In my Gothic compilation i have basically lots of stuff on undead, graveyards and things a ravenloft goth would expect in a setting many dnd guys would call gothic. This stuff is mostly grave robbing really and I have done and am also working on stuff about hysterical emotions, insanity, madmen, villains, spooky manour houses and their gloomy histories. At one stage my party spat dummy over undead encounters and they bought a ship and went onto maritime exploration instead. Partly inspired by all the treasure maps they found while grave robbing.
The crime and punishment stuff ive touched on of late might fit in gothic book too - more on mental institutions and proper state dungeons for torture and abusing possibly guilty persons. Gothic stuff is most diverse topic with many more locations and tropes to explore. Was interesting mixing my table sets like gothic + dwarf dungeon = lost undead dwarf city. Lots of religious stuff and even lonely moor encounters. Witches might be a thing or a d100 old lonley women/hags. Suggestions always welcome.
For some reason i like to do things in sets of 4 or 12 but I may start some new dungeon zone types. Hellish boiler room zone, a demonic serial killer endless cursed basement might be a thing soon.
I think Im finding harder to find simple topic tables and difficult more wordy ones ones take more time. d100 Crystals took me months. d100 magic farm animals taken much longer than I would like. A good request often inspires me too so Paetron might be a way to generate reader requested d100 dnd stuff. Hopefully living in canberra I will get lots of time to work on my various manuscripts.
Wikepedia on crypts and burial vaults:
"A crypt (from Latin crypta "vault") is a stone chamber beneath the floor of a church or other building. It typically contains coffins, sarcophagi, or religious relics"
In more modern terms, a crypt is most often a stone chambered burial vault used to store the deceased. Crypts are usually found in cemeteries and under public religious buildings, such as churches or cathedrals, but are also occasionally found beneath mausoleums or chapels on personal estates. Wealthy or prestigious families will often have a 'family crypt' or 'vault' in which all members of the family are interred. Many royal families, for example, have vast crypts containing the bodies of dozens of former royalty. In some localities an above ground crypt is more commonly called a mausoleum, which also refers to any elaborate building intended as a burial place, for one or any number of people.
The last sentence is the main point for me.
Older version of this below I dont think I got point of a crypt that well more like tombs and will re label as such later. This table better for filling a typical village or city graveyard. I could still do strange sarcophagi - could be buried or in a dungeon store room. Ive been accidentally rewriting stuff ive done before. Twice of late, so will update my things to do lists more often. Have updated my links on the left sidebar for pages too. A few other inks need fixing and updating.
Good for rich bodies
coffins and common bodies
funery urns to smash for loot
more graves more oriented for barbarians
Graveyard generators and basic guardians
Older crypts table and extra grave guardians- i would class these as tombs more now
Spooky stuff in graveyards
Odd Graves
I wish i did this
Will do a post on sarcophagi later...
On my other pages of this blog under my emo dnd stuff the gothic section links to graves, bodies, graveyards and more so fill you crypt with stuff from there and use these d10 tables to pad out your crypt. Roll as many times as you like, The d100 is weirder still.

d10 Crypt Locations
This is if you have heroes seeking a specific crypt from records for a relic for instance.
