Wednesday 18 September 2024

Rough Levels in Chagrinspire

This will be roughed out more in Vol3
im also open to suggestions and left some blank spots
VOL3 production starts in earnest now 

This is a rough guide and might change
Its a skeleton to build from
Like when i accidentally made my dungeon 16km high and decided to stick to it

Cannons on the spire can potentially hit targets 4-16 km away from the tower if winds are good but accuracy is poor. Within 4km it improves but targets need to be big. Within 1km individual gnome artillerists can spot you with scopes directly but mostly don't unless the target has a wanted poster.

Messing with the Black Sphere will make them spy on you
If you are a threat expect escalating attacks and security responses 

The central shaft
Vents energy in the form of auroras in the upper airless levels and the shaft has vast water wells around the core shaft are water shields protecting residents from aurora fields. There was a plan to vent the atmosphere of the planet using this but they went for a gate to the plane of elemental air instead (some say the upper levels have air on the inside not outside or claim the atmosphere has enlarged slightly. Elevators and stairs here are frequently blocked, trapped or guarded.

Each level is about 400m deep with a main level with its own sub-levels.

In between each is a 40m barrier limiting unofficial teleporting and gates made from lead then iron then star metal they pulled from the heavens. Magical energy conduits connect to these and siphon of some of the power absorbed constantly from the multiverse that mostly goes to the Black Sphere in the deep.

Floors has 5-7m ceilings in common areas and 30m-60m high in others
Some have cities enclosed in huge chambers or vast lake cisterns and fungus forests

Standard sub-levels:

Service Crawlspace
 that also connects air vents. These are entered by concealed trapdoor in ceilings in store rooms and are seldom used now except by vermin and some kobolds. Most are crawlspaces and vents that only a gnome could use. Some major 2m tunnels run through sections and some carry crackling cables and ceramic power fittings to the black sphere
Sub Train level to go around the level and to the lower levels accessible by stairs and lifts from the main level
Waste and Water including drains and sewers, pipes some big enough to crawl or walk-in connected to the aqueduct on ground level and the huge wells of water surrounding the central shaft to dampen magical auroras that spark around the upper levels from affecting the Chagrinspires population. Also linked to the aqueduct. Monsters and fish folk and frog folk have run rife in these areas
Storage Levels for food and basic supplies, tins of synthetic food like alchemist gruel
Secret Levels can easily be put in and could be burrowed or more recently added by kobolds or goblins. Secret factions, cults. Black Sphere command centres, grey gnome clan assassins, death guard flesh golems factories, anything.

Golemcars and maps use the old numbering system of the black sphere which also introduced decimalisation to the older sexagesimal system of ancient Exilon.

Ground level
Accessible from the plateau which is quite higher than most of the wastelands.
The former palace of the Master who was claimed to be the ruler of the world but may have been some kind of upper. The master's face is removed from statues, books and posters and rare.

The Gatehouse Palace entrance of the building was a courthouse for internal sentencing, a prison. One part of the palace is intended for staff and visitors to enter Chagrinspire. This is more like a normal dungeon in many ways.

The inside has 5 segments around the central core and water shields.
Many areas are inhospitable to life unless you are automatons or golems
S1 Factory Zone connects to rail station below, automated
S2 Workshop Zone where research projects are tested and made, abandoned but trapped 
S3a Administration Zone of scribe offices linked by pneumatic message tubes, abandoned
-Taxation Department and central bank crawling with kobolds
S3b Ministry of Information & Secret Police HQ and prison, abandoned but strange disappearances and 
crawling with kobolds
S4 Records for data retrieval and the computational data golem stacks, several cults and factions wage war here 
S5 Vault Zone for goods storage and connected to the rail system, abandoned but full of impregnable safes and automated guards who demand to see ID passports

Trance-Central Station 
A multileveled central station, crawling with automatons and golems operating and maintaining the rail system. Repair golem trains and automaton crews fix what they can and report incidents. Trains carry spare line for ad4+1 car lengths. If line is damaged the same place twice an invisible grey gnome spy investigates and can plant a surveillance orb somewhere high and turn it invisible. Agents might use sleep on anyone who might notice them then resume invisibility and flee. Further intrusions the automatons send mechanical Assassins and soldiers for search and destroy missions. Death Guard flesh golems might be sent if they fail.

Parts of the station are accessible and the network of trains might be safer than other parts of the level. Train gangs try to control what they can while avoiding the Black Sphere automatons or worse. Hell even operate a train but you probably want to start with the ground level transit gangs or a kobold train the first time.

Upper Levels
6km walls and hills surround base
4km wide base
1 Ministries of Commerce, Mining, Industry, Transport, Automation
2 Ministries of Agriculture, Labour, Beasts, Vitalology, 
3 Shopping, Museum, Null Stadium Dome, Park of Contemplation, Academy of Nullism
4 Hanger for Autogyros and Ornithopters and great aviation factories 
Ministries of Indoctrination, Information, Foreign Affairs, Native Affairs,  Welfare
3.2km wide
Menagerie, Library, Printers, Newspaper and radio 
7 Ministry of Telecommunications 
8 Aircraft Hanger for civil passenger, mail and cargo planes 
9 Aircraft Hanger for fighters and bombers 
10 Ministry of Aviation
11 Ministry of War, Barracks and training (cloning & education)
12 Ministry of Propaganda including studios and artists colony 
 Ministry of Alchemy with industrial vats for creating life
12 Ministerial Apartments
13 Ministerial Apartments
1.6km wide (14-17 now overgrown with protoplasm and primordial ooze)
 Laboratories and industrial-scale alchemy factories
 Deathguard, Abhuman & Clone Factories 
16 Protoplasm refineries for growing life forms
17 Poison gas and koboldium explosives refinery
18 Airship Hanger and factory
2km wide
19 Ministry of Weather Control 
20 Ministry of Synthetic Foods (like alchemists gruel and negamite spread)
21 Ministry of Vice
22 Ministry of Arcane Bindings

23 Ministry of Illusion
24 Ministry of Immortality
1.4km wide
25 Ministry of Epistemology
26 Ministry of Metaphysics

27 Miistry of Natural Philosophy
1.2km wide
28 Ministry of Wards & Seals
28 Ministry of 
29 Ministry of Forbidden Lore
30 Ministry of Deicide 
600m wide
31 Ministry of
 Inner Planes
32 Ministry of
 Outer Planes
33 Ministry of Illumination
34 Ministry of Astronomy (directs operations into the heavens)
400m wide
35 Hanger Level Lunar rocketry and aertherships for attacks on the moon and stars (attacks on the sun proved fruitless and made harder since the previous age of darkness of the prehistoric monster kings  
120m wide
36 Great Observation Tower & mission control

Underground Levels
These are more likely to have

1 Water Plant and refinery and portal to the plane of water installed when allies in the war blocked all the rivers leading into the region. Now this water drains from Chagrinspire to the Lake then two rivers one to the capital of the former coastal empire, the other to the Templar land capital. An additional sub-level has vast cisterns deeper than most levels. Frog and Fish folk fued and persecute bug and worm folk riding pipe currents into the water sheilds around the core but the upper levels are frozen
2 Foundry and factory and boiler room, all the heated water and pneumatic tubes are powered from here. All powered by a fire elemental gate that has released a gang of monsters
3 Workers Undercity miserable barracks for workers and families now battled over by gangs and various factions
4 Black Sphere Control Centre This is sealed in a stasis field operated from the inside

There are 3 Great Caverns

Karag-Thul The Waste Cavern
 full of garbage and scrapped automatons and golems who rebuilt each other crudely. Other factions live here too building own villages. Giant bugs and goblin scrappers have some areas under control. A ruined dwarf city is buried here and evil dwarves and morlocks and derro live in the deep.

