Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Project Updates

Recently I asked around bout starting a current D&D Theros based campaign and got far more responses than I get for my usual attempts. So I'm now making a greek myth setting which will make up more of my work. Im not interested in writing current dnd stat blocks myself and still using my own system for old-school dnd vibes.

So I will be grabbing some stuff on DMs guild for ideas as their is quite a bit. Any recommendations ppl can make are welcome. Especially want 2024 versions of species in Theros book.

My current book on patreon is a frog comp of my work on this blog but I intend to overdesign it and it will be for charity and have wider distribution. Being a pensioner profit is a problem for me. This book will be to test waters a bit to see if I could make some money. Ill be blunt and say the global situation has me vary wary of getting back into business again.

Been reading my ICE and gurps Greece and Hellas which has good background tables I might use some of. It even has a table of what is fated to kill a character the GM can torment players with.  

Currently working on an island I can start using april to start a game.

So far its a large Mediterranean island inspired by Create and Sicily. In the bay a former exploded volcano a human colony sits peacefully. West has ruined labyrinths and pleasure palaces of ancients and minotaurs. East is a forested sylvan zone. North broken with giants. 

I am enjoying wanting to read my classics again, and I get the pleasure of learning stuff that I don't get in fantasy fiction. History is the cheapest sourcebook you can get. Even when I don't find what I want I find other weird stuff like a greek guy who killed a snake and saw another revive its fellow with a herb. 

So a new tangent here for a while and different to my last year of setting work which is mostly complete now.

I will be doing mostly monsters here this month so send requests to cover in my format so send me monster requests.

1st Draft map - will do a detailed map of the southern coast

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