Sunday 27 October 2024

Flooded Tunnels of No-mans Land + Water Leapers


So the swamp, lake and river in Chagrinspire has the remains of marine ruins and wrecks. There are also canals and canal Tunnels. There are remains of concrete forts and cliff entarances for boats inside fortified hills. his is to cover these partially flooded tunnels and sewers.

d12 Flooded Tunnel Decor
1 Almost blocked with food debris
2 Blocked with a grate, iron bars or wire mesh and garbage
3 Blocked with wreckage of some vehichle
4 Numerous rotting corpses or a huge marine creature corpse
5 Infested with swarm of vermin or slime
6 Doorway or service hatch or a mysterious hole
7 Tunnel descends and increasingly flooded
8 Tunnel ascends and less flooded
9 Crates or barrels of goods washed or stashed here
10 Remains of fishing net, anchor, ropes, floats and dead fish
11 Clutches of eggs of some large creature
12 Graffiti on wall, a warning or sign of faction territory

d12 Flooded Tunnel Hazards
1 Swarm of rats or carnivorous fish in area but can be avoided with athletic skill
2 Flash flood from water release or tide or rain
3 Tripline grenade or land mine
4 Rusty nails or caltrops underfoot
5 Flammable liquid on water or gas
6 Scythe or pendulum trap
7 Deadfall of garbage
8 Rancid water carries disease or parasites
9 Stinking odour save or choke
10 Flooded floor deeper than it should be
11 Giant cave clams in water or strangler vines
12 Petty haunting or strange sounds or lights

d12 Common Flooded Tunnel Encounter
1 Giant spider or marine scorpion
2 Cave lobster or crabs
3 Giant rats or single bear size on
4 Giant beetles or flies
5 Giant newt or lizard or crocodile
6 Giant worms or maggots or leeches
7 Beastfolk d4 1=fish 2=rat folk 3=frog 4=eel
8 Giant pike or other aggressive fish
9 Water Leaper 
10 Scavengers exploring
11 Cultists lurking
12 Mutant gang in hiding

d12 Rare Flooded Tunnel Encounter
1 Small furious fungoids or vegetal humanoids
2 Simpering boggles
3 Carnivorous sewer apes
4 Cave octopus 
5 Troll or ogres
Spectral soldiers or cultists
Water sprites or mephits 
8 Lycanthropes d4 1=rat 2=bat 3=frog 4=snake
9 Willow the whisp
10 Shambling horror or algoid
11 Imature dragon
12 Hag or nymph

Water Leaper
Faerie Animal CN
AC +4 HD 3 Att Bite d6 or sting d4+poison Move 6 Swim 12 Fly 24 Morale 7
Poison - save or paralysed for 2d4 rounds or 
lose 1HP per round for a d6 rounds
Amphibious flyer can ambush from heights or water
Swallow small creature on a roll of  to hit20 

An amphibious froglike creature with bat wings and a stingtail and no arms or legs. They often come through faerie portals and colonise bodies of water with their tadpoles. Mischievous and hungry they may live alone or in groups. Faeries find them cute even though some eat the occasional faerie or pixie or brownie or goblin. They are greedy and eat giant bugs or puppies or ducks voraciously. They croak loudly by night if it rains and can be used as guards by faerie of frog folk

 Half damage from blunt weapons
1in4 See invisible
1in6 +2 HD extra large & bite does 2d4 damage and swallow a human size creature on roll of 19-20 to hit
1in6 Croak all in 3m range save or stunned for one round if doesn't move that round
 Poison doubles dice rolled for paralyzing or venom damage
1in8 Any who slay it save vs curse or will not float in water unless remove curse
 Require magic or cold iron weapons to hit or harm as born in faerie
1in10 Regenerate 1hp per round in water 
1in12 Blink 3m once per round
1in12 Teleport once per day
1in20 can travel to faerie land or the marine version through water once per day
!in20 can shapeshift into a faerie and will offer a treasure if spared, just doing this for fun 

d12 Water Leaper Plot Hooks
1 Billy found strange tadpoles and mum said to get rid of them and he put them in the well now water leapers have the village afraid of their well and the growing creatures eating pets
2 An angry nixie riding a water leaper has threatened locals for polluting the creek and local tanners guild wants them stopped
3 Swamp castle they say has a glistening treasure in its tower window but the flooded ruins have pesky water leaper
4 Local goblins are being snatched by a huge water leaper and they offer magic fungus to anyone who gets rid of it
5 A fisherman had a magic rod stolen by a water leaper, get the rod back and unhook the poor beast but don't hurt it or the faerie folk will get mad
6 A sprite offers you a fun game where you hold onto their pet water leaper and it drags you through the water at an unbelievable speed only 1gp a ride, The sprite will make a deal if you can help business
7 A dumb giant has been chasing water leapers around for dinner but the chases rampage over the countryside and damage fences and scare cows. Go stop this noisy menace
8 A local witch has a pet water leaper who warns her of peril and local witch hunter needs some help catching her but has some kind of personal vendetta as locals dont really care
9 A goblin has been luring water leapers to a fishing village with a faerie trumpet to cause mischief like stealing smoked fish on racks or ruining nets. The goblin uses this to rob houses 
10 A small race of frogling folk riding water leapers have been seen near water and in the sky and they seem to be increasing
11 A frogfolk shaman wants revenge on humans who killed their dope-peddling highwayman arsonist son. As part of this scheme he called on the frog gods for aid who send water leaper tadpoles he had raised to fighting fitness and trained them to obey his croaks
12 Faeries ask if you want to bet on water leaper races. After some cash is laid down one suggests betting a month of service (in faerieland where time stands still) 

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