!

Dungeon gleaners are the clean up crews who take what is left of adventurers. Some luck out and leave with a trinket to solve their money worries such as a marriage ceremony and feast. Some just die or vanish mysteriously or obviously from some unfound horror left by adventurers. Some youths who do this get apprenticed to the crafters recycling dungeon fittings. A few go on to be lantern bearers or pole bearers for adventurers or even adventurers. Sometimes a local village will glean a dungeon left by adventurers and sometimes they find a secret door or a hidden treasure or forgotten evil. SOme operations keep a wizard or priest nearby for magical problems, usually, they are of the lower level 1-4 sort. These could be starts for beginning a campaign or a dungeon funnel for Lv zero starting characters.
So after adventurers leave the gleaners move in.
They first remove bodies or cover up dangerous and foul things, adding warning marks with chalk even barricading or building bridges or scaffolding for the experienced gleaners.
They take easily carried away furnishings, then built-in items removable like doors.
Then they go to work on valuables like any wood or metal they can remove and carry away filth for compost. Sometimes these things are too tainted and get burned instead.
Then they go to work removing bricks and cut stone systematically leaving supports behind they can set fire too as leaving so the place collapses.
Sometimes new entrances are dug in or a hole is dug in through dungeon ceiling to be used as a garbage dump. Sometimes these dungeons can be turned into a mushroom farm or a wine cellar or other storage and sometimes the shantytown of workers stripping the place remain and build a village on top.
Sometimes gleaners are just villagers, sometimes they are miners, or merchants or itinerant work gangs, professional companies or guilds and sometimes adventurers get their followers to supervise such operations.
So with this given you can work in gleaners into your dungeon.
Someone wants to buy dungeon claim rights after adventurers leaving or celebrating in town.
Overzealous gleaners are lost in live dungeon not realising adventurers left just to rest and heal and recover spells.
An enthusiastic crew camp outside dungeon and set up a walled camp.
A noble has a claim on dungeon and demands all treasure given to him by law. He has arrived with own crew of gleaners from his estate. Usually this is before dungeon finished. They might cut a deal.
Perhaps a plague or mould from the dungeon is a problem later turning village gleaners into undead.
d12 Types of Gleaners
1 Local village youths looking for adventure and money for adulthood
2 Local villagers united to strip place for materials
3 Merchant clan or guild operation
4 Local nobility or mayor interested in easy profits
5 Thieves guild all pretending to be honest labourers
6 A professional salvage company that recycle and sell goods
7 Scruffy gang of greedy hoodlums possibly linked to bandits or gang
8 MIners who occasionally demolish a dungeon for easier work and better pay
9 A priest leads gleaners labouring as a part tithe to church
10 A wizard scholar runs a company of gleaners in hopes of finding documents
11 An adventurer company or followers hire local talent
12 Royal dungeoneering corp come to take kings due scraps
d12 Gleaners Motivations
1 Desperate and owes money (mob, church, bank, guild)
2 Wants cash to be free of obligations to family and home
3 Needs money to send to family
4 Bored and trapped by society seeks some adventure
5 Seeks opportunity for apprenticeship or service
6 Wants to be seen as brave adventurer to boast in pub
7 Desperate to impress a potential mate or lover
8 Starving and desperate for any extra work
9 Looking for that one lucky find to get rich and run away
10 To steal as much as they possibly can grab for selves
11 Tired of current career and obligations needs a break or change
12 Secretly an evil cultist informing evil forces who want dungeon back
So go grab a Dyson map, tell a story of some adventurers or the law wiping out most of the monsters and send in the gleaners.
d12 Hazards on the Job
1 Trap has been left intact and not noticed till too late
2 Working on removing building materials causes cave-in
3 Workers have an injury using tools they are unused to
4 Vermin or parasites of some kind bother a few workers
5 Workers are thriving bastards nicking everything they can
d12 Gleaners Motivations
1 Desperate and owes money (mob, church, bank, guild)
2 Wants cash to be free of obligations to family and home
3 Needs money to send to family
4 Bored and trapped by society seeks some adventure
5 Seeks opportunity for apprenticeship or service
6 Wants to be seen as brave adventurer to boast in pub
7 Desperate to impress a potential mate or lover
8 Starving and desperate for any extra work
9 Looking for that one lucky find to get rich and run away
10 To steal as much as they possibly can grab for selves
11 Tired of current career and obligations needs a break or change
12 Secretly an evil cultist informing evil forces who want dungeon back
So go grab a Dyson map, tell a story of some adventurers or the law wiping out most of the monsters and send in the gleaners.
