Just stuff to add detail to a hex and are places to use and landmarks or avoided
d12 Landmark Additions
1 Garbage mounds
2 Road or rail or garbage-filled canal
d12 Landmark Additions
1 Garbage mounds
2 Road or rail or garbage-filled canal
3 Monster lair
4 Faction or gang lair
5 Craters
6 Mud everywhere
7 Bones everywhere
8 Fire or explosive damage
9 Campsite with evidence of a faction
10 Corpses (possibly undead) d6 1=battlefield 2=massacre 3=gas 4=plague 5=prisoners 6=mutilated and displayed to demoralize enemies
11 Holes from digging scavengers or creatures, possibly sandbags
12 Giant Vermin infested d4 1=rats 2=fly maggots 3=worms 4=crickets
d10 Quick Landmark Types
1 Garbage
4 Faction or gang lair
5 Craters
6 Mud everywhere
7 Bones everywhere
8 Fire or explosive damage
9 Campsite with evidence of a faction
10 Corpses (possibly undead) d6 1=battlefield 2=massacre 3=gas 4=plague 5=prisoners 6=mutilated and displayed to demoralize enemies
11 Holes from digging scavengers or creatures, possibly sandbags
12 Giant Vermin infested d4 1=rats 2=fly maggots 3=worms 4=crickets
d10 Quick Landmark Types
1 Garbage
2 Rubble
3 Wreckage
4 Hazards
5 Structure
6 Land
7 Life
8 Death
9 Ruin
10 Weird
d100 Hex Crawl Landmarks for Chagrinspire
01 Garbage heaps of scrap, cans. bottles and scraps of wood
02 Huge midden heap started in the pre-human dawn age now with bott
03 Huge mound of broken garbage including tools, furniture, pots, wagon wheels, wood scraps
04 Drums of leaking alchemical waste and colourful sickly pools, often mutants close
d100 Hex Crawl Landmarks for Chagrinspire
01 Garbage heaps of scrap, cans. bottles and scraps of wood
02 Huge midden heap started in the pre-human dawn age now with bott
03 Huge mound of broken garbage including tools, furniture, pots, wagon wheels, wood scraps
04 Drums of leaking alchemical waste and colourful sickly pools, often mutants close
05 Mass or barbed wire, mud, wood and corpses in mounds dragged here by machines
06 Rubbish dump covering acres, mounds of papers, broken bottles and pots, cooking tools, household items, occasional ornaments or toys
07 River barge laden with scrap and garbage, somehow stranded in a flood
08 Remains of a merchant caravan attacked by raiders. Tracks lead to the killers
09 Stacks of broken pipes, rail sleepers and lap posts
10 Fenced-off collection of sorted scrap heaps into glass, copper, iron, wood, sheet metal, and building supplies operated by a clan of scrappers guarding their treasures
11 Loose piles of bricks with mortar chunks sorted by condition
12 Crater with muddy pool and some plants growing in muck
13 Crater full of rubble and remains of a building
14 Broken statues are part of a shattered monument
15 Parts of an enormous statue in shattered pieces once stood over a road or canal
16 Remains if a canal choked with garbage
17 Remains of train tracks
18 Remains of telegraph or electric poles
19 Remains of a boating pond and rubble from a kiosk and boatshed, might me intact boat
20 Ruined outer wall of the building where ceiling has long fallen in. Vegetation has overgrown rubble and machines inside
21 A wrecked automobile frame, scavengers have stripped panels and parts
22 Crashed autogyro frame, the propeller turns in wind
23 Crashed airliner mostly wood and canvas biplane seating 10-30 passengers once
24 Fishing boats possibly washed here in flood
25 Paddlesteamer wreck possibly washed here in flood
26 Airship wreck with metal frame and tattered fabric
27 Train with 2d6 carriages on a section of line, partly stripped and graffiti-covered
28 Train half buried in the hill from collapsed tunnel or avalanche
29 Wrecked rusted ship hulk
30 Wrecked land leviathan on caterpillar tracks or other vast tracked industrial machine
31 Sinkholes into d4 1=caverns 2=train station 3=underground canal 4=ruined bunker
32 Mud deeper than it looks, some areas a tar pit, might have old undead inside
33 Iron tower if any get close affected by mind-altering confusion field, protecting a small structure d4 1=mind control station 2=zombie implant lab and control centre 3=bunker entrance 4=teleporter station
34 Area with strange aurora affects d4 1=anti magic 2=mutagenic 3=confusion 4=facination
36 Are prone to sudden bouts of natural or dangerous weather like d6 1=storm 2=acid rain 3=fog 4=mutagenic rain 5=hail 6=rains frogs)
