Friday, 28 February 2020
S3 Barrier Peaks Bumper Book
So I got this big bad boy (i drew a dick on it so you know its mine).
Went from USA to Switzerland to Australia then all the way back and then back again so was late.
Vol 1 B1-2 Was well-resolved start to series and I was keen. Having both versions of two modules was a bit tedious but had some merits. The new content was ok but the new art for the 5th ed a bit ho hum. Both are classic adventures vut Keep on Borderlands to me is the classic dnd module with wilderness, a frontier town and a dungeon which by mid 80s was lost to railroad plots with mini dungeon sequences and probably more moralistic. KOTBL is a wild west frontier magnate for murder hobos who do as they please when they want and plenty of players attacked the keep.
Vol 2 X1 Had great the extra art by William McAustland really made the book shine. The extra content was enjoyable and usable. It was especially good to see the old tsr of 81 into the mid 80s slick design. The older gear has charm but the info organization of later ones, readability, players handouts and art was significantly changed. So one module in two versions which had stark contrast. I wasn't going to persist but I enjoyed this. This was the first view of the known world
Vol 3 S3 So I have written about this adventure (December?) and I have run this the most often of the three volumes so I know it well. This book feels a bit scant on new art. It has shiny paper stock vs thick matte of the other two and the spine is a bit more square. So I always knew there were some minor changes to artwork in both versions and I think an error on the map. But thank god two versions enough. It was good revised 5th ed version has new interesting maps. The new content and levels and setups were great. Lack of monster images here so two of the major creatures added to the campaign are not illustrated which is kind of a big hole. When I see page stat blocks for slightly different monsters I am relieved I don't play 5th ed. Some of the new art like others a bit quick for my liking but new pix in the Illustrated guide section were very much goodman house and fit in with the oldschool art well.
I would probably recommend anyone running it go pick your fave dnd monsters that could be alien and throw em in here. Several planar and psionic monsters here trapped so a few more fine. I'm still tempted to do some tables for s3 and perhaps use Dyson's triangle ship layout. A new section has no monster art with stat blocks, unlike others. Revised equipment section does not list weapon damages as the original did. Nor does it tabulate the data. A bit odd. New section repeats maps twice. No maps have original cyan al B&W.
I found some of older TSR modules a bit dense and hard to read as I approach 50. So revised versions a bit more space. But Part of me likes cramming every bit of space too as preferable to some layouts. As far as adding a wilderness and an alternative start and quest which is a fairly significant addition and departure. You get to hunt the wilds for the site and meet various strange creatures and organised camps of androids and biological barley humanoid infantry. As these creatures feature heavily in pre dungeon and the new level no image of them a bit blah considering how much more visual new-gen gamers are to engage. I am possibly more likely to use this revision than the earlier volumes.
The Strength of S3 was not the well-paced adventure it is the exotic inclusion of science fantasy which should have been injected to the standard games DNA. How different dnd now would be if we got stats for androids and robots in Monster Manual 2 instead of fake rabbit killer trees and squealers.
So I do appreciate these volumes and I do await the next volume as it should expand to fill out the vol4 the Lost City. As there have been huge fan made companions filling out extra levels and awesome drugs Im interested If any of that content would be used. The fan product is pretty similar to these books anyhow. Zargon always big fun.
Ive considered making these tables:
d100 ruined spaceship crate contents
d100 ruined ship room contents
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Cthulhu Minitures on cheap?
So I've been after Call of Cthulhu minis for a while and recently looked into some board games for parts. I have had Cthulhu wars that I played about twice but gave me a good core of figures even though a few I don't like. A few 7th ed rebranding of COC monsters didn't thrill me much either. Many of the expansions didn't really thrill me and I wasn't going to play them either. I was offered a good price o the Glorantha god wars game and it is nice but I couldn't use it. So I found some places selling some of the figures second hand and obviously some are broken up from sets. One Canadian company had everything I want and would not ship to Australia. So I got a Byatis figure, not froggy enough like the orange Tsathogua figure, but still good. Found a Ramsey Campbell set and Glaaki one of my faves of the whole line. Hoping to find some more but shipping big killer. Oddly enough I get post faster from UK and China than within my own Country by crikey.
Many suggested I get Mansions of Madness but clearly, the 1st ed had more minis. The two box sets with the 1st ed goodies are rare and pricey and ppl want them world wide and possibly company might release some. Should have got it when I saw in shops which I'm realizing is true with boardgames. I found a friend with a copy of 2nd ed with some nice star spawn to trade and I got the box set with serpent creatures as an extra. Cthulhu Wars Yig fig was not great. Prices vary lots so shop around and second hand and ebay amazon often good as so common.
Of 7 boardgames I own (Mars Attacks and most expansions, fallout and dungeon degenerates) I have played 3 games period. I definitely prefer RPGs and increasing mimicking of RPG tropes in boardgames and that world are pretty strange. As Mansions can be played alone via phone app I can see this being worth a go. The interesting feature really and interested where it goes. I guess some newer RPGs and products feel like boardgames sometimes with rigidity.
Cthulhu Death May Die (CDMD) is an amazingly dense box. Has lots of monsters. The dark young expansion is better value vs yog sothoth one but all are marked down. As I have learned to grab them while you can as board games seem to vanish faster than RPGs somehow. Lots of older games I would like minis from not available. The plastic in CDMD is lighter than Cthulhu Wars but are very good. Probably my favourite dark young. The box is packed while mansions of madness has quite a bit of wasted space in box by comparison. Cthonian is probably only one I did not like but it is still cool. Not My favourite Cthulhu but is an admirable figure with flabby skin and pockmarks. Season 2 box I will get. I actually want to play this game because It has a lot of thought and is not overly complex.
Cthulhu Ancient Ones Tribute Box is great too. It is solid enough to crack skulls but wings could break if you tried to flense a human hide.
Some of alone minis look pretty good - found some online alone. PPL in set of no interest buy I want more monsters in various sizes. Game apparently good but hard to find. The Others: & Sins looks amazing and the monsters would be hella cool. The company still cranking out new products and Im looking. All the shops listing long gone stock a pain too but did find a bargain bundle of 5 box expansions for $100 AU so lucky grab.
It is a shame more products cant just sell minis, especially when game discontinued. Surely something in contract to let artist or creators sell after out of print would be good. Sad to see amazing minis vanish when we live in an age of 3d print on demand. Heck, I might like a pewter figure or scale change (mythos charm bracelet?).
