Wednesday 24 July 2024

Chagrinspires Secret Rail Network 1

Patreon: revision of vol 1 and 2 for chagrin spire books.
Vol 2 has 200+ room gatehouse done - its going well

Vol 3 has started - I'm working on the automaton class and will have mutant class and mutations for chagrinspire specifically. A quick guide to level one, especially the third segment and mote on the spire.

I have realised Chagrinspire is 16km tall so I'm happy for it to be seen from a distance
. It's a great place to launch a global airship empire from and possibly trips to the moon and raid the crystal citadels of the star people. I guess the kobolds living that height are more streamlined and barrel-chested. Jetliners would avoid it. Please suggest other consequences of this foolishness. How visible would it be from how far away? Can it be a continent-wide reference point? The axis mundi of entopy? 


Under the wasteland, there is a vast network of tunnels. The tables in vol 1 d100 subterranean entrances. The Quick type table is good for the wasteland surface but in the deeps below Chagrinspire, there is a whole grey gnome city, a vast lake, a giant cave of garbage from the apocalypse war and a vast fungus forest of goblinoid civilisation.

The trains under the waste connect to the complex under Chagrinspire and there is a spiralling loop though the entirety of Chagrinspire into the stratosphere.

d12 Deep Tunnels 
1 Service Tubes 3m wide round pipe-like tunnels connecting apparatus for water, power, steam, mostly used for transit and vermin filled 
2 Freight Line 4m high 6m wide small cargo only smaller gauge freight line with some abandoned cars or golem engines and possibly some vermin. Undead are attracted too as it is quiet 
3 Train Line 8m high 12m wide two parallel rail lines where there are ruined carriages and blockages and floods but also many operating golem trains occupied by factions as mobile headqaurters
4 Kobold redbrick tunnels efficiently built and often directed by the Black Sphere. Traps and kobolds remain mostly 3x3m tunnels
5 Ancient dwarf highways from the great dawn age civilisations 9m high 12m wide, mostly full of vermin but goblinoids and dwarves still can be found in places
6 Goblinoid mazes of random carved tunnels varying wildly in size and safety. Traps, monsters and some goblinoids remain
7Ancient gnome highways from the time of the monster kings 4m high 4m wide
8 Burrows of great beasts in past ages or sometimes more recent like the great worms 
9 Giant Tunnels made in the dawn age when the titans were warring with the gods with portals to the faerie-like world of giant land. Many have elemental portals too and they were used for the preferences of giants who lived in them. Some nodes are spectacular lava pools or chasms or ice caves
10 Roots-filled passages a part of the world tree full of dark elves, goblins and fungus
11 Ancient wild natural caves of the deep Underland where the darkest most desperate creatures live
12 Strange volcanic glass and basalt tunnels made by beings of the outer void before the world was formed from darkness then water then land. Ancient horrors, shoggoths, crinoids and things best not named. Ancient evils often hide here until cults awake them

The last four have passages overlapping with the Underworld and Hell
The last also has portals to outside time and space to the void of hungry beings

d12 Tunnel Hazards
1 Flooded, areas covered in water 
2 Bad air d4 1=no air 2=flamable 3=poison 4=choking stench
3 Vermin control automaton inspection team in armoured golem car
4 Vermin control machine, a specialised uncaring golem
5 Electrical arcs block passage on foot, save or take d8
6 Screaming fungus patch 
7 Explosive fungus patch
8 Choking mould patch
9 Green slime patch
10 Giant ambulant explosive puffballs
11 Burrow of a monster
12 Awaken long sleeping undead

d12 Common Tunnel Vermin
1 Swarm or giant rats
2 Swarm or giant beetles
3 Swarm or giant spiders
4 Swarm or giant bats
5 Swarm or giant worms
6 Swarm or giant ants
7 Swarm or giant flies
8 Swarm or giant slugs
9 Carrion worms or rust Monsters
10 Gremlins or mischievous imps or fairies 
11 Ochre Jelly or Grey Ooze
12 Shoggoth, usually small size