d12 Hazards on the Job
1 Trap has been left intact and not noticed till too late
2 Working on removing building materials causes cave-in
3 Workers have an injury using tools they are unused to
4 Vermin or parasites of some kind bother a few workers
5 Workers are thriving bastards nicking everything they can
6 Someone poisoned or diseased or cursed by something they handle
7 Bandits try to steal valuable dungeon filth
7 Bandits try to steal valuable dungeon filth
8 A hidden monster or enemy kills workers, all in fear
9 New monsters enter by burrow or water or other sneaky means
10 Haunted by spirits making workers fearful of souls
11 Cultists among the gleaners serve some other cause as informant and saboteur
12 A war band of allies of the old dungeon occupants arrive and unimpressed by people looking their friends
d12 Rewards of the Job
1 Find a stash of coins
2 Find a secret door
3 Find a concealed treasure
4 Find collector's item surprisingly old to the trained eye
5 Find documents of value to experts
6 Find a possible treasure map or shown concealed level
7 Meet and impress a potential contact or employer
8 Offered a new job
9 Gain self-confidence or even overconfidence
10 Gain a reputation as a brave dungeon exploring hero
11 Named in a historic account of the gleaning
12 Become a full-time adventurer with profits
Most gleaners will be 4-30 person crews with a wagon or cart, various tools and possibly a good knife and a spade or pick. Often in a crew there will be some with experience with crafters and at least one smarter person who can identify things or even read. A good leader and planner helps and a bard cant help to make nights more pleasant around camp fire,
d12 Odd side effects of gleaner life
1 Obsesivly sees any scrap as loot to store in shed
2 Develop an odd taste for dungeon or monster food or drink
3 Develops intense disinterest for living with normal folk
4 Ignores and works with disgusting things without complaint
5 Some interesting scars from that one time
6 Has a novelty trinket from one dungeon
7 Met members of a cult and initiated
8 Learned a cantrip while serving a spell caster on the job
9 Has ambition beyond a normal servile and modest life
10 Got married, had kids, happy to settle down
11 Used money or contacts or reputation to improve status at home
12 Became a proper adventurer with at least Lv1 in class
Remember after wars bones and teeth might be collected even. After the Napoleonic wars England bought ground soldier bones for agriculture and dentures with real teeth became commonplace. In my post apoc games any stray meat goes into bio fuel.
Maybe next time adventurers return everyone looks better off and some using monster technology or new stone walls with recognisable dungeon idol chunks might be a thing. That fireplace might have engraved stone from the dungeon in it. Locals might carry goblin swords all cleaned up. Some might have bigger egos. Locals with a bit of wealth, experience and weapons might become more ungovernable or drive out bandits and humanoids with newfound courage and skills.
Gleaners might lead to all kinds of interesting adventures like looking in village houses for the three stones that make inscription of a spell or a map or poem. A village has some legacy of evil strike them because of dungeon gleaned a decade ago. Some think kills those carrying any remaining trinkets.
Reverse gleaning possibilities of course are your monsters have been doing this to the humans they harass in their territory and one reason monsters have so many human-made things.
d12 Petty monsters for Gleaners
1 Rat colony or insect swarm
9 New monsters enter by burrow or water or other sneaky means
10 Haunted by spirits making workers fearful of souls
11 Cultists among the gleaners serve some other cause as informant and saboteur
12 A war band of allies of the old dungeon occupants arrive and unimpressed by people looking their friends
d12 Rewards of the Job
1 Find a stash of coins
2 Find a secret door
3 Find a concealed treasure
4 Find collector's item surprisingly old to the trained eye
5 Find documents of value to experts
6 Find a possible treasure map or shown concealed level
7 Meet and impress a potential contact or employer
8 Offered a new job
9 Gain self-confidence or even overconfidence
10 Gain a reputation as a brave dungeon exploring hero
11 Named in a historic account of the gleaning
12 Become a full-time adventurer with profits
Most gleaners will be 4-30 person crews with a wagon or cart, various tools and possibly a good knife and a spade or pick. Often in a crew there will be some with experience with crafters and at least one smarter person who can identify things or even read. A good leader and planner helps and a bard cant help to make nights more pleasant around camp fire,
d12 Odd side effects of gleaner life
1 Obsesivly sees any scrap as loot to store in shed
2 Develop an odd taste for dungeon or monster food or drink
3 Develops intense disinterest for living with normal folk
4 Ignores and works with disgusting things without complaint
5 Some interesting scars from that one time
6 Has a novelty trinket from one dungeon
7 Met members of a cult and initiated
8 Learned a cantrip while serving a spell caster on the job
9 Has ambition beyond a normal servile and modest life
10 Got married, had kids, happy to settle down
11 Used money or contacts or reputation to improve status at home
12 Became a proper adventurer with at least Lv1 in class
Remember after wars bones and teeth might be collected even. After the Napoleonic wars England bought ground soldier bones for agriculture and dentures with real teeth became commonplace. In my post apoc games any stray meat goes into bio fuel.
