Thursday 14 June 2018

Wizard Wars 2: Encounters and Wonders

Part 2
Encounters - Combat encounters on the road or countryside during the war
Wonders - spectacles and events but not necessarily combat

This Is possibly inspired by my un-named Elder Age setting featuring wizard hordes but could be any setting really. One day will put all together with a simple wargaming system that will emphasize heroic action of players. Possibly will need to ad naval units to previous forces. Some of these are dangerous but killing the wizard or scaring them with a few wounds is not too hard and dispel magic might turn their pets against them. Clever talk might even help the charmed victims get a save. You can always hide from things that could destroy a army.

Imagine what a hundred 1st-4th lv apprentices could do. Any hero could be killed or charmed. Party might be charmed or their friends or followers. Those who resist get sent to camps run by brutal orcs to labour until dead or charmed. Wizards might release demihumans not wishing to draw them into the war yet.

I did once consider a elemental cult war but possibly this probably subsumes this.

The war might change the kingdom forever:
Certain spells and books become commonplace
Gunpowder might become more common
Potions and petty items will e left everywhere
Summoned beings and constructs might be found wild years later
Wizards might leave secret dungeon bases everywhere
Grumpy orc men might be left behind.

In most of my war scenarios the invaders are exotic and powerful but tend to fall apart on their own from factions, strategic losses or someone else invading or just economics

Peasant revolt was less horrible, foreign human power will happen one day too

Id probably have goblins invade on year then a new invasion every year each leaving kingdom a mess working way up to demon invason and too many surviving civilians with levals gained from haphazard war exp or perhaps cthulhu wakes up to finish of the world

My current setting in works is a world ruined and often ruled by wizards
I guess point is players can intervene in war and perhaps kill a archmage in bed or two
First phase of the war roll d10 or d20 and use bigger dice as conflict goes on

d100 Encounters
01 Singed militia on the road fleeing in panic because of wizards
02 Sleeping guards on the roadside checkpoint victims of a sleep spell
03 Friendly youth in robes with backpack asks for directions (apprentice agent)
04 Burning pigs or sheep or cattle stampeding on road
05 Distant smoke and fleeing peasants bemoan wizards burning down house
06 Orc skirmishers watching road might try to rob a smaller group
07 Orc skirmisher marching on road will shoot and flee
08 Orc archers watching road from well entrenched position in hiding
09 Orc crossbowmen fire a volley and withdraw to cover
10 Orc spearmen on the march commanded by a 4th Lv apprentice
11 Orc swordsmen burning down shacks 
12 Human swordsmen looting and chasing commoners
13 Human swordsmen led by apprentice interrogating local militia captives
14 Skeleton spearmen led by necromantic apprentice on the march
15 Skeleton swordsmen chasing commoners and their animals
16 Zombies made from murdered commoners mindlessly killing everything on the road
17 Homonculous or imp or other familiar spying on road for a wizards
18 Bumpkin headed scarecrow golems in fields standing silently will ambush travellers
19 Illusionary soldiers on the march with invisible apprentice maintaining from distance
20 Battlemage with apprentices and squad of orcs will fireball dangerous adventurer spies
21 Apprentices in hiding will summon monsters to attack travelers from hiding then flee
22 Invisible apprentice will follow party and warn wizard forces about them
23 Apprentice defector says master is mad and wants to inform the kingdom military
24 Refugee requests help is really an apprentice spy seeks to get behind enemy lines 
25 Zombies created from local militia in armour with weapons 
26 Skeleton archers in ancient garb watching road from cover
27 Wood golem soldiers on the march
28 Charmed militiamen led by an aprentice
29 A dozen 1HD elementals being a nuisance, destroying property 
30 Guardian warrior statue directed by aprentice
31 Squealing pigs wearing ill fitting human noble clothes seem to want something
32 A white mouse on the road in a pile of human clothing
33 Battlemage riding a manticore
34 Battlemage with two crystal statues and a squad of human swordsmen
35 Battlemage with two iron statues and a squad of human swordsmen 
36 Battlemage with two rock statues and a squad of human swordsmen 
37 Weapons on path animate and attack on own
38 Apprentice flees deliberately leaving cursed obviously magic weapons
39 Small elemental on the rampage
40 Clockwork automaton soldiers on the march
41 Doppelganger spies
42 Road covered by pool of mud with mud golem hiding inside
43 Obsidian golem escorted by a battlemage and two aprentices
44 Charmed gargoyle scouts
45 Amber golem ridden by a battlemage
46 Pack of manticore scouts
47 Battlemage riding wyvern or firedrake scouting
48 Medeum elemental directed by battlemage and aprentices with squad of swordsmen
49 Bone golem guarding a battlemage and his apprentices and charmed soldiers
50 Battlemage with charmed cockatrice and two apprentices
51 Battlemage leading charmed ogre gang

