So I will be making a PDF of my roadwar content and as some Illustrators have offered to contribute I will delay it a bit and instead you get flotsam and jetsam for now. Also some great post apoc rock here http://mutationapocalypse.blogspot.com.au/2016/07/gang-details-generator.html (has done several good things in genre of late).
Past Maritime Stuff Here
Sea horrors
Shore Leave for seamen
Salty Seamen
Sunken City Dungeon Zone
This was for Alasdair Cunningham - best wishes with skeleton coast project
If your project needs some d100 let me know

A few years ago everyone did this. Crap on the beach.
d100 flotsam and jetsam
01 Mountains of sea weed
02 Spectacular driftwood with barnacles01 Mountains of sea weed
03 Hundreds of jellyfish
04 Hundreds of sea urchin
05 Hundreds of dead fish
06 Hundreds of dead starfish
07 Hundreds of dead cuttlefish
08 Dead dolphin with shark bites
09 Dried rotting dead mermaid horror from the deep
10 Several giant slimy tentacles
11 A dead rotting whale covered in crabs and gulls
12 A rotting sea serpent
13 A unconscious sailor from far off land
14 Dozens of shipwreck victims (possibly some live) and several sea chests
15 Dozens of murdered bodies and empty sea chests left by wreckers
16 A huge sand castle built by crab men as temporary base
17 Remains of a jollyboat smashed up
18 Intact small fishing boat with fishing nets and rods and rope
19 A wooden pulley with a short length of rope
20 Barnacle covered float with small section or torn net
21 A bottle with a letter requesting help d100 years old
22 A bottle with a treasure map
23 A bottle with a will for property far away
24 A bottle half full of rum
25 A tiny chest with some small jewelry with semi precious stones
26 Carved wooden prow of ship with mythical creature
27 A fancy captains hat
28 A ship flag on length of rope
29 Long length of hemp rope
30 Man o war jellyfish with stinging tendrils
31 A gasping turtle tangled in a net
32 Hundreds of tiny crabs eating a huge strange unrecognizable creature
33 A piece of amber
34 A battered tree
35 Gigantic eyeball of some marine creature
36 Dead albatross (possibly alive helping it brings good luck)
37 Huge crab claw
38 Dead trilobite or sea scorpion
39 Beautiful badly hurt mermaid
40 Huge shark tooth
41 Cluster of sea sponges tangled in weed
42 Rusty key
43 Gigantic bones possibly from whale
44 Unhappy lost seal pup
45 Wooden pegleg
46 Wooden box with d6 bottles of rum
47 Large block of seasalt
48 Rotting baby shark
49 Huge giant squid carcass
50 Huge shell
51 Strange symbol made from arranged stones, weed or sand
52 Baby of marine race d4 1=crabman 2=mermaid 3=squidman 4=mantaman
53 Dried puffer fish
54 Human skull with barnacles
55 Rusty old breast plate
56 Dead marine crocodile
57 Angry sea snake with deadly venom
58 Block of melting ice
59 Biological sacks of fluid some kinds of egg
60 White cuttlefish bones useful crafting material or good for birds
61 Remains of wrecked ship long buried on beach exposed by moving sand
62 A small anchor covered in barnacles
63 A wooden barrel with d4 1=grog 2=water 3=body 4=sea biscuits
64 A battered locked book, mostly illegible but tantalizing hints
65 A strange creepy wooden idol of squat spirit
66 A strange green stone idol of a squat sea demon
67 A elegant noble looking native idol
68 A whale or elephant tusk
69 A blob of ambergris
70 A narwhale horn
71 A leathery corpse in shredded clothes actually a marine zombie
72 Intact skeleton with bandanna and seaman's clothes holding cutlass leaps up to attack
73 Monkeys playing on beach
74 Wax tablet dedicated to ancient evil sea demon by a cult, causes dreams if kept
75 Strange chunk of gold resembling drift wood, cult treasure of vindictive fish folk
76 Crude wooden raft recently arrived
77 Clay pot decorated and sealed with wine or oil
78 Corroded copper coins scattered in sand all over beach
79 Lump of copper or silver coins fused into mass covered in barnacles
80 Human finger with ring
81 Single gold or silver coin in good condition
82 Pretty smooth worn glass pebbles once bottles
83 Interesting looking semiprecious stone
84 Large crystal
85 A bone dice
86 Ring shaped stone reputed to offend elves
87 Huge shell actually hermit crab looking for snacks
88 Carved wooden figurine like a duck
89 Cowrie shells strung together a form of currency in some places
90 Leather boot with crabs inside
91 Stray dog with collar
92 Ship's steering wheel or wagon wheel
93 Ships rudder or mast
94 Chunks of burned boat scattered along beach
95 Ships canvas sail, tattered but repairable
96 Green sealed bottle with occult symbols, contains soul of evil sea captain
97 Green eyed stone idol, whoever finds it becomes possessive and paranoid
98 Disgusting mass of twitching slime with eyes trying to ooze back into sea
99 A wax coated wheel of cheese possible edible
100 Erotic idol carved from tusk of marine creature in unrecognisable style
Actually, I have you (among a few others) to thank for being able to complete that. Your advice on How to Write d100 Tables really helped me get unstuck on the final few areas I was having trouble with.