Still some inconsistencies and rewrites will be happening still. Will start a book while im in sydney and make more uniform hopefully to play in new year. Think I will go back and replace previous cantrips that need 4 not three.
Another Spot Rule Unarmed Combat Damage
Same damage can be with a thrown rock
Hide is a area of farmland supporting a family 5 (2-10) typically over 30 acres
-Supports a family of five a well off extended family might control 2-5 hide
-supports a working ox or a meat cow a year or ten smaller animals like pigs and goats
A city surrounded by six rich farmland hexes could support 3600 people
More hexes of herdsmen around that could raise this again
Leveling Up & Followers & Land
At 5th Level and every 5th more +1 on a attribute
As of 6th level you get a follower per level and you can teach and train recruits
-a animal or pet possible with some classes
-a adventurer apprentice d4 Lv or a d4 zero level followers
-They go up a level when you do
At Tenth Level you are granted property
-d4 hides of land or common city blocks
-or a small merchant ship
-or take over a dungeon
-can establish a school, tower, manor or castle
- some one wants you beholden to them
Prime Requisite: Charm; high score grants additional spells
d6HD/1 /(Average 4)
Arms 2/4 Arts 4/2 Languages d4/2
No Armour
-4 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 6 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Crossbow Small d6+1, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Short Bow d6, shuriken d3
Start Equipment: narcotics, incense, mirror, fancy robes, costume jewelry, hookah or pipe, hooded cloak, common robe, wine skin, lamp, lamp oil, sack, d8 days good rations, flints, hat, scribe set, idol or medallion dedicated to source of power, 3d6x10gp
Prerequisite Charm Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd
Sorcerers Magical Abilities
Spell casting abilities made by pacts or sharing blood with supernatural beings
-May deal with entities when gaining new spells through visions
-four starring cantrips and one first level spell plus prerequisite bonus
-Gain a new spell each level and can swap a previous one
-Can cast any known spell known on the fly with spell energy
-Enter a trance, perform sacrifices, get high and dream for 8 hours once per day to recover spells
d6 Source of Pact
1 Born with blood line of planar beings blood is an inborn pact
2 Initiated into cult of a planar being entered a pact in a ritual with the master
3 Contacted by planar being when alone in trouble and made a pact
4 Contacted planar being in dreams and made a pact
5 Found book or script dedicated to planar being made contact then a pact
6 Met a familiar spirit or imp sent by a planar being who initiated the pact
10 Chaos Druids - Bile Order Subclass
Aid mutants and chaos hordes
Another Spot Rule Unarmed Combat Damage
Same damage can be with a thrown rock
- 1HP = Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Gnome, Bard, Outsider (Alien)
- 1d2 = Cleric, Rogue, Elves, Tako, Mutant, Changeling
- 1d3 = Fighter, Dwarf, Abhuman, Halflings, Giant, Robot (Golem), Mystic (Psion)
- 1d4 = Monk
Hide is a area of farmland supporting a family 5 (2-10) typically over 30 acres
-Supports a family of five a well off extended family might control 2-5 hide
-supports a working ox or a meat cow a year or ten smaller animals like pigs and goats
-6 Hide support a poor noble family and a knight or equivalent
-12 Hide support a comfortable family and two knight or equivalent
-60 Hide support a rich noble family and ten knights or equivalent
-600 families per six mile hex on good irrigated land
-12 Hide support a comfortable family and two knight or equivalent
-60 Hide support a rich noble family and ten knights or equivalent
-600 families per six mile hex on good irrigated land
-300 families per six mile hex of mediocre non floodplain land
-200 families per six mile hex of frontier woods and mountains
-100 herder families per six mile hex in wastes
-200 families per six mile hex of frontier woods and mountains
-100 herder families per six mile hex in wastes
A city surrounded by six rich farmland hexes could support 3600 people
More hexes of herdsmen around that could raise this again
Leveling Up & Followers & Land
At 5th Level and every 5th more +1 on a attribute
As of 6th level you get a follower per level and you can teach and train recruits