As I use 1/72 scale minis and toy vintage cars it makes mu monsters look bigger which is handy. I recommend Redbox sets of police, crooks and boxer rebellion civilians for investigators.
Update: got second hand Byatis for Cthulhu Wars and it has some red pigment in grey plastic, looking at it in a good light. Got a pack of some monsters from Mansions of Madness with two tentacle things and a big horrible thing and some people in 20s clothes. A few more coming. Possibly the Azathoth and ghanatathoa for Cthulhu wars would be nice thats about it now. Stop buying minis chris.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Recent Gaming: Planet Psychon vs Bone Hill
Planet Psychon
I've been alternating Cthulhu games with Planet Psychon which has a few players but has been fun and still headhunting for more. I use my session zero as players are 1970s band members crossing the Bermuda Triangle. I have used this start seven or eight times and these guys oddly took 2&1/2 sessions what I used in cons no probs. Partly they took survival seriously and stayed still linger. After crashing in a strange desert of yellow sand near a cyan ocean they rallied survivors and took charge. Several were killed by acid-spitting mutants and another guy found an acid pool and died. Each night all gat a save or were changed by nanobots into pscyhonian chromatic tribes which eventually affected all. One player turned into a robot which was odd. Went scouting near the sea and battled a giant crab then returned to camp with meat. All agreed to march through the pass to the south. Managed an uneventful trip and met cult of the AI Colossus who was willing to aid and assimilate some of the passengers. Dealt with a wizard breeding new rust monster kin and managed to broker peace. Got to meet visiting human avatar of the god Virgil who took the willing survivors to a new land he promised they could settle. Party mostly seek to avoid being robed cultist who does what the computer prints out for you to do daily. But at least it is safe and you get to eat.
So the adventurers came through a cloud of fog brought by the god Virgil and arrived in Restenford and were greeted by locals in need of adults and facing threats all around. At this point, I'm using The Secret Of Bone Hill but with more apocalypse science-fantasy makeover. Got a guided tour around and chose the bar run by wizards putting on magic shows. As one character a bard and another a cat-headed robot that brews beer and has sex. As they worked and got to know area and rumours they began to hear the local history of the cyborg saints who served the elves who mostly died at the battle of Cyborg hill. Heard about squatting failed adventurers, orcs, gnolls, Krondor Keep a rival town and other possible wrecks and ruins. They chose to investigate orc bandits and when they got on top of the hill they saw orcs marching to lair in a distant cave near a plane wreck and forest. The next night they got up extra early and sneaked to the orcs lair before they got home and killed most of them and charmed their orc hero leader. Then used charmed orc to help hunt down his "treasonous former comrades" who attacked his dearest friend after he warned them. So last few survivors killed. Party know of the cave but the plane wreck more interesting. A clan of Hyena folk warriors live near so party thinking of taking their orc buddy to kill some.
Next Session: Levelled up and bard and robot made allegiances to chaos.
Found rivers and roads made return via gnolls hard so they had to go through the village to leave wounded then climbed some hills near gnoll area. Village patrol unwelcome to orc being allowed in the village. Saw 4 gnolls with halberds, some had scraps of ancient advanced uniforms locals did not recognise. Lay flat and waited till gnolls close then fired with their pistols and muskets while some flunkies were ready to receive a charge. The gnolls wanted to flee but when the leader fell they rallied to save him and attacked the party. Carlos the revolutionary was chopped to pieces, players injured badly and their charmed orc. Those who fled as Carlos and orc killed, hacked up and eaten got back to village.
Over 5 days of rest met more locals, druid and priests of Atar. Surprised baron had no interest in meeting them or at least castle servants laughed them away. Played with band nightly and helped make bar most popular in town and became well-liked (perhaps a royal performance might happen). The druid's wife was an elf and she spoke of the gnolls as failed mercenaries brought by elves but she skimmed most of the facts.
Party planned next trip by river to recruit the camp where failed broke adventurers dwell. Brought a warrior priest (F2C2) and an initiate priest of Atar. Made it to the camp and met the ranger archer, rogue (assassin spy for evil), orc warrior woman and a dirty old hungry wizard desperate for food. As they agreed to pay a gp a day for a few days and then shares of loot. As they agreed on a deal, ranger and robot heard something and 4 giant spiders tried to ambush them but failed. Party did well, wizard made one sleep and rogue killed it. Rest were defeated and all celebrated. Curious they heard of a ravine full of ancient garbage where wizard said he found food. Up close was full of tires, cars, bales of paper, all kinds of crap. Wizard found some spam tins and and others he greedily scraped out for food. He said he found fresh ones daily. Became suspicious a bunker might be hidden possibly under Ark hill. So off to their boat where boatman was gone and raft over other side. He mentioned visiting a forest temple so they waited till he got back and he helped them cross and showed them the forest temple of the luck god/ A former casino and motel with a AI for the complex was the god. Boatman begged some more money and played slots while robot and bard played tables and earned a few silver coins over hours. Invited to stay and enjoy buffet and in morning after wizard was bathed went to investigate a plane wreck they had seen.
Reached the plane which had a light inside and plants. Dug out the door and opened the door zombi passengers awoke and priests turned nine to the buried front of plane and ones when reached the door were shot dead.
Thinking gnolls might use pole axes and muskets and use axe as a stand for musket (like Russians used to).
Future session gnolls, possible new allies and then find the secret of Cyborg Hill. Or they could ask the local demihumans and elves who remember the truth. I'd like to have them deal with some other island stuff but also get them to a metamorphosis alpha type place so I can use Epsilon City box set for metamorphosis alpha.
Was running a bunch of broken hill scenario stuff so hoping I can resume that setting again on a Sunday game session.
My Homebrew Rules
As I have been using my own homebrew books have some ideas for the companion and masters book. I guess I can edit all into one or two books eventually. Finish a few spells to finish my second book and then possibly merge and do a digest hardback. Thinking might give up on minute combat rounds of adnd and use Basic dnd round length instead.