37 Scrapheap of wrecked machines and broken automatons who want to brew biofuel from living creatures
38 Geothermal activity d6 1=geyser 2=boiling mud 3=strange miasma 4=ground shakes here 5=crater of boiling lave 6=burning gas or oil pipe, burning for centuries
39 Alien crystals growing from some crashed structure of the celestial star spirit folk
40 Burning koboldium deposits exposed, burns feet, blinding and coking dust and sickly rays from the glow. Kobolds mining say it belongs to them and are immune to health risks
41 Train station d4 1=surface platform 2=subway 3=freight with warehouses 4=cattle pens and ramps
42 Park with d6 1=band stand 2=triumphant arch memorial shrine 3=playground 4=traction engine for children to climb on 5=muddy sportsfield and stand 6=shatered overgrown greenhouse showing monstrous plants from across the world
43 Leasure complex ruin d6 1=gymnasium 2=stadium 3=dance hall 4=theme park with clown mouth entrance "Lunatic Park", condition varies 5=public bath house 6=pleasure palace
06 Rubbish dump covering acres, mounds of papers, broken bottles and pots, cooking tools, household items, occasional ornaments or toys
07 River barge laden with scrap and garbage, somehow stranded in a flood
08 Remains of a merchant caravan attacked by raiders. Tracks lead to the killers
09 Stacks of broken pipes, rail sleepers and lap posts
10 Fenced-off collection of sorted scrap heaps into glass, copper, iron, wood, sheet metal, and building supplies operated by a clan of scrappers guarding their treasures
11 Loose piles of bricks with mortar chunks sorted by condition
12 Crater with muddy pool and some plants growing in muck
13 Crater full of rubble and remains of a building
14 Broken statues are part of a shattered monument
15 Parts of an enormous statue in shattered pieces once stood over a road or canal
16 Remains if a canal choked with garbage
17 Remains of train tracks
18 Remains of telegraph or electric poles
19 Remains of a boating pond and rubble from a kiosk and boatshed, might me intact boat
20 Ruined outer wall of the building where ceiling has long fallen in. Vegetation has overgrown rubble and machines inside
21 A wrecked automobile frame, scavengers have stripped panels and parts
22 Crashed autogyro frame, the propeller turns in wind
23 Crashed airliner mostly wood and canvas biplane seating 10-30 passengers once
24 Fishing boats possibly washed here in flood
25 Paddlesteamer wreck possibly washed here in flood
26 Airship wreck with metal frame and tattered fabric
27 Train with 2d6 carriages on a section of line, partly stripped and graffiti-covered
28 Train half buried in the hill from collapsed tunnel or avalanche
29 Wrecked rusted ship hulk
30 Wrecked land leviathan on caterpillar tracks or other vast tracked industrial machine
31 Sinkholes into d4 1=caverns 2=train station 3=underground canal 4=ruined bunker
32 Mud deeper than it looks, some areas a tar pit, might have old undead inside
33 Iron tower if any get close affected by mind-altering confusion field, protecting a small structure d4 1=mind control station 2=zombie implant lab and control centre 3=bunker entrance 4=teleporter station
34 Area with strange aurora affects d4 1=anti magic 2=mutagenic 3=confusion 4=facination
36 Are prone to sudden bouts of natural or dangerous weather like d6 1=storm 2=acid rain 3=fog 4=mutagenic rain 5=hail 6=rains frogs)
37 Scrapheap of wrecked machines and broken automatons who want to brew biofuel from living creatures
38 Geothermal activity d6 1=geyser 2=boiling mud 3=strange miasma 4=ground shakes here 5=crater of boiling lave 6=burning gas or oil pipe, burning for centuries
39 Alien crystals growing from some crashed structure of the celestial star spirit folk
40 Burning koboldium deposits exposed, burns feet, blinding and coking dust and sickly rays from the glow. Kobolds mining say it belongs to them and are immune to health risks
41 Train station d4 1=surface platform 2=subway 3=freight with warehouses 4=cattle pens and ramps
42 Park with d6 1=band stand 2=triumphant arch memorial shrine 3=playground 4=traction engine for children to climb on 5=muddy sportsfield and stand 6=shatered overgrown greenhouse showing monstrous plants from across the world
43 Leasure complex ruin d6 1=gymnasium 2=stadium 3=dance hall 4=theme park with clown mouth entrance "Lunatic Park", condition varies 5=public bath house 6=pleasure palace