d12 Common Tunnel Humanoids
1 Kobolds 
clan hunters 
2 Dark Dwarves or Derro
3 Dark Elves and goblin minions
4 Goblinoid expedition
5 Changeling spirit folk exploring (various beast, faerie or planar types)
6 Orcs warriors of a faction
7 Abhuman any elemental type 
8 Abhuman vegetal or fungal 
9 Abhuman beast folk (table below)
10 Grey Gnomes with automatons and vehicles
11 Trolls (possibly rarer smarter smaller ones too)
12 Ogres or giants often with a pet

d12 Common Tunnel Humans
1 Ape folk subterranean abhuman people who seek conquest
2 Subterranean barbarian tribe hiding from sky falling (abhumans)
3 Cave folk abhumans who strictly use only old ways and stone tools
4 Cultists led by a magician controlling a planar being
 Scavengers from surface long lost and desperate d4+1 weeks 
6 Lost hungry adventurers have been exploring d4+1 weeks 
7 Mutant scavengers who have given up on the surface
8 Shy benevolent cave mutant folk very sneaky
Wild subterranean cannibal mutants adapted to life in the deep
10 Subterranean ancient people who fled an apocalypse in the age of fabled Exilon, decadent, insane drug addicts wear masks and have strange sects and cults. Seeking knowledge and drugs
11 Lycanthropes, often pretend to be human to lure victims. Rat, bat and cat most common
12 Black Sphere clone infantry, automaton and vehichle support

d12 Supernatural Horrors
1 Imp, larvae or lesser planar beings
2 Nature spirit
3 Succubai or lamia
4 Spectral minions or shadows
5 Wight knights with zombie or skeleton soldiers
6 Wraith or spectre
7 Mummy with zombie or skeleton soldiers
 Vampire with thralls
9 Lesser planar beings
10 Major planar being
11 Deathknight riding monster
12 Lich and Entourage

d12 Beast Folk Species
1 Rat
2 Snake
3 Lizard
4 Fish
5 Goat
6 Frog
7 Lamprey
8 Hyena
9 Beetle
10 Mole
11 Bat
12 Badger

d12 Monsters
1 Owlbear or Hook horror
2 Shambling mound
3 Fire toads or other amphibians
4 Giant spiders or scorpions or lobster
Amber Hulk or Bullette
6 Rogue golem
Fire lizard or behir  
8 Gorgon or cateoblas
9 Frohemoth or juggernaut automaton
10 Huge shoggoth and/or crinoid patrol
11 Titanic worm or centipede
12 Dragon (1in6 is mated pair and/or nest)



When a train stops...
Automated golem trains without crew stop according to habit or sub-ether communications from other golems and cognitive engines. Most of the train types are more dangerous

When you wave down a train...
Evil trains will often attack even just while passing
Balanced trains slow ponder if anyone looks worth helping or hindering or just drive away
Nuetral trains will stop and see if you want a ride if nobody looks violent but may help those they see as own kind
Good Trains might investigate and help anyone in trouble

Usually when a Lawful train comes to a stop at a platform:
1 Crew ready weapons at windows and wait
2 A party exit to secure the platform and declare under control
3 Scouts snoop around and beyond for signs of enemies
4 Officers and VIP might come out or an expedition will set off from here

Usually when a Chaotic train arrives: 
1 Crew take some shots at the platform
2 Crew pour out attacking at anything that moves
3 Loot the station and look for food
4 Start drinking, urinating, graffiti 
5 Volunteers sent on expedition
6 Bored leader will want to move on

Usually when a Neutral train arrives
1 Make a bell or horn sound to inform of arrival
2 Some passengers get off to stretch their legs while the crew take care of business
3 Will trade or drop off or take new passengers or repel attackers
4 Leave if dangerous or business done

Train Types
Each starts with an engine
Cargo ends with a guard train with cargo and post and guards
Passengers end with an observation car with a parlour inside


d12 Train Engine Types
1 Kobold Express Train - built using salvaged dead golem engine scrap now automated by Kobold poltergeists. The engineer is a shaman
2 Goblinoid Gloop Train - overgrown with fungus and crawling with pets, the golem train seems alive and loves the ecology living on it 
3 Orc Pain Train - rusted armoured war train with artillery, operated by former black sphere orcs turned rebels against the masters. Train decorated in chains, blood and live enemy prisoners manacled up
4 Mutant Train - full of mutants who claim Chagrinspire to belong to only them who paid the most, many chaos worshipers and have mutated technology 
Gnome Train - gloomy gnome engineers with automaton servants and troops