-a animal or pet possible with some classes
-a adventurer apprentice d4 Lv or a d4 zero level followers
-They go up a level when you do
At Tenth Level you are granted property
-d4 hides of land or common city blocks
-or a small merchant ship
-or take over a dungeon
-can establish a school, tower, manor or castle
- some one wants you beholden to them
Prime Requisite: Charm; high score grants additional spells
d6HD/1 /(Average 4)
Arms 2/4 Arts 4/2 Languages d4/2
No Armour
-4 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 6 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Crossbow Small d6+1, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Short Bow d6, shuriken d3
Start Equipment: narcotics, incense, mirror, fancy robes, costume jewelry, hookah or pipe, hooded cloak, common robe, wine skin, lamp, lamp oil, sack, d8 days good rations, flints, hat, scribe set, idol or medallion dedicated to source of power, 3d6x10gp
Prerequisite Charm Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd
Sorcerers Magical Abilities
Spell casting abilities made by pacts or sharing blood with supernatural beings
-May deal with entities when gaining new spells through visions
-four starring cantrips and one first level spell plus prerequisite bonus
-Gain a new spell each level and can swap a previous one
-Can cast any known spell known on the fly with spell energy
-Enter a trance, perform sacrifices, get high and dream for 8 hours once per day to recover spells
d6 Source of Pact
1 Born with blood line of planar beings blood is an inborn pact
2 Initiated into cult of a planar being entered a pact in a ritual with the master
3 Contacted by planar being when alone in trouble and made a pact
4 Contacted planar being in dreams and made a pact
5 Found book or script dedicated to planar being made contact then a pact
6 Met a familiar spirit or imp sent by a planar being who initiated the pact
1 Draconic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortsword, Short Bow
Arts - Dragon Lore, Bluff, Carousing, Numeracy
+1 Incendiary +2 Focus +3 Evil Eye
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Spark, Candlelight
-First Level Magic Missile, Sleep, Burning Hands
-Second Level Fire Shuriken
Dragon scale or tooth or claw medallion, dragon tattoos, map to dragon lair
Minor reptilian or draconic mutation might be applicable also
2 Demonic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dart, Dagger
Arts - Occult Lore, Intimidate, Torture, Demonic Lore
+1 Alchemy +2 Black Powder+3 Handgun
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Animate Smoke, Candlelight
-First Level Monster Summoning, Darkness, Burning Hands,
-Second Level Stinking Cloud
Demon scale or tooth or claw medallion, demon tattoos, map to demon cult lair
Minor demonic or chaos mutation might be applicable also
3 Sepentine Cultist Subclass
Arms - Small Sword, Shortbow
Arts - Occult Lore, Poison Lore, Disguise, Animal Handling
+1 Focus +2 Hypnosis +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Sting, Smoke Puff, Sound, Whisper
-First Level Magic Missile,Fog Cloud, Mask
-Second Level Web
pet d4 snakes, snake tattoos, antivenom pill, book on dinosaurs in serpent folk glyphs
Minor reptilian mutation might be applicable also
4 Law Cult Cultist Subclass
Arms - Small Sword, Javelin
Arts - Holy Lore, First Aid, Numeracy, Scribe
+1 Focus +2 Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Spark, Wizard Hand, Disrupt Dead, Candle Light
-First Level Magic Missile, Bless Weapon, Fiery Eyes
-Second Level Wizard Lock
Scale, hooded robe, sundial, medallion of law, 20m rope, donkey, tattoos of holy scriptures, book of law, manacles, crowbar, box of candles, scribe set
Minor holy or lawful mutation might be applicable also
5 Chaos Cultist Subclass
Arms - Flail, Shuriken
Arts - Occult Lore, Looting, Poison Law, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Spark, Candle Snuff, Scare, Stun
-First Level Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Monster Summoning 1
-Second Level Smoking Form
Hooded robe, tattoos of chaos cult, book of chaos scriptures, sword
Minor chaos mutation might be applicable also
6 Diabolic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Occult Lore, Bluff, Kingdom Lore, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 Dodge +3 Critical Strike
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Coin, Whisper, Phantom Pen, Smoke Puff