Maybe next time adventurers return everyone looks better off and some using monster technology or new stone walls with recognisable dungeon idol chunks might be a thing. That fireplace might have engraved stone from the dungeon in it. Locals might carry goblin swords all cleaned up. Some might have bigger egos. Locals with a bit of wealth, experience and weapons might become more ungovernable or drive out bandits and humanoids with newfound courage and skills.
Gleaners might lead to all kinds of interesting adventures like looking in village houses for the three stones that make inscription of a spell or a map or poem. A village has some legacy of evil strike them because of dungeon gleaned a decade ago. Some think kills those carrying any remaining trinkets.
Reverse gleaning possibilities of course are your monsters have been doing this to the humans they harass in their territory and one reason monsters have so many human-made things.
d12 Petty monsters for Gleaners
1 Rat colony or insect swarm
2 Huge centipede or spider with d4 venomous bite
3 A stray dog or former monsters pet come home
4 Giant rat or bug
5 Exploding mushroom d4
6 Kobold, goblin or other small angry humanoid
7 Bandit, theif or a cultist
8 Stirge or huge bat
9 Giant maggot or grub
10 Large dog sized toothed frog
11 Skeleton or petty small undead like severed hand
12 Poltergiest or petty spirit or imp
Friday, 17 September 2021
Post Apoc Locations 2 - Urban Ruins

So more tables for random locations for your treasure maps, hostages, gunfights or lairs. I might also add you can mix 2 or three into one and you can give them memorable names.
d10 Quick Location Types
01 Pre Fall Housing
02 Post Fall Housing
03 Services
04 Industrial
05 Retail
06 Leisure
07 Comunity
08 Vice
09 Science
10 Apocalypse
d100 Urban Ruins Locations
01 Mansion estate or tasteless huge house often walled
02 Apartment complex or tower
03 Row of townhouses
04 Cul-de-sac of houses mostly intact
05 Haunted looking lonely old house alone
06 Burned out house ruin
07 Burned and collapsed apartment mounds of rubble and garbage
08 Ruined hotel complex often with pool and roof garden
09 Office block damaged with only rubble and burned structure
10 Office block with intact walls in fair condition
11 Remains of shacks and recycled ruins with a crude wall compound
12 Shacks built on a section of highway or railway on pylons
13 Rooftop garden and shacks out of sight from the ground
14 Fortified damaged apartment buildings made by gangs
15 A trading post store operated by some merchants, secure or with hiding places
16 Caravan compound where merchants set up a fortified structure in ruins
17 Trailer truck wreck used as start of a shelter
18 Area full or abandoned tents and shacks and bodies
19 Watch tower formerly used by watch or sniper
20 Cluster of cargo containers used as shacks by survivors
21 School complex and grounds
22 Specialist clinic
23 Abandoned hospital ruin
24 Fire station wreckage
25 Police station ruin
26 Bus terminal or shelter
27 Train station for underground or monorail
28 Townhall or council building or other local government
29 University or college campus
30 Community centre with gymnasium and or library
31 Ruined train wreck scattered over area among fallen pylons or partially in a tunnel
32 Aircraft wreck, possibly on the rooftop or embedded in a building or on street
33 Traffic jam with at least a hundred vehicle wrecks many with locked trunks and baggage and skeletons
34 Gravesite, possibly a morgue warehouse or open gravesite flooded with body bags floating
35 Damaged power stations often contaminated
36 Factory complex often damaged and picked over by scavengers and gangs
37 Industrial park with warehouses and piles of industrial wreckage
38 Canal or tunnel often full of garbage and vehicle wrecks
39 Sprawling garbage dump with vehicles and machines for recycling
40 Water purification station, sewerage recycling and city drains
41 Supermarket complex, vary from small to enormous warehouses
42 Shopping centre with supermarket and speciality stores
43 Shopping mall complex
44 Vehichle or robot show room
45 Warehouse complex hardware and garden store
46 Furnishing and home decoration store complex
47 Remains of a food court or multiple restaurants in the complex
48 Salvage yard where prospectors trade scrap
49 Specialty goods warehouse store
50 Courtyard of food trucks and minibars
51 Aquarium or zoo complex
52 Holographic game centre for faux combat
53 Go-cart racing track
54 Gymnasium complex for indoor sports
55 Park with statues and pond and a bandstand or war monument and playground
56 Overgrown botanic garden
57 Museum complex
58 Art gallery
59 Sports or entertainment stadium
60 Robot gladiator park
61 Army recruiting centre or barracks
62 Scouting hall for paramilitary youth groups or cadets
63 Private VIP club in a mansion
64 Ruined church with graveyard
65 Political party office
66 Council office
67 Hall of a secretive fraternal order with weird paraphernalia
68 Church of major ancient religion and/or a graveyard
69 Cult headquarters
70 St Johns ambulances garage or cadet centre
71 Biker gang fortress
72 Drug lab in ruin
73 Faction stronghold or breach chapter house
74 Settlers farm compound
75 Black market where gangs and criminals trade dodgy or stolen goods
76 Slavers compound
