Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Gnomes are here to ruin your life


Nobody Gnomes the troubles I've seen...
In my current campaign gnomes are a serious threat
They are not small magic dwarves or goofy and they can be bastards
I need six main gnome types for reasons
Their skin looks increasingly stony or wood or old leather when they reach true maturity
Some have hair like bushy roots, mossy, flowers or mushrooms (are those really hats?)
2 or 3 foot tall and many use magic to appear bigger 
They age like a human and become a crooked old person by 40 then spend most of their next 800 years like this. 
By 100 their skin looks increasingly stony or woody or like old leather
Some have hair like bushy roots, mossy, flowers or mushrooms (are those really hats?)

Green Cap Gnomes
Can turn into small animals 
once per level per day
Mostly part of the wee forest folk set living with other creatures or faerie and working wood
Prefer nature spells, most are good with a few more suspicious neutrals 
Prefer natural woodland 
Prefer knives d3, small bows d4, daggers d4, darts d3, hatchets d6, sticks d4, blowpipes d3, staff d6

d12 Types
1-4 Woodland clan burrow complex community
5-7 From a minority among another more populous species
Forest burrow or tree with a mix of faerie and talking animals
11-12 From a small mushroom house village near humans

d12 Pockets
1 wooden figurine and tiny whistling knife
2 Ball of hair they collect
3 Bunch of herbs found
4 Figurine of woven sticks
5 Speckled bird eggs
6 Pet squirrel or mouse
7 Carrots for a snack
8 Flower bulbs
9 Some nice leaves
10 Interesting pebbles
11 Spicy mushroom
12 Pet beetle or toad

Red Cap Gnomes
Can grow or shrink 50% once per level per day
Commonly live in hill country as crafters and miners or evil ones are bandits
Prefer arcane spells, most are LN or LG but bloody CE clan are bandits and cannibals
Prefer knives d3, hand crossbow d4, dagger d4, small pick d6, short sword d6, darts d3, stick d4, Small polearm d8 (billhooks popular) 

d12 Types
1 Hill county from a large underground town connected to many mines
2-4 Hill country from a family or clan burrow complex of crafters and prospectors
5-7 Hill country miners live in their mine complex moving on when depleted
8 Small camps as nomad prospectors who travel and take samples
9-12 Live with another more populous species as crafters peacefully

d12 Pockets
1 Copper arm bands
2 Gold or silver ring
3 Purse of a d6sp
4 Small craft tool or knife
5 Interesting rock sample
6 Map of a mine
7 Trowel 
8 Brush
9 Sewing kit and d6 pretty buttons
10 Hip flask of brandy or cordial
11 Locket with portrait of loved one
12 Pipe and tin of smoke weed

Grey Cap Gnomes 
Can turn invisible
 once per level per day
Miserably gloomy Underland gnomes famed for mushrooms, crystals and magical artifice
Prefer mentalism spells, most are LN and too depressed for religion
Prefer knives d3, sickles d4, daggers d4, light hammers d4, stick d4, staff d6, 
blowpipe d3 , small pistol d4, light musket d6, farm tools d6 (pitchforks, hoes, spades, pole sickles) small polearm d8 (forks, morningstar head and a spike, halberds)

d12 Types
1 From a faction of a grey gnome underland city with advanced artifices
2-4 Live in an alien quarter in city dominated by other species and living quietly
5-8 Live in simple mushroom farming villages hidden in the deep under village communes
9-12 Poor mushroom farming serfs usually thralls of other species 

d12 Pockets
1 Magic mushroom d4 1=heals 1hp 2=grants nightmare visions 3=+1 Mov 1 hour 4=delicious
2 Bat milk cheese or tiny bottle of long life treated batmilk
3 Lump of doughy mushroom bread and some liverwurst
4 Bottle of nasty tasting medicine heals d3 but save or throw up 
5 Fork and sickle for eating mushrooms posh ones are pewter or silver
6 Pet toad or cave salamander or spider
7 Whistle made of bone or tin
8 Ball of spiderwebs and knitting needs
9 Lump of coal
10 Interesting fossil
11 Jerky dried meat ration meal d4 1=bat 2=rat 3=newt 4=fish
12 Bag of d6 large grape like eggs packed in soil d4 1=giant centipede 2=giant beetle 3=cave gekko 4=giant spider

