Sunday, 16 February 2025

Getting to know your local unwanted owners

Fair warning: this is about using slavers as bad guys you can slaughter in fantasy roleplaying games because they are evil. Slavery is bad and slavers will try and justify it with poorly considered claims. I may amend this later if I have ideas.

Orcs might be nice but slavers are all awful.

All historical slavery is bad but some kinds were worse, this isn't meant to say the lesser forms were tolerable or OK.

Some had zero mobility or ways out other than a grave.

I recommend reading the code of Hammurabi and looking at Roman slavery a bit, but I don't mean bronze age values are prescriptive for the modern world.

Some people don't want this element in their fantasy novels or games that's ok. I'm more into cathartic fantasy violence but I get some people are the opposite to this and they are welcome to stop reading and visit one of my other tasteless posts. Maybe think twice about presenting odorous subjects in public. Though as kids in 70s we watched Roots and played games about fleeing captivity and id rather be on side of the slaves than masters.

If you do use this maybe feel out on your players if anyone does not. Don't railroad ppl into autonomy loss in game even if ppl say it's okay maybe don't. 

I think a sandbox setting where players choose to fight slavery on their own is superior. Make some maps and place slavery routes and outposts and markets and anti-slavery areas. It's better than forcing them into being slaves for more than 5minutes if they don't want to do this. Ive warned players about autonomy loss in a series of published cthulhu scenarios and they were quite a bit darker than most and it kinda made a depressing gloom vibe worse than any id read since 1st edition box set (a friend wrote it but I won't say who). Being controlled and railroaded through a haunted cave exhibits torture which is a waste for games about making choices and the characters to solve problems.

Even evil edge lord players or weasely neutral centrists might be convinced killing slavers is good for business. Like pirate hunting people call you heroes. If beef is business you might as well plunder awful bullies. Maybe some other anti-slavers are overdoing it a bit weirdly or have other populist or cult motives.

My own game is full of real vice and crime a grotesque parody of history and early 80s UK FRPG vibes. In part, my campaign is about grubby colonialism and toxic nationalism/religion. Any slavers that players interact with should eventually get the chance to die at the character's hands. 

What kind of slaver fighting should I be doing now?
Players at any level should be able to mess with slavers and slavery. 
0 Helping runaways, being uncooperative, mocking slavers, avoiding dealing with slave owners, sabotage and graffiti, increase in slave keeping costs and taxes
1-4 Helping break slaves free, raid slave caravans, murder or rob a slave trader, drive them away from local area
5-8 Systematically destroy slave trade in a region, destroy their prisons and trading posts and ships, establish or aid anti-slavery organisations and people in governance 
9-12 Work on international slavery targeting their palaces and help people resist slave raiders, rob temples of pro-slavery religions
13-16 Should be able to wipe out most organised slave trade on this dimension, maybe look at the underland or undersea slavery or other plan planes or hidden civilisations. Perhaps some nearby planes can benefit from your help. Stamp out slavery cults and religions
17-20 Go to other dimensions like hell and mess up their operations, enslaved souls on other planes need your help! Kill a god of slavery

Why aren't you not killing slavers right now you ask?

I bet you can't wait to round up all the slavers for the common good.

In basic D&D many modules feature the Iron Ring a despicable syndicate in cities and the wilderness. The use non-humans as goons in wild areas and in several adventures. They are into chains, and brands and are nasty enough to be destroyed. TSR didn't really give us a definitive adventure to crush global slavery which is always a campaign achievement in my games. It appears in several modules and is easy to hate.

AD&D has A1-4 Against the  Slavelords a contention module in 4 books the in one book. Lots of these books have tournament fluff and pregens so a bit of wasted space I thought at age 14. Some later versions added more. The Slavelords could totally be the Iron Ring organisation. It is one of the 1st great railroad campaigns but for a convention, you should expand it
A1 has a ruined city I'd like to see a bit more of. 
A2 raid a castle
A3 attack the slavers and all die
A4 resurrected and tortured and escaped from prison naked as the island had volcanic eruption - I'd have a deity warn them of this countdown

Has some brave stuff here by modern standards - killing the party in a railroad a bit wow.
It is as if capturing ppl impossible in dnd. I don't know how slavers manage to make it seem easy.

TSR marvel series X modules from the 80s you are mutants in an alternate near future resisting the techbro/fascist takeover of America persecuting mutants. Wild fantasy stuff I know but it pulls off the grim for marvel vibe well. There were tough times but it was heroic and you got to stomp on badguys and it was clear it was not suddenly a genre swap to a horror show. Players choosing on their own to plan infiltration as a choice is fine but forcing it can be meh. If you have the range choice on offer at uncle Don's 1981 Hong Kong holiday slideshow night maybe just make it a paragraph montage cut scene so players can get back to being effective. A bit of suffering is good for heroes but you have plenty of ways to make players sweat. Feel out if a prison breakout is something players would like to play from inside and how grimy it can get.

d12 Sneaky Slaver Scummy Tricks
1 Offer spiked booze then carry off "drunk friends"
2 Kidnap drunks off the street and taverns 
3 Join our holy pilgrimage to meet a wonderous saint (no sickies need apply)  
4 Advertise a job to lure victims into slaver temporary lair
5 Run a racket with prostitutes to lure victims into slaver's temporary lair
6 Offer miracle cure treatment (for something based on vanity not actual sickness) to lure victims into slaver's temporary lair
7 Join a holy crusade and come with us to absolve our sins by slaughtering foriegners but really to lure victims into slaver temporary lair
8 A terrible criminal in the area, joins the posse and get a cut of the reward! but lead to slaver's temporary lair
9 Hire labourers pay them a coin, then lead them to slaver temporary lair
10 Find desperate needy people and offer to buy their family members
11 Work with crime guild to get idiots into gambling debts to sell sellves as slaves
12 Influencing the state to help the privileged and persecute the weak. Use financial support or flooding system with pro slavers, give fancy slaves to posh people to get them into slaver circles 

Temporary lairs are buildings occupied for short term or until bribery stops working and people complain. Often in a closed business or leased building but tents or a cave might do or a ship.

Permanent prisons might be in old castle dungeons, isolated forts, even in a city slum. Some short-term holding or local only, others are for receiving from smaller ones to mass export.

Slavers Guild
In my game the Slavers Guild is a continent-wide criminal syndicate with branches in every kingdom that use the wasteland to move slaves where kingdoms cannot. They kidnap people then carry them across the continent to put them from escaping. They buy and sell people sometimes from families, some kidnapped, some prisoners of war kingdoms don't want to keep. The guild branch that transports them has been doing this since ancient Exilon 5000 years ago and are linked to the smugglers' guild, the western lotus cults and the mining guild.

Slavers may worship cruel gods and demons but value healing magic to keep their slaves alive and prevent self-harm. 

Slavers often run scams like miracle healing shrine that makes sick healthy then sell them. They might pretend to be a ship press gang in a port town. guiding pilgrims into trap disguised as monks is another old trick. They might kidnap a whole village which is why nobles are often against them.

