Wednesday 23 October 2024

Chagrinspire Forts of the Line pt2: Loot & Decor

Some filler for underground forts of the allies vs the Black Sphere
have new computers and lots of my old software is extinct now so some planning

The Alliance used various symbols concluding an A on a round shield by the end but early in the war united under the Dragon banner of the late second empire. That version of the empire ended in part from Chagrinspire affecting all the weather of the world.
Sources of the visual style of Chagrinspire for your mood board
ww1 popular mechanics and other tech mags
Amazing stories and other pulp
ww1 propaganda and images 
Deco art sculpture relief art and other interior objects
Brutalist concrete architecture and monuments
Metropolis, Things To Come, RUR

d10 Quick Allied Fort Decor Types
1 Posters - propeganda
2 Sculpture - artwork
3 Counter - service desk
4 Machines - big machines
5 Cabinets - wood or metal with doors or draws
6 Banners - wall hangings
7 Ceramics - porcelain trinkets
8 Cigarettes Cards - collect them all! get players hooked on collecting cards
9 Post Cards - collect them all!
10 Chests - with various goods

d100 Allied Fort Decor
01 Poster advocating species and kingdoms unite against Nullism
02 Poster of general pointing "We need you to stop the Black Sphere or there will be no tomorrow"
03 Poster of ugly Black Sphere gnome sappers dragging a nurse into a hole with lewd lusty expressions "Dont Let This Happen Again"
04 Poster of airships burning a city of the Ancients with rays, "Remember Lost Kallamar"
05 Poster of body strewn ruin of dead soldiers and a sinister shadow over the dead "Stop the Death Guard"soldier 
06 Poster of whispering people in shadows with big eyes, "Dont spread Nullist Thoughts and Ideas! Report them to the Allied Authorities
07 Poster of children of various ancient peoples and demihumans "All future generations depend on you to save them! Dont Fail Them!
08 Sultry ambiguous gendered face over soldiers skulls with helmets "Dont Let VD take you out of the Action! Stay Firm!" 
09 Poster with faces of orcs, goblins, various beast folk and mutants "Our Allies may look strange but they are as committed to you in stopping the enemy - Non Dare Fail or all will perish!"
10 Poster with eyes peeking from cracks in walls looking at a dead woman laying on the floor, "Spies are everywhere! - check inside your walls weekly for gnome sappers!
11 Statue of a plucky soldier with a sword and a gun defiant to some foe
12 Abstract brutalist winged archon shielding a globe of the world
13 Giant spent shell casings a monument to past fallen
14 Abstract statute of a woman holding a baby titled in ancient plaque "For The Motherland"
15 Abstract statue of one of the ancient gods, difficult to recognise by modern tastes
16 Monolith with a huge golem face that you can ask if anyone you know is dead and it will answer yes or no if their real name
17 Musclebound statue holding a globe as it was then
18 Statue of sad orphans in the realistic story looking with fear towards chagrinspire
19 Statue of a lion or another beast in abstract geometric style
20 Statue in the minimal blocky style of an ancient allied monarch salins my mechanoid assassins according to plaque 
21 Telegram counters with automaton to operate
22 Telephone booth (occasionally they ring! Ghost calls or someone on the system?) Some have an automaton operator in the booth
23 Securuty checkpoint desk. Golem built-in demands papers
24 Secret police confession booth with secret police automaton in a confined space
25 Suicide booth - only works if issued with a special key by a medic and a superior
26 Passport machine checks and stamps passports, shoots at anyone fakes 
27 Video phone booth for VIPs only as so few people use hem, Snooty golem face on door looks disaproving and demands 10pp per minute for a call that projects your image to a person you know well and you see them on a small round B&W screen
28 Snackbar or icecream counter with automaton
29 Tobbacco stand counter with automaton with a wide range of brands with collectable cards
30 Booth selling bakelite gramaphone records, wax recording cylinders and a machine, wire recorders and crystal radio kits. Has a telephone for the repair crews that can tap lines and a huge bolt cutter 
31 Cognitive engine booth operated by automaton uses punchcards, the machine takes up quite a bit of space elsewhere and is prone to insects or kobold hackers inside swapping pins around. Its used for data requests and may ask for security clearance 
32 AIr vents with spinning fans and a breeze, some are cool or warm, and some have steam clouds puffing out. It may be on the floor or roof
33 Decontamination Machine for a d6 persons at once, cures effects of auroras, drugs,  poison, gas or disease. Built-in golem face gives instructions. Sprays various alchemical mists and sawm water. In some cases, it insists on destroying clothes.
