Sunday, 9 March 2025

Game Log: Some more slaver sidequests

Vol3 of chagrinspire has had some major updates to 206 pages now - one major sweep to go to finish it. I still want to do vol4 with content converted from my weird war book tables and metropolis books. Also, my mutant and automaton character classes are months away from happening. 

So light snow and cold coming in, and the party were keen to stop those vampire orcs, but first the Slavers were mostly stranded on their island base and couldn't move their stock. They questioned some dead slaver bones they kept near a shrine. They had the rapidly learning new marine scavengers based at the expanded ferry pier. They also spoke to the Frog King and made a deal to let frogs take the slaver base as a colony with the scavengers. The king sent a dozen marines and a prince to start the base and support adventurers.

12 Scavengers
12 Frog folk marines

Priest PC in his famous domed chrome orb helmet
-Dwarf priest follower on the follower exchange program
-Knight bodyguard 
-Priest sidekick

Man With No Name
-Rat sonya a 7 feet tall beastfolk
-Chrysopasia a lady gang member, rake and driver

The Sky Giant
-Best wolf

By night they came close to the cliff cave where the slavers were based and the paddlesteamer now belonging to the party used to dock. The man with no name who was now studying wizardry wore his magic frog mask and used his superior swimming skills to scout. Found a boatbuilding area and a cave, some walkways, a tunnel flooded by tide went deep into a cave and a quiet landing area. Large marine animals were around here. Since slaver-rogues had escaped him with swimming skills several times, he was keen to be able to do the same or pursue escapees. 

From a large raft nearby with canoes, scavengers and frog folk crept up. They reported carnivorous fish and a crocodile under one of the walkways. 

The Giant, now going on 9 feet tall was towed by canoes holding an inflated ox skin. He brought one wolf as logistics made him leave lots behind.

DM Note I used a pirate cave from Advanced Adventures Compendium One and took an adventuring party for enemies from another adventure. I just got Adventure Anthology vol1 for Basic fantasy and it has a nice slaver base for the future.

Once ashore, they found tools, and boat-building supplies, and the scavengers worked to slip in and examine while the frog marines watched the walkways and for guards they expected. The party sneaked in and found a room with lots of rope and other goods and a body. The priest tried to turn undead, thinking the skeleton would vapourise, but no. A rope monster guardian attacked and they managed to kill it in 2 rounds.

I found a boat craftsman's personal quarters, some boatbuilding books, and some money. They did hear a giant frog attack but the humanoid frog folk told it to piss off. Hopefully local guards just heard frogs. When the party returned and went to cross the walkway, so the giant cast his spell derived from an oath to half his size, as the bridge looked unsafe. The crocodile seemed keen and waited below the bridge.

Wandered into the cave and saw footprints of slavers shoes, tiny pointy shoes and some more recent prints. There was a side passage and the Priest walked over and cast know history and saw the most heinous visions he had ever seen. Carniverous fish here were used to dispose of bodies and a gleaming ring was on the bottom. Troublesome or sick slaves were thrown in here but recently (2 weeks) gnomes in uniforms with guns led in bound slavers one by one and executed them. Later slaves were chopped into pieces by gnomes with tiny mechanised bone saws. he gagged a bit and realised gnomes had been here to kill the slavers already.

Found some cells which were traps. One the door had a wounded women but if entered it sealed with a wall of ice and could be deactivated with a word so they smashed out and decided the door and frame was going to their home base. Another released giant starving flees. Some more slaver barracks and a kitchen with some documents including a pirate treasure map from past occupants. Found a door blocked by rubble so eventually went into a great pillared cave warily as so much light was blocked. Slaver junk lay about.

Saw a tunnel up ahead blocked by web and as they planned what to do and threw some incendiaries into the web, a cow-sized spider dropped amongst the party.  The man with no names and blunderbuss of confusion made the spider a gigling wreck, and the party splatted it everywhere. The noise awoke people on the other side of the webbing who tried to burn through. The figures came out and the party attacked. 

They were slaver elite adventurers wary of spider poison and resting after some losses. They wore the pointy shoes and head wrappings but with other fancy equipment.

There was a wizard, a hooded orc, a bearded knight in plate, a priest, a rogue and a strange foreign elf.

So the first volley of spells and missiles injured some of them and paralysed the wizard. The elf fireballed the party. From here on the Priest with a dwarf and priest spent the battle healing all the near dead followers. The knight and priest sidekicks spent lots of the battle healing. Most were involved in a grand melee but the Man With No Name slashed the wizards throat open then used spiderclimb to get up a column to the ceiling away. The enemy rogue used a magic rope to shoot up to the ceiling to face him. The elf fired magic missiles at the priest healing wounded party members so the giant shoved through and cut off her head. He was paralysed and the priest undi the effect. The best fighter in plate and the orc was paralysed and was quickly dispatched by the man with no name. The last standing rogue had hidden but the man with no name saw him and backstabbed him. He tried to surrender to the other party members and was stabbed again and finally dead. The priest held out the longest and kept up with hold person, fear, spectral hammers and other attacks and tried to flee but failed. 

They found the slavers orders. They assumed their party had attacked base and investigating the loss of slavers and slaves. They were examining a collapsed gnome borehole from a mole machine when trapped by the spider.

The party stayed a while and more frogs came. They finally opened a sealed room and fought the mummified witch bride of the pirate who made the treasure map. He buried it where the dragons breed in the lake below the tide line. One of his notes, they found a herb to pacify the dragons. The enemy party had lots of magic weapons, bracers, and rings and potions, which was quite effective.  

The giant jumped on the crocogator and missed and sunk to the bottom but managed to grab the crock and not get hurt by it so he dragged it ashore where the frog folk bound it up. Put it in a cell for later. The ice door trap was taken to be used in the party base, possibly to make a cold store. They were all knighted by the frog prince.

The party wondered if the Gnomes were turning on the slavers. 
Now the major route for slaves to the eastern and southern kingdoms was broken without their lake outposts and paddlesteamer. There were perhaps 3 major forts in the waste.

After setting up the base they went home to see more snow and ice forming.

Meanwhile, the orcs of the bloody tree cult have been waging war vs kobolds who declared a crusade and brought all the clans to battle. The orcs keep eating kobolds and worshiping their alien vampire tree god. The clan vampire lord who has a boar form has somehow made some of his greatest berserkers into wereboars. Monsters of winter from the mountains are freely roaming for food now, cold enough for them.

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