Tuesday, 4 March 2025

5 Products I Wish Would Exist for RPGS - What are Yours?

Chagrinspire vol 3 on patreon now 206 pages - final few sweeps in progress now
Any company wanna publish my setting? I'm to burned out to do anything properly.

Feel free to share this and drop your dreams in the comments.
Someone may notice if we share it around.

These are the items I would most like to see printed.

1 Japanese D&D printed in English with all the amazing anime art - would do very well with my younger friends too. Drawings of equipment and more are amazing. My under 25 year old friends are all manga/anime mad its how they draw and imagine fantasy - an anime edition might do better 

2 Goodman Games continue to print old TSR modules reincarnated - Saltmarsh trilogy, slavers, desert of desolation, palace of the silver princes (both versions), The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, D series, Dungeonland, Giants series, dwellers of the forbidden city, tomb of the lizard king, bone hill, king, against the cult of the reptile cult, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

3 Actual decent maps and geomorphs for Metamorphosis Alpha - that huge hardback was disorganised, art from fantastic to woeful and repeated data again and again and maps not really usable - I'm tempted to sell mine and the oversize hardback. I do like he epsilon city box

4 Drivethrough would print poster size maps - all the old tsr box sets (marvel ones with marvel branding removed would be great) or let you print your own maps - on paper, plastic coated, rubber sheet or cloth - plus please add more old d&d titles it cant be that hard

5 Big reprint compilations (maybe like the marvel 800 page omnibuses) or even the way they reprinted the slaves series for anniversary editions with whole module series combined

As far as Indy stuff goes, probably a better version of the arden vul map book

Sadly, I still want the Cthulhu London Box set which was amazing and the Cubicle 7 licence was dropped from the whole company line - they were the best CoC/brp publisher for several years while chaosium at time was its worse for editing/art/writing. My interest after getting almost every CoC products and HPL ever has waned in the genre quite a bit. Modern RQ and its pick and mix historical stuff, fandoms attitudes of this colonialism and the power up play style has made my interest decline. I like adventurers starting weak. In RQ2 you just had skill bases and no extra points. RQ3 a bit more generous but the current version you start almost a runelord. My current ed start character could slaughter a party of old starting characters easily.


Big apologies to the Basic Fantasy RPG

I claimed the Chaotic Caves module was an inferior copy of B2 and I finally read it more closely and got a better vibe from it - besides the cave has some different wilderness stuff and the manour house is quite a bit more so ill improve my rating for it and will get some more from this line.


  1. Those are all pretty good ones. Let's see, mint would be...

    1. An edition of Rifts that stays faithful to its gonzo nature and retains enough of the mechanics to remain reconisably Palladium, while also improving upon the layout and mechanics.

    2. More variations of Pendragon 5th edition (like Paladin): notably, one with Homeric heroes and one with vikings (like Land of Giants on steroids).

    3. A science fantasy megadungeon. Dwimmermount, Arden Vul, and others of course do feature some tech stuff and sci-fi influences, but I'm talking about a much more overtly technological megadungeon. Anomalous Subsurface Environment was very close, but it's probably never getting finished.

    4. A campaign that seamlessly integrates RPG and wargame gameplay. Ideally, it uses either OD&D+Chainmail, Warhammer Fantasy 1st edition, or original Rogue Trader, but I'm not too picky. Maybe I should look at Heavy Gear and Mechwarrior? They might've pulled it off already. Or perhaps the Savage Worlds campaign published by Arion Games?

    5. A historical sandbox campaign set during either the English Civil War or the Thirty Years' War with only a minimal amount of fantasy (mostly inspired by actual occultism, folklore, and superstition).

  2. awesome and thoughtful response thanks
    1 Yes - in a strange way you cound make d&d fit it too. I did like mechanoids stuff. id nab paladium fantasy setting books if i saw them
    2 pendragon system could work for a few things - the vice/virtue thing was in games workshop edition of griffin mountain first as an option or npcs. I like characters who might not do what you want or even their own best interests
    3 Hope you like my chagrinspire setting and my planet psychon stuff
    4 battlesystem second edition kinda worked and cyclopedia tried, pendragon system tries
    5 i have a friend runnng a game like this was very good but some slight supernaturalism after some trime. Lamentations of flame princes did a sourcebook on english civil war. Warhound and the worlds pain by moorcock might be a good setting. I Like the film The Last VAlley. Also 2nd edition had might fortress book for 16-1700s


I love and welcome feedback but not spambots
Good feedback and suggestions inspire me to write more