77 Gang compound
78 Drug den semi-hidden in a ruin
79 Gang battleground in badly damaged ruin ruin
80 Butchers yard where gangs massacre unwanted captives
81 Cryonics mausoleum where frozen dead stored to outlive disease and mortality for a price
82 Emergency centre, from small checkpoint roadblocks to industrial-scale lab or bunker, most biohazard crews some dealing with mass terrorist and enemy mind control weapons
83 Science Precinct of laboratory buildings, often highly secure and fortified
84 Synthetics Lab making androids, robots, cyborgs, AI or nanite oozes
85 Space lab controlling orbitals, satellites and planning colony missions
86 Bio Forge where food, transplant tissue or living creatures were created in with clone vats and bioprinters
87 AI Institure where experts communicate with research AI nodes
88 Spaceport where orbital shuttles come and go from
89 Global teleporter array and infrastructure
90 Hi-tech theme part with robots, androids and holograms operated by AI
91 Contaminated craters left by atomic. biological, chemical and psychotronic warheads
92 Area or battlefield ruins full of boobytraps, water-filled trenches, unexploded ammo, hostile robots and contamination
93 Area contaminated and crawling with undead, often still in apartments where they lived or places they worked. Some roving bands occupying ruins they can sleep by day
94 Area full of mutants and not the pathetic sad ones, but the tentacled infectious cannibalistic ones who lust for murder
95 Area occupied by animorphic abhuman gang who are protective of territory and wary of humans. Often occupy former human areas especially feral animals
96 Area overgrown with vegetation or fungus or even living mutant flesh, many unfamiliar perils lurk here while tribals know secrets of dwelling here
97 Dangerous military robot, borgs and androids guard this area killing humans on sight
98 Dangerous animals lair here and the local ecology is full of dangerous and giant mutants
99 A known ruined bunker abandoned long ago often used as a lair
100 A hidden advanced force here kill intruders and locals speculate they live underground in a bunker or sewers
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Post Apoc Locations 1 - Wasteland & Wilderness

So im playing video games sorry and being offline more. Am reading lots too so some more reviews coming and I got a few days ahead on writing.
So when making adventures you might need a location for something. It might be mentioned in a map or a prisoner might offer a cache stash for freedom. You might need a meeting place or a hideout of someone and possibly have some own atmosphere and mood. Whatever the case here they are. You could roll 2 or three times and combine them.
d10 Quick Location Types
1 Rural ruin
2 Farms
3 Tourist Attraction
4 Roadways
5 Bush
6 Wetlands
7 Desert
8 Rocky
9 Industrial
10 Tainted lands
d100 Wasteland & Wilderness Locations
01 Small shop and post office
02 Garbage dump with rubbish from many eras
03 Rusted and wrecked farm machines and vehicles in a field
04 Crude wooden shack surrounded by scrub
05 Ruined pub or hotel, often from colonial times
06 Oval with changing rooms, clubhouse with bar, tuck shop and sheds for groundskeeper and storage
07 School with several buildings, sports field and playground
08 Remains of scrap built a shantytown where mutants lived
09 Rural small hospital (12-30 capacity) often with a small airstrip for flying doctor service
10 Old church buildings with damaged roofs and a graveyard
11 Colonial farmhouse ruin, usually roofless and decayed
12 Settler farm shacks incorporating some repaired ruins
13 Ruined farmhouse with intact barn or sheds
14 Huge concrete water tanks or towers often with graffiti
15 Windmill with cattle troughs often attracts wild animals
16 Shed with old water bore pump
17 Shearing shed or dairy
18 Farm supply store in a large shed
19 Remains of wild fields and huge rusted and wrecked agromech
20 Fenced automated farm tended by robots behind an electric fence
21 Fairyland Village with animatronics robots living in mushroom cottages
22 Rangers shack often near the park entrance or on a hiking trail
23 Adventure playground now full of traps and critters
24 Caves with a tourist shack on top
25 Historic Mine with a shack on top and intact tunnels below
26 Tourist farm, specialising in some ancient produce like wine, chocolate, emus
27 Camping area with toilet and shower block with many camp sights
28 Aboriginal art site with remains of the tourist office, art gallery and prehistoric rock art
29 Tiny Town miniature village with miniature famous buildings, mini-golf, restaurant
30 Water park with pools, rides and water slides now decayed and vermin-infested
31 Ruined roadhouse or fuel station
32 Remains of a toll or truck weigh station with wrecked vehicles
33 Ruined motel complex
34 Huge billboard with fading advertising and campsite
35 Rest stop with campsite, map on a sign and ruined toilet block
36 Famous crossing where roads and or rail crosses
37 Highrise highway, often collapsed in sections, some even settles or with plants and animals
38 Transit tunnel for rail or ground cars through some obstacle
40 Bridge or overpass with wrecked vehicles and many hiding spaces or securable camps with limited access. Some bridges have hollow spaces used as bomb shelters