44 Millitary complex ruin d4 1=checkpoint 2=gun emplacement 3=bunker 4=barracks with quad for marching and obstacle course 5=automated prison camp 6=airstrip with hangers built into hillside
45 Industrial complex ruin d6 1=factory 2=warehouse 3=alchemist tower built around industrial scale apparatus 4=refinery with huge vats 5=ironworks where iron and steel goods once made 6=factory building machines from domestic to vehicles or automatons
46 Medical complex ruin for d6 1=millitary 2=veterans home 3=research with abhuman recycling centre 4=raising dead as implant controlled zombie soldiers 5=cloning soldiers 6=growing flesh golems or other monsters
47 Mine site, a recent addition with lots of fences, sheds and ruined machines. A group manage it to mine scrap and guard claims. Some will trade for food or booze or entertainment or run a bar d4 1=slavers 2=scavengers guild 3=miners guild 4=dwarves
48 Rowns of ruined worker cottages and intact streets with lamp posts
49 Pumping station house ruin d6 1=oil well 2=ichor from a sleeping buried horror kaiju 3=gas well 4=water purifier 5=sewerage recycling 6=air for underground tunnel system and pneumatic messenger tubes
50 Grave complex ruin with a wall d4 1=mostly concrete headstones in rows 2=mousoleum complex with catacombs 3=mostly rows of fancy tombs for elites and heroes 4=cremetorium a wall built from carbonised soldiers and an underground biofuel part and butchershop for necromancers
46 Medical complex ruin for d6 1=millitary 2=veterans home 3=research with abhuman recycling centre 4=raising dead as implant controlled zombie soldiers 5=cloning soldiers 6=growing flesh golems or other monsters
47 Mine site, a recent addition with lots of fences, sheds and ruined machines. A group manage it to mine scrap and guard claims. Some will trade for food or booze or entertainment or run a bar d4 1=slavers 2=scavengers guild 3=miners guild 4=dwarves
48 Rowns of ruined worker cottages and intact streets with lamp posts
49 Pumping station house ruin d6 1=oil well 2=ichor from a sleeping buried horror kaiju 3=gas well 4=water purifier 5=sewerage recycling 6=air for underground tunnel system and pneumatic messenger tubes
50 Grave complex ruin with a wall d4 1=mostly concrete headstones in rows 2=mousoleum complex with catacombs 3=mostly rows of fancy tombs for elites and heroes 4=cremetorium a wall built from carbonised soldiers and an underground biofuel part and butchershop for necromancers
51 Crumling recent mudslide exposed a cliff and some long-buried ruins or tunnel
52 Artificial hill been raised since the apocalypse war possibly by barbarians or wild folk
53 Huge worn rocks are really petrified trolls, if demineralsed they will be hideously mutilated by erosion and vandalism
54 A hill has a sort of look about it, did it move! d6 1=sleeping kaiju dreaming 2=severed head of elemental god 3=severed arm of a god or elder titans avatar 4=under the mud is a fleshy spawn of Xor the world of living flesh growing new titan 5=golem face cut into rock as a monument now covered in grime, it longs to be clean and have mud removed from its interior
55 A vast fleshy tentacled shoggoth rests inches under mud, its fleshy tendrils will appear first
56 A great stone egg has been dug or blasted from a hill or crater, if meddled with d4 1=adult flying star hydra 2=titanic rust monster 3=gigantic carrion crawler 4=collosal slime
57 Hill is actually a vast buried mobile war machine or citadel or automaton colossus
52 Artificial hill been raised since the apocalypse war possibly by barbarians or wild folk
53 Huge worn rocks are really petrified trolls, if demineralsed they will be hideously mutilated by erosion and vandalism
54 A hill has a sort of look about it, did it move! d6 1=sleeping kaiju dreaming 2=severed head of elemental god 3=severed arm of a god or elder titans avatar 4=under the mud is a fleshy spawn of Xor the world of living flesh growing new titan 5=golem face cut into rock as a monument now covered in grime, it longs to be clean and have mud removed from its interior
55 A vast fleshy tentacled shoggoth rests inches under mud, its fleshy tendrils will appear first
56 A great stone egg has been dug or blasted from a hill or crater, if meddled with d4 1=adult flying star hydra 2=titanic rust monster 3=gigantic carrion crawler 4=collosal slime