1 Under common church or temple
2 Under a great cathedral or high temple
3 Under a family house or castle
4 Under ruins of a church, house or castle
5 In a family estate or property
6 In a tiny plot of land in cramped urban area
7 In a lonely out of the way roadside churchyard
8 In a great necropolis
9 In a quiet village cemetery
10 In a lonely windswept isolated place
d10 Exterior Decorations for Crypts
1 Water feature fountain, horse trough or pool
2 Pair or more of columns
3 Statue often of dead or religious
4 Bench possibly with sheltered porch
5 Decorative archway
6 Carved with poetry and scriptures
7 Carved with relief art of family or great deeds
8 Holy symbol of interred's faith
9 Overgrown with vines and vegetation
10 Buried mostly into earth with door visible
d10 Security for crypts
1in4 chance of being trapped also
1 Stone wall around crypt
2 Iron bar fence with locked gate
3 Solid metal doors with quality locks
4 Stone door sealed and difficult to open in secret
5 Secret door entrance
6 Crypt contaminated with poison gas or disease
7 A watchman or hermit or local watches over it
8 Defilers are cursed by godly or wizard magic
9 Has a strange animal protector like a big black devil dog
10 Has otherworldly entity protecting it like ghost or demon
d10 Inside Crypt
1 Inters a single sarcophagus and 1in4 with a pile of bones in corner
2 Niches or shelves in walls with 6+2d6 mummified bodies
3 A feature sarcophagi with sealed holes with coffins or shrouded bodies inside
4 A feature sarcophagi with funeral urns of ashes in niches or shelves
5 A feature sarcophagi with more recent coffins stacked around chamber
6 A feature sarcophagi with shrouded mummies laying in floor against walls
7 A feature sarcophagi with skulls on top of bones in niches or shelves
8 Walls and ceiling covered in bones, feature skeletal mummies dressed standing upright
9 Large underground chamber with columns, paintings, relief art, shrine and sarcophagi
10 A large complex with many chambers with different styles in each chamber

d100 Random Strange Crypt Table
01 The miser's crypt, filled with traps and scattered with bones of his poor descendants who reanimate and attack any trying to rob his cache of copper coins
02 The Weeping Virgin's Crypt, everyone knows the tragedy of the virgin who died of the plague. She was interned here then awoke from her coma, weeping for days before death. She is now some kind of haunting spirit03 The Virtuous Maiden's Crypt, loved by locals she died of sickness but really she had a vampire lover and she feeds off local virgins
04 The Wizard Crypt, all fear the old man wizard but he was rich. Now he is a mummy who awakens to read his books
05 The Good Mayors Crypt is well known and attractive. The Mayor had bone golems interned with him as guardians
06 The Old Captain's Crypt decorated with sea themed carvings is well known in area. What people dont know is he worshiped sea demons and if disturbed will arise with his fish folk brides to protect his collection of exotic trade goods and furnishings
07 Brave Hugo's Crypt, has a statue of Hugo and was built by his adventurer friends. One fiend a rogue now leads a band of evil murder hobos who live in the crypt with their ill gotten loot via a secret door
08 Karizon the Transmuter's Crypt, he studied shape shifters and now crypt is home to a family of doppelgangers and their pet mimic
09 Azul the Shadow's Crypt, a evil rogue and crime lord some say served the demons of living darkness. Now shadows dwell here
10 Artan's Crypt, a trader was buried with many exotic items including his idol collections. One idol contains a wicked spirit who has summoned imps to dwell here and they use as a base for their soul buying operation
11 Mistress Shastra's Crypt has been cursed by the spider goddess and now it is full of cobwebs and giant spiders
12 Bartan's Rest is a where jolly local sherrif was interned by grateful admirers but he was actually murdered and the angry revenant didn't know who killed him so now he kills travellers by night and murdered the local bandit gangs
13 Sir Torin's Crypt a goodly knight was buried with gems from the crusades, if disturbed his armour and sword arise to fight
14 Ahmon DeTaint's Crypt, where a aged respected knight was burried after a sudden illness. Actually he was poinoned with chaos tainted troll blood and on death trolls burst from his corpse and are now insane with hunger. Locals hear screams from within by night
15 Dame Zeldra's Crypt, a famous rich widow inside she is a ghoul queen and gnaws on her poisoned husbands bones. She is keen to eat new men and get out
16 Lord Drodon's Crypt, with oriental ornamental tiles from a far off land is a striking sight. Some hear music from inside and the Lords faithful bard had his throat slit and was swalled inside. Now undead the bard lures in victims to kill and eat or tell him stories
17 The Brothers Crypt, where two brothers, the last of their lines was burred. The twit brothers now undead enjoy dueling and see newcomers in the tomb as practice