34 Laundry machines with benches and a separate soap powder dispenser all coin-operated
35 Recycling machine with large hoppers and rotating blades grinds separates and shunts in transport tubes to be used
36 Furnace size of a small house and bin of coal, some 1in6 hold a bound fire elemental
37 Metal cage with glass vessel inside with an electrical elemental trapped inside, begs you to pill a huge lever 
38 Huge printing press shut down with a document being printed and collated and a trolley of finished works
39 Auto surgeon with a golem face, patient ID placed in module ned which is drawn into the machine for surgery healing 2d6+6 HP 1in6 have gone insane from neglect d4 1=change species 2=cut up and reassemble -2 CHA +2 Might from new muscles 3=inflict surgical mutations 4=half or double height
40 Automaton repair machine just place in the pallet pod and slide into the machine for a service and repair 4d6 HP in 20 minutes
41 Cabinet of air vents and service shafts in this level and secret entrances, plus lots of service reports
42 Cabinet houses a swarm of d4 1=rats 2=flies 3=worms 4=beetles 
43 Cabinet with mummified human heads someone stashed
44 Cabinet with the family of d4+1 kobolds live in here "go away!"
45 Cabinet locked, if opened releases a spectral bureaucrat who hid in here
46 Cabinet with functional bar and 2d6 bottles of spirits with glasses and cocktail novelties
47 Cabinet with wine rack with 4d6 bottles of ancient wine preserved by magic cabinet
48 Cabinet with guard automaton inside revived by light ready to fight
49 Cabinet with 4 rifles and 20 rounds each and a service .44 erevolver with 50 rounds
50 Banner of the ancient border state of the first empire
51 Banner depicting various allied soldiers and factions marching
52 Banner with text "Victory at any cost or we lose much more"
53 Banner depicting human and demihuman shaking hands with the script of both declaring brotherhood
54 Banner of ancient field marshal saluting with war machines behind them on hills and sky
55 Banner with detailed life size tank
56 Banner showing workers of various species and factions of alliance in grim factory showing unity against the grey gnome machines of Chagrinspire
57 Banner showing nurses and medics and priests helping wounded soldiers
58 Banner showing artillery destroying Chagrinspire as it was before covered in crap a thousand years ago 
59 Banner with map and regional and city flags of an allied nation and a couple in folk dress
60 Banner of ancient knights jousting and fighting while dragons watch with kings and queens
61 Teapot with ancient flags and a crown dedicated to a coronation
62 Figurine of a naked dancing youth, 1in6 are also magic lamps with coloured glass
63 Elegant statuette of sitting greyhound or fat bulldog
64 Regimental mug
65 Ceramic owl or kitten 1in6 were ancient magic surveillance devices but no living magicians can use them (usually or more recent)
66 Beer stein with naked figures in relief with smutty song lyric in ancient
67 Ceramic monster collectable 1=rampant dragon idol 2=ceramic griffon 3=sexy succubi 4=sleazy satyr with pan pipes
68 Comical drunken friar with bottle or blue glazed rampant mackerel 
69 Statue of a donkey with saddlebag holds d4 1=playing cards 2=two boxes of 2d6 matches 3=bundle of keys 3=toothpicks
70 Ceramic cheese plate with lid in shape of a tank with intact ancient cheese (it preserves cheese with magic)
71 Cigarette cards "Rulers of the allies" 1 of 36 in a series
72 Cigarette cards "Giant monsters attacking cities" 1 of 36 in a series
73 Cigarette cards "War machines of the alliance" 1 of 36 in a series
74 Cigarette cards "Dungeon monsters" 1 of 36 in a series
75 Cigarette cards "Demon lords of the Abyss" 1 of 36 in a series
76 Cigarette cards "War Criminals Most Wanted " 1 of 36 in a series
77 Cigarette cards "Butterflies of the World" 1 of 36 in a series 
78 Cigarette cards "The Torments Hell " 1 of 36 in a series
79 Cigarette cards "Peoples of the Alliance" 1 of 36 in a series
80 Cigarette cards "Funny Goblins" 1 of 36 in a series
81 Postcard with comical saucy beach holiday scene with a wizard and a merfolk
82 Postcard with saucy house servants doing chores 
83 Postcards with women wearing trousers and men's suits and smoking
84 Postcard with hand colouring of a quaint ancient city
85 Postcard with an attractive youth and a love letter
