Wednesday 4 September 2024

d12 Chagrinspire Enigmas of the Waste & Auroras

Some stuff to drop hints of...
i came back and added weather to Auroras

d12 Chagrinspire Enigmas of the waste
1 Weird mechanical bugs curry about are they watching? Do they talk to each other? Some are giants but none are dangerous unless you have a habit of attacking them. Then swarms of bugs or automaton troops might arrive
2 Pools of coloured slime are seen twitching and crawling and seem to react to violence. Some say there are slime abhumans or the stuff is part of some collective creature
3 The auroras close to the outside of the mountain have magical effects
4 Invisible gnome agents hide spy devices of the black sphere everywhere
5 Aircraft of the ancients are sometimes seen flying from chagrin spires at lower and middle levels
6 Sometimes bright sparks are seen on the distant top of Chagrinspire firing at the moon and the firmament of the heavens
7 Many intelligent magic items and golem machines are found in the region and others have copied this by binding spirits of the dead or elementals to power machines instead. Some items require you to adopt them as a follower or might think you should serve them to deserve their benefits
8 Things left in the alchemical mud and the strange aura of the Chagrinspire have preserved items in near-perfect conditions for centuries. Sometimes the waste has experienced periods of activity and mysterious reconstruction followed by crusaders from civilisation and barbarian hordes to stop the area from returning to the old days and ways
9 If you can pump out water there are even more dungeon complexes available as many bunkers have flooded or drowned in mud
10 Scavenger tribes know more than they say and are more than they appear. They all cover their bodies with cloth, bandages and scrap to protect themselves from the wastes and hide secrets. Common: d12 1=homeless 2=refugees 3=escaped slaves 
 4=crime guild 5=assassin guild 6=scouts guild 7=explorers guild 8=smugglers guild 9=slavers guild 10=cannibals 11=bandit gang 12=secret ancient martial order against the black sphere
Weird: 1=demihumans in disguise 2=mutant 3=cyborgs 4=doppelgangers  5=spirit folk changeling 6=automatons 7=demon cult 8=diabolic hell cult 9=elder god cult 10=necromancer cult 11=planar shapeshifter 12=undead
11 Automatons maintain the rail network and will search and destroy vandals. They may install a surveillance automaton if a location is damaged regularly. Are they directed or just following a routine?
12 The Chagrinspire draws objects from the sky to crash in the waste, which are often valuable objects. Sometimes the crystal palaces or tombs of the star people crash leaving fabulous treasure and drugs

d12 Auroras around the mountain 
You are safe on lower levels and inside and the plateau. The surface of Chagrinspire after 300m above the plateau, from 8km-16km the auroras expand to a d6km across. On rare occasions, these briefly expand to the whole wasteland for a d4 hours but only once every 3 months. These ray effects might also be found emitted from crystals or machines in dungeon complexes
- these last a d6 hours most nights and d6+6 on full moon 
1 Crimson - makes living quicker to anger, keener to fight and achieve violence, tends to be hot clear dry weather, sometimes with dust storms and clouds
2 Magenta - makes a living
 quicker feel pleasant and interesting in love, pleasant weather and animals and plants are frisky and in bloom
3 Cyan - makes the pious feel like prayer and holy thoughts of gods which the Chagrinspire drains some of this energy, safts of sunlight pierce dark clouds making majestic shafts of light
4 Turquoise - makes living feel hydrophilic and have the urge to drink or bathe or wallow in fluid, often cloudy, humid and rains
5 Gold - makes civilised peoples greedier and desperate for precious metal and gems, pleasant and sunny
6 Tangerine - makes spells unreliable, 
warm and humid weather with storms and showers d4 1=duration spells only last a d6 rounds 2=range spells only have range d6 3=spells do minimum damage and all dice results are one 4=chaotic random magical effects the more powerful levels the weirder and bigger area effect 
7 Emerald - lichens and moss and slime life feels invigorated and brighter coloured, heals d4HP, sometimes grass sprouts and dead trees briefly sprout. Normally the spire contains the forces of growth and fertility. Gloomy cool with thick eerie pea soup fog 
8 Citreon - causes vermin and small creatures to spawn and swarm, flying insects in the skies and all kinds of worms, lizards, slugs, bugs and critters crawl out of the mud. Pleasant with light showers, insects chirping can be deafening
9 Violet -  fungus and mould and life feel invigorated and brighter coloured, heals d4HP. Grey gloomy clouds and twilight conditions at best with spore clouds that cause sneezing
10 Lapis - waters stir, tides in the waste rise, and aquatic creatures are riled up and aggressive. Heavy rains lash the wastes making mud and filling trenches 
11 ivory - skeletal creatures are attracted from a distance and crawl from the ground to gaze at the light. Chilling winds lash the waste and may even snow 
12 Jet - u
ndead arise if anyone dies, undead feel invigorated and attracted to the spire. Cold and heavy black storm clouds burst making it dark and difficult to travel

any coincidences of this and psychon are just serendipity honest
actually, this is my 3rd post deco pulp apoc project and it possibly started from random tables in Psychon and the incongruent tech and apocalypse fun

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