Saturday 13 May 2023

Seasonal Faerie Encounters

Seasonal Faerie Encounters 
So in the old days, faeries were everywhere and invisible ones or ones that flitted between faerie land and earth easily. Loner fairies are often more likely to be dangerous and have links to darkness, undeath and the underworld. Nowadays outside of wild places, some may see signs of more faeries on the solstices as remnants of great visible and invisible faeries make processions helping the new season arrive. These seasons dictate which elf types rule for a season and the forms of elven gods.

Leaving offerings at faerie shrines always helps as they respect generosity and feel some obligation in return to at least not be harmful.

d12 Spring 
1 Fertility spirits of rain and mist whipping up frogs and cricket and birds songs
2 Storm, rain and wind spirits are seen in the cloud heads and lightning by those gifted with the sight sight
3 Evidence of faeries circles of flowers mushrooms or stone circles, the curious under a full moon might witness a faerie dance which is dangerous
4 Attractive lusty stranger in a forest or water really a spirit in disguise. Being Type d6 1=beast 2= tree 3=land 4=water 5=faerie 6=elves. Motivation d4 1=Seek a lover to be a temporary toy  2=desires a pet  3=slaver providing servants for the other home 4=needs a job done 
5 Hairy wild forest people moving an ancient stone or boulder to adjust lay lines or dancing and feasting while resting from work
6 Dancing satyrs or centaurs dancing lustily and playing pipes and lyres and drums and asking for wine, will harass people to party with them
7 Lusty Sprite is invisible but makes random persons love-struck with tiny magic arrows which are often humiliating to targets/ They also do the same for animals and if offended will avoid certain farms and herds but reward good sports with lusty cattle. They believe that are helping everyone and did this since before humans existed. Even regular faeries and elves and petty gods may also find them a menace
8 Dancing dryads led by a nymph awakening the trees and sprouting leaves and flowers, those who get too close may be charmed and enthralled, those threatened will be killed by them with bows or spells or their pets and enthralled lovers. 
9 Faerie pranksters of any smaller wee hidden folk from gnomes to goblins to sprites and brownies or flower fairies. May scare people or play a prank or steal some cash
10 Faerie royal court of the season travelling and bringing seasonal shift. Lesser nature divinities who are best avoided by mortals d4 1=bored and will all vanish if bothered 2=offended at being seen by mortals curses them and precision plane shifts away 3=offended and vanish and set monsters on the mortals  4=send knights to bring mortals for questioning perhaps for menagerie, for pet fools or slaves or to test if mortals are worth any concern this century 
11 Plants seem to move without wind and may walk about and move, to join a precision of the green spirit of vegetation. It may slay those who disrespect the woodland way and grant a year of the green thumb to those who respect the trees. The walking tree spirits in these processions will look more treelike than at other times, here they are for vegetal power renewal. Plants sprout and grow well for the following d4 days
12  Hunting or wilderness deity. lord of the beats fearsome or beautiful with a retinue, howls and roam at night. Witnesses are cursed to lives of adventure and constant drama due to the gaze of the gods. Any who have offended them may be the target of the hunter or some of its followers. Some may be turned into beasts if they get too close

d12 Summer
1 Candle and lantern lights moving in the distance or even the sky at night
2 Invisible fire sprites dry everything up by sucking up water from plants and soil making air hotter
3 A wicked fire sprite arsonist starts a few fires of people's buildings, camping grounds or even crops and eventually locals will get someone to get rid of it. May ignite a traveller's hair or animal tails for a stir
4 Faerie or elf or spirit knight in disguise as a mortal at a crossing demands a duel to pass
5 Elf nobility hunting in the area and an entourage follows to set up tents and feasts every night, uninvited mortals not welcome
6 Faerie or elf ranger patrol possibly hunting someone or fighting an enemy
7 Wild hairy people of the woods rolling burning logs and hay bales down hills then feasting and bonfires by night. Most humans are afraid of the hollering and whooping
8 Faerie or elf hero on a flying mount (d41=winged horse 2=griffon 3=drake 4=wyvern) observes travellers possibly seeking something d4 1=rare spices 2=specific type of human required as a slave 3=looking for a worthy mortal opponent to feud with for decades 
9 A spectacularly large beast in the area bothering travellers possibly monstrous or a faerie creature
10 Faerie royal court of the season travelling and bringing seasonal shift. Lesser nature divinities who are best avoided by mortals d4 1=bored and will hunt anyone looking too interesting and ignore others 2=offended at being seen by mortals sets monsters on them and dimension door away 3=offended and sets elementals on the mortals  4=send knights to bring mortals for questioning perhaps for menagerie, for pet fools or slaves or to test if mortals are worth any concern this century 
11 Benevolent minor solar deity with a procession of spirit folk servants and pets, playing orderly music, jovial but less wild than spring, more lawful, more judgemental and snooty 
12 Heatwave instigated by a minor burning solar divinity, angry and may curse those who see them with plague or set daemons of famine and hunger at those who offend it