41 Thick scrub forest difficult to cross and undergrowth so thick
42 Gigantic gum trees often animals here or even a treehouse
43 Huge trees signs once used for native canoes or tribal markers
44 Pleasant tribal camp area with water and shelter from the wind and aeons of rock carvings
45 Burned area destroyed in a bushfire, now ghostly quiet and haunted
46 Remains of logging camp with wrecked forestry mecha
47 Fenced of former woodland wildlife park with cages and lots of sheds and ponds
48 Strange forest of eucalyptus trees that glows blue at night and give off strange fumes
49 Forestry reserve occupied by cloned pine trees and blackberry bushes
50 Area overgrown with titanic fungus growths and full of bugs
51 Waterfall with spectacular pool hidden by rocks and scrub
52 Marshland, bog or mangrove swamps
53 Bridge over water, mostly repaired over water
54 Rusted old iron bridge from 1890s, partly damaged over water
55 Salt lake seasonally flooded mostly surreal coloured salt crust over mud
56 Lake or river bend or beach with old holiday shack ruins
57 Ruined ferry crossing (might be in use)
58 Pleasant beach or river shore with rock pools and old warf
59 Billabong, part of river cut off forming pond, a favourite place for bunyips or camping
60 Huge wrecked marine vessels partially sunken, now overgrown and decayed
61 Sea of fine dust, white or yellow or red
62 Barren area with scrawny shrubs and skinny trees
63 Gigantic termite mounds like buildings
64 Cacti forest often mutant prickly pear or other varieties
65 Colourful desert flowers grow here and any rain brings forth spectacular colours
66 Broken rocky barren ground and loose red soil inhospitable to most life
67 Crater ancient missile attacks, contaminated, possibly a test range or miss
68 Huge skeleton of some mutant behemoth
69 Tribal campsite with water source hidden in rock outcrops if you know where to look
70 Sandy area with strange mounds and pits and burrows of some hazardous creature, mutant ant lions, moles, worms or some other menace
71 Old airfield with a small tower, sheds, wrecked aircraft and tattered windsock
72 Fenced off ruined military base, either damaged or pristine maintained by robots
73 Railway stations, often colonial buildings, some with various train sheds
74 Industrial complex for mining, agriculture or industry
75 Electrical substation or industrial solar battery
76 Caravan park with up to a hundred caravans and wrecked motorhomes
77 Wreckers yard with stacks of wrecked vehicles, robots and an aircraft. Also crushers, cranes and other machinery to strip wrecks, possibly working robots or wild dogs here
78 Pipeline once for water or gas or oil, often buried in actions or may have inspection points or crossings under roads or may have a walkway or pumphouse
79 Solar farm in barren flat land, semi-buried in sand
80 Wind farms in a windy area, hundreds of huge windmills
81 Quarry with machine wrecks and flooded pit
82 Open pit mine with tunnels and wrecked machines
83 Weathered canyon with limited entries
84 Toxic dump, fenced pit flooded with floating drums and strange colours
85 Spectacular natural rock formations a local landmark and colourful name
86 Cave complex or sinkhole into the deep
87 Cliffs and scrub where goats like to live, sometimes remains of native rock shelters or art
88 Area full of old mineshafts and rubble mounds, can be a hazard but often some underground dwellings or lairs
89 Collapsed sinkhole into an underground tube train tunnel that may go for any amount of distance. Long ago was a vacuum maglev train tube for hypersonic transit now a shelter for many creatures
90 Remains of a ruined prison built from prefab structures often ruined and covered in graffiti and fire damage
91 Concrete bunker with a rusted door
92 Aircraft or space shuttle crash site
93 Craters from ancient warhead strike, contaminated and strange coloured
94 Contaminated pool of strange coloured fluid, surrounded by stunted mutant plants
95 Remains of prison camp from prefab buildings and skeletons of polydomes and biohazard containment drums. Medical equipment and waste is plentiful
96 Remains of the military checkpoint with prefab buildings and an antenna and barricades
97 Ruined bunker complex with tunnels and exposed open entrance
98 Radar dish for defence and astronomy with control building
99 Large windowless building surrounded by fences and defence robots and dishes on top. An AI installation and formerly date security site may be intact or ruined
100 Battlefield contaminated and strewn in wreckage on bones, often dangerous mutants and scavengers lurk here and worse hazards
Look at this weird bug blogger did format-wise
Thankful fixed but I dad to cut and paste are remove all formatting which sometimes does other things I don't want. Tried to do again on new post opened up. Its like they want me to ragequit.
Are Undead Inherently Evil?
You see your undead granny and you know she would never hurt you, she just wants a kissy for granny.
So I like being fluid with ALignment for monsters. Evil aligned things in statblocks are just the typical ones that humans on the frontier meet at present. Hey maybe they are th most marginalised and desperate or perhaps they really are jerks. The typical members of a type might vary in culture, religion, experience and might surprise you.