86 Postcard musclebound shaved men with tattoos and moustaches. Flexing and lifting heavy things
87 Postcard of a sports team with a rant on back adoring the team's performance
88 Postcard of mutant freaks in ghettos in alchemy district in what is now the Plateau of Peril
89 Postcard showing world map and arrows showing victorious forces driving the Black Sphere to the star fort around Chagrinspire
90 Postcard of a strict person with a whip and a mask in a corset and stockings
91 Chest with charts and maps of allied trenches making dugouts for miles and phone and telegraph lines 
92 Chest with phone books details for the vast ring of forts around Chagrinspire
93 Chest of silver coins payroll 5d6 x 10sp
94 Chest with whips and chains and an ancient manual "Introduction to advanced interrogation"
95 Chest full of well read books mostly trashy adventure d4 1=serial killer true crime 2=vampire horror 3=
96 Alchemists lab
97 Officers uniform, dress hat, helmet, small sword, bayonet and pistol and a alchemical drawing (photo) of soldier with family
98 Chest with a d4 fancy show dresses
99 Chest with tinned food including beef, beets, stew, cheese and a roast chicken  
100 Chest with a d6 loot items from below

d10  Allied Fort Loot
1 Weapon
2 Defence
3 Guns
4 Potions
5 Scrolls
6 Books
7 Tools
9 Jewellery
10 Vavious

d100 Allied Fort Loot
01 Impbite a +1 LE d4 dagger with an imp inside offers evil advice on murder, power, wealth and selling your soul to hell or joining the diabolic wizard school
02 Butterblade a +2 d3 knife warms on command can heat food or drink over 10 minutes
03 Goldblade +1 d6 CG bronze small sword that has a sweet voice and advises kindness and freedom fighting deeds. Will sing to your sleep or in battle
04 Grimbrand +1 +2 vs undead 2d4 LG, sword craves killing undead 
05 Invisible Sword +1 CN sword can become invisible perfect for ambushes and surprise attacks. It becomes visible the first blow and takes a d4 rounds to return to invisible. The sword holds the spirit of a troubled compulsive criminal with overconfident
06 Chakra of return +1 d6 damage returns and can be used in melee or thrown. The chakra returns to the user's hand at the end of each round and makes a singing sound as the returns
07 Mace of Doom +1 +d3 vs undead LG weapon sworn to slay undead, was once a priest
08 Axe of the Moon can see in any darkness as moonlight, +1 2d4 battle axe or d6 hand axe form as required 
09 Yeoman's Bow +1 longbow halves non-magic armour LN has the spirit of a strict farmer warrior and offers to train you in skills expanding archery
10 Lance of Terror +1 2d4 with a natural 20 to hit living foes must save or flee if lower level than the wielder (plus any other effects for rolling a 20) 
11 Magnetic Buckler +1 +2 vs metal weapons, could be used on a rope to fish for metal objects in a stream or well 
12 Sheild of the Orcs +2 medium round shield with a hideous face on front, enemies morale within 3 range drops by 2, once a day the shield face will scream causing fear saves or flee a d4 rounds
13 Scavengers Armour a +1 Suit of leather that also keeps wearer dry and repels mud, it seems to be made from scrap and found objects 
14 Resilient Chainmail +1 LG very shiny and sparkly, but non-magic piercing weapons, bites and claws are -1 damage also. Wearer hears armour muttering prayers and chanting praise to the bright gods. It scolds evil behaviour and encourages conflict 
15 Dragonscale armour +4 AC +1 armour but fire in all forms reduced -1 per dice and +2 saves vs fire
16 Frog Lords Armour +7 plate armour but it has no effect on encumbrance or athletics or swimming, it is slightly buoyant making drowning hard
17 Ring of the Glimmering Dawn +1 protection and can produce light as a lamp at will
18 Helm of Courage +1 protection and immune to fear 
19 Cloak of the Wind +1 protection and allows wearer to glide losing 1m height for each across, skill can turn, stay aloft longer or even climb or dive, acrobatics might grant extra turns and manoeuvres. While gliding both arms are in use to hold the cloak, some more bat or bird or bug-like
20 Bulwark Belt +1 protection and Might CG, a huge bronze and bear fur thick belt suited for weapons with pockets. The belt telepathically encourages you to carouse and fight but frowns on murdering innocents
21 Silver Dueling Pistols +1 in a case as a pair of flintlocks, they will never hit the owner who has them on the person a week, highly ornate
