
Thursday, 16 January 2025

30 Quick Hexes of Chagrinspire

Quick new years personal grievances your welcome to skip
Im having new year "what the hell am I doing with my life" thoughts and I have been known to burn years of artworks in the past and probably yearly consider deleting this blog when I'm in a mood. Im not doing anything dramatic at this stage but I recommend making pdfs of what you like on this blog and grab anything from my downloads page as I will edit it soon. Most of my work is available as bootlegs and sites like scribe and ppl even sell compass of my work that I cant paywall past. 

Im think about my time and effort and 12 years of not finishing anything to my satisfaction plus some BS on Patreon and Blogger and my increasing aversion to paperwork even if it costs me money. As its midsummer, I seem to be gaming and being social more and doing new things in meatspace like my band and other things. Ppl increasingly to do art again in public and I'm in a Adelaide Fringe Fest show again soon. So blogging every few days and working boks for patreon have been affected. Winter is a better shut-in season. Im on a partially invalid pension and the gov want me to study and Im looking for some work again. If I get back into a small business I need to make a certain amount to live off and not burn out. I still feel burned out and my headspace a mess like in my 20s again but my BP is the most normal its been in years. At least my housing situation has been good last few years vs my Sydney days. Wishing everyone well for new year.

One possibility is to reduce my output and focus on finishing 2 projects 2/3 done with original art assets and put them up for sale for a charity (Brisbane Frog Hospital is possibly the leading choice now as they helped me with the animals I rescue by phone and there is no such local org).

Any settlement I can full describe so pick any hex community (not outposts) and I will do market prices and tables for it

This took me several weeks and replaces hex descriptions and numbering on some older versions


30x Quick Hexes For Chagrinspire
My players have walked through about 1/3 hexes as quickly as they could.
Yet to circle the mountain but trying.

So I was never sure I would want this much detail.

Players dealing with more trade and exploration than I expected and enjoying their domain play since 3rd level so contacting new settlements is something they want to do. Hopefully next game they go back inside the dungeon.

I will try and finish vol 3 compilation and probably will stop. Id like to have time to turn it back to one book and edit better. In play, a few details have changed and this will supersede old versions - I nudged Quicksilver Heights the next hex slightly from an earlier version.

In the book version there will be room to add own stuff and I recommend adding a few rolls of of these for additional locations if characters more thorough. I might need a hexploration feature table

Subterranean Entrances holes and lairs
Tactical locations battlefields on the fly for when you see distant enemies
Surface Structures ruins

30 Hexes in brief

# terrain
- outpost occupants, every hex has a fortified ancient fortress oupost 
- settlement (
if any)
- adventure features
- historic events

1 Grassland - Gateway to the Wastes   
❤ Bandit Outpost (now players)   
❤ Flatspur village with hog and turnip farms, a church of light and a scavengers guild 
❤ River ferry crossing, cults in ruins fleeing religious states east and south
❤ Various hog and turnip farms, mud-smothered ruins and a few cults
❤ Area once drowned in mud from wetlands smothering ruins and allied armies

2 Grassland - Hog Fields
❤ Orc Outpost with sprawling village and hog and cabbage farms
❤ Rawrgar a beastfolk village in a ruined menagerie vindictive to humans and magic
❤ Wasteland megafauna graze here and barbarians camp here to hunt them
❤ Several allied kings were smothered by mud when meeting about ending the war 

Grassland - Locust Fields
❤ Cult of the Worm Outpost exercises influence over worms, leeches and maggots
❤ Sunken Hole a sinkhole falling into a buried ruined city with a mutant village
❤ Giant bugs and worms attract amphibian folk raiders from the swamps north
❤ Underland monsters and giant bugs breed in swamps come here to grow then go south
❤ The Insect Army was gassed by flying machines in the apocalypse war here

4 Broken - Crooked Rocks
❤ Cult of the False Sun Outpost subverts and spreads corruption to the mad emperor, entropy templars in service do darkness may pretend to be kind and good
❤ Fliechville a mutant clan worshipping Xor the living god of meat who sends them food
❤ Herd beasts and barbarian clans often shelter here from bad weather
❤ The north has more slime creatures from swamps
❤ A great manifestation of flesh appeared and fed the starving allies in the apocalypse war

5 Broken - Broken River      
❤ Slavers Outpost - part of the slavers continent-spanning international slavery ring
❤ Shankheim Village with rat farms, run by a criminal "scavengers guild" 
❤ River ferry crossing run by a clan of unwholesome swamp folk related to cannibals
❤ Cults in ruins fleeing religious states east and south
❤ Cliffs, canyons, mesas, buttes and remnants of buried buildings
❤ River leads to the kingdom of Lamnutania and the heretical Emperor's capitol
❤ A terrible fireball dropped on a crusader army during the war, breaking the ground and melting buildings 