-First Level Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Charm Person
-Second Level Burning Sphere
Hooded robe, tattoos of devils names, book of hell, d4 references from corrupt officials
Minor diabolic mutation might be applicable also
7 Fire Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Elemental Lore, Incendiary, Alchemy, Black Powder
+1 Craft Fire +2 Blacksmith +3 Handgun
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Ignite, Candle light, Snuff Light, Smoke Puff
-First Level Burning Hands, Fiery Eyes, Magic Missile
-Second Level Fire Shuriken
Hooded robe, tattoos of fire elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, d4 incendiary potions, d4 smokebombs, string of d100 firecrackers
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
8 Water Cultist Subclass
Arms - Javelin, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Swim, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Navigate +2 Sailing +3 Trident
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Icicle, Snowball, Ink, Acid
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Fog Cloud, Jump Like Frog
-Second Level Acid Arrow
Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
9 Air Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortbow, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Whistle, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Bluff+2 Music +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Wind Gust, Fog Cloud, Whisper, Wizard Hand
-First Level Magic Missile, Feather Fall, Shocking Grasp
-Second Invisibility
Hooded robe, tattoos of air elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, kite, air bladder, instrument
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
10 Earth Cultist Subclass
Arms - Club, Hand Axe
Arts - Elemental Lore, Herbalist, First Aid, Farming
+1 Mining +2 Steward +3 Healing
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Dirt, Clean, Summon Tiny Animal, Grease
-First Level Mount, Floating Disc, spider Climb
-Second Bull Strength
Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
Prime Requisite: Will; high score grants additional spells
d8HD/1 /(Average 5)
Arms 3/3 Arts 4/2 Languages 2d4/2
Any light armour
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 4 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, Javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Spear d8, Sickle d4
Start Equipment: robes, d6 torches, 2d6 days preserved food, water skin, misstletoe, sickle, pot, flints, 6m rope, bundle of firewood, tent, furs cloak, bedroll, 3d6x10sp
Prerequisite Will Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd
Holy Power: Animal Shapeshift
Change to and from a animal form once peer level per day
Limited to animals with HD equal to own level
One animal form can be chosen per level
At 4th level can use up to two attacks and one more every 4 more levels
-if animal has these potential number of attacks
Druids may learn animal languages
Druidic Spell Abilities
-can learn any spell of nature list through 8 hours of prayer once per day
1 Holy Druids - White Order Subclass
Act as healers and prophets in communities
Arms - Staff, club, dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Herbalism, First Aid, Healing
+1 Divination +2 Astrology +3 Alchemy
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Sting, Healing Berry, Predict Weather,
-First Level Good Berry, Predict Weather, Fog Cloud
-Second Level Reflecting Pool
White robes, d4 healing potion, d3 healing herb, bandages, surgeons tools, gold torc and jewelry worth 3d6x5gp
2 Beast Druids - Brown Order Subclass
Work with wild animals
Arms - spar, club, sling
Arts - Natural Lore, Beast Lore, Beast Handling, Beast Training
+1 Mimic Bast +2 Listen +3 Track
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Charm Vermin, Sting, Detect Animal, Conjure Vermin
-First Level Beast Summoning 1, Beast Speech, Charm Beast, Bless Fang
-Second Level Beast Summoning 2
Brown robes, d6 days animal feed, small pet d4 1=dog 2=goat 3=pig 4=deer, tiny pet d4 1=finch 2=squirrel 3=ferret 4=toad, beast mask, beast figurine
3 Blood Druids - Red Order Subclass
Blood letting aggressive defenders of wilderness
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Sacrifice, Butchery,
+1 Brawling +2 Weapon Expert +3 Critical Hit
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Ignite, Sting, Trumpet