My players constantly mutter about taking them down over past conflicts.
They think stopping the Slavers cross-continent routes will be possible.

d12 Good reasons to start beef with slavers
1 They are despicable traders in misery against liberty
2 They undermine society with their influence to increase slavery and take over industry and manufacturing guilds, devaluing honest labour
3 Saw friends taken by the slavers and you seek to free them
4 Slavers kill someone meddling in their affairs and must be avenged
5 Know ex-slaves or were slaves, mistreated and freed or escaped
6 Secret faction of nobles want slavers destroyed and will pay but don't mention their names
7 Kingdoms had a hard time with slavers and recruiting heroes to scourge the slavers
8 Rich merchants hate slavers who take relatives and whole wagon trains from the merchant clan. Hire adventurers to cost the slavers and bankrupt them with violence
9 A Church hates slavers and offers healing and raise dead to heroes who fight the slavers
10 Saw slaves being moved secretly in cruel circumstances and saw them kill those near death to silence them
11 Discover that many missing people in fact have fallen into silver hands but they make it look like bandits, cults or humanoids
12 Find coded slaver message about one of the secret master's real plans and showing slavery as just a means to an end and real goals are worse

d12 Local Slaver Troubles
1 Mystery kidnappers have taken quite a few people
2 People are taken with fake signs of humanoids found as red herring clues
3 Noble youth visiting the poor taken by masked kidnappers
4 Child reports friend taken by slavers and knows where their camp is with other prisoners (child might be a gang stooge)
5 Slavers moving chained humanoids were overthrown and now these slaves are living as bandits - locals debate the best course of action
6 Press gang kidnapping crew for a ship people say
7 Graverobbers have been stealing corpses of skilled and famous crafters or scholars (resurrection if can be profitable with high-value slaves or arcane research)
8 Someone attacked the children's prison and took all the orphans and child criminals 
9 Raiders have been depopulating small hamlets leaving only helpless elderly, sick or lame
10 A gang has been kidnapping village idiots to sell as jesters in faraway courts
11 A noble has been working with the slavers but nobody knows who (they have a secret under the castle d6 1=human zoo 2=lab to make monsters with slaver guild wizards 3=noble is a slavers guild secret master 4=
lab to drugs with slaver guild alchemists 5=hell cult shrine 6=all of the above) 
12 A church helping slaves is under attack by infamous guild slave soldiers! If only someone would help the temple

d20 Slaver Alignments & Crap Excuses in Slaver Cultures
Alignment here is more like what they present as you might dismiss some of these alignment claims and you should be able to coax good people to help against slavery or at least its excesses. Many societies forbid slavery but have forms of serf or thralldom or indentured contract of service. In a family of any of these, they might vary and quarrel about what is best. Slaver cults will likely have worse alignments.
1 Lawful Good - in a pro-slaver society they might claim to be kinder than average or protecting their slaves slaves from a worse owner. Better people will emancipate and help them as patrons or adopt them to give them legal status and freedom. Might lobby to restrict the trade in new ways or argue to end it. Allow slaves money or property or free marriage, frown on torture
2 Good - will be trying to make slave's lives easier, helping the sick and try and convince people to teat slaves better or free them. They may have to act in secret and be known as a trouble maker soft on slavery. They might offer charity and aid to slaves and may openly abuse slavers demonstrating their bad taste in public 
3-5 Lawful - if it's legal I can do it, obviously it is heavily regulated. Ok to adopt, marry or free your own slaves but not ok to wastefully kill or damage them. Slaves can buy freedom and have their own money 
6-8 Lawful Evil - it's traditional and even the gods do it, buying a free person for money is just a form of economic servitude and completely legitimate, it is better than killing people, letting them be coerced into compliant behaviour with a promise of freedom or marginal benefits. Use deceit, blackmail or desperation to keep slaves and promote the most obedient but avoid freeing anybody 
6-10 Evil - everybody is a slave and you must make the weak your slaves, it's only natural. Slaves should be kept in pain and terror or drugged. If you don't torture subordinates nobody will respect you. Unusual indoctrination, narcotics, curses and surgical modifications of slaves are all legitimate (eunachs). Wicked slaves are best turned on by the others. Healthy slaves live longer and can suffer longer but you can always make them undead if they break
10-13 Neutral - as long as not my family or friends or people it's ok, that's what they get for not being local, it's a difficult issue nobody can solve. 
14 Balanced - slavery has its place but too many or not enough slaves create problems and should be resisted. Too many slaves are trouble and might revolt or replace us but too few slaves who will do the worse jobs? Prefer slaves to be criminals or prisoners of war for the worst jobs and temporary indentured servitude contracts for other work. Paying people poorly and justifying why it can't change with various arcane analyses is normal
15-16 Chaotic - I can do what I want and buy and sell who I please for my pleasure, it is the slaves' own fault for not being free. Fraternise with servants but may use force or reward randomly, uncertainty and moodiness are the norm. May free slaves on a whim or outstanding performance and offer them jobs or abandon weak ones
17-19 Chaotic Evil - take delight in cruelty, sadism and murdering your captives, life is cheap and slaves mean you always have someone to torment and bully in any manner you like. You can free a slave so you can kill them for fun later as a surprise. Showing off your brutality makes other sadists respect you
20 Chaotic Good - Can't stand slavery or prisons, will break the corrupt law to help slaves find freedom, will lie and cheat and kill to help slaves. May have to operate in secret with allied ex slaves and will try to help slaves escape

d12 Slaver Guild Branch
1 Caravan Traders will appear to be legitimate merchants but also keep covered cage wagons. Where legal they more openly flaunt their livestock. They use camels, oxen, terror birds or lizards often with a rider and an archer if possible to cross the wastes but may have some horse rider escorts also. Many carry light hunting muskets, whips, lassos and wavy or curved-bladed weapons. They are the most ancient branch but now they let Cofflemen do most of the transport between markets
2 Slave Raiders live in waste and act like bandits but take prisoners, but otherwise might be hard to distinguish. Many get into more sophisticated guild operations if they show talent. Carry spears, lassos and bows. Might even have some fighting slaves forced to fight for them and even join them if they show willingness. May use horses or camels
3 Gladiator Masters operate grubby frontier fighting pits and are involved in the great Colosseum of the Empire, private events of the rich and other venues for blood sport slaves. Increasingly grubby and despised they are losing their fortunes. Wear more often ornate armour, carry small swords, blades or a cestus. Guards use crossbows
4 Pleasure Gardeners procure and trade sex workers for venues or rich orgies in some lands. They also use narcotics as a control rather than damage goods with violence. They operate secret mind control prisons for memory wiping with drugs and mentalism. Mystics use such people as weapons and spies promising them a supernatural paradise. The programmed killers are given poison to kill them after the mission expires  
5 Kidnapper Clan takes mostly children but also takes adults for ransom but then sells any they can't get a ransom for. Operate lots of private prisons in isolated places for the guild. Carry clubs, ropes, bola, lasso or drugged darts. Best are experts at sneaking, disguise and surveillance. Most in their region don't know about their international links 
6 Sinister Order is a fake masked cult terrorising communities with masked-robed kidnappers, but instead of killing or sacrificing captives, they ship them away for the slave trade and families think they have been sacrificed. They also perform assassinations to cover tracks or throw off investigations. Use drugs and disguises on operations out of the cult garb and often armed with strangling cords, daggers, poison and crossbows. They also spy and kill for money or to advance slavery. They will enslave other cults who contact them
7 Cofflemen transport large numbers of slaves by land caravan. They make take strange routes to avoid civilisation so employ barbarians, beast folk, orcs and goblinoids as guards. Some know secret underground shortcuts to avoid borders or mountains. They carry whips, chains, clubs, daggers and scimitars and swords. In lands where slavery is legal these are more open and use humans workers. They march prisoners in chains across the wastes to markets or water transit hubs. They try best to get slaves to market alive but bad things happen often
8 Sorrow Fleet transport cargos of slaves across seas around the great continents and raid island peoples for slaves. These natives are notoriously hostile now to any ships now. Slaves can also be sold to fish folk and undersea people with shorter trips for more gold and this is more profitable than really taking people to other continents. They will also act as pirates to procure slaves. They increasingly worship cruel undersea gods 
9 Chained Legion a mercenary slave army that can be shipped over continents but mostly south or west as the north is more hostile and the east is too chaotic and more advanced. The basic soldiers fight in chains with pikes, slings and darts. Loyal soldiers that live might become chained flagellants or archers or riders or other exotic specialists. Elites are famous for loyal displays of self-decapitation to prove their loyalty (they keep priests on hand for those they are impressed by). The officers are the masters who unlock the trusted slaves into trusted zealots. When the legion are called they usually slaughter everyone without remorse but other factions might assist in prisoner taking. It takes a while to assemble a large force to take a city but it can be done 
10 Iron Chain a criminal guild that operates as a thieves guild but the bottom members are owned by the guild masters and must obey. They recruit from trouble makers among slaves held by other faction. If they cooperate they get to be a guild free member otherwise they are made into drug addicts and kept slave rank. Rejects are also sent to the Secret order. They are used for spies and to control crime and their role in international slavery is secret. They fight criminal guilds interfering in slavers activities and setting up well funded rival guilds
11 Torchbearers a secret message carriers of the slavers who work among other message services and couriers but also serve to deliver secret slaver messages about markets and new hunting grounds or depleted regions. They do not read the messages but know secret signs to prevent being enslaved if caught while doing their job. Many low-ranking members are slaves and illiterate. The high-ranking free ones have trained memories and are often bards who do know some of the secret codes. The highest-ranking bards negotiate with Underland and underwater species who greatly enjoy surface humans
12 The secret masters rule all from their secret Island and mountain fortresses and direct large regions of guild activities.They often coordinate efforts against regions surviving disasters and wars. Many are nobles in courts around the world. Besides profiting from misery they also conduct medical and magical experiments such as creating orcs or beasts or elemental abhumans and various monsters in secret dungeon complexes around the world. Lower ranks are bureaucrats or spies. They use the wasteland of Chagrinspire to cross the continent with their trade and study the Black Sphere for their advanced slavery and monster creation lore.