57 Hill is actually a vast buried mobile war machine or citadel or automaton colossus
58 Rows of hills and cliffs form a chokepoint for control by factions or bandits or monsters, regularly meet encounters here
59 Cave entrance to an underground lake and evidence connected to underground canals, possibly find intact or sunken canal boats and barges
60 Hill with a shattered concrete and iron fortress with torn armour plate and pockmarked with craters, a ruined bunker inside is likely haunted by disturbed dead
61 Area has some living vegetation and some specimens of carnivorous or even ambulant plants from specimens across the world that has escaped captivity. Some cults worship these areas
62 Pool with fish, frogs, vegetation with some giant dragonflies and their aquatic larvae
63 Patch of pleasant trees maintained by visiting elves or druids
64 Mutated patch of scrub easy to hide in
65 Bog with some pools but inhabited by marine preditors d4 1=frogs 2=turtle 3=fish 4=bugs
66 Giant thorns and vines forming walls, smoke from burning them is toxic, cutting them is slow
67 Dangerous giant fungus with exploding toadstools, giant mould and ambulant fungus. Often giant worms or bugs live here and goblins might move in or hunt here
68 Protoplasm pool if approached it quivers releasing d4 1=slimes 2=mutant dungeon monster 3=doppelgangers 4=hairless mindless berserkers 5=pathetic hybrid monstrosities that mostly die in the current atmosphere but a few grow into mutant dinosaurs or megafauna 6=giant worms or maggots
69 Giant ant colony covers a few acres but might also keep away looters
70 Area has hazardous life d4 1=mould 2=sleep poppies 3=razor grass 4=hangmans vines
71 Cratered field with unexploded bomb, its a golem bomb and it will talk but is depressed and wants people to hear its poetry or something
72 Minefield with barbed wire and warning signs
62 Pool with fish, frogs, vegetation with some giant dragonflies and their aquatic larvae
63 Patch of pleasant trees maintained by visiting elves or druids
64 Mutated patch of scrub easy to hide in
65 Bog with some pools but inhabited by marine preditors d4 1=frogs 2=turtle 3=fish 4=bugs
66 Giant thorns and vines forming walls, smoke from burning them is toxic, cutting them is slow
67 Dangerous giant fungus with exploding toadstools, giant mould and ambulant fungus. Often giant worms or bugs live here and goblins might move in or hunt here
68 Protoplasm pool if approached it quivers releasing d4 1=slimes 2=mutant dungeon monster 3=doppelgangers 4=hairless mindless berserkers 5=pathetic hybrid monstrosities that mostly die in the current atmosphere but a few grow into mutant dinosaurs or megafauna 6=giant worms or maggots
69 Giant ant colony covers a few acres but might also keep away looters
70 Area has hazardous life d4 1=mould 2=sleep poppies 3=razor grass 4=hangmans vines
71 Cratered field with unexploded bomb, its a golem bomb and it will talk but is depressed and wants people to hear its poetry or something
72 Minefield with barbed wire and warning signs
73 Zombie soldiers with metal antenna, at least a hundred, walking in a circle and forming a dust devil
74 Fog appears often here allows undead like ghouls to roam by day and attracts their lairs
75 Poltergeists but they may trigger buried grenades or mines, or strike tools at unexploded shells
76 Spectral soldiers watch area, first you year marching, shooting then shouting before they appear to attack
77 Restless dead arise here if living defile their rest
78 A bunker of cyborg undead long to die in battle with the living they despise
79 Wailing moaning phantoms harass travellers making demands
80 Camp of necromancers building undead construct d4 1=flesh golem (patchwork old style) 2=collossus 3=mobile siege engine 4=bone juggernaut
81 Mostly collapsed tower with stone cannonballs visible stuck in intact walls
82 Observation tower with a shack on stilts, often with maps, telescope, camping items
74 Fog appears often here allows undead like ghouls to roam by day and attracts their lairs
75 Poltergeists but they may trigger buried grenades or mines, or strike tools at unexploded shells
76 Spectral soldiers watch area, first you year marching, shooting then shouting before they appear to attack
77 Restless dead arise here if living defile their rest