6 Wetlands - Eastern Lakes
❤ Frog Folk Outpost occupied by sophisticated frog folk from faerieland (Castle Frog)
❤ Dagons Bulwark is a fish folk wooden town built on the lake
❤ Bandit Island is a base of mostly tents and some ruins where river pirates have settled
❤ Lakeboar Village an orc village of mudhogs and fishing, has a tavern and wereboars
❤ Cursed island reachable low tide has a haunted manour and stone dolmen and monoliths
❤ Insect Rock with prehuman bug folk ruins, frog folk come here to hunt bugs
❤ Where the amphibian and fish folk called forth the elemental plane of water to purify the wasteland and allowed their armies to invade chagrinspires water passages and destroy their aquaducts

Wetlands -  Southern Lakes
❤ Mercenary Outpost where they secretly gather secrets of improved guns in secret
❤ Pickleton is a bulwark operated by A merchant and a mercenary company seeking guns
❤ Blackbog village ruins, criminal den of gambling and vice burned by crusaders 30 years ago
❤ Sargassum area of giant lakeweed with wrecked boats and strange occupants
❤ Ruined chapel remains of a failed settlement of farmers from south
❤ Underland pier a concrete pier and buried underland canal entry (+secret sub pen)
❤ Pact Rock a cliff of green stone with ancient frog and fish folk carvings of a treaty
❤ An army of devils fighting undead fighting in the apocalypse were smothered by the great flood of holy elemental water unleashed from hex6

8 Grassland/Wetlands/Mudlands - Crossing Grounds
❤ Elemental Templar Outpost for elemental cults watching marsh and no-mans land
❤ Elos village of desperate survivors under the thrall of elemental cults
❤ Ruins from age of ancient Exilon are being explored by Templars for relics
❤ South road and river trade through chokepoints attracts bandits 
❤ A canal goes from river to inside the ruined hillfort full of undead soldiers
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ Several ancient elemental gods were captured by the Black Sphere in the Apocalypse and most have forgotten their names and cults since

9 Hills/Ruins - Plateau Gatehouse
❤ Adventurers Guild Outpost held by murder hobos outside the starfort walls watching south
❤ Dragonhole a scavengers colony of secretly dragon templars who would like a proper outpost and preparing numbers and wyvern riders
❤ The Star Fort Wall, The Plateau of Peril and the Gatehouse of Chagrinspire
❤ Ruined fragments of a gigantic aqueduct destroyed by the elemental flood in hex6, some are used as lairs or forts
❤ Skyriver village, secure in a larger section of the aqueduct protected by frightening druids
❤ The final forces of the Apocalypse war killed each other here, forgotten heroes and demigods

10 Mudlands - Ghostgrounds
❤ Haunted Outpost controlled by corporeal undead and commanded by spirits 
❤ A clan of trench apes operate from a hidden dugout with uniforms, guns and trench clubs and raid any who camp or dawdle in the region 
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ Allied hillfort occupied by undead soldiers cursed to not rest till victory 
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ An ancient death god was slain here and was never reborn or answered priests again, their siblings in the underworld mourn them still
11 Grasslands - Weeping Waste
❤ Barbarian Outpost where various rulers, beastfolk and orc allies meet and plan their crusade against wizards, the literate and any technology superior to theirs
❤ Radak a new barbarian settlement of farmers and herders here to help prepare land to feed the next barbarian crusade. There are many huge ox wagon houses and tents. They herd ponies, goats and grow bitter gourds
❤ Pleistocene megafauna roams here and angry berserker cults
❤ The great hordes of the ancient wastelands met here and called their ancestral beast avatars here then marched to their mysterious doom which no spirit saw and survived

12 Mudlands - West Wastes
❤ Alchemist Guild Outpost
❤ Quicksilver Heights village with Alchemist guild, marketplace desperate for food
❤ Vast garbage dump somehow slowly growing. Connects to the underand garbage cavern under Chagrinspire said to be overflowing
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ Village and outpost on thin muddy grassy strip on the edge of the hex proper
❤ A vast Barbarian, Dwarf and Orc army were slaughtered by airships with death rays during end of the apocalypse war 