d12 Secret Order Evil Plans
1 Create a hoard of d4 1=orcs 2=beast folk 3=elemntal folk 4=automatons
2 Help necromancers by giving them our dead and selling slave zombies in secret in secret sweatshops to devalue labour
3 Use human souls to power an ancient artefact with vast dungeon complex
4 Torture factories to coerce people to make pacts with hell for red devil gold
5 Obtain required ancient lore to d4 1=summon a dead god 2=open a sealed portal 3=operate an artefact in a dungeon 
6 Open a portal to sell humans to another horrific dimension in return for bound demons and elementals the slavers can use to eliminate obstacles and punish enemies
7 Develop means to control branded slaves or sense through them with a magic item
8 Develop magical manacles to pacify people and ship around the world 
9 Reserect the dark lord and make them do godlike things for the slave masters
10 Awaken kaiju at select point to create disaster and a perfect chance to capture desperate people 
11 Overthrow kingdoms with vat-grown doppelgangers
12 Unsellable slaves turned into farm animals and sold

d12 What the Slavers do to Medlers
1 Warning from thugs
2 Attacked by a gang
3 Blackmail, possibly kidnapping
4 Branded as a slave and kidnapped
5 Assassins guild contract
6 Public bounty
7 Use corruption and influence to make legal trouble
8 Pay a cult to persecute enemies in return for sacrifices
9 Summn invisible killers from beyond
10 Send army of humanoids or orcs to ravage area seeking enemy
11  Send slave soldiers kill any in the way of enemy 
12 Trap into another dimension or sell to planar beings, may send demon bounty hunters

d12 How did you get owned?
1 Family sold to strangers for money
2 Snatched as a child off streets
3 Bought from an orphanage or child prison
4 Sold to pay off parent's shameful vice debts
5 Sold self to raise money for some worthy cause to save the family
6 Born a slave to slave parents
7 Gambled away by parent
8 Raider captured and killed you and your kin
9 Kidnapped by a gang who couldn't get blackmail money so sold you
10 Evil relatives wanted you out of the way and sold you and a d4 others
11 Snathched from your bed by professional kidnappers serving slavers
12 Murder hobos rescued you from a dungeon then sold you to slavers

d12 Slaver Disguises
For when slavers are well known as jerks 
1 Labourers travelling
2 Friendly drunken sailors out to party
3 Nomadic wagon folk
4 Circus or carnival
5 Travelling performers
6 Gang of thugs (smugglers or less awful criminal types)
7 Bounty hunters
8 Witch hunters
 Merchant caravan
10 Pilgrims and holy travellers
11 Priest entourage with guards
12 Noble entourage with guards 

d12 Slavers Best Customers
Slavers tend to ship cargo far away so the slave is too bewildered to hope of getting home and the slave will stand out as a foreign where they live making it harder to flee. Some of the last few types, people rarely return from even if relatives got letters saying how great it was 
1 Muckraking for agriculture (life expectancy 4 years)
Toxic Industrial labourers mostly dyers and tanners (life expectancy 4 years)
Mining or quarrying (life expectancy 4 years)
Gladiators, pit fighters and soldiers
5 Agricultural labour mostly picking, planting, shepherds 
6 Household service possibility of becoming family
7 Manufacturing labour working heavy and dangerous mostly unskilled sweatshop work
8 Mercantile labourers like baggage handlers, animal tenders, labourers, scribes
Strange dungeon cults - who knows why they use so many
10 The Undersea - who knows why they use so many?
11 The Underland - who knows why they use so many?
12 Dimensional - who knows why they use so many ?

In my campaign, the alchemist guild use slave miners and leverages the miners guild to get workers to mine cobolt (koboldium), sodium, bismuth, quicksilver, lead, arsenic, phosphorous, asbestos (salamander wool) etc. So they are big customers.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Under the Plateau of Peril

Under the plateau of peril, behind the great cliff waterfall is a vast cavern where Underland folk and monsters dwell.

d12 Cavern Key Locations
1 Waterfall from the plateau
2 From here you can see the lake, the town and the station lights 
3 Town of Gnomehole, trading and fishing and fungus and bug farming with undead-proof fencing. Mostly grey gnomes with goblin working class and a few underland elves
4 Recked paddle steamer said to be haunted
5 Here water pours through a crack in the ceiling from the river above
6 Swamp and cave mutants met here and started a new clan dedicated to cannibalism
7 Frog folk camp with fish traps and giant bug pens
8 Fish folk observe the train station from an underwater communications base 
9 Scavengers shacks where local scavengers stay
10 Train station and platform run by gnome staff who will call a sapper kill squad in a mole machine or activate automatons for aid if required. 1sp a seated trip and a 1gp in a nice private room and dining posh car. They are from the gnome city and not nullists but the black sphere will aid them 
11 Buried houses and buildings now some are part of the town and others closed off due to monsters and unexplored
12 Buried rail buildings closed of due to monsters and unexplored

Cavern Roads Out
Spiral tunnel to the Underland Gnome City of Gloomward in one of the 3 great caverns in the deep
To the Cliff Clan Kobolds mines on western plateau cliffs
Canal to a great Underlake 
in one of the 3 great caverns in the deep
Two trainlines one to ground level, the other does a loop of the three huge cavens and lower levels of Chagrinspires vast automated factories
The Trash Cavern is part garbage dump and fungus forest 
one of the 3 great caverns in the deep

Cavern Campsite Residents
1 Adventuring landknights from the warring lands here to plunder 
2 Cultists searching for lost demon cults that vanished in the apocalypse
3 Scavengers here to trade with this rarely known market
4 Fugitive slaves from Underland hesitate to leave now they have adapted to subterranean life
5 Slavers here to sell burned-out slaves to Underland non-human masters
6 Goblinoid clan here to trade and consider life in the deep or the surface
7 Kobolds here to trade food for useless ancient artworks and household objects 
8 Orc arms dealers trade weapons for bulk food and metal scrap
9 Cave folk from deep considering migrating to the surface
10 Ogres here to hunt smaller humanoids for dinner
11 Trolls here to catch and eat little people and rob them
12 Underground species nobody knew existed here to trade