Spreads for emo companion book
-generating a character spread x2
-wilderness travel movement and exploration x2
-indoors movement with light x2
-range chart for missiles and spells x2
- spells 7 8 9 for all spells x2 extra pages of three lists x6 total
-domains, castles, status and property x2
-ships and sea travel and combat x2
Spreads for emo masters book Space Book
-weird science skills x2
-psionics spell list x6
-robot (golem) apps list x6
-mutant, robot, psion, cyborg
-basic mutations x4
-advanced weapons and equipment
Monster books
-basic creatures
-fancy monsters with variants and adventure seeds
Skill & Magic book expanding descriptions
Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Spectral Reapers
Making up some more undead and void creatures and probably need to do some animus beings too. Probably need some psychon creatures or monster making tables. A note on possible varient abilities I mostly take one per HD or 2HD maximum.
Spectral Reaper
(Void Reaver, Gravelord, Death Fog, Grim Reaper)**
Void Elemental Lawful Neutral Morale 10
AC +10
HD 8
Mov 12
Att 2d8 Scythe
Weapons below +2 cannot harm a reaper, they take 1HP per round from sunlight
Undead resistances to poison and magic and liabilities like holy water and turning
Gaseous form of grey fog, often form skeletal features before using a scythe
ESP 12 range it uses to follow victims and select a form to adopt based on prey
Can sense living with 24 range uses to help attack victims alone
Reapers are usually visiting the world killing people who have cheated death somehow. The reapers usually remain hidden and ambush their victim alone. Some guard certain places or be summoned or sent by an angry god. Some call them to perform public executions and terrify the audience. Some kingdoms their form may vary to suit local ideas of death beings. Bird-like or demonic forms are fearful forms but some might resemble loved ones to get close to a victim. Skeleton with a scythe is the common form, sometimes with tattered costumes from long ago but robes are most common. Often lurks in a confined space or vessel like a bottle or urn especially by day. Can be magically bound or sealed with spells or banished. As a vapour cloud, they may pass through tiny gaps and float up to windows as if walking invisible stairs. For every victim they carry to their fate they skim some of the victims fear and suffering and essence. As ages progress, they grow in power and gain more unusual variations.
1in6 are lesser reapers or little deaths, HD4 2d6 scythe instead only needs +1 magic to hit
1in6 can retreat to the ethereal plane and watch invisibly taking round to switch planes
1in6 can shoot a magic missile per round usually as a black spark
1in6 use a sword or an axe instead of a scythe
1in6 can cast ventriloquism at will range 4 to make distracting or scary sounds
1in6 are corrupted by an evil alignment and now kills for pleasure and malice
1in8 has a 1 radius fear field vs anything under 4 HD, save or flee a d4 rounds
1in8 has a scream that inflicts a d4 to all in 3 radius (blocked by silence spell)
1in8 anyone slain arises as a shadow under command of reaper has a d4 already
1in8 anyone slain under a quest or oath becomes a spectral minion
1in8 hit from scythe requires a save vs paralysis for a d3 turns
1in8 drink blood healing 1HP per HD of a creature they kill, blood red and behaves more like a liquid than fog of most reapers. Can be distracted by feeding on blood
1in10 touching then with unarmed attack causes a d3 damage in an ebon crackle
1in10 can fly with great bat or bird or insect wings 18 Mov
1in10 can drain a d4 STR points with a blow if victim fails to save lasts one turn
1in10 can create an illusionary mortal form and will converse to get close
1in12 can cast a death ray once per day, save or die range 6 effects one person
1in12 can call insect swarm for a 2d4 rounds three times a day, usually huge flies
1in12 can control undead as an evil cleric of similar HD
1in12 are greater reapers or grim reapers, HD 12 2d20 scythe needs +3 magic to hit
1in20 poison scythe save or die from any blow, lose 1HP per round until dead
1in20 gate to the underworld, netherworld, the void or various nightmare worlds
1in20 killing this reaper attracts the interest of some deity who is displeased
d12 Spectral Reaper Adventures1 Adventurers arrive at a ruined house seeking a gang for a bounty but all the men found dead and looking horrified
2 Someone opened a crypt to steal something and a terrible curse from a deity has sent a winged reaper to kill each night the stolen goods are missing
3 A mysterious axe-wielding executioner like figure has been seen beheading all who enter the old woods
4 A haunted old cathedral needs to be reclaimed but something haunts it hiding among the gloomy stone relief carvings based on scenes in holy texts and from the underworld
5 Cult of the outer void has made a deal with death and a reaper is allowed into this world to harvest the cut for the void kings. The cult get new spells they want for their book then themselves flee the reaper early and hide some distance till the monster sated
6 A madman has a summoned and bound reaper and each nightfall sets it loose to murder those the madman judges wicked. They have various paranoid theories and delusions so targeting victims not precise. Authorities request help to find where the madman hides
7 Each night some terrible demon kills a child in the wealthy district. An enslaved barbarian gladiator has demanded they and own people freed. Claims the killings are a punishment from a tribal god
8 Necromancers have been sending reapers to each other's districts in some twisted game. Each necromancer has an alibi when their own local murders happened. Mostly killing those who trade and deal with rival rather than direct. Law wants this over fast
9 Murder bridge has had so many bodies found now that a new horrible scarlet blood reaver has been seen manifesting and eviscerating homeless dregs who foolishly shelter there
10 Someone is murdering visitors in an inn. An evil bloody reaper is trying to disrupt local commerce and kills each night. Strange noises keep separating inhabitants when it finally decides to kill everyone and paint the walls red
11 An old disused tower has become haunted. A cult stashed goods here and called a reaper to guard the place and scare away enemies
12 A strange haunted shack contains a gate to the netherworld guarded by a reaper
Monday, 24 February 2020

Tombherd (Cryptkeeper, Gravelord)
Undead Priests Neutral or Neutral Evil Morale 12
AC +5
HD 3+
Mov 9
Att d6 Clawx2
Non-silver or non-magic weapons inflict only half damage fire does full damage
Undead resistances to poison and magic and liabilities like holy water and turning
Has a howl of fear 1 radius save or flee a d4 rounds vs under 4 HD living beings
Each round can raise a skeleton or a zombie ally within the area under its protection
-each undead raised increases the tomb herds HD by one as long as undead still active
-can sense body or a living being in 12 range, if there is no threat undead return to rest
-can start animating even completely hidden as soon as a living being is detected
-limited by time and number of corpses but can only have 12 undead at a time max
The Tomb Herder is the remains of a funerary priest interred in a crypt or graveyard as a defence. Often it is positioned to watch the graveyard so it can raise an undead if it sees any defilement of its domain. Sometimes they are sealed with an eye slot so enemies cannot get at them. They will prefer to let the undead fight for them and remain unseen if possible or lay still unmoving. Tomb herds keep away unwelcome animals, robbers, vandals and adventurers away from usually a graveyard or a tomb or mausoleum. Some huge necropolises have several. Most only protect their area and are satisfied driving away robbers and repairing damage to seals and doors and fences. More evil ones from evil cults are vindictive and might lead a small army to kill and eat local village for failing to protect them. Or might hunt defilers over several nights. Tombherds are why many living fear the dead and grave defilement.