-First Level Good Berry, Produce Flame, Cause Fear, Elemental Burst
-Second Level Flame Blade
Red robes, bottle of blood, skin of wine, various exotic knives, wicker doll
4 Dark Druids - Black Order Subclass
Act as funery rite specialists and dealing with death
Arms - Spear, Short Sword, Club
Arts - Natural Lore, Occult Lore, Mortician, Poison Lore
+1 Scythe +2 Trap Lore +3 Weapon Expert
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Scare, Sting, Trumpet, Ceremony
-First Level Cause Fear, Natures Secrets, Fog Cloud
-Second Level Dust Devil
Black robes, human skull, hourglass, scythe, sickle
5 Wood Druids - Green Order Subclass
Work with vegetation and wild plants
Arms - Spear, Sickle, javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Plant Lore, Herbalist, First Aid
+1 Farming +2 Healing +3 Poison Lore
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Sprout, Healing Berry, Fire Berry
-First Level Good Berry, Barkskin, Entangle
-Second Level Wood Servant
Green robes, bag of seeds, tiny potted plant, sickle
6 Stone Druids - Grey Order Subclass
Perform rituals in deep caverns
Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Climb, Swim
+1 Herbalist +2 Blind Fighting +3 Beast Handling
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Flare, Ignite, Magic Mushroom
-First Level Spider Climb. Swim Like Fish, Faerie Fire
-Second Level Stone Servant
Grey robes, bag of dried mushrooms, 12m rope, d4 cave maps
7 Shore Druids - Blue Order Subclass
Serve coastlines and waters
Arms - Spear (or trident), Dagger, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Sailing
+1 +2 Navigation +3 Hold Breath
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Gust of Wind, Detect Animal
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Create Water, Elemental Burst
-Second Level Warp Wood
Blue robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, hide boat with sail
8 Desert Druids - Yellow Order Subclass
Serve dry and batten wastelands
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Whip
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Beast Handling, Endurance
+1 Hold Breath +2 Survival +3 Scout
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Animate Smoke, Purify Food & Water
-First Level Create Water, Elemental Burst, Run Like the Wind
-Second Level Dust Devil
Yellow robes, d4 maps, 12L urn of water, 4L waterskin, donkey or camel
9 Swamp Druids - Ochre Order Subclass
Serve marshes and wetlands
Arms - Spear, Dart, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Weaving
+1 Sailing +2 Poison Lore +3 Herbalism
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Predict Weather, Detect Poison, Detect Disease, Sting
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Venom Bite
-Second Level Summon Swarm
Ochre robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, reed raft, pet frog, bundle of reeds
Arms - Shortsword, Short Bow
Arts - Dragon Lore, Bluff, Carousing, Numeracy
+1 Incendiary +2 Focus +3 Evil Eye
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Spark, Candlelight
-First Level Magic Missile, Sleep, Burning Hands
-Second Level Fire Shuriken
Dragon scale or tooth or claw medallion, dragon tattoos, map to dragon lair
Minor reptilian or draconic mutation might be applicable also
2 Demonic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dart, Dagger
Arts - Occult Lore, Intimidate, Torture, Demonic Lore
+1 Alchemy +2 Black Powder+3 Handgun
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Animate Smoke, Candlelight
-First Level Monster Summoning, Darkness, Burning Hands,
-Second Level Stinking Cloud
Demon scale or tooth or claw medallion, demon tattoos, map to demon cult lair
Minor demonic or chaos mutation might be applicable also
3 Sepentine Cultist Subclass
Arms - Small Sword, Shortbow
Arts - Occult Lore, Poison Lore, Disguise, Animal Handling
+1 Focus +2 Hypnosis +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Sting, Smoke Puff, Sound, Whisper
-First Level Magic Missile,Fog Cloud, Mask
-Second Level Web
pet d4 snakes, snake tattoos, antivenom pill, book on dinosaurs in serpent folk glyphs
Minor reptilian mutation might be applicable also
4 Law Cult Cultist Subclass
Arms - Small Sword, Javelin
Arts - Holy Lore, First Aid, Numeracy, Scribe
+1 Focus +2 Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Spark, Wizard Hand, Disrupt Dead, Candle Light
-First Level Magic Missile, Bless Weapon, Fiery Eyes