Cavern Special Events
1 Swarm of bats
2 Swarm of luminous 
3 Spore heavy day save once per day exposed or -1 all sight sense skills and 1hp damage
4 See luminous or albino fish
5 Ground rumbles and some debris-like tiles fall from the cavern ceiling
6 Cannibal loudly celebrating while preparing a feast
7 Crowds of traders in the market or rail platform
8 Mutant creatures on the rampage 
 Carrion worms attracted by smell of blood
10 Giant cave bats hunting 1in6 in groups ridden by goblin scouts with bows
11 Cave fishers have migrated here for easy meals
12 Black dragon Kandrildar swims into here from an underwater lair and often watches the cavern's waterfall entrance by flying or climbing to a ledge. One victim every few days keeps it happy 

Cavern Cave Fishing
1 Glowfish is great for emergency lamps for years if dried like wiggling bugs
2 River eels may swarm bleeding swimmers and like meat
3 Cave Carp good for soup and likes bread for bait
4 Cave Muscles good eating best cooked well and make good bait
5 Cave Shrimp grow 10cm and often mostly transparent
6 Water Bug 
nip AC+6 2d8 HD bite d6 tasty 
 Red rippers AC+4 d4 HD bite d3 tasty and look mean and like worms or shrimp or small fish
8 Cave clams in shallows will clam on the feet of victims 
AC+7 2d8 HD clamp d6/round
9 Cave Crabs 
AC+6 d8 HD nip x2 d3
10 Armoured Fish from prehistory 
one of the 3 great caverns in the deep
 Cave lobster AC+5 1 HD nip x2 d4 the regular kind or babies of the giant ones
12 Cave Squid AC+3 d8 HD grapple & bite d3/round, can leap out of water 3m

Cavern Shacks
1 Garbage, a wreck or scrap collection
2 Storage, locked and trapped with dried meat or fish or mushrooms inside 
3 Shed, with tools and a bench usually for craft or food production
4 Brewery or mushroom potion lab used by a gang, booby-trapped
 Goblin family home
Scavenger gang
Mutant cannibal gang
 Kobold scouts
9 Monster lair
10 Undead hide
 Gnome and some pets and guests wee folk
 Gnome with servants, bodyguard and automaton squad

Cavern Buildings
1 Warehouse with dusty crates and garbage possibly vermin
2 Factory or workshop with roof fallen, overgrown and a possible creature lair
Factory or workshop with ruined machines and graffiti, often home for a gang
4 Prison for workers  
5 Workers lodging 
Nice house for managers and servants possibly with stable or garage 
7 Loner outcast unwelcome to strangers, trapped house and full of ambush points
8 Fortified hall with huge doors
9 Administration
10 Specialist shop 
11 Tavern for workers or traders
12 Barracks for combat personnel

This is within the fenced-off areas and buildings of Gomehole Village
All signs in Underland common and semiprecious stones main currency

Village Trade Guild Hall and home of the Mayor where you can exchange items for gemsw
Gates & Fences 3m tall with barbed wire and cans that rattle when undead are trapped in barbed wire. Gates have several hobgoblin guards and an alarm gong
Shrine Shack where Brother Victor runs a shrine and sells holy water
Underland Shrine with many idols of Underland gods
Market Courtyard where local traders shopfronts located and smaller dealers with carts or wagons sell
Katya's Store for adventurer and travel supplies
Grimepit Tavern run by goblinoids with the largest goblin kitchen in town
Apothecary & Healer shop run by Kienich selling pills, dressings and potions
Fishy Friends Fish Shop - buy and sell fish and where fish folk gather run by a Cod folk people call Old Codger 
Pippy's Scrap - scrap shop run by a rat lady

Croaker's Frog Hole - marsh weed, pipes and frog grog for sale
Repair Shack - where local work crews work from and Neebar the hobgoblin is boss

Gnomehole Market
Semiprecious stones are the preferred currency
Mushroom broth by the bowl 1cp
Mushroom bread is flat and causes melancholia but keeps well 1cp
Mushroom bear 1sp
Mushroom leather 1sp per 1m circle
Dried mushrooms 1sp per kg
Pickled mushroom 1sp per jar
Pickled snails 1sp per jar
Jelled worms 1sp per jar
Roast Lizard 1ep serves 1-4
Lizard & shroom wrap 1sp
Mushroom burger 1sp
Grilled mushrooms on a stick 2cp
Grilled Centepede on a stick 5cp
Grilled Bug on a stick 2cp
Canned Alchemists Gruel 1sp
Mushroom Vodka 1gp bottle 
Bat Milk per jar 1sp
Bat Yogurt per pot 1sp
Bat cheese 1gp 
Pack Lizard 120gp

Gnomehole Rumours
1 The gnome city in the deep is a fabulous magical wonderland unlike your wildest dreams
2 Under gnome food makes you depressed but maybe its good for excitable troublemakers
3 Some of the passages into the deep go deeper than humans have ever been
4 If you could breathe water the lake has many flooded passages into hidden places
5 You can find interesting objects on the lake shore
6 Some of the cave fish are hideous, I found one with a human face
7 Look up and live - creepy cave creatures may drop sticky threads or drop rocks on people
8 Underland people find surface folk slaves more desirable
9 Caves of sleeping monsters unstirred since before humans can be found, be careful
10 Their have always been underland slaves flee to the sunlit land and surface people fleeing cataclysms or war seeking refuge in the deeps
11 Their are many vast caves full of mystery and prehistoric ruins down here, big enough for a village of settlers
12 In ages past minions of one of the dark lords came through here to hide in the deep from the champions of the gods 

Gnomehole Complaints
1 The sky will fall in on this cavern killing everyone here and above on the plateau
2 All the strange people down here but at least not humans
3 The undead will overwhelm the fences one day
4 Damned trilobites everywhere 
5 Damp and muddy and gloomy I can't wait to leave
6 You can't trust gnomes, all their cults are crazy
7 Dont go near the lakeshore 
8 I can smell shit everywhere down here
9 A saw a giant white bat snatch a goblin I was talking too
10 All kinds of weirdos and cultists and crooks live in the ruins and shacks around the lake
11 That train station has been busier and bringing more strangers here
12 Something is watching us all the time down here

Gnomehole Encounters
1 Goblins selling fish or mushrooms
2 Gnome merchants from the deep with bugbear guards and pack lizards handled by goblins
3 Gnome buying and selling scrap from a cart
4 Armoured hobgoblin town guard
5 Giant rat chased by the feral goblin, kobold and gnome kids
6 Drunk old gnome who has seen some strange stuff
7 Band of gnomes, goblins, froglings and bug folk playing and dancing
8 Gnome drug dealer offering potions of good times
9 Sticky thread of a cave fishing creature on cavern ceiling
10 Swarm of rats of bugs or moths or bats
11 Party of fish or frog folk traders
12 Gnome slaver offers to buy human travellers

Gnomehole Jobs
1 Slime hunter - hunt slimes around the lake shore and the village
2 Rat Catcher - regularly cleans out cellars and sewers
3 Fisher - help fishers with nets and traps or guard them from monsters
4 Squatter eviction - kick out people in cavern shacks not paying a slum lord or gang
5 Recover chest - lost in the lake by certain rocks in remains of the boat still visible
6 Drive away gang - from ruin so items hidden can be recovered
7 Undead Hunters - 1sp for a zombie head from the mayor's hall
8 Caravan Guards - for a dangerous but profitable shortcut passage 
9 Excavators - diggers who can look after self needed to search a rubble filled ruin
10 Bandit Bounty - money for killing evil dwarf gangs (morlocks, derro, grey dwarves)
11 Crystal Recovery - magic crystals stolen and need to be returned to a spell caster for an experiment
12 Find fungi - a valuable fungus is reported in a fungus garden cave 