13 Broken - Scarcliffs
❤ Orc Outpost used as staging area for orc invasion to kill wizards 
❤ Mootpoint a barbarian camp with mead hall and cluster of hill shrines of shaman
❤ Cliffs and gullies with semi-buried ruins, barbarian barrows now haunted
❤ Mutant, faerie, sylvan and pleistocene animals from Blightwood and the central greater wastes
❤ A great burrowing gnome army undermined the supply camps massacring non combatants support peoples, many had escaped black sphere prison camps 

14 Woodlands - South Blightwood
❤ Elven Outpost surrounded by mists and seems to look wildly different to a few years ago
❤ Snake Hill a druid hillfort full of shrines for woodfolk, wildfolk and beastfolk 
❤ Blightwood a long dead forest druids seek to restore via magical means
❤ Monsterous animals and warped faerie beings dwell here
❤ One of the old green gods died here with a vast treefolk army 

15 Woodlands - North Blightwood
❤ Goblinoid Outpost ruled by a goblin king with tunnels riddled beneath
❤ Shroomheim a village of outcaste elves who trade with Underland demihumans
 Blightwood a long-dead forest druids seek to restore via magical means
❤ Monsterous animals and warped faerie beings dwell here
❤ One of the old green gods died here with a vast treefolk army 

16 Mudlands/Broken - Western No-mans land
❤ Death Templars Outpost dedicated to building a vast undead army
❤ Huge gangs of zombies roam this area and various carrion eaters 
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ Trade route between woods and no man-land with bandits and monsters
❤ The great and terrible burning eye in the sky used by the black sphere was shot down by an elven god here and remains are buried in no mans land

17 Hills/Ruins - Mount Grime
❤ Reptilian Outpost, come from north investigating the stirring undead ancestors
❤ Varmeg Tor an ancient monolith brought here centuries ago by a mutant cannibal cult who live in huts around it
❤ Reptilian necromancers in exile from the north for a time had a kingdom here after the war, their graves in patches of marsh remain and full of undead lizard and snake folk
❤ A great machine under Mt Grime imprisons outer gods for magic power
❤ Here cults of the outer gods betrayed their lords of the outer void to join the black sphere

18 Hills/Ruins - Mount Slime
❤ Outpost of Chaos templar mutants of the plague god
❤ Fliechgiest a village of primordial slime chaos cults who merge into a single slime in their secret temple for holy days and will invite strangers to their feasts
❤ A great machine under Mt Slime imprisons outer gods for magic power 
❤ Here cults of the outer gods betrayed their overlords to the black sphere joining them

19 Mudlands - Bloodwall
❤ Daemon Cult Outpost working on restarting the apocalypse and freeing daemons
 Zuun a Village of wretched mutant scavenger slaves growing food for the daemon cult outpost concealed among hillfort and by daemon illusions and other barriers
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ A vast army of allies was slaughtered at the wall, betrayed by wicked daemon allies who want eternal warfare and feared early victory

20 Broken - Dwarfgate
❤ Haunted Outpost on edge of forest, covered in vines, once knights of Valadran held
❤ Korlath gateway to dwarfland carved into cliffs on edge of hex
❤ Dwarf hidden bunkers and barrows are everwhere 
❤ Cliffs, mesas, cliffs, caves and butes and some isolated green areas on western edge
❤ Pleistocene mammals roam grassy spaces
❤ A terrible weapon devastated the region and the Dwarves closed their gates. They have launched three crusades since the apocalypse ended. All failed and many crusaders were driven insane

21 Broken - Robber's Run
❤ Outpost held by a Robber King bandit leader from Valadran with a criminal market
❤ Gnomehole an underland gnome trading post near a huge gauge in land exposing ancient train tunnels. They worship the golden cube
❤ Land blasted with craters, rubbles and buried ancient ruins
❤ Pleistocene mammals roam grassy spaces, Underland monsters seen by night
❤  Land shattered by fighting kaiju in the apocalypse war, now they sleep under the rubble

Toxic Flats - Western Weird Wastes
❤ Slavers Guild Outpost
❤ Dragon Hill Mine - Alchemists & Miners Guild mine for exotic minerals 
❤ Caves and grottos or calcium growths, pools of sulphur or nitrates, mounds of ash 
❤ Dangerous with hot toxic winds and acid rain, dangerous monsters and mutants
❤ Mineralised and mummified bodies of travellers and animals, some undead
❤ Dinosaurs and civilised ancient reptilian folk from north are more and more common 
❤  Land was famous for mines and hostile kobolds and the hub for worlds gunpowder supply with all three minerals required and other alchemical supplies everywhere
❤  A terrible relic binding an earth god brought forth toxic minerals and lava from the deep poisoning the allied crop and grazingland in the apocalypse

