Saturday 12 October 2024

d12 Goblinoid Clans For Chagrinspire


Goblins are faerie race often a sort of working class for other more haughty elves and faeries. Many born on earth have changed wildly since they first appeared forming many strange bloodlines. Some earthborn elf kingdoms use goblins with varying degrees of kindness. Some elves plant goblin kingdoms as buffer states around them. People still bring otherworldly goblins to earth sometimes and in a generation they lose many of their faerie qualities of the otherworld.

Goblin castes are products of certain population pressures like war, room, food
They can breed true with own caste otherwise the weakest type is born.
This is encouraged as needed by shamen but some casts might take over
Cannibalism is one way for a goblinoid to grow to the next biggest size but impolite cheat

As your players fight goblins many survivors will become hobgoblins or bugbears
If the population is scattered and almost exterminated you get more norkers and 

All have nightvision
Use a variety of weapons and all good at archery, javelins and darts

Gremlin (Chaotic)
HD D4 AC +3 (small, fast) Attack d3 weapon Morale 4 Mov 12 
-small pesky skulking pests (1foot/30cm), use sabotage and traps,
-leaders with d6 HD cause bad luck -1 hit and save to non-gremlins
-hard to understand even for goblins, many think they are only animal vermin
-Litters of gremlins are born in hard times and care for themselves in feral gangs

HD D6 AC +4 (leather and shield) Attack d6 weapon, Morale 7 Mov 12
-standard goblin (3-4 foot 90-120cm), often has 3 speciality skills

Hobgoblin (Lawful)
HD D8+1 AC +6 (chain, shield) Attack d8 weapon Morale 8 Mov 12 
-taller stronger goblins (5-6 foot 150-180cm) bred for war and labour
-more disciplined and love formations
, hard workers
-hate being insulted +2 Morale if angered by swearing or insults

Bugbear (Chaotic or Lawful)
HD 3d8+3 
AC +6 (chain, shield) Attack d8+1 weapon Morale 9 Mov 12 
-huge goblins (7 foot 210cm) a terror on the battlefield but also experts at stealth
-can squeeze through spaces as if only a regular goblin
-love scaring children and collecting and shrinking heads
-some warriors are also berserks and use 2-H weapons instead of a shield

HD D6 AC +4 (leather and shield) Attack d6 weapon, Morale 7 Mov 12
-like a standard goblin (3-4 foot 90-120cm) but insane chaos worshippers and jesters 

-damage heals them healing causes them damage
-contrary and do things backwards or opposite to normal goblins, some speak backwards
-leaders with 2d6 HD cause bad luck -1 hit and save to non-goblinoids
-freak born often adopted to noble courts and priest entourage as holy fools

Dark Creeper/Stalker (Chaotic)
HD D8+1 AC +3 (leather) Attack d4 dagger, Morale 7 Mov 12
-scrawny dark-robed goblinoid (3-4 foot 90-120cm), crave magi items and hate light
-secretive assassins, spies and thieves (x2 back stab, sneak and hide) 
-cast snuff cantrip at will as a bonus action per round vs hated lamps and torches
-sonar vision 6 range works in absolute darkness 
-body combusts on death, all in 3m circle save or blinded d6 ten minute turns
HD 2D8+1 AC +3 (leather) Attack d6 dagger, Morale 9 Mov 15
-mysterious taller leaders of Dark Creepers (5-6 foot 150cm-180cm)
-secretive assassin, spy and thief masters (x2 back stab, sneak and hide) 
-cast darkness spell once per round as a bonus action
-create wall of fog once per ten-minute turn 
-body combusts on death, all in 6m circle 3d6 fire damage save halves
-worship spirits of darkness who made them distinct from other goblins

Gibberlings (Chaotic)
HD D8 AC +0 (naked) Attack d8 
sword or rock d3 Morale 10 Mov 9
-loping hopping gibbering naked simian-like goblinoids (4-5 foot 120-150cm)
-berserk frenzy +1 hit and damage once blood spilt, charge pelting rocks
-gibber constantly if awake incomprehensible even to spells, only quietly asleep
-track blood trails and wounded, half-blind penalties vs wounded
-group mind vs charm or fear spells, affect the whole group at once but single unaffected
-breed and grow rapidly for war but hard to control and hate fire and sunlight  

Maezel (Chaotic Evil)
HD 4D8 AC +3 (leather) Attack d8 
sword or 2x d4 unarmed Morale 9 Mov 12
-Tall, scrawny, solitary killers who hunt orcs and kobolds (5-6 foot 150cm-180cm)
-Climb, Hide, Sleight, Sneak, Swim, track skills
-Garrote attack from behind +4 t hit grapples choke and d4 damage until break free
-bred to protect from rival humanoids on tribal frontiers   