22 Bee Blunderbuss +1 once a day releases a bee swarm under your control for a d4+1 rounds, after the bees flee to colonise a new home, it is a +1 flintlock blunderbuss
23 Highwaymans Pistol +1 +2 vs Law CN, heavy flintlock pistol that whispers tips on committing robberies and good places to ambush travellers
24 Marksmans Musket +1 and double range LN offers shooting tips by telepathy 
25 Platnium Revolver +1 LG with six chambers but has an extra seventh shot that appears from somewhere, the gun likes to sing when in glorious battles
26 Bastards Pistol +1 +d4 fire CE a huge flintlock with a serrated bayonet fixed, starts fires if shot at flamables and the gun whispers for you to burn stuff, especially orphanages and churches and hospitals. Has the brand of a demon gunsmith from the abyss
27 Ghost Gun a +1 +2 vs spirits unbreakable glass pistol that lets Weilder see invisible spirits and shoot them. Once fired spirits will know you can hurt them
28 Ghost Bullets are glass-like round with glowing material inside. On impact, a glowing spectral soldier is angry at being released and blames the closest person. The spirit might haunt area if not destroyed. Found in box of d3 .44 revolver rounds
29 Rust Bullets are a ceramic-like round with fresh rust monster blood that will destroy a metal weapon or half AC of metal armour. Found in box of d3 .44 revolver rounds
30 Web Bullets a silver round with a spider symbol, explodes on impact with the effect of a web spell. Found in box of d3 .44 revolver rounds
31 Healing Ampule a one shot d4 healing potion, Will save each use or next day crave more and -2 all rolls with the shakes found on box of d6 vials
32 Mutagen Vial a glowing nasty swirling black goo in a test tube. One dose causes a minor mutation three a major mutation comes in a box of d6
33 Liquid Courage a shot of magical rum makes you resistant to fear for ten minutes
34 Cigarettes of Alertness +1 initiative as long as you smoke one per hour, save vs addiction or will have -1 all rolls craving more. Comes in a pack of 6d6
35 Pill of Action An unpleasantly large nasty pill causes hase for ten minutes, then save or causes a heart attack. First aid will prevent death but only d4 HP after
36 Holy Syringe any healing potion injected with this adds +1 to its healing effect but requires a first aid roll the patient saves vs death. It is intelligent but it will deliberately try to kill evil people for the best otherwise won't communicate but it can detect evil on touch
37 Bandages of Aid a box 3ith 5d6 magical self adhesive small dressings that heal 1HP damage 
38 VIMMO the popular potion of pugilists, in a glass bottle with a crown seal and a strongman on the label. Gives +2d6 HP and +1 Might for one hour of Invulnerability. Often in six packs but if you drink more than one a day save vs addiction -1 all rolls until you drink at least one a day. While addicted start to crave violence  
39 Potion of Fearlessness makes drinkers fearless but also belligerent and crave a fight, once in a fight become berserk with all the benefits and problems. After an hour without violence, the effect ends. Drinkers will willingly fight to the death and slaughter anyone 
40 Potion of Sanity restores any person to a calm and relaxed condition incapable of extreme emotions, shock, fear or distress for a d6 hours. Can temporarily treat some conditions perhaps enough to get rational answers from them. Save for addiction after one use or -1 all rolls each day you don't get any
41 Warrant of Spirits a scroll you attach to a surface with wax demanding all spirits vacate the area in 24 hours. Spirits or planar beings cannot touch, move or harm it and take 4d6 damage if they do. Affects a small building or part of a building in a 30m circle until removed by a living person
42 Warrant of Lycanthropes a scroll you attach to a surface with wax demanding all shapeshifters remain human inside a 30m circle. If a shapeshifter touches or moves the scroll their shape is locked until they get a remove curse. Lasts until removed by a non-shapeshifting person 
43 Warrant of Demons a scroll you attach to a surface with wax demanding all demons inside a 30m circle depart this plane and return to the eternal abyss. The scroll immolates and distant chanting is heard as activated over a d4 rounds