Gnomehole Locals
Victor Gobnik a Grubby human priest sells holy water and operates a shrine of light in his shack, local gnomes and goblins think he isn't human
2 Mayor Sonja Rakali a dark gnome mentalist who runs the local Traders guild and controls the village and employs Hobgoblin guards 
3 Slarg Furbelly a bugbear bartender at the Grimepit tavern who enjoys making humans uncomfortable
4 Kadarg Forkfinger the hobgoblin boss in charge of village fences and gates
5 Kienrick Deviltoe apothecary gnome and healer of the village but often blind drunk
6 Lara Studelborg a gnome smith and scavenger who watches village affairs with a keen eye
7 Lyra Starkers a goblin cook with great influence over the village goblins as she is also a priestess
8 Neebar Flangepump a hobgoblin handyman with a tool belt most often doing plumbing, fence repairs, carries keys and knows sewer tunnels
9 Mistress Katya Yeastbloom a gnome merchant who has opened a general store and has a bugbear bodyguard Philbert Hairtrotter
10 Master Croaker a frog folk seller of marsh weed and frog grog who trades for exotic bugs and worms or gems
11 Old Codger an ancient fish folk here to buy and sell fish and his stall is a meeting place where Underland and surface fish folk meet several times a week to exchange fishy facts
12 Pippy Squeakly a rat woman here to help trade with rat folk who sells scrap items

Gnomehole Happenings
1 Undead climbing over fences everybody takes cover and locks doors
2 Rubble and rocks fall from the ceiling
3 Water level higher and streets wet and trilobites scuttle about
4 Water level low and locals are collecting things once hidden by water
5 Someone eaten by Kandrildar the black dragon who comes from the lake sometimes
6 Giant snails or cave crickets crawling everywhere
7 Seasonal migration of glowing fish, moths, bugs or worms
8 Locals celebrating a festival with music and lanterns and beds all leased out
9 Sporeclouds today locals sneezing and new fungus and mould sprouting
10 A doppelganger or shapeshifter has been seen among locals
11 Large trading expedition from some strange non-human faction
12 Train arrives at station and new rivals walk to village

Monday, 10 February 2025

d12 Bards frequenting Chagrinspire

These guys get around and have been to more places than the party. They gather stories and spread news and may serve hidden powers. They keep popping up in new villages you just discovered because they have already been everywhere. Some know too much.

d12 Why a bard wants to join the party
1 Wants to record an epic poem detailing great heroes at just the right time
2 Desperate dandy wants friends and memories to tell others about
3 Profit to be a middleman for adventurers and public
4 Loves to gossip and boast about adventurer friends
5 Seeking lost lore or songs of the type recovered in ruins
6 Researching for a comedy play about buffoon murder hoboes
7 Wants to see real blood and violence to help writing career
8 Agent of a State who reports everything to the secret police of some foreign ruler
9 Agent of a faction operating inside the wastes
10 Agent of a vile cult seeking recruits and victims
11 Freelance agent mostly works for banks and merchants, reports to a secret master for cash
12 Mind controlled by Black Sphere agents who can see through the bards eyes while the bard just gets funny headaches and doesn't know why they have head scars roll a d6 why they think they are a bard. They have dreams that inspire their interests and attention sent by their masters

d12 Bards frequenting Chagrinspire who know too much
1 Varny Grumble is a grumpy old bard out of touch with youths but plays old army favourites and marching songs of the long-defunct 3rd Empire. He would love to be important, influential and acknowledged by the nobility. Adventurers are a means to and ends. Will enjoy serving a party with humility but eager to sell them out or write their adventures in the gutter pamphlet press of Shadelport. Plays a lute and a flute

2 Mimsy Skuttles a wild young new school bard of ambiguous gender and gang fashions with really cool hair. She is part deep one so seeing the world before she transforms into a fish folk forever. Keen to see the land first and have wild romances and collect cool jewelry. Plays a famous harp called the Gadfly and sings sea shanties and about life under the sea
3 Grog Halfstain a barbarian skald reporting to barbarian kings important details like wizards that need beheading locations and stockpiles of books to burn. He is more open-minded and flexible in his duties and finds that travelling with adventurers is a good way to see an area and make some money. He is actually a royal bastard and one day hopes his contacts will make him a strong ruler. He likes to fight and see battles and kill spell casters and civilised snobs and plays a lyre and bagpipes. His songs are about barbarians killing wizards and dragons and burning cities
4 Gadley Eelfat a large lad new to bardic travel as a lifestyle and on the run from family who want to marry him to a foreign kingdom for family business. Cheerful and cooperative, but a bit nervous and clumsy at working in a folk lifestyle. Surprisingly good at diplomacy with nobility who like manners and his harp skills. Lots of proper songs noble dynasties like about their origins and collect dungeon songs
5 Avora Ramora a seafearing bard taken to inland travel away from the international pirate guilds of Shadelport. Keenb to rob and murder for treasure and willing to deal with slavers, smugglers or even idealistic doo-gooders who pay. Shey might decide altruism makes better company than a pirate or criminal scum. She plays lute and a flute and all her songs are vulgar sea shanties about mermaids, octopi folk and lonely old fishermen
6 Bargent Cockswain a failed druid became a bard to get revenge on everyone he knows by being better and richer than them. Reports to a druidic circle and even wood elves sometimes for potions. If can't get potions then likes to drink. Plays Mandolin and horn and sings of the land spirits and tree folk but mostly resorts to songs for drunks to drink more
7 Casper Horlicks - frog bard agent of several frog folk kings and has travelled in Auldwood and human lands in disguise. Has also visited faerie nobility and returned. He helps enemies of the Black Sphere while staying away from their attention and helping adventurers find stuff is often part of some scheme. More altruistic than his masters he believes in diplomacy and rapid escapes. Dresses like a faerie or a human dandy and likes ruffs. Plays a lute and bagpipes and sings of water elementals and frog magic since the dawn of time plus some human and elf songs of love
8 Vangur Hwortz a bard from the unholy northwest reporting to merchants and private interests for profit. Keen to travel and see what is happening in the region. Will try and sabotage the forces of the Empire or crusaders from Lamnutainia. Sings about the corrupt and important emperor whose throne is a gold toilet. Collects slanderous gossip for blackmail and plays a fiddle or a small dulcimer
9 Sherple Vagnayer a mellow guy who just wants to see real adventurers in action and sings about love and happiness. Serves the sleeping toad god patron PsaThagUlah of ancient sorcerers who are recruiting new sorcerers. He plays a double horn, cymbals and bells with lots of chants in pre-human languages
10 Calby Fanglorn seeks the arcane secrets of the ancients and knows adventurers often tend to find such things too dangerous to uncover. Calby reports to the University of Shadelport and other great libraries for the documents he finds. Plays a cistrum and a viola and sings songs of local dungeons, lost ruins and haunted houses. Offers suggestions to young adventurers and only asks for useless old documents in unknown scripts 
11 Zinbar Honeylotus a mysterious western bard singing mysterious songs and playing her double flute and lyre. Some wonder if she is human. She sends secret messages to the underground emperor who rules the western continent in secret and produces most of the world's illegal drugs. The mysterious subterranean ruler likes to have agents to watch the region for possible threats. She may travel with adventurers but is too serene for chit-chat. She will learn some local songs from people she meets which softens her. She carries a wide range of apothecary medicines also  
12 Varpa Celantrine seeks music of the Black Sphere and ancient apocalypse-era music lore. She will collect any ancient musical devices, instruments or documents. Just an interest in history. She would really like to meet their agents and get a peek at what is going on but any peeks at ancient allies are worth it. Adventurers are her best bet. She would really like to meet actual gnomes of the black sphere. She has replaced the lute for a banjo she found intact and made her come here to find more. Lots of her songs are about the apocalypse war and some folk are put off by this