 Golem Circuit Train - automated golem trains that stop at every station for freight or passages or interact with other unmanned sentient machines only. These vehicles are neutral and anything could be riding them, Some do repairs and maintenance with crane-like arms or automaton workers
7 Black Sphere Circle Line - black sphere millitary with elite riflemen, automatons and secret police
8 Dungeon Line - an intrusion from the dungeon dimension here for entertainment and to trap adventurers into the eternal dungeon dimension. Each car is a dungeon room. Once you get in you end up with the connected cars forming an eternal loop that increases in difficulty and teases you onwards to doooooooom!
9 Night Train - corporeal undead like skeletons, mummies and some other guest monsters
10 Ghost Train - non-corporeal spirits in a spectral engine
11 Demon Train - a demon and its lesser minions and cultists run this
12 Diablo Express - operated by hellish cultists and devils and imps

Each of these gets its own table and eventually

d12 Cargo Cars
1 Container car with a huge metal shipping crate with possibly anything
2 Flat freight cars with large goods, crates, logs, pipes, coils of metal 
3 Hopper car, some covered with grain or minerals or coal
4 Box Car - standard car with doors for freight, popular with stowaways
5 Cattle car - transports livestock or prisoners
6 Tank car - carries liquid usually fuel or blood or water
7 Armoured Car - armour-plated with slits for windows and several gun turrets
8 Poison Car - yellow with black skulls with drums of toxic alchemical waste or weapons
9 Freezer Car - with hungry ice toad or frost salamander inside if working
10 Corpse Car - open-top car filled with bodies for biofuel and necromancer thralls. some instead hang bodies in boxcars by hooks or nooses or have stacked coffins (coffin car)
11 Alchemy Car - portable industrial alchemy vats 
12 Binding Car - contains a bound planar creature inside

d12 Passenger Cars
1 Commuter Car - 
the most common golem trains in the circuit run these for short commutes with minimalistic metal seats and standing room with a golem ticket machine
2 3rd Class - hard seats in rows, some for prisons or millitary transport
3 2nd Class - rows of comfortable chairs
4 1st Class - small genteel furnished lounge chairs and side tables with lamps
 Sleeper Car - small cabins with 1 or 2 or four beds
6 Galley Car - common ones a cafeteria and rich ones a fancy restaurant or a kitchen 
7 Parlor Car - for civilised persons to relax and sip tea and light snacks
8 Smoking Car - for gentlemen to abuse to smoke and abuse drugs, especially from hookahs with homunculi fetuses in the bottles 
9 Theatre Car - live music hall, bands, opera singers, poets and other performers play here. Some have magic lamp shows or puppets 
Baggage Car - passengers' bags
11 Greenhouse Car - for decorative plants or food grown under magic lamps
12 Menagerie Car - transport exotic monsters and for passengers to see, familiars were kept here too

Will expand the train types with a few d12 each


  1. I think a 16km tower would really disrupt air currents and probably cause strange weather. Maybe the surrounds & exterior are buffeted by crazy storms anytime the wind blows?

    1. i have a maths friend on it
      will be visible hundreds of km away
      i have weird auroras around it
      but yes weird weather

      i might need airship dock around middle instead of the top where the vacuum kobolds scuttle about - moon program might benefit from a 16km launchpad

      thankyou for your comment!

  2. I wonder. If you had multiple train companies/guilds/gangs/warbands building multiple tracks for their faction, you could have train to train combat.

    1. Yes I am making a generic train carriage geomorphs - possibly could print out sections carriage by carriage with roof and interiors

      Tracks could be laid out ahead for limited lane changes and train vs train combat. I kinder thinking one faction needs to be a pirate clan. Planning train vs train chases and grappling

      I'm thinking of adding lots on the rail factions maybe even cards with a pre-generated trains and crews you could battle

      i wonder what AC and HD of a golem steam train is - i guess they all have shrines in them and possible crew-cultists

      Thankyou for your thoughts - aligned with mine!


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