Argmarrak The Lake Cavern full of monsters, frog and fish folk kingdoms waging war and tense stalemates

Pengarringtagor The Grey Cavern is a grey gnome city where the Black Spere gnomes are just a faction here. Miserable gnomes and peoples from all the underland come here to trade and sell slaves and buy drugs and food since before humans existed. One heretic sect worked on the problems of suffering and pain and so built thinking machines that concluded that Chagrinspire and the Black Sphere nullification of time and space was the solution. When ready they seduced human alchemy guilds with guns and automatons. They convinced wizard cults of the outer gods to betray their masters, Binding them and stealing their secrets and power. The cultists would betray their gods and willfully help kill and enthral them and other younger human gods.

Mostly it's a city of gloom and miserable drug addicts and slaves serving bored depressed masters who just get high on mushrooms. Some whole districts have been taken over by non gnome factions and the gnomes actually squabble. The rich grey gnomes to the common citizens and slaves all seem equally put upon by existing and are miserable. 
The rich do find drugs and luxury help pass the time. There are also sadistic cruel black hat gnomes who like to enslave and torment strangers and the redcaps that just rob and eat people. There are rather more secretive and boring esoteric ones not up to anything worthwhile, Dark elves, beast folk, goblinoids and kobolds all have their own districts in this famous trade city. 

Common food is lumpy white barley cooked mushroom dough, mushrooms, bugs, fish, worms, frogs. Rich food has spices and drugs unheard of by surface people. Despite the endless plays, intrigue, and orgies life is a chore and half-hearted. Their gods are even more miserable.

The Black Sphere 
Does anybody know?

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Chagrinspire Secret Rail Network 4 Orc Pain Train

Orc Pain Train Engine LE
This train golem is being operated by orcs who have decorated it with lots of rusty spikey things, blood, sheets of metal, chains and restrained dead and living enemies. They have taken many armoured and armed cars but the upkeep for them is costly and used sparingly. The Black Sphere operated orc troops in the past but like orcs did in the age of monster kings they got fed up and rioted). Various trains accept the orders of orcs and some outsider orcs of different lineage have taken some trains. Orcs fight each other.

d12 Current Route & Destination
1 Upper Chagrinspire - into upper levels of Chagrinspire to fight local factions
2-3 Central Line - into the mid-levels of Chagrinspire
 to fight local factions
4-6 Lower Line - into the ground and first four levels of Chagrinspire
 to fight local factions
7-8 Underground Line - into sub-ground industrial and goblin mine areas
9 Wasteland Express - to raid for supplies and recruit more orcs
10 Gatehouse Level Loop
11 Underland Express - through the three deep caverns
12 Orc CIty - an underground utopia for ancient orc civilisation 

Barbarian Orc Engine CN 
Wilderness nomads with druids or shaman, with stone weapons. Ride wargs or sabretooths or another Pleistocene beast, out to kill wizards and magicians. Having a great adventure has brought families to join them with plants and animals from home. Many eventually load up with captured weapons and wizard heads and return home to glory or merge with another faction after a few generations. Some non orcs are tribe members even human barbarians and abhumans. They abandoned slavery and now kill slavers and assimilate slaves they save 

Hell's Orcs Engine LE 
Hell minions and use arcane magic and steel more and may have features from the Diablo Express trains and even cars from them. Hell, worshipers assured they will be abishai and work their way up. Bring imps, hellhounds and devils. Many have been to hell and say its awesome with eternal war and suffering everywhere. They seek any captive with a souls they can steal their souls and sell their bodies. Some they force to make oaths to hell and brand them as hell slaves

3 Evil Lord's Orc's Engine NE 
Serve wizards or the evil one with mass-produced iron weapons and armour often have a human wizard or evil priest in command (or did have once). They worship the dark lord and await his orders. In the meantime, they fight and plunder and recruit orcs to the cause. Dead orcs are to made zombies to fight on animated by the dark lords power and if orcs dont join them they are enemies. Leaders will have fell magic weapons

4 Black Spere Orcs LE 
Black Sphere infantry (most mutineers, 1in6 in loyalist) in uniforms with guns and evil priests & undead support (mine sweepers and meat sheilds and some carry mines). Efficient and rely on guns and strict battlefield methodology. They love guns and army life and loyalists are cloned from a loyal unit that never rebelled. They do as they need to, follow orders and dont take pleasure in it or dwell on it. Rebel units attack Black Sphere forces, rob anyone for food and supplies and are always more scruffy and cautious   

5 Chaos Orcs CE
Chaos warband with salvaged anachronistic weapons and mutations often with a patron demon and a sorcerer. Rely on numbers and lack discipline and hygiene. Cant fight in closed formations and try to challenge enemies to one-on-one combat rather than sensible efficient modern war that kills everyone. Carry mutagenic waste and accept some non-orcs into the band but often goblinoids, ogres, or evil demihumans. Have various mutant scavengers with them and weird warped beasts of the wasteland. May have chaos wizards, sorcerers or demon cultists with them too

6 Cyclops Orcs LN 
Arcane smiths with quality weapons and skills with magical technology able to repurpose found engines and golems. Have hijacked various golems and automatons to serve them and their best hurl lightning javelins and use magic swords and hammers. They will make goods for sale and trade scrap for shiny treasure they dont like preferring metal. Their kind used to serve gods and giants and are always scheming to steal griffon gold. They sacrifice magic items all the time to their misshaped smith god. Here for metal and to take over manufacturing facilities to sell arms to the world

7 Pirate Orcs CN 
Come from a ship at sea, roamed as mercenaries and ended up here running a train with some local orc know-how. Orcs from all over the world are among them with several cults. They are willing to work with orcs but other species are fair game to kill and enslave if they don't surrender and present their food and valuables. Have lots of strange arbitrary rules and punishments and have a marine command structure. All kinds of weapons and foreign fighting orcs and experts with boarding tactics with ropes and grappling irons and climbing

8 Underland Orcs LN or CN 
Tribes from the deep who served monster kings in the age of darkness then rebelled and have developed their own culture and orc gods and orc wizardry. This will be a mercenary band come to explore the surface and trade with home from a fortification. Using the train as a mobile base they are exploring and meeting other factions and orc people. Surprisingly civilised they have adapted to guns, alchemy and train combat seriously. Most will be common mercenaries but often in the service of a hero or magician or a party of orc adventurers 

Artillery Car
Car with a cannon turret, heavily armoured with gun ports and smaller mounted weapons. A Squad of armed orcs specialising in train combat are ready inside. Another dozen troops operate the gun and defend the car. Its firing arc is more effective outdoors where the train is not in the arc of fire or in the way. Doors and hatches are very solid and smallarms and non magic weapon resistant. 