Usually, a special grave of a funeral priest gets chosen to become a tomb herd in a forbidden ritual but It has been known for a long-established graveyard to just develop them naturally from someone who served the graves for life or somehow one just turns up and adopts the place. Some have distinctive personalities, some are slow and sleepy, some cunning unseen than others. Tombherds normally keep ghouls from feeding and will conflict with undead harming or influencing their domain. They will often cooperate with undead defending the domain. Tombherds can repair dead bodies and can "heal" an undead a d3 HP with a hours work patching them up with matter from their own body. Tombherds might even be left offerings or prayers in some places to watch over all.
1in6 will speak and verbally abuses intruders
1in6 actually levitates several inches off the ground, floats over water or ice
1in6 get an extra d6 bite attack
1in8 have a 3 radius fear effect and victims flee 2d4 rounds
1in8 can assume gaseous form
1in8 can animate two dead per round
1in 8 can cast curse three times per day with a gaze
1in8 can exhale a stinking cloud spell once per hour 1in8 wears armour equal to plate and shield +8 AC
1in8 can shoot a bolt of darkness as a magic missile one per round
1in12 can control up to 20 undead
1in12 regenerate 1 HP per round if not harmed by holy magic or fire or acid or silver
1in12 require +1 magic weapon to hit
1in12 have clairvoyance so can work in hiding and follow defilers home
1in12 can blink once per round and often use it to distract or scare or hide
1in12 can move through soil and attack from underground Burrow 6
1in20 can see through the eyes of all undead under control
1in20 animates undead as ghouls, is chaotic evil allowing ghouls to graze
1in20 once undead created can be called on again, tombherd has maximum amount already sleeping awaiting a call instead of them returning to being normal corpses
d12 Tombherd Adventures1 A relic in a tomb is required, get in and recover object don't hurt the tomb herd or the bodies too much (possibly bring a extra cleric)
2 Several houses on edge of the village near graveyard have been abandoned recently and it seems people left suddenly leaving goods behind (in sight of graveyard, had stolen from graves)
3 An evil lord was buried with souls of murdered children stored in gems and a descendant wants them removed and set free and needs hired help to enter family tomb
4 Recently several medical students staying in area vanished and their well off families want an investigation and have sent a crown investigator to fine everybody in the area. Sooner mystery sold the better for all. Lads were robbing graves for larks and got eaten
5 Recently an area was damned and now every night ancient dead arise from under the lake and attack workers and villagers some say a big 'orrible one leads them
6 A priest wants to speak to dead at a grave but local tombherd won't have any of it. Will pay you to convince undead to let lad chat with ancestor to answer lineage question
5 A dungeon tomb complex has a secret crypt opened. The tomb herd blocks the exits trapping everyone adventurer and orc inside to kill everyone. Cooperate with humanoids and dungeon dwellers to all get out past furious insane tomb herd with extraordinary abilities
6 A priest recently came by and told locals to not leave offerings for their pagan ancestor's graves and within a weak angry dead began to arise and besieged the chappel
7 A statue in a village contains a tomb herd who watches area and doesn't mind houses on top. It does dislike some nationality or race that has been frequenting area and now moving in. Grudge based on some ancient tragedy long ago. Members of that group have been found murdered and half-eaten. possibly some reconciliation ceremony might appease the dead
8 A camp of goblins living by a creek got butchered by rednecks and robbed. The goblins house was on graves of ancestors and the great ancestor tomb herd mad about end olf bloodline. Undead goblins have been attacking local backwoods trouble makers who are similar to the goblin killers. Goblin tombherd can be appeased with the guilty sacrificed or executed and possibly some distant relatives invited to return. Local sentiment on goblins splits community as some are cheap labour and harmless but others hate them
9 Sewer workers came across a tomb and now undead swarm the sewers and keep out workers from removing storm damage and a giant fat glob blocking a tunnel. Council hire adventurers to stop undead which really requires tomb to be sealed and tombherd appeased
10 An ancient order of evil templars had their tomb disturbed. Each night undead warrior priests from the dark crusades roam streets to kill and murder before returning to their grandmaster tombherd to perform black rites by day in hopes of summoning a demon
11 Tombherd sealed inside stone pillbox with eye slits watches all in graveyard and more. Has noticed criminals using graveyard at night and is displeased. Local gang found in clubhouse torn to shreds. Close inspection reveals some older teeth and finger bones in the mess. Bored tombherd is pleased and looks for more injustice against village hungry zombies can solve. Possibly disapproves of all kinds of modern ways and customs
12 A cult have been performing secret rites in graveyards including sex and drugs. Several important locals have been found murdered in embarrassing positions. Now they are happening outside the graveyard and remaining important locals rally to hire adventurers to stop the killer
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Magic Jerks You Meet In Taverns
When adventurers in Shadelport visit to go drinking and decide to try a pub in wizard district you might meet these guys. Perhaps in any other tavern, you might meet one or two, three tops. Now players who want a wizard fast might get one of these odd guys. Growing up in a wizards house does not help. All will go on an adventure just for a chance to be jerks. They also might populate magic schools, markets, wizard conferences and seedy underbridge sly magic shops. Perhaps you might hold interviews for a party wizard and pick one of these guys.