44 Warrant of the Machine a scroll you attach to a surface with wax demanding all machines, automatons, golems and manufactured beings inside a 30m circle to leave in one round or are paralysed. Warrant lasts for one hour and starts to smoulder
45 Warrant of the Dead a scroll you attach to a surface with wax demanding all undead inside a 30m circle depart in one round or burst into flame for a d6 holy damage for each round they remain. The warrant lasts until the next dawn or if removed by a living person. Undead who try to touch or move it even using summoned or charmed thralls are struck by holy lightning for 4d6 per round if they even think about it and they will know why
46 Warrant of the Plague a scroll you attach to a surface with wax on a small building or a room door, all inside save or develop mummy rot, then the scroll burns away
47 Warrant of the Plague a scroll you attach to a surface with wax on a small building or a room door, all inside save or develop mummy rot, then the scroll burns away
48 Warrant of Intestinal Miasmas a scroll you attach to a surface with wax on a small building or a room door, all inside save or become violently flatulent awakening sleepers and making invisible beings easier targets. Even undead are affected 
49 Warrant of opening a scroll you attach to a surface with wax on a door, the scroll burns then a non-magical door will turn to ash while a magical one saves vs disintegration
50 Warrant of the Planes a scroll you attach to a surface with wax on a small building, or a 30m area, stops all passage between planes including phasing, gates or teleporting until removed my a mortal being, other beings attempting ro tamper with it even through minions or threat must save or be banished to their home plane for a d6 months
51 Manual of Mighty Muscles full of pictures of sweaty bodybuilders demonstrating exercises when read and studied gain +1 Might and +d4 HP in a d6 months. Once the book is read it vanishes to other needy scrawny wimps in need
52 Manual of Ornithopter Construction requires a year of work and 50,000gp materials to build a magical mechanical bird that carries 6, AC+10 HD14d8 Mov 36. Follows the owner's commands like a loyal servant and can follow instructions and speak. The book is consumed in the process
53 Manual or Erotic FIxation full of paintings of attractive people the book pulls from your desires, and viewing pages must save and crave the book to be alone with it. Will fight and steal if it needs to then flee. After a d3 months gain a d4 minor and one major subterranean mutation and get another save to escape the book's grip. At this point, the book having absorbed plenty of life force runs away to hell laughing. This book has ruined kingdoms
54 Manual of Biography, the locked book is sealed and has never been opened. When the first person looks inside it writes their life story to date as if seen by an invisible witness. The user makes a CHA save to see if the book likes them and is flattering. Once linked the book keeps up to date and could be used for surveillance or to leave with family. Once the bonded person dies the book updates and loses all magic except it is a durable book that saves as if magic
55 Manual of the Tank Engine, on how to care for and repair Golem train engines and operate equipment and lines around stations. The user could learn Golem lore over time and understand how to reboot a dead golem and possibly alter the engine's magical coding or power source. Once the arts of golemry have been taught the book is taken by plane-shifting subspace gnomes
56 Manual of the Bloody Rite if used in a ritual to horribly murder someone. The victim must save or part of their spirit is now a poltergeist. The book can speak and offers CE advice like demon lore or how to get easy consequence-free powers
57 Manual of the planes can be used to open a planar door in a surface with a square or rectangle drawn on it, once per day. Knowledge of each plane requires the user to crack the code each page hides in about a d4 days. Each book has 2d6+6 planes and when the last page is solved the book turns into a living hellgate. The gate is a devil whose whole body is a passage to hell that devils and hell cultists will investigate. One enters the monster's mouth then gets shat out in hell 