52 Several guardian warriors on guardian horses
53 Battlemage and apprentices with several charmed trolls 
54 Battlemage and apprentices with a charmed hill giant
55 Petrified frightened peoples standing on road caught in running pose
56 Battlemage with four hellhounds
57 Carriage with efeet dandy wizard with 
58 Apprentices that throw explosive potions then flee
59 Battlemage and apprentices with a charmed ettin
60 Orc siege unit with crossbowmen and swordsmen in formation led by battlemage
61 Orc pike unit with crossbowmen on the march led by battlemage
62 Blind battlemage with charmed baslisk
63 Battlemage ridding a charmed behir followed by a squad or orc archers
64 Battlemage riding a black green or white dragon
65 Battlemage with four spectral hounds
66 Battlemage with succubi lover
67 Battlemage with a lesser devil or demon
68 Battlemage necromancer with several squads of skeletons and zombies
69 Necromancer battlemage with a summoned soul eater and two apprentices
70 Squadron of battlemages riding wyverns or firedrakes
71 Wizard with a squad of weak lesser devils or demons (red abishai or drethch)

72 Wizard with two lesser devil or demons and two apprentices
73 Wizard with clay golem, assistant battlemage and four apprentices
74 Wizard with stone golem, assistant battlemage and four apprentices
75 Wizard with silver golem, assistant battlemage and four apprentices
76 Wizard with silver golem, assistant battlemage and four apprentices
77 Wizard with large elemental and assistant battlemage with four apprentices
78 Wizard with bronze golem, assistant battlemage and four apprentices
79 Wizard riding a red or blue dragon
80 Wooden Juggernaut crewed by battlemage with two apprentices
81 A hundred apprentices led by battlemage and two squads or orc guards
82 Necromancer wizard with a hundred skeletons or fifty zombies and apprentices
83 Robed cultists coven,13 apprentices led by a d4+3 level wizard and a lesser elemental
84 Robed cultists coven,13 acolytes led by a d4+3 level priest and a lesser demon
85 Orc force of 100 spearmen and 20 archers led by a battlemage and 2 apprentices
86 Battlemage, 4 apprentices, 2x orc swordsmen & archer squads, lesser demon
87 Apprentice with squad of orcs with a stolen wand turning commoners into monsters
88 Battlemages of different schools fighting over loot while orcs cower for cover
89 Wizard with army of spectral minion warriors in ancient dress
90 Gateway opens with a army of orcs and undead led by a battlemage and apprentices
91 Stone Juggernaut crewed by a wizard and 4 aprentices
92 Dozens of mounted guardian warriors

93 Wizard supervising charmed etin, hill giant and several ogres
94 Wizard supervising a efreeti or djinn or dao or marid with two apprentices
95 Archmage with elemental lord
, assistant wizard and four apprentices
96 Archmage with iron golem, assistant wizard and four apprentices
97 Lich with army of skeletons and zombies or a flesh colossus
98 Archmage with greater demon or devil, assistant wizard and four apprentices
99 Archmage with a charrned ape gargantua and four apprentices
100 Cloud castle with flying monsters patrolling around commanded by a archmage with army of undead and orcs and 4 battlemages and 20 apprentices

d100 Wonders
01 Sky full of shooting stars
02 Great strange comet in the sky of ill omen
03 Burning forest blazing out of control
04 Burning buildings
05 Many hundreds of commoners fleeing wizard armies
06 Necromancers assembling a flesh colossus from corpses
07 A great muddy pit where a wizard is making orcs while newborn ones watch
08 A wizard with assistants calling a demon or elemental
09 Cultists performing a ritual ceremony
10 A great circle of orc guards surrounding a celebratory party of wizards
11 A cloud fortress moving across the sky raining fire 
12 A stone tower or building collapses into a heap of mud
13 Necromancers raising the dead on a battlefield
14 Sound of distant explosions
15 A marching army of the kingdom incinerated in fireballs cast by flying wizards
16 Sky full of fireworks
17 Great clouds of coloured fog cover the land confusing all
18 Waters of rivers and wells changes strange colours 
19 Dozens of gleeful imps scuttling through the undergrowth, change form
20 A star falls destroying a settlement in a huge explosion
21 A mountain crumbled blocking a path or opening a new one
22 A river or stream flows backwards as wizards steal water upstream
23 Huge earthen hill fort and ramparts grow in hours with elemental labour
24 Strange weather as clouds rush through sky resulting in huge unseasonable storm 
25 A tornado rushes through valley tearing everything apart 
26 A firestorm destroys a fortress leaving molten rubble and ash
27 The earth swallows up buildings into a sinkhole
28 A region sinks into a bog with mudslides covering settlements
29 A great hailstorm damages buildings and crops 
30 A frigid cold snap destroys crops, turns mud into ice and kills the weak
31 A group of elementals destroy everything on their path
32 Earth elementals make roads and bridges for armies
33 Air elementals pick up innocents and drop them from great heights
34 Graveyard has been turned over into loose soil digging for corpse robbers
35 Hundreds of drowned bodies lay scattered in the open
36 Hundreds of petrified bodies turned to statues in the open
37 Huge illusion in sky of god being destroyed by wizard blasts
38 Inquisitors of church crucified upside down by road
39 Great ray in the distance fired into the heavens and shoots down a star
40 Wizard minions building a bronze colossus to be a weapon and new god
41 Wizards release a demon prince into the world long banished aeons ago
42 Great earthquake rocks the region, opening fissures fill of lava
43 Volcano starts to form in strategic location
44 A wizard releases a eldritch horror trapped for aeons, a black cloud rises blocking the sun and moon and frightening away birds for days
45 Inquisitors burn down a wizards house releasing demon familiars and bound elementals by accident
46 An alchemist waggon catches alight filling the sky with fireworks
47 Wizards have built a huge cannon pulled by a hundred slaves and 16 oxen, started testing it
48 Swarm of demons fly oveer head on way to perform wicked deed
49 Cloud castle crashes, explodes and leaves a crater, ruins and fluff cloud stuff strewn over miles
50 A mountain explodes sending a plum of ash into the sky and raining ash for days
51 A flash flood washes away roads and leaves piles of debris and logjams