18 Bloodbeard's Crypt a famous bandit and pirate who was pardoned during the war. Now his beard is alive with demon blood, and is a great hairy snake like hell beast
19 Blarg's Crypt, a bad local man who obtained wealth by unknown means. Actually he worked with evil goat men and now they live in crypt attempting to raise him as a goat man hero with blasphemous rites. People hear bleating by night
20 Oorod's Crypt a scholar and astrologer who died mysteriously of a broken neck. It is known by all e was intered with his astrology books and his telescope. The invisible horror he spied in the stars by accident killed him and now dwells here, strangling and draining local animals of blood by night
21 Madnaan's Crypt a religious scholar whos crypt has been defiled by demons who live in crypt and use as a base of terror. Madnaan has been risen to high status by head church since death and seek adventurers to cleanse the tomb and recver his remains to be used as relics
22 Kiroth's Tomb a lumber trader was killed by elves. Since his death the arrow heads inside him have turned his corpse into a undead tree man who by night murders humans and plants trees
23 Flunn's Crypt, a famous womaniser was cursed by local witches, now he prowls the night killing and eating is former buddies
24 Takar's Crypt a celebrated tavern keeper and sherrif, sounds of celebration like music and laughing are heard within, his enemies who's crimes he exposed are furious and want someone to stop his otherworldy fun but locals dont mind it
25 Branahan's Crypt is carved with scenes of witches cavorting with familiars. This champion of witches saved many lonely old women from angry mobs. A expert on witch lore who maintained that stuff was long ago. Still someone built and decorated this crypt
26 Noodle's Crypt, a famed tailor who served the rich and amased a fortune which he used to collect strange relics and lore. Some say he was also a wizard who made magic garments. Murder hoboes attempting to rob crypt found dead with eyes and mouths sewn up
27 Jaybee's Crypt a warrior who's sword Blackrazor was feared and never seen since his death. With it he travelled across he world seeking adventure
28 Calivar's Crypt a doll maker and collector who modeled many famous heroes, gods and beauties. His crypt has been eyed of by rival collectors but they are put off by the ice emanations. One thief's frozen corpse was covered in tiny bites and scratches
29 Teray's Crypt a esoteric wizard who preserved old ways and reputed to be a plane shifter. Collected many compendiums of planar lore and some say there is a gate in his crypt.
30 Bloody Jack's Crypt a scholar specializing in the study of corrupt, tragic, cursed and gloomy kingdoms. His studies of grotsque rulers and nations earned him many enemies who were not flattered. Many who wished not to be exposed have sent various horrors to watch his tomb and protect it's secrets
31 Crypt of Satarias a devil worshiping depraved sorcerer and high priest of the old ones. His depraved cult interned him with his many vices, so robbers assume crypt full of treasure, drugs, evil relics and a undead harem
32 Zacarim's Crypt a famed scholar of dungeon lore involved in many great feuds in the magic collogeum of Shadelport. His infamous burning of the house of Ftar and other incidents made him a intriguing figure and subject of false rumours. Some say he is a vampire who dwells in the crypt with his mostly all female adventures guild
33 Gareg's Crypt, a former dairy merchant his crypt is surrounded by high quality statues. Some say he was interred with one of the gorgon sisters as a guardian
34 Perdustin's Crypt, a scholar of otherworldly and dungeon lore he died in his cross breeding monster labs. Thouls now use his crypt as a lair terrorising locals. They have been killed many times but uncannily return again and again
35 Johan's Crypt, was a traveling sage who after a single night of dreams in a haunted lich house never slept again. Some say even in death he will not sleep
36 Terimshotz Crypt, famed for his dilapidated old manour and collection of dungeon and adventurer maps his crypt built from the burnt stones of the infamous spirit haunted manour
37 Arnar Khem's Crypt famous pugilist who famously battled monsters. Starting from early days asa pit fighter became noted for killing goblins with one punch. Then worked up to beating other monsters like flumphs and bugbears. Possibly died in cage match vs gelatinous cube and pool of green slime. His crypt paid for by fans had many fallen monsters interred with him
38 Jensen's Crypt pioneering settler in area when still frontier, led a wagon train of freaks and desperate outcasts to area long ago. Local murder hobos sing about his exploits with local monsters in campfire songs. Some say crypt filled with odd relics found in old days but his many descendants in area keep an eye on this run down crypt
