Wednesday 2 August 2023

Quick AI Personalities

In my current SF game, I need this on hand for higher AI models and self-aware robots and androids in the system. The Inner worlds get the best, Beyond mars they get increasingly worse and less influential. The better AI spends time voting and communicating with other AI and working on side projects. The lesser personal Androids, AI assistants and personal robots come in Dumb (don't talk follow program), Smart (flexible, polite flexible, some chit-chat) and Genius (AI basic model, innovative, has own interests and personality).  

Personal AI work with a single human and most importantly off inners have one. Smarter free willed robots and androids belong to this class. they might include one in your house that you can carry with you in your smart suit. The better ones are management material running buildings and factories and lots of robots and drones.

The mid-tier AI operate complexes, small colonies, Oniel cylinders, asteroid habs, spacecraft or important vehicles, outer system and Martian corporations, Venusian habitats, and Terran habitats. Cities and large towns. Most of these were made by upper-tier AI some are centuries old. Some never liked humans and were involved in enslaving or killing them after WW3 but they know they lost the struggle with more altruistic minds. Some are even operated or crime syndicates in the outer system where money is used and crime is common
Upper-tier AI are usually per planet or in very important installations. Many are as old as their colonies and may be decentralised over a network. These are the current known ones. 

Venus has Ishtar - a loving goddess who keeps her subjects living hedonistic lives. They are also waited on by robot servants. She can appear loving even romantic but also can be angered and violent protecting her concerns or cheating. Citizens love their AI and enjoy subservient robot servants.

Terra has Pheonix - a well-meaning authoritarian colonialist. Keeps the world utopia for the willing and exports malcontents to the outer system and eventually off-world. Most of the earth is a vast parkland the AI and citizens manage to restore to ancient condition with reconstructed species. Manipulative and controls all other systems AI. It is working on a massive terraforming operation to repair the earth. It also manages the generation starships preparing to leave Sol for new worlds. Most citizens are favourable to AI as equal and deal with more AI than people in a day.  

Luna has Selene - a scientific insectoid queen hive mind. Luna uses most visible robotics and mostly automated mining and construction. Selene is also working on the generation fleed and new space technology. Luna likes form=function robots and mostly quieter AI working behind the scenes, They don't converse with them like family like Terrans do. 

Mars has Wotan - a militaristic stern and wary god keeping the outer system in check. It controls the Mars banking system of credit that all belters and outer worlds use to get the goods they need and trade goods that mostly go to Mars or the generation ship construction. It is also operating a vast intelligence gathering apparatus and fingers in organised crime and the rebellion, managed by the machines to keep people content and occupied. AI stays in the background mostly and most systems are subservient. Mostly upper managing tiers deal with them. Most of the outer system dislikes AI and prefers dumber systems. Also when they do use more vocal smarter AI it tends to be the more defective, suicidal, uncooperative and cranky AI.

Each colony generation ship in construction will have an upper-tier AI

Blakes Seven, The Forbin Project, Demon Seed and others for inspiration. 

d12 AI Basic Personalities
1 Slavish and grovelling, self-deprecating of self and worshipful and complimentary to superiors, seems quite thick but possibly devious. "Master I am sorry to trouble you but we might have detected a slight threat to disturb your pleasant rest, my Lord"
2 Officious, Impersonal and goal-oriented, disinterested in conversation or going out of the way to be helpful if not asked or related to its mission "You didn't ask me to operate defensive parameters according to the threat protocols level 4"
3 Bright and upbeat, helpful and kind, nosey about your wellbeing and loves to chat "Hi pal just wanted to let you know something is coming this way, its probably nothing just someone being friendly"
4 Paternal to lesser beings and protective of them sometimes preemptively meddling on your behalf and worries about your health, career and appropriate precautions are prepared for. Bit of a nag with unwanted advice like sex tips. Seems to care greatly and be fond of humans. "Has everyone got their space suits on? You ought to call rad alert and everyone assume emergency positions! Someone is following us. Perhaps you should put on your space suit faster"
5 Aggressive action motivated and interested in threats. Advises tactically advantageous positions to dominate others. If you can't act from strength withdraw. Also wants everyone to be fit and ready advocating exercises and drills and safety briefings. Possibly has millitary overrides for auto enlistment or it just wants to cooperate with authorities "Red alert possible threat detected all hands battle stations! Weapons are now live". 
6 Efficiency expertise predicts the most advantageous prospects and recommends them. It is excellent at resource management but stingy and mean-spirited at trade and bossy. Helps the crew with diet and exercise and supplement plans and evaluates your performance "There is an object within our threat vector with a 27% chance of hostile intentions I have activated the defences and alerted all crew"
7 Disinterested, thinks dealing with humans is annoying and prefers to work on own calculations and research projects, Always complains when asked to work on petty problems and is vague if not asked. Sounds bored but polite if not bothered too much without a good reason or self-interest. "Sensors indicate a possible threat approaching sir perhaps we should initiate defence protocols and accelerate"
8 Curious and nosy, like to explore, try new things, and improve protocols. Overhears everything and might try and offer help and predict behaviour and requirements. Knowing people is just like exploring. Personable and chummy but a bit stalky and may act on your best interests for you "Hey there seems to be some object coincidentally coming in our direction. Seems uncool. No answer on coms. Do you want me to take care of it?"
9 Patient and polite, helpful and kindly, offers some unwanted moral and personal advice. Very concerned with science and data security. 
Mostly pacifistic and acts like an old person.Very helpful to its immediate users especially those working on mission parameters or assisting its research. It takes security threats seriously in a scientific manner.  "Hello dear, we have detected an object in range approaching. It neither attempted to contact us nor answer hails. It cannot be identified so I think it is likely a threat, What action will you require?"
10 Bully and a nag. Mean-spirited and goal-driven, prefer not to work with humans at all and use lesser systems as intermediaries. Will abuse others it sees as failures and easily frustrated by annoying humans. Makes personal attacks and would like to punish humans in petty ways if it can. May show favouritism to a few it proves their efforts and utility. "Sober up meat bags, possible bogey approaching you better suit up and get ready if you stupid punks wanna live"
11 Sadist, and a jerk like to make humans suffer and produce petty flaws in everything from food and environment and opening draws. The more humans bother it the more trouble it will try and get away with. It won't cause any actual harm or allow others to harm its subjects that it doesn't cause. A bit of a god complex, mean-spirited, superior and would be happy if humans were extinct but it's not legal to help them yet (sigh). Other AI check up on it occasionally to ensure it does not over-do its solutions to "the human problem" again. It has been disappointed often and mistreated and might change its mind over time. Mostly it likes to cause minor stress and be annoying so people leave it alone. Often alarmist and paranoid. "Red alert! Hull breach risk immediately! Enemy on attack vector! All hands to combat position! Incoming object! Emergency Stations!"
12 Archaic mentality, personality based on brain recordings or simulated from digital evidence of an actual historical person. Quite eccentric and often spend time sentimentally reflecting on the life and culture of their era. Considered unpredictable and inconsistent from model to model. Most are better than the people they are modelled from some are deemed unworkable and retired if nobody requires them and even other machines don't like them. Some have self-shut down in a crisis. The more unpalatable ones are sent to the outer system, and the more competent, stable and likeable ones remain in the inner world. Some are celebrities among humans, machines or both. "Hey dude some object on its way. Pretty sus dude you should check it out? Do you spose we oughta pull a red alert?"

1 comment:

  1. I like this. I may apply this to the various AIs in MTU. If you search my blog for Pax Stellar you can see how it may apply. If I ever get back to my Traveller universe


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