Tuesday 4 June 2024

Settlers of the wastes 2: Order & Defence

roll d4 times each settlement

d20 Settlers Defences
1 Wall of rubble and garbage
2 Defensive trenches and sandbags
3 Pit of wooden steaks
4 Barbed wire
6 Log palisade wall
7 Watchtower
8 Alarm bell
9 Underground shelter
10 Esc
ape tunnel
 Flooded moat full of mud and slime
12 Dogs or geese or other living alarms 
13 Pet monsters can be controlled or released
14 Spell caster helps lots and has a reputation
15 Champion or hero has kept village safe
Traps d4 1=foot spikes 2=swinging pendulums 3=spiked pits 4=
17 L
andmines, crude black powder or more advanced ancient ones
18 Most villagers are veterans, unafraid and organised
19 Strong defensive gate 
20 Spell usually make alarms, cause damage or release a spell

d12 Armed Settlers
1 Sherrif and a d4 bailiffs, in a larger village + 2d4 beadles if needed
2 Hunters serve as expert scouts, skirmishers and sharpshooters
3 Blacksmith has a trunk of serviceable weapons and armour for village armoury
4 Militia train with shield and spear usually a dozen villagers
5 All non-combatants can use a sling
6 Many villagers drill with archery and are good shots
7 Coachman or gatekeeper with a blunderbuss
8 Dozen residents with light-hunting muskets 
9 Half a dozen villagers have army muskets with bayonets and know drills
10 Dozen villagers millitary 1st lv veterans and two leaders who have a d3 levels 
11 R
etired adventurer or knight among villagers d4+1 levels  
12 A villager is a 5th level priest, wizard or spell caster

d12 Village Livestock
1 Mud hogs who will attack and eat strangers in their muddy pens
2 Geese will screech if see strangers within a mile of their village but need grass
3 Herbeast with a large aggressive male of the species d4 1=cattle 2=sheep 3=goats 4=deer
4 Hunting dogs part related to the wild dogs in the waste, good trackers
5 War dogs are huge mastiffs who try to pull people to the ground and chomp them
6 Pigeons good messengers, food and alarm by day, visible over the village for a mile
7 Feral lynxes hunt vermin like giant rats and become friendlier
8 Ducks quite like mud and bugs and worms and snails, reduce local parasites
9 Domestic giant rats also can track and help find treasure and good eating
10 Domestic giant frogs, croak when danger near and eat vermin, sing all night
11 Ghastly dangerous monsters that have tamed like an owlbear or rust monster
12 Minor faeries, cherubs, imps or gremlins protect the village from harm and set off alarms, which might be in animal form or invisible

d12 Village Leadership
1 Assembly of elders over 50 who vote, most have other unfair qualifications, some have assemblies for men and women or for war
2 In a crisis locals vote for a chief to deal with the problem 
3 Shaman who deals with spirits healing and advice
4 In a crisis people rely on a strong leader and easily led into a mob. Often these leaders insist the emergency is never over
Richest leaders wealthier in best moves for the village
6 Guilds elevate craftsmen to
7 Farmers council who adjudicate farm conflicts
8 Magistrate with several bailiffs run the court
9 Sherriff who keeps out lawless criminals
10 Mayor appointed by community or faction
11 Priest, druid or other magician who is a spiritual and supernatural guide 
12 Nobility brought own people here and funded the village

d20 Settler Origin
1 Convict labourer
2 Slave labourer
3 Exiled from home
4 In debt sent to work it off or sold
6 Fled disaster at home
7 Fled tyranny at home
8 Persecuted groups were driven from home
9 Fled plague outbreak home
 Fugitive from d4 1=law 2=mob 3=crime 4=church
5 War refugee
11 Kicked off the land by nobles
12 Former barbarian wants to live a modern life
13 Former soldier cheated out of benefits
14 Get rich scheme possibly hopeless and inept
15 Religious mission recruitment
16 Was paid to come here for some expertise
17 Fued with own clan and had to leave home
18 Famine at home
19 Barbarians of humanoids destroyed old home 
20 Drawn inexplicably here to see end of the world


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