d100 Magic Jerks You Meet In Taverns
01 Wants the first choice of all potions and drugs from monsters for treasure share but really wants more drugs by any means. Needs to borrow more money for fresh drugs. I would love to join you. CanI borrow a few pieces of gold? Are we going to have a party before we go"
02 Wants the first choice from non quest scrolls and documents and is looking for occult lore to impress his fellow demon cultists "I am just a humble scolar seeking lost lore"
03 Wants to help cripple a dungeon so he can take over after boss killed and stay "Exploring fell places full of foul fiends is my dream come true"
04 Wants to get out of town because is secretly a were creature provably a rat, bat or wolf "When do we leave"
05 Wants to get out of town as is a cannibal and in need of flesh of intelligent beings flesh and an opportunity to get some. "If we are going from civilasation towards hidden places I will join you"
06 Wants to charm a few monsters as slaves them head home "Will their be monsters?"
07 Wants to charm, polymorph and then make out with monsters, probably leaves quickly "Will there be monsters"
08 Just wants exotic monster body parts to sell to other wizards and checks guts of every monster well was a thief for a few levels "I'm very good at finding lost treasure"
09 Wants to kill monster bosses then lead monster workers to rise up against monster nobility and unite all races in killing the rich "i would love to explore a dungeon or ruin to fight evil"
10 Want to find outsider loner wizards to kill and steal magic books instead of paying for them from stingy masters and schools. "If we may find outlaw wizards to slay I am with you"
11 Flatulent from eating boiled eggs and beans 3 meals a day and farts in dungeons ruining the surprise and increasing encounter odds. "Stinking cloud is my favourite spell"
12 Sneezes lots and is allergic to monsters. Flighty and scared and just learned fireball last week. "I know many deadly spells to destroy our foes"
13 Drunk who drinks while in the dungeon getting slower and stupider and angry. If his drinking mentioned he accuses who brought it up of paranoid abusive stuff and stomps off alone. "I'll join you lets have a beer or two to celebrate"
14 Is very theatrical, wearing fancy clothes, perfumed and attractive. Just research for plays and illusion ideas wants to run a theatre. Thinks all adventurers are murder hobo rock heads "Why yes I would like to see for myself what transpires on these adventures you speak of"
15 Makes long-winded threats and occult theories about everything, nothing is mundane or an accident and he talks about it constantly with old fashioned words. "By the azure maze of Zubulon and the scarlet vault of Azerzax I shall join you"
16 Tells you about some other great wizard he learned of or how good a parent wizard was. Stories get more wild and impossible. "I'm not as great as certain other wizards but I will join you"
17 Loves fires and likes to start fires and burn stuff "I will show your foes hellfire"
18 Constantly using pipe in the dungeon unless told off and sometimes has a huge water pipe shaped like a skeleton wizard has a floating eyeball familiar. He coughs and nods off lots. "Sure man dungeons are cool"
19 Wants to adopt every monster child and claims party obligated to pay for the baby monsters upkeep. Will eventually go off in a huff with charmed monster babies and cause trouble later taking characters to court for costs. "I would like to see some wild monsters"
20 Wizard loves puns and bad old jokes. Wishes he wasn't so academic and if parents wanted they would have gone to bard school like friends did. likes to smack talk monster and sure they have a high charisma "I cant wait to meet some monsters and tell them what is what!"
21 Wants revenge on evil priests and cults in the area but any will do. Blames everything on secret cults and conspiracies. Describes lurid things they assume enemies are up to. I just want to find and kill cultists"
22 Mentions they serve a secret master and cannot say their name, then goes on and on about their mighty demon and every tedious detail with enthusiasm of a 7 year old dinosaur fanatic. Every topic gets turned into how their master would decide what to do. "I have a higher purpose but I cannot tell you"
23 Talks about mysterious secrets beyond your reckoning but eventually more blatant about demon gods, hallucinations, hears voices from another dimension. "Your mortal minds cannot comprehend the secrets I have known"
24 Has been seeking elder lore of the old aeons and plays with his magic looking disc that puts them in contact with a horrible planar entity. While with the party he keeps finding strange forgotten relics of the old ones with terrible consequences for using. "I'm just looking for old trinkets, it's a hobby"
25 Looking for planar portals to report to more powerful superior. Search every arch, wardrobe, well, mirror or painting needs a check. "I love exploring old ruins"
26 Seems interested in history and adventure but really looking for items on a quest from an evil god and dreams led here. "Im just hoping to find some ancient scrolls and nicknacks"
27 Wizard of law wants to blast chaos lots. "Why wouldn't you chase chaos on sight and kill it?"
28 Chaos wizard babbles mysterious stuff like a madman and will lick or taste and pull levers and mashes buttons found in dungeon compulsively "What does that do?"
29 Slowly turning zombie wizard smells worse and attracts more flies, likes necromancy, gets scruffier as curse gets worse, "I don't talk much"
30 Plans to run a chaos war party, ready for helping a cult start apocalypse, needs new spells, "I crave the lore of wizards old, so I may plunge into the bussom of chaos"
31 Wants all the cursed items and has a magical sack for holding them. Sells them to gladiator owners to help rig fights and other dirty rotten uses "I know someone who needs this"
32 Will stay with party until they help him subdue a dragon for own use and will travel with you. Plans to polymorph self and charm the dragon. "I will swear to aid you but if we have the chance to catch a dragon you must aid me"
33 Wants to observe monsters mating preferably in the dungeon or will capture monsters and lock them in a box to breed. "All in the name of natural philosophy, yes that's it"
34 Thinks monster babies are adorable and hopes to set up own dungeon to raise the critters in "Look at lil mr gwumpy pants, he wants to fight us"
35 Terrified of germs and slimy icky bugs or vermin, wear big boots, goggles and gloves and apron "That looks Icky I'm not touching that except with eldritch fire"
36 Teases demihumans for lack of propper jobs like human, dwarf isn't a proper job
37 Judges potion poppers as useless cheating addicts who deserve to be robbed, monsters drink potions because all monsters and demihumans came from bad potions especially if pregnant "You don't drink potions do you? what about you know the side effects and addiction"
38 Pretty sure all gods are demons duping stupid people, tells people this unpopular theory "gods, all demons decievers I tell you, clerics are a scam"
39 When law wins all destiny will be revealed and the world will be paved over into the perfectly flat infinite unchanging world in eternal stasis, "It will be great, no more suffering"
40 Talks about doing everything in the name of neutrality. Swears and makes oaths to powers of neutrality. Senses the neutral presence and other such gibberish. Pilfers loot, selfish and greedy too, it's the neutral way. His own clan he treats as human, everybody else is second rate. "The neutrality is strong in this one"
41 Very thorough. Likes to check for secret doors and traps always. Cut open every monster checking for gems. Likes to make maps with lots of detail, very patient. Forgets about wandering monsters in calculations, "The monsters have appointed rounds we should be safe for 40 minutes"
42 Paranoid about traps and ambushes, "don't move I see a trap!"
43 Surrender in combat if threatened with a weapon. Cowardly and fast at running. Once was grabbed by a monster and shat himself so now needs a new party as old one calls him wizard shitpants and joke about him constantly. He wouldn't mind getting a new party to kill old one, "I've never been in a real adventuring party before!"
