Friday 30 August 2024

Chagrinspire Session Prep - 3 cults!

Paid Tier Now on Patreon PDF  3 pdfs
Vol 1 Chagrinspire with extra pages and map, fixed fonts and art
Vol 2 Chagrinspire with some fixes and a map and content fixed
Updated EMO homebrew rewrite project

Have fleshed out the lake area and in between the villages a bit.


I will detail 3 cults and a settlement using tables from this series today.

I rolled 3 at once and started with a worm slime then (x) cult to be named later. By making 3 dice rolls at once I could allocate any results to the best fit. This is fine for 3 mini dungeons i have located near my current settlements. I had some undead results so i made x a necromancy school of pasty death nerd goths.

The Cult of the Worm

Collosal Worm burrows in dead woodlands
Temple guarded by giant fleshbore worms 
Crude shrine where cult sleep in worm dung to get parasitic worms required by the cult

Children sing the rhyme of the worm from the stars
Worm insignia hidden in folk art and signs, most locals don't notice
Evidence of secret tunnels used possibly by cult
Locals hostile to claims of a secret cult
Locals discuss fears of a cult in secret whispers and paranoid

Brian Dabblepot 5th lv wizard, dreamy curious child controlled by a worm parasite
Local huge brute the masked executioner of the cult 3rd lv warrior
3d6 cultists lv 1 wizards and parasite hosts
Swarm of maggots guard the shrime
Carrion worm is a pet and mount of the master
Giant bore worms d4 know cultists by scent as they carry parasitic larvae of the worms.
-They are intelligent and keen to get into space to grow bigger
A spawn of the colossal worm god only comes in person at social rituals to feed or implant sacred parasites

The worm god desires its spawn infiltration into a city crime guild
Hire desperate bandits to attack the village so they can all turn on visitors and assess them for as hosts or food 
Make spiral worm sigils to scare enemies they stalk
A colossal worm may come if the cult calls on it or to avenge them

I got a robot to co-write this
but i had to edit lots
anyone to do as they please with
look away from thus i will use times italics for the word of Colossus as an already hated font:

 In the night sky, shining bright,
Worm from the stars take your flight,
With a wiggle and a squirm,
It seeks souls to its cause turn!
Skip, skip, one, two, three,
Worm from the stars, can't catch me
Wiggling, jiggling, just beware,
If it catches you in your underwear

Through the meadow, off we go,
Past the flowers, in a row,
But when the moon begins to glow,
The worm its seed it starts to sew!

Skip, skip, four, five, six,
Worm from the stars has magic tricks!
Wiggling, jiggling, just beware,
If it catches you, your skin will tear!
Skip, skip, seven, eight, nine,
Worm from the stars, it walks through time!
Wiggling, jiggling, just beware,
when it takes you to its secret lair!

 In blackest night, of burning bleak
The worm will take your soul to keep 
Worm from the stars will take its toll,
So chant this rhyme to guard your soul!

Skip, skip, ten, eleven, twelve,
Worm from the stars, go back to your delve!
Wiggling, jiggling, through black night air,
Will free all souls from worldly care

Medeum Giant intelligent NE animal 
AC +3 HD 4 Bite 2d4 Morale 7 Mov 6 Burrow 3 Climb 3 Swim 3
Poor Vision - uses vibration, motion, heat and smell, dislike sunlight  
Spit once a day bonus attack Range3 2d4 acid save or lose 1hp/2d4 rounds
Track by smell especially blood, +2 morale if taste blood
Burrowing Ambush from the ground, prefer softer soil, mud, sand, and pebbles not rock
Minion species who are parasites of the gargantuan god worms
Often pets of worm cults or worm folk

Cult of the Slime God

Abandoned bath house with garden
Temple in bath chamber connects to sewers with poison crossbow traps
Complex with:
Shrine of allied slime demon prince, cells for prisoners, antechamber with slime pools, priest room, common room, slime breeding lab, well room 

Town drunk escaped once but never saw their faces now he is wary
A witch hunter vanished in the area
Semi-dissolved body part found of missing person
Villagers say they can't afford a witch hunter
Locals fear being murdered by cult
Control local bandits somehow

Billy Vikous a local brewer who taints drinks, 5th lv priest 
Scally Mourndew a 3rd lv bard with demonling familiar who acts as a spy
Pilgrims 5d6
Bandits 3d6
Ochre Jelly d4
Grey Ooze d3
Gelatinous polygon 1

The cult has secret tunnels where their slimy allies can come to aid them in a crisis
Offer visitors dinner in homes 
Cult will hire an assassin subcult if they need help
-a new 5th-level slime priest arrives leading them and this may cause a conflict
Will use charmed victims or bandits as obstacles and spies for adventurers

Scarlet Jelly
Medeum giant animal unintelligent N animal 
AC +3 HD 6 Grapple 2d4 Morale 10 Mov 6 Climb 3 Swim 3
Any creature it grapples takes 2d4 acid damage
-requires a might save to escape take a d4 acid damage the first round free
-once grappled take 2d4 damage automatically, only one target may be engulfed
-inorganic items like arms & armour are damaged but organic parts will be eaten 

Poor Vision - uses vibration, motion, heat and smell, track food by scent 
Half damage from blunt or piercing weapons and falling (chopping or hacking are ok)
Slowed by cold spells or at least a bucket of salt for d3 rounds if hit
Immune to damage from organic (not mineral) poison or disease
Spiderclimb any surface but can be heavy
Breathe water, often live in water or pools
Amorphous can ooze through bars it 10cm gaps  

Hungry adaptable and 

Slime Abhumans
Humanoid intelligent N animal 
AC +3 HD d12/Lv Punch d4 or by weapon +1 Morale 7 Mov 12 Jump 1
Night vision and superior leaping ability
Lv3 eat anything organic, power throw skill
Lv6 breath water at will, cleaving and critical hits
Lv9 amorphous form at will, semi-transparent gelatinous flesh, half blunt weapon damage
Lv12 immune to acid, poison & disease 

These slimy humanoids wear symbiotic living-coloured slime armour and prefer flails and axes. Will hurl or sling incendiaries and dangerous fluids in bottles. They are larger than most humans and stronger with +1 damage bonus. They serve the slime gods, chaos or demons because other nice cults wont take them. Tribes are reviled outsiders and they are suspicious of flesh people. Some adopt character classes to help the tribe to get magic. Some slime people want a cure others hate the world instead. Leaders may summon a horde if vindictive enough. Live as barbarians and wary of outsider priests and wizards using them as meat shields or canon fodder. Evil ones enjoy how hideous they look and enjoy frightening people


Scions of Necros

House Basement by a field
Grain silo is a secret temple entrance guarded by Alarm and holds portal spells
Shrine with a priest room with antechamber pilgrims camp in

The bartender heard some wild stories
Graves tampered with bodies stolen
Fake orc attacks really cult and zombies 
Deny local cult exists and then gossip about nosy adventurers
Locals don't know much but burned a witch once

Patty Cromwurst necromancer and sausage merchant, 5th wizard
Ogorn Moonwrench, Gnome necromancer who makes potions and drugs, 3rd Wizard with 2 flintlock pistols (or crossbow bolts pistols with glass tipped acid filled bolts)
Cultists 3d6 
Zombies 3d4
Skeletons 2d4
Ghoul 1 - part of a deal from the agreement with local ghouls

Can call on ghoul allies but they demand all the cult zombies as payment
Lie to visitors about
-orc slavers
-hook-handed horrors tearing people apart and digging up  graves by night 
Cult seek a lost necromancer relic coffin to make zombies
A quasi-demonling is called to hamper and distract adventurers 

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