Monday, 2 December 2024

Ice Ice Kobold

Some bits and pieces:

Ice Ice Kobold
As the Chagrinspire is so high and kobold-infested, I needed to detail the icy slopes. 
Also these kobolds can tolerate high altitudes and lower oxygen than humans.
The Icefang tribe are more dog-like and furry and worship air/cold elementals
Some use gliders to get to lower areas fast especially to get ahead of fleeing enemies.

All are skilled climbers and take wild leaps across chasms humans wouldn't try
Their size and weight is an asset vs many hazards

The kobolds on the top levels are different again and adapted to near vacuum and require access to the pressurised areas inside to resupply air. More on them later.

d12 Kobold Ice Traps
1 Icicle drop
2 Ice slick into a pit of icicles
3 Thin ice over the icicle pit
4 Avalanches of snow triggered by triplines 
5 Ball of ice rolls down the passage or slope
6 Snow packed over crevice into the deep collapses if crossed by a certain weight
7 Water dunk, designed to make intruders wet in extreme cold
8 Slippery icy pole or bridge over a chasm small critters use easily
9 Hibernating creatures awaken if they sense enough body heat or exhaled breath, planted by kobolds at key locations they can avoid
10 Walls of thin ice seal the area of pressurised gas
11 Snow over icicle pit with rolling ice ball to drive victims into a trap
12 Waterfall if crossed a white dragon, other monster or a spell caster freezes solid with victims trapped inside

I imagine some ice critters would sense some of these traps
living ice statues might be cool
above kobold weight is a good trigger
I need this for kobolds living on a 16km high building exterior

d12 Frozen Slope Encounters
1 Kobold hunting party or war band 2d4+8
2 Mountain Goats 3d6
3 Giant Eagle or snow owl - will try to knock ppl to fall
4 Wooly horned giant python will ambush
5 Zombie mountain troops 4d4 + zombie pack mule
6 White apes d4+4 or lone yeti
7 Frost sprites can be kind or cruel 3d4
8 Winter harpies harass climbers  d4+2
9 Living Ice or snow statue
10 Winter Wolf
11 Ice drake or frost salamander
12 Ice Elemental

d12 Frozen Slope Hazards
1 Snowdrift hides true terrain
2 Climb required d6 x3m
3 Slippery ledges
4 Whiteout blocks sight
5 Strong winds make movement hard
6 Avalanche
7 Falling ice or icicles
8 Gap in ledge needs climb or jump
9 Fragile ice crossing
10 Dead end or harsh climb
11 Chasm in path
12 Waterfall of warm water

d12 Frozen Slope Finds
1 Frozen dead explorers or mountain uniformed troops
2 Shack where a lone hunter or trapper lived
3 Wreck of flying machine or kobold hang glider 
4 Lost kobold sledge dog or broken dog sledge
5 Climbing ropes with iron spikes leading off the trail
6 Nest of cold monstrous eggs, a parent close?
7 Metal pipes could be climbed
8 Vent with smoke pouring out from deep inside a mountain
9 Metal service hatch or iron-barred pipe entrance into the mountain
10 Carved tunnel entrance where someone mined into the mountain
11 Metal vault door into concrete bunker and pillbox with a machinegun
12 Metal walkways and stairs

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