44 Wants to just camp outside dungeon a few days killing everything coming and going, burry some entrances, use siege methods, anything he can dream up to avoid tight spaces, "let's smoke them out by rabbits"
45 Likes to attract monsters with a horn, best to kill all the wandering monsters first thing to make life easier later, "Sooner we fight the better, then its easier just looting the place, trust me!"
46 Hates monsters and wants to kill their helpless elderly and children and burn their villages. Came from frontier and family killed by humanoids. Likes to praise god lots while murdering, "Thank the lord for helping me murder these minions of evil, help me scourge all their kind from this world"
47 Collects monster teeth and fingers and ears to sell rick noble youths to pretend they fought monsters. Knows lots of dodgy monster part dealers. Also knows human corpse dealers and a few necromancers. Always hustling and excitedly butchering monsters, "pineal glands are big this week"
48 Wants to cook and eat monsters in the most fashionable manner. Only eats the best gourmet food. "I long to roast monster flesh and beat evil then enjoy a victory feast"
49 Believes various monster body parts are aphrodesiacs and kinda sleazy "Hey any chance to score some sweet monster glands Im in". Sells fake magic potions to rubes
50 Hates all humanoids want them all dead. "If you are fighting those damned goblinoids and orcs and kobolds I will slay with you"
51 Experienced adventurer, very friendly and saves spells for worst case events or to kill own party on way home when injured so can rob them. "Aye youll not live to regret employing me"
52 Hopes to build a dungeon one day so looking for ideas about traps and organisation. After a few adventures will elect to remain in dungeon to take it over. "I love dungeons"
53 Tries to torture any captured enamies just in case, really likes torture and wants to collect torture stuff for home torture cell in basement. "I will join your cause! I will cause your foes unbelievable pain and torment"
54 Attractive charming friendly but a lycanthrope and not aware yet. At sometime will turn into a monster next full moon and kill anyone they can find "I fear no horrors of the dark, they should fear me"
55 Loves to stab and throw daggers and pretty good. Likes to field disect dead for signs of chaos taints and lays out organs methodicly and likes to scrawl chalk graffitti occult signs nearby. Good at first aid and sewing wounds. Wants own flesh golem one day. "Im not just a brilliant wizard, Im great with a dagger, killing monsters is great!"
56 Hairless wizard in leather, keeps muttering about how strange this world is and wants to go back to Xor where everything is made of meat. Collects meat and skin and glands for potions doesnt value gold. "If I can just get the right body parts I can call apon Xor my divine lord of meat to take me home"
57 Strange burned and warty wizard blind in one eye, seves chaos and frequents company of crones and hags. From another dimension and has no respect for anything. "Oh yes I seek the dread lore of secret dark places, many I have yet to see"
58 Likes spells to disguise and change mostly illusions and transformations, likes to steal treasure and run. Cheeky enough to change form and try same suckers again. "Oh yeah I can blow stuff up for money, when do we start, let me change my shirt first"
59 Balding greasy weasely wizard unfortunatley down trodden by his evil imp that tricked master into selling soul when in danger once. Now wizard follows Imp who is always offering adventurers miracles to solve problems with a quick soul contract with hell. Imp is actually pretty helpful with own abilities and master resents Imp is more charismatic. "I really really need this job and my familiar is pretty handy"
60 Hunch backed googly eyed chubby wizard with goggles, specialises in water and air magic and is surprisingly good at jumping, seeing in the dark and catching flies with toungue. Despite being a toad hybrid he is pretty stoic and useful. Sells frog-weed and fog-grog with other followers and gets them hooked to raise cash for his home swamp frog cult village. "a bit of what you like cant hurt" (wink)
61 Muscle bound wizard likes to damaticly take shirt off and exercise in camp. Aims to be the strongest wizard in land and likes arm wrestling. He likes spells to effect things at some distance or make self stronger or hard to hurt. Likes to use sling and has long beard and hair. Mocks puny wizards and flexes muscles for gestures of spells. "With a ripped wizard like me with you, there is no room for failure or weakness"
62 Wears flaming robes and drinks exotic liquers from affar and smokes a hooka (pipe in dungeon). Loves burning the crap out of everything and explosions. "I am the god of hellfire!"
63 Penny pinching greedy skinflint. Haggles for pay quite a bit and tries to charge extra for services or casting spells at times. Tries to hold good treasure "just for now" and knows lots of investment schemes he sells to others in party during rests. Bites coins to test purity and has own abacus for counting. "Inviting me to join you was the best financial decesion you ever made". Will try and siphon extra money to self
64 Keen to join in preperation for the great war coming. Utterly convinced colamity and destruction just on the horison and anything could be a part of the great drama. Keeps finding clues, omens and great plots even in bpwl of tavern porridge. "I seek experience in battle to prepare myself for the apocalypse"
65 Dresses in fine robes and very snooty. Has at least a servant or familiar who lets master walk over them to get through puddles and other degrading acts. Thinks everyone greedy poor crettins, wants adventure to develop powers but loathes murder hobo rif raf. "I am willing to acompany you gentlefolk on any reasonable adventure"
66 Robed bearded wizard with hood, devoted to cosmic law and hates chaos. Devoted to slaying chaos and aiding athorities and lawful churches. A bit preachy and moralistic hopes to be placed in stsis for eternity in the celestial temple of law. "Let chaos fly when our swords and flame clense them from the earth!"
67 Clumsy old robed wizard, loses things in his beard despite familiars best efforts. Gets tired and sometimes not ready in emergency and hesitates. Means well and is honest. "Oh yes a trip to kill some savage monsters, might be just what I need, I'll just grab my spectacles"
68 Sexy young caster wearing very little silk and lots of shiny jewellery. Heavily perfumed and thinks they are centre of the multiverse and others feelings not a big deal. Wants gems and gold mostly and experience. Likes to dance in spell gestures and covers self in shiny oil. Does tend to attract encounters with jingling of treasure and scent. "Wait till those monster see me!"
