Had nightmare sinus trouble over a week and a toot pulled Friday and my face and eyes have been red since then and lots of pouring salt water in my nose good times. Crazy fever dreams and night sweats are okay for writing vs headaches so some progress. So more aquatic stuff cos I'm lazy.
Is a SF horror adventure on Patreon now and working on a book. I will probably get a few full days to work on it before the new year. Have a boxing day game and some one-offs so Planet Psychon will be featured.
d10 Quick Discoveries & Wonder Types
1 Bio Flotsam
2 Wreckage
3 Garbage
4 Battlefield debris
5 Industrial
6 Disaster
7 Geology
8 Luxury
9 Science
10 Strange
d100 Psychon Aquatic Discoveries & Wonders
01 Rotting mutant or cyber whale corpse often attracts carnivores or scavengers
d100 Psychon Aquatic Discoveries & Wonders
01 Rotting mutant or cyber whale corpse often attracts carnivores or scavengers
02 Remains of rotting sea monster with bites from it d4 1=squid 2=serpant 3=plesiosaur 4=sharks
03 Strange floating wood and vegetation, unlike local varieties. Sometimes they form rafts with animals accidentally stranded
04 Huge shells, beautiful but some might be alive or lairs of other creatures
05 Mass of colourful worms sometimes form a raft
06 Millions of fist size gelatinous snail eggs or other spawn
07 Mounds of colourful giant seaweed often occupied by invertebrates like giant crabs or blood-sucking sea lice
08 Corpses from a marine disaster or massacre, possibly non-humans
09 Gigantic quivering masses of gelatin full of eyes, actually shoggoths
10 Huge scales or bones of giant marine species
11 Damaged rafts possibly with desperate survivors in need of help
11 Damaged rafts possibly with desperate survivors in need of help
12 Fishing boat with huge bite marks and missing crew
13 Semi-submerged sea vessels with explorers searching for loot on board and they don't want to share
14 Gang of wreckers gathering valuable cargo and wreckage floating and onshore. Some abusing unconscious survivors
15 Haunted vessel floating, covered in rust and weeds, surrounded by eerie fog. Undead likley
16 Colided vessels intertwined with battling survivors onboard
17 Ship is wrecked on rocks and oars moving as undead rowers still working pointlessly
18 Floating aircraft wreckage abandoned by passengers
19 Lifeboat with desperate survivors d4 1=sailors 2=refugees 3=hungry cannibals 4-mutant plague victims
20 Floating re-entry spacecraft held up with floatation devices, possibly some cryopods on board
21 Drums of d4 1=toxic waste 2=radioactive waste 3=fuel 4=cola syrup
22 Vast mounds of plastic waste have formed an island with giant sea lice making salvage difficult
23 Floating freight containers mostly sealed but locked
24 Wooden barrels and sea chests from a shipwreck
25 Carved figurehead of a ship
26 Thousands of plastic building blocks or coloured balls
27 Hundreds of coffins or bodybags
28 Thousands of ancient pods containing d4 1=coffee 2=washing liquid 3=ancient seeds 4=chem power cells
29 Thousands of ancient clothes some in good condition
30 Robot scrap and a few belligerent robots who have gone mad and repaired themselves from garbage
31 Sea mines floating freely or chained to the bottom of the water
32 Burned wrecked scrap from the ancient sea battle
31 Sea mines floating freely or chained to the bottom of the water
32 Burned wrecked scrap from the ancient sea battle
33 Floating smart torpedoes awaiting enemy ships to ambush
34 Observation or weather balloons
35 Thousands of naval ration packs
36 Millitary forms and policy manuals
37 Logbook from a sunken warship crew abandoned with maps
38 Bundle of charts or coasts and waterways for shipping
39 Floating beacon reciting a warning in a loop
40 Floating marine fortress, rusted and possibly occupied
41 Concrete tetrahedrons from failed sea barrier
42 Rusty crane on a concrete wharf or floating pontoon
43 Industrial marine rig for mining gas or oil
44 Windmills on huge pylons
45 Huge driftnets full of plastic waste from junk food
46 Marine recycler robots gathering plastic from the sea and converting into pellets
47 Plastic drums of d4 1=fertilzer 2=cattle feed 3=sewerage 4=wood chips
48 Barges of ancient waste d4 1=food waste 2=sewerage 3=scrap 5=scrap home of marine mutants that looks like garbage
49 Mounds of floating medical waste
50 Floating ruined factory complex
51 Flooded radioactive crater
51 Flooded radioactive crater
52 Colony of quivering grey ooze devouring everything slowly
53 Mountain of mutant flesh with mouths, limbs and organs gibbering madly
54 Giant face in a cliff muttering and eyes closed but moving
55 Monsterous kaiju in chains sleeping
56 Whirlpool sucking water down into some unknown depths
57 Strange glowing light underwater and weird mist rising from water
58 Patch of strange weather under a kilometre from damaged weather control apparatus d4 1=storm 2=freezing 3=boiling 4=cyclonic wind barrier
59 Prone to destructive waves and any shore has damaged buildings and trees
