Wednesday 18 September 2024

Rough Levels in Chagrinspire

This will be roughed out more in Vol3
im also open to suggestions and left some blank spots
VOL3 production starts in earnest now 

This is a rough guide and might change
Its a skeleton to build from
Like when i accidentally made my dungeon 16km high and decided to stick to it

Cannons on the spire can potentially hit targets 4-16 km away from the tower if winds are good but accuracy is poor. Within 4km it improves but targets need to be big. Within 1km individual gnome artillerists can spot you with scopes directly but mostly don't unless the target has a wanted poster.

Messing with the Black Sphere will make them spy on you
If you are a threat expect escalating attacks and security responses 

The central shaft
Vents energy in the form of auroras in the upper airless levels and the shaft has vast water wells around the core shaft are water shields protecting residents from aurora fields. There was a plan to vent the atmosphere of the planet using this but they went for a gate to the plane of elemental air instead (some say the upper levels have air on the inside not outside or claim the atmosphere has enlarged slightly. Elevators and stairs here are frequently blocked, trapped or guarded.

Each level is about 400m deep with a main level with its own sub-levels.

In between each is a 40m barrier limiting unofficial teleporting and gates made from lead then iron then star metal they pulled from the heavens. Magical energy conduits connect to these and siphon of some of the power absorbed constantly from the multiverse that mostly goes to the Black Sphere in the deep.

Floors has 5-7m ceilings in common areas and 30m-60m high in others
Some have cities enclosed in huge chambers or vast lake cisterns and fungus forests

Standard sub-levels:

Service Crawlspace
 that also connects air vents. These are entered by concealed trapdoor in ceilings in store rooms and are seldom used now except by vermin and some kobolds. Most are crawlspaces and vents that only a gnome could use. Some major 2m tunnels run through sections and some carry crackling cables and ceramic power fittings to the black sphere
Sub Train level to go around the level and to the lower levels accessible by stairs and lifts from the main level
Waste and Water including drains and sewers, pipes some big enough to crawl or walk-in connected to the aqueduct on ground level and the huge wells of water surrounding the central shaft to dampen magical auroras that spark around the upper levels from affecting the Chagrinspires population. Also linked to the aqueduct. Monsters and fish folk and frog folk have run rife in these areas
Storage Levels for food and basic supplies, tins of synthetic food like alchemist gruel
Secret Levels can easily be put in and could be burrowed or more recently added by kobolds or goblins. Secret factions, cults. Black Sphere command centres, grey gnome clan assassins, death guard flesh golems factories, anything.

Golemcars and maps use the old numbering system of the black sphere which also introduced decimalisation to the older sexagesimal system of ancient Exilon.

Ground level
Accessible from the plateau which is quite higher than most of the wastelands.
The former palace of the Master who was claimed to be the ruler of the world but may have been some kind of upper. The master's face is removed from statues, books and posters and rare.

The Gatehouse Palace entrance of the building was a courthouse for internal sentencing, a prison. One part of the palace is intended for staff and visitors to enter Chagrinspire. This is more like a normal dungeon in many ways.

The inside has 5 segments around the central core and water shields.
Many areas are inhospitable to life unless you are automatons or golems
S1 Factory Zone connects to rail station below, automated
S2 Workshop Zone where research projects are tested and made, abandoned but trapped 
S3a Administration Zone of scribe offices linked by pneumatic message tubes, abandoned
-Taxation Department and central bank crawling with kobolds
S3b Ministry of Information & Secret Police HQ and prison, abandoned but strange disappearances and 
crawling with kobolds
S4 Records for data retrieval and the computational data golem stacks, several cults and factions wage war here 
S5 Vault Zone for goods storage and connected to the rail system, abandoned but full of impregnable safes and automated guards who demand to see ID passports

Trance-Central Station 
A multileveled central station, crawling with automatons and golems operating and maintaining the rail system. Repair golem trains and automaton crews fix what they can and report incidents. Trains carry spare line for ad4+1 car lengths. If line is damaged the same place twice an invisible grey gnome spy investigates and can plant a surveillance orb somewhere high and turn it invisible. Agents might use sleep on anyone who might notice them then resume invisibility and flee. Further intrusions the automatons send mechanical Assassins and soldiers for search and destroy missions. Death Guard flesh golems might be sent if they fail.

Parts of the station are accessible and the network of trains might be safer than other parts of the level. Train gangs try to control what they can while avoiding the Black Sphere automatons or worse. Hell even operate a train but you probably want to start with the ground level transit gangs or a kobold train the first time.

