Sunday 2 June 2024

Marvel 1954 Aliens Seen So Far


Had a few sessions fighting aliens. Had martian take them to mars because some martians helped 1% the Nazi mars colony survive their Von Braun colony program that doomed them. Turned out the alien that helped them wasn a green martian but a red one who was working for Post Stalinist forces. Possibley will be a future enemy

So they heard about the ancient tiny spindly white people the Vulthoomians whos age ended over a billion years ago when their alien god Vulthoom destroyed them. An age later and other aliens settled including tripod psionic hivemind insects, reptilian humanoids and octopoid vampires in their walking machines. Fish aliens are possibly there also. Vulthoom came again wiping out most life and finishing the atmosphere of Mars for good. Various species survived in great doomsday vaults. Some went to Earth and meddled with humans. The shapeshifting current Martians are space nomads who come in multiple castes. So far there are green philosophers, white fascists, red socialists and yellow pacifists. They look humanoid with coloured skin and large bald heads but their real form is not human. 

The heroes did get their own sweet Martian spaceship out of the deal.
Apparently, Venus has ancient habitats and hero Strecho knows the saphic super science civilisation there and has been visiting. They were brought from Earth by Yellow Martians centuries ago and modified to be flawless. They mentioned other cities they don't go to and are uncertain of but they do exist. Players interested in a Venus exploration in battlesuits but thought maybe later.  

Ace of Aces made gave testimony Earth needs a 4.7 billion dollar nuclear aerospace fighter to battle aliens just in case.

Shadow Bolt a super sniper has started trading with the fish aliens and learned a bit about them and trading them turkeys for secrets. They keep offering sex and offer illusionary bodies.

One adventure the players stopped a billionaire's island base where aliens were being vivisected and organs grafted to humans. The government took it over and the hybrid creatures the Millionaire created. The millionaire was an alien replacing another guy who was a hybrid alien from a cult.

Space ape a gorilla with a dome head with a nazi obtain and giant lobster claws. Dome was shattered and brains smushed in battle. Star Boy had an alien weapon grafted to his arm and Occulon had alien eyes that shot rays of course. 

Shadow Shot used an alien sonic gun on the villain, an alien shapeshifter and a bunch of millionaires he was recruiting. Nearly killed them all. boss took two shots and turned to smoking ash. The mystery sniper also liquified a grey alien hitman who had a brain implant with the liquify flesh setting..

The government kindly amputated Star Boy's alien arm, and Occulon's eyes were removed. The super gorilla body got taken to a freezer.

Party took codes they found and the location in sea in their Martian spaceship and opened a vortex to some sort of united space treaty base where lots of aliens were hanging around. They were offered shapeshifting alien sex androids. Heroes had themselves scanned by alien tech and learned things about themselves. Digger and Shadow Shot are both related to ultra terrestrials and Strecho half alien ameboid. Eventually, though alien base robots realised these fellow aliens were in fact human idiots who shouldn't be on a secret alien base. (all this a bit from film Starship Invasions).

Learned a bit about this alien org that sternly scolded aliens who meddle with lesser species. Apparently, Earth's Hydrogen bomb tests, DNA discoveries and a nuclear submarine meant they were on the cusp of being fair game for covert visitation. As they left they were mind wiped but Strecho remembered and told everyone what happened.

Too primitive to meddle with nowadays, space god acts are tacky now 

if at risk of nuclear destruction or apocalypse scientific stealth missions are allowed with infractions limiting privilege for a period

Has the capacity to leave the solar system to colonise and explore other systems and possibly start colonies. Can be contacted but register discovery with Galactics so everyone will know

Greely moving higher species wit more say over galactic affairs. Most have access to shapechanging, super bodies, psionics, android replicants

Beings from over space may meddle with people or eat them, often direct cults, possess people or manifest forms in this world for violence. Can't really die in this world, plane shift and advanced psionics.

Lots of alien contacts is in fact with replicant androids which often liquefy and break down when they self-destruct, This technology is commonplace. Some are ideal humans used to deal with humans and make them cooperative and some pretend to be government agents.

Some aliens keep cults and may give human agents hybrid powers, implant technology or alien weapons. Advanced aliens can shape themselves it is a sign of a higher species. 
Various aliens are on Earth learning or infiltrating and meddling with human culture. Post-war civilisation and mass material culture have been influenced by aliens.Some it is only specialists only other all members can use it. Advanced species may manipulate lesser species or create synthetic species for contact like the Mi-go. These can be used to manipulate third species and then claim it was an accident.

Humans are cooperating with aliens and aliens have sabotaged investigations and international cooperation. Alien factions seem to cooperate on some matters and conflict over others. The various schemes may conflict. Some aliens have psionics. Some use artificial psionics with antenna implants that retract when not in use.

Some alien types died out long ago. 
There is a biological colony species that consumes planets and a machine species that consumes planets with von Numan machines. These hiys had a war long ago leaving traps everywhere. In an alt timeline, aliens caused ww3 and I might have some time travellers visit

The alien Treaty is a loose unity to not mess with lower civilisations and limit contact. Maybe like the culture in Ian Banks but more hesitant, more bureaucratic and less hedonistic. Also like the Tommorrow People Federation, they are clumsy and unwieldy and other species know this and are flexing to see what they can get away with. This is a pan-humanoid culture and many in the Treaty belong to this form.