Cheif Car
Armoured fighting car where the chief sleeps and holds court. Lots of ladders and hatches and ports and weapon racks. The cheif and elites will usually be here if not fighting or eating. Some keep a pet or jester or a prisoner here also with huge fur rugs, carved wooden idols, severed heads mounted on boards, displays of teeth collections. The chief may negotiate or flee to the artillery car.

Feast Hall Car
The elites and guests gorge themselves to celebrate and the scraps go to the lower ranks. A long table with a podium one end for speakers or entertainers or a band. If in use a dozen orcs, a sub boss and d4 pets.  There are d4+2 servants supplying food and drink. If a feast is off there may be some sleeping drunks (3d4-4) and a d4 pets may be snoozing or eating bones or looking for orc vomit to eat. 

Cooks Car
Cooks work around the clock with cauldrons for soup and gruel, ovens for bread and roasts and fire pits with spitroast sizzling meat. Typically everything is best brown and lumpy A plate of olives, mushrooms, shredded goat, nuts, turnips and beets. Fermented meat and cabbage may be in pots and explode if broken, Mat keeps a beehive in a pot and other dangerous or creepy critters like snakes or worms. The head cook is a brutal fighting cleaver master who commands a d4+4 servant. The head is skilled at throwing stuff like hot soup, oil, rotten eggs, jar of sour kraut, beehive, knives, poison spiders,  snakes or whatever. The servants may be captives or desperate hirelings like kobolds or goblins.  

Food Car
Where troops take turns to eat at swill troughs dolled out by fat orc cooks with cauldrons and big spoons and forks and clever. Cooks visiting here have a hot cauldron of food and will throw hot food at enemies with giant spoons or hit troublemakers. Mostly a mess or being cleaned in between shifts of eaters. Twenty to thirty orcs will be here eating when on use otherwise might be cleaner half the time.

Cage Fight Car
A caged area in the middle used for organised fights for training, recreation or rituals of domination and subordination. When busy it will be crowded with screaming orcs watching a fight. Messy with graffiti and beer bottles otherwise and some blood. Orcs use to let off steam and train. 

Barracks Car xd4+1
Up to 25 orcs sleep here in hammocks and on the floor or sitting round playing dice, smoking, drinking, sewing and cleaning weapons or counting loot. Its easier to clib the roof than squeeze through. 

Temple Car
Magians decorate to their spell tradition with idols, a cauldron, braziers, taxidermy monstrosities, mummy case, skulls, strange trinkets and incense, A magician and followers work here and prepare advice for the chief and magical preparations. May have own pets and guardians and magic defences. Temples keep their own treasure chests with magic traps and 

Workshop Car
Where smiths, magicians and crafters toil with benches, cauldrons and a d4+4 work experts making stuff. Racks of unfinished weapons and looted items are being orcified with some spikes and skulls if possible. In some cases a wizard might make more orcs or abhuman oorcs here from prisoners or magic muck in the alchemist fashion.

Box Car xd3
Supplies and shelves of supplies. Also for livestock and passenger goods and servants or pets. Often orcs operate some unauthorised vice like gambling or drug abuse. 

Prison Car
Captives will be in cages in poor condition and hygiene with at least 4 guards and a torture cell with an expert interrogator. Various prisoners of any sort might be found but some rivals or enemies. They might keep hostages or sacrifices or punish their own kind or freight slaves

Corpse Car 
For undead and bodies claimed for processing for undead or food or other uses. Often just in bags hanging or on shelves, possibly some caskets. If the orcs use necromancy or evil priest magic their will be a specialist in here with assistants and undead ready to be deployed. More powerful undead need coffins for everyone's sake or they moan 

Armoured Guard Car
Car with a cannon turret, heavily armoured with gun ports and smaller mounted weapons. A Squad of armed orcs specialising in train combat are ready inside. Another dozen troops operate the gun and defend the car. Its firing arc is more effective outdoors where the train is not in the arc of fire or in the way.

d12 Encounters
1 Young or servants performing menial steward chores
2 Ticket collector and four orc guards
3 Orc selling drugs and ciggarettes
4 Dozen orc skirmishers all good climbers searching for thieves
5 Dozen heavy orc infantry to or from dinner
6 Orc spell caster and 4 assistants 
7 Orc sub boss with 4 elite orc abhumans
8 Prisoner in chains being taken to cells
9 Envoys of a different orc faction here to make a deal
10 Orc bounty hunters looking for a wanted target
11 Spy from rival faction murder a passenger to make trouble
12 Non orc passengers like demihumans or goblinoids or something weirder

d12 Decor
1 Chains (good for climbers)
2 Spikes (bad for climbers)
3 Blood
4 Corpse chained to wall
5 Painted angry tusked face
6 Flayed human skin nail
7 Battered armour plates
8 Soot and burn damage
9 Severed heads in a bundle
10 Charred skulls and bones
11 Spitoon or chamber pot
12 Beer bottles

d12 Hazards
1 Crossbow trap
2 Poisoned needle on door handle
3 Safe looking handle breaks off
4 Horrible stench or miasma
5 Swarm of vermin like rats or fleas or flies
6 Scythe or pendulum trap 
7 Guillotine concealed in a window trap
8 Concealed or weak hole in the floor
9 Bear trap hidden under garbage on floor
10 Mimic in form of a d4 1=chest 2=throne 3=iron maiden 4=bookshelf
11 Firehazzard from garbage, oil and gunpowder spilled here
12 Choking smoke from orc braziers, cauldrons or torches

d12 Adventures
1 Some orcs want help robbing the payroll of a rival orc train
2 Missing fugitives hiding on an orc train are accepted by the leader
3 Orcs come by train to raid a village for food, and villagers want help
4 A wizard offers magic weapons and potions for recovering a missing scroll
5 An orc will pay if a rival sub-boss is assassinated and clues left blaming another rival
6 An orc train wants help to seize a rival train and assimilate the survivors and ants help
7 Orcs want help to seize valuable automatons deep under Chagrinspire 
8 Orc barbarians know where there are wizards to kill and want help
9 The chief wants a dragon killed and wants to drop off hired adventurers near its lair with some troops
10 Some berserkers with an orc band need killing as they are turning out to be a problem to the boss who is more open to non-violence
11 Orcs want to kill a wizard and help an orc faction save the wizards orcs from slavery. They want experienced outsiders to face the wizard
12 An orc boss wants a necromancer or evil priest eliminated so they can join another faction

d20 Items
1 Magic chain +1
2 Magic cestus +1 +2 vs humans
3 Cast iron hand grenade with fuse
4 Incendiary bomb in clay bottle with fuel and fuse
5 Magic spear or axe or sword +1
6 Bottle of arrow venom
7 Box with 2d6 silver arrows or bolts or shot
8 Medalion holds one evil priest spell
9 Evil cult Medalion 30gp
10 Sheild +1 with a spike or weird face design
11 Whip +1 or club +1
12 Stink bomb with a fuse
13 Smoke bomb with a fuse
14 D6 fire arrows with fuses
15 Rock in a pouch with a permanent light spell on it
16 Lasso or net +1
17 Wrist band with concealed +1 garrotte
18 D6 poison darts save or +d4 damage
19 SIlver Horm once a week summons 12 skeletons
20 Black orb a 2-way crystal ball used by the black sphere for messages

Sunday 15 September 2024

d12 Divine Manifestations of Wrath

Pissed off a god? It happens.
Its always eye gems in temples

Gods are notoriously lazy and hide lots so when a god is really mad it can be a bit minimal effort. Might be indiscriminate like a curse or a monster that plagues a region and divination reveals who pissed the god off and is to blame. 