-Second Level Wizard Lock
Scale, hooded robe, sundial, medallion of law, 20m rope, donkey, tattoos of holy scriptures, book of law, manacles, crowbar, box of candles, scribe set
Minor holy or lawful mutation might be applicable also
5 Chaos Cultist Subclass
Arms - Flail, Shuriken
Arts - Occult Lore, Looting, Poison Law, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Spark, Candle Snuff, Scare, Stun
-First Level Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Monster Summoning 1
-Second Level Smoking Form
Hooded robe, tattoos of chaos cult, book of chaos scriptures, sword
Minor chaos mutation might be applicable also
6 Diabolic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Occult Lore, Bluff, Kingdom Lore, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 Dodge +3 Critical Strike
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Coin, Whisper, Phantom Pen, Smoke Puff
-First Level Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Charm Person
-Second Level Burning Sphere
Hooded robe, tattoos of devils names, book of hell, d4 references from corrupt officials
Minor diabolic mutation might be applicable also
7 Fire Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Elemental Lore, Incendiary, Alchemy, Black Powder
+1 Craft Fire +2 Blacksmith +3 Handgun
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Ignite, Candle light, Snuff Light, Smoke Puff
-First Level Burning Hands, Fiery Eyes, Magic Missile
-Second Level Fire Shuriken
Hooded robe, tattoos of fire elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, d4 incendiary potions, d4 smokebombs, string of d100 firecrackers
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
8 Water Cultist Subclass
Arms - Javelin, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Swim, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Navigate +2 Sailing +3 Trident
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Icicle, Snowball, Ink, Acid
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Fog Cloud, Jump Like Frog
-Second Level Acid Arrow
Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
9 Air Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortbow, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Whistle, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Bluff+2 Music +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Wind Gust, Fog Cloud, Whisper, Wizard Hand
-First Level Magic Missile, Feather Fall, Shocking Grasp
-Second Invisibility
Hooded robe, tattoos of air elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, kite, air bladder, instrument
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
10 Earth Cultist Subclass
Arms - Club, Hand Axe
Arts - Elemental Lore, Herbalist, First Aid, Farming
+1 Mining +2 Steward +3 Healing
Typical Starting Spells
-Zero Level Dirt, Clean, Summon Tiny Animal, Grease
-First Level Mount, Floating Disc, spider Climb
-Second Bull Strength
Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also
Prime Requisite: Will; high score grants additional spells
d8HD/1 /(Average 5)
Arms 3/3 Arts 4/2 Languages 2d4/2
Any light armour
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 4 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, Javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Spear d8, Sickle d4
Start Equipment: robes, d6 torches, 2d6 days preserved food, water skin, misstletoe, sickle, pot, flints, 6m rope, bundle of firewood, tent, furs cloak, bedroll, 3d6x10sp
Prerequisite Will Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd
Holy Power: Animal Shapeshift
Change to and from a animal form once peer level per day
Limited to animals with HD equal to own level
One animal form can be chosen per level
At 4th level can use up to two attacks and one more every 4 more levels
-if animal has these potential number of attacks
Druids may learn animal languages
Druidic Spell Abilities
-can learn any spell of nature list through 8 hours of prayer once per day
1 Holy Druids - White Order Subclass
Act as healers and prophets in communities
Arms - Staff, club, dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Herbalism, First Aid, Healing
+1 Divination +2 Astrology +3 Alchemy
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Sting, Healing Berry, Predict Weather,
-First Level Good Berry, Predict Weather, Fog Cloud
-Second Level Reflecting Pool
White robes, d4 healing potion, d3 healing herb, bandages, surgeons tools, gold torc and jewelry worth 3d6x5gp