Norker (Chaotic)
HD D8+2 AC +4 (leather and skin) Attack d6 club & d3 unarmed, Morale 9 Mov 12
-like a larger squat squatter goblin (4-5 foot 90-120cm) with an extra thick skull

-thick, skull, huge fists, large fanged teeth all good for unarmed attacks
-good trackers and wilderness survivors, shun use of metal preferring wood, stone and bone
-a throwback able to survive in harsh environments other species wouldn't bother with 

d12 Goblinoid Clans For Chagrinspire
1 Yellow Bones Clan CE - Yellow crossbones X symbol or crossed arms
Bitter and sour-faced, with lemon-coloured hairless skin, pointy heads and ears. Famous jerks here to mine buried loot and bully anyone they can into paying tributes. They excel in mining and smithing and sell weapons to other humanoids and yell vile abuse at enemies and collect dwarf beards as trophies and love to torment dwarves. Priests and wizard specialists are common and many breed hairless goblin dogs with nightvision. They think everyone is as spiteful and deceitful as they are and easily insulted by any words

2 Gloomspore Clan CN - Violet Mushroom symbol
Underland violet-grey skinned gloomy goblins who are famed for tending great mushroom gardens in the world tree's roots and creating many of the rich living ecologies of the deep. They prefer natural caves but modify them to be harmonious with nature. Mostly protect their own and hunt giant bugs and lizards they eat and domesticate. Sell food, shroom wine, spore beer, meat and magic fungus. Some are druids or may have been forced to worship by some stronger outsiders. Use simple tech or trade for better. They don't respond to taunts as they are all self-loathing and better at it than you, They often trade with faerie folk and may serve them

3 Black Root Clan CE - Black tree stump with roots symbol
Ivory or Jet skinned goblins who like to live in tunnels under tree roots and worship darkness and the dragon Nidhog who gnaws on the roods of the world tree. Raid by night and kidnap sacrifices they make to appear the local dragons and draconic monsters to appease them. Sometimes they call on these monsters for help. Many keep snakes or riding lizards. The pale ones guard the tunnels and the shadowy kind are raiders and hunters. They raise bats, giant badgers, vicious moles and weasels to live in their tunnels with them. Dark druidry and priesthood are their preferred magicians. They enjoy mischief and pestering other people and take what they need. They surveil many with secret tunnels, pets and magic and they often sell this information to other goblins for weapons. They hate the worm god and are insulted if called maggots or worms

4 Demon Idol Clan - horned demon face symbol
These blue-purple skinned demons worship ancient demon idols they find in ruins and their priests interpret the demon gods will. Any demon idol will do and the more idols the more glory. Enemy idols will be ransomed and placed in the dungeon of their demon god. Some change preferred idol every generation with a new priesthood. These demons demand blood sacrifices and vile deeds be performed in their name and these goblins are enthusiastic devotees. Stealing and murder are virtues but they only trade with other demon idol goblins and cults. Wolves are their preferred beast ridden by goblin archers and for milk. They often demand tributes from other peoples including sacrifices. Insulting or defiling their idol or symbols or shrines enrages them

5 Green Briar Clan CE - circle of thorn vines with eye in middle
These green-skinned goblins at one stage interbred with orcs and served as their slaves. Now they hate everyone except ogres and trolls who they unleash in battle. Wild boars with malicious natures are their main beasts of war and farming. They also plant horrible thorny briar mazes and barriers around their outdoor villages. Many like swamps and wastelands and worship the wicked spirits of fell places and demons who promise them revenge on everybody. Some are still dominated by orcs who favour these goblins as slaves. They often plunder and occupy dungeons and may build a village on top of an entrance. While in service to the Dark lords of old they created Thouls with their necromancy and evil priests. Black druids grow the hedges and make breeding experiments for new monsters for their mazes. Calling the free ones orcs or thralls will enrage them 

6 Iron Fist Clan CN - clenched fist or gauntlet symbol
These grey-russet skinned dour beared goblins were once pioneers in iron the first outside of dwarves to master it. In decline the last gathered in castles or ancient ruins they claim as their own. They are the most technological goblins and have returned in force by the use of gunpowder. Knowledge is more valuable to them than gold. They don't have any pets or exotic animals or crops preferring to use what local humans do. They especially hate dwarves whose secrets they crave. Goblin dandies with strange foreign dress and weapons have been seen so they have colonies across the world or wander widely to learn. Every spearman also carries a few rocket arrows fixed to the shaft. Elites use muskets pistols and cannons. They often are hired by other goblins for siege and sapper works. They look down on modern human craft as inferior and backwards. They are quite serious mostly but explosions and smoke exite them into frenzies. They often hold prisoners for ransom even charging other goblins to keep their high-value hostages. The best way to insult them is to say they are dwarfs or insult their equipment or fashion. Some will demand a duel.