Maybe atonement might be possible to negotiate with a cult before the god takes it personally,

You might not roll rather use as a sequence of escalation like a doom factor
If manifestation is defeated just go to the next higher result

d12 Divine Manifestations
1 A specialist order of assassin cultists is given a divine order to punish a heretic. Most of religion don't know these guys exist
2 A cult champion with their followers will receive a quest to punish the wicked one, inspired by a vision
3 A church leader has a vision from a messenger of the god and the church declare the target a enemy of the church and leverage political power and reach to appease the god. They will use powerful magic to send curses and powerful enemies
Call a crusade of warriors and desperate pilgrims to fight the enemy of god, inspired by a messenger from the godhead offering special bonus rewards in the next life
5 A ruler is sent a vision of the divine and they organise a group of knights to make an oath to quest against the gods named enemies
6 A monster or spirit or lesser minion of the god is sent to spread mischief while avoiding confrontations 
7 A supernatural minion from the army of the god is sent to punish the wicked (possibly a dead hero might return to life for one more job)
8 A divine personal servant of the god is sent to punish the foe from the gods household, a lesser deity or greater spirit often it takes over a statue for a material form
9 Beast form of the god varies depending on the deity and preferences of pets but gargantuan size from legend. It can be a hybrid or monstrous creature manifesting the gods wrath
10 Elemental, energy or weather phenomena as abnormally larger than normal 
11 Human form (may take the body of a cultist) has standard attributes of an avatar and will in person punish enemies
12 Titanic form will rampage looking for the enemy and causing damage to people's property in the way

Monday 9 September 2024

First and Final Encounters in Chagrinspire & Death Guard

Some fluff for your first contact on the road inwards and for later wasteland travel. 
These are mood setters to explore the setting and give some more odd memorable encounters. A bit of a mixed sweets today 

any subjects I need to do more on?
more monsters?
more automaton sexy clockwork assassins?
trains stuff high-priority now

Death Guard**
Black Sphere Flesh Golems
AC +6 HD 8 (40hp) Unarmed x2 2d8 Morale 12 (8 if alone) Mov 12 
They may also grab or punch or kick as use a weapon +4 damage bonus
-one hand hold gives +2 to hit further attacks vs the held target, each round after d8 damage
-two hands hold, 
+4 to be hit while held, automatic 2d8 as target torn in half,   
All in a constant telepathic link within 1km, share needed HP to wounded comrades
Requires +2 weapons to harm, regenerates 1hp per round except vs fire or acid
Severed parts after battle might be a menace AC+3 HDd4 Punch d4 or grab 
Electricity does not harm them but acts as a haste spell for a d4 round after a hit

Equipped with a leather helmet with a chin strap and trunks with straps over shoulders but mostly naked. Often carry a short haft large large-bladed spear made of solid steel. Good for throwing like a javelin but does 2d8 and for hitting enemies like burning elementals best not touched by hand. Require beyond human attributes to use

Made by the black sphere initially in vat-grown protoplasm then later from human body parts rendered down into protoplasm or recycled tissue. The process became cruder and more out of control and is now rarely seen. At the height of the apocalypse war, they wiped out most of the armies of the world and almost depopulated the continent of humans.  Mad in batches called gangs are sent on search and destroy missions and kill any moving thing larger than a rat on a patrol route or t then resume searching or if instructed await orders. 
Their extensive mind link allows to cover more ground to scout then swarm to attack together. The longer they are used the more likely the mindlinked gang go insane. Once this happens they go on an out-of-control killing spree like a river of angry flesh. The recycled ones broke down faster and were vulnerable to mutations while the pure-plasm ones are more resistant. Some lasted longer on guard duty without violence or alone. Their flesh is useless for necromancy due to alchemical vat treatments. 

Some say the psychic utterances and cries of these beings called Xor to the world - a universe of living flesh that eats other worlds.  Legend says the trolls we know now wiped out troll civilisation before the gods and giants and dragons were even fighting.

A Quad is a minimal gang of four
A section is eight 
A squad. 
with 16 is a squad
bigger groups are increasingly dangerous and they may turn on the masters

They don't have officers or commanders with them but one per squad will have an antenna for sending brief reports to the home base and receiving orders. Berserk units tear the antenna out or eat the comms unit.

d6 Varients
1 Fresh pure-plasm formed and mindwiped and frozen between missions by gnome handlers. Wear iron cuirasses 
and helmets AC+8 plus extra spears and sometimes will carry bombs and morale 12 
2 Old plasm found in old labs, more prone to confusion, insanity with only 100 range mind-link and too dumb to use weapons other than victims they grab. They don't last long morale 10  
3  Recycled freshly in service unit as standard on mission morale 12
4 Bloodied and still obedient, some scarred, a few improvising and using weapons even just hurling them. Morale 11 
5 Veterans are sketchy and more individual in appearance and behaviour, some with guns and homemade weapons like trench clubs 
6 Berserk are insane and kill everything till they are killed Morale 12 +2 hit and damage fight to -10hp
Ones in decline are sent on more dangerous missions like d4 1=chaos behind enemy lines 2=lead a wall breach 3=charge a position 4=guard isolated places

Failing Morale tests accelerates their chance to crack up
Incongruant orders -1 morale
Deathguard vs Deathguard -1 morale
Lose half the death guard or the gang loses half hp
Sole unit in a gang -2 morale
Aerial or artillery bombardment -1
Survive the awful gory battle surrounded in blood

First breakdown save vs confusion 2d4 rounds and telepathic link breaks
Second and later save, they become berserk and begin craving flesh and blood even though they do not need to eat but heal 1hp per person or medium fresh corpse they eat

Some loners survive and resist a second save roll here

d6 Deathguard Lone Survivor
1 Sick of violence and wanders away looking for peace and isolation possibly at high altitudes where humans can't breathe.
 Immune to berserkerism and will take lots of hits before sprinting away to recover
2 Fetal position sobbing and ignoring the world would be happy if it was buried (but then goes berserk if it is dug up later)
3 Questions violence and dedicates itself to killing potentially violent beings it encounters for peace. 
Immune to berserkerism and will take lots of hits before sprinting away to recover
4 Wander off and find some books and spend months becoming miserable philosophers in a cave or ruin and wearing clothes and 1in6 learns to speak or write, 
Immune to berserkerism
5 Wants to join human society and convince people it means no harm without speech by mime. If rejected with violence it makes a morale roll to avoid going berserk
6 Finds a hide and becomes a slow stalking methodical killer who craves human flesh and brand and looks increasingly weird and hairy. Immune to berserkerism


