Saturday 27 July 2024

Chagrinspire Secret Rail Network 2 Diablo Express

Two Broken Hill Posts Possibly usable + trainline geomorphs you can print and play
I will be designing train stuff for game props like printable carriage for miniature use and for train vs train combat. Thanks for the great comments last post.

Yes this is fiction for the record - will be detailing more trains

Diablo Express Engine LE
This train golem is infused with diabolic power and hell runes.
It is hungry, longs for power and wants to be feared.
The engine is fuelled by pain from tormenting damned souls trapped in bottles on their way to hell. The bottles are shovelled into the furnace's mouth which gobbles the screaming souls. 

Nice carriages have velvet wallpaper & brass and glass light fittings, smells of cinnamon and old wood and hunter's musk

Nasty ones are filthy, battered with blood splatters and smell of a really bad prison/abattoir

d12 Current Route & Destination
1 Upper Chagrinspire - into upper levels of chagrinspire
2-3 Central Line - into the mid-levels of Chagrinspire
4-6 Lower Line - into the ground and first four levels of Chagrinspire
7-8 Underground Line - into sub-ground Chagrinspire 
9 Wasteland Express - to a location occupied by hell cultists
10 Underland Express - to a city of hell cult humanoids
11 Entrance to Hell - d4 1=gate 2=ferry 3=hells sewers* 4=hells library*
12 Hell Express - into a station in the first layer of Hell for processing
*these are dimensions in contact with all the hells and the mortal realm

The Engine
The engineer is a Barbed Devil (use a Bearded devil vs lower level)
It is accompanied by a d4 imp assistant mechanics (use kobolds vs lower level)

The engine is reddish battered bronze, with sharp edges and angles. It has diabolic runes and has chains wrapped around its body. Its front face is cruel and streamlined with devil horns. The fiery red beacon can blast a 6d8 Range 9 in 30-degree cone of hellfire. It bellows out its desire to devour sinner's souls.

The food for the train is in 3 chests with a d100 soul bottles of damned sinners souls. A d4 bottles per hour satisfies the engine which begs for more. If the crew killed the engine will offer to make a deal for extra fuel. More souls are brought by imp messengers daily. If the train is starved it goes into a coma until revived with soul fuel and the pilot light lit with hellfire.

Most of the carriages are passenger types with luxurious wood and brass panels all carved with intricate designs of hell. Everything looks expensive but not as comfortable as it looks.

The Guard Carraige has four red abishai lesser devils guards with arquebus, often sorting post packages and taking potshots at targets. 

Managers Car
A Duke of Hell is in the office doing accounting and preparing soul contracts and passenger manifests. There are piles of contracts and books of diabolic law and policy manuals. They may be cross or delighted for amusement. An Imp assistant helps it. May have a pet like hellhound or hellcat that disposes of bad imps or damned souls that make trouble.

Parlour Car
A beautiful car with
diabolic sigil wallpaper and paintings of stern-looking cult leaders and historic tyrant rulers. Comfortable chairs and a white abishai butler who will dispense hell weed cigarettes 1sp, cigars 1gp and hellfire red spiced rum 1pp a shot and will put it on your account to Hell no problems. 2d4 posh cultist travellers are here on their way to hell and will defend the train - each is an adventurer with a d4 levels and equipped as appropriate. 

VIP Dining Car
A beautiful car with striped wallpaper and small dining tables with service from two white abishai footmen who take orders from the small kitchen where 2d4 kobolds cook fabulous meals with food from a magical golem mill built into the kitchen. 2d4 posh cultists are dining here on fabulous exotic food.

1st Class Car
Comfortable lounge chairs for passengers 2d6 posh devil worshipers on the way to hell for their just rewards happily, if at least half full a performer up front puts on a show d4 1=jester 2=poet 3=erotic performance 4=live butchering a damned victim. A white abishai butler checks passengers are happy every ten minutes

Sleeper Car
Comfortable bunks for 12x 1st class passengers who are usually in the 1st class car or parlour, The rooms have hold portals and the occupants know passwords. There is rich luggage inside and gifts for dignatories of Hell.

2nd Class Car
Red lacquered wood and stiff wooden carved chairs that are a bit uncomfortable and hard to sleep on. 3d6 mid tier cultists are here (overseers, assassins, shopkeepers, accountants, clerks). They seem confident of being treated ok in hell but also uncomfortable.

3rd Class Car
Bare walls and steel chairs, increasingly uncomfortable, designed to manacle passengers in chairs possibly. EIther 3d6 cultists on pilgrimage to hell seem to expect it will be better in hell than on this car or Four red abishai guards and 2d6 chained damned prisoners.

Library Car
A mini branch of the Infernal Library of Hell full of lore for beginning evil wizards and cantrip spells. A strict Erinyes librarian will punish noise makers or anyone reshelving books improperly. Invisible imps spy on people here. A hell cat sometimes lurks here looking for talent to befriend. There may be a portal to the full library, a plane of fiendish occult books and a tuition-free wizard school.