58 Manual of Miasmas gives instructions on various miasmas and their effects and how to use a mortar to fire potions into the clouds to neutralise them. This process is detailed with various formulas vs various types. The book smells unpleasant from past exposure and use in a laboratory but is magic for purposes of saving vs damage 
59 Manual of Null if read the reader is required to make a Will save or become neutral and dedicated to activate the reality erasing black sphere. If they resist they come away with knowledge of their depressing ideology and basic theory of the Sphere and Chagrinspirethat can help deal with its systems. The book has been attacked but fire and gunfire but is magic for purposes of saving vs damage 
60 Manual on repair and construction of a flying castle with martial requirements of 1 million gp and ten years to build and the manual is consumed in the activation ritual
61 Artificial Silver Hand, attaches to a severed limb and becomes functional, other such body parts and organs exist made of various materials but all function as normal body
62 Magical hot rivet gun for attaching beams and plates in construction but can fire a 3d4 hot rivet range 3/6/9, holds 100 rivets (d100 when you find it), new rivets can be made and loaded for 1sp each weighs 10 ENC
63 Lunchbox of Heroes every day you find a fresh sandwich, an apple and a thermos of hot milky sweet tea
64 Trunk of Transport holds 40L of space or 40 ENC and will follow its owner with small feet on command at walking speed. If lost it knows where the owner is. To own it you fill it with your property and take it on a trip like a normal trunk
65 Umbrella of Shielding if erected blocks rain, volcanic ash, miasmas, bad odours, snow or non-magical missiles like arrows, bolts, bullets or stones
66 Hatchet of Deforestation d6 +1 +3 vs wooden or plant creatures
67 Trench Tool of the Dwarves +1 club, pick or shovel depending on configuration, folds up into a 10cm rod and fits on a belt or in a pocket 
68 Lantern of Illumination lights up to a 30m circle or a 30 degree cone 90m and by command will float up to 3m in the air for improved light. You could drag it on a string while levitating
69 Gravediggers Spade d6 +1 +2 vs undead 2H weapon, by command, it will dig a 60cm x 2m x2m deep trench or grave in ten minutes, can do this once per hour when the sun is down
70 Bugle of Rivalry will play loudly for a minute once per hour on command, can also set up to two times a day for it to play as a wakeup alarm or signal with a built-in clock
71 Ballgown of Fabulousness wearer has +1 CHA +1 protection and the dress repels water or dirt and always looks clean and pressed, it does not inhibit movement or get tangled up despite its volume 
72 Bowler of Wealth while wearing the user has superior accounting, numeracy and memorisation ability which all fades when the hat is removed
73 Boots of Kicking one size fits all unarmed kicking damage is d4 and get a bonus unarmed attack each round, highly resistant to walking over dangerous materials
74 Bandoliers of Excellence has 10 pockets where subjects up to one ENC can be stored with no ENC cost
75 Coat of Survival can inflate to be a life raft in water for four people and the the wearer could hang on to or fold into a 5 person tent 
76 Scarf or the Lash can be used as a 3m whip or garrotte to attack, entangle or climbing aid
77 Coat of Counter Calamity has six buttons and one regrows per day if used, each button can be removed and becomes one of the following at-will 1=incendiary with a lit fuse 2=d4 healing potion 3=dagger 4=canteen of water 5=burning torch 6=6m rope 7=1gp 8=cheese sandwich in wax paper (until the user knows how to use it roll randomly)
78 Cloak of the raven, +1 protection and turn into a raven and back for up to one hour a day
79 Gloves of the Thief +2 saving throw on any traps or poison-targeting hands  
80 Goblins Glasses can see invisible writing and can cast detect magic once per hour
81 Ring of Detect Invisibility can see beings made invisible by spells or abilities or items within range 6. Does not see normally invisible spirits 
82 Ring of the Stone can resist petrification attacks
83 Torc of Absorbtion can absorb and hold a first Lvspell cast on the wielder or include them in its area like a sleep spell. The wielder can then release the spell at will as if they cast it. Obviously, you could get a friend to cast a spell on you or you cold cast a spell on yourself. The wielder can choose if the spell is absorbed. Some rarer versions hold more spells