d12 Autumn
1 Thick mists and light rain, strange lights and noises from the fog
2 See unusual cloud islands as if were vast castles in the sky
3 Wizened elderly person asks for help but really a faerie being or spirit d4 1=its a test of worthiness for a curse or a gift 2=wants a charmed servant 3=looking for someone to lift a curse 4=looking to pass on a curse it has been stuck with
4 Several locals hit by trees on path during wind or had branches fall on them
5 Squirrels or birds gathering nuts stop and stare at travellers and chatter about them
6 Nature spirits and sprites sprouting delicious berries and painting leaves brown and red with wands if you can see the faerie world. Others just feel a faint laughing breeze and see colours shift 
7 Strong winds and moving banks of mist, hear voices and murmuring voices of spirits of the dead from ancient battles and massacres
8 Animal or person is struck lame with pain from invisible elf darts
9 Witches in service to faeries are seen flying and cackling and up to mischief against a society that banished them d4 1=prank 2=throw curses 3=make dangerous weather 4=offer to tell destiny or sell magic items
10  Faerie royal court of the season travelling and bringing seasonal shift. Lesser nature divinities who are best avoided by mortals d4 1=angry and declare a hunt anyone looking at them without bowing in submission or fleeing 2=hunt mortal witnesses 3=offended by brutish mortal degenerates and brand them with the magical mark of faerie foes  4=seeking worthy mortal to take back a magic item both a boon and a curse 
11 Powerful witch or hag in service to a god of darkness or the underworld seeks powerful adventurers to risk lives in return for lost treasures of the underworld if they do one job 
12 During a storm those with second sight see a storm god battling dragons or giants or some other foes. If the god see someone unworthy back during a pause they may be struck for 6d6 lightning 

d12 Winter
1 Snowfall or fog or rain, visibility poor but strange whispers and cackles of naughty spirits
2 Large malicious beast like a wolf or bear or lion or stag or bull roams area attacking people, and might be faerie allied to some fell winter powers
3 Malicious and nasty pranks from dark brownies or sprites possibly involving pooping in people's clogs or stabbing sleeping people or spreading vermin
4 See a sleepy common troll like a barn or stove troll or field troll sleepily out of hibernation looking for a snack or some firewood
5 Hear the distant scream of a spirit during harsh weather some say is a banshee
6 Monster or undead has been released by dark faeries to harry humankind and cull mortals
7 Ghostly figure on the road follows travellers on the roads, more often seem by sensitive sould 
Covem of witches of darkness allied to dark elves is menacing the region with curses and bad weather and ruining food. Trying to reduce human numbers and reclaim the wild
9 Ice giant seen walking at the head of a storm, blowing his horn occasionally looking for its secret mountain pass or cloud castle, often has a pet
10 Faerie royal court of the season travelling and bringing seasonal shift. Lesser nature divinities who are best avoided by mortals d4 1=haunting spirit gaze save or flee in terror until you ass out 2=offended loner spirit being attacks or curses intruders 3=offended and call a monster or pets to eat the pest  4=calls for aid from other loner spirits of winter
11 A divinity of darkness calls out in the night and demands a question be answered or a sacrifice. Most just flee, some say there is a reward for the brave and clever
12 A monster is really an avatar of some divinity looking for victims to punish

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