So most beast and living creatures are neutral interested in food and sex and babies and territory and more.
Alien planar beings and gods operate under classical alignment as strictly as they can which means fighting opposite aligned things and possibly each other for not agreeing on what their alignment should do. Alignment was made by gods its not really for the best interest of mortal life. They are about starting fights not preventing them. When you argue about the alignment that's the benefit, not the obstacle.
Undead Alignments
So yes undead made by evil priests and necromancers are probably constructs fueled by hungry anti-life darkness from beyond. But the undead might just protect their own tombs, or their descendants, or lawbreakers or other motives. Maybe they just want justice?
This could create many problems like a state building a road but some chaotic or neutral undead don't agree and sabotage the road. Priests might not always fight undead they might seek to negotiate with them or bribe them to go away. That undead eating people turn out to only ate bad rich people and gave their money to charity. Some undead might be lonely or want love or poetry or some nice trees or the graveyard cleaned up. If all our other monsters can be any alignment why not undead. Possibly an undead believes they are one alignment but the evil nature of their unlife makes them do terrible things then justify it. Possibly you could argue with such an undead and make it leave people alone or crave self-destruction.
Also I have this feature on my undead turning
-Good turn or destroy the undead
-evil command or enslave the undead
-neutral hold or make an undead return to their proper resting place
d10 Undead Alignments
1 Chaotic Evil - random sadism and violence for power and pleasure
2 Lawful Evil - seeking domination through ordered hierarchy and fear
3 Pure Evil - anti-life, death and destruction for its own sake
4 Pure Law - civilisation, discipline and order forever
5 Pure Chaos - freedom, madness, laughter
6 Pure Good - serve life and help those in need
7 Chaotic Good - rebels against tyrants and powerful
8 Lawful Good - preserve life and the benevolent hierarchy
9 Balance - maintain cosmic harmony between law and chaos
10 Nuetral - defends interests of immediate self and own kind
1 Chaotic Evil
Random sadism and violence for power and pleasure
These undead hate the living and long to snuff them out to join them
Many just want to eat living humans and torment them
More sophisticated ones have more elaborate torments for whole kindgoms
There doesn't have to be an endgame other than the end of everything
These are most often animated by evil spells made to corrupt the world
They engage in random acts of destruction to end the world
They are easily distracted by easier victims or oportunities
Some may be allied to demons or even be corpses animated by demons
2 Lawful Evil
Seeking domination through ordered hierarchy and fear
These undead seek to dominate the living by fear and force
Often for some higher power seeking to enslave or enthral for eternity
Some spirits just want justice or revenge no matter who dies in the way
Some might hunt grave robbers or corpse mutilators or certain sinners
Common sort usually obey masters will or programmed orders
Smarter ones are the masters and make servants to obey them
Bringing about a never-ending age of darkness in the ultimate goal
These will have a definite purpose and goals or contracts
Systematic and methodical in efforts to gain power
Some may be allied to devils or even be corpses animated by devils
3 Pure Evil
Anti-life, death and destruction to spread terror and suffering
These undead mean to persecute and torment all lesser beings
They are indifferent to own harm and pain so they inflict suffering on others
Often bide their time, ambush, use proxies or hostages for attack
Would rather curse, maim and scare victims than let them off easily with death
May use bait or hostages to lure more victims and maximise suffering
Improvises new plans and easily tepted by opportunity for more pain
Allied to evil daemons and negative spirits
4 Pure Law
Civilisation, discipline and order forever
Undead only care about law and may hunt the wicked or seek just revenge
Undead may be guardians or defenders of a necropolis or hunt defilers of graves
Direct and relentless in pursuit of enemies
May capture or kill enemies depending on the seriousness fo the crime
Locals may recognise and will avoid or aid or see as righteous
Won't allow anyone to stop their justified pursuit
May warn or scare away any who get in way of targets
It May be constrained by an area of sacred ground
Only breach rules of the dead when other rules enable them
Allied to Arkon's of law
5 Pure Chaos
Freedom, madness, laughter
Spread disorder, disrupt civility, no masters, no laws, no slaves
Will use fear and abilities to disrupt travel, communications, trade, government
More likely to skirmish than fight to destruction, raid and flee standard
Fight in an undisciplined manner, charge as an irregular mob, then usually break up and run
May attack infrastructure like buildings, bridges, roads, signs, graveyards