78 A bunker of cyborg undead long to die in battle with the living they despise
79 Wailing moaning phantoms harass travellers making demands
80 Camp of necromancers building undead construct d4 1=flesh golem (patchwork old style) 2=collossus 3=mobile siege engine 4=bone juggernaut
81 Mostly collapsed tower with stone cannonballs visible stuck in intact walls
82 Observation tower with a shack on stilts, often with maps, telescope, camping items
83 Small concrete defence bunker with pillbox defence and minefield
84 Concrete tank traps or walls of concrete tetrahedrons
84 Dozens of rotting rail cars parked in a field, multiple occupants might live here, covered in graffiti
86 Trenches and sandbags around a concrete bunker with a defence gun
87 Faction have set up a base camp in a roofless ruined building
88 Plaza surrounded by concrete apartments damaged by shells and fire but mostly intact
89 Abandoned settlements may have new occupants or a creature lair
90 Huge burned out industrial plant with shattered huge tanks and a maze of pipes
91 An intact ancient building protected by elementals
92 A golem or juggernaut stands here waiting for something but will defend itself
93 Concrete observation station with telescope watching crystal citadels of the star spirits in the heavens. Cultists and wizards desire such places. Some are linked to machines in Chagrinspire that can draw small crystal palaces to earth
94 A dragon lair with draconic templar servants of the beast who charge tolls to cross safely
95 A titan size statue is a petrified forgotten gods corpse, its soul was removed and is imprisoned in Chagrinspire but it might be able to ask for aid through touch or dreams
96 Stone sealed well leading to a magical pit trapping an outsider deity from the void being drained of temporal energy. Magic traps and guardians keep the gods cult out
97 Intact humming stone pylon, a secret code can open into a dimensional substance linking it to one or more other pylons. There are sleeping reptilian guardians and mummified heads of their creators in a shrine
98 Ruin has been converted into a blasphemous demon cult temple decorated to please their god. Some have been burned a few times
99 Tavern set up in a ruin occupied by escapees from hell, immortals and petty gods moaning they are trapped in the shadows reach of Chaginspire somehow
100 An elemental node or hell gate leaks beings from another world in the area
84 Concrete tank traps or walls of concrete tetrahedrons
84 Dozens of rotting rail cars parked in a field, multiple occupants might live here, covered in graffiti
86 Trenches and sandbags around a concrete bunker with a defence gun
87 Faction have set up a base camp in a roofless ruined building
88 Plaza surrounded by concrete apartments damaged by shells and fire but mostly intact
89 Abandoned settlements may have new occupants or a creature lair
90 Huge burned out industrial plant with shattered huge tanks and a maze of pipes
91 An intact ancient building protected by elementals
92 A golem or juggernaut stands here waiting for something but will defend itself
93 Concrete observation station with telescope watching crystal citadels of the star spirits in the heavens. Cultists and wizards desire such places. Some are linked to machines in Chagrinspire that can draw small crystal palaces to earth
94 A dragon lair with draconic templar servants of the beast who charge tolls to cross safely
95 A titan size statue is a petrified forgotten gods corpse, its soul was removed and is imprisoned in Chagrinspire but it might be able to ask for aid through touch or dreams
96 Stone sealed well leading to a magical pit trapping an outsider deity from the void being drained of temporal energy. Magic traps and guardians keep the gods cult out
97 Intact humming stone pylon, a secret code can open into a dimensional substance linking it to one or more other pylons. There are sleeping reptilian guardians and mummified heads of their creators in a shrine
98 Ruin has been converted into a blasphemous demon cult temple decorated to please their god. Some have been burned a few times
99 Tavern set up in a ruin occupied by escapees from hell, immortals and petty gods moaning they are trapped in the shadows reach of Chaginspire somehow
100 An elemental node or hell gate leaks beings from another world in the area
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