d10 Weird Instruments of the Ancients
1 Harmonica - a pocket mouth organ 1in6 in silver and engraved 
2 Tin Whistle - a small cheap mass produced whistle easy to carry
3 Squeezebox - a small organ with keys played by squeezing
4 Fiddle - with various sizes and types with a bow  
5 Ukelale - small stringed instrument popular at the peak of the apocalypse 
6 Banjo - popular with rustic and travelling folk
7 Keyboards - piano or usually smaller portable harpsichord   
8 Bongo Drums - the best ones stolen from far away places with carved faces or highly ornamental
10 Brass Bugle - or various horn instruments trumpet, trombone, tuba, trumpet, saxophone, horn or simplest a bugle
11 Accordian or squeezebox, various designs and styles
12 Guitar - more often found broken or damaged but some intact and ornamental, various styles and some strange experimental ones are sometimes found and operations are related to principles of the following results
13 Death Organ - cabinet with zombie heads that moan at playing a key strikes a head with a holy symbol. Some architectural versions have a choir of zombies arranged in scales and tones. Necromancers love these contraptions to show off how many undead they can squander for status
14 Spirit Organ - glass cylinders in a case rotated with a crank make the ghosts bound inside squeal and moan. If broken a d4+3 poltergeists are released or possibly worse
15 Lightning Organ - contains glass valves and a small electrical element captured in a storm that hates everyone. The user fiddles with various knobs that light up as used, and makes eerie otherworldly noises that beings of the outer void like
16 Music Box - a magical mechanism that plays d4 songs when opened in a loop, golem versions have a face and can play thousands of tunes
17 Cylinder Recorder with a d6 used cylinders and a d6 blanks in a case, golem versions have a face and only need one cylinder or can be used to write cylinders for other machines
18 Gramophone Player in a case with 3d6 bakelite records, golem version has a face and change records and keeps a selection
19 Player Piano can read and play special notched scrolls inserted into the mechanism. 1in6 are Golem versions have faces, know hundreds of songs and sing along and load their own scrolls from an internal library. It's also good at maths and cognitive computations
20 Golem Organ has a face and can play self any tune it hears and has centuries of memories of songs which it might sing if coerced. Golem pumps air through metal tubes or might use steam but need a furnace. A rare baroque type has a singing head for each note, and 1 in 6 of these are broken and argued in a cacophony. Some have mechanical singing animatronic animals and the larger ones have wheels or are built into buildings

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Gamelog: Genesis of the Pepperpot Borgs

Todays party were thinking of going to investigate the new orc vampire-tree cult they possibly accidentally started but one player mentioned a map and a key they took from Orcus or Worm cults. So that shouldn't take long to check out.

Arsh the dog man (abhuman4 druid2) and his now dire wolf size dog
The preist of light Lv6 and several followers (the god squad)
The man with no name a scavengers guild boss Lv6 and his loyal ratmadchen pal Rat Sonya

They drove their car up to the dungeon and left Balzac the flesh golem and four guards who roiad on the runners outside the car. They were rear guard and could get help if needed.

Found the bunker door inside and opened it barging into a secret black magic bunker where the ancient allies tried to copy magic of the Black Sphere or modify captured devices.

Immediately inside were these masked soldiers with rifles that took lost of carnage to get past the fortified gatehouse and kill more soldiers that melted into black sludge. A human-looking commander fled and one of the lumbering masked humanoid troopers fled into a morgue and the party located it hiding among the dead with magic and killed int. They finished the fleeing leader begging at locked security doors while an alarm sounded. The party used acid to bypass a steel door from outside and went through into a sealed area and saw-through windows these conical pepperpot machines glide over the ground and head towards the entrance. They held the door they cut through with acid and got ready. As the long-winded machines talked about what they were doing loudly the party opened the door. Rat Sonya and the nameless man with ready fuses threw grenades and the god squad fired crossbows. The machines exploded when killed and several retreated.

Party went back to the window they first saw creatures and went through to ambush the machines as they tried to get back to their security door. Was quite a bit of destruction and Arsh got shot by the creatures SMG arm badly. They tended to get in each others way lots and exploded harming their peers.

After they began looting a voice came over the intercom offering 3k gp if they would leave in gnome gold bullion. The party were interested and the man with no name was happy to break deal and kill them later. The priest was troubled but when it was revealed the gold was contaminated with poison and diseases he decided the bad faith deal was void and they were an evil threat not worthy of honourable treatment. The party were 75% down with healing spells depleted. So the went home. The priest's dwarf sidekick worked on purifying the cursed gold. 

They returned two days later.

This time they tailgated a spider automaton scout returning and killed a bunch of clone infantry. These weaker human clone troops were killed rapidly and they finished two more pepperpots and the robot spider that had the boss brain inside. Killed two cyborg scientists who were tricky too.

Returned home with gold, documents and lab equipment and torched the bunker and its vats of black liquid living necrotic beings and vats of brain they were putting in the pepperpot automatons. Got even more gold bars.  Apparently, the scientists here were tormenting creatures to serve them. After 2 days rest they went to Marsh Village and planned to take a peak in the cavern behind the waterfall. There was a vast cave with a lake, swamp, fungus, a train station and a village of gnomes and goblins. Met some slavers and helped them fight ghouls but were resistant to preaching. The party chatted but eventually bought all the slaves and returned home to free them to join their village. Learned plenty and wanted to wipe out the slavers but avoided a fight this time. They will meet again soon.

Meanwhile...Absent giant of the party Nebor has been building stuff.
Set up a temple of light, scavenger guild, and market courtyard in the outpost.
Building village defence walls, turnip shed, drystone waist high walls around crops, hog yards and pens. Might end up Turnipton even though some cabbage and hog farmers not in the cult
Caravan-inn probably next - the party specialise in variety of food types

Adding defences and barbed wire to the demon ichor rig on the lake as Slavers demon ichor fueled paddlesteamer (its a golem boat too) has been testing the defences. A dozen scavengers here with daily transfers and training new guildmembers in boating and swimming. 

Local priests of light are stockpiling holy water and want to reverse pump holy water into the demon to kill it. Aome considered the Slavers paddleboat might be worth stealing and using in the cause of killing ,more slavers. Some worry if the demon wont die it might have a disaster-scale monster rampage. The man with no name considered Bogrump might help but the Party priest says no a petty turnip god cant kill a prehistoric demon god from beyond. 

Turnip cult has been growing and thriving adding 24 villagers to the community and their turnip shrine is growing. A maypole with a turnip is in top and turnip scare crows watch the offerings to Bogrump and his alter

Players liked killing Daleks - a bit inspired by Genesis of the Daleks and a map I doodled quickly.

Oops, a few more weeks of the new orc evil tree cult left to grow worse.
Oh my perhaps now the party will have to fight through the gatehouse.
Party consider train rides into Chagrinspire.

Considering a talking phase zero for combat to sort of declare, help each other and boast vs enemies. 

Friday, 7 February 2025

Your Local Scavengers

Scavengers are the most common inhabitants of the wasteland.
Most are human rogues but some other classes for muscle or magic happen

also see

d12 Scavenger Origin
1 Refugee rural folk fleeing war
2 Refugee folk from city poverty and crime
3 Refugee escaped slaves
4 Bandits who quit or failed
5 Crime gang survivors in exile
6 Inbred clan here for generations
7 Merchants stranded here of failed venture
8 Miners came here to dig up loot
9 Crusader deserters fled army
10 Foriegn deserters flle homeland
11 Cultists whose cults mostly failed and died
12 Mutants or Nonhuman

d12 Scavenger Non-Humans
1 Dwarf 
2 Elf or changelings
3 Halfling 
4 Gnome
5 Giant or ogre
 Orc d4 1=barbarian 2=cyclops orc 3=ex black sphere orcs 4=orc bandits from a famous kingdom
 Abhuman beast folk d4 1=reptilian 2=rat 3=hyena 4=fish 5=frog 6=insect
Abhuman elemental folk d4 1=air 2=earth 3=fire 4=water 5=frost 6=stone

d12 Scavenger Home
1 Homeless desperate for shelter
 Nomads with tents wandering
3 Nomads with seasonal camps  
4 Wagon nomads
5 Beast herders 
- often mudhogs
6 Camp clan moving from ruin to ruin
7 Scavengers guild outpost 
8 Gang hideout in ruin or trench dugout
9 Underground dig site or cave or tunnel
10 Ancient bunker complex
11 Village with crude shacks
12 Ancient street of houses and shops