This is some stuff to set the vibe when entering thee wastes and first few trips.
Once in the wastes you can see the wall around the base of Chagrinspire half crumbling ruin and smothered by mud. Most people in the continent can see the middle section and sometimes the top

The second table is weirder scary encounters which may lead to knowledge of the secrets of Chagrinspire

d12 First Encounters on the way to Chagrinspire
1 Scavengers searching through garbage stop and stare at passersby and will flee if spoken to or approached (some bands don't trust outsiders)
2 A hungry child urchin begs for food and wants to tag along. Explains an angel told them and other children to come on a children's crusade here (there are an awful lot of kids like this in the wasteland who or what is tricking them to come here) 
3 Kobolds are banging an artillery shell with hammers to open it (boom)
4 See a distant explosion or hear them in the distance
5 See geese flying at the mid-levels of Chagrinspire (about 8km up)
6 Slavers chasing some people through a minefield, after explosions some are wounded hanging in barbed wire crying for help
7 Robed men in the distance load a cart with corpses and fend away vultures, when they see you they flee into the wastes away from your path
8 Muddy lone crusader knight on a horse looking for missing squire before leaving, asks strangers if they seen anyone  on travels
9 Merchant with two wagons and a dozen soldiers, some with muskets, the rest with crossbows. Wary of strangers but friendly if credentials are good. If they like strangers, they will invite them to join them until they reach the next trading post
10 Two men fighting over a small wooden box with six bottles of imperial gold brandy are getting hurt quite badly. Both are bandits and will be surprised if strangers get close while fighting
11 Donkey with a pack nibbling at the grass with a pack of scavenged junk, there is no clue as to who owns it (maybe the owner is a highly resentful jerk)
12 See distant auroras around Chagrinspire seemingly influencing weather

d12 Weird Encounters in the Wastes of Chagrinspire
1 Hear screaming men, explosions and guns. Animals uncomfortable. Anyone with any spirit sight might sense the dead soldier's spirits re-enacting an ancient battle (which might be horrifying and require a fear save if you can see it)
2 Hear an explosion and some screams. See several black sphere made flesh golems run towards some dust or smoke in the distance. If you look where they were there are the remains of torn-apart adventurer corpses and equipment mostly smashed but valuables left and possibly some magic (this is to make these horrors a feared presence for the future)
3 See the earth crack and earth fall into the opening d4 1=sinkole into a buried ruin 2=a trench system and dugout entrance is exposed 3=ancient tunnel or sewer system collapsed 4=guargantuan fleshbore worm size of a bridge raises IRS head and roars then departs
4 Mechanpod giant beetles excavating muddy crater for corpses it loads onto a steam traction engine (they will go to an underground lab so the bodies can be made into undead or flesh golems) 
5 Feel a voice in your mind from below begging for aid and promising power and cruel destruction for your enemies (god or a demon killed in the apocalypse war seeks to be revived but needs the Black Sphere power siphon removed from its corpse to return as a lesser spirit or demon unable to do much it claims but it is as arrogant as it used to be)
6 Twitching and crawling body parts in a burned crater (parts of destroyed flesh golems which could be repaired) 
7 See a classic dungeon beast with a few unpleasant cosmetic mutations like tentacles and tumours. It is sick and vomiting blood or dragging its but leaving a trail of dungeon threadworms and has some barbed wire on its leg. It would be an easy kill but the corpse would be a biohazard. If the creature is somehow helped it might like the party
8 Meet a wounded on the run alchemist in an ancient lab uniform of the Black Sphere who offers gold to help get out of the wasteland. Locals know this is a bad idea but point the way, but they know to keep away. Chagrinspire will send a d4 1=automaton assassins 2=deathguard 3=gnome sappers in mole machine or airship deploy automatons first or mines or bombs 4=killdozer juggernaut golem with magical tracking. He has important plans he hopes to sell to the faraway rich city alchemist guilds (plans to make an inferior death guard or an automaton or other monstrosity)
9 Something is sobbing and shaking under a pile of earth and locals will warn stay away (this broken death guard loner will go berserk if disturbed from its immortal misery)
10 Find a damaged cart with d4 dead passengers and donkey (hit a land mine or were carrying explosive weapons they found) 
11 Scavenger sees newcomers and mentions a possibly bad tip for adventurers d4 1=to a slavers camp 2=hidden cultist shrine 3=offers to sell a treasure map of ruins with a dangerous monster  4=a small community welcomes traders
12 An animal follows the party and seems friendly and is a supernatural being d4 1=curious spirit animal folk 2=hungry lycanthrope 3=imp spy from hell  4=druid shapeshifter seeks help and looking worthy allies. Eventually tells of how two rival druid factions one who create monsters to make the waste worse for everyone to slow The Black Sphere vs the old way who want to heal the waste and stop the black sphere forever.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Under Chagrinspire

Sequel to d100 Underground entrances

This deals with underground passage types you can discover

Tunnels and passages are everywhere under Chagrinspire, sometimes overlapping or connecting. Each has its own character.

There are three great caverns under Chagrinspire almost a kilometre tall. 
One has a great grey gnome city of Gloomheim the greatest underland trade city of the underland. The 
Black Sphere gnomes came from here but are a minority faction.  

The second is a vast mushroom forest crawling with fell faerie and goblinoid folk and creepy crawling giant vermin. 

The third is a vast garbage dump with a kingdom of dumped automatons, beast folk tribes and worm cultists. There is also a ruined city of the old ones here back to the dawn age and used by the monster kings in the age of darkness and then necromances. The 
Black Sphere sealed the old ones city off and only allowed approved researchers inside not cultists. 

Black Sphere flesh golems
Weild a steel short spear and all others within 120 range are mindlinked in unison
 and pool and share HP. They are brutal destroyers and many become increasingly deranged so are sent to the front lines to be a river of mayhem and murder. When out of control they swarm in a group mind vs any other moving thing not in the group. When "killed" body parts will still twitch and move and can be recycled for new golems or seed new clones. Some compare these horrors with the stupidity of troll ancients breeding a regenerating war troll that replaced the old troll civilisation with chaos. New ones will obey Black Sphere commanders they trained with. The longer they live the more they revolt. They don't talk but understand orders. It's unclear if they feel, care, or think when created   

