Friday 6 September 2024

d12 Cataclysmic Encounters & Weird Wasteland Locations

Are players bored of mud and bad food?
Just pop in one of these into any hex 

Sites might be buried and uncovered, hidden in nearby dimensions and returned or might just reappear from some temporal effect. These places will be contested by rival people

d12 Cataclysmic Encounters
1 Great two or three or four-legged war automaton with a d3 seperate10d6 cannon stomps on the way to destroy some target d4 1=scavengers looting train lines 2=barbarian camp 3=fight a monster 4=seal an exposed ruin with artillery fire
2 Guargantuan shaggy beast a draconic being whos quills fire like longbow shots and it creates fire. It is looking for livestock to eat and looking for settlers it can scare into feeding it - intelligent but can't speak human only dragon. Loves young purple worms best 
3 Guargantuan black pudding oozes to the surface and guards a  strange ruin
4 Vast expanding carpets of giant worms slowly ooze over several acres scouring it of organic matter for several days until ravens in the thousands decent and finish them off
5 Witness a distant airship or biplane bomber squadron drop bombs and destroy a wizard's camp killing everyone or see  a dragon destroy several fighter biplanes
6 Witness a skeleton army battle a squad of automatons with machine guns on a tracked golem car troop carrier. The automatons depart after the battle unless anyone seems a threat
7 Witness group mind flesh golems grown in black sphere labs swarm from ruin and slaughter and loot crusader soldiers then march into a nearby sub-train station. They swarm and kill anyone in their way with new looted weapons
8 See a star fall in the distance and various beings all get ready to set off to loot what they can from the star people or perhaps some star metal or celestial crystals (things falling from sky tables). Sometimes many objects fall and bring strange new things even black sphere moon rockets
9 A great cloud of strange vapour drowns the lowlands of the wastes (miasma tables)
10 See a huge hole in the earth happen and a huge sinkhole falls into some underground complex d4 1=mines 2=bunker 3=caverns 4=kaiju prison (see kaiju tables)
11 Aurauras from the Chagrinspre expand and are visible for a d4 days affecting the whole waste and making many just hide till it over (see aurora tables)
12 A great herd of beasts from the southern planes arrive to pick at some mineral deposits across the wasteland. 1in4 are followed by a barbarian tribe who hate and fear most magic d4 1=mammoths or other megafauna 2=dinosaurs 3=bison or auroch 4=deer or elk

d12 Weird Wasteland Locations
 Unknown settlement most likely they prefer it that way d4 1=chaos cult hillbilly farmers 2=scavengers with a secret 3=cultists pretending to be innocent survivors scratching mud for a living 4=non humans usually wary of humans

Industrial complex with ruined roofless factories and train tracks. Various open-top cars or minerals or scrap or fluid tank cars. Other ruined vehicles are scattered. Often a faction or colony of creatures inhabiting it. Silos of raw materials and refinery tanks line the tracks. In rare cases automatons move in, erect a fence and restore production.

3 Sealed factory complex once every 2 weeks releases manufactured soldiers with often crude weapons but some in uniforms with muskets. Humanoids made in one factory are the same type and include d4 1=mindlinked flesh golems that kill every moving creature 2=automaton soldiers 3=abhuman soldiers 4=clone infantry all convinced they have sweethearts and a home they are defending programed by the conditioning machines

4 A cave is really the digestive tract of a kaiju with many people and creatures living inside it like parasites with even built shelters. The people are sure its safe for a bit longer

Airfields with huge ruined hangers with several aircraft and airship frames burned on the tarmac. Scavenging peoples often fight over rubbish mounds

6 Train graveyard in a field with nearly a hundred carriages and a dozen dead golem train wrecks brought here to use for spare parts. All kinds of critters and people live inside them or camp here

7 Monoliths of d8+1m high often of stone not from the area. Many have carved occur signs and these might glow if activated by touch. Some show signs of sacrifice or usage. d4 1=bound and imprisoned demon or elemental may be possible to communicate with it and it will ask for help to escape 2=portal to another continent where ancient invaders came from 3=druidic and gives +1 spell level to nature magic 4=comunication device to a noble entity of another plane once used by allied forces against chagrinspire

8 Carnivorous plants, vegetation and plant abhumans of various types fighting over the colour of their flowers. A dark druid or a cult often lives here encouraging carnivorous plant monsters that enjoy alchemy-polluted soils. Many are attracted by the green which might hide a ruin but usually, explorers die fast 

9 Fungal bloom of giant mushrooms and toadstools, with mould and lichen and slimes. Various giant beetles and lizards move in then goblinoids and dark sprites and fungus folk

10 Alien crystals growing over an area or possibly from a geode underground sending up a splinter. Sometimes fast-growing crystals are short-lived and melt in the rain or certain auroras of miasmas kill it. Slower ones last longer and may have a crystal life ecology

11 Zone overgrown with alien flesh from Xor which overgrows a few acres for a d4 days before black sphere airships bomb it and seal the dimensional rift to the living world of flesh with koboldium bombs. After two  days mouths and eyes form on three days it spawns random fleshy monstrosities and weird abhumans on the fourth (d41=eye-folk 2=headless chest faced folk 3=one legged hopping folk 4=two headed folk)

Power Pylons are great 30m metal disks with four 12m high iron frames postds leaning inwards with crystal globes at the tops. When active these cracks and arc magic power. Some say sorcerers could recharge from them but those who try just explode. These devices have various properties d12 1=anti air defence shoots 10d6 lightning bolt at large flying metal objects 2=mineral accumulator forming a large mass of metal in the middle to be collected by automatons monthly 3=aurora generator field covers a few hundred meters circle 4=trap holding an outer god since the apocalypse war 5=portal to an elemental or demonic plane 6=keeps kaiju away 7=pulls objects from the sky to fall to earth near here 8=weather controller 9=controls local spatial-temporal anomaly 10=trapping spirits and ghosts to send power to Chagrinspire 11=covers a ruin with a force field dome 12=keeps away gods manifesting in hex, demons and god avatars slain in area fee their souls to Chagrinspire and do not reform on their own plane. Some gods compartment souls and survive but they will not risk returning and why the waste are the godless lands 

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