Mostly wander erratically causing problems, ranting, act on strange whims
Smarter ones may preach esoteric anarchy of undeath and ultimate freedom
Abuse mortals who deny chaos and eternal novelty and pleasures of undeath
Death cant tell me what to do and human law can't stop me from eating who I want
Robbing tombs of other dead to make own grave nicer
Allied to chaos daemons and chaos spirits
6 Pure Good
Serve life and help those in need
Cannot rest until the suffering of others ends
Have an important purpose with lives to save
Fight evil and enemies of life otherwise shun violence or harming others
Prefer to scare or capture enemies into surrender and confess than die
May arise to help a holy place or town or clan then return to rest
Prefer to minimise the suffering of others
Scare foes away if possible for own good
Requires some evil to arise and act like protect descendants
Won't arise without some reason or great menace
Allied with benevolent spirits against evil
7 Chaotic Good
Freedom, rebellion and fight tyranny
Rebels against tyrants and powerful evil and injustice
May arise if tyrants show excesses of law and evil
May arise to attack forces of hell
May sometimes go for a walk just to check up on things
May arise to defend common folk from authority
May steal from rich or provide for the needy
May haunt areas to keep away the wicked from occupying
May shelter renegades from the pursuit by enemies
Might fall in love or desire the company of others
appreciate a party of a festival honouring them and leaving them treats
May desire a pretty thing owned by rulers
8 Lawful Good
Preserve life and the benevolent hierarchy
May arise to defend the good and just state or village
Arise against evil attempting to rob or defile the resting dead
Will haunt places defiled by evil to help curb influences of evil
May arise to punish an injustice while minimising harm to others
Protect graveyards from defilers and robbers and worse
May haunt wicked who killed them and try to make them face fair justice
May arise to punish a false leader only pretending to be good or lawful
Hate institutions mocking law and goodness like a cruel prison full of inocents
9 Balance
Maintain cosmic harmony between law and chaos
May arise if law or chaos out of balance and will try to aid the underdog
May arise if too much law and chaos and will seek to remove both
May arise if area overcome with invaders, bandits or chaos warbands
May arise if area overcome with petty pointless officiousness
Aid or support agents of the cosmic balance
Maybe angered by extremists of any kind threatening the local balance
Don't want to be disturbed happy resting as dead should
10 Neutral
Defends interests of immediate self and own kind
May arise to aid descendants or legacy left behind
May want to return stolen grave goods or protect own clan graves
May protect locals from harm or changes they don't like
May ignore the plight of strangers or troubles don't affect them
May seek more grave goods by theft or extortion or robbing enemy graves
Might just hang around graveyard socialising with other dead
Mostly shun the living unless bribed or have important plea and are kin
See intruders in grave areas as fair game to rob and punish
Might be hungry and just eat you without malice
So I like being fluid with ALignment for monsters. Evil aligned things in statblocks are just the typical ones that humans on the frontier meet at present. Hey maybe they are th most marginalised and desperate or perhaps they really are jerks. The typical members of a type might vary in culture, religion, experience and might surprise you.
So most beast and living creatures are neutral interested in food and sex and babies and territory and more.
Alien planar beings and gods operate under classical alignment as strictly as they can which means fighting opposite aligned things and possibly each other for not agreeing on what their alignment should do. Alignment was made by gods its not really for the best interest of mortal life. They are about starting fights not preventing them. When you argue about the alignment that's the benefit, not the obstacle.
Undead Alignments
So yes undead made by evil priests and necromancers are probably constructs fueled by hungry anti-life darkness from beyond. But the undead might just protect their own tombs, or their descendants, or lawbreakers or other motives. Maybe they just want justice?
This could create many problems like a state building a road but some chaotic or neutral undead don't agree and sabotage the road. Priests might not always fight undead they might seek to negotiate with them or bribe them to go away. That undead eating people turn out to only ate bad rich people and gave their money to charity. Some undead might be lonely or want love or poetry or some nice trees or the graveyard cleaned up. If all our other monsters can be any alignment why not undead. Possibly an undead believes they are one alignment but the evil nature of their unlife makes them do terrible things then justify it. Possibly you could argue with such an undead and make it leave people alone or crave self-destruction.