d12 Tunnel Types
1 Natural cavern tunnels lead to the great caverns under Chagrinspire decorated with prophetic cave art waning of the coming of the Black Sphere
2 Ancient burrows of living creatures giant worms, land sharks, mega bugs, kaiju and colossal beasts. Can be risky and random but often link to long-buried ruins or the deep caverns. They say trolls gnawed these passages in the earth like worms early in creation
3 Ancient dwarven underground highways, very straight, dug in the middle dawn age before modern humans existed, geometric designs with vast statues of forgotten dwarven gods and heroes. Side passages link to the greater caves under the wasteland. Underland traders use these to cross the continent and trade hidden from humans
4 Monster Kingdom underground highways, tunnelled to enemies to occupy them even underseas to link them to their slaver city buried by Shadelport today to other continents or under hazards like mountains. Many of these crawl with monsters, traps and curses. Link to the greater caves under the wasteland. After the fall of the monster age of darkness, they were used by the necromancer era peoples leaving undead everywhere
5 Kobold Highway is a dungeon complex built of redbrick built by kobolds who bound evil s[irits here to worship and bring the dungeons to life. Kobolds often live at gateways and bunkers on the highway stops and goblins or abhumans might claim these tunnels. Many surface links to places kobolds use including kobold-operated train stations and bases for train gangs 
6 Flooded caves and ancient tunnels are common and include underground rivers and the vast underwater lakes in the deep. Aquatic beings especially fish and frog folk will occupy these with passages to Lake Vinigar on the surface or deep cave lakes. There may be air filed chambers and ruins only accessible by water breathers or amphibians  
7 Goblin-infested mines often link to industrial sites on the surface and the underground fungus caverns especially. They trade with kobolds and operate ancient mines abandoned by the Black Sphere. Many sections are abandoned but noises will carry vast distances  
8 Sewers and drains of the ancients often connect to rivers and wetlands and even some deep caverns. Sewerage-dwelling telepathic tentacled horrors charge a toll of corpses and excrement to pass. Rat and frog folk battle here and fish folk sometimes scout them. Effluent from alchemical factories on the Plateau and across the waste are toxic mutagens
9 Pneumatic Tube Line a metal circular tunnel system mostly not functional as rats ate all the seals. Metal tube trains were sucked and pushed to stations and the system was a late edition which failed. Rust-eating monsters love it here but they do like other metals. Automatons don't come here. Some lines are functional often connecting to a black sphere outpost, automaton centre or laboratory. Some now operate with a air elemental behind and a void elemental in the front as the tubes were too difficult to seal and make airtight
10 Service tunnels often near the surface with various pipes (water, steam, oil, message pods) and cables (for magical energy-feeding Chagrinspire). Small golem carts were used some 2-4 passengers with 1in6 pull d6 trailers each seating. Skating and kill cart kobolds love these areas but automatons and grey gnome sapper troops may use them also  
11 Automated freight train line tunnels - intruders are treated like a disease by machines
12 Chagrinspire passenger train rail line tunnels radiate across the wasteland

d10 Under Chagrinspire Encounters
1 Demihumans
2 Humanoids
3 Abhumans
4 Humans
5 Beast
Slime & Fungi 
7 Undead
8 Created
9 Supernatural
10 Black Sphere

d100 Travellers To Meet
01 Dwarven adventurers strayed from their highway and know the closest path back 
02 Chaos dwarf berserkers demand battle
03 Derro slavers use magic to ambush travellers
04 Morlocks roam looking for food humanoids or dinner
05 Underworld gloomy elven nomad scouts seek a passage to a good camp
06 Nasty malicious elves from the roots of the world tree here to cause mischief
07 Elven adventurers scouting for signs of the Black Sphere revival
08 Grey gnome traders dislike their kin serving the black sphere faction
09 Grey gnome sappers with humanoid automatons and a mini tank golem or mole machine
10 Halfling adventurers might demand cash or offer experience as guides
11 Orc subterranean tribal hunters, the smaller light-shunning kind 
12 Orc barbarians seeking adventure and wizards to kill
13 Hobgoblin squad or reaction of soldiers on a long range patrol
14 Bugbear headhunters in an ambush or bugbear mercenaries charging a toll
15 Goblins riding bats or wolves or ants from underground tribe raiding
16 Goblin miners on way to a mine or market
17 Goblin shaman followers including fungoid abhumans and shroomling 
18 Goblin rat herders with giant rats to or from the market
19 Kobold traders or workers with pack geckos
20 Kobolds scouts or soldiers on the rampage
21 Young giants or ogres rambling on a youthful adventure
22 Frog or fish folk know best local flooded tunnels 
23 Cave or wild folk live as tribes in the deep and often seek to colonise a new cave
24 Rat or mole folk are often keen to eat surface people 
25 Lizard or dinosaur or snake or dragon folk adventurers led by a magician
26 Lamprey or bat folk seek blood to drink and for offerings to their demon gods
27 Ant or Isopod folk are common insect abhumans but other arthropods are possible
28 Reptlian troglodytes with a shaman trying to drive out rival species with stench and violence
29 Firenewts with a wizard and various fire lizards and fire toad pets
30 Elemental abhumans from colonies stranded in apocalypse war and now hide in the deeps or near elemental nodes or portals
31 Human barbarians here to smash magic stuff and kill wizards
32 Crusaders very lost (possibly generations and colourless)
33 Cult pilgrims seeking ancient secrets to get power and sacrifice or enslave with drugs or spells anyone they meet
34 Subterranean mutant tribe speaking ancient with tattered relics of ancients, they come from a ruined city in a great cavern ruled by a demon cult (thus many leave)
35 Androids soldiers made in Black Sphere lab often equipped with spears or veterans will have captured and learned other weapons and equipment
36 Clone soldiers made in Black Sphere lab often equipped with muskets and uniforms, all conditioned to be fighting for their families vs the outsider allies
37 Human adventurers from surface possibly lost and desperate and hungry
38 Lycanthropes looking for a lair and exploring
39 Scavengers from surface lost
40 Wizard with students and mercenaries exploring and looting
41 Owlbear or hook hand horror sniffing for meat
42 Ochre Hulk or tentacled sewer monster (will trade corpses for passage)
43 Purple worm or group of giant leeches or prehistoric colossal centipede
44 Giant crabs or lobsters or cave fisher
45 Giant beetles or arachnids or scorpions
46 Giant lizards or dinosaur or draconic monster
47 Chimeric hybrid magical monstrosity demands a toll
48 Giant mutated mostly blind cave creature
49 Swarm of vermin d41=rats 2=stirge 3=flies 4=crabs
50 Minotaur or giant or gang of ogres
51 Fungus abhumans often led by a magician
52 Slime abhumans are hideous gelatinous humanoid protoplasm 
53 Shroomlings a small fungus folk mostly friendly (reskin halflings)
54 Ambulant fungus beast that has teeth and a spore blast
55 Amber jelly often lurk in sewerage or come from drains
56 Screaming mushrooms
57 Explosive mushrooms
58 Spore-infected zombies controlled with fungal growths
59 Choking mould colony
60 Green slime
61 Zombie soldiers with skeleton archers
62 Ghouls led by a ghast
63 Wight warrior with a d4 half-strength new thralls
64 Spectral warriors 
65 Spectral spirits from ancient times may have information or want help to rest
66 Shadows ooze from dark cracks
67 Mummy with skeleton minions seeking stolen treasure
68 Undead giant reptiles or dinosaurs
69 Skeleton warrior with skeleton thralls
70 Poltergiest rattle and hurls rocks
71 Automaton soldier with musket or several
72 Automaton miniature steam tank 
73 Fleshgolem with broken mindlink to its kindred mindlessly rampaging
74 Shoggoth
75 Living statues
76 Gargoyles
77 Rock golem
78 Mole machine automaton gone berserk when crew killed
79 Automated repeating crossbow guard passage
80 Juggernaut as wide as passage here to clean up
81 Elemental
82 Minor devil or demon with cultists (might be demihumans)
83 Fire or frost salamander
84 Underground nature spirit is bored
85 Spirit folk changeling wanderer currently in human or humanoid form d12 1=spider 2=slug 3=rat 4=bat 5=mole 6=toad 7=badger 8=mushroom 9=fish 10=snake 11=newt 12=lizard
86 Plane-shifting spiders
87 Soul-eating black mist
88 Tentacle brain dimensional horror 
89 Spectral hounds from beyond
90 Invisible stalker guarding passage
91 Doppelganger spies made by the Black Sphere labs
92 Invisible grey gnome spies reporting to the Black Sphere
93 Alchemist leading clone or orc soldiers seeking rare ingredients
94 Cultists serving the Black Sphere seek lost records on beings they can summon to be summoned into the web of power of Chagrinspire to be consumed and help power the Black Sphere. They fight outsider and demon cults especially often with guns and clone or orc soldiers
95 Mole machine with squad of d4 1=grey gnome sappers 2=automaton infantry 3=clone soldiers 4=mindlinked fleshgolems, the machine is a oneway weapon to release a rampaging river of mindless violent flesh
96 Mutant scavengers commanded by a wizard more interested in looting than violence
97 Black Sphere alchemist controlling jacked zombies with control implants to dominate the animating spirits of the dead - these implants can be reused and they need more zombies to fight other Black Sphere factions 
98 Wraith commanding shadows search the underland for stolen keys required by the Black Sphere
99 Void elementals from beyond the cosmos seem to be attracted by Chagrinspire and come to eat souls or find worshipers so they can assume a physical demon form
100  The great leader (a clone) seeks to conquer the black sphere with an army of d4 1=orcs 2=clones 3=andoids 4=mutants. The leader seeks to capture ancient bunkers of secret weapons or factories to make soldiers and really believes they are the real despot from a thousand years ago. They will attack other leader clones and claim their followers