Greenhouse Car
Various hellish plants grow under lamps in raised garden beds. The ceiling is glass panels in an ornate ironwork frame. Strange hellish monster plants and narcotics are here. A yellow musk creeper with d4 zombies, a pod plant that makes vegetal doppelgangers from any who nap close by, and razorvine that entangles a tormented victim slowly draining their blood and causing pain. Some victims is usually in here. Various passengers and devils come here to relax by watching plant monsters torment people. A green abishai is a sadistic gardener who likes to encourage people to smell the lovely flowers os to sit and relax next to them

Observation Car
Car with open air walk way for some fresh air. 2d4 cultists will be here and a d4+1 red abishai hang here to shoot at any life they see outside the train. They also pursue any trying to escape the train. Other train inhabitants may also frolic here. 

Devil Cult Temple
A bearded devil priest administers a shrine to advise lawful evil conduct to any in the train who asks. He likes gifts like rum, larvae or bottled damned souls. 3d4 human cult pilgrims (1st lv wizards) are here praying for wishes for their souls. The temple is dedicated to one of the Arch devils who rule a realm of hell. Valuable gems and jewellery decorate the statue usually they are cursed if taken. Other magic items will be in a trapped chest like scrolls, potions or better,

Dungeon Car
Here passengers (2d4 cultists) and crew (d4 blue abishai and d4 imps) relax tormenting 2d4 damned prisoners with whips, chains and other torture equipment. An iron maiden, a wrack, gibbets, brazier with hot 
pokers and coals. Cages of rats, toads and snakes are ready for use
Cattle Car x3
Scrawny miserable souls of the damned crowded and miserable in chains or bound and suspended by hooks in filthy cars 30+d6 per car. Each car may also have d4 1=a d4-1 Imps play here and torment prisoners 2=Huge flies nip bare flesh and occasionally form a human eating swarm if they smell uncleaned wounds or blood 3=a blue abishai tormenting prisoners 4=recognise some damned soul who begs for help

Armoured Car
Armoured car with a cannon facing the rear. Has a safe, a cell and a rack of muskets and polearms. Six red abishai guards are here with muskets and bayonets on duty with a hellhound who smells good or chaos-aligned beings with a good sniff

d12 Encounters
1 Squad of kobolds with light muskets d6 & bayonets or tridents wearing sapper armour +5 with insignia of hell on their tabards. They smoke devil weed from hell in cigar form
2 Diabolic cult initiates in robes with daggers and leader with a magic trident
3 Diabolic cult magicians with servants, an imp familiar and a spined devil 
4 Dozen diabolic pilgrims on the way to hell with an Imp instructor
5 Erinyes devil inspecting tickets and passports will accept soul for a fare
Bearded devil herding d4+2 larvae with a fork which is the treasure for the train and very efficient fuel. The devils may trade them to hire demons or daemons or hags
7 Stinking lemures who start gibbering, sobbing, begging will be chased out of nice parts of the train by devils
Red Abishai guards x2 with a hellhound sniffing for holy pariphenalia
9 Hellcat walking on hindlegs with a machine pistol with a ammo drum and stock, looking for trouble and a talented possibly evil master 
10 Horned devil getting cultists to sign over souls in exchange for miracles
11 Hell cat and imp wearing sparkly suits offer fabulous prizes or terrible torments behind 3 illusionary magic doors (one is a cool magic one loses a limb and one turns chooser into an imp)   
12 Devil leader (duke/duchess rank) in command of the train with two black abishai making an inspection of the train and will summon allies before leaving to the manager's car

d12 Decor
1 Wooden carvings of devils
2 Portraits of stern cult leaders of the past or dukes of hell
3 Paisley velvet wallpaper with hidden imp faces
Brass lamps
5 Bust or statue of an archdevil
6 Book d4 1=occult lore 2=cultist journal 3=cult roll book 4=guide to devils
7 Bag of 3d6 sp and a scroll of soul contract for a lesser which is ready to sign
8 Bottles of wine or brandy
9 Stuffed creatures and mounted head trophies
10 Bloody altar, dagger and idol of a devil
11 Banners and shields with hellish heraldry
12 Museum cases with creepy displays like brains and heard in jars