Upper Levels
6km walls and hills surround base
4km wide base
1 Ministries of Commerce, Mining, Industry, Transport, Automation
2 Ministries of Agriculture, Labour, Beasts, Vitalology, 
3 Shopping, Museum, Null Stadium Dome, Park of Contemplation, Academy of Nullism
4 Hanger for Autogyros and Ornithopters and great aviation factories 
Ministries of Indoctrination, Information, Foreign Affairs, Native Affairs,  Welfare
3.2km wide
Menagerie, Library, Printers, Newspaper and radio 
7 Ministry of Telecommunications 
8 Aircraft Hanger for civil passenger, mail and cargo planes 
9 Aircraft Hanger for fighters and bombers 
10 Ministry of Aviation
11 Ministry of War, Barracks and training (cloning & education)
12 Ministry of Propaganda including studios and artists colony 
 Ministry of Alchemy with industrial vats for creating life
12 Ministerial Apartments
13 Ministerial Apartments
1.6km wide (14-17 now overgrown with protoplasm and primordial ooze)
 Laboratories and industrial-scale alchemy factories
 Deathguard, Abhuman & Clone Factories 
16 Protoplasm refineries for growing life forms
17 Poison gas and koboldium explosives refinery
18 Airship Hanger and factory
2km wide
19 Ministry of Weather Control 
20 Ministry of Synthetic Foods (like alchemists gruel and negamite spread)
21 Ministry of Vice
22 Ministry of Arcane Bindings

23 Ministry of Illusion
24 Ministry of Immortality
1.4km wide
25 Ministry of Epistemology
26 Ministry of Metaphysics

27 Miistry of Natural Philosophy
1.2km wide
28 Ministry of Wards & Seals
28 Ministry of 
29 Ministry of Forbidden Lore
30 Ministry of Deicide 
600m wide
31 Ministry of
 Inner Planes
32 Ministry of
 Outer Planes
33 Ministry of Illumination
34 Ministry of Astronomy (directs operations into the heavens)
400m wide
35 Hanger Level Lunar rocketry and aertherships for attacks on the moon and stars (attacks on the sun proved fruitless and made harder since the previous age of darkness of the prehistoric monster kings  
120m wide
36 Great Observation Tower & mission control

Underground Levels
These are more likely to have

1 Water Plant and refinery and portal to the plane of water installed when allies in the war blocked all the rivers leading into the region. Now this water drains from Chagrinspire to the Lake then two rivers one to the capital of the former coastal empire, the other to the Templar land capital. An additional sub-level has vast cisterns deeper than most levels. Frog and Fish folk fued and persecute bug and worm folk riding pipe currents into the water sheilds around the core but the upper levels are frozen
2 Foundry and factory and boiler room, all the heated water and pneumatic tubes are powered from here. All powered by a fire elemental gate that has released a gang of monsters
3 Workers Undercity miserable barracks for workers and families now battled over by gangs and various factions
4 Black Sphere Control Centre This is sealed in a stasis field operated from the inside

There are 3 Great Caverns

Karag-Thul The Waste Cavern
 full of garbage and scrapped automatons and golems who rebuilt each other crudely. Other factions live here too building own villages. Giant bugs and goblin scrappers have some areas under control. A ruined dwarf city is buried here and evil dwarves and morlocks and derro live in the deep.

Argmarrak The Lake Cavern full of monsters, frog and fish folk kingdoms waging war and tense stalemates

Pengarringtagor The Grey Cavern is a grey gnome city where the Black Spere gnomes are just a faction here. Miserable gnomes and peoples from all the underland come here to trade and sell slaves and buy drugs and food since before humans existed. One heretic sect worked on the problems of suffering and pain and so built thinking machines that concluded that Chagrinspire and the Black Sphere nullification of time and space was the solution. When ready they seduced human alchemy guilds with guns and automatons. They convinced wizard cults of the outer gods to betray their masters, Binding them and stealing their secrets and power. The cultists would betray their gods and willfully help kill and enthral them and other younger human gods.

Mostly it's a city of gloom and miserable drug addicts and slaves serving bored depressed masters who just get high on mushrooms. Some whole districts have been taken over by non gnome factions and the gnomes actually squabble. The rich grey gnomes to the common citizens and slaves all seem equally put upon by existing and are miserable. 
The rich do find drugs and luxury help pass the time. There are also sadistic cruel black hat gnomes who like to enslave and torment strangers and the redcaps that just rob and eat people. There are rather more secretive and boring esoteric ones not up to anything worthwhile, Dark elves, beast folk, goblinoids and kobolds all have their own districts in this famous trade city. 

Common food is lumpy white barley cooked mushroom dough, mushrooms, bugs, fish, worms, frogs. Rich food has spices and drugs unheard of by surface people. Despite the endless plays, intrigue, and orgies life is a chore and half-hearted. Their gods are even more miserable.

The Black Sphere 
Does anybody know?

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