Friday 6 September 2024

d12 Cataclysmic Encounters & Weird Wasteland Locations

Are players bored of mud and bad food?
Just pop in one of these into any hex 

Sites might be buried and uncovered, hidden in nearby dimensions and returned or might just reappear from some temporal effect. These places will be contested by rival people

d12 Cataclysmic Encounters
1 Great two or three or four-legged war automaton with a d3 seperate10d6 cannon stomps on the way to destroy some target d4 1=scavengers looting train lines 2=barbarian camp 3=fight a monster 4=seal an exposed ruin with artillery fire
2 Guargantuan shaggy beast a draconic being whos quills fire like longbow shots and it creates fire. It is looking for livestock to eat and looking for settlers it can scare into feeding it - intelligent but can't speak human only dragon. Loves young purple worms best 
3 Guargantuan black pudding oozes to the surface and guards a  strange ruin
4 Vast expanding carpets of giant worms slowly ooze over several acres scouring it of organic matter for several days until ravens in the thousands decent and finish them off
5 Witness a distant airship or biplane bomber squadron drop bombs and destroy a wizard's camp killing everyone or see  a dragon destroy several fighter biplanes
6 Witness a skeleton army battle a squad of automatons with machine guns on a tracked golem car troop carrier. The automatons depart after the battle unless anyone seems a threat
7 Witness group mind flesh golems grown in black sphere labs swarm from ruin and slaughter and loot crusader soldiers then march into a nearby sub-train station. They swarm and kill anyone in their way with new looted weapons
8 See a star fall in the distance and various beings all get ready to set off to loot what they can from the star people or perhaps some star metal or celestial crystals (things falling from sky tables). Sometimes many objects fall and bring strange new things even black sphere moon rockets
9 A great cloud of strange vapour drowns the lowlands of the wastes (miasma tables)
10 See a huge hole in the earth happen and a huge sinkhole falls into some underground complex d4 1=mines 2=bunker 3=caverns 4=kaiju prison (see kaiju tables)
11 Aurauras from the Chagrinspre expand and are visible for a d4 days affecting the whole waste and making many just hide till it over (see aurora tables)
12 A great herd of beasts from the southern planes arrive to pick at some mineral deposits across the wasteland. 1in4 are followed by a barbarian tribe who hate and fear most magic d4 1=mammoths or other megafauna 2=dinosaurs 3=bison or auroch 4=deer or elk

d12 Weird Wasteland Locations
 Unknown settlement most likely they prefer it that way d4 1=chaos cult hillbilly farmers 2=scavengers with a secret 3=cultists pretending to be innocent survivors scratching mud for a living 4=non humans usually wary of humans

Industrial complex with ruined roofless factories and train tracks. Various open-top cars or minerals or scrap or fluid tank cars. Other ruined vehicles are scattered. Often a faction or colony of creatures inhabiting it. Silos of raw materials and refinery tanks line the tracks. In rare cases automatons move in, erect a fence and restore production.

3 Sealed factory complex once every 2 weeks releases manufactured soldiers with often crude weapons but some in uniforms with muskets. Humanoids made in one factory are the same type and include d4 1=mindlinked flesh golems that kill every moving creature 2=automaton soldiers 3=abhuman soldiers 4=clone infantry all convinced they have sweethearts and a home they are defending programed by the conditioning machines

4 A cave is really the digestive tract of a kaiju with many people and creatures living inside it like parasites with even built shelters. The people are sure its safe for a bit longer

Airfields with huge ruined hangers with several aircraft and airship frames burned on the tarmac. Scavenging peoples often fight over rubbish mounds

6 Train graveyard in a field with nearly a hundred carriages and a dozen dead golem train wrecks brought here to use for spare parts. All kinds of critters and people live inside them or camp here

7 Monoliths of d8+1m high often of stone not from the area. Many have carved occur signs and these might glow if activated by touch. Some show signs of sacrifice or usage. d4 1=bound and imprisoned demon or elemental may be possible to communicate with it and it will ask for help to escape 2=portal to another continent where ancient invaders came from 3=druidic and gives +1 spell level to nature magic 4=comunication device to a noble entity of another plane once used by allied forces against chagrinspire

8 Carnivorous plants, vegetation and plant abhumans of various types fighting over the colour of their flowers. A dark druid or a cult often lives here encouraging carnivorous plant monsters that enjoy alchemy-polluted soils. Many are attracted by the green which might hide a ruin but usually, explorers die fast 

9 Fungal bloom of giant mushrooms and toadstools, with mould and lichen and slimes. Various giant beetles and lizards move in then goblinoids and dark sprites and fungus folk

10 Alien crystals growing over an area or possibly from a geode underground sending up a splinter. Sometimes fast-growing crystals are short-lived and melt in the rain or certain auroras of miasmas kill it. Slower ones last longer and may have a crystal life ecology

11 Zone overgrown with alien flesh from Xor which overgrows a few acres for a d4 days before black sphere airships bomb it and seal the dimensional rift to the living world of flesh with koboldium bombs. After two  days mouths and eyes form on three days it spawns random fleshy monstrosities and weird abhumans on the fourth (d41=eye-folk 2=headless chest faced folk 3=one legged hopping folk 4=two headed folk)