7 Scarlet Hoof Clan CE - bloody dripping goat hoof symbol
These furred or scaly skinned goblins worship ancient forest spirits and beast cults and now they have hybrid animal features. They may look different and make different animal noises but are all the same clan. They keep many animals and steal them for their druids to make future goblinibeast hybrids. They are notoriously lazy, greedy and easy to anger or fight each other. Some are berserks and many more are Norkers than other clans. Many other goblins have a few of these guys around for extra willing brutish muscle but not too many. They also make able cooks, baggage handlers and labourers. They are easily offendable and prone to squealing if exited. They like to repurpose armour and make bizarre helmets for bestial features. They like to leave bloody footprints. They are easily offended especially by their vanity or by mocking their boasts    

8 Ghost Wood Clan CE - white skull symbol sometimes on a web field
These palid goblins are infamous for their creepy silence and use of undead, spiders and other horrors of their native forest. They have also colonised various other woods or been placed by elves as a barrier. Cunning and use many types of magic they creep out other goblins. They truck with spirits of the ancient dead and their true beliefs and purpose are unknown. Long ago they brought undead armies here from their distant forests through undersea secret tunnels to wage war here. They like to occupy ruins and tainted forests or swamps. They dont respond to insults even their hobgoblin kin. They are sometimes seen robbing graves and collecting bones which they eat and make undead with

9 Scalefoot Clan CN - Webbed foot symbol
These fishy featured goblins have webbed feet and hands with some having fins or fish tails. They bred with fish folk cults long ago. They are good swimmers and can hold their breath for ten minutes while some heroes and magicians may breathe water. They have priests to their fish gods (and some fish demons) but also marine dragon cults. Through their fish folk allies, they also practice ancient aquatic elemental wizardry. They are able with boats and sailing and sell fish to other tribes for wood and metal. In some places they are outright vassals of fish folk and used as slaves. Some of the beings they worship have come to their aid or avenged their deaths

10 Polestar Clan CN - black, white star or silver spear symbol
These strange bald swollen-headed grey goblins come from the sky and are aloof to grubby earth dweller affairs. They have unfamiliar magical crystal machines they may travel in but most fell to earth in crystal palaces or their silver balloons of the star people and survived. They worship the polestar the axis of the cosmos who fixes destinies to mortals. The new rivals wear strange metal shiny cloth suits and use wands and other magic casually and sometimes crystal dome helmets, Those stranded longer will have scraps of this magic remaining and may breed with local goblins and are more rough. They will use silver daggers and spear heads and the silver spear is a common symbol. Some have strange mentalist powers and are the sacred elders of these goblins. They can survive at higher altitudes than humans (or birds even) and resist UV light. Mountain peaks are their preferred bases and they may employ white snow apes to keep intruders away. They are insulted by lesser beings getting in their way otherwise they avoid or ignore people. Sometimes they will paralyse people to examine them and their property. They especially hate Derro and Morlocks underground for some reason

11 Braken Broch Clan CN - fern frond symbol
A clan of woodland marsh dwellers formerly servants of elves and wary of them still. Some are batrachian and have a hopping gait from cross-breeding with frog folk who they trade with.  They like misty woodlands where ferns thrive. Many keep pet amphibians and breed insects and worms as meat. They trade with other goblins food for weapons as they mostly use poor bog iron. At their festivals, they have faerie and amphibian folk guests and music of trained insects. Defend their own and help allies but generally not very spiteful or hateful. 
Some clans worship evil frog gods or dark fey and should be avoided. Some maintain faerie standards of decorum and their knights ride giant frogs or toads or newts. Not easily insulted as they don't really care what strangers think. Their allies will help them and avenge them due to their extraordinary ties

12 Blight Moon Clan CN - 3 crescent moon symbols
A clan of chaos goblins who carry mutations and mutated beasts. Other goblins hate them. Tribes specialise in one mutation type which affects who each clan will serve or ally with. Large colonies with different mutations will mix strains and stockpile local mutagens and trade for exotic ones. They are semi nomadic but thrive best where nobody else will live like the toxic salt flats and polluted swamps. They love the moon for her protection by night and for her influence over change and cycles. They also worship a hairy star behind the moon, a chaos jester of the gods who brings plagues and monsters and mutations every century or so. They open portals to primal chaos and release primordial slimes and oozes and elementals. Some form warbands of the most horrible and violent sort who raid the weak and helpless. Demon cults seek to subvert these to their more evil cults. Many more nilbogs and gremlins among them and many are wizards and sorcerers or primal chaos druids or priests. Magic is considered the next greatest art after consuming mutagens. Many are jesters, mimes and harlequins. Many of the slimes and protoplasmic horrors around their villages are failed mutants who were not gifted by luck but perhaps they are happier now

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