2 Beast Druids - Brown Order Subclass
Work with wild animals
Arms - spar, club, sling
Arts - Natural Lore, Beast Lore, Beast Handling, Beast Training
+1 Mimic Bast +2 Listen +3 Track
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Charm Vermin, Sting, Detect Animal, Conjure Vermin
-First Level Beast Summoning 1, Beast Speech, Charm Beast, Bless Fang
-Second Level Beast Summoning 2
Brown robes, d6 days animal feed, small pet d4 1=dog 2=goat 3=pig 4=deer, tiny pet d4 1=finch 2=squirrel 3=ferret 4=toad, beast mask, beast figurine
3 Blood Druids - Red Order Subclass
Blood letting aggressive defenders of wilderness
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Sacrifice, Butchery,
+1 Brawling +2 Weapon Expert +3 Critical Hit
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Ignite, Sting, Trumpet
-First Level Good Berry, Produce Flame, Cause Fear, Elemental Burst
-Second Level Flame Blade
Red robes, bottle of blood, skin of wine, various exotic knives, wicker doll
4 Dark Druids - Black Order Subclass
Act as funery rite specialists and dealing with death
Arms - Spear, Short Sword, Club
Arts - Natural Lore, Occult Lore, Mortician, Poison Lore
+1 Scythe +2 Trap Lore +3 Weapon Expert
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Scare, Sting, Trumpet, Ceremony
-First Level Cause Fear, Natures Secrets, Fog Cloud
-Second Level Dust Devil
Black robes, human skull, hourglass, scythe, sickle
5 Wood Druids - Green Order Subclass
Work with vegetation and wild plants
Arms - Spear, Sickle, javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Plant Lore, Herbalist, First Aid
+1 Farming +2 Healing +3 Poison Lore
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Sprout, Healing Berry, Fire Berry
-First Level Good Berry, Barkskin, Entangle
-Second Level Wood Servant
Green robes, bag of seeds, tiny potted plant, sickle
6 Stone Druids - Grey Order Subclass
Perform rituals in deep caverns
Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Climb, Swim
+1 Herbalist +2 Blind Fighting +3 Beast Handling
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Flare, Ignite, Magic Mushroom
-First Level Spider Climb. Swim Like Fish, Faerie Fire
-Second Level Stone Servant
Grey robes, bag of dried mushrooms, 12m rope, d4 cave maps
7 Shore Druids - Blue Order Subclass
Serve coastlines and waters
Arms - Spear (or trident), Dagger, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Sailing
+1 +2 Navigation +3 Hold Breath
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Gust of Wind, Detect Animal
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Create Water, Elemental Burst
-Second Level Warp Wood
Blue robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, hide boat with sail
8 Desert Druids - Yellow Order Subclass
Serve dry and batten wastelands
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Whip
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Beast Handling, Endurance
+1 Hold Breath +2 Survival +3 Scout
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Animate Smoke, Purify Food & Water
-First Level Create Water, Elemental Burst, Run Like the Wind
-Second Level Dust Devil
Yellow robes, d4 maps, 12L urn of water, 4L waterskin, donkey or camel
9 Swamp Druids - Ochre Order Subclass
Serve marshes and wetlands
Arms - Spear, Dart, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Weaving
+1 Sailing +2 Poison Lore +3 Herbalism
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Predict Weather, Detect Poison, Detect Disease, Sting
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Venom Bite
-Second Level Summon Swarm
Ochre robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, reed raft, pet frog, bundle of reeds
10 Chaos Druids - Bile Order Subclass
Aid mutants and chaos hordes
Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Chaos Lore, Poison Lore, Disease Lore
Arts - Natural Lore, Chaos Lore, Poison Lore, Disease Lore
+1 Survival +2 Track +3 Run Away
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Animate Smoke, Scare, Sting
-First Level Alarm, Bless Weapon, Jump Like Frog, Fog Cloud,
-Second Level Fortifying Stew
-First Level Alarm, Bless Weapon, Jump Like Frog, Fog Cloud,
-Second Level Fortifying Stew
Bile robes, maps of chaos holy place, potion of lesser mutation, maggot ridden d4 days of food
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