60 Iceberg possibly beached and something inside d4 1=ship 2=monster 3=strange machine 4=mysterious citadel
61 Giant sandcastle built by mutant crabs
61 Giant sandcastle built by mutant crabs
62 Fossilised ancient creatures in jagged rocks
63 Strange giant crystal formations
64 Volcanic vent spewing weird coloured lava and steam
65 Strange hexagonal stone pillars from some ancient volcanic event
66 Concrete bunker in huge jagged rocks with a possibly sealed door
67 Floating volcanic rocks
68 Slick of some substance d4 1=oil 2=radioactive algae 3=mutagenic slime 4=burning fuel
69 Elementals guarding a portal d6 1=water 2=rock 3=salt 4=ice 5=slime 6=lava
70 Mysterios stone pillar with tiny dwelling on top seemingly impossible to reach
71 Semi submerges yacht with robot or android crew, assume intruders are pirates trying to rob long-dead masters
71 Semi submerges yacht with robot or android crew, assume intruders are pirates trying to rob long-dead masters
72 Container of locked safes with various contents d4 1=documents 2=ancient cash 3=jewlery 4=artworks
73 Containers of deactivated pleasure androids of various types
74 Small wrecked submarine, aircraft or boat with bales of drugs onboard
75 Remains of a floating sea mansion or hotel possibly occupied by someone
76 Floating cryonics facility with forcefield around it protecting ancient useless rich inhabitants whose cash is now worthless
77 Wrecked floating casino with crime syndicate guard robots
78 Undead millionaires riding jet skis to patrol area for humans to eat, have flashy clothes, jewellery and wigs
79 Remains of marine theme park inhabited by d4 1=androids 2=robots 3=mutants 4=amphibious humanoids
80 Half buried luxury boat or visible from the surface on bottom. Monster guards wreck but inside are buried cases of d4 1=gold bars 2=finacial documents 3=drugs 4=artworks
81 Floating broken cloning vats some with rotting monstrosities inside
81 Floating broken cloning vats some with rotting monstrosities inside
82 Marine research lab with underwater levels intact and possibly occupied
83 Hatch in the sand onshore or underwater into an undersea refinery complex operated by an AI that welcomes visitors as late penal work crew to get started on gruelling dangerous work with robot warders
84 Dome sealed with isolated colony sealed for centuries, if breached inhabitants affected by the post-apocalypse atmosphere, bacteria and nanites
85 Beacon emanating psychotronic signals that cause d4 1=hallucinations 2=implant personality of ancient faction soldier and given mission to assault a bunker complex 3=flee area in panic for several kilometres 4=urge to buy and consume an ancient snack food
86 Floating teleporter array with single passenger or cargo teleporter goes to d4 1=deep sea city ruin 2=orbital station 3=moonbase 4=mars
87 Floating rocket launchpad. Might be a ship on the pad in some condition or might be possible to bring in a ship by remote control
88 Floating marine zoo protected by a force field and an AI with robot and android staff as a sort of ark. Animals are all d4 1=ancient specimens 2=androids 3=weird mutants 4=inteligent humanoid animal people
89 Powerplant contaminating area while crawling with undead and mutants, locals hate this place
90 Pyramid structure a storage vault for d4 1=nuclear weapons 2=mutagenic chemicals 3=criminal AI 4=frozen criminals
91 A mysterious clifftop fortress appears and vanishes here
91 A mysterious clifftop fortress appears and vanishes here
92 A complex behind a forcefield at night fires a beam into orbit
93 Strange wrecked boats from different historical periods are found here
94 A sleeping cephalopod kaiju sleeps here in an ancient semi-sunken crypt and cultists gather to try and awaken it
95 Water and shoreline covered in the blood of some vast creature or massacre
96 Undead sailors sleep under the water and sand here and may awaken in noises are heard
97 Sprawling ancient sunken city ruin with multi-level highrises. Some have scrap-built walkways connecting the buildings. Some are just frameworks remaining and many are overgrown in vegetation. Skulls hanf in bundles around the edges of the area
98 A titanic sleeping kaiju has a settlement built on top or inside who use the beasts bodily excretions for various crafts and trade goods and food
99 A forcefield surrounding a landing strip for flying saucers with enigmatic huge statues and strange symbols on a small island
100 Ruins of an ancient replica city, everything looks real from afar but up close is fake d4 1=used for the rich to hunt innocents for sport 2=androids and robots obeying a gangster in the belief they are a film director - all blank ammo replaced with real thing 3=part of a science experiment by mad AI computer 4=area for robot soldiers to train to round up civilians. They assume intruders are just androids who don't really feel anything or matter
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