d12 Hazards
1 Tempting magic item or treasure as you touch it an imp appears saying it can be yours if you sign up and take an oath to hell
2 Bottle of fancy grog from hell but poisoned (internally burn 1hp damage for 6d6 rounds, save halves duration)
3 Three-level serving trays with tiny sandwiches and cakes with a tea set and cups, delicious if consumed save or go sit complacently in one of the passenger areas suitable for the character. Friends slapping them or holy water give extra saves to resist 
4 Tiny diabolic idol eyes light up - some lord of hell is watching the room
5 Horned devil in illusion disguise strikes up a conversation to work out what strangers are doing here 
6 Purse of red gold coins cursed to make wielder d4 1=greedy 2=jealous 3=angry 4=paranoid
7 Eerie painting, if studied save or d4 1=swap place with cultist trapped in painting 2=trapped inside a recursive time loop but there is a back door 3=releases a monster that is hostile if the viewer is good or chaotic 4=ghost in the artwork falls in love with the viewer and tries to draw them inside with whispers and reams or will possess someone to meet their love
8 Diabolic book, evil self-aware spellbook, if read save or attached to the book and start to hear the book's tips on selfishness. Has a d4 spell to tempt typical wizards
9 Imp in a bottle offers to serve if you release them, it best to make a proper legal contract
10 Seductive youth winks and invites you to join them in a sleeper coach, they an energetic lovers and highly efficient and bossy. Charge a soul or a magic item
11 Gang of spined devils crowd around pressing themselves against people pretending the carriage is crowded. Often they swarm around the most attractive person and make unwanted flirty comments to be jerks. Will leave rather than fight
12 Invisible bored imp spies on adventurers and reports all to a devil boss

d12 Adventures
1 A damned soul has escaped and a devil offers magic items to get them back
2 Someone is trying to tell cultists that Hell is not as cool as the Imps say it is, please stop them from causing trouble
3 A rogue outlaw devil is in disguise and hunted by erinyes
4 A devil or cultist is killed and passengers wonder who will solve this mystery
5 Someone is stealing items from passengers and many are alarmed
6 Passenger has lost tickets and desperate to not be taken to the dungeon car
7 Ticket collector Erinyes and her red abishi guards seeking a stowaway demon
8 Devil demands a hoof trim and beautification and throws a huge gem as payment
9 A damned soul escaped the dungeon car and an erinyes investigates them and needs help
10 The boss devil needs some mortals to kill a rival devil
11 The engineer has noticed someone stealing bottled souls that feed the train - find out who and bring them to the engine for punishment
12 A damned tries to escape and kills an imp, is to be tried for murder by a Bearded devil magistrate and their two black abishai bailiffs will assist. Passing adventurers are called as jury and or witnesses or experts. The magistrate will happily charge anyone in the court with contempt or deceit and send them to the dungeon car to be tortured

d20 Items
1 Weapon +1 +2 vs chaos or good or +3 vs chaotic good, usually daggers and bizarre polearms and forks
2 Sheild +1 +2 vs good or chaos
3 Whip +1 cast a stun cantrip on a hit up to 3 times a day
4 Potion of berserk rage
5 Quill that writes in user's blood
6 Talisman of a lesser devil with the true name
7 Larvae in a box will hiss and spit if found
8 Depraved wizard erotic monster poetry illustrated book
9 Disguise potion allows the user to change the face for d4 hours
10 Bounty Hunter Contract - reward offered if capture an escapee from hell and presented with a contract to an outpost of hell to earn a wish
11 Diobolic Orb - communicate with other orbs to an imp operator who will try to link you to another orb user for ten minutes a day
12 Sexy bottle imp will do a tired repetitive sexy dance on command, begs for release
13 Hellfire Trident +1 flaming for extra d3 damage (1in10 improved +2 and d4 fire)
14 Salamander Cloak - halves fire damage +2 save vs fire or heat attacks, many long-term users get wheezy coughs from the grey dust that comes off the cloak over time, scintillating vermillion scales they look stunning and many planar beings admire them
15 Vermillion Sceptre - fights as a 2d4 mace +1 +2 vs red blooded creatures
16 Trident Sword +1 +3 vs chaos, when facing chaos blade splits into three, red gold bronze hilt and silver blade 
17 Change Box - can be used to convert currency from silver to copper and vice versa and one in a hundred sp coins vanish in the works. Often has a roll of hell train tickets 3rd class tickets worth 1gp each
18 Horned Lord Helmet +2 AC & Saves, save or will curse a non lawful user into becoming lawful 
19 Belt of DIabolic Might +2 STR, save daily or develop callous bloodlust and enjoy gory spectacles
20 Blood Blade +1 dagger does a d6. Any foe slain must save or their soul is sent to hell making resurection, raise dead or reincarnation useless until freed

Initiate or Pilgrim Cultist AC+1 HD d4 dagger or rod d4 Mov 12 1in6 have one cantrip
Hooded Acolyte Cultist AC+5 HD d8 light trident d6+1 or dagger d4 Mov 9 1st Lv Priest or wizard
Crimson Templar Priest AC+5 HD 4d8 mace or sword d8 Mov 9 4th Lv Priest
AC+5 HD 5d8 +1 war-trident 2d4 Mov 9 5th Lv Priest or Wizard
Grandmaster AC+7 HD9d8 +2 evil war-trident 2d4 +d4 hellfire Mov 6 9th Lv Priest

Black - halberd bailfs who manage prisoners for court or before the boss
Blue - trident work in the torture department
Green - voulge looks after garden 
Red - long daggers act as train guards
White - flails act as stewards and waiters

all use guns - many polearms are used as stands for heavier guns

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