84 Torc of Stench can twice a day release a stinking cloud spell centred on yourself and the wielder is immune to all stench related attack
85 Broach of the Kingfisher doubles your swim and flight speed if you have them 
86 Broach of the Daemon wielder can grow horns at will for a d6 unarmed attack that can hit as a magic weapon. Having horns impresses many creatures and monsters  
87 Necklace of Growth can cast Shrink or Grow once per day as spell
88 Iron Crown was worn by one of the lieutenants of a dark lord long ago. Wearing it you hear the whispers of failed and destroyed past wielders and the benefits of +2 protection. Once a week you can consult the spirits of darkness imprisoned in the crown for five questions. If you die your spirit is trapped with the others inside 
89 Ring of Repair casts a mend spell once per round (d3 HP restored to automatons and golems) d100 charges of 100 remaining
90 Watch of Haste a sliver wristwatch with arcane symbols. Can cast haste on yourself once a day for ten minutes but each use ages the user one year. Also tells the local time 
91 Folding bicycle that packs into a carpetbag
92 Fiery Sappers Wand shoots a 2d8 fire ray requiring a to-hit roll, with 5 charges, if a 6th is attempted it explodes as a 3d6 fireball targetted on the wand 
93 Shadow Mask a black face mask allows the wearer to teleport from shadow to shadow as long as the other is in sight up to three times a day
94 Scavengers Belt has ten small pockets each can be opened once and is labelled in thieves tongue in the common script. Each when opened unfolds one of these items and then is spent 1) lifeboat 2) 4m ladder 3) pot of warm stew 4) d4 giant rats 4) 30m of rope 5) barrel of water 6) rain cloak 7) tent for one and sleeping roll 8)live pack goat 9) bottle of rum 10) live troll 11) custard pie 12) 2d4 HP healing potion
95 Hobby Horse Staff a staff with a comical horse head can turn into a live horse or back on command that never tires and will run as long as required. Has maximum horse HP and if killed reverts to staff form but broken. A d6 staff +1 +2 vs meat eaters
96 Arcane Canister Gun a break-open flare pistol with a d6 shells. Each shell has a different 1st Lv arcane spell effect usually all 3rd level as cast by a 1st lv caster. Regular flare pistol rounds if found can be fired inflicting a 2d4 fire damage target saves or burns 1 damage for a d4 rounds. Magical ammo is rarely found without a pistol, a normal gun cannot fire the magic rounds
97 Fish Folk Mask if worn lets you breathe underwater and Mov at normal speed in water. The mask needs remove curse to take off and was put on human slaves the fishfolk captured so they could toil in the deep cleaning up shit in fish houses. It also makes humans look less like creepy worms to fish folk
98 Ring of the Seducer can summon a succubi or incubi and resist charm and energy-draining attacks. The demon will perform three tasks in return for being released from the ring but turns hostile if ordered back into the ring. The protective abilities only work with the one entity bound in it and when the demon is released the ring loses all powers. Demon cultists will fight over this relic
99 Blood Scptre is a mace +1 +3 vd living beings that slurps blood from its blows. It is LE and advises the wielder to gain power and wealth by legal and forceful means. When in a crisis the weapon recommends all sell their souls to hell for salvation 
100 Kaiju Controller comes in a chest with a football-sized brain implant to put in the Kaiju with surgery and a 12 ENC control box with a microphone for orders and lights that indicate the creature's condition and distance and switches to trigger its violent rages of destruction. Comes with a manual for use in ancient and anatomical plans for a specific kaiju and plans for the surgical team to enter the kaiju's body and battle giant parasites to install the implant. It's more like a biological pocket universe than a waking world reality. This will take a few steps to realise and find the monster and learning might be an exciting project. Stomping around with this can awake other kaiju or perhaps a mobile citadel or land leviathan of the ancients. Maybe airships will attack with bombs and deathrays

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