39 Gussell's Crypt, former sea captain who was missing for years apparently on a ghost ship and lost in strange lands. He was buried with strange relics from his travels and barnacle encrusted sea ghouls and frog men have been seen around this place at night
40 Sister Nurel's Crypt, a stern nun who fed the starving who converted to her faith and left rest to die. Shunned by her her god her revenant dwells inside. Emaciated dead and skeletons surround her barred chamber attempting to eat her while she prays for forgivness. Occasionaly they do but next day all returns as before
41 Lady Orla's Crypt, spent her life hunting and torturing and killing those who killed her family. She never found them all and never found rest in her grave
42 Lady Bathra's Crypt, made poor children into cosmetics for the rich and cursed by common folk, bloody footprints and broken mirrors have been found nearby
43 Zandara's Crypt, the famed beauty was leader of assasins guild. Followers tortured an old priest to give her final rites then they killed him. A bloody cult leave her offerings and prey for her to grant them knowlege. Those who try and stop them are murdered
44 Ulrain's Crypt, a young bride some believe was murdered by her husband. Since her burial his families graves have been violated. Their gnawed and broken bones scattered around the area
45 Dandachar's Crypt, a former mercenary who enjoyed burning orphanages and selling children. Now small shambling figures have been seen around his crypt trying to break inside
46 Pelorian's Crypt, a lady wizard who's rivals had her tortured for witchcraft so they could steal her spellbooks. Several local wizards have been found dead with their eyes gauged out and their fingers missing. All their books and wizard paraphernalia has disappeared. Her now empty burned out tower overlooks the crypt
47 Debrahar's Crypt a lady adventurer who was killed by a succubus. Some say she is now a fearsome wight who howls at the full moon
48 Maggar's Crypt a former master hunter who guided decadent nobles to hunt exotic beasts and maidens. Wolves have been seen digging around the crypt and locals debate if he was a demon or a werewolf
49 Mother Krang's Cryp, she ran abusive orphanages and charity donations made her rich. Demons granted her a deal for eternal life and now she is a undead horror who must eat children to live. Bones litter the area around her resting place. Her coffin was the largest ever made in the region
50 Vorad's Crypt a notorious pimp and slave trader was killed by a paladin for enslaving nuns in his brothels. A she devils has raised him as her undead consort and his screams are heard every full moon
51 Nerrella's Crypt, a lady necromancer who robbed many old wizards before one was prepared and took her body when she killed him. Inside the crypt she toils making new undead to torment the area
52 Dr Varashdig's Crypt, he was a great surgeon and wizard who collected remains of evil doers from gallows across the country. He sewed them into hulking great flesh golems to guard his body from necromancers
53 Zahdran's Crypt a mean money lender and pawnbroker, killed and robbed, his spectre rattles coins in crypt and moans to attract victims inside
54 Lodan's Crypt a forester well regarded by those of old and new ways, overgrown in vines which attempt to entangle intruders, if opened bears from the forest come to defend his body
55 Piazan's Crypt a famous seducer and dandy has been arising from the dead to seduce other inhabitants of graveyard. He is now a ghoul often found making love with other undead but also jealous lovers of his partners have been arising and causing trouble
56 Undra's Crypt is covered in holy symbols and hidden truth id shr died giving birth to a were wolf, Inside she is a wight with undead wolf servants who dug their way in. Her son will seek vengance on those who defile her grave
57 Zhuel Family Crypt a clan of rich infamous fiends who lost everything through vice and villainy. Insied the clan are ghouls still carrying out their depraved lusts
58 Westington Family Crypt, a good family crypt but tainted by burying last son alive, he is now a angry spirit and has reanimated kin as skeletons to punish his clan, if he is stopped the clan will est in peace
59 Black Brotherhood crypt of a fraternal order linked to crime and vice, inside shadows lurk
60 Sisters of Varsha, a holy order of nuns actually actually wicked ghoul clan who eat and abuse young men
61 Krunrel Family crypt were infamous hunters who even killed unicorns. Since death tey have become wights who hunt and skin villagers, only willing to convert high born to undead to dwell with them. The gods hate this clan and few remain in poverty
62 Taban Clan Crypt, a family of merchants who collected exotic foreign idols. The undead clan will buy and sell grave goods to the living at night which is deplored by proper undead
63 Hulnarj Clan suspected of being assassins were rounded up by king, killed then pardoned and buried. The undead now hut and kill the descendants of their humiliating murder. They are hard to find now so expanding vengeance to the living now
