Saturday 26 October 2024

Chagrinspire Play - Trade with Undead

The party Included

The rogue with no name Lv 3 a dabbler in alchemy
-Rat Woman (Abhuman) Lv1
-Chrysophasia the adventures Lv1

Templar of the Light (from holy lands of the south)
-Acolyte follower 1st Lv
-Acolyte assistant appointed for undead related mission
-zero level lamp boy

Giant Builder looking for giant lore seven and a half foot tall
-Jester follower a former village idiot Lv1 has been prepping his undead insults

Balzac the baby flesh golem

The party spent time in Flatspur and their outpost preparing divination and getting a scavenger guild to help with the next mission. The ancient hill forts of undead are full of ancient ration packs that last forever. The party need food for their outpost to free up labour. Last game they occupied the ancient communication hub of the line of forts and took over. Finally they returned and found a dozen guildsmen led by the scavenger sub boss who helped them explore this place while the man with no name was making bombs and poison.

The arrived and found the guildsmen camped. They had made keys for locks and opened the subway gates below and locked them again. They also made lots of torches. When everyone ready the man with no name climbed on the roof and planted flammable bags of books by the pylons of the antenna tower infested with giant spiders. Then others came up and flung burning torches into the webs. When the human size spiders came out the gang used slings and the spiders lasted two rounds. Babies the size of crabs scuttled about and were killed mostly. The man with no name took some baby spiders to put in a cage and some others for venom. he scavengers had a feas of giant spiders. Balzac ate all the dead. The priest started washing him and seeing to his education. Theoretically, his manufacturing is broken and there is hope he wont be one of the legendary death guard. 

The entered the train tunnels, a different gauge to the rails under their own outpost. Also more in decline and not maintained by gnomes or automatons. Moss and slime were everywhere and other were no magic lamps for light. All had torches. On the way found an arcing platform and the priest tamed an ox-sized giant slug with holy food he summoned. 

Broke in a train platform under a hill and found broken elevator and hundreds of feet of stairs up. Explored an old 5-inch gun turret fort and found some bags of gunpowder and fuel. The Man WNN made some grenaides and incendiaries. Eventually back to the tunnel to the underside of the biggest hill and gun emplacement.   

Met the undead native to the fort members of the Alliance who surrounded Chagrinspire in forts during the Apocalypse war. Their leader was a deranged revenant who referred to a general in his office who nobody saw but was busy planning with his dark luitenants. They made a deal with the undead for food in return for getting rid of fort invaders. A snake mummy and reptine folk skeleton warriors took a few levels and were kidnapping soldiers of the fort. They have been here 200 years controlling a station and sending off reptile skeletons warriors on missions to bring back sacrifices. Above that new living goat cultists and goat men bodyguards lead zombie cultists with allied wizards up to something. They were new and kidnapping undead troops also. The undead were reinforced by a fort to the east on the line. 
The undead gave passes to the party so the fort and undead and spirits will know they are entitled to be here. They had some problems with poltergeists earlier.

So went to kidnap a zombie to interrogate and lucked out. A necromancer with a pack zombie and two goatmen attacked them on level 1 where automatons toiled in the workshops. The goatmen were stabbed by the rogue and his followers. The giant finished them. The wizard made a very good morale roll and put up a good fight damaging party and putting all the rogues gang to sleep so acolytes helped them. The torch boy got badly hurt and healed. Got a spellbook and packs of dried rations and lamp oil. Got a ring and a dagger too. The wizard was very lucky taking many minimum hits from party.

Questioned the dead wizard and gave his body to the undead and used tongue to contact dead and learn some secrets, The party were of course keen to get the snake guys fight the goat guys. The goat guys were Orcus cultists with a branch of orcus wizard allies. 

Eventually going from lv 8 to 1 was easier and less noisy and went again to hunt goat cultists. This time the three core adventurers were invisible to undead. So ignored undead and some automatons but found a necromancer with zombies chasing skeletons. The undead went down fast from clerics and the party began to wail on him. He was busy trying to call the elevator and ended up begging for mercy. Was begging as was only conscious due to temporary HP only left. He was a good prisoner who explained he joined the wizards and not that into Orcus but had low tuition fees. 

Using information from him it was clear the Orcus temple was growing and they had no idea that a reptilian mummy was behind it all. So invisible to undead they went back and slaughtered acolytes and wizard aprentices. Hear that Master Barnabus the cult leader claimed to have a vision and cultists were on pilgrimage to the new temple. Master Barnabus explained one level was only for him as he could resist poltergeists and rest of cult forbidden. Party a bit suspicious.

Found 3 scavengers lost also and once they found Balzac had got up here alone and eating a zombie.

So down the lift to the reptilian undead level. Faught a necrophidius snake-skull construct that went for over ten rounds..4 reptilian mummies and a beautiful woman entered greeting them and nobody thought for a second she was legit. The rogue lit a fuse on a grenade and the priest an incendiary while the giant barged pst the reptile skeletons and dealt a huge blow to the woman who revealed her reptilian mummy face to terrify him. The priest noticed the reptilian woman breasts and blushed. It was a tough slog and eventually, reptile skeletons were gone and the forced to party use torches to hurt the mummy. She did offer immortality and to serve her but nobody was interested.

Lots of good magic weapons and two very long tough fights where everyone hurt and missed or rolled low damage. The necromancer prisoner and the promised food was carried by undead to the surface where the scavengers guild took them to the communications building. Players were tempted to build a telegraph station. Got 1000 meal packs now and offered 1000 a month including tinned beef and bacon better than alchemist's gruel. Lots of fear attacks resisted too. Rogue has 2x +1 rings of protection and a cloak of invisibility. Giant has a torc that can absorb or cast a 1st lv spell. Found a few weird books like one on weather control for the miasma clouds of the wastes. Another book was full of cursed pornography the party resisted and closed. Debated how to weaponize it in battle. Went very satisfactory and while off to a slow start they were victorious.

The last few players around explored a trail to the west to Quicksliver Heights an alchemist guild outpost. They had great magic ingredients and gunpowder but terrible food and booze prices. Invited to join guild and invited to send traders here with food

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