52 A battlefield of hundreds of mostly burned corpses, zombies gather the intact ones and load on skeleton horse pulled waggons to take to necromancers
53 Time is frozen and winds backwards several minutes
54 A bubbling pool of chaos is leaking into the world from all the magic forces unleashed, chaos demons enter and guard the portal
55 A chaos warband of mutants, demons and evil templars led by a chaos wizard lollop along leaving slime trails and gremlins behind them
56 A great fiery balor demon with a flaming sword and whip flies overhead
57 A wizard and his orcs have captured a petty god to sacrifice to gain divine power
58 For a moment the skies change to a unnatural colour and trees become fleshy swaying things from some other domension
59 A pool of vomit hundreds of foot across with human body chunks in the mix oozes across the countryside as if alive
60 Wizards fly overhead in ornithopters, clockwork flying machines in the shape of griffons, dragons and other winged beasts
61 A weird tower from another dimension fades into reality bringing alien life forms with it
62 A huge beanstalk grows into the sky and has anchored a cloud
63 A frozen comet from space crashes and ice devils led by a winter wizard exit and march to nearest battlefront
64 Gold coins rain from the sky, with heads of mighty wizards on one face and dragon on the reverse in a scheme to destroy economy. After a few days they turn back into lead
65 Great phantom divine beings wrestle in the sky
66 A vast protoplasmic shoggoth oozing eyeballs and mouths, gibbering madly eating all in path
67 A stone citadel arises from the earth and a wizard led army from the underland comes out
68 The sky rains fireballs igniting forests and buildings over huge area
69 Angels and demons fight in the sky, blood rains down
70 Ilusionary flame covers hectares of land intended to block enemies of wizards
71 A wall of flame or ice or magical stone blocks area for miles

72 Colossal bronze minotaur breathing flame stomps across land, shaking the earth
73 Dozens of witches on brooms and flying demons go overhead
74 Constellations in the sky move terrifying all
75 Something hits the moon adding new craters
76 A great eclipse darkens the sky terrifying humans and animals 
77 Birds flying overhead overhead talking about this funny wizard business
78 Flocks of birds flying backwards
79 An elemental gate guarded by elementals and wizard cultists
80 Hundreds of robed apprentices chanting as victims sacrificed to chaos
81 Two mighty wizards battle while followers look on in horror at destruction
82 A guargantuan wizard kicks down a kingdom defence tower and eats the survivors
83 Army of the kingdom retreating from illusionary wizard army
84 Mob seizing anyone with a beard and shaving them, then tarring and feathering them
85 A wizard turning dozens of captured soldiers into goatmen or ratmen or lizard men minions
86 Fish swimming through the air in great schools
87 Multiple seasons come and go in a single day
88 Large area where everything is dead, life force drained by necromancy
89 Glacier in distant mountains stands and lumbers across land leaving trail of permafrost
90 Dozens of rainbows crisscross the sky on the border of wizard lands
91 Giant trees and flowers thrive on magical energy
92 Huge cloud of swarming insects blacken the sky

93 Hundreds of frogs hopping around empty settlement among piles of abandoned clothing
94 Mob of peasants with no wizards signs burning wizard effigies in rally
95 Soldiers hanging wizards in front of angry cheering mob

96 Temple melts into pile of mud and inhabitants struggle to escape drowning
97 A powerful hierophant priest and clerical holy folk battle a archmage and apprentices
98 Shimmers and ripples in the air, a wizard spells go wild and perform erratically while laws of magic breaking from over use in wizard war, allowing commoners to beat and kill them
99 Huge rift appears in sky unleashing magical forces and raw chaos into the world due to reality being tormented by wizards, making everyone nervous and hide
100 A god appears to destroy several archmages for hubris against the divine order

Part 3
d100 Gossip - to cover wild stories of atrocities, failure and propaganda
d100 Loot - particular goods flooding the market during the invasion

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