Saturday 21 September 2024

d100 Castle Encounters

On my to do list a long time
just for hanging around a castle petty dramas really 

slowly doing a bunch of knight stuff to add to my auldwood setting which is east of Chagrinspire

d10 Quick Castle Encounters
1 Servants
2 Professionals
3 Guards
7 Specialists

10 Supernatural

d100 Castle Encounters
01 Servant with a chamberpot
02 Servant listening at a door
03 Someone being creepy to a servant
04 Servant pocketing some item they were admiring
05 Servant sobbing
06 Noble leading a servant on with lies
07 Servant carrying food
08 Servants with mops and scrubbing
09 Servants tending to lamps and candles
10 Servants gossiping
11 Carpenter working on wooden furnishings
12 Masons repairing stonework
13 Labourers moving boxes
14 Smith and apprentice tending to metalwork
15 Healer and assistant on the way to a patient
16 Steward inspecting castle condition with a scribe
17 Merchant guest and own servant looking around
18 Scribe with an assistant on way to a meeting
19 Nurse or midwife visiting some women
20 Archers d6 on the way to post
21 Two spearmen on patrol or way to guard duty
22 Sergeant and corporal with two veterans off to a meeting
23 Engineer planning for future defences and construction
24 Herald with trumpet or horn or drum on way to the tower
25 Four guards carrying a small chest to be locked up or used by noble
26 Guards drinking or playing dice 
27 Archer watching out a window with bow under orders
28 Guards with prisoner to or from dungeon to questioning or trial
29 Guard captain with four veterans in a hurry
30 Two guards with a large hound on a chain
31 Out of control horse causes a noisy commotion
32 Exiting news by messenger pigeon arrives
33 Rats scurry about possibly making someone scream
34 Small ratter dogs sniffing about yapping
35 Castle cat skulking about watching
36 Hunting dogs taken for a romp outside by hound master
37 Falconer or hawker on way too or from aviary
38 Horse trainer dressed for a ride with servant
39 Servants carrying animal corpses to show someone
40 Resident looking for pet whispering its name
41 Old knight with two young knights
42 Lone young knight in a hurry and late
43 Two old knights whispering stop if seen
44 Old drunk knight helped by squire
45 Several young squires up to some capering and japes
46 Two knights arguing fiercely
47 Knight in church tabard with a priest
48 Three knights on the way to a meeting
49 Limping old knight in unfashionable vintage arms and armour
50 Handsome young knight sneaking to meet a lover
51 Lord of the castle with six veteran guards and an advisor in a hurry
52 Bard singing latest songs to youths flirtatiously 
53 Attractive youth with elderly grumpy guardian relative
54 Young noble reading poetry or philosophy
55 Noble youths playing chess or practising dueling methods
56 Ladies artfully performing needlework on a part of a tapestry
57 Old noble telling a story to some youths
58 Scribe teaching several noble youths
59 Elders with servants talking very seriously
60 Nanny herding small children with servant
61 Scholar sage advisor with a servant and ancient scrolls
62 Grisly huntmaster has a report to make about something they saw
63 Genealogists with books of family trees and scribal tools
64 Treasurer with reports of earnings with two guards
65 Estate steward who manages farmers and land with a report
66 Judge here to see the local lord with two bailiffs
67 Marshal of the castle with 4 veterans
68 Chamberlain with two servants 
69 Herald of the lord with a companion in fine robes
70 Minstrel or jester or other entertainer (possibly several)
71 Astrologer or divination expert with charts and colourful robes
72 Chaplain from the chapel with several acolytes
73 Visiting cleric recruiting for crusade
74 Wizard with servant here for consultation from the guild
75 Wise village elder brought to someone in the household
76 Alchemist procuring ingredients to or from lab
77 Acolyte sprinkling holy water or smoke brazier blessing building and chart
78 Visiting spell caster to entertain the next feast or court
79 Visiting spell caster here to negotiate trade with a faction
80 Visiting spell caster here to recruit adventurers for a quest
81 Visiting bard befriending everyone and drinking with guards
82 Servant searching guest room
83 Someone listening at a doorway (not just a gossipy servant)
84 Foolish silly visiting entertainer seen quietly whispering to someone
85 Noble guests to the castle were seen giving a gift to a castle resident 
86 Someone was seen hiding a note - something written in code
87 Overheard noble blackmailing another with hostages or secrets
88 Criminal guild master with guards here for a quiet meeting
89 Sly-looking adventurer brought by guards for a secret meeting in the household
90 Visitors servant releases a messenger bird
91 See a mysterious figure and it seems to vanish around a corner
92 Felt a strange chill and feeling of fear (possibly some objects rattling)
93 Mysterious shadow seen moving in the castle
94 Phantom of a tragic past resident seen and a few residents know of
95 Spirit seen stalking house possibly it lives inside an artwork
96 A beast has been seen stalking the castle - a resident is a shapeshifter
97 Find someone recovering from a magical attack
98 A spirit has been visiting residents' dreams and people are gossiping about their meaning
99 Castle resident walking in a trance alone perhaps sleepwalking or possessed
100 Residents report divine visions! d4 1=tricky fairies 2=illusion magic prank 3=drugged 4=a divine being trying to communicate some quest it needs help with but has trouble finding right heroes 

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