d12 Scavenger Arms
1 Rock or stick
Shank or cestus
3 Dagger or bayonet
4 Club or hatchet
5 Iron bar or chain
6 Crossbow or shortbow
7 Musket or flintlock pistol
8 Spear or three javelins
9 Sling or dozen darts
10 Ancient small sword
Ancient cavalry sword
12 Pole axe or fire axe

d12 Scavenger Dress
Base cover of wrappings and bandages all over
1 Hooded cloak camouflaged with mud
2 Webbing with lots of hooks for tools and pouches
3 Gasmask
 or Goggles
4 Knee or shoulder or elbow pads
5 Scarf with a weighted end
6 Army boots with gators
7 Trench coat
8 Coat made of patchwork blankets
9 Animal furs, the giant rat is common
10 Woven hair vest or shirt
11 Leather patchwork armour
12 Steel army helmet or cap

d12 Scavenger Stuff
Coil of rope and some kind of grapple
2 Boathook or pole
3 Folding trench tool
4 Hand tool or can opener
5 Ration pack of ancient tinned meals
6 Tin of cigarettes and a lighter
7 Hipflask with rum or brandy
8 Ancient well-read book or magazine
9 First aid kit
10 Pocket watch or ancient locket
11 Purse with ancient grubby coins d6 cp, sp and gp  
12 Healing potion d4 save vs addiction each use

d12 Scavenger Food
Bottle of d6 1=beer 2=gingerbeer 3=sasparilla 4=whorehound 5=wine 6=rum
2 Tin of d6 1=pea soup 2=baked beans 3=beets 4=peaches 5=pears 6=fruitcake
3 Tin of d4 1=fruit bonbons 2=winegums 3=mints 4=musks 5=turkish delight 6=chocolate
4 Dried fish, some look odd, in bundles of a d6
5 Rat 1in6 giant rats d4 1=jerky 2=kebab or smoked rat or
6 Cured mud hog bacon only a bit whiffy
7 Cured dried hog sausage some are blood sausages
8 Ancient Tinned CRAMMO luncheon meat like substitute
9 Tinned alchemist gruel synthetic food
10 Pickled cabbage plus d6 1=berries 2=apple 3=hogfat 4=onions
11 Bunch of root vegetables d6 1=turnip 2=carrot 3=beetroot 4=parsnips 5=swedes 6=tubers
12 Pickled food d6 1=centipedes 2=earthworms 3=mystery eggs 4=turnip 5=dill gherkins 6=picklebug larvae
d12 Persoanl Knickknacks
1 Pipe and marsh weed or pack of cigarettes and a lighter
2 Tin of pills d4 1=headache 2=bromide & salt 3=terminal cancer patient meds 4=water purifier treats 10L poison to eat - fail take 2d4 hp and -2 nausea for d4 hours if save violently vomit immediately
3 Mirror possibly just a broken piece of a larger one or a shiny metal object
4 Tatoo kit with needles and ink in a cloth roll
5 Collection of d6 items of trench art
6 Book of sad war poems and drawings
7 Manual of popular Nullist philosophy that makes readers melancholic for a d6 days
8 Ancient alchemical drawing (anemographic print) images with uncanny realism
9 Collection of d6 postcards d4 1=saucy seaside 2=what the butler saw 3=exotic lands 4=victorious battle scene or heroic death
10 Idol of a friendly dark gnome smiling moneybox with 6d6 cp and a d6 sp
11 Rat traps d6 or a pigeon net
12 Collection of 2d6 cigarette cards various series d6 1=golems at work 2=monsters of the world 3=monoarchs of the allies 4=gods of the world 5=mighty monuments of the world 6=patriotic pinups doing their part

d12 Gang Special Features
1 Golem war machine in hiding or a Golem engine working day and night
2 Alchemy lab usually for alcohol or fuel or illegal potions
3 Experts with black powder weapons and making their own powder
4 Gardeners have a secret patch of green vegetation or a fungal cave
5 Secret holy shine with a magic pool or idol 
6 Single magic ancient magic intelligent weapons they mostly keep hidden and use rarely
7 Unexploded artillery explosive shell stockpile for emergencies
8 Allied to a non-human faction who come to aid if signal made
9 Keep unusual monster pets d4 1=rust beast 2=eagleboar 3=tentacle panther 4=carrion worm 5=mutant wolves 6=chaos mutant goat
10 Know many secret tunnels and passages to cross dangerous surface areas
11 Trade with many tribes and clans
12 Mutants among them, mutagens near home base or food supply

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Some More Reviews

I had a friend ask about the Original Adventures Reincarnated series
So I'm going through the series here and a few other Titles
Im also awaiting Caverns of Thracia Volume
The traps one I'm not into as I got a slightly older version and its not me

I will rate today's books with up to 4 of these 😇😈 in the fields of

Vol1 Into The Borderlands B1B2
Vol2 The Isle of Dread X1
Vol3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks S3
Vol4 The Lost City
Vol5 Castle Amber
Vol6 Temple of Elemental Evil T1-4
Vol7 Dark Tower

I would have like Saltmarsh, 
The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, Against the Cult of the Reptile God, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, I liked Tomb of the Lizard King as a lad.
Lost Caverns of Tsojanth + The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun as both share wilderness in one book would be good
Gary's murderhobo in wonderland books would have been funny in one book

Vol1 Into The Borderlands B1B2

Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
A first solid entry with some good extra content and 5th ed adaption
Reprinting two books twice slightly draining but complete
Running as a single dungeon might be good and not too huge

Vol2 The Isle of Dread X1
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
I wish all were as good as this. In this, the reprint shows the leap in design between versions and the new content is superior plus amazing art

Vol3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks S3
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆðŸ˜ˆ
New content is soso and has new monsters they revolve around not illustrated, plus stat blocks and no lore on monsters an plenty of room they could have had a bit. Its a great classic but I always found flawed as a dungeon. Without the weird space stuff its a meat grinder. The book emphasizes the time limit more, which is good, but killing 300 vegepygmies is a lot of rolling. The monsters of S3 in the MM2 should have had robots and androids, the game would have been better for it. Not a great adaption but nice to have and maps that are not wrong.

Vol4 The Lost City
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Great adaption and art. The articles are great and one of the best fleshed out into a mega dungeon books in series. I love poledancing goblins art. There are multiple other fan made versions expanding the dungeon available and they are definitely add more to history of the book and the culture of lost city people. Zargon is a great D&D evil godling. 

Vol5 Castle Amber
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
The have made a great guide to the family making the adventure run more easily. Proto ravenloft should have been put in there later. Great Clark Ashton Smith decadence and undeath. Possibly might work as DnD5 well as scenes are wildly different and cinematic.

Vol6 Temple of Elemental Evil T1-4
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜ˆ
Its nice and completist and possibly id have liked maybe more sub-level or something detailing the cult more. The elemental nodes are better and the maps are nice. I know this adventure way too well and I'm satisfied but would like more new stuff.

Vol7 Dark Tower
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Its good and has lots of content for a high level egyptian/middle east campaign maybe after desert of Desolation or The Lost City. It is a classic and the three-vol version shows the original well and I like the new maps. Lots of content and a classic. Made me like something I might have snubbed from the paper stock in 83.

The Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Its freaking huge, bigger than the original and way beyond what I expected for value and size. Bigger than the core rule book. If you run any post poc mutant punk games this will give you ideas and ready to use content. I dare say its the best Post Apoc setting in production. I might get those last few monster books.