Brown Cap Gnomes
Pass without a trace for 10 minutes per level per day
Live in swamps, sewers and wetlands and most people find them disgusting & smelly
Prefer nature spells, many chaotic and neutral some good or evil
Prefer knives d3, small bows d4, daggers d4, darts d3, clubs d6, sticks d4, blowpipes d3, staff d6

d12 Types
1-4 Bog bullwark in a swamp or on a lake or river, a large settlement
3-8 Bog village with 
floating woven rafts, stilts houses or walkways in trees of a family clan
9-12 Sewer system clans of some other more numerous species

d12 Pockets
1 Mud
2 Swamp or sewer clams
3 Fishing hooks and reel of line
4 Pipe and marsh weed
5 Dirty rags
6 Animal bones
7 Wet straw
8 Smoked fish
9 Frog or crab or rat, a pet or snack
10 Jar of maggots or worms for bait
11 Ball or string
12 Small basket of bugs

Black Cap Gnomes
Cast darkness as spell for 10 minutes per level per day
Live near potential victims to maim or torment or enslave
Prefer divine spells especially reversed spells, many evil some lawful or chaotic
Prefer knives d3, hand crossbow d4, daggers d4, darts d3, clubs d6, sticks d4, small sword d6, handaxe d6

d12 Types
1-2 An evil underground dungeon, temple or shrine as caretaker
A secret underground village near human settlements in secret
5-8 A hidden burrow complex under a human village
9-11 Loner in a hidden burrow under a house
12 Burrow under a cursed evil graveyard

d12 Pockets
1 Tiny bottle of mild poison +d3 on a blade venom  (or 10 shots of ammo) or d6 ingested 
2 Tiny ugly doll or idol
3 Handfull of d4+4 caltrops
4 Unholy water
5 Huge tick or bedbug to plant on victims
6 Slaver manacles
7 Unholy symbol
8 Pet spider or scorpion
9 Poison cupcake or pie d6 damage after 10 minutes, save halves
10 Shrunken human head with sewn up eyelids and mouth
11 Blasphemous cult prayer book
12 Small jar of leeches or fleas

Gold Cap Gnomes
Cast light as spell for 10 minutes per level per day
Live near shrines, temples and holy places
Prefer divine spells especially reversed spells, many good some lawful or chaotic
Prefer knives d3, tiny bow d4, daggers d4, darts d3, clubs d6, sticks d4, small sword d6, handaxe d6

d12 Types
1-2 In a small shrine, the caretaker in secret
In a hidden clan burrow on a holy hill or mountain
5-8 A hidden burrow complex under a human religious district
9-12 Loner in a hidden burrow under a house

d12 Pockets
1 Tasy sweet pastry
2 Tiny holy idol
3 Coins from a shrine offering for church repairs
4 Holy water
5 Small brass bell
6 Block of church incense
7 Holy symbol
8 Map of a shrine
9 Scroll with a first-level spell
10 First aid kit
11 Holy prayer book
12 Small jar of ointment heals 1hp per dose, d4 uses

Common Gnome
AC+3 HD d6 (or d6/Lv for elites) Att by weapon Morale 6 Move 12

Gnome Soldier
AC+6 HD d6 (or d6/Lv for elites) Att by weapon Morale 8 Move 12

I will do a piece on technology of the Grey Gnomes soon 


  1. Yes, the gnomes are out to get you. You WILL fear the Gnoman Empire.

    1. their gnoble race gnomes no limits
      they are just gnormal people

  2. I really like this post and the art, I will snag several of these gnome variants to use.


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