69 Keen young up and coming wizard very pleased to come along. At some point will use the +2 beserker dagger he recently got in a fight and go int a beserker killing frenzy they cannot stop. "Why I would love to come on a quest. I think it is just what my life needs now. I just got this great magic dagger I'm keen to try"
70 Seafaring wizard likes drinks, bar fights, carousing and seems entertaining. In dungeon likes to smoke, start fights, sing sea shanties to challenge monsters and offers terrible advice. "Id love joi join ye matey! I have lots of experience that is bound to come in handy"
71 Loves to gamble and tries to make a bet on each encounter on outcome or even which of two birds in a tree will fly away first. Cant resist gambling and a blabbermouth. WIll tell everything about party to a criminal enterprise. "I bet youll not regret asking me!"
72 Millitary vetran wizard retired, will come along and share old campagn stories and pretty handy. Will scold anyone for being slack, lazy or not pulling team weight. Former leader finds it hard not to be bossy until learns to respect leader. Confused by democratic parties. "I would like a last great challenge to streatch my skills again, will be like old times in the war"
73 Former adviser to a knight, driven away from failure and wizard sect after them for leaving post. Wants to get away and get money to go a long way away. Is quite wise and practical but poor at field craft and used to servants and asks for help lots. If feels valued and safe might stick around. "When do we leave, Im all done with this place"
74 Cultist looking to be taken somewhere evil by party so he can join the enemy and inform them about party. Might even have some suggested dungeons in area. "The deeper, the darker the more vile the better I say"
75 Cultist scouting for a new home for a cult. Hoping if can help party clear a location can come back with cult to take over. "I yearn to see ruined forgotten and hidden places"
76 Pious and kind and fair. Will join any worth while quest against evil but at some point will want to gather orphans and children and old and take them somewhere safe."I am comited to styming any threats to peace"
77 Court caster currently exiled hopes to get some adventuring fame to be invited back.
78 Quit sevice of master over true love and now they died so they seek distraction from misery. Keeps asking pointless questions about love and they dont listen to any advice. Mopes about and interested in vice to forget. "Nothing could be worse than life now I will join you"
79 Merchant who's caravan was robbed and family and employees killed by humanoids and bandits in area seeks revenge. No idea where to start but joining adventureers seems like a good plan for now. If can get party to help will but has lost fortune. "I seek to slay the lawless ones who predate this land who have cost me dearly"
80 Bastard noble enjoys wizardry but family back home now want them home as siblings have all died. Will be stalked by agents and keen to geyt off the beaten track and just focus on wizard stuff like blowing up and plundering monsters. "Sure I will come and together our enemies will tremble"
81 Student wizard fled master who was creepy and although not very experienced figures adventuring is cheapest path to power. Wary of people trying to mis use them or abuse them from past bad experience. Takes time to trust. "I will come and see how you operate"
82 Keen young student seeking extra curricular experience while master on quest. Was replaced by a shape shifting evil creature days ago. "Gee I would love to see inside some lonley dark hole full of monsters"
83 Mysterious atractive woman with reputation for danger and magic. Will consider good offer from party but remains haughty. If they treat her with respect she will continue to work but if treated poorly will consider magical revenge. She might just blast all and escape or something worse and more cunning. She likes charm, sleep, invisibility and polymorph spells
84 Wizard wears full body covering and a mask. Logical, cool, aloof but will be loyal to competant party. Actualy a clockwork golem with a wizards soul implanted into it. He is reluctant to be harmed as heal spells dont work on body but repair skills and spells might
85 Seedy flatulant wizard eats beans, boiled eggs, onions and drinks lots. Smiles and slow to act or respond. Likes stinking cloud best of all. Sleepy and stoned lots. Monsters sometimes smell them from far away. "I have a knack for finding monsters you know"
86 Has a business stripping buildings and dungeons for bricks and other building materials. Wants to help clean out somewhere so crew can come in and gut everything. If gets away with it will continue with party and keeps crew distant and a secret. "Im keen to explore some ruins they interest me greatly"
87 Creepy wizard sells monster children as a racket and will attempt to "rescue" children but kill women and old. "Enemy children will be wailling soon"
88 Former cult leader on the run from law needs a hidout but adventurers or a dundeon might do the job. Efficient and mean spirited in battle will remain at any suitable evil place he can call home. Will end up new dungeon boss. "Why I would be delighted to see some abandoned and hidden real estate"
89 Inquisition wizard in disguise seeking adventurers in area known to blaspheme, not pay tax and not return church relics without expecting a ransome. Joining several parties in area to investigate then will report to inquisition. "Why exploration and adventure that sounds exiting, tell me more!"
90 Works for a gang of bandits led by lover who will follow party and ambush when signalled to indicate party wounded and exhasted. Seem charming and friendly, possibly flirty. "Treasure sounds great I cant wait to nab some"
91 Wizard soul transposed into a zombie by master in an emergency but master then died. Slow, smelly and seeking money or magic to ressurect master a natorious evil wizard. Is desperate and horrorfied by condition. Over a hundred years so far. "I am old and crippled and slow but I fear nothing, thankyou for this chance"
92 Wears black and likes skulls, vegetarian necromancer that fights undead but also uses them. Mostly sweet and has several pets. "Ooh I like spooky places"
93 Gloomy student of moon moth mystery wizards exploring the world naive about all kinds of every day life things but knows of kingdoms in underland and the moon. Misinterperates things sometimes. "Ooh yes I would so much like to see your interesting places"
94 Shapeshifting serpant folk wizard pretending to be noble born forign desert wizard. Seeking evidence of reptilian or draconic ancients they can use or sell back home in the secret sepernt citadel. "Yes certaintly I will serve and seek secret knowledge of the ancients my friends"
95 Wizard school drop out angry and a bit careless in fights. Has a bit of a deathwish but will recover in time especialy if new oportunities to learn magic arise. "Magic lore is all I seek, nothing else matters any more"
96 Run away from master who was abusing them and seeks shelter with any strong enough to protect them. Wizard sends agents then will come in person. "I seek comradeship against the evils of the world"
97 Tried to cheat hell and they have recruited demon bounty hunters to deliver them to the gates of hell for the infernal lawyers to deal with. Nervous and figity, always looking around because lives in fear of attack. Single demon comes first then they grow in each attack numericly. "Why yes I am glad to seek to travel with your kind"
98 Is secretly a witch cult leader and is on a rampage of revenge. A witch hunter is after them so they want to get cash and out of town fast. Has some unusual spells and skills and a familiar. Interested in finding a new gang of thralls so might just occupy a dungeon. "Im keen to get out of town to open air and freedom"
99 Illusionist has been using powers to aid smugglers but they got caught and tax exise men are after wizard with a noose now. Flighty and nervous but quite fun. Likes to relax with parties when safe. Likes to change appearance and is disguise expert. "I can decieve your enamies with phantasms and bewitchment"
100 Has learned how to imprison souls in skins of animals and wants to try some more inteligent creatures but not be called a murederer. So keen to join adventurers and start skinning and casting black magic. Wears a fur coat made live foxes with tiny eyes and sewn up mouths. "If you dont mind me killing some lawless monsters Im willing to join you"
Friday, 21 February 2020
Vulture Ruins of the Age of Night
Vulture Ruins
These ruins are remnants of the Vulture People who worshipped cruel demons and led all manner of bird folk beast people tribes. In the age of night, they were one of the later seven monster kingdoms and left outposts everywhere,
Vultures competed with vampire bats for a position as they were the last new kingdoms at the end of the age. Vulture minions included hyena, weasel, jackals, rats, crows and other beast folks. Humans and orcs by the end of the civilisation became common in all the armies of the monster empires. So sometimes you see sighs of this in artwork in ruins, or documents or even still dwelling nearby.