Not a dungeon dept-------------------------

Grim Hollow Monster Grimoire 2021
Density  ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Art ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Vision ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡ðŸ˜‡
Its a big fat horror monster book that makes me curious about new versions but its pretty nice looking monster book. Mostly usable even though has some blocks of stats for subclasses in game I don't have book for (but I've seen for some ok prices). It could fit in ravenloft or even the victorian version in many cases and plenty for a regular d&d setting. A few names I disliked but lots of imaginative creatures and some body horror beyond what D&D normally does. Oddly I have lots of tentacled cult weirdo minis. Whole new types of weird stuff and grossness without being tacky.  

I like some of the mega dungeon changes to species
Stonehell trolls are great and I like lots
Arden Vul has weird trolls too

Sunday, 2 February 2025

d12 More Deep Gnome Philosophies & Spies


The gnomes of the underland are pale grey, with large black eyes, most are hairless though some may have beards in certain roles.

Underland Gnomes can turn invisible a number of times per day per level as the spell which is cancelled when they cast a spell or attack or pick up an object or drop an object. Most use mentalism and many learn arts to make their spells invisible. 

Gnomes may trade their flat bread and mushroom beer which is known to keep well, be mostly nutritious (lacking in a few things humans should have) but cause meloncholia almost immediately. Gnomes may sell their advanced magical devices or potions. 

Over the ages, Gnomes have developed these major schools of philosophy which exist in various proportions in their cities. 

Many treat these like guilds in human civilisation and refer to them as the Grey Guilds or the 12 Glooms. Various factions are in and out of favour in different periods. Many of the world's grey gnomes are in small communities and often thrall to other beings. Their own cities are ruled by councils where these philosophies are seen the most. Various factions have been allied or enemies in the past. They have all varied from inward to expansionistic in various eras. 

Gnomes don't know much or care much about the surface but do dislike the idea of Chagrinspire falling down and creating a massive earthquake above them. The ones who do know of the Black Sphere think them silly and wasteful. 

The Black sphere are most associated with Nullist but they may have employed other factions for certain skills or data or machines.

d12 More Deep Gnome Philosophies
1 Nullism 
(NE) - the universe is bleak and disappointing and souls are recycled by rebirth and among the planes so only destroying all existence through all time will free liberate us from suffering and illusion. Some extremists went to the surface and founded the Order of the Black Sphere. They recruited ancient human alchemy guilds and disappointed cultists of the outer gods who betrayed and enslaved their former masters for the black sphere. The members who live in the deep think Chagrinspire is rushing it too much and giving a false promise of cosmic annihilation 

2 Nodalism 
(LN) - all living beings are part of a vast computational array and only by contemplating maths and divination can one gain an understanding of the universe. Nodal monasteries undergo calculations of vast numbers to uncover secrets of the universe and to coerce lawful planar beings to reveal their secrets. Nodalists believe in teamwork over the individual as they favour collective will. They like to compile data and survey their members to determine how best to benefit the most people so their research can thrive into the future. Many people think they are boring but many thrive in gnomish government

3 Necrometrics (LE) - undead can be used to make computational engines but a vast area and number of undead are required. This school at most extreme conceives of all humanoids being rendered into undead running computations forever. Undead hold left or right arms or both and are given orders to respond to other undead arm positions for computations. They like to use undead for all kinds of industrial and domestic purposes and practice taxidermy on them to make them not smelly or fall apart

4 Machinists (LN) legalist materialists who hope to undo antiquated customs and traditions. They include the possibility of destroying gods and uniting all peoples under a single legal framework administered by golems and thinking automatons that cannot lie or be corrupt. They are popular with workers for their anti-royalty and rich stance. Seizing the automatons of the the powerful autocrats and subverting them to the workers of Machinism is one of their goals. Machinist agents travel the world freeing automatons and workers and spreading their ideas

5 Alchemetronism (LN) is interested in alchemical research and believes it will be able to make gold and silver worthless or other wild schemes to manipulate global metal prices forever. They believe in using alchemy without limits and they create golems and automatons but also human clones, orcs, abhumans and other monsters. Interesting creatures they capture and torment on industrial scales to make exotic ingredients but also sell them to dungeon keepers. Fund many strange research projects like making fake dragons, reconstructing dinosaurs and lost life, fusing married couples into 8-limbed hermaphrodites and other worthy projects 

6 Psychogeographers (N) a college of masters of mentalism and training people in powers of the mind. There is even a secret school for spies or where psionics are banned). They will infiltrate other peoples to spread mentallism. Some are terrible frauds. The organisation claims to shun gnome politics and teach for the sake of knowledge. They place experts in key positions and influence gnomes of all government stations. They also are paid by merchants for advantageous divination so they make good money as information dealers. They think interest in planar beings is for subservient simpletons and may aid anti-deity plans of other sects. They recruit young gnomes with promises of ultimate power without restraint

7 Archeogeographers (CN) once roamed the world raiding exotic peoples for magic, artwork and books. Now they catalogue and process the data they obtained then in hopes of informing future conquerers in a future age. While a shadow of their golden age they still operate vehicles, and machines for travel and send expeditions across the world cataloguing threats or stuff to steal. They operate museums and libraries of their collections and works. They operate secret secure labs in isolated places for stolen magic research

8 Harmonians (LN) study maths and music and use them to deconstruct matter and control the universe. Have an elaborate theory of souls transmission, reincarnation and music. One of their projects was to summon planar beings and unravel their existence with music and songs of uncreation. They believe this vacuum left in the cosmos allows mortal souls to ascend to other planes more freely. They are opposed to planar nobility and want to destroy them. They hope to ascend to rule the multiverse and exterminate death by these methods

9 Panopticonists (LN) seek to monitor events across the multiverse and record them and then keep them secret for their own use. They rarely speak to outsiders or bother debating. Many begin by using magic to spy on others and are required to compile many such reports to advance. They have been constructing a magical panopticon chamber so their grand master may view all the cosmos at once. To help this project they will leak information to the right place and people to make profitable wars or invasions. 

10 Monopolists (LN) philosophers of the gold cube wish to sell or convert all matter in the universe to gold and collapse the universe into an ultrasolid golden cube. Here the faithful will live forever when time is over. They are merchants mostly and happy to sell books and pamplets of monopolism with images of the eternal palace of gold. Their gold cube symbol shows 3 cube facets
 from above. Mostly they are just really greedy and claim the riddle of gold is all things have a price and any fool may be parted with it

11 Elementalist (Any) schools for gnomes working with elementals to improve life of the community by dominating planar beings. Some schools specialise in one element in one work district and claim their element was first in the cosmos. Some worship the older elemental gods. The elemental unity herecy unites the elements and then claim they can control demons too which can end badly for them and mixes them with demonology. They claim to be ready for the next chance to take over the world

12 Chronomists (LN) believe the universe is cyclic and so to know the future they study the past. Time travel is hard so retrieving artefacts and documents and fossils. Finding remains of the previous universes to prove their theory is their quest. Many travel to the deepest fires of the underland or try to leave the world with trips to the moon or the enclaves of the star spirit folk. They only care about politics or money to fund their expeditions. Some keep secret museums

d12 Signs Gnomes Are Spying on You
1 A lesser spirit spies on party 
2 Someone has a metal implanted surveillance device
3 Find gnome footprints around your campsite from invisible scouts
4 Animal spies follow the party and report to gnomes
5 Glass eyeball hidden in a crack, in  jewellery or rolling along ground 
6 Find gnome scout ration wrappers 
(gnomebix) and a spent chem heat pack 
7 Addicts leave odour and traces of their habits, made from exotic blended lotus stalks or mushrooms d4 1=pipe ash 2=cigarettes butt with asbestos filter tips 3=snuff powder 4=syringe or drug ampule 5=spent matchsticks 6=empty matchbox or pipeweed pouch
8 Find spy holes drilled through walls 
9 Hear scuttling gnomes inside secret wall spaces they dig
10 Mechanical eye in telescopic stalk pops from water or drain then hides if seen
11 Skittering clockwork bug follows the party
12 Find cool magic ring, used for gnome scryers to locate and spy on user