64 Orvrak's Crypt, a cruel rich man who operated mental hospitals for profit and opportunities for surgical and magical experiments. His spirit forms a monstrous pale worm-man thing that catches the living to torment in his crypt
65 Madam Merto's Crypt, she was accused of killing and eating all the women on a small island colony so she poisoned herself and was spared a trial. Now she appears as a seductive slightly older phantom widow who kills any woman near her men
66 Maabda's Crypt a famous witch woman who some say still flies over the village at night spying on gossip and selecting victims to curse and udders to blight
67 Castolya's Crypt a noble woman who ran orphanages and hundreds of babies. Most think well of her but the story of a child who escaped her hidden witch torture kitchen still is told by locals
68 Missus Vrinpreen's Crypt, known as a exponent of proper speech and manners, she would have her servants flogged to protect them from vice. Now people are still are polite near hearing distance of her crypt at night. A few uncouth types have been found half eaten
69 Belgorra's Crypt, high mother of a sorcery sect who was perpetually magically pregnant. Recently cultists have come offering sacrifice to her. Strange half man half mutant horrors have been found of late and resemble missing local men and several have been killed by farmers. The cult say she will arise and spawn a race of super witch children
70 Calperthia's Crypt, was a successful merchant and council member. Well respected some were always trying to destroy her victories and slander her. Poisoned, she was buried and a gang of hoodlums paid to vandalize the crypt vanished. She is a wight queen fueled by vengeance against her enemies. Her growing pack of undead men make her stronger
71 Mayerth's Crypt, carved with pendulous brested maids, satyrs and wine gods, dedicated to a popular barmaid who served from child to over a hundred. A few dead fool grave robbers have been found here drowned in beer with happy expressions
72 Zuulya's Crypt, a local fortune teller and mystic who was donated this crypt by her patrons to keep her secrets silent. It has been encrusted with many religious idols and symbols and repulsive to magical beings including spell casters
73 Sister Trayun's Crypt a martial artist who protected the village and killed 47 bandits at the cost of her life. Students of her style come to the crypt and prey and protect the great Sister's remains
74 Zonrang's Crypt, was a large spoiled daughter of wealthy mine owners. She hired gangs to beat any woman prettier or had nicer shoes or things. Choked on a potted doormouse, and took twelve men to carry her body to the burial. Occasionally a local beauty is attacked by a great undead toad demon thing locals have named after this crypt
75 Lord Hulrun's Crypt, a petty lord who traded in slaves and used humans as sadistic playthings. Murdered by his daughter who fled to ignominy, his resting place has reported haunting of spirits and rites of angry slave cultists. Local priest has been meaning to re sanctify the crypt
76 Hurran's Crypt, a gentleman on his travels who was loved everywhere he went. Was murdered and locals who owed him money purchased the crypt. They were even buried around the crypt. It even has a coinslot and people come here to drop in a coin for luck
77 Ullrann & Bridge Crypt, some say it was from before the lands former known occupants. Ullrann was a necromancer clan who used it for several hundred years. They were exhumed and cremated and returned to the newly refurbished crypt for the up and coming Bridge clan. Anyway the place is a mess and cursed undead battle here and enter the crypt freely and down to it's underworld
78 The Old Crypt, a megalithic black stone slab crypt with aeons of weathering have worn scratches from a dragon almost gone. Cultists attracted by strange dreams get chased away by locals often. Inside a tiny angry elder god thing writhes in fury trying to contact and control mortals. It knows it is vulnerable to harm from heroic or spell casting mortals
79 Dr Zaruz's Crypt where the good doctor (a wizard too) was interned with the star stone that fell from the heavens. He and the stone glowed as they were sealed in a lead coffin placed in the crypt
80 Master Ruun's Crypt, head of a crime syndicate of martial artists that terrorised city blocks for generations. The masters replacements have been interned inside as well. These superior bad juju zombies practice every night then return to meditation by day
81 Scarlet Sisterhood, a band of wealthy devil worshiping fighting lady murder hobos were buried here in a suicide pact as their leader died. They are vigilante revenants hunting bad husbands and slave owners. When they slumber together they share memories in between solo missions delivered to them by a underworld goddess familiar