Also I have this feature on my undead turning
-Good turn or destroy the undead
-evil command or enslave the undead
-neutral hold or make an undead return to their proper resting place
d10 Undead Alignments
1 Chaotic Evil - random sadism and violence for power and pleasure
2 Lawful Evil - seeking domination through ordered hierarchy and fear
3 Pure Evil - anti-life, death and destruction for its own sake
4 Pure Law - civilisation, discipline and order forever
5 Pure Chaos - freedom, madness, laughter
6 Pure Good - serve life and help those in need
7 Chaotic Good - rebels against tyrants and powerful
8 Lawful Good - preserve life and the benevolent hierarchy
9 Balance - maintain cosmic harmony between law and chaos
10 Nuetral - defends interests of immediate self and own kind
1 Chaotic Evil
Random sadism and violence for power and pleasure
These undead hate the living and long to snuff them out to join them
Many just want to eat living humans and torment them
More sophisticated ones have more elaborate torments for whole kindgoms
There doesn't have to be an endgame other than the end of everything
These are most often animated by evil spells made to corrupt the world
They engage in random acts of destruction to end the world
They are easily distracted by easier victims or oportunities
Some may be allied to demons or even be corpses animated by demons
2 Lawful Evil
Seeking domination through ordered hierarchy and fear
These undead seek to dominate the living by fear and force
Often for some higher power seeking to enslave or enthral for eternity
Some spirits just want justice or revenge no matter who dies in the way
Some might hunt grave robbers or corpse mutilators or certain sinners
Common sort usually obey masters will or programmed orders
Smarter ones are the masters and make servants to obey them
Bringing about a never-ending age of darkness in the ultimate goal
These will have a definite purpose and goals or contracts
Systematic and methodical in efforts to gain power
Some may be allied to devils or even be corpses animated by devils
3 Pure Evil
Anti-life, death and destruction to spread terror and suffering
These undead mean to persecute and torment all lesser beings
They are indifferent to own harm and pain so they inflict suffering on others
Often bide their time, ambush, use proxies or hostages for attack
Would rather curse, maim and scare victims than let them off easily with death
May use bait or hostages to lure more victims and maximise suffering
Improvises new plans and easily tepted by opportunity for more pain
Allied to evil daemons and negative spirits
4 Pure Law
Civilisation, discipline and order forever
Undead only care about law and may hunt the wicked or seek just revenge
Undead may be guardians or defenders of a necropolis or hunt defilers of graves
Direct and relentless in pursuit of enemies
May capture or kill enemies depending on the seriousness fo the crime
Locals may recognise and will avoid or aid or see as righteous
Won't allow anyone to stop their justified pursuit
May warn or scare away any who get in way of targets
It May be constrained by an area of sacred ground
Only breach rules of the dead when other rules enable them
Allied to Arkon's of law
5 Pure Chaos
Freedom, madness, laughter
Spread disorder, disrupt civility, no masters, no laws, no slaves
Will use fear and abilities to disrupt travel, communications, trade, government
More likely to skirmish than fight to destruction, raid and flee standard
Fight in an undisciplined manner, charge as an irregular mob, then usually break up and run
May attack infrastructure like buildings, bridges, roads, signs, graveyards
Mostly wander erratically causing problems, ranting, act on strange whims
Smarter ones may preach esoteric anarchy of undeath and ultimate freedom
Abuse mortals who deny chaos and eternal novelty and pleasures of undeath
Death cant tell me what to do and human law can't stop me from eating who I want
Robbing tombs of other dead to make own grave nicer
Allied to chaos daemons and chaos spirits
6 Pure Good
Serve life and help those in need
Cannot rest until the suffering of others ends
Have an important purpose with lives to save
Fight evil and enemies of life otherwise shun violence or harming others
Prefer to scare or capture enemies into surrender and confess than die
May arise to help a holy place or town or clan then return to rest
Prefer to minimise the suffering of others
Scare foes away if possible for own good
Requires some evil to arise and act like protect descendants
Won't arise without some reason or great menace
Allied with benevolent spirits against evil
7 Chaotic Good
Freedom, rebellion and fight tyranny
Rebels against tyrants and powerful evil and injustice
May arise if tyrants show excesses of law and evil
May arise to attack forces of hell
May sometimes go for a walk just to check up on things
May arise to defend common folk from authority
May steal from rich or provide for the needy
May haunt areas to keep away the wicked from occupying
May shelter renegades from the pursuit by enemies
Might fall in love or desire the company of others
appreciate a party of a festival honouring them and leaving them treats
May desire a pretty thing owned by rulers
8 Lawful Good
Preserve life and the benevolent hierarchy
May arise to defend the good and just state or village
Arise against evil attempting to rob or defile the resting dead
Will haunt places defiled by evil to help curb influences of evil
May arise to punish an injustice while minimising harm to others
Protect graveyards from defilers and robbers and worse
May haunt wicked who killed them and try to make them face fair justice
May arise to punish a false leader only pretending to be good or lawful
Hate institutions mocking law and goodness like a cruel prison full of inocents
9 Balance
Maintain cosmic harmony between law and chaos
May arise if law or chaos out of balance and will try to aid the underdog
May arise if too much law and chaos and will seek to remove both
May arise if area overcome with invaders, bandits or chaos warbands
May arise if area overcome with petty pointless officiousness
Aid or support agents of the cosmic balance
Maybe angered by extremists of any kind threatening the local balance
Don't want to be disturbed happy resting as dead should
10 Neutral
Defends interests of immediate self and own kind
May arise to aid descendants or legacy left behind
May want to return stolen grave goods or protect own clan graves
May protect locals from harm or changes they don't like
May ignore the plight of strangers or troubles don't affect them
May seek more grave goods by theft or extortion or robbing enemy graves
Might just hang around graveyard socialising with other dead
Mostly shun the living unless bribed or have important plea and are kin
See intruders in grave areas as fair game to rob and punish
Might be hungry and just eat you without malice
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