Power Pylons are great 30m metal disks with four 12m high iron frames postds leaning inwards with crystal globes at the tops. When active these cracks and arc magic power. Some say sorcerers could recharge from them but those who try just explode. These devices have various properties d12 1=anti air defence shoots 10d6 lightning bolt at large flying metal objects 2=mineral accumulator forming a large mass of metal in the middle to be collected by automatons monthly 3=aurora generator field covers a few hundred meters circle 4=trap holding an outer god since the apocalypse war 5=portal to an elemental or demonic plane 6=keeps kaiju away 7=pulls objects from the sky to fall to earth near here 8=weather controller 9=controls local spatial-temporal anomaly 10=trapping spirits and ghosts to send power to Chagrinspire 11=covers a ruin with a force field dome 12=keeps away gods manifesting in hex, demons and god avatars slain in area fee their souls to Chagrinspire and do not reform on their own plane. Some gods compartment souls and survive but they will not risk returning and why the waste are the godless lands 

Thursday 5 September 2024

d100 Stuff in a Scavengers Pockets

Just because players are killing lots of mooks in the wasteland 

Once you are off the trails to civilisation or between trading settlements these are the main people you meet in the waste. Most are rogues

d12 Common Scavenger Groups
3=escaped slaves 
4=crime guild
5=assassin guild
6=scouts guild 
7=explorers guild
8=smugglers guild 
9=slavers guild
11=bandit gang
demihumans in disguise or roll below

d12 Weird Scavenger Groups
secret ancient martial order against the black sphere 
5=spirit folk 
7=demon cult 
8=diabolic hell cult
9=undead or lycanthropes (bat and rat most common)
10=necromancer cult or undead
11=planar shapeshifter
12=servitors of the old ones or 
elder god cult

d10 Stuff in a Scavenger's Pockets

1 Trinkets
2 Paper
3 Vice
4 Treats
5 Books
6 Food
7 Gadgets
8 Tools
9 War
10 Magic

d100 Stuff in a Scavenger's Pockets
01 Copper coins 5d6
02 Sliver coins 3d6
03 Gold coins d6
04 Mother of pearl button 1gp
05 Pearl tiepin 30gp
06 Silver ring worth 30gp
07 Gold ring worth 100gp
08 Gold tooth with 10gp
09 Holy symbol 30gp
10 Wrist or pocket watch
11 Propaganda pamphlet for the black spere
12 Tin of ancient contraceptives d4, packet says longlife
13 Tiny crude comic depicting gods in a blasphemous manner
14 Ancient paper money folded into a wad
15 Wanted poster of a famous bandit
16 Map to something noting hazards and landmarks
17 Map of part of the wasteland with an unknown location marked
18 Train timetable
19 Saucy pinup poster for the cause of workplace safety 
20 Wallet with trench map and orders of the apocalypse war, could locate buried trench dugouts or sappers tunnels  
21 Red pills d6 gives +d3 HP for an hour, addictive
22 Small purple mushroom causes mutation if eaten
23 Tin with small ivory pipe and lotus resin
24 Silver hip flask of rum
25 Small healing potion bottle d4 of the cheap addictive kind
26 Pouch of swamp weed and clay pipe
27 Packet of 3d6 ancient cigarettes or box with a d6 cigars
28 Silver snuff tin with mutagen fluid
29 Large silver syringe
30 Glass pipe and bag of alien spores 
31 Tin of boiled fruit-flavoured lollies
32 Tin of salted lickerish mints
33 Tin of turkish delight
34 Block of chocolate ration
35 Block of "energy" chocolate +1 Vigour an hour and addictive
36 Block of chocolate laxatives
37 Bag of jelly babies
38 Tin of cinnamon chewing gum
39 Lollypop in a wrapper
40 Hard toffee in a tin
41 Magazine of ladies wearing trousers!
42 Pocketbook of Black Sphere maxims and inspiration
43 Tiny pocket booklet of tables for engineers
44 Catalogue for various ancient iron goods
45 Magazine about showgirls or underwear catalogue
46 Magazine about army life in the black sphere
47 Notebook of an Explorer detailing a ruin with loot but a peril
48 Diary of sad war poems and sketches of rats and bones and worms
49 Recipe book to make rations and canned gruel taste better 
50 Book detailing genetics of farmed giant rats for eating
51 Sandwich wrapped in wax paper d4 1=cheese & ham 2=cheese & chutney 3=rat 4=cheese & negamite the official nutrient extract spread of the black sphere
52 String of smoked spicy sausages xd6
53 Tin of raion meat stew
54 Tin of alchemical gruel food substitute
55 Tin of peaches in syrup
56 Tin of army biscuit with only a few weevils
57 Mystery meat jerky
58 Turnip or beet
59 Bunch of d4+2 carrots
60 A wormy potato
61 Pocket knife
62 Mess kit with cup, bowl, cutlery
63 Can opener
64 Trench tool folding spade and pick or weapon d6
65 Silver cigarette lighter, requires fuel or flints
66 Box of 4d6 waterproof matches
67 First aid kid a d6 filthy bandages
68 Sewing kit
69 Ivory comb 30gp
70 Folding small telescope
71 Hand saw
72 Hammer and d6 spikes
73 Spool of string
74 Folding shaving razor
75 Luminescant dried deep sea fish or mushroom
76 Chain, padlock and key
77 Small grappling hook and 9m line
78 Lock-picking tools
79 Rabbit trap
80 Screwdriver
81 Knuckle duster
82 Gasmask
83 Millitary insignia badges or patches 3d4
84 Protective goggles
85 Stick of dynamite or cast iron grenade with fuse
86 Folding knife
87 Trench periscope
88 Thermos of hot d4 1=mushroom soup 2=milk 3=tea 4=baked beans
89 Ancient grenade with pin and a 2+d8 second fuse d4 1=smoke 2=fragmentation 3=poison gas 4=plague miasma
90 Blackjack or lead sap for knockout attacks
91 Bayonete +1 with insignia and inscription of ancient faction
92 Magical scroll in a bone case
93 Magical potion in ancient sealed botlle
94 Bottle of magical wine of courage, makes drinker immune to fear for one hour
95 Fetish Medalion +d3 save vs d4 1=poison 2=disease 3=paralasys 4=
96 No-Mans Gators allow you to walk through mud without sinking or leaving tracks
97 Trench Club d6+2 and makes no noise
98 Medics Bag - has infinite dressings and bandages for first aid use (if not used on wounds vanish back to the bag, if you keep trying the bag won't work for the user). Has a large popular healing god insignia 
99 Helmet or protection vs non-magic missiles in the form of ancient millitary helmet d4 1=skull insignia and a spike 2=shiny brass cavalry helmet with brush crest 3=grim steel riveted sappers helmet with eye and breathing slits
100 Gasmask with an exotic arrangement of pipes and pack, ignores poison gas or airborne disease and can see through smoke or gas or fog clouds. It is comfortable for hours and comes in different colours