Vulture folk prefer scimitars and round shields and often used curved or wavy blades and cruel maces and flails. Obsidian bladed cubs were popular too. Vultures prohibited all bows and prefered spears, javelins and darts sometimes with an atlatl (only for military). Some black powder was used in cannons and siege mines and they enjoyed alchemy but only leaders might carry several flintlocks.
Vultures like necromancy as you can make your food walk home and be your slave while you snack on them. Demonology was popular too and air elementalism was popular with some sects.
In a pinch, i use gnolls stats for all beast folk
d12 Type of ruin
1 Tower outpost d4 1=basement under rubble mound 2 =intact ground floor lair 3=d4+1 floors of wizards home 4=rooftop shrine and signal bonfire pit and the great horn
2 Trading post d4 1=wooden stockade fort 2=caravan trading post with outer wall and inn 3=Slave market with pillars and auction blocks 4=aboitoir for humans slaves to be butchered
3 Shrine d4 1=vulture demon 2=night goddess 3=moon god 4=nightmare demon
4 Monument d4 1=vandalizes vulture king statue 3=relief cock art of peoples bringing tributes to vulture king 3=black monolith with vulture folk runes, lawful evil diabolic language of hell and the alien script of the outer void 4=great black tone vulture headed sphinx
5 Temple d4 1=Uniting Demonic Temple with hundreds of ancient crude stone idols many broken 2=cave temple with paintings and a sacrifice pit to the ancestors 2=3 pile of rubble with broken demon idols 4=sunken grotto with painted plaster and demon and monster skulls
6 Tomb d4 1=ziggurat where bodies flayed for vultures to eat with giant vault of bones 2=small pointy pyramid 3=hill mound with tomb entrance 4=stone vault where undead live
7 Fortified home d4 1=outer walls intact, building rubble but cellar lair 2=Intact several story house with intact room and inhabitable 3=rubble with bones and charcoal 4=collapsed building with some intact rooms usable as shelter8 Prison d4 Small lock up with goalers office cell and small yard, 2=ruined castle with basement dungeon, torture chamber and cells 3=grim walled building with gatehouse and several courtyards and buildings 4=underground mine often salt or lead or coal
9 Sacrificial place Ziggarutt with bloody altar and skull rack on top 2=pit with hundreds of skeletons 3=gladiator fighting pit 4=executioners block
10 Fort d4 1=small stone wall with barracks building 2=ruined watchtower and walled area 3=remains of small stone fort with intact walls, towers and cellar 4=small but tall stone citadel built on rock formation and hard to reach door
11 Plantation house d4 1=crumbling manor mostly ruined with slave shacks and former fields 2=stone barn also used as dairy and shearing shed 3=burned ruin of building with hidden cellar interest 4=grannery of ancients often used as a lair
12 Wall d4 1=remains or rubble dry stone wall waste high 2=twenty foot tall broken wall section d4 hundred yards 3=broken remains of an aqueduct 4=section of broken wall d4x 100 yards and an intact watchtower
d12 Common Encounters Outdoors
1 Terror Birds hunting d4
2 Nomad hunters 2d4
3 Nomads 2d4 with shaman
4 Wolves 2d4
5 Deer 3d10
6 Bugbear head hunter
7 Beast folk hunters d4 1=vulture 2=raven 3=rat 4=worm
8 Wild bear or mountain lion
9 A flock of huge circling vultures 4d4
10 Vulture headed lions d4
11 Wild dogs 4d4
12 Bandit outlaws 4d4 or rare encounter
d12 Rare Encounters Outdoors
1 Giant vulture with d4+1 heads
2 Air elemental 8HD
3 Wyvern d2
4 Peryton d4
5 Unicorn (some evil level draining black unicorns)
6 Vulture headed sphynx
7 Lost adventurers 2d4
8 Trolls d3
9 Ogres 2d4
10 Giant fire lizard
11 Pteradactyls 2d4
12 Giant scorpion
d12 Common Encounters In Ruin
1 Ghouls mostly were formerly vulture folk 3d4
2 Vulture headed mummy d4
3 Vulture headed lions 2d4
4 Living Statue with vulture head-on guard
5 Vulture headed Zombies 3d4
6 Vulture headed Shadows 2d4
7 Vulture folk 2d4 with a 5th level vulture wizard boss
8 Human cultists seeking lore
9 Barbarian beserkers here to die killing chaos
10 Human grave robbers looking for treasure
11 Witches and goat folk going to a secret meeting
12 Bandits dwell inside or rare encounter
d12 Rare Encounters in Ruins
1 Vulture-Sphinx, remembers glory days here
2 Giant spiders d4
3 Chaos mutants former slaves from long ago 2d4
4 Crazed old vulture person will chat to anyone
5 Bird haded gargoyles 2d4
6 Spectral minions of vulture folk in rich robes waving to long gone slaves
7 Vulture headed wights d4
8 Vulture headed wraith
9 Party of mostly priests on the hunt for ancient evils and cultists
10 Stone golem with vulture head
11 Lesser vulture demon12 Greater vulture demon
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