23 Mudlands - North Wall
❤ Outer Void Cult Outpost where insane magicians try to free their imprisoned gods
❤ Nookie Hole a scavenger camp with a casino, brothel and saloon 
❤ Cult wizards roam in mist-shrouded mud looking for signs of their missing gods
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ Took the brunt of allied attacks never failing even as other wall sections did, many monuments to soldiers with names and images of heroic Nullist troops vs rabble of the outsiders

24 Mudlands - Greymarl
❤ Primordial Chaos Outpost operated by mutant cultists and chaos templars
❤ Sunder Hole a camp of scavengers who shelter bandits 
❤ Slime beings, shoggoths and protoplasmic horrors
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ Here is where the Black Sphere betrayed the outer gods and imprisoned them

25 Toxic Flats - Central Weird Wastes
❤ Kingdom of Mordnar Outpost where knights watching the borderlands amend for misdeeds 
❤ Hobo Skull camp where murder hobo adventurers from Mordnar come to the wastes
❤ Goblinoids, orcs and humanoids occupy many dungeons here and try to enter Mordnar
❤ Increasing population of reptilian mutants, dinosaurs, reptilian folk of the north increasing
❤ This whole region was on fire for months in the apocalypse war and is still blackened in places, burning oil pits and jets of gas erupting from the earth 

26 Toxic Flats - Eastern Weird Wastes
❤ Reptilian Outpost occupied by ancient reptile folk and pet dinosaurs 
❤ Tarascon Village - mine into the vast sleeping underground behemoth body 
❤ Increasing population of reptilian mutants, dinosaurs, reptilian folk of the north increasing
❤ Young dragons grow up here spawned in the lake then fly to the Islands like Zorda
❤ Dragons aided retreating allies after the flood from hex6 in the apocalypse war, some of those they aided they carried to the wizard and dragon templar island or Zorda

27 Salt Flats - Northern Saltflats
 Robberknight Ourpost is operated by banished knights of Mordnar
❤ Wetland Clan a settlement of banished mutant inbred marsh folk
❤ Cults in ruins fleeing religious states east and south
❤ Former failed crusades left undead knights and mutant chaos templars

28 Salt Flats - Southern Saltflats
❤ Crusader Outpost a staging ground for crusaders from Lamnutainia
❤ Bonegully Village a semi-hidden mutant village, they hope nobody bothers them
❤ Rat folk have a underground sewer town for underland trade
❤ Cults in ruins fleeing religious states east and south
❤ Former failed crusades left undead, death templars and mutant chaos templars
❤  Crusaders every century have died and failed in thousands here, mostly killed by their angry undead ancestors and mutant distant cousins 

29 Mudlands - Rottenmuck
❤ Hellknight Outpost of crusaders, templars and wizards serving hell with a hellgate
❤ Hellthrall a village of damned slaves of the devil templars growing stink melons and cabbage while herding mutant cattle with human faces who call out praises to hell 
❤ Devils, imps, damned souls and cultists more common here
❤ Includes part of hill fort line, trenches and no man's land in between
❤ A portal to hell opened once and a whole hierarchy of hell was nullified during the apocalypse war 

30 Hills/Wetlands/Ruins - Mount Slime
 Dragon Templar Outpost watching over the wastes and the lake breeding beach 
 Marsh Village home of green skinned abhuman wild folk with a druidic temple
 Hoppsville Bulwark a wooden town built on the lake by frog folk
❤ Magic Island an outpost of wizards and mercenaries here to plunder  
❤ Ruined towers of a wizard enclave, four of six still stand and two magically sealed 
❤ Ironheart a wrecked ironclad warship ship where scrappers camp
❤ Dragonspawn Beach where lake dragons come to breed and lay eggs
❤ Lake village sunken and visible, some see mermaids and fishfolk or hear the church bells
❤ Haunted Bullwark a trading village burned 30 years ago by pirates
❤ Black Sphere grey gnome aquahab on bottom of the lake for secret submarine activity
❤ Sunken City is a ruined city destroyed at end of war some say full of fish folk
❤ Carcosa a haunted cursed sunk city from strange stars beyond the void appears here when stars are right and cultists come to visit and find relics 

d10 Quick Apocalypse Historic Event Sites
1 Site of a terrible battle
2 Site a terrible weapon used
3 Site of a famous wonder or monument
4 Site a famous kaiju was killed
5 Site a famous panicked route of a army 
6 Site of a 
destroyed famous urban centre 
7 Site of horrific massacre
8 Site of a magical event
9 Site a hero died
10 Site a god died

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