Alien Spotters Society
I have mentioned reports of small hairy mean dwarves who seem super strong brawlers but players have not met them. They don't seem to use weapons.

Some aliens like the Ameboids (one is bonded with Strecho) have a difficult slow interstellar travel but are considered not in the FTL club. They fire their astronauts from an enormous cannon while they are in energy form. Several have arrived on earth and Players have played a few of them. They are sort of rebellious shoggoth bio machines whos creators are extinct. They are macrocellular blobs. They came to Earth to study human powers to fight the old ones. In human hero form they appear like 70s sentai heroes with shiny helmets. One player character Captain Resilience, took several years of play to be exposed. 

The Piceans or fishermen seem quite ancient and may have been on Mars. They seem to serve another interstellar species and use flying saucers, telepathy and biological monstrosities called shoggoths. They desire to trade and sexual congress with their cult to produce hybrid offspring, a form of colonisation most aliens shun. They also have dolphin and ichthyosaur hybrids. Fish folk warned heroes mentioning Vulthoom allows his psychic tendrils to reach Earth so don't say his name or think about him. They also live on Europa and Titan and other solar systems tending their sleeping gods.

Reptilians were also on ancient Mars and most spept when the nemesis meteor killed the dinosaurs. Occasionally some awaken and have their own saucers and shapeshifting spies. They want Earath back and are mostly jerks. May employ dinosaur pets and advanced technology with submarines and mole machines. A faction with shapeshifters seems to be working in government, industry and advertising to promote cars, fast food and supermarkets, Civil war and sub species emerged over their million-year civilisation and they don't all get along normally.

There are also space goblins with several castes including a larger worker and a fighting variant species. It is believed they are from Tau Ceti. Some are psionic and have advanced weapons. A few also have antennae, shapeshifting, power mimic or other abilities. Apparently, they are a common species with many factions. Goblins seem to have been once more widespread and there are some sub species. Different goblin groups might vary in form and tech.

Betalgese are short hairy goblin-like aliens who enjoy bullying lesser species. They often like to chase and tackle humans for thrills.  They also attack and scratch children and are jerks who also molest livestock and pets. Shooting down aircraft is fun too and they may act as hitmen. If serious wear armour and take rayguns

Skrulls - as i play Marvel i guess i can use one or two things from marvel like Dire Wraiths - the perfect comic villain race. Skrulls as kin of wraiths not gone down the path of black magic in  the dark nebula and wraithworld. Changeling space goblins who seek conquest and to bully taller species. Some can even mimic hero abilities with study.

Greys are a variety of dimly related humanoid species who feel some kinship with humans. Most are peaceful and send smaller clones on missions. Usually unclothed and come in various colours with large hairless heads. Most are lean and spindly from low-gravity living as they don't live on planets anymore. Many are psionic but many types are built for engineering and labour. Some are androids. Some more advanced androids create a humanoid species to contact humans so humans don't scream and shoot. Some types use implants or silver jumpsuits or other advanced universal tools or weapons. Forcefield projectors are common.

Altarans are a very human-like species in black suits and some even have hair but their clothes ide it. They are adapted for Earth living with psionics and saucers but can walk among humans in normal clothes. Their home planet was destroyed by their awful space god and discovering Earth means they want to take over to respawn their dying race. They like mind control weapons, implants, androids and treat humans like laboratory animals. They think the treaty sucks and don't give a rat's arse about ethics. Players have not met them. 

Dire Wraiths (basically from Rom comics) are currently seen as males and science using white lumpy lesser kind has not been seen yet. They can mimic forms and use tech to infiltrate. Make monsters and give pawns powers. The sorcerous females are distant figures for now. When they die they revert to true form and then smoke ash.

Watchers are grey-looking alien shapeshifters but are also enigmatic ultra-terrestrials who help hide alien existence from humans and don't seem to be in contact with other alien species. They walk through walls meddle with human minds and destroy evidence. Sometimes they employ advanced tech. They flee after a few rounds of violence usually walking through matter, These seem more advanced and even other aliens fear them. Some say they are faerie beings. They may use expendable android replicant bodies with self-destruct.

Ultraterrestrials are the next level up they phase between dimensions and through time or matter so their nature is unutterably complex and possibly bound to laws outside our universe. at this stage boredom is a common motivation to even abuse or exploit lesser species. Aliens are taking sides in the matter and Earth is an important legal test site as a new atomic-era power on the cust of space exploration. Some aliens have strange theories this is where most humanoid DNA came from and it has damaged their religion. There are many of them and their power varies wildly. Best avoided and used for nuclear weapon tests.

I might do a 1950s encounter table with kaiju, robots, ufos, aerospace disasters, millitary stuff, spies, atomic mutants, monsters and gangsters. By 60s in game will have a bunch of new global alien-fighting secret groups - i got the tech book of 1979 brit SF drama UFO. Maybe I need a shield-type org also with offices in heroes city. Id like a chart with saucers and silhouettes of aliens like every observatory and police station in the city has. Players have a heavy role in world's alien-hunting policy and might end up going global.

Older posts - other links in comments also worth a dig
also as it fits well here

Plus Aeons & Augeries posts where we riffed off each other a bit


  1. What, no frog-aliens?! We shall take our revenge, puny human!

    1. i have plenty of frogs in my other games

      but yes


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