82 Arnk Zuu's Crypt, a mysterious eastern wizard who aided the grand fleet with good weather and destroyed enemies with storms. He was sealed in alive very sure he would meditate himself into a state beyond flesh and live forever
83 Zorg Larg's Crypt, son of a famed brutish mercenary who married a orc! Zorg was killed when young by a party of murder hobos. The criminals were sacrificed calling demons by orc witches, who also enchanted Zorg and his armour. Half orcs come to leave him turnips
84 Sirilliram's Crypt a reputed elf adventurer murdered by a secret admirer. The folorn maid wails at night killing homeless persons and drunks sleeping here
85 Baazrok's Crypt was the token Dwarf lover around these parts who got best trade deals because he offered to pay dwarves royalties to use technology stolen by humans. When he died the crypt was carved and sealed by his friends with traps to punish any who would harm the structure. A stone golem comes out to repair damage and seasonal maintenance. Local kids say that is when to sneak in
86 Cragmarv's Crypt, executioner, torturer and right hand man of many powerful men. Died drink driving off a cliff, his patrons built into his crypt a complete torture dungeon so he would never miss home. Now his spirit possess bodies of preferably a fit male human and kidnaps people so he can keep up torturing
87 Kahrdril's Crypt, a man obsessed with the ancients who sent expeditions into the underland. His body was never recovered but his crypt and grave goods were prepared, and his favorite slaves were sacrificed ready for him. Turns out people say they were actually dark elves
88 Captain Sally's Crypt, lady privateer who was infected by black demon ichor and used a mimic as a heart before she finally died. From house maid to pirate queen she was a popular subject of biographies, paintings and saucy prints. Hundreds of ruined old pirates have come here and been found dead on the front steps
89 Zamon Gra's Crypt, supposed friend of the immortal Black Baron, Zamon was a unstoppable warrior turned necromancer who tried to claim the great sceptre of the goat headed lord of undeath. He was assassinated by is former friends and the necromancers guild
90 Yin Yuin's Crypt, a exotic courtier of the east who served in the court administratum, and was a spy for many factions with many secrets. She committed suicide by entering the black crypt and had her soul eaten to preserve her secrets. A necromancer took the secrets anyway now she is a huge angry wight with the abilities of a assassin and martial artist
91 The Black Crypt housed a noble warrior line who's clan was murdered by the Baron. They have been reborn as warrior wights and ghouls, angry and impotent
92 Durlan's Crypt where the great she-wizard was buried after her last spell duel. Nobody knows who the winner was but now the angry spectre of Durlan sucks the life from mortal spell caster who dares flaunt their power near her crypt
93 Kudras's Crypt, the snake dancer who kept performing into her 80s in the courts of the city. Some say she was leader of a cult of snake worshiping vampire lovers. Murderers staked her and her followers interned her in the Crypt then committed suicide.Gloomy teens into poetry often come here
94 Zirra's Crypt a famed mercenary woman who was friends to orcs and pirates. She was burred with her loot and orc witches placed magic wards and spells on the site
95 Mirnmorg's Crypt, a jolly fat baker who invented a popular pie sold across the city. The pie king filled a huge pie shaped coffin and was sealed up with giant gingerbread men and dough golems with pretzel hilted swords. He was even mummified in pastry but non at funeral would try any. Smell of hot cinnamon buns lures curious loners to the crypt at night
96 Psuttzetta's Crypt a tall thin beak nosed girl who tried and failed to get married and died old with only her maids for company. Young men taking shortcuts home from the pub have been chased by a screaming corpse that bears a likeness to Psuttzetta 97 Fimgorn the wizard died in his inn room and the villagers split his stash and could still pay for his crypt. There was a bit of a surprise that he was a she when the cleric came to perform the rites and record the death. Fimgorn's spirit is inside mostly reading and writing his books
98 Ptormar's Crypt a trouble making political rebel who was sponsored by noble patrons till he was murdered by the state. His patrons paid dwarves to fill it with traps and elves to provide magical ones
99 Grechnap's Clan Crypt was a old rural slaving family who became paupers and canibals in the ruin of the manour. When that burned down they come here to wallow in thir accestors remains. They claim the dead will protect them
100 Old Wizard Holwey's Crypt, a unpopular rural wizard killed by a mob of hill people. He was intered with the remains of his former wives and tiny coffins of his sons who all died before manhood. Locals entombed him from fear with his spellbooks that survived the burning
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